HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-10-06, Page 7Wroxeter News and Gorrie Vidette —___■ , - . . \ . ... . . * * _______________ ____________________________ __________________ Thursday, October 6th, 1938 HOWICK FAIR GREAT SUCCESS Xarge Number of Exhibits Made a Fine Showing The Hawick Fall Fair held al Fprdwich on Saturday was very largely attended. The weather was ideal and practically all classes of ex­ hibits were filled. The fair is one of the most successful that the society has had, which is great encourage- xrient far the directors of the fair. The play in the evening was attend- ed by a large appreciative audience. PRIZE LIST; Heavy Horses Class 1—Agriculture—Brood Mare —E. Renwick 1 and 2. Foal—E, Ren­ wick, Ace Fullerton. Gelding or Filly 1 year old—W- Hainstock, Sam John­ ston. Gelding or Filly, 2 years old— P. Watson, Jackson Bros. Gelding or Filly, 3 years old—Jackson Bros., 1 .and 2. Team in harness, under 1500 .lbs.—Jackson Bros., Bert McClellan, P. Rowland. Class 2 >— Heavy Draft — Brood Mare—-W. A. Dickson & Son, Wm. -Carter^ Foal—E. Renwick, W ni* Cur** | ter. Gelding or Filly, 1 year old — Wm. Carter, Bert McClellan. Geld­ ing or Filly, 2 years old — P, Row­ land, Jackson Bros. Gelding or Filly, ■3 years old—W. A. Dickson & Son, P. Watson. Team in harness, each 1500 lbs. or over—-W. A. Dickson & Son, P. Watson, H. Sparling. Best .horse on grounds in Light and Heavy Draft Classes, any age, points con­ sidered, to be shown on halter—W. A. Dickson & Son. Best Heavy Draft or Agricultural Horse; Silver-plated Rose Bowl, value $7.00, donated by the Robert Simpson Company — W. A. Dickson & Son. Best Group of Four Horses, any class: An order for ■$5.00, to be applied on the purchase .price of any Massey-Harris machine. Prize donated by Massey-Harris Co. —E. Renwick. Best Matched Team on grounds: $3.00 cash, donated by­ Toronto Star.*—Bert McClellan. Best Boy Driver, under 12 years of age: 1st, $2.00; 2nd, $1.00—-Mrs. Earl Ton­ er. ’ Best Brood Mare in Heavy Draft -or Agricultural Classes, with foal at side—E. Renwick. Light Horses Class 3—Roadsters—Brood Mare— Donald Wallace. Single Roadster — J. J. Fryfogle, S. J. Miller, J. J. Fry- fogle. Team in Harness—J. J. Fry­ fogle, S. J. Miller. Class 4—Carriage—Brood Mare — H. M- Connack. Foal—H. M. Con- mack 2nd. Gelding or Filly, 1 year old—H. M, Connack. Gelding or Fil­ ly, 2 years old—H. M. Connack, J. W. McCann. Single Carriage Horse —S. J. Miller, E. Renwick, H. M. 'Connack. Team in harness — S. J. Miller, H. M. Connack. Best horse ■on grounds in Roadster and Carriage Classes—J. J. Fryfogle. Class 5 — Best Gen, purpose or farm team—H. Gowdy. Gentleman’s Outfit—S. J. Miller, J. J. Fryfogle. Best Lady Driver—S. J. Miller, H. M. Connack. Saddle Horse—Robert Nay, Geo. Galbraith, Best General Purpose or Farm Team, open only to residents of Howick Township; Walnut End Table, value $5.00, don­ ated by M, D,. Irvin, Gorrie and Ford- wich.—H, Gowdy. Best General Pur­ pose Horse, owned and exhibited by a resident of Howick: Neckyoke, do­ nated by John Sangster.