HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-08-18, Page 7gorrie; Wroxeter News and Gorrie Vidette Mr- Farrish, of Ashfield, spent Sun­ day with his son, Mr. E, J. Farrish, and Mrs. Farrish, Sympathy is extended to the wife and family of the late Robert John Hueston, who passed awa? at his late residence early Sunday morning fol­ lowing an illness of several months, The deceased was in his 68th year and had lived in Howick all his life. The funeral was held from the Gorrie Un­ ited Church on Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. to Gorrie Cemetery. Misses Annie and Helen Anger, JBlythe and Lucelle Underwood, Ken­ neth Underwood and Jack Musgrove are holidaying this week at Amberley Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Stinson, Mar­ ion and Gerald, returned to Detroit on Sunday after spending the past two weeks with the former’s sister, Miss J. Pearl Stinson, Master Johnny Lancaster of Han­ over, is holidaying with his friends, Jasper and Bower Farrish. 9 Mr. J. E. Magrath, of Toronto, is visiting this week with his brother, Mr. Joe Magrath. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hill and fam­ ily, of Moorefield, also Miss Evelyn Schaefer, of Mt. Forest, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. J. T. Shera on Thursday last. Master Cliffqrd Bricker has return­ ed to his home in Toronto after spending the past week with his friend, Bertram Ashton, Johnny Wat­ son, of Blyth, is visiting his cousin, Bertram Ashton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. B. Wylie and son, Donald, of Leaside, also Rev. G. Wylie, of Oakdale, are holidaying with their mother, Mrs. John Wylie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phalr and fam­ ily, of Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Musgrove. Miss Jean King returned to Tor­ onto on Sunday after spending the past two weeks with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farrish and fam­ ily visited on Friday with Hanover friends. , Mrs. Krug, Miss Wenzel and Miss Ruth Heinmiller, all of Chcsley, were guests of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Aaron Heinmiller. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coles are visit­ ing relatives in Wingham. Mr. Holmes, of Durham, spent the week-end with his daughter ai d fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Farr. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade on Saturday were, Mrs. John Pritch­ ard and Mrs. Tom Pritchard, of Har­ riston. Mr. and Mrs. Miles and daughters, Miss Audrey and Miss Margaret, of ’Toronto, were week-end guests with Mrs. Miles’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Wade. Mr. Carl Newtdn, Toronto .spent the week-end. with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Newton. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross and son, Graham, of Kitchener, spent Sunday with the former’s mother, Mrs. Ross, and Miss E.r R'oss. Mr. and Mrs. Fred’C. Taylor were Sunday guests of relatives at Blen­ heim. Ross Oliver, of Toronto, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King, for a month, re­ turned home on Sunday. Mrs. Alex. Forgie and son, Fraser, ■of Turnberry, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foster accomp­ anied Mr, and Mrs. G. Jefferson and family when they visited relatives and friends near Palmerston recently. Guests of Mr. and Mrs, John Hynd­ man on Wednesday last were, Mr, and Mr?. John Hicks and son, Kins­ ley Hicks, and Mr. Humphrey-Hewitt MONUMENTS at first cost Having our factory equipped with the inost modern machinery for the exe­ cution of high-class work, we ask you to see, the largest display 4 of monu­ ments of any retail factory in Qntario. All finished by sand blast machines. We import all our granites from the Old Country quarried direct, in the rough. You can save all local deal­ ers’, agents’ and middleman profits by seeing us. , E. X Skelton & Son •t West End Bridge—WALKERTON YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examin­ ation enables us to give you Clean, Comfortable Vision F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phw» 111* Harriston Thursday, August 18 th, 1938 »n i: r; ‘H, on Friday from a holiday spent Sunday friends. Brussels, call- on Saturday. PREMIER HEPBURN CELEBRATES HIS 42 nd BIRTHDAY of Toronto; Mrs. Hicks remained at the same home until Sunday evening-. Miss Lorenc Lutton, of Toronto, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. and Mr. Tom Earl. Mrs. Arscatt and children, Dorothy and Kenneth, of Toronto, are visit­ ing at the home of the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Miller, and Mrs. Arscott also visited at the same home on Sunday. