HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-09-15, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Show Starts at 8,00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shews 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 15, 16, 17 — SPECIAL — .THE GREAT AMERICAN MOTION PICTURE! A spectacular drama of the booming,'1 brawling, wide-open Chicago that 'vanished forever in the great fire. 20th Century • Fox presents DARRYL F. ZANUCK’S supreme achievement TYRONE ALICE DON [Direct to you from sensational $2.00 [two-a-day runs! POWER • FAYE • AMECHE ALICE BRADY • ANDY DJEVINE BRIAN DONLEVY‘and a cast of thousands Directed by HENRY KING Also “News” Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c Monday, Tuesday, Wednes., September 19, 20, 21 BING CROSBY BEATRICE" LILLE MARY CARLISLE ANDY DEVINE -----In - ----- Bing Crosby as Dr. Rhythm can cure any malady with a song. Also “Cartoon” “The Three Stooges” WHITECHURCH Mr. Malcolm Ross, of Levack, is spending a few days with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross. Mr. John Clubb spent a few days last week at the home of his daugh­ ter, Mrs. Stewart, of Lucknow. Mr. Millan Moore spent a few days last week attending Toronto Ex. Miss Lyons, of Lucknow, spent a few days last week with Mrs. A. 4 Reid. ,Mr. and Mrs. John Kerry and dau­ ghter, Roxy, of Eden Grove, and Mr. and Mrs. John Coultes, of Morris, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Green, of Kitchener, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry. Mrs. Jas. Cornelius and Mr. and S3 LAST CALL INGO WELL FILLED BASKETS OF . GROCERIES — Every Basket Must Go — Thursday Night September 15th 8 P.M. Sharp. in the ARMOURIES Mrs. Jas. Cornelius and Mr. and* Mrs. Amos Cornelius spen Sunday! with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hueston, of Walton. Miss Olive Terriff is visiting this week with Mrs. Turner, of Lucknow. Mr. Gibson Gillespie has been do­ ing construction work at Allston the past week. Mrs. Albert Patterson spent a day Monday for his home in Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. John Small, of •.North Bay, is visiting this week at the home of his sist.br, Mrs. A. Emerson. Quite a number from here attended the anniversary service at Langside on, Sunday, church service being withdrawn here and members of the choir assisting with the music there. Rev. Young of Hensail was the min­ ister for the day. Mr, and Mrs. Ross Robinson, Ruth and Calvin Robinson, of Port Bur­ well, spent Sunday with their father, Mr. Thos. Robinson, Mrs. Ed, St, John of Kansas City spent a few days this week at the home of her niece, Mrs. Cecil Wheel­ er of Morris. The choir of the United Church here assisted with the music at the anniversary service at Browntown on Sunday evening. Miss Dorothy Pollock, R.N., of Guelph, is visiting this week with her parents, Rev. and Mrs, J. Pollock at the manse here. iMrs. C. Trethewey and her daugh­ ter, Ramona, of Toronto, and the for­ mer’s brother, Mr. R. J. Varcoe, of Carlow, visited on Sunday at rhe home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Patterson and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mowbray and children visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Richard­ son, of Lahgside. The Women’s Institute held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Lance Grain this Tuesday. The grandmothers had charge of the program. Mr. and Mrs. John J. McGee spent Sunday with Langside friends. Mr. Melville Beecroft and Mr. Gil­ bert Beecroft and Mr, Ernest Robin­ son attended Toronto Exhibition for a few days last week. The meeting of the Huron Presby­ tery of the United Church was held in the United Church here last Fri­ day, with morning and afternoon ses­ sions, and the ladies of the church here served dinner in the basement. Dr. Endicott, of Saskatoon, Supt. for Home Missions, and Rev. Kitley, President of the* London Conference and introduced by Rev. Gordon Ray- mor of St. Thomas, were the speak­ ers and Mrs. (Rev.) Craw of McKil- lip, also addressed the meeting on Temperance. ■> Mrs. Norma