HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-09-08, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Show Starts at 8,00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shews 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 8, 9, 10th This time the stars portray mouse-trap salesmen financially embarassed in Switzerland and forced to work in a hotel for their board. Also “Our Gang Comedy” “Traveltalk” “News” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 13, 14th PETER LORRE ROCHELLE HUDSON -----In------ u Mr. Moto Takes a Chance” Mr. Moto this time is a secret agent sent to put down a native revolutiuon in Africa. Also “Adventures of a Newsreel Cameraman” “Edgar Kennedy Comedy” “Musical” Coming—Sept. 15, 16, 17 “In Old Chicago” Special Direct from the SKY CLUB, BRANT INN at the Goderich Pavilion On ADMISSION: Gents, 75c - - Ladies 50c DANCING FREE WHITECHURCH Mrs. Jas. Cornelius and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius spent Sunday in Goderich at the home of her niece, Mrs. Westbrook and with other re­ latives there. Mr. James Weir of London spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Fred Davidson. Mrs. Ogilive and daughter, Jean of Toronto are visiting at the home of her father, Mr. John Clubb. Rev. J. Pollock had charge of the services in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday after his holidays at the lake. Little Ivan Laidlaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Laidlaw has been laid up with a mild attack of scarlet fever. Mrs. Mclllwain and her daughter, Barbara of Fordwich visited one day last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Fred Davidson. This community mourns the pass­ ing of Mr. Wilfred G. M. Reid and ifeLe'nds sympathy to the bereaved wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw attended the reception held in the Memorial Hall, Blyth on Friday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cowan. Mr. Kenneth Laidlaw arid Mr. Mc­ Kenzie (Mowbray wbo have been working at Norwich for the past few weeks spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw. Miss Bertha Mackay of Stratford spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Mackay. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lott and chip dren of Toronto and Mr. Hector Pur­ don of Toronto visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. Mr. Harry McClenaghan of Bel­ grave and Mr. Robert McClenaghan motored to Port Stanley on Friday and took the boat to Cleveland where they visited over the week-end at the home of their brother, Mr. Will Mc­ Clenaghan.. The following from here are start­ ing High School in Wingham*'this week: Mildred McClenaghan, Jean Welwood, Louise Martin, Florence Beecroft, Raphael St. Marie, Clifford Farrier and Donald Ross. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mowbray and Mr. and Mrs. Will Mowbray and Russel Mowbray, all of Timmins, who were visiting at the home of Mrs. Fred Mowbray’s brother, Mr. Sam. Hutchison of Wingham, visited with old acquaintances in this community last Monday. Miss Addie Ross, who was visiting last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross, letf on Friday for her home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Green of Kitchener spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. McClenaghan and family visited on Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr. Elwood Barbour of Fordyce. Rev. Gordon Rintoul of Montreal visited last Thursday at the home of his uncle,-iMr. Wm. Purdon. Miss Genevieve Watt and Donald Watt returned to Toronto on Monday with Mr. Jack McMillan. Miss Eileen Burchill and Currie of Turnberry spent a few days last week at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Lance Grain. v MisS Minnie, Moore of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wright of De­ troit visited last week at the home of their1 aunt, Mrs. Herb. Pettapiece. Mr< and Mrs. Thos. Moore motor­ ed to Owen Sound on Sunday and their daughter, Mrs. Harold Sparling and her children, Douglas and Marie accompanied them to their home there, after spending their holidays here. Mrs. Alma Campbell and her daugh* ter, Barbara of London spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross. Mr. aand Mrs, Robert Purdon en­ tertained a number of their friends and neighbours at their home on Wednesday evening last, Mr. Joe Welwood of Wingham, and Mfr. Norman, Webvood- spent a few dqys |ast week at Tprpn|o Exhibition. jMis§. Marie ForcJ,. who spent the past two