HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-10-06, Page 4JOtaoE
If cents a word per1 insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c.
AUCTION (SALE—Of all Household
Effects of Mrs. iM. Merkley, will be
sold at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 8,
at Merkley’s farm, 1 mile north of
Wroxeter. Terms—-Cash. T. R.
Bennett, Auctioneer, Mrs. Martha
Merkley, Proprietress.
FOR SALE—Double House, Victoria
St, horse stable, good garden, also
Double House John St. Apoly F,
J. Mooney.
FOR SALE—Lot No. 20, Concession
1, Kinloss Township, containing
100 acres. To close the estate of
the late Mary Rice the above farm
situate near Whitechurch is being
offered for sale at a bargain price.
Possession in order to do. Fall
work will be given immediately.
Apply to J. H. Crawford, Wing
of Lots 25 and 26, which lands are
to the Agricultural Development
described in- mortgage * number 9168
On the said farm there is said to
be erected a dwelling house with
suitable farm buildings.
The lands will be sold subject to a
Reserve Bid.
TERMS OF SALE: Twenty-five
per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale,
the balance to be. secured by a mort
gage with interest at four per cent
per annum. ■
. For further particulars and condi
tions of sale apply to ,W. ERIC STEWART, K.C.,
East Block, Parliament Bldgs.,
Toronto, Ontario.
Solicitor to the Mortgagee,
DATED at Toronto this seventeenth
day of September, 1938.
ber 1st, Frame House, corner of
Shuter and Alfred St., all conven
iences. Apply to Mrs. H. J. Thomp
son or Mr. E.- W, McRoberts.
FOR SALE—Thirteen good pigs six
weeks old. Apply Mrs. J. F.
Churchill, Bluevale. Brussels phone
FOR SALE — Shorthorn bull 10
months old, also aged Shorthorn
bull, Ed. McBurney, phone 602r22.
MINK FOR SALE—dark, hardy pro-
lific strain. Full information on re
quest, inspection welcomed. Elmer
Trick, 3% miles west of Clinton,
Ont, R. R. 3, experienced breeder,
MILDMAY Cider and Apple Butter
cooking every Tuesday and Wed
nesday until further notice. ’ Herr-
gott Company, Mildmay, Ont.
PLAY SAFE—Exchange’ that old
windshield wiper for a new one.
Genuine Trico Wipers for sale at
Campbell’s Garage, Canadian Tire
Products, Wingham.
WANTED—Position as light house
keeper for an elderly person by a
middle aged widow. Apply Ad
STRAYED PIG—On the farm of
Wm. Robinson, 8th Con. East Wa-
wanosh. Owner may have same by
paying expenses.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Robert John Hueston,
late of the Village of Gorrie in the
County of Huron, Grain Dealer, who
died on or about the 14th day of Aug
ust, A,D. 1938, are- notified to send
to J, H, . Crawford, Wingham, On
tario, on ’Or before the 22nd day of
October, A.D. 1938, full particulars
of their claims in writing. Immedi
ately after the said 22nd day of Oc
tober, 1938, the assets of the said tes-
taor will be distributed amongst the
parties entitled thereto, having regard
only to claims of which the execut
ors shall then have notice.
DATED at Wingham, this fourth day
of October, A.D., 1938.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
lutes held at Listowel on Tuesday of
last week.
Little Miss Audrey Mee, daughter
of Mrs. George Mee (nee Ethel .Hoo
per) was operated on for appendicites
in Listowel Hospital one day last
week. We are glad to know she is
peaking' splendid progress.
' Mr. and- Mrs. A, R. Wells and
daughter Jean, Toronto, were wee
end guests of Mr. ^and Mrs. G. A.
Miss Margaret Durst of the Clin
ton Telephone staff has been spend
ing a few days at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lynn of How*
ick, spent Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Jas. Edgar,
Mrs. Lorne Kaake spent last week
in Toronto where her
Ileen is still a patient
ren’s Hospital,
The A.Y.P.A, of St.
can Church are preparing a play en
titled “Sis Perkins" which they plan
on presenting in the Town Hall here
on Friday, October 14th.
Miss Rona VanVelsor of Weston
and Miss Isabel Smith of the Bell
Telephone Co., spent, the week-end
with the former’s parents here.
