The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-08-18, Page 2PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES *Thursday, August 18th, 1938 Wingham Advan^Timss Published at WINGHAM . ONTARIO Subscription Rato «— One Year $2,00 * Fix mmtfos, $W$ in advance To U. S. A.e $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.03 per year. Advertising rates cn application. property os U'm, Taman, The animal 1 was found smforing acutely foam a j ■f.'smg ot turpentine, allegedy admin- < Stored by Dell becau>e the dog *va» ■! ynolcsriug his chickens, driereform ■ yas used on the dog as an opiate for • sts suffering, and it is on rhe way to i recovery after 2.2 hours under the xlrug. Bell will face1 the charge in, Magistrate X A. Makins' ecart. The ,i charge was laid by Sergeant Ross,—; Goderich. Star. 4 in- 14.90 30.00 89,00 HOME The A Series ©jf Letters from Distinguished Canadians on Vital Problems Aftecting the Future Welfare of Canada Specially Written for Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association jing. As for guiding that wind, they 'jane in the best position to do it. If j the local editor is not the most influ- MAKING CANADA A Better Place in Which to live and Work MODERNIZE with « DURO Water System and EMCO Plumbing Fixtures Visualize jtour own home with these fixtures and equip­ ment installed. Tty to realize the countless number of steps and tiring tasks that -running water, under pressure, will •save you. A Duro Pumping System will •provide water at the turn of a faucet and make it possible for you to modernize your home. Era co Fixtures are moderately priced. Fixtures •■complete with trim­ mings, as illustrated, ready for stahation, cost: Bath Tub . .» , Toilet . . . , . Bariri, 17"xir , . . Sink, 2&”x42w '-only, with faucet Sink and Cabinet, with faucet No. 30 Range Boiler complete less heater „ Septic Tank . Duro Pump with 50 Gal, Tank (Soil Pipe, Iron, Pipe anfi Pittings extra) Enquiries trill receive prompt atten- rioff and estimates will be furnished without charge. I'-foTnAX enurtng year home can be l spread over a / three seriad. ’I j •! i 1 ■■; 1 Horse Tramples 'Hay Twp, Farmer I Trampled by a horse, Clyde Wein, 126. of Hay Township, was in a '•eri- | ous condition Tuesday night. I\ein, -i I whose home is one-quarter mile north • ■ of Dashwood, was working on the i 314th concession of Hay Township, j and was riding a borrowed horse, that ■jlto intended to return to the owner. When the animal stumbled, Wein was >1 thrown off, and the animal trampled ‘ | hint. A companion, Donald Reste-f i meyer, who witnessed the accident, crushed to his assistance, but ' 1 the injured man ancensrious. : meyer dragged and carried Wein, to \ • the side of the road and then sum- j tnoned assistance at the nearby home . | of Arnold Kuntz.—Seaforth Exposit- j * or. 1'Wolves Again Attack Sheep _____ 5. In Kinloss Twp. S ' For the second lime Kinross Town- iCritically Injured in Fall Down Steps ship's wolf pack swept down on a j Mrs. William Biair was critically? flock of sheep owned by Angus Mo- . injured Thursday night at her home ’ Intosh and destroyed five ewes. By ' on the town line, three miles -east of ooinckkuoe, the second visit of the . Palmerston, when she fell down the ' gray marauders followed the first by : stairs leading from the barn fiocr to ■ exactly six weeks. Discovery of the j the stables below, on to a cement ?* slaughter was not made until the fol- ' fioor. She suffered a fraemred skull j: lowing morning. In the anticipation '■ fo the fall The woman, who was in ‘ ■ night following, hunters armed them- sriousness since the accident occtirr- <. selves and hid in the bush but no ed. Little hope is held for her rec ov- ! ... , . . j wolves appeared. That night they f-cv. The woman was carrying a pail ^ghbor, an.u n was rarmd necessary | had too much hay this were sighted near Ripley. ‘of chop to feed the pigs, when she‘°* orsen33nS'er andHhe capacity of his barn. . severa] tf>T3S £,£ ;n j distance from the barn. ’ lost his barn a few year. During a domestic squabble at the J - - -<\v <i Mi aou.