—H. Gowdy. Beef Cattle Class 6—Shorthorns—Aged Bull— W. Turnbull. Bull, under 12 months — W. Turnbull 1 and 2. Breeding Cow—Strong Bros. 1 and 2. Heifer, 2 years old — W. Turnbull 1 and 2. Heifer, 1 year old — W. Turnbull, Strong Bros. Heifer, under 12 months — Strong Bros. W. Turnbull. Female, any age—Strong Bros. Herd —W, Turnbull. Class 7—Dual Purpose — Breeding Cow—Strong Bros., W. Turnbull. Heifer, 2 years old or under—Strong Bros., W, Turnbull, Class 8—Polled Angus—Aged Bull —F. G. Todd, Lloyd Lee. Bull, over 1 year and under 2—L. Lee, C. M. Playter, Bull, under 12 months—L. Lee. Breeding Cow—F. G> Hodd, L, Lee. Heifer, 2 years old—-F, G. Todd 1 and 2. Heifer, 1 year old—F. G, Todd, L. Lee, Heifer under 12 months—F. G. Todd, L. Lee, Herd VILLAGE BRINGS APPROXIMATELY $300 AT AUCTIONG, Todd, Female, any age-^-F. G Todd. , Class IG-lIe;-efords—Aged Bull — Geo, Kennedy, Bull, aver 1 year and under 2—Geo. Kennedy. Bull, under .12 moutlis Geo, Kennedy 1 and 2, Breeding Cow—Geo. Kennedy. Helf- er, 2 years old"—Geo. Kennedy. Heif­ er, 1 year old—Geo. Kennedy. Heif­ er, under 12 months—Geo. Kennedy 1 and 2, Herd—Geo. Kennedy. Fe­ male, any age—Geo. Kennedy. Best Herd—F, G. Todd, W, Turnbull. Class 10—Grades —- Beef Type — Cow—J, C. Thomson. Pair of Steers 2 years old—J. C. Thomson. Best Baby Beef, any breed, under 1 year— F, G, Todd. Best Baby Beef, exhib­ itor living within 10 miles of oFrd- wich, $2.00 cash—Strong Bros. Best Pair of Feeding Steers: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00, donated by Cooper & Hainstock.—J. C. Thomson. 1 and 2. Dairy Cattle Class 11—Jerseys—Cow, four years old or over — F. G. Todd 1 and 2. Cow, under 4 years—F.’G, Todd. Class 12—Holsteins — Bull, under 3 years—Elva Vines, J. W. McCann. Cow, four years old or over—Alex. Donaldson 1 and 2. Caw, under four year — Elva Vines, A. Donaldson. Heifer, two years old—Elva Vines, A. Donaldson. Yearling Heifer — Elva Vines 1 and 2. Heifer Calf — Elva Vines 1 and 2. Class 13—Ayrshires — Bull, three years old or over—J. W. Strong. Bull under 3 years—W. F. Biemes. Cow, 4 years old or over—J. W. Strong, W. F. Biernes. Cow, under 4 years —J. W. Strong, W. F. Biernes. Year­ ling Heifer —- J. W. Srtong, W. F. Biernes. Heifer Calf—J. W. Strong, W. F. Biernes. Best Herd,, Dairy Type — Elva Vines, J. W. Strong. Best Dairy Calf, pure-bred or grade, under 1 year—E. Vines. Best Dairy Co.w, owned by exhibitor living with­ in 15 miles of Fordwich Creamery; $5.00 cash, donated by Fordwich Creamery (Robt. Marshall, mgr.) — J. IV. Strong. Best Pure-Bred Calf, dairy type, six months and under 1 year, to have been bred, raised, own­ ed and exhibited by boy or girl over ten and under eighteen years of age, living within 10 miles of Fordwich: Silver Muffin Dish, Sheffield repro­ duction, donated by T. Eaton Co.— J. W. Strong. Sheep Cass 15—Long Wool — Aged. Ram registered — J. S. Cowan & Son, W- Ronnenberg. Shearling .Ram, regist­ ered — L. Brown, W. Ronnenberg. Ram Lamb, registered of eligible for registration—L. Brown, J. S. Cowan & Son. Ewe, having raised Iamb in 1938—J. S. Cowan & Son, L. Brown. Shearling Ewe—J. S. Cowan & Son; L. Brown. Ewe Lamb—J. S. Cowan & Son, 1 and 2. Class 16—Short Wool—-Aged Ram, registered — W. A. Talton, W. M. Henry. Shearling Ram, registered — W. M. Henry, O. McGowan- Ram T,a mb reg. or