Mr. W. E. VanVelsor has made
extensive improvement at his billiard
Mr. and. Mrs. G. A. Wearring, Mrs.
W. Maclean and Mr. Jack Maclean,
Mrs. Vern Denny, Mr, and Mrs. J.
Macleod were guests at the Schaefer
- Gibson wedding in United Church,
Fordwich on Wednesday, September
LlW ♦
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thompson wish
to sincerely thank all their friends
and neighbours for their expressions
of sympathy, floral tributes and kind
assistance in their recent sad bereave
Mr. Joseph Gamble and family
wish to express their sincere apprec
iation to their neighbours and friends,
for their many kind acts and sympa
thy extended during their recent sad
All persons having claims against
the estate of Dora Hazel Powell, late
of the Township of Turnberry in the
County of Huron, Spinster, deceased,
who died on or about the sixteenth
day of August, A.D. 1938, are noti
fied to send to J. H. Crawford, Wing
ham, Ontario, on or before the eighth
day of October, A.D. 1938, full parti
culars of their claims in writing. Im
mediately after the said eighth day of
October, the assets of the Said testa
trix wil be, distributed amongst the
parties entitled, thereto, having re
gard only to claims of which the exe
cutors shall then have notice.
Dated at Wingham, this nineteenth
day of September, A.D. 1938.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
Voters' List, 1938, Township of Turn
berry, County of Huron.
Notice is(hereby given that I have
complied with section 7 of The Vot
ers’ List Act and that I have posted
up at my office’in Turnberry, oft the
15th day of September, 1938,. the list
of all persons entitled to vote in the
said municipal elections and that such
list remains there for inspection.
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceedings to
have ariy errors or omissions correct
ed according to law, the last day for
appeal being the 7th day of October,
Dated. Clerk’s Office, the 15th day of
September, 1938,
. W. R Cruiksfnank, Clerk,
Wingham, Ontario.
Under and by virtue of the Powers
of Sale contained in a certain mort
gage, which will be produced at the
time of sale, there .will be offered for
sale by Thos. Fells, Auctioneer, at
Public Auction .on Friday, the 14th
day of October, 1938, at the hour of
one-thirty o’clock in the afternoon at
the farm of Edward Barnard, Blue
vale, Ontario, the following property
tain parcel or tract of land and pre
mises, situate, lying and being in the
Township of Turnberry, in the Coun
ty of Huron, being composed of the
south-halves of I^ts 26, 26 and 27,
in the 1st Cofieessipn with the ex
ception of a road through the centre
Guests during the week-end at the
home of Mr. and' Mrs. Ward Sharpin
were: Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, Ione
Murray and'Ross Clifford, Mr. Thos.
Vittie, Gorrie, Mr.'and Mrs. Wesley
Haskins, Belmore, Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Haskins, Gravel Road, Mr. and
Mrs. Wes. Paulin, Wroxeter, Alex,
McTavish, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dett-
man and daughter, Shirley, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Chapman and daughter,
Lavine, Mr, arid (Mrs. F. Grafton,
Hamilton, Master George Grafton,
who has spent the past six weeks at
the Sharpin home, returned with the
latter party to his home in Hamilton.
Clark Sharpin who is working in
Wingham, spent the week-end at his
home, 4th line.
Miss Gladys Weir spent Sunday
with h'er 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Weir at Salem.
Salem Anniversary
United Church held one of
successful Anniversaries on
its most
Sunday last, when large crowds gath
ered to worship. Rev. A. L. Sander
son being the special preacher for
the day.
The Old
its windows
seasonable flowers, made
setting for the service of
Thanksgiving. “Unto the
the opening hymn. Rev. Mr. Sander
son spoke on “‘The Call to Advance"
taking for his text Numbers 13-27.
We came unto a land whither thou
sentest us and surely it floweth with
milk and honey. The choir contribut
ed a fine anthemn “Let the waiting
World Adobe' Him" and Mrs. C. Mc
Cutcheon -add Mr. Vern Hupfer sang
a duet, “(Drifting.
Lead o.n Oh King Eternal was the
closing hymn..In.the evening, Mr.
