HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-08-11, Page 5Thursday, August 11th, 1938 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES lATV" Jui j June 21st, 1933 JRMjLMCM. UM C4VV MTHHKT MONTKEAf, ♦T. T. DONAI.I) & Co., LIMITED t'tlKMiCAL • oiAuvyrixu cubmuttm ASAtTHTM • AMM.IVUUM s Vice-President. ' 't V ‘'T? •' ‘-’'VW; < ww. ♦ ~~~ __„ ”obOHT°** Sealed draws o receivec oUay(at Sauves m Mont^d ,London. represent t0( Hamilt seals, i9sa- jled upon ' a. Virtu6- ’ rai Manager' Sun Oil Company, Limited, Toronto, Ontario. Gentlemen This will advise you that our representative was present during the -filling of drums of gasoline, in both Montreal and Toronto, used in the tests which you are making’on gasoline named by you "Canada's New Gasoline". These drums were sealed with our marks with tamperproof seals. Samples of this new gasoline were compared in our laboratory with samples bf the New Blue Sunoco taken at random from retail dealers' tanks. -Our analyses show that the gasoline used in these tests was the same in every respect as the New Blue Sunoco now on sale to the public except for the blue coloring which, we understand, was omitted to avoid identifica­ tion by'motorists in the tests. In our opinion the coloring does'not affect*the performance of this gasoline in any way. Yours vory truly, J. T. DONALD AND COMPANY, Limited. JAMESTOWN Mr. Ross Fowler, Chesley, is spend­ ing holidays at the home of his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs;1 B. Payne. Fire broke out Wednesday after­ noon and destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hislop. Mrs. Allan McKercher visited last week in Wroxeter with her father, Mr, Henning. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Granger and Clarence were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger near Fordwich Mon­ day last.. ‘Mr. Allan Ewart and Glenn McKer­ cher were Toronto visitors over the week-end. On their return they were accompanied by Mrs, Frank Sander­ son and Mr. Alex. McKercher, who has spent the past three weeks in the city. 920 OUT OF 1069 MOTORISTS CONVINCED THEMSELVES THAT THE NEW BLUE SUNOCO IMPROVED THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR CARS’ These motorists were people like yourself, came from all walks of life, drove practically all makes of cars. They tested New Blue Sunoco on the highways and byways, under exactly the same conditions you will encounter—tested Blue Sunoco against the gasolines they had been using, 30 of them, 13 of which were premium priced, PROVING THAT BLUE SUNOCO IS A MOTOR FUEL OF ‘SUCH AMAZING SUPERIORITY THAT IT RANKS AS AN OUTSTANDING GASOLINE. LABORATORY ANALYSIS PROVED THE GASOLINE THEY TESTED WAS THE SAME AS THAT SOLD TODAY AT ANY BLUE SUNOCO PUMP AND AT REGULAR GAS PRICE. Test this New, Improved Blue Sunoco today in your own car. Do like these motorists did. Convince yourself that Blue Sunoco is today's outstanding motor fuel at any price! Road Service Station WINGHAM Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hislop and fam­ ily, are making their home with Mr. Frank Galbraith for the present. Quite a few from around James­ town attended the Doig-Mundell wed­ ding at the Molesworth Church Sat­ urday. BELMORE There was no service in either churches Sunday, a joint service be­ ing held in McIntosh Church. The beach is quite an attraction these days. Mr. and Mrs. Shurtef, Orville, Mr. arid Mrs. Shaw and Allan Shaw, of Lions Head, packed their duds in a trailer and left Saturday ev­ ening for the beach. Miss Marjory Herd, of Timmins, called on friends the past week. j Rev. and Mrs. McConnell,.., Grand Rapids, called on Eleanor and Minnie Jef fray the pas’t week; also Rev. Wm. Taylor and family, at the same home. Rev. and Mrs. Raynor and Miss Doris, are holidaying at Kintail. Sunday visitors were Miss Hannah and Miss Mary Stokes, Mrs. Austin, Mrs. Omar Stokes at Cecil McNeil’s, TeCswater; Mrs. Jack Reid, Mr. and Mrs. James McNeil, Mrs', Neil Mc­ Neil and Reggie Reid also spent Sun­ day in Teeswater., Minnie Jeffrey was a Wingham vis­ itor Wednesday with Mrs. Joe Wil- Son, and was present at the inquest into the death of the Magee baby. Mrs. Magee was an old Belmore girl and very highly respected. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Etherington and little daughter visited at William Abram’s Sunday;; Bill and. Bob re­ turned with thkiri, r . i BLYTH Dr. E. E. and Mrs. Toll accompan­ ied by Miss Elizabeth Mills, motored to Montreal during the week. Rev. W. J. Taylor, of Dorchester, had charge of the service in the Unit­ ed Church Sunday morning. ^Ex-MayOr and Mrs. Holmes, Clin­ ton, attended the funeral on Monday of the late Mrs, Hannah Lear. The condition of Mr. James Dodds remains about the same with very lit­ tle improvement shown. Mr. Garth Dobbyn, of London, is spending the holidays at his home here. The work on the agricultural hall is progressing. When completed a grand stand will be erected with a seating capacity for 200. There passed away Saturday morn- ing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Chellew, Mrs. Hannah Ball, widow of the late Mr. Edward Lear, aged 78. Surviving are three daughters, (Min­ nie, Mrs. Lyon, of Brandon, Man.; Gertie, Mrs. Albert Taylor, of town’ and Elsie, Mrs. Chellew, with whom she resided; one son, Nelson, of Hul- let. Service was held at the home Monday in charge of Rev. Arthur Sinclair of the United ChUrch. Pall­ bearers were: Messrs. Nelson Hill, Harry Sturdy, Fred Shobbrook, Nor­ man Sheppard, Glen Raithby, Stanley Lyon. Interment in Union Cemetery. Mpsic Instructor—-I’m surprised to hear you admit you haven’t been prac­ ticing, Nellie. What can you get out of your music if you don’t practice? Nellie-—A dime an evening from dad, FALL FAIR DATES took second year Albert Patterson the home of Mrs. Atwood.... ........... Arthur .................. Brussels ... Chesley................ Durham ............ Dungannon .......... Elmira .............. Exeter.... .............. Fergus .................. Fordwich .... .......... Goderich.............. . Harriston .............. Hanover.................. Kincardine ........... London (Western) Listowel........- Lucknow ,___...... Milverton ............ Mildmay.................. Mount Forest ....... Mitchell ................ Neustadt............... Owen Sound ......... Palmerston .............. Port Elgin........... . Ripley .................... ’ Stratford ............... Seaforth ................ I Toronto (C.N.E.) ... WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kotts, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Tompkins, and Mr. and Mrs. David McCarthy, all of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, F. McK. Paterson. Miss Olive Farrier has finished the short course at Western University last week. She music. Mr. and Mrs. spent Sunday at Helm, of Ashfield. Mr. and Mrs. Will Reid, of Paris, spent last week here with his mother, Mrs. A. Reid. Mr. and Mrs.’ Mervin Templeman, of Wingham, also Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Johnston, of Lucknow, spent Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Ehvnod Barbour and 1 children, of Fordyce, visited on Sun- j day at the home of her parents, Mr. I and Mrs. Herbert Pettapiece. The W.M.S. of the United Church I held a tea at the home of Mrs. J. D. I Beecroft on Wednesday last. I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clarke of Am- I . lierstburg, spent a few days last week; Tavistock.... at the home of her father, Mr. Rob- j Fiverton ...... ert Carrick. ' Mrs. Harold Sparling, of Owen WINGHAM Sound, is visiting ^t the home of her ^wnch ......... parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Moore. Mrs. W, R. Farrier and Miss Wi­ nifred Farrier spent a few days last week at a cottage at Bruce Beach. Miss Jeanette B. Cottle of Dunn- ville Memorial Hospital spent the ( week-end in Wingham with her sis- j a ter, Mfs. Thos. Kew and at Kincar- ’ dine with Mrs. Ed. Browning. Mr. Wallace Conn had the casts re­ moved from his legs and- feet last Fri­ day. Two months ago his heels were injured when he jumped from a fall­ ing ladder. He goes back to Dr. Ram­ sey, of London, for further treatment Mr. and Mrs. John Gille.spie and BLUEVALE 22 80 16 21 23 28 30 28 21 23 Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Jamestown, was the hostess this week for the reg­ ular meeting of the Woman’s Associ- * ation. The President, Mrs. Robert McLennon presided. Following the reading of Scripture passage from Galations by Mrs. Eliza Fell, all re­ peated the Lord's Prayer in unison. The business discussion centred ar­ ound arrangements for a sewing bee to be held in the church for iocal work. Rev. A. V. Robb closed the meeting with prayer. A social hour-Mr. ana Mrs. jonn, uiuespie ana, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie and Miss Agnes j was enjoyed on the lawn when Mrs. visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Hodgins, of Kinlough. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson of Auburn. Mrs. Will Naylor of Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Price Nay-lor of Toronto, and Mr. Harvey Naylor, of London, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn. Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Watt and Bob of Toronto are spending this week with Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Watt, Pert Elgin. Mrs. Thosi Inglis and Pauline and Mr. Alec Inglis were in Hamilton on Sunday visiting with Miss Chrissie Inglis and with Mrs. Alec Inglis, who are in the hospital there. The ladies of the Women’s Insti­ tute are meeting this Tuesday ‘at the home of Mrs. B. S. Naylor. The young people of the Presbyter­ ian Church had charge of the service in the morning on Sunday-. Mr. Tom Wilson, President, conducted the vice, and Mrs. Johnston Conn charge of the meditation period. Dawson Craig read the Scripture son and Miss Velma Scott led in prayer. Mr. Fred Newman had charge of the topic and Mr. Wilson closed with the benediction. The young peo­ ple will take the services for two more Sundays during the holidays of the pastor, Rev. J. Pollock. Mr. Clarence McClenaghan helped with the services at Brick and Bel­ grave United Church on Sunday, speaking on the subject, Building for the King; and he and his parents, k'Er. and Mrs. Robert McClenaghan visit­ ed at the home of Mr. Harry Mc­ Clenaghan, of Belgrave, for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Will Shaw and- Cath­ arine and Shirley, who have been vis­ iting att the home of her mother, Mrs. Jas. MacGregor, returned to their home in Toronto on Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Graydpn Cox and lit­ tle Donna, left last Friday for Tor­ onto and left from there on Monday for their home at Matheson, after spending their holidays with his par­ ents at Palmerston and with her par­ ents here. Mr. Dave Rutledge, of Toronto, and Mr. Reid, of Moncton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius over Sunday. Mrs. Edwin Irwin of Goderich spent the week-end at the home’of Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin. Miss Helen Edgar of Morris spent the week-end with Miss Lavina Mc- Bttrney. A'fiss Xlctry of P'ort Jsrrc vis* ited at the home of her John Mason on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Turnberry and Mr. and Gatint and children of Marnoch visit­ ed on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson. Misses Isabel and May Sandburn of Turnberry, are spending this week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sandburn. Dr. Harold Robinson of Walkerton spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. i ser- had Mr. les- Mitchell of Mrs. Edgar Advance-Times Want Ads. Pay Well Simpson assisted the hostess in serv­ ing refreshments. Rev. J. K. West, of Monkton, oc­ cupied the pulpit in Knox Presbyter­ ian Church on Sunday. Speaking on the subject of Christian Service^ Next Sunday the service will be in charge of Rev. Angus McIver, of Tiverton. Rev. A. V. Robb, pastor of the Un­ ited Church, goes on his vacation this week. Mrs. Peter S. MacEwen, who was a patient in the Wingham General Hospital for three weeks, has return­ ed to her home. She was accompanied by Miss MacKenzie, Reg. N., of Luck­ now, who remained with her for a few days, then returned to her home at Lucknow. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gannett: Dr. C. W. Log­ an, Trout Lake, Mich.; Mrs. Joseph Gaingerick and two sons, Cleve and; Harvey. Badaxe, MichL; Mrs. Samuel Cleve, Bayfiield, and Miss.Fay Logan, Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacEwen, of Molesworth, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott, Cobourg, with their cousin, Peter S. and Mrs. MacEwen. Mr. and Mrs. Scott attended the Scott re-un­ ion at Molesworth. Mrs. Eliza Bravnor, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Airs. Arthur Shaw and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Challicomb and son, Allan, Toronto, are spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eldrid Nichol. Miss Genevieve Smith, of Bruce- field, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Smith. Miss Isabel Fowler, Guelph, spent the week-end with her brother, Geo. Fowler, The five-day short course in Health Education, sponsored by the Wo­ men’s Institute, went off to a good start on Monday afternoon with Miss M. E. Misner, Port Dover, in charge. Eleven non-members and eight mem­ bers of the Women’s Institute payed the registration fee. The total attend­ ance was twenty-six. Dr. Arthur Shaw, Mrs. Shaw and daughter, of Toronto, arc visiting with the doctor’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw. Charley Shaw, Morris, is spending his holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Shaw. Miss Lillian Garniss is with her aunt, Mrs. R. F. Garniss and taking the short course in health. Beggar (to gentleman): "Can’t you give a poor man a penny?” Gentleman: "Haven’t any change now. Will be back this way soon.” Beggar: "Ah, sir, it’s giving credit to men like you that keeps me poor,” Two workmen were engaged upon an intricate machine. "I say, Bill,” said one, "it’s bloomin* wonderful what they can make now­ adays. D’ye know they can make measurements to the thousandth of an inch?” "Slimy,” said the other, awed, "how many thousandths are there in an inch?” "Oh, I dunno,” answered Bill, "but there must bo millions.”