eligible for registration —O. McGowan, W. A. Tolton. Ewe having raised lamb in 1938—W. A Tolton, D. Rayson. Shearing Ewe — W. H. Henry, O- McGow­ an. Ewe Lamb — O. McGowan, D. Rayson. Pen Sheep, to be bred and owned by exhibitor—J. S. Cowan & Son. Class 17—Any Breed — Pen Sheep any age, to be bred and owned by ex­ hibitor—W. A. Tolton, J. S.. Cowan & Son. Best Spring Lamb — W. M. Henry. Best Ram and two of his pro­ geny, any breed—O. McGowan. Best Thee Lambs, any breed, eligible for registration, bred and owned by ex­ hibitor: 1st, $3.00; 2nd, $2.00, donated^ by Joseph Thomson—J. S. Cowan & i Schmidt, N. Schmidt. Sheaf White The village of Bowling Green, near, and the entire receipts amounted to Orangeyille, Ont., went under the r about $300. Orville Cwdney and hts auctioneer’s hammer. Farmers of the district bought everything in sight, I the cross-roads settlement, the two including the lands and buildings —other families having moved away. family are now the sole residents of theThe auction was held to settle estate of the late Robert Henry Ed­ gar, who owned the whole village, with the exception of the school pro­ perty. Barred Plymouth Rocks, Strong. Plain orange cake—Mrs. W. I Commerce, Fordwich and Wroxeter Brown; Cockerel — L. | T. McLean. Soft Ginger Bread— L. j branches (W. A. Sawtell, mgr.)—-J. MONUMENTS at fir.t co«t Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe­ cution of high-class work, we ask you to see the largest display of montt- ments of any retail factory in Ontario. All finished by sand blast machines, we import all otir granites from the Old Country quirries dirbc!f< »rt th* rough. You can save all local deal- W, agents’ and middleman profits by seeing th. £• 1 Skelton & Son M West End Bridge—WALKERTON | McIntosh Red — A Fischer, Mrs. H. ISHB WAS A VICTIM McMmhael Gravenstem — waits & Son. CML of Fall Apples—| A. Fischer, Mrs. Carnochan. Other j Fruits — Crab Apples — Mrs. Car* I nechan, H. Desjardine. Yrifow Plums *— H. Desjardine, R. Connell. | Pears — H. Desjardine^ Mrs. Brim-| blecamb. Cluster QI Grapes—H. Des-| jar dine, Mrs. Brsmbletomb. Best 11-1 quart basket of Snow Apples: $1.001 cash; best 11-quart basket Talman | Sweet Apples, $1.00 cash; donated by f Mrs. Jack Winter—R. Conned. I Plants and Flower? | ' Class F — Asters — Mrs. Brimb'e-> comb. Dahlias <— Mrs. Carnochan,* Mrs. McPhail. Sweet Peas — Mrs.r H. Tuck, Mrs. E. Toner. Stecks —I Mrs. HL Tuck, Mrs. Brimblecomb. | GladioLs Spikes —■ Mrs. McPhail, | Mrs. J. Carnochan. Bouquet for liv-| ing room table — R. G. Nay, R- Con­ nell. Basket of Annuals.—J. C. Thom­ son, Mrs. E. Toner. Pansies — J. W. Strong, R. Connell. Petunias — Mrs. McPhail, Mrs. Carnochan. Phlox per­ ennial — Mrs. Brimblecomb, Mrs. Carnochan. Zinnias — Mrs. McPhail, Mrs. W. T. McLean. Marigolds, French — Mrs. Carnochan, .Mrs. Brimblecomb. Snapdragons — C. Gregg, Mrs. H. Tuck. Salypglossis— Mrs. Brimblecomb. Collection House Plants — E. Jacques, N. McDermitt. Begonia, Rex variety —J. W. Strong, Mrs. W. T. McLean. Begonia, other fancy leaved variety — N. McDer­ mitt, J. W. Strong. Geraniums, best collection — E. Jacques. Fern, Bos­ ton — J. W. Strong. Foliage Plant— N. McDermitt, E. Jacques. Hanging