HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-10-13, Page 7Thursday, October 13j, 1938
News and Gorrie Vidette
Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Bradnock
-spent a few days last week visiting
friends at Stratford and Woodstock,
Mrs, Susan Munro visited with her
friend, Mrs. Thos. Peel, near Ford
wich, on Friday last.
Mr. Robert Wade, of London,
spent the week-end and holiday with
his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Norman
Miss Olive Lawrence, of Toronto,
was a visitor with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas, Lawrence, from Sat
urday to Monday.
■ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Toner and sun,
Howard, of Toronto, were week-end
holiday guests of the former’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Toner.
Born—-On Friday, October 17th, to
Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Edgar, Gorrie, a
Earle King spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MacDonald
.at Molesworth.
Miss Mae Watters, of Toronto,
•was a visitor with her sister and fam-
sly, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Dodds, over
Mr. and Mrs. David Dane, Mr. and
Mrs. Miles and. son, Ronald, of Tor
onto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Wade and other relatives the
week-end and Thanksgiving.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson and
«-vildren, of Owen Sound, spent the
3ek-end and. Thanksgiving with Mr.
d Mrs. Geo. Foster.
Miss Velma Baiers, of Thorold,
-was a week-end guest with Mr. John
Baiers at the hotel.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton and son
-Ronald, of Toronto, were Thanksgiv
ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Reg.
Newton and other relatives.
Misses Ruth and Dorothy Hein-
jniller, of Chesley, spent the week
end and holiday with their mother,
Mrs. Viola Heinmiller.
Mrs. Rumsey, of Toronto, is visit
ing her mother, Mrs. Wm.'Montgom
Miss Dorothy Doig, of Toronto,
■spent the week-end and Thanksgiv-
ing with her mother, Mrs. W. Doig.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King and dau
ghter, Miss Jean, of Toronto, were
week-end and holiday guests of the
.former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
.King and other relatives.
Mrs. Pauline Kidd and daughter,
Karen, of Toronto, spent the week
end with Rev. A. H. and Mrs. O’Neil.
Mr. and Mrs. James Wylie and son
■of Leaside,
of Toronto,
-day visitors
, J* Wylie.
Mr. Ken.
hie, also Mrs. E. Hastie, spent
day with friends near Molesworth.
Mr. and Mrs. James McLeod, 2nd
Con. Howick, spent Sunday with
Miss E. Ross and Mrs. Ross.
Miss Alma Hastie, of Kitchener,
spent the week-end with her father,
Mr. James Hastie.
* Miss Doris Sample and Mr. Weir
of Glenannan, were Sunday guests of
Dr. and Mrs. James Armstrong.
Yj^Mrs. Percy ' Colmer, of Toronto,
’^ppent a few days last week with her
^parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. King, and
Mr. Colmer also spent Sunday and
Thanksgiving at the same home.
also Miss . Bessie Wylie,
were week-end and
with their mother,
Hastie, Edith and
It was in this kitchen that the To- Miss Elizabeth Bryson, who lost her the neighborhood heard an explosion
ronto fire which caused the death of life, had been using gasoline to start shortly before the flames were first
two women broke out. Police believe' a fire in their stove. Residents in noticed.
McIntyre were Mr, and Mrs. Roy
Gowdy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gowdy
and son, Raymond of Howick, and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ballagh and son
Lome of Teeswater.
Mr. Stanley Dane and daughter,
Betty, of Toronto, -spent the week
end with the former’s
and Mrs. R. G. Dane.
Mr. and Mrs. K. J.
son, Donald, spent the
their cottage at Amberley Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Marshall attend
ed the funeral of the late Robert Bar
ton in Fergus last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Watson and
family, Messrs. Keith and Harold
Watson, all of Fergus, also Mrs.
Stewart, of Wingham, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wat
Mr. and Mrs. Dutton, of Toronto,
spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Earl.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Beese, and Mr.
Jacob Weilkar, of Kitchener, also Mr.
parents, Mr.
Hueston and
week-end at
Miss Janet Watson spent the holi
day with her mother in Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera visited
with the latter’s mother in Guelph on
Guests of Mrs. Kaine for the week
end were Mr..and Mrs-. W. D. Mayn
ard and three children, of Windsor,
and Miss Joyce, of Detroit, and Mr.
