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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-09-15, Page 2
PAttR TWO Thursday, Sept. 15th, 1S3S FENCES FLOORS HORACE L. BRITTAIN Car Hells Bank R.fifing d?wr. a Tferio: emhank- mert ar the anrraarh fe McKays, bridge, on the sight a con cess: rm of Brar.t. Albs-t Mursfel was imp-is ru se ’--' Lis ca- ’' ,r rhe gnrarar part of the descent Ht suf ferae a broker: c;fife b.m; anf cis'r.cated right sfeul- Jfe. Near fine cud of the pfimtgu ths c -‘- *"-.:-v; .-net: ana fe wm- tfe-wn L’Clt,- CEMENT WORK ADDITIONS WELDINGS A Series of Letters from Disdnguished Canadians on Vital Problems Affecting the Future Welfare of Canada Specially Written for Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Wfe$Wm A^mce*Tim^ ; :A cj Tfe Wfefera Uril Ife ■-s noix xfey KcT’Affeer the -dates*- h<y;. £b IS tkferin Axvmskfeing using Alferta efi. Too fed g •could «tet still tfe gvmb’cd wafera m « 5S «s $ la aTferiferig a ■d’spr.te in xloTfefe cowri /vfeo -festU'e roand ferwis ra nossra's-.'-n of two cords of wood- sfee omn sori bo cooLi ofe pay tfe L;s» pried b-ri In wood, and the fedge took the wood as the otfier ptwiv dri not want L, WbUsbed at WmHAM - ONTARIO iMbwiv^Ti fee «« One Yea- $0X0. Six memhs. $UX> in s-dvwce Tk^ U S. A-,a $ae ife? ycM' Wifegn nte, $&0i) per yesra Advyrdsing cam e>a appfetfe $mw ror The ferns VMb ccecntb’ rixameed ■shew ara est to a good, start. 'T'is etrib . Ss esscnth’ly a sonMe ragrarifeon ’ <nd she vwfees feat few ■■ rased at ■ tfefe I &bcr Day Ffelk wfe fe mvfe to assira coiyyled Ofedran in feis ^ramafeA’ -st fe fester efeci’ worohy WderaakOgs feat they iw deefee' ■^est. The Draw entfeed a tramepfexis ^wrant of wo A but fee rwmfe- s ara Mppy ribottt fee wfifee thing. Obey .- ^avy <« fefe rime and. cvepw ;n ofe- W to false fends fee wer.;hy ptwposes ■ are row rarafe :o cams on feera pyjeets. Osxfekh and btra'oofe fera bad- yfefbs fra soote yeara feri Mvt: been doing erafel and neoossaiy • Wife Recently efebs ferae beer jfejmefi. tn Orfem and Fxefe '- Tfee drib -beto, fest femted tfi’s summer- ■ Wall now be able to g’ve a srni’ar sera ■ vwe to fea- these ofeer towrs wrara Wbfeittg St S: -Ss ANWIWA Reeefeb’ we beotd a fesoasskm on' ®he cost ef serious L firass It was ■ $dfeed out feat fee costs of opera- \ tfens. hosph&lfeatfom doctors’ fees.' dxa In the case of a sraioos y-o'orag* ■ dl ilfeess, is snfe a drafe ora fee fc- • .©serai rysomraes of fee orafeary c‘fev ■ ■kn feat It feraras him flat brake or • tsewlly fe.'debt - The Rradfefe Tferash August issrra t yramferrad an srikfe on ffes very eittes- ■ t' fern and one M the fferas that was expl^iped appeatod to cs to be a wy $omO one. It exp’fened fifed fe one ■Communfe” tm association was. rarav -Cd ami each moofee” paid a monfety .fee. for couples vfife fentfiy: and. fes s’ngfe persons. A ’person on looming t!l coald go to d'xfe own dfeeriw mfe get whatever treatment ■was raRferao •feperafifens mfe 'fespfe bferatfen wvra also *nefedccL Trio as- Wtfefijon pay oil fee necessary bills. Usder t?ra phn the doeto? A •assured ■4>f Ms fee ,.fe $. & * $ ri ’W'-rafe that idll ricnril pas rims m ■fetad-ris nranril hospfefi. arc tr, >v ‘ifecm mental fea’fe to be vfesfe The eyfee wdl say he knows of pfe<y so take tfedr places, * * * * Maori Done of BUfefile ssggRstfe drat Mayora trike over trie fees of Ori&rao Goveramram His ■suggestion wm be a feme of contention. 5& $ * d'riri’-o fell pfefefefe ha the exMb'Cs with the Dommfet Goveon- mcn: at New York’s World's Fair next year. It h a shame that sfetario, *’-o fe’-’w;' yrovfera of fee D-ominiou, fell not be represented at this great exposition. :0 Ot JS Mfek. on the was memorise st Ot tawa is «mde? way. It is twelve years s.