The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-09-29, Page 7I
News and Gome Vidette
Thurs., September 29, 1938
Stewart, Toronto, is visiting
home of her brother, D* D*
Czechoslovakia has until Oct. 1st plan which the British Cabinet must Meanwhile the Czech army
consider, - then present to President fully mobilized,
Benes (LEFT) and Gen. Jan Syrovy mobilized and the British fleet was
(RIGHT) premier of Czechoslovakia, out at sea off Invergordon.
f 1U Vdivlcl lido UIllll x_z UI« lol
ipto settle with Ge?many, iMussolini de-
« 1 m J 0/4 T«-% 4-zrt l-» rs rl r» "N.Tri__^clared. Sept. 24. In the hands of Ne
ville Chamberlain was the German
the French partly
Wroxeter, Sept. 21, 1938
The Council of the Township of
Howick met in the Office of the.
Howick Fire Insurance Company, to
hold their regular monthly meeting,
members were all present, the Reeve,
J. A. Bryans presiding.
Minutes of last regular meeting
were read and on motion of Strong
.and Baker were adopted.
Moved by Toner and Wintei that
Wm. Ries Sr., be allowed the sum of
$5,00 for broken plow and that the
Road Supt. charge this amount to
Road Div. No. 14. • Carried.
Moved by Strong and loner that
the Statutory Grant of $15.00 be paid
to the “Last Post Fund” re burial of
James A. Hoffman., Carried.
Moved by Strong and Baker that
the following bills be paid. Carried.
Howick Fire Ins. Co., rent of room,
$1.50; Isaac Gamble, part salary as
Clerk’$35.00; “Last Post Fund”, stat
utory grant re J. A. Hoffman $15.00;
Jas. Douglas, repairing chimney on
Twp. Hall, Gorrie, $4.25; R. H. Mc
Intyre, salary as Weed Inspector,
$30.00; George King, painting roof,
• material, et?., Twp. Hall, $29.45; M.
Nash, attending dance, Twp. Hall, as
■constable, $1.00; Wingham Advance-
Ties, Advt. for contract, McMichael
Mun. Drain $1.60; Municipal World,
supplies for Clerk’s Office $7.74; A.
E. Cooper, acting-as Live Stock val
uator $4.80; Stephens and Ashton,
Balance salary of G. Anger as per
p order, $20.00; Relief for month of Au-
' gust $24.25. ,
Road Expenditures
W. S. Hargrave, cutting weeds
$1.60; Clifford Denny, cutting weeds
$1.00; Stanley Forster, cutting weeds
.40; Herb Heuckroth, cutting weeds
$2.20; Harvey McDedmitt, grant on
wire fence $4.00, Henry Bast, cutting
weeds $2.20, John "Ridley, cutting
weeds $2.20, James Walkom, cutting
weeds $4.60, Jos. Hoffle, spraying
weeds $111.00, Anson Demerling,
valve stem for grader .75, John
Hyndman, fpr catch basin $7.50, Ped
lar People Ltd., Culvert, $21.00, John
Montgomery, Road Supt. salary $92.-
00, John Wallace, trucking bridge
plank $4.20, Charles Kreller, cutting
weeds $1,20, Frank Wright, Under
brushing $1.80, Harry Gowdy, tree,
culvert and gravel $4.30, Alex. Petrie,
culvert $1.60, John Finlay, repair to
culvert $4.60, Henry Finlay, repair to
culvert $2.60, Nelson Gowdy, oper
ating grader, $35.00, Thos. • Strong,
weeds and culvert $24.00, Leslie Mc
Leod, cutting weeds $1.00, J. W.
Haines, weeds and making fill, $3.00,
J. W. Douglas, ditching and. putting
in tile $6.10, Wm. Elliott & Son, tile
and trucking $5.20,R. J. Hueston &
Son, bridge lumber $58.30, R. B.
Watters, balance on $22.50K $3.60, E,
E. Denny, postage and excise $9.00.
Moved by Toner and Winter that-
Council do now adjourn, to meet in
the Township Hall, Gorrie, on the
third Wednesday in October or at the
call of the Reeve. Carried.