Basket, for living room—-E. Jacques. Hanging Basket for verandah — Mrs. J. Bryans, E. Jacques. Window "Box —J. W. Strong, W. Hainstock. Ver­ andah Box — W. Hainstock, J. W. Strong. Best collection of P'otted Plants: 1st $2.00; 2nd, $1.00—-E. Jac­ ques. Basket of Cut Flowers; bulbs for Fall or Spring planting, value S2>- 00, donated by Howick Horticultural Society; 1st, §1.25; 2nd, 75c. — R. G. Nay, J. C. Thomson. Ladies’ Work Class G — Living Room Furnish­ ings — Table Centre, colored, linen, new design*— Mrs. M. Leitch, Miss Livingston. Table Centre, colored, linen, any other trim — Mrs. J. ’A. Hone, Mrs. N. A. Gibson. Fancy Pil­ low — Mrs. N. A. Gibson, Mrs. H. McMichael. Card Table Cover—-Mrs. H. McMichael, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Afghan Wool — Mrs. H. F. Avery, Miss Livingston. Pair of Curtains, hand-made—Mrs. Brimblecomb, Mrs. McGillvray. Dining Room Furnishings — Lun­ cheon Set, runner and doilies — Miss Livingston. H. Sparling. Luncheon ■ Set, 7 pieces — Mrs. L. C. Champ, . Miss Livingston. Tea Cloth embroid- - ered—Mrs. N. A. Gibson, Mrs. J. A- ’■ H'.'ne. Breakfast Set — Miss Living­ star., Mrs. Champ. Buffet Set, mod- ■ ern — Mrs. H. Tuck, Mrs. Brimbie- comb. Tea Cosj—Mrs. Champ, Mrs. < M. Leitch. Bridge Set—Mrs. W. T. McLean, Mrs. H. F. Avery. Two Tea ' Towels, any trim—Mrs. Hone, Mrs. . N. A. Gibson. Bed Room Furnishings — Pair of Towels, embroidered — Miss Living­ ston, Mrs. Champ. Pair Towels, any other kind — Mrs. Champ, Mrs. H. : McMichael. Pair Guest Towels ■— ■ Mrs. Champ, Mrs. McGillvray. Bath Towel—Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Hone. Pr. ' Pillow Cases, embroidered — Mt’S- . Champ, Miss Livingston. Pair Pil­ low Cases, any other kind — Mrs. i Champ, Mrs. H. McMichael. Fancy j. Bedspread —- Mrs. M. Leitch, Mrs. | Hone. Sheet and Pillow Cases to| ' match — Miss. Livingston, Mrs. N. A. | Gibson. Dresser Set— Miss Living-1 stem, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Boudoir | 'Pillow — Mrs. N. A. Gibson, Mrs.| Hone. Curtains, hand-made — Miss | Livingston, Mrs. Champ. I Ladies’ Personal Wear — Night I Robe — Mrs. Hone, Mrs. Brimble-| comb. Kimona—Mrs. H. Tuck, Mrs. I Hone. Pyjama Suit — Mrs. Champ, | Mrs. Hone. House Dress, hand-made — Mrs. Champ, Mrs. McGillvray. | Convalescent Jacket — Mrs. Mrs. Hone. Work Apron Champ, Mrs. H. McMichael. Dress, knitted — Mrs. M. OF HEADACHES Kruschen Got M the Cause: This we man's headaches were of , the gripping kind that reduce the suf­ fered to something like helplessness She tried tablets. She tried pills. AU , without avail Only Krosc&en could Leip her. WI used to get very bad head* aches,” she writes. **No tablets or* pills of any kind could relieve them. One morning, casually, I tried Km* schen Salts in a glass of .hot water. I continued taking it. but I have not had one of those awful headaches since. Knischen suits me better than anything else. I find it very good.’