<-o, jue ja:j, as sue aau raaac a» a-ucsupi ., , . * ,, . ........ .......Charles Tanner, of Brant Township,'to walk to the house. She had only °reaktas; tabie on August 1st, with MiMmay Garotte. Strack _Tend ers Not Accepted • ^For Hospital AdBfion J The tenders for the addition to the Listowel Memorial Hospital were op­ ened by the Board on Monday even­ ing. However, it was found that rhe tenders were so high as m make the cost prohibitive with the funds avail- jable. The plans were returned to the j architect for further alterations.--Lis- : towel Standard. i ------— Charge Motorist Over Fatal Highway Crash R. F Stilwell, Columbus, G., mot* 5 ; orist. driver of a car in which nine- ■ ■ year-old Mabel Ritter was fatally in- ' .' jured at Kippen on Tuesday after- : ; noon, was on Friday released on bail ■ j of >1.0(D until September 13th, after ■ he "had been charged with criminal •’ negligence. Stilwell, his wife and ftau- " ■ghten are Still in Stott Memorial Seaforth, has been returned to cus- Hospital as a result of the injuries 'they received in the crash. Mrs. t>til- • w’cll is suffering from a fractured ver­ tebrae and right fractured ribs. Her : husband has a fractured ankle, while ■their nine-year-old daughter has her ■jaw fractured. All are extensively bruised and cut- The Ritter .girl was a niece of Mr. and Mrs. txtilweTk ! Jones: <4‘Whai happy people you mast 'be to have ■■eight nice daughters J Will Face Trial What resources for your old age!” •Committed temporarily to the On- James: 'T'es. Resources enough! ta-rio.'Hospitab London, a •momh ago!But the difficulty nowadays consists for observation, Edward Humbey, of in husbanding ones resources. LETTER NO. 17 j Dear Mr. Editor: ■1 < I was very pleased, indeed, to hear that you are president of so inffoent- ifal a body as the Canadian Weekly i Newspapers Assoriatfow. They are a .fine lot of fellows as I learned per­ sonally a couple of years ago when they met here. But as for giving advice to men who are specialists in their own field, I am afraid that I am not guile sen- ;He enough to try that. There is one j thing, however, that I have always ] thought about weekly newspapers. | They ought to be the safest and most .j lucid guides to public opinion in what I might be called *‘the small town or jcity” areas. We daily chaps get to ■'know our cosmopolitan populations [fairly well by dint of rubbing them ,the wrong way and hearing about it. But I feel at sea as regards, say Bow- manville or Richmond. iential man in his The weeklies could hold a mirror ’ ought to be ashamed up to local opinion in such a fashion 1 as to enlighten their brethren of the association ev dailies, not to mention politicians,' statesmen — if any, — publicists and ’ other parasites who live by guessing : that the wolves might pay a visit the ber 65th year, has not regained con- : which way the public wind is blow- i P or tne q I DISTRICT |i n 11 Farmer Found Dead From Ballet Wound | Bari Magwood, 50-year-old farmer,; was fowl dead with, a .22 •calibre bhb ’ let wormd in Ms head Wednesday omtoing' at his home two and a half tniles south oi Mriibank, in Morning- ton township. He had not enjoyed good health for some time, it is re-: ported. He was a married man with no children. community, he of himself. In any case I’ wish yon and your ■y sort at luck. Sincerely yours, A, R, Carman, Editor, Montreal Daily Star. A R. CARMAN :of chop to teed the pigs, when she: , ' w „ .-» t ' dress another.—Hanover Post.. tell. No one was present at the time _____ Hornets Score in Mass Drive ,5f *he accident, 'but apparently Mrs.t ~On Bruce Men _ ■ Blair was ccr^taK immediately after •ConV1^ of Asaantang Babe Attacked by a swarm, of hornets, foe fall, as she had made an attempt • summer for so he stack- a held some Mr. Croiiin > ago by fire ; which was started by lightning. — ' his newly-married wife* Elmer Park- ■ ■er, a young- Cuirass farmer, i ' ’ her eleiren-months-old daughter, Bet- ! j ty .Marie Freiburger, a blow across ; ' the left cheek That registered quite a : ■ mark below the eye that was still { Gamer-; southeast cf Walkerton, was so ter- . taken a few stops when she collapsed ribly stung that he was rendered un- * near the barn door, where .