A. C. Osterhout, of Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown, Mr.
Brown Sr., of Wingham, Mr. and
Mrs. Lincoln, of Glenannan, were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snelgrove,
Windsor, were week-end guests
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carson.
Mrs. Wm. Spotton, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with Gorrie
friends. • ,,,
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera and dau
ghter, Shirley, spent Sunday, with Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Welsh, at Drayton.
!, Friendship Theme of Meeting
The regular meeting of the W.
1 of St. Stephen’s Church was held
the home of Mrs. Thos. Shdrt on
Thursday afternoon last When the
■ladies worked at piecing a quilt dur-
f ing the afternoon. The "Friendly
y Road” was conducted by Mrs. O’Neil
> Rafter which Roll Call was answered
by a verse hinging on “Friendship
and Friends” and Scripture, Samuel
18th Chapter, 1 to 9 verses, read by
■ Mrs. GeOrge King. Mrs. McIntyre
■gave a .splendid' paper on the theme
“Friendliness” in which she said “no
thing can keep peace as effectually
' as prayer”. Mrs. W. King read a
•poem “Christ has no hands but our
, hands”, and Mrs. N. Wade gave a
;poem on “Friends”. All repeated the
members prayer in unison and RcV.
'O’Neil closed the meeting with pray
er. A dainty lunch was- served by the
hostess and daughter* Miss Myrtle.
Miss Myrtle Short spent a few days
in Toronto last week..
Recent guests >of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Ezra Beese, of Winnipeg,
guests of their cousins, Mr. and
R. G. Dane on Friday last.
Miss Thelma Holmes and
Clark, of Dresden, and Miss Marjorie
Hoidge, of Toronto, were guests over
the week-end with their friend, Miss
Evelyn Stephens.
The members of the Evening Aux
iliary are being entertained at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Double-
dee at Belmore
next. Mrs. John
E. J. Farrish are
’ Mr. and Mrs.
ter, Miss Jean, of Grand
D., were week-end guests
Mrs. G. A. Dan.e.
on Monday night
Gathers and Mrs.
the program cora-
E. Bell and daugh-
Forkes, N.
of Mr. and
Y.P.U. Held Weiner Roast
.Some forty-five members of the Y.
P. U. enjoyed a weiner roast on the
river flats at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Ruttan on Friday night
last. Rev. H. N. Watt was in charge
of the games, and following the roast
a fitting vesper service prepared by
Misses Margaret Dan? and Bernice
Day brought the evening to a close.
The next meeting will be on Oct. 21
at the home of the president.
Mr. Robinson and daughter, Miss
Robinson, also Miss Forbes, of Tor
onto, spent Thanksgiving day with
Miss Mary and Mr. B. J. Maguire.
Two hundred and twenty-five at
tended the Boys’ and Girls Confer
ence held in the United Church here
on Saturday.
MONUMENTS at first cost
Having ottr factory equipped with the
•host modern machinery for the exe
cution Of high-class We ask you,
to see the largest display of mdnu*
merits of any retail factory in Ontario.
Al! finished by sand blast machines,
we import all 6ur granites from the
Old Country quarries direct* in th*
rough. You can save all local. deal-
«rs’, agents’ and middleman'profits by
I ■ seeing it.
E. J. Skelton 4-Son
«t West End Bridge-—WALKERTON
The regular meeting of the Wo
men’s Missionary Society of Gorrie
United Church was held Thursday in
the Sunday School Room. Mrs. W.
W. Strong was in charge of the De
votional period, reading the Scripture
lesson taken from 100th Psalm. Mrs.
Whitley also took! part in Scripture
reading. Mrs. J. Wylie read an inter
esting article on “The Channel of.
Rural Reconstruction.” The new
study book by Mr. MacKay entitled
'“The World in Canada” was ably in
troduced by Miss A. Edgar. Many
interesting items were told of work
being done in Church of All Nations
in Toronto and of the many contri
butions of European Strangers now
residing in Canada and the lessons we
might learn from them.
The president, .Mrs. Robt. Ashton,
took charge of the business period.
