HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-08-04, Page 5Thursday, August 4th, 1938 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
and Mrs. Wright and
Stuart, of Toronto, is
vacation at her home
Mary McAuley, of Ripley, and
Ruth McKenzie, of Stratford,
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Swan. Miss McKenzie remain-
Lloyd Weir of Newmarket,
the holiday with his parents,
. Fof All
Auto Supplies
Take advantage of this Govern*
meat Plan to modernize your
home with Emco equipment.
Write for free booklet or see—
Teacher: “Now, can any of you
girls tell me what a mandate is?’
Bright Young Thing: ‘Yes, miss;
I an appointment with a boy friend?’
Machan Bros.
B A wonderful bed/ « clean,
quiet room; pleaiant, efficient seh
vice;and* friendly atmospherc-
theae arc what you get, and all
you pay for, at the Madiion-Lenox.
No frills—Just genuine comfort and
consequently, genuine economy.
An excellent location,
with garage nearby. '
9 UVf • 1
lllra UMgfeEK ilf 1
Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd, Jacques of
Lakelet, spent Sunday with friends
Congratulations to Mr. and. Mrs,
Leslie Bolt, a daughter arrived
their home,
(Intended for Last Week)
Mr, and Mrs, R, M. McCallum
Mount Forest and Mr, and (Mrs, Ernie
Harris spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, John Gowdy, Mrs. Mary Brooks
and Mrs, Falconer of Culross, spent
Monday at the same home.
Mrs, Curran of Owen Sound spent
a day with Mrs, Wm. Weir,
ST. HELENS of the service in' the United Church
on Sunday morning when Mr. Clar-
Miss Laurine Miller, student nurse ‘ ence McClenaghan, of Whitechurch,
at the. Stratford General Hospital,
was a week-end visitor at her home
Mr. Alex. Murdie, of Toronto, was
a week-end visitor with Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson Woods. On his return on
Monday he was accompanied by Mrs.
Murdie who has been a visitor here
for several weeks.
Mr. R. C. McGowan and Mrs. Geo.
Charter and family, of Blyth, 'were
recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Miss Florence McQuillin has re
turned to the Stratford Hospital after
spending a two weeks’ vacation at her
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fulton^ Kenneth
and Margaret, of Toronto, were re
cent guests of their uncle, Mr. D. B.
Murray. Mr. Ross Murray returned to
Toronto with them to attend the Vet
erans’ Re-Union there.
Miss Anna
spending her
Rev. H. M.
family have returned from a vacation
spent at Leamington and Charing
Members of the1 Y.P.U. had charge
was the special, speaker,
Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge Swan Sr. and
Mrs. ’ ' " “ ' “ ' '
ed for a few days.
Mrs. Hilda Miller, of Windsor, her
sister, Mrs. N. A. Olds and son, Geo.,
of Detroit, are visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Thom and Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. W.’ E. Weir.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Schreiver, Mr.
Clarke Schreiver and Miss Johnston,
spent the holiday with Mrs. Wm.
Weir and other friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy spent a
day recently) with friends at iMildmay.
The' Sunday School picnic which
was held on Wednesday was a decid
ed success.
Mrs. Wm. Dane is at present with
her sister, Mrs. Edwin Palmer, who
is under the doctor’s care. We hope
for a speedy recovery.
A large number of our citizens,
spent Civic Holiday at Goderich.
■ The regular meeting of the Wom
en’s Institute will be held on Thurs
day, August 4th at the home of Mrs.
R-ussel Richmond, vyith the Grand
mothers’ in charge of the meeting.
Rev. A.. W. Sinclair will give the ad
Dr. Clarence Wright of Toronto,
and the Misses Wright of London,
were visiting friejids in this vicinity
during the week.
Blyth Fair will be held on Friday
and Saturday, September 16th and
Messrs Frank and Gordon Elliott,
Miss Gertrude Elliott of town, and
the Misses Cluites of London, re
turned home Sunday from a two week
motor trip to Beardmore. They went
by way of Chicago and returned by
Sault Ste. Marie, making a stop at
Callendar to see the quintuplets. The
trip embraced almost three thousand
miles and was ehjoyable throughout.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Rae and son,
Kenneth, who were guests of the
former’s cousin, Mrs. J. H. R. Elliott,
have returned to their home in Tor
Mrs. Harold Phillips, who has been
confined to her home through illness,
is much improved.
No matter if it’s
raining, snowing;
blazing hot or be
low zero . .. water
is absolutely neces
sary to one’s exist
ence. But it is no
longer necessary to
.carry it from the old
fashioned pump.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stokes and Jean
ette spent Monday with Kitchener
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton and
family were Kitchener visitors over
the holiday.