Isaac, Gamble, Clerk.
at the
and Mrs. Sanderson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Wade,- Ford-
wish, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. D. S, MacNaughton.
Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, also
Miss Mary Harris were in Hensall
on Saturday attending the wedding
of the former’s nephew, Mr. Harold
Miss Eliza McLaughlin is a guest
at the home of Mrs. Robert McLau
ghlin and other friends in town.
■ The many friends of Muir McLau
ghlin learned with regret of his ac
cident last week' while returning to
his home from Wingham High
School on his bicycle, a car ran into
him, causing painful injuries to his
knee, arm and finger. He was taken
to hospital and the following day to
his home. His friends at Wroxeter
wish him a speedy recovery.
A number of Wroxeter ladies at
tended a trousseau tea on Thursday
at Fordwich given at the home of
Miss Enza Gibson, -R.N., whose mar
riage to Mr. Charles Schaefer will
take place Wednesday of this week
in Fordwich United Church. (
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Allen, Brussels,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Allen.
Mr. Gregg Gemmill, Toronto, was
a visitor at the home of ,Mr. and Mrs.
J. Lovell on Thursday. x
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westlake and
family, Goderich, were week-end
guests of Mrs. Ben Wade.
Mr. and Mrs. Morley Bell and fam-
Gorrie, were Sunday visitors at
home of Mrs. John Bush.
Our 25 Point Scientific Examin
ation enables us to give you
Clear, Comfortable Vision
Phone 118. Harriston
MONUMENTS at first cost
Having our factory equipped with the
most modern machinery for the exe
cution of high-dass work, we ask you
to Sfee the largest display, of monu
ments of any retail factory in Ontario,
IMI finished by sand blast machines,
we import ill our granites from the
(Old Country ^quarries direct, m the
rough* You cad Save all Ideal deal
ers** agents* and middleman profits by
seeing Us.
E. X Skelton Son
at West End Bridge--WALKERTON
F. Davis and daughter, Margaret,
Mrs. J. M. Shippan and son, Lome,,
of Durham, also Mr. and Mrs? Russel
Ireland, of Teeswater'.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Scott, Blyth,
spent Sunday With the latter's moth
er, Mrs. A. Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wright, Lake-
let, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. H. Carson.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simson spent
a couple of days last week with
friends in Fordwich.
We are pleased to report that Mr.
Leonard King and Mr. Clare Bolton
have both been able to return to their
homes here after being patients in
Listowel Hospital where they under
went operations for appendicitis.
Sunday guests of Mr. and
Cecil Day were: Mr. and Mrs.
Laurence and daughter, Helen,
Something Unusual
It was rather unusual at the How
ick School Fair, which was held here
on Wednesday last, should have four
teachers, cousins, whose schools took
part in the day’s program. They
were: Miss Velma Lennox, Miss
Naylor, Messrs. Joe Higgins and
Lyle Fitch.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Hastie and dau
ghter, Arlene, of Toronto,, Were
week-efid visitors at the home of the
former’s brother, Mr, and Mrs. Ken.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell, of Kitch
ener, visited relatives and friends in
the community On Sunday.
’ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King and
children, of Detroit, spent the week
end With the former’s parents,
and Mrs. E. King.
Dr. and Mrs. Colquhoun, of
forth, were guests of Rev. and
O’Neil one evening last week.
Guests for the week-end with
and Mrs. A. H. O’Neil were:
Irene Helmer, of Windsor, and
Marie' Johnston, of Loudon.
Mrs. Wilf. King and Mrs. Archie
Miller spent Saturday with their sis
ter, (Mrs* Thos. MacDonald nt Moles-
wortli, and also Mr. Thos. MacDon
ald, in Listowel Hospital, who is im
proving nicely following an operation
for appendicitis.
Mr. Robert Wade left on Monday
to attend Western University in Lon
Mr. and Mrs. James Hyndman of
Kitchener, were Sunday guests
Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndman.
Miss Annie Murray spent a couple
of day this week with Mr. and Mrs.