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ar­ chie Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Thos. MacDonald of Molesworth, Miss Jean Grainger, of Jamestown, and Mr. Fred King, of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and Children of Brussels also spent Thursday at the same home. AUXILIARY OF UNITED CHURCH The Gorrie United Church Evening Auxiliary entertained the ladies of the Women’s Missionary Society at an evening meeting on Monday, Aug. 8, with Miss Evelyn Dane and Mrs. C. Stafford in charge of the programme. The meeting was1 well attended, in spite of the busy holiday season and a very excellent programme was en­ joyed. Miss Bernice Day, guest pian­ ist, opened the worship service with quiet music “Breathe on me breath of God”. Miss Dane gave a reading "The Quest” and Miss Foster offered a solo “Open the Gates of the Tem­ ple.” Evelyn Dane gave a short de­ votional followed by a hymn. , Mrs. Stafford chose as her topic the origin of several favorite hymns i.e. “Rock of Ages”, “Lead Kindly Light”, sung as a solo by Miss Bernice Day, “From Greenland’s Icy Mountains”, “In the Sweet Bye and Bye” which Miss E. Dane and Miss M. Foster sang toge­ ther very sweetly, “Safe in the Arms of Jesus” sung as a solo by Doris Galbraith, “Abide with me” was read by Mrs. Stafford and in closing “Day is dying in the West” was sung by all, followed by the benediction. The president, Mrs. E. Carson, took the chair and in a few well chosen words, welcomed the guest, minutes of the July meeting were read and adopted and the roll call was responded to by 11 menders. Miss Eleanore Car- son favored the audience with an in­ strumental and two very interesting contests were enjoyed. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess soc­ iety and a social time was spent to­ gether. Mrs. R. H-. Carson thanked the Evening Auxiliary on behalf of the W.M.S. and our president made a very fitting reply. The September meeting will be held at the home of Miss Evelyn Stephefts with Miss Margaret Foster and Mrs. Chas. Black in charge of the program. The National Anthem closed a very pleasant evening. Miss Alice Gowdy, of Orangehill, is visiting her cousin, Miss Greta Hyndman, this week. Mrs. J. N. Hyndman and daughter, Greta, attended a picnic in Formosa Park on Thursday last in honor of the former’s father, Mr, John- Gowdy, who celebrated his 75th birthday. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher re­ turned Monday after a week’s vaca­ tion at Oshawa and the Thousand Is­ lands. Gorrie Girl Entertains Ontario’s Pre* mier in ifer North While Premier Hepburn was on his 10,000-mlle airplane trip through > sF ■- U LU-LU Premier Hepburn, his wife and mo-,grounds. The party was complete sleeves and went to work tossing ther and the Hepburn children, Pat- J with a huge birthday cake, the pres- sheaves into a thresher. To help Pre- ricia and Peter, withdrew from his ent of a Toronto hotel. Many guests mier Mitchell F. Hepburn celebrate, birthday party long enough to pose for the ABOVE picture on Aug. 12. : All around the photographer stood ' friends prominent in the political and I business worlds of three countries. ■ Mr. Hepburn entertained his friends > to see the onion fields which provide ■ this when she arrived in her own with a parade of livestock and later , him with a small fortune each year. | plane. conducted them on a tour of the j Later the two premiers rolled up their I came by airplane. Not content to. friends flew to his St. Thomas farm­ make his birthday party purely a soc-; home from Toronto, Detroit and New j ial event. Premier Hepburn took one’ York. Mrs. Bobby Lufton, the pre in- f of his guests, Premier Maurice 'Du-tier’s cousin, a well-known stunt flier plessis, of Quebec (TOP RIGHT) out ’■> in Detroit, gave him a greeting like | I Canada’s Far North, he had lunch in Fort Norman, 1200 miles north of Ed­ monton, with Rev. and Mrs. H. Jenn-. ings, who are