HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-08-18, Page 8PAGE EIGHT * Show Starts at 8,00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 pun, Shirley Temple is on the screen as a farmer’s dau­ ghter, bringing romance, fun and tinkling tunes to millions of fans. Also “Coloured Cartoon” “Coloured Traveltalk” “News” Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 18, 19th, 20th Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 22, 23, 24 SPECIAL----- H F R R F R T WILCOX 5.creen Wa>' bV Mi,es 'Million and ^joduc-tl anti directed bf 11 u K D E I* 8 si I Lu U A Charles DeGrandcourt RKO-RAD1O HcIuml The story of this picture covers.the reign1 of Eng­ land’s beloved Queen Victoria. Also “Pathe Parade” » a? 3 1 ® Her own diaries told it all. Now it's on the screen I ANNA NEAGLE-ANTON WALBROOK HJL WARNER^ WALTER RILLA scenes in TECHNI­ COLOR . Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c. WHITECHURCH Miss White and her sister, from Rhinelander, Wis., spent the week­ end with their aunt, Mrs. Eli Jacques. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patten of Lucan spent Sunday at the home of her mo­ ther, Mrs. Andrew Fox. Mr. George Garton Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Garton and son, John, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Garton, of Leamington. iMr, Clarence Cox left on Sunday to spend this week with her parents, Mr* and Mrs. Wm. Patterson, of Auburn. The W.M.S. of the United Church held a tea at the home of Mrs. J. B. WHEN YOU WANT MERKLEY’S Consult— GARAGE Carries a Complete Line of ’ Repair Parts McQUAY - NORRIS Wrist Pins, Valves, Valve Springs and Keys, Water Pump Parts, King Bolts and Bushings, Tie Rod Sockets, Piston Rings, etc. for all makes of cars. R. A. REID R. O. Eyesight Specialist Wingham Office in WILLIAMS’ JEWELRY STORE Every Wednesday Morning Nine to Noon. Connecting Rods, Head Light and Tail Light Lenses Guaranteed blowout-proof Mufflers Axled and Drive Shafts Flexible Gas and Oil Lines Tire Reimers, All Sizes Hydraulic Brake Parts Ignition Parts iUSED TIRES «Felt Back Rubber Flour Mats Merkley’s Garage Phone 84 For Service Mr, Harry McClenaghan and child­ ren, of Belgrave, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Wm. Barbour, with Rqv. and Mrs. W. J. Watt, who le^ve this week for their .home Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Breckenridge- Ripley spent Sunday at the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott, We are pleased to’report that Mr. Wallace Conn, who injured in —Clear, comfortable vision. —Smart glasses in the modern manner. —Really moderate prices. of ofhome Wallace Conn, who injured his heels in a fall last May, is now able to walk and is improving fine, Mr, and .Mrs. George Patterson and son, Ross, of Toronto, spent a day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Farrier. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, of Sea­ forth and their grandchildren, Pearl and Thelma Creighton, of Detroit, visited at the home of,.Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft on Thursday and the girls stayed to holiday for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis and Bar­ bara and Smith, of Clifford, also Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt and children of Marnoch, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson. Mr. Bert Cullimore spent the week­ end in Detroit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newey. Mr. Wilbert Taylor, of Hamilton, spent the week-end at the home of his mother, Mrs. Thos Taylor, and his daughter, Doreen, who has been visit­ ing there, returned home with him. Miss Barbara Newman and Donald Newman returned with him to visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hendershott, of Hamilton. Mrs. Gibbs, who has been, very ill in the village was taken to the hos­ pital last week-end. The following spent Sunday at the lake at Goderich in a family picnic: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cairney and six children, of Orangeville, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Martin and two children, Rip­ ley; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Irwin and six children of Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Edwood Barbour and four children of Fordyce, Mrs. Dan Martin, Bill and Donald, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mc­ Clenaghan. All visited at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Barbour there. Mr. and Mrs. Perrie Pennington and children, of Culross, visited on Sunday at the home of her brother, Mr. Wendell Taylor. Mr. Jack Norman, of Markham, spent the week-end at the home of his mother, Mrs. Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson, Mur- deen and Mary, and Miss Grace Ri­ chardson visited on Sunday with Mrs. Jas. Wilson and her family. Mr. Albert McQuoid, of Lucknow, visited one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patterson. Mrs. David Gillies is under the doc­ tor’s care. Miss Mary St. Marie of Wingham spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. St. Marie. Miss Cecelia St. Marie, who has spent the past two months at Auburn, also spent the week-end at home. Miss Mildred Mason and her unclp, Mr. Shepherd, of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Mason. Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson and. her sister, Miss Dimples Stewart, of Port Burwell, Mr. Calvin and Miss Ruth Robinson, of Tillsonburg, visit­ ed on Sunday with their father, Mr. Thos. Robinson. The young people of the -Presby­ terian church had charge of the ser­ vice‘here on Sunday morning. Mr. Tom Wilson as president, conducted the service. Tke meditation period was taken by Miss Murdeen Simp­ son, and Mr. James Wilson read the Scripture lesson; iMiss Grace Richard­ son gave an interesting talk on the topic, and Miss Annie Laidlaw led in prayer. The meeting was closed by repeating the Lord’s Prayer in uni­ son. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. B. S. Naylor with Mrs. Ezra Scholtz in charge, in the absence of the presi­ dent. The roll call was answered by flints on keeping baby healthy, and Mr. C. R. Wilkinson, of Wingham, gave a very interesting talk on the care of the eyes. Several numbers of community singing were given. Lunch was served and a social half hour was ' much enjoyed by all. ‘ Mr. C. McGill Hamilton of the ■«’ Grain Board Commission of Winni- " peg, who was addressing a meeting ■ at Hamilton, spent a few days visit­ ing last week at the home of Mr. and s Mrs. John Gillespie and other rela- ! tives in this community. Morrison on Friday last and quilted a quilt. Mr. and Mrs Hugh Anderson, Ca­ tharine and Jimmie, who have been visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jas. MacGregor and other rela­ tives, left on Sunday for their home in Kenmore, N.Y. Mr, Albert Goyeau, who spenf the past few weeks at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Aldin Purdon, left on Saturday for his home in Learning­ ton, The Mission Band of the United Church is holding a social evening in the church on Tuesday, August 23rd, for which a good program is being prepared. Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Gillespie, New Sarum, visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Gillespie. Mrs. tJonald Cameron of New York City is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, B, Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. J. ft McLean visited on Sunday at the home of their dau­ ghter, Mrs; Cross, of Walkerton, Doctor: “Have you fold Mr. Bfowtt that he’s the fathet of twins?” Nurse: “Not yet, He’s shaving.” X patient in a lunatic asylum sisted he was Adolph Hitler. * “Who gave! you that name?’ doctor inquired. "God gave it to me,” said the tletit , “No, I didn’t,” answered a voice from a neighboring Bed. in- the pa- A small *boy was asked to write what he had beeti taught about the huffiati body. This was the tesultt THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES SATJHURS SERVICE PAINT > Grey - Cream - Brown - Green White Gallon Cans ......*_... only $2.00 JOHNSTON WAX 57c per Lb, Tin 2 Lb. Tins ........... only $1,00 Stock Up at Low Prices. STOCK-AID Cattle Spray kills flies, does not taint the milk, Gallon Cans 99c SPECIAL PRICES Woven Fence, Barbed Wire, Screen Doors, Wash Boilers, Preserving Kettles, Above Days Only. Second Hand Electric Washing Machine. , Buchanan Hardware I ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I “Our body is divided into three parts, the branium, the borax and the abominable cavity. “The branium contains the brain, if any. “The borax contains the lungs, liv­ er, lights and heart. “The abominable cavity contains the bowels, of which there are five, a, e, i, o and u.” BELGRAVE A very enjoyable evening was spent on Thursday night when the members of the Triple. V Class of the‘United Church entertained the members of the Excelsior Class. The two classes gathered on the beach of Lake Hur­ on at Kintail. After some had enjoy­ ed a dip in the lake, all gathered to­ gether and a number of games were played- The camp fire was lit and song were enjoyed. Marshmallows were toasted and lunch was served af­ ter which a few hymns were sung and a very pleasant evening brought to a close. Miss Irene Walsh, of the Stratford General Hospital spent- a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walsh. “ 1ft, SPENCER Corsets, Girdles, Brassieres, Belts and Surgical Corsets We Create a Design Especially for You. Representative ANNIE W. GIDLEY PHONE 84 BLYTH At home Wednesday, and Satur­ day and by appointment. If It’s a Birthday Gift For HIM Give Him a'Ronson Lighter $4.50 and $5.50. Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe Look for this number on the Wallpaper Insert in your Tele­ phone Directory. FREE PRIZE— l/2 Gallon Floglaze Enamel August Lucky Winner — 1896 ELMER WILKINSON FIRST CLASS Watch Repairing AT REASONABLE PRICES WILLIAMS THE JEWELLER Official C. N» R. Watch Inspector, cThe August meeting of the Wo- m^n’s Association of Knox United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Cyrus Sco|t on the sixth line of East Wawanosli on Wednesday af^jprndpn ■ with a splendid attendance present. 