Bradnock at their cottage at Bruce
. We wisl? to congratulate Gorrie
School on obtaining six first prizes
9in Art, ,6 seconds 4 thirds and 2
fourth prizes, also to Norman Car-
son, winner of the Silver Trophy.
Mr. and Mrs. James Graham, of
Toronto, spent the week-end with
the5 former’s father, Mr. R. Graham.
Mr. Livingston, of Toronto, spent
the week-end at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. T. Short.
Miss Evelyn Stephens and Mr.
Mervyn Stephens attended a wedding
in London on Saturday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heibein and
family and Bower Farrish spent Sun
day with friends at Elmira.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. King and dau
ghter, Miss Jean, Toronto, spent the
week-end with the former’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. King and other
Guests of Mr. and Mr§. Earl Un
derwood on Sunday were Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Falconer and son, Er
nie, of.Bluevale, Mr. Lawrence, Mrs.
Percy Shippan and son, Mrs. Jack
Davis and daughter, and Miss Helen
Lawrence, all of Durham.
' The regular meeting of the Wo
men’s Auxiliary of St. .Stephen’s
Church, Gorrie, was held Friday af
ternoon last at the home of Mrs. Er
nest' King with the president, Mrs.
Holmes, presiding.
The afternoon was spent in piec
ing a quilt and sewing on clothes for
the Indian girl to be sent in the an
nual bale.
.Meeting opened with prayer by the
president. Psalm 65 was read by
Mrs. Foster. .The theme “Rejoice”,
was carried but in the Roll Call, and
also a very helpful and inspiring pa
per on same given by Mrs. Lawrence.
A letter was read from Miss Martha
Kaine, a former member who is now
living in Emo and Fort Frances.
After business discussions and
closing prayers, a dainty lunch was
served by the hostess while all enjoy
ed a social half hour.
Gorrie United Church, decorated
with autumn flowers and flooded
with sunshine, was a perfect setting
for the anniversary services which
were held here Sunday, The pastor,
Rev. H. N. Watt, was the preacher
for the day, and gave two inspiring
sermons. The , morning text was
found in Mark 1: 15, and the evening
text in iZachariah, both of which
were of spiritual benefit to the large
congregations present.
Special music was rendered by the
choir, under the leadership of Mr. L*
F. Ashton* The choir were assisted
at the evening service by the male
trio from Palmerston,
Met in Toronto for the Eighth spread across the Dominion. 'LEFT kinnon, Toronto. BELOW are, Left
General Council of the United to RIGHT, TOP, are Rev. J. Y. Mac- to Right: Rev. R. J. Wilson, Toron-
Church of Canada are two sets of ’ kinnon,' London; Rev. A. D| Mackin- to; Rev. Gilbert Wilson, Toronto, and.
three brothers whose churches are' non, Cariboo, B.C.; Rev. M. A. Mac-Rev. W. G. Wilson, Victoria.
Rally Day Service
United Church Sunday School
their annual Rally Day service Sun
day morning last. The Supt., Mr.
Robert Stocks, was in charge. “Break
thou the Bread of Life” jvas the op
ening hymn, followed by prayer and
the reading of the 119th Psalm, 9-16.
Four readings by members of the dif
ferent classes were given, the sub
ject of each, “The Bible and John
Wycliffe.” Those taking part were,
Doris Musgrove, Crawford Gibson,
Sybil Grant, Marie Howes. Agnes
Gibson recited a poem. “Tell me t...
story of Jesus’.’ and “Jesus Loves Me1
last week.
We are very sorry to hear of the
illness of Miss M. Linton and hope
she will soon be well.
Mr. David Breckenridge is at pres
ent confined to his bed.
Mrs. Pearl Thompson, of Wing
ham, spent Sunday afternoon with
friends in town.
After spending the past week in
Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kitchen
returned home on Friday accompan
ied by their daughter, Mrs. R. C.
Berkinshaw, who spent the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Duncan, Brus
sels, called on friends in town on
t;ie | Mr. H. Burchill of Wingham was
a guest at tUe home of Mrs. Alex.
were sung by the school members. Higgins on Sunday.