Sanderson’s subject was “The Call to
Crusade”. Stadup for Jesus, Onward
Christian Soldiers and I am thine Oh
Lord, were' the three fine hymns
chosen. The choir again contributed
to the beauty of the service by an
Anthemn "Comrades of the Cross,”
while Miss (Mae Donald sang a solo,
“Only a little Way”.' The theme of
both services was a call to go forth
with fMtK'TriTHrWps of the Master,
a challenge' which will live long in
the hearts of the meinbers of Salem
historic church with a
Autumn sun
on quantities
of colorful
a splendid
praise and
Hills" was
Rev, A. L. and Mrs, Sanderson,
Underwood, spent the week-end with
the former’s parents, D. D. and Mrs.
Sanderson, •
Mr, George Brown left for Guelph
on Sunday where he will commence
his 3rd year study at Ontario Veten-
ary College,
Quite a number from Wroxeter at
tended Anniversary Services at Sal
em. Kev. A, L, Sanderson, son of Mr,
and Mrs, D, D, Sanderson being the
special preacher for the day.
Mrs, H, J, Wylie, Mrs, L, Vanuel-
sion, Mrs. IL Waller, Mrs, J. J. Allen
and Mrs, D. MatNafriglitoh attend
ed the convention of Womens InstI*
little daughter
in Sick Child
James Angli-
Weir - Verdon
In Wroxeter on Sunday, October
2nd by Rev. A. M. Grant. William
Weir, Kirkland Lake, son of Mr. and
Mrs. D. L. Weir to Lillian Mae Ver
don, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eu
gene Verdon, Kirkland Lake.
. Women’s Missionary Society
The Autumn Thankoffering meet
ing of the W.M.S. United Church
will be held on October 18th, at 8
p, m, Mrs. Wilkie of Teeswater will
be the guest speaker. Mrs. Wilkie
is a returned missionary and a fine
speaker. Everyone is invited to join'
with the W.M.S. at this meeting of
special interest.
Thankoffering Services
Next Sunday Services in United
Church will be mf special interest,
when "Thankoffering” will be the
theme, Rev. A.- M. Grant, the pastor,
will be in charge at 11 a.m. and 7.30'
p.m. On Sunday morning, October
16th the service of Holy Commun
ion will be observed.
We don’t handle anything for
snakebite, but wp can cover
any other emergency that
might arise on your hunting
trip. We can outfit you so that
you’d be able to deal with a
mountain lion or a charging
elephant. And the part that
most men like best about our
quality equipment is that its
price is so doggoned low,
i Donald Rae & Son
■ Hunting Equipment
Peter’s, Super X and Dominion
Mrs. Robt. Hastie spent Sunday with
the former’s daughter and family, Mr,
and Mrs. Cecil Grainger, near Ford
Mrs. H. Bolton, of Fordwich, spent
a few days last week with her son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bolton.
Mrs. Wm. Marshall is spending a
week or two with her sisters, near
Mr. and Mrs. Alex.' Graham, Tor
onto, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs.. Robert Graham.
Miss Agnes Seli has returned from
a months visit with friends in De
troit and Sarnia.
Mr. Carman Hetherington spent
the wek-end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs.. Chris. Hetherington, Bluevale
Road, prior to leaving for Guelph,
where he has enrolled as a 3rd year
student at the Ontario Vetinery Col
“institute Will Meet October 12th
The regular meeting of the Gorrie
Women’s Institute' will be held on
Wednesday, October 12th at the
home of Mrs. John Cathers. The
guest speaker will be Mrs. Harold
Robinson. Roll Call will be answer
ed by a sample of canned goods and
. Mrs. Curie, of Belmore, spent last
week with her daughter and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. AleX. Marshall.
iMr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher were
in Wingham on Sunday and attended
the Anniversary Services there.
Master Bower Farrish enjoyed a
trip to Detroit last week. He was the
London Free Press delivery boy in
the village and went with several oth
ers from the district.
Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Toner, also Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Toner were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Double-
dee, of Belmore, also attended Salem
anniversary services.
Mesdames C. Gregg, C. Ritchie,
Percy Ashton and V. Shera were in
Listowel on Tuesday last .week and
attended the ^Institute Convention.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright, moved
their household effects to their new
home in Walton on Saturday.
Mrs. E. J. Farrish and little son,
Johnston, spent a couple of days
week with friends in Holstein.