missionaries at this “Down North” trading and Mounted Police post. Mrs. Jennings was Ivy- Lawrence of Gorrie. ! Miss Evelyn Stephens, who had I completed a five-weeks’ course in pub­ lic and high school music at London, spent last week at Walpole Island. Her friend, Miss Dorothy Best, of London, was a week-end guest with her at her home here. I Mr. Mervyn Stephens returned from London on Sunday where he has taken a summer course at the Univer­ sity. Miss Evelyn the balance of Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. riston, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stephens. Re-Detiicatory service will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Gorrie Sunday, Aug. 21st commencing at 11 a.m. Mr. the the definitely known who will occupy pulpit in the evening. Mrs. George Wylie celebrated 75th birthday by entertaining Ladies’ Aid of McIntosh Church on Tuesday last, Aug. 9th. Other guests Wfere present from Teeswater, Gorrie and Saskatchewan, totalling 40 pres­ ent The afternoon was spent in quilt­ ing a quilt which the hostess had patched herself. During the program, the president of the society was tn the chair. During lunch, the birthday cake, decorated by Mrs. Thos. Inglis and Mrs. Starry Ferguson, was en­ joyed. Mrs. Wylie was the recipient Stephens is spending August holidaying at D. S. Hicks, of Har- Evening service at 7.30, Rev. Greig, of Bluevale, Moderator of Maitland Presbytery, will supply pulpit in the morning. It is not the het the W. E. VanVelsor were Mr. and Mrs. John Berger, son and daughter, of Woodstock, also Mrs. E. B. Hashal, Vienna, the latter a sister of Mrs. W. - E. VanVelsor. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie VanVelsor re* turned trip. Women’s Institute August meeting of the W. L will be held on Thursday, August 2o, at 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. J. N. Allen. The guest speaker will be Mrs., Carter who will tell of the work of the “Home Makers’ Club” in the- West. Refreshment Com.: Mrs. Ad­ ams and Miss E. P. Hazelwood. W.M.S. United Church The August meeting of the W. M. S. was held on August 11th in the church, with a good attendance. Mrs, D. W. Rae and Miss Margaret Linton; had charge of the devotional period, and opened with hymn “Shine Thou, upon us. Lord.” The president, Mrs- Stocks, conducted the business per­ iod. Mrs, Cook gave a fine reading “The Master is Coming.” "In Christ there is no East or West” was the second hymn. Miss Hazelwood gave a brief talk on a chapter from the study book “A New’ Church in a New World.” The Roll Call was answered, by a verse containing the word Re­ joice. The guest speaker for the lay was Mrs. Carter, who spoke on the subject "Good Neighbours.” Mrs. Carter said that our every thought and action has an influence on some­ one around us. In days past religion . was an individual matter but now the world is linked up by radio, aeroplane etc., it has become a broader question and there is need for our sympathy and help for other races in different parts o’f the world, for this is Christ’s command. Mrs. Carter’s fine address was an inspiration to those present, “Take time to be holy” was the clos­ ing hymn. Mrs. Timm closed the meeting with prayer. of many gifts, and a shower of cards from, members not able to be pres­ ent. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Scott, Mrs. J. N. Scott, of Blyth, visited on Mon­ day with Mrs. A. Hamilton. Mrs. Murray Hamilton and family, of Toronto, are guests of Mrs. Ham­ ilton. Mrs. William and Miss Gerry, of Vancouver, B.C., were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong, on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Woods and family, of Cheslev, spent Sunday with the former’s aunt and uncle, Miss Mary and Mr. B. J. Maguire. Miss Muriel Michael, of Sudbury, is spending a few days with her bro­ ther, Mr, Cloyne Michael and Mrs. Michael. Michael on Sunday. After spending a week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Kitchen, Mrs. R. C. Berkinshaw returned to her home in Toronto on Wednesday. Mrs. Alex. Sanderson and her mo­ ther, Mrs. McDougall, spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs, D. D. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, Guelph, were recent guests of Mrs. Neil White. Mr. and. Mrs. West Palmer and Miss Muriel Henning afternoon with Gorrie Mrs. Dan Denman, ed on friends in town . Mr. Stocks is expected to take charge of the service in the United Church next Sunday morning. Miss Elva Stocks returned home on Friday after an enjoyable holiday in London. 8 Mrs. J. Lovell, Mrs. D. Fraser and Miss Annabel Fraser visited with Stratford and Woodstock friends Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. J. MacNaughton, Londe visiting at the home of Mr. and D. S. MacNaughton, 2nd line. Mr. Mqir McLaughlin spent week-end with his parents, Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin, Wingnam. Miss Gladys Weir spent Sunday j London (Western) „. with her cousin, Mrs. Lloyd Jacques. ' Listowel_________ A large number from this village and community attended “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’Lat Wingham last week. Mr. J. H. Hopper will have charge of the service in United Church on Sunday morning next. Master John MacNaughton was visitor with Master Jack McLaugh tn Wingham for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shearer, Tom and Miss Beatrice Shearer Sunday guests at the home of and Mrs. Arthur Fitch, Salem. Mrs. Muir and Mr. Norman Muir Atwood_____. Arthur______ Brussels -_____ Cheslev_____ Durham_____ Dungannon __ Elmira -______ Exeter______ Fergus____ Fordwich____ Goderich_____ Harriston------ Mr. and ? Hanover_____ = Kincardine „— .he WROXETER Mrs. Sask., Misses Mr. Lloyd McMichael, of Toronto, is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt, McMichael. Mrs. Lawrence Moffatt, of London, spent- a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Martin. Mrs. A. Meahen and children are .visiting with friends at Stratford and London. Mr. Ed. Gibson, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with his sisters, Misses Marion and Elsie Gibson. Mr. and .Mrs. T. G. Hemphill and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen and Jimmie, spent the week-end at Dyer’s Bay. Mrs. Alex. Sanderson and children, of Owen Sound, are visiting with the former’s mother, Mrs. Alex. Me* Dougall. Mr, and Mrs. I^iwrence Hyslop and children, Campbell and Lois, of Lis* Arthur Robinson, Saskatoon, is visiting- with her sisters, Mary and Beatrice Howe. FALL FAIR DATES • ----Sept. 23, 24 -------Oct 4, 5. ----Sept. 29, 30 — Sept 13, 14 -----Sept. 9, 10 ----— Oct. 6, 7 -------Sept. 2 -5 —. Sept 21, 22 ----Sept 9, IQ. Sept. 30, Oct 1 ----Sept. 20, 21 --- Sept 29, 30 —„ Sept 15, 1$ — Sept. 15, 16 Sept 12 _ 17 — Sept. 21, 22 __Sept. 29, 30 — Sept. 15, 16 — Sept. 20, 21 — Sept. 22, 23 — Sept 27, 28 — Sept 23, 24 ___ - Oct. 1 - 4 — Sept. 27, 28 — Sept. 29, 3Q __ Sept 27, 28. __Sept 19, 21 Seaforth ..........__________ Sept. 22, 23 Toronto (C.N.E.) ._Aug. 26, Sept. 10 Tavistock ----------------— Sept 9, 12 Tiverton — __Sept. 22, 23. Teeswater ... —— Oct 4, 5son, Harris, of Morris Twp., were ► j. Lovell. {WINGHAM _ Sept 28, 29 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Me- Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.Zurich------- Sept. 26, 27 S- Lucknow —_— Milverton__ Mildmay____ Mount Forest Mitchell ____ Neustadt___ Owen Sound .. Palmerston_ Port Elgin .— 2 Ripley —__— Mr.; Stratford___ were Mr. a tin towel, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hart. Mrs. Davey and daughter, Margar­ et, their guest, Miss Esther Davev of | Hamilton, and Miss Doreen Lynn, of ? Howick, spent Saturday with friends, at Grand Valley. | Mr. and Mrs. Graham Campbell andivjsjtej on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. STREAM OF SAND MAY TURN TO GOLD 4 British ship which went down in 1799 j news from This $1,000,000 with $10,000,000 worth of gold bound * dredge, built for operation in the; for Hamburg and insured by Lloyd’s ■ Dutch East Indies, has a contrivance of London. One bar was found^a few j days ago and the bell of the Lutine, which was recovered 70 years ago, was rung in the exchange office to Aboard the world’s largest dredg­ er, the Karimata, a stream of sand pours down hour after hour while the crew search for signs of gold bats they hope its scooping apparatus will bring up from the bottom of the North Sea. Below the salvaging ves­ sel lies the wreck of the Lutine, a record it as it does all good or bad which will teach 100 feet into the sea, can smash its way through any ob< I struetion.* *