The address was given by Mr. Stocks 1— • —— ----■_Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMichael
who spoke on The Value of the Bi- and daughter, Georgina, spent Sun-
ble. “Oh Word of God incarnate”,1 day with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mc-
was the closing hymn followed by the Michael.
benediction. Mrs. Sandy MacDougall, who spent
Woman’s Association
There was a splendid attendance.
at the September meeting held in the
school room of the United Church
on Wednesday of last week. The
president, Mrs. Wm. Maclean presid
ed over the business period and the
Mrs. Sandy McDougall, who spent
the past two weeks with friends in
Turnberry, returned to her home one
day recently.
Owing to Salem Anniversary next
Sunday, the service in the United
Church here will be withdrawn.
Additional Wroxeter on Page Five
afternoon was spent in quilting. Sup- ! HOWICK SCHOOL FAIR
per was served and an interesting and
profitable meeting brought to a close.
Institute Meeting Cancelled
The September meeting of the
Women's Institute has been cancell
ed owing to the convention of Insti
tutes to be held in Listowel, Tues
day and Wednesday, Sept. 27 and 28.
Sixteen Schools Took Part in Best
School Fair Ever Held
■Norman Carson Won Silver Trophy
The best School Fair ever held in
Howick was held here on Wednesday
last when with ideal weather condi
tions the sixteen schools in this
township took part in the day’s ev
ents. All schools together, each with
some distinctively colored banner,
badge or head bandeau, made a beau-
A.Y.P.A. Held Weiner Roast
The second meeting of the A.Y.P.
A. was held on Tuesday last week.
Owing to the condition of the wea
ther the intended" weiner roast was „o_ ------- ------------, _.
held in the basement of the Church, tiful picture, when Mr. Game, Public
Very enjoyable games were played,' School Inspector, gave the Strath
including “The Old Brass Wagon” jeona Exercises. There were four
and “The Old Family Wagon.” Fam- j entries for the school chorus, and the
iliar songs were then sung. The com- large crowd were indeed delighted
mittee in charge took care of the1 with all. While there were only two
lunch, Marshmallows were toasted entries in each class for public spfeak-
over hot - coals. Following this, the ing, there were ten entries in the
hymn “Abide With Me” was sung. | class for Recitations, with sixteen
Rev. O’Neil then closed the meeting
with prayer.
■ Former Resident Married:
A wedding of interest to many in
the community took, place in the Ox
ford Church recently, when Dorothy
Buckihdail, of Oxford, and John M«
Town, of Detroit, formerly of Wrox
eter, were united in marriage. Mr.
and Mr$. Town will reside in Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Kaake were
called to Toronto on Saturday to
give a blood transfusion to their lit
tle daughter* Eileen, who is a patifent
in the Sick Children’s Hospital., Her
,fmany friends trust she will soon be
Mr. and Mrs. Grfeer, Jack and Don
ald, of Pontiac, Mich., also Mrs. M.
Rogers, of Detroit, Were guests of
Mrs. Paulin Tast week.
Mr. and Mrs, Roy Biggins, Stev
ensville, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Laurie ‘VanVelsot, and Miss Isabel
Milligan, while on their wedding trip
entries for the Spelling Match. A
very helpful number in the day’s pro
gram was the explanation of the
judges in awarding prizes as they did.
There was a piuch greater interest
shown in vegetables, domestic sci
ence and flowers than ■ in former
years, In tomatoes alone there were
45 entries, 35 in pumpkins and 31 in
Dooley potatoes. In butter .tarts
there were 31 entries, 27 date lo1
and 19 entries of Graham muffins,
while the classes of flowers were, 25
entries of Asters, 29 of Zinnias and
Dahlias 14 entries, making a gorg
eous sight.
Mr. Game introduced the new Ag
ricultural Representative, Mr. Shear
er, who in turn in speakiing to the
farmers present, briefly outlined the
T.B. Restricted Area method and
plans on holding meetings in this
part of the county shortly, to better
acquaint the farmer with this work.
The special prizes to the winner of
the highest number of points, were
'won by Norman Carson, S.S. No. 7,
who won the Silver Trophy; Jean
McDonald of S.S. No. 16, winner of
the book entitled “Birds of Canada”
.and Lorna Baylor coming third and
being the winner of the book entitled
“Three Centuries of Canadian Story.”