Members were urged to attend the
Sectional meeting in' Fordwich on
Oct. 12th.’ Roll Call was answered by
a thought on Thanksgiving. A por
tion of a hymn was sung and meet
ing closed with prayer by the pres
which was recently re-modeled, was
nicely decorated with baskets of
beautiful autumn flowers. The choir
was assisted by talent from Moles-
wortht and under the leadership of
Mrs. L. Neilson, provided good music
suitable to the occasion. The guest
preacher for the day was Rev. D.
Wilkie, of Teeswater, who delivered
two forceful and timely addresses. In
the morning he based his remarks on
the parable of the rich man mention
ed in Luke 12, verses 16-21, who al
though he had many admirable qual
ities such as ‘industry, foresight and
thrift, yet deserved the epithet ap
plied to him because he took io ac
count of God in his life. Every life
is not only foolish but wasted unless
God has a place in it. In his evening
addrfess, Mr. Wilkie continued his
morning theme, speaking on the sub
ject of “Self-Denial”, Luke 9, verses
23-24. True self-deninal implies a
recognition of the fact that w.c belong
to God, have been bought by Him,
and hence any thought that is not in
accordance with His mind and will,
must be denied’room in the heart and
expression in the life. The most ef
ficient and satisfying life is the sur
rendered life. “For whosoever shall
lose his life for my sake, the same
shall save it.” ( >
- Anniversary services in connection
with St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
Church, Gorrie, Were held on Sun
day last, Oct. 9th, with a goodly
number in' attendance. The church
While Cardinal Innitzer was deliv
ering a strong sermon against gov
ernment interference with the church
in St. Stefan’s cathedral in Vienna, a
demonstration in which Roman Cath
olic youths and Nazi partisans fought
in historic St. Stefan’s place was end
ed by police when it' threatened to
assume the proportions of a riot.
Quite a number from here attend
ed the Teeswater Fair last Wednes
Mrs. Alex, Robinson, Vancouver,
and her sister, Mrs. Fraser, of Dut
ton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Sangster last week and called on oth
er friends in and around town.
Miss Cassie Harris spent ope day
last week in Toronto.
Mr. Harvey Bryans, of Elmwood,
called on friends in town on Friday,
Mrs. J, N, Allen is at present
Spending a few days in Toronto visit
ing friends.
Mr, and Mrs, Tom Sanderson, of
Detroit, spent the week-end with
friends in town.
Mrs. Percy Rogers, of Detroit, is
spending a few days with friends
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Ingles and
little son, of Ailsa Craig, called on
friends in the village on Saturday.
Mr, George Brown, of Guelph, was
a week-end visitor with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Hetherington
of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Miss Vera Piercy, R.N., of Lon
don, was a recent guest of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Munro.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edwards at
tended the funeral of the latter’s bro
ther, the late Mr. Barton, in Fergus
on Saturday.
Miss Agnes Durst, of Ingersoll,
spent the week-end at her home here.
Mr.' and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill and
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen and Jimmie
spent the week-end at Dyers Bay.
Mr, and Mrs. B. Martin and Bill,
of '‘Toronto, were week-end. visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill.
Mr. Jim Sanderson visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Dobbs at Beeton during the
Miss Betty Hupfer, of Windsor,
spent the week-end with her father,
Mr. John Hupfer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. VanVelsor al
so Mr. and Mrs. Laurie VanVelsor
spent the week-end with friends at
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton
and John, also Mrs. Jno. MacNaugh
ton, spent Sunday in Bayfield, Mrs.
John MacNaughton returning from
.here to her home in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rae, Brantford,
Miss M. Wolfe, Stoney Creek, also
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rae and child
ren, Waterloo, were holiday guests
with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rae.
Mr. Wm. Lowe, Bracebridge, was
a week-end guest of Mr, and Mrs, A.
Wright. ‘ 1 ■ .
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mercer and
sons, Markdale, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson.
The Sectional meeting of Huron
Presbytery is being held in Fordwich
on Wednesday of this week. A num
ber of delegates from United Church
W.M.S. will attend.
Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Stocks were: Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Depew and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Brandon and Norma, all of
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Llyod North,
Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Davidson, of
Oshawa, also Mrs. Coulter, of Rich
mond Hill, spent the week-end with
Miss Mae Davidson and Mrs. Robert
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Rae, also their
.guests, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rae, Water
loo, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar’ Wightman, Belgrave.