* —(Mrs.) L.A W. Headaches car. nearly always be ' traced to sluggishness of the kidneys* liver and intestines, and to the un­ suspected retention in the system of stagnating waste material which poxs- 'ons the blood. The numerous salts ■In Kruschen stimulate the internal .organs to healthy, regular action so ' that no clogging waste is allowed to ' collect. Your inside is kept dean and. serene. And that is fust how Kru- schen Saits brings quick and lasting relief from headaches. Mrs. Brimblecomb. Comforter,, down: filling — Airs. H. McMichael, Mrs. Hone. Quilt, pieced, cotton >— Mrs. Champ, Mrs. N. A. Gibson. Quilt*. • Applique — Mrs, Hone, Mrs. C. Mc­ Phail Quilt, fancy quilting, new Style — Airs. C. McPhail, Mrs. Hone. 'Bedspread, embroidered — Mrs. AL, Leitch, Airs. Hone. Bedspread, other hand work — Mrs. Brimblecomb. Pr» hand-knit men’s woollen Socks* coarse — Mrs. C. McGillvray, Mrs. Hone. Pair hand-jtmt Woollen socks* fine — Mrs. H. McMichael, Miss Liv­ ingston. Best working man’s Shirt— Mrs. Hone, Mrs. H. AfcMichaeE. Braided Mat — Mrs. M. Leitch, Mrs. Carnochan. Hooked Rag Mat — Mrs. N. A. Gibson 1 and 2. Hooked Yarn Afet — Airs. H. Tuck, Airs. C. Mc­ Phail Mat, any other kind — Airs. Hone, E. A. Fallis. Knitted Suit, boy or girl — Mrs. Brimblecomb. Collec­ tion of fancy work — Mrs. Champ, Mrs. H. McMichael. Collection of crochet work — Miss Livingston*. Mrs. Brimblecomb. Bed Room Set—• Miss Livingston, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Miscellaneous Needle Craft—-Tatt­ ing, fine—Mrs. H. McMichael, Miss Livingston. Specimen Cross-Stitch— Mrs. Brimblecomb, Mrs. Champ. Afodern Cut-Work — Mrs. Champ* Aliss Livingston. Filet Crochet, fine — Miss Livingston, Mrs. Brimble­ comb. Collection ©f five articles made from flour bags or sugar sacks — Airs. McGillvray, Mrs, Hone. Three articles suitable far gifts—Airs. Hone, Mrs. Champ. Labor-saving Device, other than for kitchen—^Mrs. Brim- blecomb, Mrs. AlcPhail. Best Three Articles of historic value—Geo. Bak­ er. Quilt Blocks—Miss Livingston, ■ E. A Fallis. Hand-Darning on socks — Mrs. Af. .Leitch, Mrs. H. Tuck. Arts and Crafts Class H — Oils — Oil Painting, landscape — Miss Lucille Grant, Miss Livingston. Oil Painting, portrait or figure — bliss L. Grant, Miss Living- stem OE Painting, still life—Miss L. Grant, Aliss Livingston. Oil Paint- ing, flowers or vegetables—Miss L. Grant, Miss Livingston. Single piece of work, other—-bliss L. Grant, Miss Livingston. j Water Colors — Landscape—Miss : L. Grant. Miss Livingston. Marine—>• ? bliss L. Grant, Airs. Brimblecomb. Portrait or Figure—Miss Livingston, [Miss L. Grant. Flowers, grouped —• [ Miss L. Grant, Miss Livingston. Any j other subject — Miss L. Grant. Miss t Livingston. Best single work, other I—Miss L. Grant, Miss Livingston. I Miscellaneous •— Pastel, colored, [any subject — bliss L. Grant, Miss ! Livingston. Crayon, scene — Miss > L. Grant,. Miss Livingston. Crayon, figure subject — Miss L, Grant. Miss I Livingston. Pen and Ink Sketch — ; Miss L. Grant, Miss Livings:.: r.. | Sepia, any subject — Miss L. Grant* 'Miss Livingston. Best Single Work* ; other — Miss L. Grant, Miss Livins* i ston. Crafts — Basketry — Mrs. M. Leitch, Mrs. ’ Brimblecomb. Carving —- Miss Livingston. Mrs« Brimblecomb. Best Piece of Seatih,® Wax Art — Mrs* BtimbJeeotob. Livingston. Best assorted tettoh Fainted Weeds and Flowers — N* McDevmitL E* C. Thomson. Best Layer Cake: $1.25 cash, donated by E. E. Denny.