The Y.P.S. are opening their
meetings by a weiner roast at
home of iMr, Leonard Ruttan on Fri
day evening,
Mrs, Wm, Marshall spent a few
days last week with her sister, near
Special Thanksgiving Services will
be Held in all Gorrie Churches next
October Strawberries
Mr, E. J. Farrish picked strawber
ries off his patch on Monday ftiorn-
ing of this week. They were of a
good quality and size and are not t.he
ever-bearing variety. The variety Is
Glenmary, Mr. Farrish lias many
more strawberries formed as well as
plenty of blossom. This is very un
usual for Oct, 3rd in this district
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farrish and son
Johnston, attended the funeral of the
latter’s uncle in ‘ Holestein on Mon
day. ■
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gallbraith of
Orangeville spent last week in Gor
rie visiting With Old friends.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and
Miss Parkins are spending three
weeks with friends in Indiana State,
U. S. a:
I Mr. Murray Hamilton of Toronto
is spending this week at the home of
his mother, Mrs. C. Hamilton, Mrs.
Archie Scott of Blyth and Mrs, (Dr.)
Hamilton of Brussels also spent
Monday at the same home.
Mrs. Hamilton and son, Mr, Mur
ray Hamilton,, are spending a few
days this week in Brussels.
Mrs. Douglas of Molesworth, spent
a few days 'during the past week with
her daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Harrison.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harrison and
children Dorene, Earl and Bobbie,
also Mrs. Douglas, spent Sunday-with
friends at Auburn.
Mrs. Heimingway, who has been
in Fergus, returned home with her
little 'daughter on Wednesday last.
Guests for a couple of days this
week with Mr. and Mrs. Hemingway
were: Mrs. Potreff and daughter
Joyce of Paris and Miss A. Heming
way of Scotland,' Ontario.
Mrs. Charles Black and son, Rob-
ert, spent Monday with Mrs. ,Wm.
Wright at Walton.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Bolton
on Sunday wdre: . Mr. and Mrs, Ken
Wixon and Mr. Joe McLaughlin of
Saginaw, Mich., Mr-. Bolton, Ford
wich, Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Candler,
Mt, and Mrs. Herb Stevenson and
children of Listowel, and Mr. and
Mrs. Frank McKenzie and Miss Bow
ers of Teswater.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vodden, Ethel,
were Sunday visitors with Mr, arid
Mrs. Cloyne Michel.
Miss Alma Hastie, of Kitchener,
spent the week-end with her father,
Mr, James pUstle.
Miss E. McLaughlin, of Oshawa,
is visiting at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Gamble,
Miss Dorothy Doig, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Doig.
Wm, Doig left, on Tuesday for
Denver Colorado, where he will visit
his sister. - •
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Gamble and
A. Y. P. A. HELD i,
The regular meeting of the A. Y.
P. A. of St. Stephen’s Church was
held on Friday night last at the hpme
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray McIntyre, Gor-
rie, with the president, Miss Nellie
Dinsmote, in charge.
Meeting which was “Literacy” op
ened In the usual manner with hymn
and prayers aftet which Harty King
tead the.Bcriptute, lesson^ 23rd Psalm
and bo!siftess:'-was';^sch‘^ed;''and cap-
tains Ted Mui one SriB BIHid Bennett
chosen for the yeari The next meet
ing is to be held at the home of Mr,
and Mrs, Joe Bennett, Tuesday, Oct
Mrs, Lawrence gave a paper on the
Thursday, October 6 th, 1938
life of Robert Burns, and Harold
King read a poem “Who Wants
War?” Edith Ritchie, who took the
topic, gave a splendid paper on
“Which Way Shall I Go?" followed
by a pap^r cm “The Life of Pauline
Johnson, Indian \Poe,t§s.s/’ . by Jack
Musgrove, Two nonHats ww then
enjoyed, after which lunch was serv
ed by the committee in charge, as
sisted by the hostess.
Last week as we went to press it
appeared that another World War
was about to break. News was being
flashed around the world that France
was ready fof war and Britian was'
fast making preparation. It appeared
come to
would most likely maen many more
nations involed, a yrorld war, Italy
was on the side of Nazi Germany,
Mussolini so stated.
Prime Minister Chamberlain of
Britian as he spoke in the House on
Wednesday explaining Britain’s stand
received a message and he stated he
would meet Hitler, Mussolini and
Premier Daladier of France in a four
power peace parley at Munich, Ger
many, on Thursday.