Mrs. Russel Rae left on Wednes
day for a few weeks’ visit at Saska
toon and other western points.
Dr. W. A. and Mrs. Spence, Tor
onto, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. Rann, who also ac
companied them on a trip to Chicago
.where they will remain for a week.
Miss Jeanette Adams spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Gilmour, near Wingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Allen and son,
George, who have spent several days
of their vacation with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Allen,
left for their*home in Gananoque on
Sunday morning.
Three-year-old Kenneth was car
ried to safety by his father, Vincent
Martin, when the Toronto house in
which the family lived was swept by
flames. Martin succeeded in saving
another child before the fire blocked
every entrance. Eleven persons, in-ged on the return trip.
eluding four children, were taken?
from the building. Two persons, one
87 years of age, and the other 67»
died of burns or suffocation. Martin
had to creep up a burning stairway
to reach his son, whose hair was sin-
held on the evening of October 18th,
at 8 p.m. in the church. Mrs. Wilkie,
of Teeswater, will be the guest speak
er and
All are
there will be special music,
cordially' invited to be pres
the present time there is con-At
siderable discussion throughout the
County of Huron on the subject of
Bovine Tuberculosis. It is engaging
the attention of livestock producers.
•Cattle owners are anxious to eradi
cate this disease from their herds
with a view of improving the health
of their livestock. They also forsee
as a result of such action an oppor
tunity for the expansion of their mar-
. kets for livestock and livestock pro
ducts. ■ ■ ' ;
As HurOii is essentially a beef cat
tle producing county, the question
naturally arises “How does the
tricted Area affect the man
brings in Feeder Cattle?”
Steers and heifers of a feeder
may be admitted into the area with
out test under the following condi
tions. They shall be accompanied by
a license issued by a veterinary in-
Travellers on Trans-Canada Air
lines airplanes will travel over a route
which is lined with radio beam stat
ions- Tians call for stations spaced
every few miles to guarantee safety.
Through the Rocky Mountains it is
planned to space stations every 25
miles. In preparation for opening of
the passenger and mail service over
the central and western branches, an
airliner (AROVE) lands at Malton
airport, Toronto, twice a day and has
been carrying out this schedule for a
month. Pilots ate learning every
mile of the routes over which they
will soon be carrying up to 14 pas
sengers in each airplane.
Women’s Missionary Society
The October meeting of the W. M.
S. will be held in the church school
room on Thursday afternoon of this
week, Oct. 13th, at 3 p.m, The devo
tional period will be in charge of
Mrs. Grant. Mrs.) G. Allen will take
up the study book and the roll call
will be answered by the word
Thank-Offering Meeting
The autumn Thank-Offering meet
ing of the Women’s Missionary .Soc
iety of the United Church will be
spector. They shall be isolated from
other cattle and shall be subjected to
the Tuberculin test conducted* by a
veterinary inspector upon arrival at
destination, Reactors §hall be re
moved promptly for slaughter and
compensation shall be paid.
Compensation is paid by the Fed
eral Government and is based on the
value of the animal. The maximum
compensation for grades is $40.00,.
and for purebreds $100.00. Compen
sation applies to all reactors except
grade bulls and cattle with lumpy
jaws. •' ’
Reactors to the test are identified
by a large “T” punched in the ear.
They must be promptly disposed of
for slaughter under inspection. The
owner shall receive the market value
of the carcass. . <- •
Mr. Jas. C. Shearer, Agricultural
Representative, is making arrange
ments for 37 educational meetings
throughout Huron County. The first
meeting will be on October 24th in
Howick Township. The remainder
of the meetings will be held
tober and November.
in Oc-
“HaveMistress ‘(hearing crash):
you broken anything, Jane?”
Jane: “I’m afraid so, mum
New Year’s language resolution and
your "new tea set.
— my
Attractivo Dorothy Dongen, 17, a
maid in a doctor’s home in Toronto,
refused to allow a peddler to enter
the home to display his Christmas
cards. She was slashed across the
face with an old-fashioned razor
when she drew back and attempted to
close the door, she told police. The
man fled. Officers took the girl in a
cruiser, but combed the district in
l.tlitfi.),..; i. A. j At