-she was, ■conscious. Ho was rescued by his found by her daughter, Eva. son, George, who happened to be near ■' -------- by ^anqdragged thc^father ire.rn the ; william C. Hill Dies at Fordwich ' The death occurred at his home in Tonspicuoos when Mr. D. W. ....... < whence ran a ariosi ot ?-c , on Thursday M William C ;On, s^t. OJ* ihe Brace Childrens Aid ; ..... ----- ----- invest!- i j a major operation about a year ago,. ga*e answer to a phone call from ' ‘ and had not enjoyed the best of •' tyse cbild s mother. After hearing the j health 'Store, The stmeral took place, evidence. Magistrate Spereman found ;: ro-m his late residence Saturday at- ■ that there had been a technical assault {ternoon. a private service at the home npon the child in the heat of an ar- ; bring followed by a service ta Trin- gamc-nt with the babe’s mother. The j hy Anglican church rt which detoa-<-: registered a^ conviction and sas- 5 cd was a valued member. Besides his i pended sentence on payment of costs tarife, two sister, Mrs. Cowan of Lis- ‘ of Parker was advised by the | towel and Mrs. Gtonemaa of Mitchell bench to he more careful in the hand- ..x.na, *m s a brother, Albert, z«f Western ;-,f j^is child rn the future. — v t. , . ., . ae 1:aa i Canada, are left to mourn. Interment Walkerton Herald-Times, teen -aten ,.,r a by n; i h> FerfwiA .-ma®,. _____ tmril Sept. 12. Miller told police he t Lad been , stolen frara him. He said he had then I Bern left upstairs in a deserted Ellice i crown witnesses Townshin farmhouse. Pfaff runs a; vicious hordes. Mr. Tanner was plow- ■ tng when he ran into a section of the-, nest. He began fanning at them with ,13.T. . ' ",------Ms tel and instead w warfias Stea; I!' -m •!& He raasRrent feisty, ca.W next day to -off, seemed to have inflamed them to ; turn on him in mass. Medical atten­ tion was required to revive Mr. Ta’ nen Robbery With Violence Charged Gordon Pfaff. Elma Township far­ mer, was arrested Thursday on a charge of robbery with, violence af­ ter McPhail -Miller, a Blenheim school teacher, t.fid police 1........... for a ride"' by two men. i remanded on bai: ot cADilD ■'Married at Belmore «» teaira Md a-wawh a»a ring 'Remanded f« Sentence i The marriage of Mte Edna Mae. | Unusual tales were related by three daughter o: Mr. and Mrs. Utofey witnesses in county police Haskins of Concession IS. Howick, ! court Thursday afternoon They were'to Mr. Ralph Jasper Redden, son of threshing outfit, and foe case was laid j attributed w'■ Professor’" Peter Chris- and Mrs George Redmon, Car- ' - - f tie McKenna. Kitchener, psychologist .^ck, was gmetly solemmred a: Bel- , and psychic reader, who was convict-; raore on Wednesday of last week. led on two charges of securing money,Few^W. J. RaynerJofficiated at the .fov false pretenses and remanded to I'marrsage. Msldmay Gazette, s jail for one week by Magistrate Mak- ; ' i» - ■-• .Lightning Ignited Haystack i A stroke of lightning spent its fury I on a haystack standing in one of Bert <( . re *rf u J Cronin’s fields, near Belmore, lastgood spank- I by Hay ,, — »1 Thursday evening, and in a moment ...... . ' . , f James Hifos. .b-year-oid eppet wa$s Barnes. Mr. Cronin one. His wit? laid a charge ot assault j farmer had a ride he isn't; ever until threshing operations are tte McKenna. Kitchens, completed. Gave Daughter. 17, Good Spanking, Fined Orangeville — Eari McCutcheon. ■ for sentence. Mulraur Township farmer, was fined , $47.^7 in police court for giving what j Keppel Farmer Is Lifted ahis counsel termed a ...1 .....". ~ *“ ■fog” to his 17-year-okl daughter. It-’ * ■* s >V. *S **.*•-Ca • *<*»-*U ’«***- *- •». n.r4 -«*« ,.