A number of families attended the
Air Pageant at Goderich over tlie
week-end, some of which were the
Wilson, Bradshaws, Graingers, Mc-
Kerchers, Mr. Henning, Miss Savage,
Miss Sangster, Mrs. Wade.
Mr. Wallace Beckett, Toronto, was
a guest at the home of Mrs. Fleming
Grainger. '
Mrs. Ernest Karges and children
are holidaying at the home of,. Mrs.
Miss Ruth McKercher is holidaying
with her cousin, Mildred Henning, at
We are glad to report Mrs. Annie
Forrest is feeling much improved.
jwill supply all the water
your home needs, at the
tiirn of a faucet.
In addition, it will
. make it possible for you
to modernize your home
with Emco Fixtures, so
necessary these days to
health and comfort.
Em co Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are modern to
the minute, mechanically perfect and finely finished. They
will give years of satisfactory service and greatly im
prove the appearance'and comfort of your home.
The four pieces illustrated — Built-in Bath, Shower,
( Toilet and Lavatory — with all Trimmings, ready for
installation, cost only......................................”$142.50
(Soil Pipe, Iron Pipe and Fittings extra)
Other complete Bathroom-equipment as low as $83.85 z
The Duro-Special Pumping System, complete with .
30-gal. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle Motor, has_aw
capacity of 250 gals, per hour and costs only....$89.00
Also iupplied for Gasoline
Engine operation
empire brass mfg. c<x tta
London Hamilton Toronto Sudbwy
a Winnipeg Vanectw
A very enjoyable time was
at the 10th line bridge when the Or
angemen of North Huron and their
families gathered together for a pic
nic. The girls played a game of soft-
ball and another was played by the
men. Both games were enjoyed by
the spectators. Following these gam
es races were held for all. A picnic
supper was enjoyed. Following sup
per County Master Smith of Blue
vale introduced W. J. Millar, Grand
Master of Ontario West, who gave a
splendid addfess on the work of the
A large number of friends gathered
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Walsh on Friday night in honor of
their son, Cameron and his bride, for
merly Miss Isobel Mustard. The ev
ening was spent in social chat and
dancing. A shower of many beautiful
and useful gifts Was presented to the
youngcouple. The Chivari group
presented them with a beautiful
bridge lamp in memory of a former
visit. Lunch was served by the ladies,
Miss Mary Coultes, of Toronto, is
visiting with Her brothers, Charles
and Albert Coultes.
Miss Dorothy Anderson of Weston
is visiting with relatives here,
Mrs, Belle Powers, of Rockwood,
Was a visitor with her sister, Mrs. 0.
E. Taylor.
Mr. Sam Young, of Lambeth, vis
ited with his brother, Jas. Yottng, in
Mr. and Mrs. George Pocock and
children, of Lambeth, were week-end
visitors with relatives here.
Miss Jennie Townend, R.N., who
has been on the staff of University
Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich., for some
time, has been appoihted Night Sup
ervisor in the General Hospital, Corn
wall, Ont. She left last week’for het
new position.
Rev, and Mrs. J. B. Townend and
Kay lfift on Monday for a holiday at
their cottage at Foint ’Clarke.
The five-day short course in Health
Education sponsored by the local
branch of the Women’s Institute, will
be held in the school room of the
Presbyterian Church commencing on
Monday, Aug, 8th, at 2 p.m. Miss M,
E, Misner, Reg. N., Port Dover, will
be- in charge, The course will deal
v?ith “How to Care for Common Em
ergencies.” The course is open to
women of the community. The reg
ular August meeting will be cancelled.
A very pleasant outing was enjoy
ed recently at the home of Mr. Har
vey Johnston, Walton, when members
of th& Johnstop Clan met for their
annual picni'c, Bountiful lunches were
provided, and the day was spent in
races, ball games and other sports.
Officers elected for the coming year
were as follows: President, Charles
Johnston; Secretary, Jim Johnston;
Lunch Com.: Mrs. John Wickstead,
Mrs. Bert Johnston, Mrs, Cooper Ne-
thery; Sports Com.: Bill eacock, Em
ma Johnston, Silas Johnston,
J. C. Higgins took quite ill on Fri
day while gathering cream for the
Thompson Creamery. Donald Rob
ertson is handling his work. Friends
hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr. J. W. Wettlaufer has purchas
ed the stock of dry goods and groc
eries from D. B, Lowry and will move
his stock to Mr. Lowry’s store in the
course of a few weeks,
Rev. J, R. Greig and Mrs. Greig ac
companied by Mrs. E, J, Sutton are
spending the month of August at Pt.