Following is the complete prize
No entries in Spring Wheat; Oats
— Lorna Baylor, Edward Stewdrt;
Oat Sheaf — Lorna Baylor, Edward
Stewart; Barley, Doris Zimmerman;
Barley Sheaf, Neil Baylor; Corn,
Golden Bantam, Norville Brown,
Jean Corbett, Betty Brown, Wilfred
Quin; Mangles — Thelma Shaefer,
Emerson Ruttan, Bradley Galbraith,
Wm. Cowan; Onions—Norman Car-
son, Merle Bride, Howard Felkar,
Pauline Heinmiller. Parsnips —
George Galloway, Orlan ..Srigley,
Walter Renwick, Dick Carson. Beets
Florence Gedcke, Lois Dodds, Lome
Kreller, Stewart Strong. Carrot —
Margaret Harding, Betty Matthews,
Reta Johnston, Allan Underwood.
Pumpkins — Marjorie Felkar, Glen
Ankerman, Margaret Ruttan, Bobbie
Miller. Asters — Wilma Albright,
Shirley Sotheran, "Phyllis Heming
way, Muriel Reddon. Zinnia—George
Gregg, Beryl Bennett, Jack Dodds,
Clifford Reddon. Cosmos — Helen
Irwin, Stanley Horsburgh, Edward
Doig, Doreen Hays. Calendula —
Joyce Thornton, Wilma Giles, Willie
Lambkin, Betty N. Johnston. French
Marigolds—Victor Reidt, Alice Gow
dy, Jean Corbett, Yvonne Denny.
Coreopsis — F. G. Austin, Thelma
Ries, Willard Ries, Jean MacDonald.
Gillardia — Robert McDonald, Earl
Reichard, Peter Deidt, Orlan Srigley.
Helichrysum— Floyd Hubbard, Lois
Dodds, Wilma Heibein, Doris Dett-
man. Snapdragon — Russel Reddon,
Elizabeth Spence, Edith McDonald,
Lome Bride. Nasturtium — Maurice
Wallace, Joyce McKenzie, Reta Zim
merman, Allan Witmer. Galdioli —
Norman ’Carson, Harvey Sangster,
Bruce Bennett, Isabella Hutcheson.
Dahlias -
Griffith. Winter Wheat—Doris Zim-1 Brown,
merman, Anson Ruttan, Audrey Has •
ties, Edward Stewart. Irish Cobbler
Potatoes — Kathleen Gathers, Loma
Baylor, Elsie Harding, Pauline Hein
miller. Green Mountain Potatoes —
Maxine Harris, Stewart Griffith.
Dooley Potatoes — Rosemary Soth
eran, Lyle Murray, Joyce McKenzie,
Billie Ashton. Tomatoes — Bill Ash
ton, Lois Jackson, Joyce McKenzie,
Thelma Ries. Northern Spy Apples
—Stewart Strong, Lois M. Montgom
ery, Merle Fores’ter, Bernice Durant.
Snow Apples—Doiiald
jorie Felkar, Murray McCreery,
Lome Durant. Pears — Joyce Mc
Kenzie, Laverne McKenzie, Allan
White, Doris Dettman, B. R. Cock
erel Margaret Harding, Elizabeth
Spence, Elsie Harding, Lloyd Hard
ing. B. R. Pullet ■— Betty Johnston,
Elmer Harding, Margaret Harding,
Elsie Harding. White Leghorn
Cockerel—Fred Siefert, Shirley Soth
eran, Rosemary Sotheran, Bower
Graham Muffins — Jean
Greta Hyndman, Betty
Giles, Jean Albright. Date Loaf —
Eileen Hardie, Lucille Underwood,
Jeati Corbett, Shirley Sotheran.
Chocolate Layer Cake Janice
- J. Edgar Dane, McKee
Bruce Bennett, Stewart
Strong, Alice Gowdy, Maxine Harris,
Olive Mulligan. Butter Tarts—Dor
othy Hooper, Margaret Ruttan, Jean
McDonald, Norville Brown. Hemmed
Tea Towel — Esther Adams, Dor
othy Earl, Ione Day, Florence Gadke.
