HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-08-04, Page 10PAGE EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, August 4th, 1938
Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shews 7.45 and 9.45 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 4th,‘5th, 6th
“Hawaii Calls”
Come with Bobby Breen to Hawaii and he’ll steal
your heart with a smile and wrap it up
with a glorious song.
“Leon Errol” “Sport Subject” “Mickey Mouse” and
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 8, 9, 10th
“Bluebeard’s Eighth Wife
Thlis modern Bluebeard had eight wives with the
last one leading him a merry chase across Europe.
Also “Andy Clyde Comedy” “Sport Subject”
AUGUST 11, 12, 13
| Mr. Hopper of Wigham occupied
/the pulpit in the United Church, last
Sunday and was guest at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher while
in town.
Recent guests at the home of Mr.
.and Mrs. W. J. Gallaher were: Miss
Emma Roland of Newcastle. Mr. and
Mrs. F. J. Bowley of Toronto. Mrs.
Laura Kirton. Mrs. Margaret Rolph
and Mrs. E. Lennox of Wingham.
Miss Nora Taylor is visisting her
sister, Mrs. Grant in Kitchener.
Mrs. N. Dowdell and daughter Aud
rey,- of Toronto, spent the week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Extra BUS
From wingham
VDuring I'ondon Old Boys’ Re-
U Union
Leave Winjham for London
Sunday and yoliday 7.10 a.m.
and -»30 p.m.
Leave Londonk for Wingham
and Points No.Sji 12.45 noon,
8.00 p.m. ana iF.30 p.m.
12.45 noon,
Week Days:
’ Leave Wingham for London
7.10 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.
Leave London for Wingham
and North 12.45 Noon, 6.00 p.m.
and 10.30 p.m.
Local Agent,
comfortable vision.
■t glasses itt the modern
ly " moderate prices.
R. O.
Eyesight Specialist
Wingham Office in
|L store
EgWednesday Morning
■fljNine to Noon,
week with her sister in Weston.
.Mr, Russel Grainger has had bis
store repainted, making a big im
provement. Mr. Elliott of Chicago
was the painter.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson and
family of Owen Sound, spent
week-end with their parents, Mr.
Mrs. George Foster.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper and
daughter, Miss Annie, left on Mon
day for their home at Tugaskc, Sask-,
after visiting Mrs. Cooper’s sisters,
Misses Murray and other relatives for
the past few weeks.
Mrs. Hamilton has returned home
from her daughters', Mrs, Archie
Scott at Blyth. Mrs. Scott’s many
Gorrie friends will be pleased to lea-
r.n Mr. Scott was able to return
homo from the Clinton Flospital last
week, and is improving nicely.
MrN.and Mrs. Percy Colmer of Tor
onto, sp'ent the week-end with the lat
ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest
King. \
Mr. Walkdr Hastie and Miss Marg
aret Flemming of Toronto were Sun
day and Monday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Ken. Hastie.
Mr. and Mrs. ^William McBride of
Hannon spent Friday night with Mr.
and Mrs. Wilf. K?ng. Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. H. Wodehouse and family of
Hamilton also were'Sunday and Mon
day guests at the same home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Toner and baby
Howard, of Toronto, spent the week
end at the former’s home here.
Miss Maggie Taylor of Kitchener is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Knowlson.
Rev and Mrs. G. W. Butt of Har
row, spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Bradnock.
Little Edith and Bobby Hastie are
visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. McDonald at Molesworth.
Mrs. Pletch and baby daughter
Martha Jean of Chicago, were guests
of Mrs, Pletch’s brother, Mr. Charles
black and Mrs. Black on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Bricker, Jack, Miss
Mildred, Dane and Mrs. Henry Schae
fer all of Fordwich, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sim-
Messrs Jack Greer, Andrew Edgar,
Harold Keil and Carl Johnston, left
Monday for Tilsonburg where they
will spend a few days.
Mrs. R. F. Edgar visited her dau
ghter, Mrs. Wm. Wright and Mr.
Wright at Bayfield on Friday last.
Mrs. John Aidcorn of Swinton
Park, Mrs. Jamison and daughter,
Heather of Salem, were guests of Mr.
James Douglas on Thursday last.
Mrs. Hamilton and Hector visited
on Sunday with the former’s daughter,
Mrs. Archie Scott and Mr. Scott at
Bly th.
Master Jack Farrish of Ashfield has
been the guest of his cousin, Bower
Farrish for the past week.
Mr, and Mrs. Michael spent the
week-end with the former’s oarents,
in Goderich.
Rev. Mr. Powell of Uxbridge has
been the guest of |Mr. and Mrs. F. C.
Taylor and other friends in this com
munity. Rev. Powell was a former
rector in this Parish.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N, King and Miss
Jean of Toronto, spent the week-end
with the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. King.
Friends of Miss Velma Zimmerman
will be pleeased to learn she is im
proving as well as can be expected
following het operation for appendi
citis itt Listowel Hospital last week.
Mrs. Ellis of Guelph is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Victor Shera and Mr.
Sh era.
Mr. and Mrs. David Dane of Tor
onto, spent the week-end with the
latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs, Isaac
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marshall also
Mr, and Mrs. William Marshall spent
Saturday with friends in London.
Master Jasper Farrish motored to
Detroit on Friday with a group of
London Free Press paper boys from
this district, returning on Saturday
Mt and Mrs, Spencer Ashton of
Totonto, spent the week-end with the
former’s mother, Mrs, Ida Ashton.
Quite a number from here attended
the sports In Goderich on both Sat-*
urday and Sunday.
Mrs. Arthur Stephen and children
Bobby and Eleanor, are spending this
John Andrew Earls
There passed away at th ehome of
his nephews, Andrew E. and David
McLennan, 2nd Concession of Grey,
on Wednesday, July 27th, a well
known pioneer of Howick in the per
son of John Andrew Earls, in his 84th
The deceased, who was born at En
niskillen, Ireland, came to this count
ry when a boy with his parents, and
has lived in Howick the greater part
of his life. His wife, Isabelle McNeil,
predeceased him ten yeears ago this
'He was a member of the Loyal
Orange Lodge, Wroxeter, and until
recently never missed a 12th of July
celebration, it being his birthday.
In the absence of his minister, Rev.
A. Leggatt of Molesworth and Rev.
Snell of Ethel conducted the funeral
service, which was held from the
house at 2 o’clock on Friday after
noon, the pall bearers being Messrs.
William, Robert Andrew and David
(McLennan, Frank Earls and William
Interment was made in Molesworth
daysMrs. L. W. Rae spent a few
recently with Lucknow friends.
Mowat and children,Mrs. J. H.
Douglas and Ruby of Orangeville,
spent part of last week with Mr. and
Mrs. D. S. (MacNaughton.
Mr. Wm. Rae and son, Waterloo,
spent a few days last week with the
former’s father, D. W. Rae. The Rae
family have just returned from a holi
day at OlimpKant Bay.
Mrs. Wm. Mundell, Miss Mary
Harris and- Miss Aileen Schaab at-
If It’s a Birthday Gift
Give Him a Ronson
Lighter $4.50 and $5.50.
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe
Look for this number on the
Wallpaper Insert in your Tele
phone Directory,
IN Gallon Floglaze Enamel
August Lucky Winner — 1896
Official C. N. R. Watch
AUGUST 4th to 13th
Special Group of Crepes and Voiles, Regularly
Priced to $6,95.............. . .......................................
GROUP OF DRESSES, INCLUDING SUNTEX, EMPIRE CREPES ..................................................2.49
WASH CREPES AND CREASE RESISTING DRESSES ..........................................................................3.59
CREPES, SHEERS - - - DRESSES AND SUITS ....• »••••■ « • •• •♦•••• • • •« •••**•«•......................4.95
LYSTAV DRESSES.........................................5.95 CLEARING Of All Other Lines .............Less 20%
CLEARING ALL SUMMER HATS ....../... 98c BATHING SUITS.........................
Figured and Plain Rough Crepes........................59c Vest and Bloomer Sets, Celasuede ... ....................89c
Crease Resisting Shantussa, reg. 89....................69c Pure Silk Crepe Slips, Clearing ........................1.39
Sheer Dress Lengths, reg. 4.95..........................3.95 Taffeta Slips, Clearing........................................79c
Spun Slubs, Clearing............................................35c Pajamas, Nightgowns, reg. 1.00 .........................79c
Figured and Plain Piques.....................................33c Satin Panties , Faggot trim .... i........................69c-
\ Taffeta Broadcloth, Special.................................35c Elastic Girdles, Special...................:..................89c
\5 Yard Tub Fast Print.............................
.............75c Bobby Sox ......................................
—\ -
20 i'll. Linen Towelling, 4 yards.........................LOO Men’s Polo Shirts, reg. LOO, 1.25 ..
Guaranteed 4-Year Sheets, 81x99 .......... 1.95 ea.Boys’ Polo Shirts, reg. 75c..................................49c
Twilled Sheeting, 81 in. wide................... 79c yd.Work Pants, pre-shrunk.......................................1.39
Frilled Curtains, reg. 1.00 pr.................... 2 pr. 1.49 Flannel Slacks, reg. 2.69, 4.95 ...........................2.49
Net Curtains, reg. 2.00 pr............................ 1.29 pr.Tropical Worsteds, reg. 4.50.............................2.89
36 in. Fancy Cretons ...............................4 yds. 1.00 Men’s Naincheck Combinations, reg .1.00 ........... 49c
40 in. Unbleached Cotton........................5 yds. LOO Balbriggan Shirts, Drawers - Clearing Line .. 29c ea.
36 in. Unbleached Cotton......................... 7 yds. 1.00 Boys’ Bathing Suits, All Wool, reg.1.19...............59c
Wabasso Broadcloth................................ 2 yds. 35c •Boys’ 'Golf Hose, reg. 35, 25 ..................... 19c
Linoleum and Congoleum Rugs, Odd Sizes Less 20%
Men’s Straw Hats...................................Half-Price
tended a. trosseau tea at the home of
Miss Margaret Doig on Saturday af
Rev. A. M. Armstrong and family
left on Monday for their cottage at
Grand Bend, where they will spend
the month of August.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Campbell of
Morris, were visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Kew MacNaughton one
day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown and daughter
Eleanor of Blyth, were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mundell.
Mr. and Mrs. J. tMcBufney, Mrs.
Sam McBumey and son, Mr. Ed.- Mc-
Burney visited in Detroit and Wind
sor last week.
Mr. Jim McBurney is having the
interior of his barn remodelled. Mr.
L. H. Koenig, Mildmay has the con
Mr. Hopper of Wingham will have
charge of United Church services on
Sunday morning next. The following
Sunday there will be no services.
Guests this week at the 'home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Sharpin are: Mrs.
E. L. Grafton and son George, Misses
Gladys Campbell, Welda and Bcvery
MacDougall of Hamilton. Sunday
guests at the Sharpin home are Mr.
Howard Neoble of Molesworth, Mr.'
and Mrs. Emerson Stafford of St.
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. W. Meilis of
Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. J. Vittie and
daughter, Joan of Gorrie.
At the Baptismal Service on Sun
day morning in the United Church,
two children, Hazel Maxine and Nora
Clara, daughters of Mr, and Mrs,
Jacklin were received into the church.
Women’s Institute Picnic
A lovely summer afternoon, a spac
ious lawn with its fine old trees, at
the home of Miss K. Goodfellow,
made a perfect Setting for the annual
W. I. Picnic, held on Thursday of
last week.
Twenty-four members and visitors
were present.
Mrs. J. Adams and Mrs. J. J. Allen
were in charge of the programe which
proved to be original, amusing and
very enjoyable. Winners of the broad
casting contest were: Mrs. Carter
and Miss Davidson^ Mysterious lady,
Mrs. G. Davidson, Lucky Spot-- Mrs.
J. H. Wylie, Slow race—Mrs. B. Mar
tin, Guessing contest— MfS, J. Mow
at and Mrs. Clarence White, (Lucky
plate— Mrs. J. Mowat,
Following the program tea was
served by the hostess assisted Mrs.
Mrs, Rae and Mrs. Ma^-'i
Messrs, Harry Dane and Harry
Waller have been in Toronto during
the week-ei^d where they attended the
Canadian Co\ps Re-Union.
Mr. Ashton'Morrison, of St. Cath
arines, has been'yisiting with his mo
ther, Mrs. John Morrison.
Mrs. G. A. Gibsoit^ and family are
spending a few days '^.t New Sarum,
near St. Thomas.
Mrs. A. McMichael is ’'visiting with
friends at Wingham. •
Mrs. Bevington and daughter, Mrs.
Schotte, of Cleveland, spent l^ist week
with ‘the former’s sisters, Mrs. A.
Munro, Mrs. J. Stutt, and \ other
friends here.
Mrs. Carter, who has been visiting
friends at Cleveland, has returned and
is again visiting with her sisters, Mrs.
Munro and Mrs. Stutt. .
Messrs. A. Morrison, G. A. Wear\
ring, J. H. Wylie and A. Moffatt, at-’
tended a lacrosse match in Fergus on
Friday evening when Fergus and St.
Catharines played.
Mrs. John Wray has been spending
a few days with friends in Toronto.
Miss Cassie Harris, who has been
in Toronto for the past few weeks,
spent a couple of days last week with
her sister, Miss M. Harris.
Mrs. Philip Durst was visiting last
week with friends in Toronto.
Mr. Alex. Stuart and sister, Miss
Ruth Stuart, of. Toronto, spent a few
days last week with Mr. and Mrs. D.
D. Sanderson and other friends here.
Miss Evelyn Gamble, of Fordwich,
spent the week-end at the home of
Mrs. Jas. Edgar.
Mrs. I. Durst and sons, Philip and
Harold, spent the week-end in Tor
onto. Mr. Durst, who has been a pa
tient in Toronto General Hospital for
a number of weeks, underwent a sec
ond. operation one day last week.
Mr. Charlie Patterson, along with
a group of boys from the surrounding
district? was the guest of the London
Free Press, at the Philadelphia vs.
Detroit ball game held last week in
Detroit. The boys also enjoyed A
sight-seeing tour' through the Free
■ Pfess Building.
1 Mr, Edward Gibson, of Hamilton,
, and Mr, George Gibson, of Northern
Ontario, were holiday visitors at their
. home here. „ ■’
' Mr, Jack Rann, of London, sptent
a few days last week with fiends
here. • ■
' Mi
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.
Greer Wylie.
inAshfield was well represented
Goderich on Sunday.
We had a very severe hail, wind
and rain Storm here on Thursday ev
ening. It lasted a short time but much
damage was done to the oat crops,
or anything that was in the narrow
path of the storm.
Mr: and Mrs. Ernie Harmsworth
and two children, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with her sister, Mrs. R.
Alton and Mrs. George Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. Dynes Campbell and
son, Harold, spent Sunday with her
aunt, at Dublin.
The funeral of Mrs. Robert Drenn
an was held on Saturday afternoon to
Kintail Cemetery. We extend our
sympathy to the bereaved family.
Jones: "You have quite a variety
of plants in your garden, but why are
they all labelled ‘May flower’?”
Brown: "You see, old man, they
may flower, and they may not.”
[hn Moffatt .if London, is
_ Wi
Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161
e’xtra heavy
ZiNC RINGS .........25c Dozen
RINGS .................5c Dozen I For Jams and Jellies
CERTO.....................25c Bettie
10c Pkg.
TIP TOP TOMATO JUICE .. 2 28*/2 oz. Tins 19c
, L, .......
CORN, FLAKES ... 3 Pkgs. 25c
With dlass Pitcher
KELLjOGG’S PEP 2 Pkgs. 25c
White or Blended
VINEGAR —...... 39c Gallon
Whole Mixed
extr'a special
MAPLE LEAF NO. 4 PEAS .... 2 No. 2 Tins 19c
Miracle Whip SALAD *
DRESSING.... 32-Oz. jar 57c
SHRIMRS ........
GRAPE-JUICE 27c Bottle
.. 23 c Tin
FLAKED TUNA 64 oz. tin 15c
CHICKEN i, 29c 7-Oz, Tin
Ideal sweet mixel
PICKLES 25c 35-Oz. Jar
• ..
. Special Prices
35c Lb.
... | NEW MILD17c lb. | CHEESE Lb.
Tomatoes by the Basket. Our Stock is all Nd. 1
and Arriving Every Day. ’