^v» -f & WiMLCt '*4 - * -*>• — ., occasioning bodily harm which Mag- j Bkely to forget in some rime—a ride '( tsimta W F. Woadliffe reduced to Una hay fork that cost him one fing- ’ ttommox assault. McCutcheon claim-ai3i3 severely damaged another, ed hts daughter bad disobeyed him With Robert McNeill and John Mc- when he asked her to go to a ootabra- i Cortney, Mr. Hillis was loading hay tfon at Hornings Mills. "'She r.npar- £w-m a load to be hoisted into the -fenriy didn't want her rather to go barn. In some manner his fingers be-! along when he boy friend was go-'! tame caught in the pulley of the hay feg,* McCutcheon said. '•‘She was ‘fork, and he was hauled straight into ; friendly with rite hired man. Vi'tor . -he air, and then shot through the Ferguson, Sir hr said. barn and into the mow. His fellow —*----- ; workers Quickly went to bis rescue, ■On Cruelty Charge ■' prootited a ladder, and finally brought Charles Feo o>n Sunday was ofiarg- him down He was taken to Owen ©d with watcilj* irforing a dog, the Sound bv Mr. Michael Sutherland, a Under the Gov’t HoneImprovement 1 * {Ti®i Uoati Act the \ ’W? .cost ex mod- \_ •jBaasssai^Mj Machan Bros., Wingham V EMPIRE BRASS MFG-. CO. LIMITED—London, Hamilton, Toronto, Sudbury, Winnioe^, Vancouver . 338 Fox Sale By : tody of the county jail, Goderich, pro- I nounced sane and fit to stand trial cm 'a serious charge involving a small i girl He was remanded until Tlmrs- ■ day, Aug. IB for his appearance be- f-ore a magistrate. TESTED RECIPES 1 i It is peach time in Canada. Early varieties of peaches grown in the Ni­ agara Peninsula, Ontario, and in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, are now on the market and will soon be followed by later varieties. This year the crop of peaches is a good one, and the quality is excellent. Of all the fruits grown none is more lus­ cious nor more healthful than peach­ es. The following recipes may prove timely: Reach 'Ginger Shortcake cup butter fegg cup sour milk teaspoon ground ginger oops fioitr cup brown sugar cup molasses teaspoon soda teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon "baking powder Cream .butter and sugar, add <gg and beat well. Add molasses, then •sour milk, to which soda, ginger, and cinnamon have been added. Mix well, then add flour and baking powder sifted together. Bake in greased pan 50 minutes in slow oven (325 degrees F.). Split while hot and pile fresh sliced sugared peaches generously be­ tween and on top. Whipped cream may be served if desired. Reach Muffins 2 cups flour t£ teaspoon salt _! I 11 M ' 3 "Is U 1 1 Mix and sift dour, baking powder, sugar and salt Beat egg and milk and add to sifted ingredients. Add peaches. Stir as little as passible to blend well. Bake in moderate oven (350 to 375 degrees F.) 25 minutes, serve hot egg cup butter teaspoons baking powder cup sugar cup sliced peaches cup milk THE TEA THAT IS egg * - ' iiiiiiiiM? .... imiiin'in Change to am*■TwMUftC -Jk TOE UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE 00WFANY, UMtlEB. targe peaches egg tablespoons butter teaspoons baking powder cups fiour cup milk cup granulated sugar Fresh Peach Cobbler > 6 ; i ; 2 ! 2 f J % & Peel andslice fresh peaches. Sprin­ kle each layer with sugar. Make a batter of the ingredients and drop by spoonfuls over the peaches. Bake 14 hour in hot -oven. Fresh Peach. Crumbly Crust 1 cup flour 1 cup sugar 6 peaches % cup butter Peel and slice fresh peaches. Spiin- . sprinkle H -cup sugar over them. Mix: remaining H cup sugar with fioxxr and rub in butter until well Blended and ■of crumb consistency, Spread over peaches and bake in moderate oven H hour. Serve hot ©r cold, | CHARGE WAS DENIED ; ; Four hundred people crowded ar*,, : ©tad the speakers stand at the CCF.: ‘ snetitswg on Aug, 12 in Prince of Wai-; •es park. Xk. Twwfo, »lied to pro* { the Inj I utswr to the stutometrt mawfe by this 1 {sign, Cbonrillffl* J, V. Eiieliey 4erit»-! ]ed he had not hp the 'Sponge/j | It was otto tsewtes of eottnril writo j had <wt» w* he teteed. j ■* 1 ■CoHmfrffor X Shelter, supporter 1 Shelley began to speak in a chorus of New ta®’s new '"padlock tawX ] m mixed cheers and boos. Xearby turned .out-with misers to rise C, C F. !j stood sighs and tenets assailing ike tsaasi twins « *<® » Tte tamrih iy-W {RIGHT). u» fihatean invisea him to the platform ] Munrilfor declared he wanted council -fo explain bis stand. Ciimbiw ®prm ito make the bl-edtton toe. the -stand immadtatoly -(LEFT),, Mr, I k wwtoww