—Mrs. • E. Toner. Best 5-lb. crock of Dairy- Butter: 8-day Kitchen Clock, donated by H. J. Hofmann, jeweler, Harris­ ton — H. Desjardine. Best 5 1-lb. Prints of Butter: $1.00—Mrs. H. Tuck. Best Loaf of Home-made White Bread: 1st, $L25; 2nd, 75c. —' Mrs. R. Milligan, Mrs. J. Carnochan. Best Workingman’s Dinner: $2.00 cash — Mrs. C. McPhail. Best Pair Dressed Chickens: $4.00 cash, donat­ ed by W. E. Patterson — L. Brown. Roots and Vegetables Class D — Potatoes, Irish Cobbler —L. Schmidt, A. Fischer. Potatoes, any other kind, named—N. Schmidt, A. Fischer. Swede Turnips, for feed­ ing purposes—A. E. Toner, A. Fisch­ er. Swede Turnips, for table use — R. Connell, L. Schmidt. Mangolds, red — Mrs. Camochan, L. Schmidt. Mangolds, yellow — Mrs. Carnochan, L. Schmidt. Mangolds, white — A. E. Toner, L. Schmidt. Carrots, gar­ den—rMrs. C* McPhail, Mrs. R. Mill­ igan. Carrots, field — Geo. Baker, A. Fischer. Fodder Corn—Mrs. Camo­ chan, A. Fischer. Celery — H. Des­ jardine, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Potato Onions — Mrs. C. McPhail, N. Mc- Demiitt. Seed Onions — Mrs. Brim- • blecomb, H. Desjardine. Onions from Dutch Sets — H. Desjardine, Mrs. R. Milligan. Collection of Onions — H. Desjardine. Parsnips —* L. Schmidt, Geo. Baker. Pumpkins — N. Wade. R. Connell. Citrons — Mrs. C. Mc­ Phail, Geo. Baker. Long Blood Beets — A. Fischer. Turnips Beets — A. Fischer, E. Jacques.. Tomatoes, large — R. Connell, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Cabbage, white —<• N. Schmidt, Mrs. McPhail. Cabbage, red — L. Schmidt, N. Schmidt. Red Peppers — R. Con­ nell. Cauliflower — C. Gregg. Wat­ ermelons — N. McDermitt, H. Des­ jardine.. Squash — Mrs. Carnochan, Mrs. R. Milligan. Cucumbers — N. Schmidt, A. E. Toner. Table Corn— L. Schmidt, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Field Corn—N. Schmidt, A Fischer. But­ ter Beans—Mrs. McGillvray, Edgar Jacques. Farmers Basket of Veget­ ables — Mrs. Brimblecomb, H. Des­ jardine. Collection of Field Roots — A. Fischer, L. Schmidt. Best exhibit of Eight Varieties, of Vegetables: 1st $1.50; 2nd, $1.00 — Mrs. C. McPhail, Mrs. R. Milligan. Best Six Swede Turnips for feeding: 1st $1.00; 2nd. 50c — H. Desjardine, Mrs. J. Bry­ ans. Best Bushel Dooley Potatoes: $2.00 cash, donated by T. A. Rob­ erts—N. Schmidt. Fruit Class E — Winter Apples —* On­ tario—Laithwaite & Son, N. Schmidt. Northern Spy — Laithwaite & Son, Brimblecomb. Light Fruit Cake, not 1 reed —■ Mrs. W. T. McLean, Mrs. J. j Carnochan. Dark fruit cake, not iced ■ —Mrs. W. T. AEcLean, Jas. Walkom. i Sugar cookies, rolled—Jas. Walkom, ■ Mrs. H- Tuck. Oatmeal cookies, roll- :ed-—J. C. Thomson, Mrs. H. Tuck. Ginger cookies, rolled—L. Matthews, J. C. Thomson. Drop cookies <— L. 'Matthews. Scotch short bread—-Mrs. H. Tuck, T. C. Thomson. Doughnuts —L. Matthews, Mrs. H. Tuck. Date and nut macaroons—Mrs. E. Toner, Mrs. W. T. McLean. Jelly tarts — Mrs. H. Tuck, J. C. Thomson. Jam tarts—Mrs. H. Tuck, J. C. Thomson. Batter tarts—Mrs. H. Tuck, Mrs. J. i C. Thomson. Applie Pie — Mrs. E. : Toner, J. C. Thomson. Pumpkin Pie ; — Mrs. R. Milligan, Jas. Walkom. Raisin Pie—Mrs. R. Milligan, J. C. ' Thomsom Salad, vegetable — Mrs.