'Mrs. C. Procter, the president, was in charge. The meeting was opened with the singing of a hymn, prayer by Mrs. C. Scott and Scripture reading by Mrs, M, Grasby. The minutes of the previous meeting were adopted and treasurer’s report received, Mrs. A. Vincent displayed the quilt made by1 her group of ladies and it was sold, A piano solo by Chas, Scott and read­ ings by Mrs, W. C. Scott and a solo by Mrs. Clayton Proctor were all much enjoyed. Lunch was served by the ladies and a social time spent. The services in Knox United Church and Brick Church were taken by the Triple V Bible Class, of Bel­ grave Church on Sunday. Several members of the class took part. The class formed the choir and sang an anthem. A quartette with Charlie Higgins, Harold and Leslie Vincent aryl Borden Scott as members sang “The Old Rugged Cross." The ad­ dress was given , by Leslie Vincent,- the president of the class. There will be no, service in either church next Sunday and on Sunday, Aug. 28 the services will be taken by the Excel­ sior Class of the Belgrave Church. Mary VanCamp, of Exeter, spent { •the past week with relatives here. Mrs. John Pearen, Toronto, spent the week with C. R. and Albert Coul- tes, Mrs. Clayton Procter and daughter, Grace, of Fort Frances, are visitors with Mr. and (Mrs. J. C. Procter and other relatives. Mr. Goldie Wheeler had his ton­ sils, removed on Saturday in a Lon­ don Hospital and is recovering as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Yuill- and Mr. John Yuill, of Teeswater, wer,e Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Vanderburg were honeymoon visitors with the bride’s brothers, Charles and Albert Cbultes. They, will make their home at Athens, Ont. Jack Mitchell, of Rothsay, who is visiting with relatives here, had the misfortune to fall off a horse at his uncle, Robert H, Coultes’, and break his right arm. ' iMiss Irene VanCamp, of Exeter, is spending a few days with relatives 1 here. 1 Mrs. Ullyot of Elmira, Mrs. G. Crowe and Mrs. Bleeker of Trentpn were guests with Mrs. J. A. Brandon ; last week. I i TIP TOP TOMATO JUICE .. ...... 2 large tins FRESH SALTED PEANUTS .. ..... .... QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT...lie-pkg. 2 lbs. 19c 25c CARNATION EVAPOR­ ATED MILK 10c large tin LIBBY’S Tomato or Vegetable SOUP...3 Tins 25c SUNLIGHT SOAP....................4 Cakes 25c Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conery 'and three daughters and son of Plymouth, Mich., also Mrs. McKay of Kenton, Manitoba, were calling on old friends You Can’t You acn easily reach a great audience with a message which other- wise could not be sent into the households of this district without! an expenditrue of many dollars. That’s why Classified Advts. fill the need of so many folks who have a short message to deliver to THE BUYING and SELLING PUBLIC. LET THE ADVANCE-TIMES WORK FOR YOU. • • tj in am a Big enough to hold all the people who regularly sit down at home each week and carefully read the current issue of The ADVANCE­ TIMES, from page 1 to page 8. That’s why, & ’ For a Few Cents I Thursday, August 18th, 1938 .............. ..... .......................................................... 5 Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 •I. 71. WITHIN J YOUR ' J BUDGET, A IODIZED OR PLAIN SALT.....6c 2-lb. pkg. MAPLE LEAF NO. 4 PEAS .........__2 Tins 19c GRAPE-NUT FLAKES __________ 10c pkg. x ✓ ■ - NEW SEASON’S WHITE CLOVER HONEY........4 lb. tin 45c 8-lb. tin 85c SWEET MIXED PICKLES .......... 35-oz. Jar 25c MIRACLE WHIP SALAD ^DRESSING___38c 16-oz. Jar THRIFT BULK SOAP FLAKES .......3 lbs. 25c SMITH’S FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA..................................................59c lb. BLENDED OR WHITE VINEGAR _ ___ 39c WHOLE MIXED PICKLING SPICE ...... 29c Lb. RUBBER RINGS...................... 5 Dozen ZINC RINGS ...................25c Dozen We have a complete stock of all Spices and all other Pickling and Preserving Requirements. Fresh Peaches, Tomatoes, Celery, Sweet and Hot Peppers Arriving Daily. See our; stock of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. WANTED A reliable party to represent a well-known and . responsible Toronto firm in this district with a view ‘ to later becoming District or Branch Manager. The person selected must be intelligent, of good character and well connected in.this locality. Experience unnecessary as we will train the right party for the position which carries with it un- - usual earning possibilities. Reply giving age, number of years res­ ident in this territory and all other particulars. Reply .Box No. X, Wingham Advance-Times. in and around Belgrave last week. Miss Maida Elliott of Cache Bay has been a guest of Louise McKenzie, Belgrave.