Taylor, of Torohto, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and • Mrs. J. B. Morrison. As a conclusion of the sewing con­ test held by the women's Institute in | this district, when several of the ! young ladies took part and made a Robt. Lon- they prize last week with Mrs. (Dr.) Patterson ! Clenaghan BELGRAVE UNDER AUSPICES OF LIONS’ CLUB of Lucknow and other relatives. The W.M.S. of the United Church held a tea at the home of Miss Mur­ iel Watt last Tuesday. Miss Bertha Mackay, of Stratford, is spending her holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay. At the- termination of her holidays, Miss Mackay is being trans­ ferred to Toronto where she will do personal work. Mr. Everett Robinson, who has spent the past three months with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Robinson and other relatives, left on Saturday HANNA & CO. YOU WILL BE PLEASED WITH THIS ANNOUNCEMENT Men’s and .Young Men’s Suits in Smartest Styles and Suit­ ings. Newest Merchandise. Double breasted and single breasted models for two days only, Friday and Saturday. Fine Worsted material with Sport and Fitted styles on sale. Extra Trousers * Outfitters for Meh and Boys” Watch This Space Weekly for Specials ATTEND SEPTEMBER 16 - 17 A New Agricultural Building has been erected, also a Grand Stand for your accommodation. — Horse Races — Free For All — 2.27 Pace Special Prize Money - Roadster Class. Baby Show - and other attrac­ tions. Dance to Ernest’s Orchestra, Friday Evening, Sept. 16th. Grand Concert by Happy Cous­ ins Concert Co., of Elmira, . Saturday Evening, Sept, 17th. The Directors of Blyth Agri­ cultural Society with your co­ operation hope to again place Blyth Fall Fair as the Best in the County. Ontario’s Greatest Light Horse Show Fall Fair, Listowel SEPTEMBER 21 - 22 Special Features in Light Har­ ness Horse Class, $250.00 in prizes; $100 stake in gentle­ man’s outfit; $150.00 in Heavy Horse prizes. Interesting priz­ es in all cattle classes. Specials in Holsteins and Ayr- sbires. Boys’ Calf and Grain Club Best Hog Show in Ontario Livestock all shown in inside ring in view of Grandstand. All harness horses on track. Special Tumbling and Acrobat­ ic Stunts before grandstand. Grand Concert, Dances and Floor Show Second Night. Change of Date of Institute Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Cole on Friday, Sept. 23. Convenors — Mrs. C, R, Coultes, Mrs, N, Montgomery, Roll Call—A Safety Rule. Music -— Miss Elaine Walsh,—Current Events Miss Marjorie Grasby. Address — Mr, R, S. Hetherington. Solo—Mrs. N. Keating. Lunch Committee—Mrs.- J. M. Coultes, Mrs. Nora VanCamp, Mrs, C. R. Coultes. Mrs. G. P. Wray is spending a week with her sister, iMiss Barbara Thynne, Bluevale. Mr, and Mrs. Grant D, Brandon and son of Lancaster, Penn Mis Gertrude Brandon of were visitors with Mrs, J. don, last week. Miss Kay Townend left day to continue her studies in Lon­ don, Mr. Reid Vipond of Queen's Uni­ versity, Kingston, visited at the manse on Saturday. Mrs. John Coultes returned home on Friday after spending a few weeks with relatives at Guelph: Mr. J. Miller shipped a carload of cattle to Buffalo on Friday. Messrs. C. R. Coultes and Gordon Walsh spent the week-end in Tor­ onto. Anniversary services will be held in Knox United church, Belgrave on Sunday, Sept. 25, when Rev. Mr. Nicholson of Pine River will-be the speaker. BLUEVALE W. H. Good, ‘ President. James Cleland, Secretary. where dress banquet as Free Press. dress for themselves, Mr. Mowbray took these ladies to don Fair on Tuesday ■competed for the best and. at 6.30 enjoyed a guests of the London Those who went were: Doris Mc- i, Muriel Watt, Catharine Mowbray and Agnes Gillespie, the leader of this group. Miss Jean Johnston, who has spent the past four months with Mrs. W. R. Farrier, returned to her home in Cedar Valley on Tuesday. Mrs. Gibson Gillespie attended a W.M.S. meeting at Auburn on Wed­ nesday as secretary of the Temper­ ance in this Presbyterial. Mr. Millan Moore and Mr. John Gaunt left on Tuesday to work at Pt. Elgin. The regular weekly meeting of the Y.P.U. of the United Church were resunied on Monday evening after the two months of holidays. Mrs. Ezra Scholtz was in charge of the meeting. Miss Muriel Watt read the Scripture lesson, and Mr. Clarence McClenaghan played a piano solo, Mrs. J. D. Beecroft had charge of the topic, Missionary work in British Columbia. Mrs. Scholtz led in pray­ er. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haskins who •have recently resided near Belmore, have moved to the house On the farm recently occupied by the late Henry Merkley and Mrs. Merkley. We “wel­ come them to our midst. Mrs. John Bush and Miss Gertie, of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Edwin Palmer. Mr. and Mrs, R, G. Nay and ghter, of Fordwich, and Mrs. Faddcn, of Stratford, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy last day- afternoon. The Mission Circle met last urday afternoon at the home of John Gowdy, Owing to the wet af­ ternoon the attendance was not so large But an interesting program was carried out and it was decided the ■Winter work would consist of knitting for the bale. \ There will be no S. S. or church here next Sunday owing to Annivers­ ary services at Wroxeteh The Anniversary Services Will be held here on Sunday, Oct 2nd, at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Alex, Sand­ erson will be the preacher. dau- Mc- with Sun- Sat- Mrs. WHEN YOU WANT —Clear, comfortable vision. —Smart glasses in the modern manner. ■Really moderate prices. Consult—- R. A. REID R. Eyesight Specialist Wingham Office in WILLIAMS’ JEWELRY STORE Every Wednesday Morning Nine to Noon. FIRST CLASS Watch* -'tr airing AT REASONABLE PRICES WILLIAMS THE JEWELLER Official C. N. R. Watch Inspector. Look for this number on the wallpaper Insert in your Tele­ phone Directory. FREE PRIZE— Vi Gallon Floglaze Enamel September Lucky Winner - 5641 ELMER WILKINSON BORN SCOTT—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Sunday, Sept, ilth, 1933, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott, R. R. 1, Eelgitave, a som s „ also Hamilton A. Bran- on Mon- Thursday, Sept, 15th, 1938 CAMBRIDGE CLOTHES Watch for these famous leaders SUITS— The ultra smart Barrel- Chested Model. Drapes and Lounge Models OVERCOATS— The new Box Coat for Men Raglan and Guards Models. MATERIALS— English Worsteds, Harris Tweeds, Meltons, Fleeces, combining the newest tones and patterns. MR. R. E. MACKENZIE Will be in this store, representing Cambridge Clothes Monday, Sept. J 9th WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION Institute Held! Fine Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Jack Wickstead, with a good attendance. The 1st vice president, (Mrs. Alex; Mowbray, presided. 2?he secretary read a very satisfac­ tory report of the course in “Health Education” as prepared by the in­ structor, Miss M. E. Mismer, Reg. N., and reported fourteen new mem­ bers as a result of the course. Mrs. Roy Turvey was appointed delegate to the annual convention to be held at Listowel September 27 and 28th. Mfrs. Alex. Mowbray, the local lead­ er, representing the branch at the course in’ “Re-Finishing of Furni­ ture” explained the project and is prepared to organize a class. She would be pleased to receive applica­ tions before the next regular meet­ ing. Mrs. Gallaher spoke on the motto, which was in keeping with the “Home Economics” programme, finishing with a poem entitled “Kitch- enitis.” Margaret Turvey gave a pa­ per containing many helpful sugges­ tions on “Balanced Menu for Winter Meals”. Mrs. Alice Aitken .gave her concluding tall^ on “Buymanship” dealing for ,the greater part with dresses, their construction, finish, style and color. Miss Olive Scptt gave an account of the Officers’ Ral­ ly held in Brussels in August, on the “Duty of Officers.” At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the hostess. Miss Elizabeth ,Speir spent Sunday at her home in Brussels. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. McEachern at Mount Forest whose three-year-old son, Gilbert, had suf­ fered a broken leg. Miss Marie Wettla-ufer, Blyth, is spending a few days with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wettlaufer. Mr. J. W. Beattie and daughters, Ethel and Florence, of Seaforth, spent Sunday with their cousins, Mac and Olive Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hutcheson, Mrs. Mary Sanderson, Toronto, and Mrs. Will Griffiths, of Montreal, who have spent the summer at their home here, have returned to their, respective homes. Miss Loreen Hamilton is attending the Normal School in Stratford, which opened Sept. 13th. We wish her all the luck and success posible. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Hamilton and Alan, of Ethel, also Mrs. Ernie Cale,- Ida, Violet and Glen, of Stratford, visited recehtly with Mr. and Mrs. F. Churchill. Miss Mary Meahan, of Wroxeter, Miss Wanda Cowan, of Wingham, returned to their homes recently af­ ter spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elliott. "• Mr, Stewart Elliott has returned home after spending the holidays with his grandparents, Mr. arid Mrs. David Pocock, near Goderich. EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL KING’S was instructed to for- of condolence to Mrs. owing to the death of Mr. Reid having been I to attend to this matter. On motion of Beecroft and Black, renewal of the road insurance policy for another year, at the same prem­ ium of $100.00 was entered into with a representative of the same com­ pany. The Clerk ward a letter Wilfrid Reid her husband, for some years previously a valued member of the Council. The following accounts were paid: T. H. Wilson, premium on insurance policy, $100.00; Herson Irwin, drag­ ging road $18.00; .Walter Cook, dragging road $4.00; John Buchanan, dragging road $4.00; Leonard Cook, dragging road $4.00; Roland Vincent, dragging road $2.00; James McGee, ditching on Road 10 $6.00; Stanley Snell, ditching on Road 10 $2.00; Leslie Wightman, dragging on Road 10 $2.00; Alex. Robertson, dragging on Road 10 $2.00; Stuart McBurney, dragging on Road 10 $34.00; Mel. Bradburn, repairing culvert 40c; The Pedlar People, galvanized pipe $2.59. Council will hold their next meet­ ing on Monday, "Oct. 3rd. A. Porterfield, Clerk, Advance-jTimes Want Ads. Bring Results. Prompt Delivery •. GLENANNAN last week Mr. and. at present Messrs. Herman and Isaac Met­ calfe of Tilsonbur.g spent week .with their parents, Mrs. John Metcalfe. Mrs. George Fortune is visiting, with friends at Ridgetown. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eadie spent a couple of days last week in Toronto and attended the Ex. Mr. Lloyd Taylor of Howick spent Sunday Reid. Miss turned spending her holidays with her par­ ents here. • with Mr. and Elva Metcalfe to Brooklyn, Mrs, Nelson R.N., has re- ■ N.Y., after PIPE SEASON IS NOW HERE We have a large assort­ ment ranging from 25c to $3.00 Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe FOR "’I; WITHIN ^''your , w ✓ BUDGE, I.. ■J TRY SMITH’S FOUR O’CLOCK BROKEN ORANGE PEKOE TEA........59c Lb. COLEMAN PURE LARD , OR SHORTENING 2 Lbs. 25c SEEDLESS RAISINS BULK DATES ... PEANUT BUTTER 2 Lbs. 25c 3 Lbs. 25c CANADIAN MILD CHEESE.........19c (Lb. CHOICE, MEATY PRUNES 30-40 .......2 Lbs. 25c HAWES’ No Rubbing Wax and Furniture Polish ....... 59c SHELLED WALNUTS.45c Lb. DALTON’S FRENCH DRIP COFFEE .. 35c Lb. Obtainable Only at This Store In Town HEAVY ZINC RINGS _ ____ PARAWAX 25 c Doz. ..................-—........ 2 kgs. 25c O.K. LAUNDRY SOAP . —» 10 Bars 29c BULK LAUNDRY STARCH _ ___ _____ 10c Lb. SEALjER RUBBERS__ BULK SOAP CHIPS ........3 Lbs. 25c CLOTHES PINS ...........................— 3 Dozen 10c BLUE RIBBON MATCHES 3 Boxes 25c 5c Pkg. Council fnet on Sept. 6th with all the members present Minutes of previous meeting were read and ap­ proved. Fred Toll Jr. made application to have a portion Of the Kechnie Drain cleaned out and some broken tile re* placed. Coun. Ruddy’ was instructed MADERITE PASTRY FLOUR .. 24 Lb. Bag 55c BUYASACK BREAD FLOUR . 98 Lb. Bag $2.55 We catty a full line of Bacons, Cold Meats, Weiners, Bologna, etc., also Fresh Fruit and Vegetables, Celery, Cabbage, Ap­ ples, Peaches, Plums, Etc,’ PHONE 161 1/ X