| . G McPhail, E. A. Fallis. Meat Pie— Mrs. W. T. McLean. Cheese dish — Mrs. J. Carnochan, R. G. Nay. Best variety baking made from bread dough—L. Matthews. Bottled 'Goods — Apples, canned —- J. C. Thomson, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Cherries, canned — H. Desjardine, J. C. Thomson Plums, canned—J. C. Thomson, Mrs. Brimblecomb- Raspberries, canned— L. Matthews, H. Desjardine. Straw­ berries, canned—J. C. Thomson, H. Desjardine. Peaches, canned — H. Desjardine, J. C. Thomson. Pears, canned — j. C. Thomson, H. Desjar- dine. Black Currant, preserved — E. A. Fallis, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Rasp­ berry Jam —*■ J. C. Thomson, H. Des­ jardine. Strawberry Jam—H. Desjar­ dine, J. C. Thomson. Red Currant Jelly—H. Desjardine, J. C. Thomson. Apple Jelly — H. Desjardine, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Orange Marmalade — J. Walkom, L. Matthews. Either Pear, Carrot or other Vegetable Mar­ malade — Mrs. Brimblecomb, E. A. Fallis. Conserve—native fruit —Mrs. Rl Milligan, Mrs. C. McGillivray. Beans, canned—H. Desjardine, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Corn, canned—N. Mc­ Dermitt, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Peas, canned — C. Gregg, H. Desjardine. Tomatoes, canned—L. Matthews, C. Gregg. Tomato Chili Sauce—E. A. Fallis, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Relish for Cold ’Meat, uncooked — E. A. Fallis, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Pickles, sweet mixed—H. Desjardine, Mrs. Brimble- Comb. Pickles, sour—rMrs. Brimble­ comb, Mrs. R. Milligan. Pickles, sweet mustard—E. A. Fallis, Mrs. C. McPhail. Pound Box Candy, cream, maple or fudge—-J. C. Thomson, L. Matthews- Maple Syrup — Mrs. C. McGillvray, H. Desjardine. Strained Honey—A. E« Toner. Best collection of Jelly—Mrs. Brimblecomb, H. Des­ jardine. Best collection canned fruit —H. Desjardine, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Best Collection of pickles—H. Des­ jardine, Mrs. R. -MiHigan. Best Layer Cake (iced) made with Magic Bak­ ing Powder;lst prize, 1 5-lb. can of Magic Baking Powder; 2nd prize, 1 2^-lb. can Magic Baking Powder — L. Matthews, N. McDermitt. Home- : date muffins-Mrs, W. T. McLean, made Baking: 1st, $2.00; 2nd $1.00, donated by Fordwich Branch of Wo­ men's Institute — J, C, Thomson, N. McDermitt, Best Schoo! Ltmch: 1st, $1.00, 2nd 50c — Mrs. Brimblecomb, Mrs. H. McMichael Best Fruit r Cake (dark, not iced), Silver Tray, J value $10.00, donated by Bank of Grain Class B — Red Winter Wheat — H. Desjardine, L. Schmidt. White Winter Wheat — H. Desjardine, L. Schmidt. Spring Wheat, any kind — H. Desjardine, L. Schmidt. Bariev— N. Schmidt, L. Schmidt. Peas, small, —N. Schmidt, H. Desjardine. Peas, large — N. Schmidt. H. Desjardine. White Oats—A. Fischer, L. Schmidt. Timothy Seed — A. Fischer, H. Des­ jardine. Sheaf Fail Wheat — L. Oats—N, Schmidt, L. Schmidt. Sheaf Bariev—-A. Fischer, N. Schmidt Dairy Produce and Domestic Science Class C — Packed Butter, 10 lbs.—• N. Schmdit. Three Prints Butter — Mrs. J. A. Hone. Hens’ Eggs, white’ — Mrs. H. McMichael, Mrs. Hone. Hens* Eggs, brown—Mrs. H. McMi­ chael, Mrs. Hone. Roasted Chicken —Mrs. J. Carnochan 2nd. Cold Lunch — Mrs. Brimblecomb 2nd. Home -___, Baking—Loaf of White Bread—Mrs. under 1 year — W. Ronnenberg, N. | R. Milligan, J. C. Thomson. Loaf of Wade. Brood Sow — W. Ronnen-1 whole-wheat bread—J. C. Thomson, berg 1 and 2. Sow, over 4 months and under 1 year—W. Turnbull, N. Wade. Class 20—Tamworth—Boar, over 1 ycap*—Geo. Douglas 1 and 2. Boar, ovet 4 months and under 1 year — Geo. Douglas 1 and 2. Brood Sow- Geo. Douglas 1 and 2. Sow, over 4 months and under I year —■ Geo. Douglas, Geo. D. Hislop. Pair Bac­ on Hogs, any breed — W. Turnbull, Herb. Desjardine. Class 21—Fen, any breed. «* Geo. Douglas, J» S. Cowan & Son. Best group of three Bacon Hogs, from 180 to 220 lbs. each: Silver Cup, don­ ated by Foe Farms Milling Co., At* wood-^W, Turnbull. Poultry Son, W. M. Henry. Swine Class 18—Berkshire?—Boar, over 1 year—J. S. Cowan & Son. Board, ov­ er 4 months and under 1 year—J. S. Cowan & Son. Brood Sow — J. S. Cowan & Son, Lloyd Lee. Sow, ov­ er 4 months and under 1 year J. S- Cowan & Son, Mrs. E. Toner. Class 19—Yorkshire White—Boar, over 1 year — W. Turnbull, W» Ron­ nenberg. Boar, over 4 months and f Letitia Matthews. Loaf bread, brown — J. C. Thomson, N. McDermitt. Johnny Cake — E. A. Fallis, J. C. Thomson. Parker House rolls —■ N. McDermitt, J. C. Thomson. Currant buns— J. C. Thomson, L. Matthews. Plain Tea Biscuits — E. A. Fallis, Mrs. W, T. McLean. Tea Biscuits, 4 varieties — L. Matthews 2nd. Bran Muffins, plain — Mrs. J. Carnochan, Mrs. W. T. McLean. Whole Wheat L. Matthews. Light Layer Cake—L. Matthews, Mrs. R. Milligan. Choco­ late layer cake Mrs. R. Milligan, Mrs. W. T, McLean. Sponge Cake— Mrs. J .A. Hone, N. McDermitt. An­ gel cake—tMrs. J. A. Hone, Chocolate cake, iced — L. Matthews, J. W. ■ Champ, — Mrs. Suit or Leitch. Knitted Pullover—Mrs. Champ, Mrs. — Mrs.A. Fischer. Rhode Island Greening—|M- Leitch. Shopping: Bag Mrs. J. A. Hone, Laithwaite & Son. Wagner—N. Schmidt. King of Tom­ kin’s County -— Laithwaite & Son, N. Schmidt. Russet—N. Schmidt, Laith­ waite & Son- Baldwin — Laithwaite & Son, A. Fischer. Peewaukee — N. Schmidt. Talman Sweet—Laithwaite & Son, R. Connell. Coll, of Winter Appfes*~N. Schmidt, Alex. Fischer. Fall Apples — Ribscm Pippin—Laith- watte & Son; Colverts—Laithwaite ■& Son. Alexander —* Laithwaite & Son, A. Fischer. Snow Apples — R. Con­ nell, Laithwaite & Son. St Lawrence — Laithwaite St Son, Mrs. Camoch- an. Wealthy — Laithwaite & Sam Champ, Mrs. Carnochan. Children’s Wear — Infant’s Short Dress'— Mrs. Champ, Mrs. H. Mc­ Michael. Infan't Jacket and Bonnet — Mrs. Champ, Miss Livingston. Child’s Crib Cover and Pillow—Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Brimblecomb. Child’s Flay Dress or Rompers — Mrs.g vnitta — : ______ __ Champ, Mrs. Brimblecomb, 'Child’s | Livingston, Miss K Clratto. Sweater — Mrs. Champ, Mrs. H» Mc*[ Michael Child's Knitted Suit — Mrs*! M. Leitch, .Mrs. H. McMichael. Baby- Carriage Cover —* Mrs., M. Leitch,' Mrs. Brimblecomb. Domestic. Needle Craft—Comfort*1 et, wool filling — Mrs. N5. A* 'Gibstoj, m — Mess f . - ------- Ccnven- «hcnal Design — Miss L* Mbs I Livingstott. Ornament cr Ya» I Gtofi** blttSiS Liy hr, [5 Lustre qf Matt Work — Afe'^ Miss Fest CbLGi- 'J tioft* different styles—Mbs 1* Miss Livfegstr*: ’ ’ "*