‘«ce the design was selected. Horos hoping thc«? is t>ot cmotfe? great war before its compieriofe at least. s|; 5§s Hoti. I?.. M Town feiks of the low price of a® psHtsets. Wbst we want to fear is what fe fs going to . do aboot w' ■ Morieifehfe are to ask for feris- > fefe imposing tao. on working wo- ?men Women who wR aM receive 'strickfem pay sferid share the tax • bmfen, bfe if is a corker how some ; of our goveremg bodies teach oet for , !N*w methods of taxation tsstead of . keeping taxes strife control, THE WIXGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES X^ntSsts vecommcpd Wr igl*y*s <Swm as stti. Aid tc swan& healfhy teeth, cleanses them et teed par- vieRs, Tnassa^sthe&vms. Aidsdx- ^tioa^relievesstta^YeedE^-atter wml$, Hcfes keep R» 1W some home W the chiwmi eeo <•“* they will idve itt , <scs JsuMukAAOiUbA •feted, some fe.ick action to get He flaming can into the dper. and ex- t’ngpish the Raw.es^lj’ckttcw Sct> tines MAKING CANADA A Better Place in WHcb to Live and Work LETTER NO. it » Dear Sir: I It seems to m® that the* general I need of Canada at the present time is i the rest? ration to the citiocr.shlp of :; Canada of the spirit c t independence. In my view there is altogether toe ; great a dependence on grace omvra-ra j and be her in Its ability to make some- i thing out of nothing., toe great a wE 1- ; Ingress to profit by the results of re- : pfebarion .and similar acts, and too - great a willingness to contract debts ; without considering hew the debts are ; to be repaid. If the Weekly Newspap- 8 ©rs Association of Canada can do any. I thing to bsdd up the public morale of j «the electorate^ Mnmripah Frcvincial j and Dominion. I think it would be do- < j mg a work cf fundamental impact- _: -; ance. Again, if something fundament- . ; -a! is not done with regard to a perma- ■ feassheppora Spoiled Turnip -Crop A Bernet on tfe feh copccss’fe of j. (Carrick, wfe has always raised good . crops of turnips, reports that the ‘i p ■trasyfeopera completely destroyed 4.jS c?*.“P dra slimmer £y devouring, ftl aax.c Wi:G neguru co a pernm- • ■ iftent and sound method of meeting rm- ' ’employment, w shall be ctraghi m- '< prepared for fe4X or before or after ‘ Seedless Tomato ' Rev. C. R Wooley. United Church ■ ‘ mlmstor nt Rosemont. has grown a ‘ seedless tomato two inches in diam-! efer in Ms garden this season. He has ■ grown a number with from six so ’ ■ fourteen seeds, bat this is the 'first rime be has sneeeeded in growing a . seedless tomato. Is is thought to be ’ the first natural seedless tomato ever grown in Canada.—O'raugevltfe Barr- ■ nor.. Emit Tar Explodes Scalding Woman A rather tmtssua! accident took place hero the other day when ICrs. Aaron Wepnler had her arms and her' hands serfided by hot frrit jmee, The jar which she had fust fi'Rd exploded- ’ for some unknown ressom and sort ‘ the scat’cig mice ever her hands am; arms, barring them rather badly. — Han?to- Post taken, I do not know of any shori-cfct to».' - -...... - - ; ' .» .. « that date Itist as we wore in ~fe ■and' -ae feW Thera is one subject of secondary importance which demands .attention and that is fee propm xraMfetm <?: res’ • In the greater part of Canada assess-'. :! raent is o-n a totally wsefetific basis .' '. so that assessment is often extremely | ,. inegsitable, in that some people and« ; properties pay mane than they should« •. ard others pay loss than they should ‘ i This aggravates the effect ot the de- j rarasstem and is sn important factor. in rhe buiMing up of totals of unpaid j taxes. A proper assessment for a! numicipality is just as important ns a • proper rate structure for a utfiity cor-; pDratlau or a proper price sttneturej »or a manuhetsri-ng carporarisn. Itfi rage!res just as much study and spec-1 ial framing. If something coald be'- done to improve the quality of assess-^ ing in towns, milage and township, a-j great step in advance could have been ‘ end of moving same cd the taxfe ; atiun from real estate bat to my mind j j.' the best method would ba a sharing I raf the provincial revenues with the-! : rnuntdpaliries. The present Ontario | o-a^rty for ssatfon sor^ca®.! *»•*» «®t te «*i “ ' ' direction. I reel eonfcdent however, | i that muric: parities can greatly help * ’ teal estate by cutting down tax lev ies as a result of reduced expenditur es. From the national print at view, this is the only way tri rednang the tax burden. Unfortunately mtmiripri- ifies think rather of increased, reven- ; ties that* reduced ettpsaditares or. at least mar.?