Serviette — Eileen Hardie, Lorraine
Nickel, Trelma Ries, Lenore Wilso.n.
Simple Print Apron—Eileen Hardie,
Jean McDonald, Jean Gibson, Lenore
Wilson. Wooden Stable Door But
tons — Raymond Brown, Edward
Doig, Norman Carson, Stewart
Strong. Cut Out, Squirrel — Harold-
Roberts, Dick Carson, DeWitt Ad
ams. Rustic Fern Box—Norman Car-
son, Leslie Harris, Gordon Adams,
DeWitt Adams. Cut Out, Pig or Cow
—Norman Carson, Edith McDonald, '
Pauline Heinmiller, Maxine Bolton.
Picture Farm Implements — Roy
Chambers, Donald McCallum, Dick
Carson, Harvey Sangster. Poet Pic
tures — Lenore Wilson. Writing,
Primer — Helen Strong, George
Gregg, Gwen Ruttan, June Gooper.
Writing “Alice” — Allen Witmer,
Maxine Bolton, Wayne Ankerman,
Pauline Heinmiller. Writing “One,
Two, Three”—Betty Brown, Harvey
Bride, Lois Dodds, Donald Edgar.
Writing “Lost Time”—Wilda Patter
son, Fern Giles, Lois Jackson, Lor
raine Nickel. Writing “Rain and
Wind” — Beulah Giles, Winnie Shoe
maker, Jean McDonald, Merle Bride.
Map of World—Andrew McMichael,
Eleanore Edgar, Raymond Brown,
Wayne Ankerman. Map of World,
Drake’s Voyage—Lome Bride, Olive
Reid, Wilfred Wolfe, Isabel McMich
ael. Map of Europe — Olive Mull
igan, Jean McDonald, Jean Gadke,
Jean Heibein. Art — Flower—Hattie
Miller, Erland Gregg, Pauline Hein
miller, Maxine Bolton. Fruit—Mary
Ritchie, Greta Hyndman, Norman
Carson, Raymond Brown. Poster —-
Wilma Heibein, Lucille Underwood,
Elgin King, Bill Thornton. Land
scape — Phyllis Hemingway, Jean
Heibein, Grace Greer, Bob McDon
ald. Book Cover — Jean Heibein,
Phyllis Hemingway. Essay—Norville
i, Jean McDonald. Public
Speaking—Doris Galbraith, Dorothy
Hooper. Public Speaking — Stanley
Horsburg, Noreen Johnston. Recita
tion—Maxine Bolton, Audrey Hastie,
Pauline Heinmiller, Ruth Kreller.
Spelling Match—Grace Greer, Merle
Bride, Jean McDonald, Marjorie Me-
Leod. School Chorus—S.S. No. 3, S.
S. No. 17, S.S. No. 16, S.S. No. 7.
Strathcona Exercises •— Howick S.S.
No. 17, S.S. No. 10, S.S. No. 18, S.S*
No. 4. T. Eaton Prizes, Norman Car-
son, S.S. No. 7, 32; Jean McDonald,
S.S. No. 16, 30; Lorna Baylor, S.S,
No. 10. White Leghorn Pullet—Fred.
Siefert, Jackie Siefert, Bernice Dur
rant, Noreen Johnston.
Brown Eggs
rey Hastie, Bradley Galbraith, And
rew Mee. One dozen White Eggs-*
Lawson Hardie, Bernice Durrant,
Bower Farrish, Bruce Wallace. Dairy
Calf —• Anson Rattan, Harry Zim
merman, Ivan Farr, Beef Calf—Dor
is Galbraith, Glenn King. Pail Fed
Beef Calf — Elmer Harding, Harold
Finley. Market Lamb — Lorna Bay
lor, Campbell Brown, Neil Baylor,
Halter Broken Calf—Harold Finlay*
Glenn King,
1 dozen
Bruce Bennett, Aud-
Galbraith, Anson Ruttan*