months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon, returned to her home in Montreal on Friday. Miss Louise Martin and Mr. Jack Gillespie spent a few days last week at the home of their uncle, Mr. Chas. Gillespie of New Sarum. Mr. anad Mrs. Andrew Kirk of Sea­ forth visited on Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. Mrs, D, Simpson and daughters, Della, Jean and Olive and Mr. John Simpson, of London spent the week­ end at the home of Mrs. Reid of Wingham and witth the former’s bro­ ther, Mr. John J. McGee and other E. Wawanosh friends and relatives. Dr, and (Mrs, Harold Robinson and children of Walkerton spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robin­ son. Mr, Thos. O’Malley and nine other men were busy last Thursday bagging up grain which poured down from the granary into the stable, when the granary floor collapsed. Two pigs were smothered by it and the grain had to be taken to neighbours barns until the floor could be fixed. Miss Jamieson of Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. J. Falconer and family and Mr. Elroy Laidlaw spen a few days last week with relatives at Caledon and at the Toronto Exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Naylor accom­ panied by Mr. Bert Cullimore 'left on Saturday to attend the funeral of the former’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Alec Nay­ lor, who passed away after a short illness at her home at Fort Erie. Mr. George Kennedy has had exten­ sive repair work and improvements put on his house on the boundary dur­ ing the past two weeks. Little Billie Lee of Toronto is spend­ ing a few weeks at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Alec Rintoul. Rev. and Mrs. Wright and family left on Sunday to motor to Leaming­ ton where their two daughters, Gladys and Muriel will enter High School and stay with their grandmother. Mr. J. C. Reed off Listowel spent the week-end at the home of Thos. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. James Rose and Donald of Teeswater and Mr. Mrs. Neil Mackay of Toronto visit­ ed on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. MacRoss. Mrs. Sidney Ferguson and son of London, spent the week-end aunt, Mrs. A. Clow. Miss Winnifred Farrier Monday for her school in Mis Olive Farrier went to her school in E. Wawanosh and |Mr. Carmar Far­ rier to his school in Bluevale. Miss Olive Farrier received her cer­ tificate for Elementary Instrumental music and for Intermediate vocal mu­ sic from London University and Mr. Carman Farrier received his certifi­ cate for the Elementary Agriculture and Elementary Horticulture from O. A. C. Miss Vera Goyeau, of Leamington, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Aldin Purdon. The following were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier during the past week: Miss Velma Wheeler, Belgrave; Mrs. Geo. Lane and Melda and Winnie, of Ashfield; Miss Vivian Tiffin of Wingham; iMrs. Robt. Phillips of Goderich and. her nephew, Mr. W. J. Irwin, of Pitts­ burg. Mr. son and with her left on Toronto, GLENANNAN Extra BUS Service FROM WINGHAM DURING WESTERN FAIR —• Daily — KL^e'^ipgljam- .JoY. ’Lphdon Leave London for Wingham 12.45 noon and 6 p.m. Special late trip leaving London at 10.30 p.m., Tuesday, Wed­ nesday and Thursday only. Local Agent, BRUNSWICK HOTEL. BLUEVALE Held Anniversary Services Anniversary services were observed in the United church on Sunday. Rev. J. W. Johnston of Fordwich United church, delivered messages suitable to the occasion at both the morning and evening services. Special music by the choir, under the direction of the organist, Mrs. W. J. Johnston was a pleasing addition to the services. Rev. A. V. Robb, pastor of the church was present and assisted with the evening service, also Mr. Townend of Bel­ grave and Rev. J. R. Greig of Knox Presbyterian church Bluevale. The church was beautifully decorated with baskets of gladiolia. Ebenezer Anniversary Sunday Next Regular service will be withdrawn in the Bluevale United church next Sunday on account of the anniversary services at Ebenezer. The choir from Bluevale United church will conduct the service of praise at the morning service and the choir from White­ church will sing in the evening. Women’s Association Met Mrs. Charles Johnston was the hostess on Thursday afternoon for the monthly meeting of the ' Woman’s Association of the United church. The president, Mrs. R. J. McLennon presided. The minutes were read by Mrs. Jas. Johnston and Mrs. Joseph Curtis gave the financial statement showing receipts on hand to be twen­ ty-seven dollars. Mrs. R. McLennon gave an interesting account of the Round Trip Rail Travel Bargain From WINGHAM SEPT. 17 To CHICAGO $12.50 return Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Whitefield of Gorire were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eadie. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McElroy and family of Indiana and Mrs. McElroy of Blyth called on Mr. and Mrs. Oli­ ver Stokes one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Tone of To­ ronto and Miss Elva Metcalfe, R.N., Of Brooklyn, N.Y., Mr. and Mrs. Ho­ ward Wylie and family of Wroxeter visited over the holiday with their parents, iMr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe. Mrs. Reuben Stokes visited last week with her daughter, Mrs. Selah Breckenridge. Those attending the C.N.E., at To­ ronto were, Mt. and Mrs. Roy Hast­ ings, Mrs. Reuben Appleby and Bet- nice, Miss Doris Semple, Mrs. Thos. Wallace and Florence, Mrs. Muir and Norman. Mrs. Geils of Timmins Is visiting her mother, iMrs. Forgle, also her sis­ ters and brothers here. Messrs. Bobbie and Norman Muir leave this week for their ^schools at Fort William and Ridgetown. Also Miss Lorene Gilkinson goes to Bruce- field. SEPT. 16-17 To WINDSOR, Ont. and Cd 1 g DETROIT, Mich. *Tbwrn * Equally low fares from alt adjacent C.N.R. Stations. Asfc for handbill and complete information from Agents. T249A CANADIAN NATIONAL I Shopper: “I’m looking for a pair of shoes.” Assistant.* “Etdw much too small do you want them, madam?” A portly man was trying to get to his seat at the eltcus. “Pardon me,” he said to a Wtsmari, “did I step on your foot?” ’ “I imagine so/’ she said. “All the elephants are still in the ring.” Thursday, September 8, 1938 MORRIS Johnston are visit- Baptist Church Rev. E. M. Loney, B.Th. SUNDAY SERVICES 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11,00 a.m.—Subject: “There is a real Heaven and all who are there are blissfully happy.” 7.00 p.m.—“There is a real hell of fire and brimstone—a a place of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth and all the efforts of the Russellites and Modernists have failed ,.to annihilate it or to make it com­ fortable.” FIRST CLASS Watch Repairing AT REASONABLE PRICES WILLIAMS THE JEWELLER Official C. N. R. Watch Inspector. If It’s a Birthday Gift For HIM Give Him a Ronson Lighter $4.50 and $5.50. Omar Smoke Shoppe rove’s M Look for this number oh the Wallpaper Insert in your Tele- phone Directory. FREE PRIZE— Gallon Floglaze Enamel September Lucky Winner « 5041 ELMER WILKINSON tea vet A'o Bruth Marki” INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINT % NEW FALL COATS Smart!Servicable! trimmed and untrimmed models, -rich new woollens in distinctive weaves. Persian Lamb, Fox, Wolf, Opossum and Mink tririimings motor trip she had through the Can­ adian West in July. Members of the visiting committee reported the visits made to the sick and those unable to attend church srevice. Refreshments w'ere served by the hostess" assisted by Mrs. A. MacEwen and Mrs. William Abraham. ...Receive Invitation .from Eadies « The annual Home Helpers W.M.S. meeting of the Presbyterian church was held in the school room on Thursday afternoon, The president, Mrs. Alex, Mowbray presided. The 46th psalm was read by Mrs. Harvey Robertson and Miss Barbara Thyme led in prayer. The society received an invitation from the auxiliary at Eadies’ church to attend the Thank- offering meeting when Mrs. D| Wel- kie of Teeswater is expected as guest speaker. Mrs. R. F. Garness had charge of current events and gave some news items concerning Kobe, Japan, Formasa and the Scott In­ stitute, Toronto. |Mrs. J. R. Greig was the special speaker taking as her subject, “Preserving' the Berries” comparing the gathering in and pre­ serving' fruit to the work of the mis­ sionary. Mission (Circle Met Saturday The Mission Circle of the United church held the regular meeting in the school room on Saturday afternoon with Miss Mossie Milligan presiding. After singing, “God Sees the Little Sparrows Fall,” and repeating the Lord’s Prayer the regular routine business was carried out. During this period the Circle decided to make a Mission Band quilt. -Mrs. R. J. Mc­ Lennon gave an interesting talk on the Tenlon Mission school. Singing, “Glory to God for His Sunshine is free,” and prayer by Helen Thompson brought the meeting to a close. Ladies’ Aid Active The 3rd quarterly meeting of the Ladies’ Aid of Knox Presbyterian church was held on Thursday after­ noon with the president Miss Olive Scott in charge. Reports from the four circles show the members active and interested. Following" some busi­ ness discussion a social time was en­ joyed when a dainty tea was served by members of the (Morris circle. Mr. Frank Garnett, Fairfield, Ohio is visiting relatives and friends in Bluevale and vicinity. Miss Cora Garnett, spending her holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. John daughter Audrey of Duncan, Vancou­ ver Island, B.C., are visiting Mrs. Carvie’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Garnett. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw are vis­ iting with their daughter, Mrs. Earl Hyslip at Craighurst. Miss Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Wills and W. T. Thompson, Toronto and Mrs. Will. Griffiths, Montreal spent the week-end with Mrs. Mary Sanderson. Mrs. Sarah Masters and daughter Mrs. Olive Gallaher, Brussels, visited with the former’s brother, iMr. Thos. Stewart and friends. Week-end visitors With Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wettlaufer were, Mr. and Mrs. Hearth and son Leonard, Kit­ chener, Mr1, and Mrs. Henry Weaver,' Hastings, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wettlaufer and son Keith of Maple­ wood. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and Son, Tillsonburg visited witht Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnston. Miss Esther Greig, Reg. N., Tor­ onto, is visiting her brother, Rev. J. R. Greig and Mrs. Greig at the manse. Mf. ahd Mrs. Charles Messer, To- ronto spent the holiday with Mr. John Messer atid Mr; arid Mrs. Raymond Elliott; Mr, arid Mrs. Arthur Shaw Visited Toronto and Niagara Falls during the week. They were accompanied by Mr. Wheeler of Belgrave. Wingham is at her home Carvie and Outstanding- quality. 12.50 to 59.50 KING'S Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and sons of Tilsonburg visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Shaw ing with friends in Toronto. Mr. Alfred Patterson and Miss Agnes Patterson spent Sunday with Mr. Henry Mathers and family and Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Moses spent Sunday with , her father, Mr. Thos. Mathers in Bluevale.. A number of young men from Blue­ vale took in the exhibition a couple days last week. iMr. Earl Mathers spent Sunday and Monday with his father in Bluevale and other friends in the 1st Line and in Grey. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Smith spent Monday at Toronto exhibition. MORRIS COUNCIL Minutes of Council meeting held in Township Hall, Morris, on Monday, August 15th, 1938. Members all pre­ sent, the Reeve presiding. Minutes of the last meeting were read and ap­ proved. The Engineer’s report on the Hackwell Drain was read and pro­ visionally adopted. The Council fix­ ed the Township rate for this year at 3 mills on the dollar. The Court of Revision on the Hackwell Drain was adjourned until the next Council Meeting, Sept. 12th, 1938^ Accounts Advance-Times, advertising, $3.50; Dept, of Health, Insulin, $5.09; Carl Oakley, relief, $10.00. Next meeting, September 12th, 1938. A. iMacEwen, Clerk. Mother—But what sort of a pain is it, dear? Srpall Daughter—It’s a pain as big as. my tummy, and it’s got jagged edges. Prompt Delivery 4 TENA E. REID A.T.C.M. IN PIANO AND VOCAL Private lessons in piano theory, vocal and organ. Phone 268J Wingham WHEN YOU WANT —Clear, comfortable vision. —Smart glasses in the modern manner. —Really moderate prices. Consult— R. A. REID R. Eyesight Specialist Wingham Office in WILLIAMS’ JEWELRY STORE Every Wednesday Morning Nine to Noon. FOR Phone 161 F HEAVY ZINC JAR RINGS....... WHILE MIXED PICKLING SPICE ...29c Lb. 25c 14-CUT RUBBER RINGS -------------5c Dozen BLENDED OR SPIRIT VINEGAR ..........39c Gallon extra Special Coleman’s Epicure PURE LARD . TIP TOP TOMATO JUICE_____ 2 Large Tins 19c McCORMICK’S BUTTER SODAS__15c Lb. DALTON’S O.K, JELLY POWDERS--------5 Pkgs. 25c 2 Lbs. 25c MAPLE LEAF NO. 4 PEAS ................2 Tins 19c ASSORTED SANDWICH BISCUITS ___ _____19c Lb. JUNKET ICE CREAM MIX ...... 10c Pkg. EXTRA SPECIAL BUYASACK BREAD FLOUR... $2.95 98-lb. Bag FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA ,____59c. Lb. PICAKE SHORTENING......2 Lbs. 25c FRESH LARGE BOLOGNA We Lb. FRENCH DRIP COFFEE —___35c Lb. DAVIE’S SPREAD CHEESE 15c % -Lb. Pkg. NEW MILD CHEESE ...2,....^..,21c Lb. We have Fresh Peaches, Plums, Tomatoes Arriving Daily. See Out'stbCk of Choice No. 1 Fruit before buying. Every basket is Guaranteed and we know you will be pleased With the Quality ; of our Fresh Fruit. I