At this meeting it was agreed that
Germany be alowed the territory in
Czechoslovakia that was already a-
greed upon and that a international
commission be set up to conduct a
plebescite in areas where there *are
great numbers of Germans as to
whether they become part of Germ
any. ,
The german army were to be al
lowed to march into the territory
they were given, which they have
.done and the Czech government were
to be protected during the voting
period. Germany agreed this was the
last territory in Europe they would
Since then Poland has acquired
through agreement with the Czech
government territory that has mostly
Polish people. Hungary is now after
territory that was once theirs and is
backed by Italy in this demand.
The Munich pact staved off war
for the present at least and Chamber-
lain received a great reception on his
return to London.
Some however feel that war will
yet come and. the evil day is ’ just
postponed. Anthony Eden appears
think this. The British First Lord of
the Admiratly did not agree with the
Munich pact and resigned from the
Cabinet. ‘
time that. if Hitler’s
into Sudentenland
Britian and Russia
Czechoslovakia’s aid
Advance-Times Want Ads. Bring.
The regular meeting of the Y.P.U.
was held on Sunday evening with the
presiden, Isobel Miller in the chair.
Murray Taylor read the Scripture
These Jackets For Fall
You’ll see them everywhere — in the smartest
sport spots 4-^ because men realize their good looks
and snug comfort. Here are jackets made for con
venience and utility — with big, roomy pockets, al
most tailored lounge fitting and rugged workman
ship. See one — and it’s yours for only,
$3.75 to $4.50
lesson and the topic "'What is the
Kingdom of God," was taken by Mrs.
E. W. • Rice. An 1 interesting discus
sion was led by E. W. Rice.
The slate of officers was present
ed by Rev. H. M. Wright, convenor
of the nominationg committee and
the following- are the officers for
the new year. These will be installed
next Sunday evening: President,
Dick Weatherhead; Vice President
E. W. Rice; Secretary, Grace Weath
erhead; Assistant, Mac McDonald;
Treasurer, Allan Miller; Convenors,
age, Mrs. Ramage; Missions, Norma
Weatherhead, Mrs. Gordon; Citizen
ship, Murray Taylor, W. A. Miller;
Chris fain Culture, Isobel Miller, Mrs.
G. Stewart; Recreation, Stanley
Todd, Goldwin Puvis; Publication,
Russel Webb, Mrs. W. A. Miller;
Leadership, Training, Rev. H. M,
Wright; Pianists, Mrs. E. W. Rice,
Norma Weatherhead; Ushers, Clif
ford Menary, Charles McDonald.
Home Nursing Course
Commencing Monday afternoon
October 10th a five-day course in
Home Nursing will be conducted in
the- Community Hall sponsored by
the Women’s Institute. Miss M. E.
Misner, R, N. of Port Dover will be
in charge and all the ladies of the
community are urged to take advant
age of this opportunity.
Miss Dorothy Miller is making
favorable recovery after an operation
performed in the Toronto Western f r.
Hospital last Thursday..
Miss Evelyn Webb of Rosetown,
Sask., is a guest at the home of her
uncle, G, A, Webb.
The Annual Thankoffering of the
W.M.S. of the United church was
held on Sunday morning. Rev. Mr.
Gill of Dungannon, who was in
charge, delivered a stirring mission
ary address. Mrs. Gill who was bora
in India where her-parents are mis
sionaries, delighted the congregation'
when dressed in native costume,,she
told stories of India and sang several
Indian hymns.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Woods, of
Dundas, and Mrs. Tyson of Gerald-
ton were recent visitors with' their
mother, Mrs. P. J. Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gaunt whose
marriage was an interesting event
recently, were guests of honor at a
social evening in the Community
Hall, when over a hundred and fifty
friends and neighbors gathered. Dan
cing was enjoyed to music provided
by Mr. Donald MacCharles and Mr.
Eldon Henderson of Lucknow, Mr.
Ed. McQuilliati and Miss Jean Forst
er, Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacChar
les of Ripley and Mr. and Mrs. Geo
rge Stuart.
After lunch, Mr, and Mrs. Gaunt
were called to the platform where
an address was read by Mr. Andrew
Gaunt and Mr. Wallace Miller pre
sented a china cabinet and several
pieces of silverware. Mr. Gaunt made
a fitting reply arid all joined in sing
ing "For they are jolly god fellows."