* pohtlrians and city enrm- rils take this view, "his idea might be among thnse which can be modi-: fed through enlightened public opin ion and improved quality tri mthsn-. ship. : ROOF PAINT MON EY TO IMPROVE YOUR PROPERTY Consult the Manager of our nearest Branch and ask for booklet. THE DOMINION BANK OS SWING WITH A COCKNEY ACCENT—THE “LAMBER TH” WALK B § FaTsra ‘Rd or ock mg ^Igggg I 1 Blyth Agricvfeural trilling Completed After evidence of some length had nets in the bush ret his hums- The been beard in Magistrate F. W. Wai-. maddened insects string him sasEy, chiefly or the arm. A mr driver, by McClinchev hit a ■ mail wagon at Gsderich. iriinb’g Jack J .dinst’-- Stung by Hornets I M Ecattie, Httroti Town-Lip mn mer. received painful injurie- nhn-b -emitted msdica’ attention, when he trnridsniany disturbed a nest of h «SS?i»*R«wO ker's court at Walkerton, at which some half d'.zer present at the thresh ing testified, the court reduced the Carrick to Experiment cha-g£ T. common assault and Ham- With Spraying vveeds lit tv. wo- assessed costs amounting w Carrick wrnstg !-3 |- nnpu^u r*»r $ ome.. k.- V -4 ag-?. daces, To Readers* Fined F-S for Leaving Accident sprayea vmr. cuermcs r:2^inS guilty w Mins tc ry.urr. °fe- t?‘ L: the scene of a motor accident. Wm. v"eeG v McCiinobey. R.R. 3, Bavffed, was fin. attertior :■: n sd Sfi and costs by Magistrate T. A.'itie” npw‘ Makins. Nri evidence was taken. Me- riinciiey was arrested after being Two Pounds at Biron, *®W , •UsitKl rsttasr s, , JO' Wrtxto wssfe ft? So WriSu, ^ftfehad wc SJs ASra-ra / •«£a. ■ •WA-es.'- -4B A.MoWty we-.-vros *wW, <ra«>«ig.- T-risst & « s wet 1»®** N .^KH-.OAiKiS^g ra^w.-'.r^ Tsm feri <w lew? ■SeeRtiscSe^rtSfe gcw*n.Snc7&0WpvW oxte ^-yviLs-n's’x ysivycofe^-issSk^i W-fe 'Sftr® s-> ’ tt!p»ss08«® PmtSra WH& AS®*t3»* shso-snatsaraii,. gsiMm, O»fi. '¥MB! Ww»BB! FWWiBRS* ^Cw*ilr’W»W¥B 'Miik ■■Mfr Mart WINK'IWH RSlec by Tractor fe-orgc Trivstt. aged IS, of *cn township, was h-stantly k?’ Tltursday about TSS? when a tractor which he was d mod, crash mg fe body feneath e tnfefe-c tamed over rate the afe partly back rflt? the <fee ■ read again. The boys head rnrgd beneath the fenfe?. TWstts Followed W-W Head s ,rirj. returnee a verdict of Camel Long. 4S-yoar- As’ifirid armor, finding’ Ofe *o tetanus as a result of •cry receirsc two wsrits nre- g was strack over the fead wooden Brife” refer on Lafe ten tnLos mce August. 2Pth by pfece. Now Being Nicely I,ittle 1. >1$ McT.-nakl. ifemt &a- ghter of Mr. and Mrs, Norman J. Me- Donald, of Huron Township, sms ' and giving every indication of gssw* * ing into a hralmy, happy nimd, Horn ‘ a twin several weeks ag?. at Kmsa. ■ dine Genera’ HosritaL she washed only two pannd.- a—'4’ vss. .gw^, vvwcdd not ssrm r^SJSSSSR L.ofe.vns Lusec p citoe?tv, sav fe ijdwa tmis fegjfeefefe ’ Wrik Tfefe aid jast rise siffirfe feferi- wde ltd,; ri-sribri ri- fo Th?t?o higbl&W fef fife j- aw aniftbe? ssew i» tfeso pfe , m FdAit Ssw fcmed s«fo to ■ jmw in m FWiiBC WIL firs new- Ls>bet?j y. w^vsdjgg^ w3& fer 5 SiriJWxy stpas effer each ctfe cafe yot. ,ratio bars Scraafec. fomr arm- stvmgmg fem- nar •riJtriT'L Llsh arms «afi waM m a-siups baitS?® fees fats? steps fen- rafeb fe rife Bgfe fear sfeps; ^ack- ■; «srd. Fbttfeh (wEJriREfi fed op- fe- ?*gve*era feikfeg fefe orare, asd. er- * •era slappmg tfs Mess fe time fefe cfefeferifejs, Mow teak am mfefe; rife awsfe & ^jwt. c ®gtte feh • riUife: 5'fe od fes ssdfebv*! sfess fenrasHfe. fci*r».i!fe sfe'M Mx*- stdb s»k feo fed sssps. Ttea ’ Ws febfc, Tweaw tews/ ifeffles t&e thfBi teei«! w< [ terne tte iw tece, A^kN mMnu Ttes ’ tjttees sm4 Lyiiufc, Toomto .totes^ ges’ that good . fefe Jpr ifeWuMo^ y0< * btt to ritfe fee Srixufes w & dWe bite?; fe k '* as ';'-N- Wsh to tee feRfes strife and mad off w»*p ■ m ^feAri fec^femra/fe iL .?? the --•■0 Wfe !S ,frk>v! trtrtiitrvmnhfifls: