HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-08-04, Page 6f AGE FOUR WANT AD’S 11 cents a word peri insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. [OE3O IOK3OR MR. TOPPING says: “If you want a lasting job — buy B.H. ‘English’ Paint” And he knows what he is talking about, B randram-H enderson has been making good paint in Canada for 64 years and the name Brandram in the Old Country, dates back to 1729/ Their reputation is your protection. Thirty shades to choose from as well* as Outside White, Interior Gloss White, Flat White and Black. Come in and talk it over. Have a look atsome of the lovely color combin­ ations available. Machan Bros., Hardware PHONE 58 WINGHAM BRING RESULTS [OJSWO! AUCTION SALE—Of Goods, Chat-1 tels and Real Estate, at the resi­ dence of the late John Helm, Pat­ rick St., Wingham, at 2 p.m., Sat­ urday, August 6th. Terms — Chat­ tels, Cash; Real Estate, ten per cent, deposit, balance in thirty days. Property subject to reserved bid. Thos. Fells, Auct.; R. S. Hethering­ ton, Solicitor Estate of John Helm. ANNOUNCING — The appointment of a new Rawleigh Dealer for Wingham and District, Eric Cox. All supplies may be secured at his apartment, formerly Spotton Busi­ ness College, or-wait for truck to call. COTTAGE TO RENT—Furnished; August Sth to Sept. 1st. Boating, Bathing,. Fishing. Lovely cedar grove, a real resting .place. Walter Rose, Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE—Baby Carriage, good condition, with runners; also Play Pen, both for $15. Mrs. Garlick, Shuter St. FOR SALE—S-Burner Florence Au­ tomatic Oil Stove. Cheap for quick sale. Apply T. J. McLean. WINGHAM FINALLY BEATS PORT ELGIN 6 FOUND—A Sum of Money. Owner may have same by proving proper­ ty and paying for advertisement. F. J. Mooney. NEW PRICES on Super-Lastic Tires Pay Cash and Buy for Less at Campbell’s' Garage, Wingham.I THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to do first class Painting and Pap­ er Hanging. Terms Reasonable. Chas. Potter, Lower Wingham. MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain mortgage dat­ ed the 7th day of April, A.D. 1932, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at. the. office of R. S. Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on Friday, the 12th day of August, A.D. 193S, at two o’clock in the after­ noon, the following property: ALL and singular that certain par­ cel or tract of land and premises sit­ uate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of a part of Lot number Ten on the North side of Victoria Street. Foley’s Survey, in the said Town of Wingham and being a sub­ division of Park Lot Number One, Government Survey, and which part is described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of Said Lot Number Ten thence southerlv along Edward Street a distance of Forty feet to an angle, thence westerly in a straight line a distance of fifty feet to an angle, thence northerly in a Straight line a distance of forty feet to the North boundary of the said Lot to an angle, thence easterly a distance of fifty feet along tie north bound­ ary of the said lot to the place of be­ ginning containing two thousand square feet of land be the same more or less. Upon the premises there is said to be situate a frame dwelling house suitable for residential purposes. TERMS-—Ten per cent deposit at the rime of purchase and the balance in thirty days. Property offered sub­ ject to reserved bid. THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer. RS. HETHERINGTON, Solicitor for the Mortgagee THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, August 4th, 1938 - 3 Win At Port Helps Sfanding Considerably. McKay, Sb----__ 4 0 0 1 8 2 R.,Paddon, 2b ..... 3 1 2 4 3 0 Kelleher, rf __ 3 0 0 0 0 1 —*—.T— -—mo ^Otcvis «!♦.... 38 3 6 27 15 4 R.H.E. Wingham .....m-000 310 020—6 13 4 Port Elgin 000 111 000—3 6 4 Peterson and Carmichael) Sturg­ eon, Gore and Dentinger. Runs batted in, Lediet, Gray, Car­ michael, Somers, Dentinger, Becker, Kelleher; two-base hits, R. Paddon, Doran; sacrifice hits, Somers, Peter­ son; stolen bases, Gray, Finlayson, •Cottrill, Gore; left on bases, Wing­ ham 11, Port Elgin 8; struck out by Peterson 12, by Sturgeon 2, by Gore 5; bases on balls, off Peterson 2, off Sturgeon 1, off Gore 3; hits and runs, off Sturgeon 7 and 4 in 4’4 innings, off Gore 6 and 2 in 4% innings; los­ ing pitcher, Sturgeon. Umpires, Kel- lyer and Wilson (Owen Sound), STANDING The Standing of the Southern Group of the Bruce League: Won 6 5 6 3 Wingham ... Port Elgin . Teeswater . Kincardine . WHITECHURCH By taking a 6-3 decision over the home club at Port Elgin on Saturday the local ball team drew back into first place on top of the Bruce Lea­ gue Southern Group. The Hurons need but one more win for a play-off berth and have two games to accom­ plish this little task. Manager Peterson wisely nominat­ ed himself to do- the pitching Satur­ day and with Mike Carmichael back of the plate in place of the injured Cummings, little could be desired of the battery end of the club. Pete kept six hits well scattered and struck out twelve at the right time while only walking two, his first free passes in a long time. Mike held his manager up well and sparked the team with his peppy chatter. George Sturgeon be­ gan to do the chores for Port, but along about the fourth inning the lo­ cals started hitting the ball where his fielders weren’t, for a change, and he departed hurriedly in the fifth in fav­ or of Gore, a young left-hander who showed streaks of effective pitching. The Braves got off to a good start with, three runs in the fourth. Doran opened with a double into a grove in left-field and took third while Gray was rolling out. Lediet lined a hit past McKay scoring Doran. Finlay­ son forced Bill at second but scored when the first-baseman let Peterson’s drive go through him and the right­ fielder heaved wildly to third. Peter­ son ended up on third the same play and scored on a powerful single by Carmichael through the box. Tiffin also singled but Mellor rolled out. The Hurons added another in the fifth on singles by Somers and Gray, aided by a passed ball. The Ports scored a run in each of the 4tli, 5th and 6th innings, all they. could muster for the day. A double | by Paddon was the only extra base j knock the homesters could get off Pete. The Hurons scored two in the Sth to sew it up. Finlayson drew a pass and moved up on Peterson’s sac­ rifice and kept right on to third on a I passed ball. Another single by Car-| inichael scored Al. Tiffin forced Mike but singles by Mellor and Som-j ers scored Tuddy. Doran walked to I j fill the bases but Gray left them there I by fanning. | I * * * ! It All Helps I ?! Wingham— Fourteen elderly people of community spent a very pleasant af­ ternoon last Friday when they gath­ ered at the home of Mrs. Robert Mowbray to celebrate the ninety-sec­ ond birthday of her father, Mr. Hec­ tor Mackay. Those who were present were: Mr. and Mrs. Mackay, Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie, Mrs. Gilchrist, Mrs. Alec Reid, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques, Mr. Wm. Barbour, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry, Ross, Mr. Jas. Ross MacGregor. Eleven were eighty or over bined ages totalling 916 years, and all 1 live within a mile and a half of the ' village. Such grand chats as they en­ joyed, several carrying on their con- < versations in Gaelic, and Mrs. Mac- ■ Gregor sang a Gaelic song. All enjoy- ; ed the fine supper served in the pret- < tily decorated dining room with the lovely birthday cake centring the din- . ing table. Mrs. Mowbray had the pic- , ture of the group taken, all of whom ; expressed gratitude for the pleasure they had had in being- together once more. Mr. and (Mrs. Will Redmond, of St. . Augustine, were week-end visitors with their grandmother, Mrs. James , Cornelius. The Y.P.U. had charge of the ser­ vice in the United Church here on Sunday, in the absence of the Pastor. Mrs. Jas. Falconer as President, con­ ducted the service. Misses Agnes Gil­ lespie and Muriel Watt read the Scripture passages, Mr. Clarence Me- . Clenaghan led in prayer, and Mr. Bert . Cullimore sang a solo, The Publican. Mr.. DeWitt Miller of Wingham was present and gave a very interesting account of boys’ work being done in different localities and the encourag­ ing results of the work. Rev. G. O. Cox pronounced the benediction. | Rev. and Mrs. J. Pollock leave this week on their vacation and the young I people of the church will have charge ; of the services during his absence. I Miss Josephine Thompson of Rip­ ley visited last week with Miss June ’ Irwin. I Quite a number from here took in | the sights at Goderich on Saturday and Sunday. Mr, John McGee and | Mr. Chas. Lever had the pleasure of | having a ride in a plane on Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson and children, of Walkerton, and Mrs. Jno. Kilpatrick and children, of Lucknow, visited with their parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Wm. Robinson on Thursday. Miss Catharine and Mrs. James of these folks with their com- ADOPTED DAUGHTER CHARGES CANADIAN OIL MAN POISONER’S VICTIM this We Lost 4 4 5 7 Aldin Purdon. Mrs. Sproule and her children, Stanley and Lillian, who have been visiting for the past week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Amos Cornelius, returned to her home in Goderich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, of Sea­ forth, and Mrs. F. L. Creighton and children, of Detroit, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beeoroft on Saturday. Miss Doris McClenaghan has been helping her aunt, Mrs. Robert Dobie, of Wingham, who is under the doc­ tor’s care. Mrs. Naismith, who for the past few weeks has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert Ross, left on Monday to motor to Flint, Mich., where she will be joined by her daughter-in-law and continue to her home at Sarles, N. Dakota, wish her a safe journey. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson children, of Courtland, spent week-end at the home of her father, Mr. Thos. Robinson and other relativ­ es in this community. V Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King, and Mr., and Mrs. Percy King of Turnberry, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McBurney. Mr. and Mrs. Broomer and Miss Eileen Broomer are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McGee and with other E. Wawanosh friends. The Orange Lodges of Huron held a very successful picnic at the 10th Bridge on Wednesday last. A heavy domvfall of rain at noon discouraged many wlio had intended to go, but a fine crowd gathered. Under the lead­ ership of Mr. Chas. Coultes, of Bel­ grave, a girls’ ball game was played and then a game for the' boys. He also was in charge of the races which were keenly contested. A bountiful lunch was served and then Mr. Alvin Smith of Bluevale called on Mr. Mill­ er of Owen Sound, the Grand Master of the Orange Lodge, who gave a very interesting and instructing ad­ dress to a very attentive audience, dis­ cussing his work and the work of the Lodge in Ontario. In the evening a fine crowd gathered at the dance floor where Bill, Pete and Shorty, of CK- NX fame, supplied the music and Mr. j Herson Irwin and Harry and Fred Deacon looked after the dancers. Al­ together the lodges felt that they had a very successful day. On account of illness Rev. G. O. Cox was unable to leave last week to take charge of the boys’ camp at WaS- casu and he has been under the doc- j tor's care. On account of the heavy rain the united meeting of the young folks of I the Presbyterian and United Church- terson. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Patterson and. children, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylcr. Miss Annie Kennedy and Mr. Pete- Kennedy spent Sunday in Goderich with their sister, Mrs. Harry Tich- bourne. GODERICH AIR PORT OFFICIAL OPENING and the Police of Glendale, Calif., started a. sweeping investigation into the death of Col. Milton B. Green, TOP LEFT, when affidavits were presented which indicated he may have died from pois­ oning. He was long known among oilmen in western Canada although he had been living retired in Califor­ nia some time. Mrs. Majonita C. Mc­ Cord (TOP RIGHT), granddaughter and also the adopted daughter of the late Col. Green, filed the affidavits. With her husband, Ralph McCord (LEFT), she presented them to Cor- | fin when the body was exhumed. whoI oner Frank A. Nance (RIGHT) had the Colonel’s body exhumed. She claimed Green was poisoned to pre­ vent discovery of forgeries and fraud­ ulent transfers of $50,000 worth of'se­ curities. Among pictures which came into the hands of police was that of Mrs. Fanny C.„ Green (LOWER LEFT), his first wife, and mother of Mrs. Ruby Green (LOWER RIGHT) his second wife and widow. The lat­ ter photograph was found in the cof- the community are cordially invited to attend this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Shurey, of Brussels, and Mr. and Mrs. John Caslick and Isabel, of Culross, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Harkness. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hutchison and little Dorothy Templeman, oi Wing- rs. Win. Robinson on Thursday. | es was not held Thursday evening at i Mr. Rupert Wehvood and his httle Robt McC]enaghan’s, but at the Unit-1 mghter, Jean, of Straton, Penn., vis- Ld Church. After a short devotional sd on Thursday at the home of hisl __________ _ /-«_____ ir_ Goderich and all Huron County went air-minded over the week-end. Saturday and Sunday were days of achievement. They were history-mak­ ing days for Goderich, because Sky- Harbor Airport is no longer a dream. It is a reality—a reality which won the praise and admiration of dozens of noted airmen who came from var­ ious points in Canada and the United States to spend the week-end. Nearly forty air-craft,‘ represent- , ing the latest in development of flying: •machines, painted just about every color of the rainbow, landed there on Saturday and one by one the great . birds soared into the air Sunday af­ ternoon. To estimate the crowd that attend­ ed the air pageant would be rather dangerous but it can safely be said that there would at least be 1-5,000 people there. Probably just as many spectators sat on the bank south of the Maitland River to watch the per­ formance as those who were at airport itself. To Wilmot Haacke, warden Huron County, fell the honor of daring the new air port officially open. He welcomed visitors, spoke in glowing terms of the fine feeling which existed between American and the of de-ham, Mr. and Mrs. Hardie Simpson and children, of Culross, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, of Lucknow, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn. Miss Catharine Patterson, R.N., of 1 Canadian peoples and urged the youth Stratford, spent the week-end at the of the land to keep in step with the home of her mother, Mrs. Henry Pat- ’ advance of civilization. FORD HOTELS A.B.R.H.Po A. .? Tiffin, 2b ——4 1 1 0 3 ’Mellor, ss —5 0 3 1 3 | Somers, cf 4 1 2 2 0 ji Doran, lb 4 1 1 8 2 ’ Gray, rf 5 0 1 1 0 i| Lediet, Sb s..—»5 0 P■**1 3 i Finlayson, If ».3 2 1 0 0 8 Peterson, p —4 1 0 1 5 Carmichael, c 5 0 2 13 1 | Totals 39 6 IS 27 17 Fort Elgin— A,B.K H.Po A. |H« F&ddon, cf 5 1 1 1 0 G. Strugcon, p 1 9 0 0 4 . Gore, p 3 0 0 0 3 j Becker, if g 9 I 0 0 j Cottrill, lb mm.5 0 I 13 0 Kugler, ss 4 1 0 1 2 Dentinger, c 4 0 1 7 0 E. 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 daughter, Jean, of Straton, Penn., vis. ited on Thursday at the home of his ’ jug^ng in charge of Clarence Mc- uhcle, Mr. Ezra Wehvood. | Clenaghan, Mr. Garnet 'Farrier sang Mrs. Clarence Cox was called to «The Stranger of Galilee" and then Auburn last Thursday on account °f|an repaired to the basement where the illness of her mother, Mrs. Wm. | games an(j contests were keenly con- Patterson. | testej. Lunch with ice cream was ser- Miss Lorna McCleanghan left oft |vej an(j ay enjoyed the social time. Monday to help Mrs. Jas. Craig, of j Mrs. Meade and her children, of Donnybrook, who is suffering from.Toronto, are visiting with her sister, an attack of blood-poisoning. j ^jrS Stapleton, of Culross. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mackay, Brus- anj Malcolm Green, of seis, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Mackay and | j^Rchener, spent the week-end at the daughter, Shirley, of Toronto, were hotne of their parentSf Mr. and Mrs. visitors on Friday at the home of the 1 Henry, former’s datighter, Mrs. Walter Lott, j Mr. Jas. Falconer had a cow killed in the electrical storm on Thursday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Henry McGee and Gordon visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Roy McGee of Wingham. Miss Celia Ryan and Mr. Arthur Goyeau of Detroit spent the week-end at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs, I ’^.25 2 lbs. THESE VALUES EFFECTIVE AVGUST 1st TO Sth 1-lb. Pk«s. ORCHARD GARDEN Grapefruit ^WEL^ • SUMMER PRIDE Choice Peas - CASH AND CARRY Gillett’s Lye - ROSE Summer Drinks ju,ct 2'^».23 2 | PASTRY 19 ■ FLOUR ’ B 7-lb. paper bag whf M***8 > PICORACp(pE —, TOBACCO FOR A MILD, COOL SMOKE Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Anderson and Catharine and Jimmie, of Kenmore, I New York, also Mr. and Mrs. Will j Shaw and Catharine and Shirley, of | Toronto, are visiting with their mo- j ther, Mrs. MacGregor and with other j relatives in this community. ' The regular monthly meeting of j the Women’s Institute will be held.' a next Tuesday at the home of Mrs. B. | | S. Naylor, when Mr. C. R. Wilkinson, | li of Wingham, will be present and give * la talk on the care of the eyes. Missj | Merle Wilson will have a talk on the<j | motto, Health should be prized above: everything else, because it is the es-| sence of happiness; and the roll call | is to be answered by hints on keep­ ing the baby healthy. The ladies of ii OR. BALLARD'S FOOD StS 2® .29 MAGIC BAKING OO POWDER T-^«* Cash and Carry ..... .... ......fl........ QUAKER PUFFED RICE -2^.25 PUFFED WHEAT - ^.10 25 ”^■.10 "• .11 CHRISTIE'S FIG ROLLS CHRISTIES CHEESE RITZ CHRISTIES RITZ BISCUITS KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 2 Pkgs. 2 ;-= .27 E'^oi-,2X PALMOLIVE SOAP Cike.OG —SELECTED FRUIT AND VEGETipr,FS i Juicy Oranges ................2 doz, 45c Choice Lemons 25c doz. Peaches, Plums, Tomatoes, Ties Fresh PHONE 170v » Cnsp Celery Hearts 15c each Firm Cabbage 2 lg, heads 15c Blueberries, ThimbTeber- Daily Wingham , * DOMINION STORES *