Next Sunday the pulpit .of Knox
Presbyterian Church will be occupied
by Rev. J. K. West, of Monkton.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rolph’, of Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. Alridge, Lois and Dav
id, of Fordwich, are visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. W. Mann.
‘Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson,
George and Helen, and Mrs. Thomp
son’s Brother, Mr. Brock, of Guelph,
enjoyed a motor trip this past week,
through Northern Ontario, visiting at
Sudbury, Sundridge, North Bay and
Callendar and paid a visit to see the
Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Davidson, of
Oshawa, and Miss Mae Davidson, of
Wroxeter, visited at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Walter S. Davidson.
Miss Florence Fowler visited with
Mr, and Mrs. McGuire at Beach O’
J. H. F. Timmins, Toronto, and
Mayor Thos. E. Henry and Mrs. Hen
ry, of Stratford, spent Sunday with
Mrs. Mary Sanderson and family.
Mr. Thomas Mathers, his son Bert
and the Misses Viola and Pearl are
on a motor trip to Green Bay, Wis
consin, U.S. At the Straits of Mack
inack they will meet the oldest dau
ghter, Mrs. James Moses of Brus
sels, who will accompany them on
their trip. It is twenty years since
Mr. Mathers and his family left Wis
consin to make their home in Canada
following the death of Mrs. Mathers.
Mr. and (Mrs. John Geddes, Bel-
gave, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fischer and
Mrs. John Mustard and son Camer
on, spent Sunday with Mrs. Robert
son and Miss Martha Fraser.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fraser, Bob
and Dorothy of Morris, with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Shaw.
family attended the Scott re-union on
Monday. *
Mr. and Mrs, Art Fields and child
ren of Wingham, visited on Sunday
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jos.
Mr. Robt Turnbull spent the week
end with his friend, Mis? Ethel John
ston, 1st Line.
Minutes of Council meeting held in
the Township Hall on Monday, July
18th, 1938. Members all present. The
minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved. A request for permis
sion to operate a pool table in Wal
ton was refused and a charge of Ten
dollars per annum was fixed for the
pool table at Mr. Fred Miller,
Accounts: Howard Smith, making
21 tile $1'0.59; Six bags cement $3.90;
F. M. Samis, fencing $7.90; Carl Oak
ley, relief $10.00; George Edgar,
sheep killed $2.00; Walter Jeffreys,
sheep killed $11.00; Eli Casemore,
sheep killed $9.00; Stewart Proctor,
Inspector $4.50.
Council will meet at the Township
Hall on Monday, August 14th, 1938.
A. MacEwen, Clerk.
--------------- • 1
vacation at her home in Leeburn, Al
Mrs. Stafford Churcher and daugh>
ter Ruth, also Miss Lovisa Moyer
have returned to London after spend
ing a week at the home of Mr. James
M. Wild.
Guests at the home of Mrs. J. W<
Dodd over the week-end were: Mrs.
John Bowden (Nee Margaret Mc-
Donogh) and her daughter Miss Irene
Bowden, Brantford, and Mr, Bruce
Vogan of Arnprior,
Visitors at the home of Mrs. Geo.
Lott over -the week-end were: Mr.
and Mrs, Albert Lott of Toronto, Mr.
Kenneth Lott and Miss Jean Wilk
inson of Stratford and Mr. Arthur
Bielby of Huntsville.
Mr. and Mrs, G, T. Gregory and
son Jack, have returned to their home
in Cookstown, after spending two
weeks of their vacation with Mrs.
Geo, Mason. Mr, and Mrs. Gregory,
spent twelve days motoring through
Southern States on first part of their
Mrs. Henry Allen is visiting friends
in St. Marys.
Mr. Herb. Fuller spent the holiday
week-end in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Gord Currie spent
the week-end in Toronto.
Mr. J. H. Mitchell and Ruth were
week-end visitors in Toronto.
Dr. and Mrs, A. W. Irwin spent- the
holiday week-end in Cleveland.
Mr. Jack Ross of Detroit is visiting
with' his friend, Bill Burgman.
Mr. Sam Young of Lambeth is re
newing acquaintances in town.
Mr. James M. Wild and Miss Leila
Wild are spending a week in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Forgie of Tor
onto, are visiting at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills of Ot
tawa were visitors in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Haselgrove
spent the holiday week-end in Lon
Miss Verna E. Thompson is spend
ing her holidays with friends in Tees-
Miss Lina Barber visited over the
week-end with her mother, Mrs. Chas.
Mrs. G. I. Campbell of Ottawa is
visiting with her mother, Mrs. Chas.
Misses Inez and Alta Finlay visited |
oyer the week-end at their home in
You owe your feet a pair of sum
mer shoes—Buy now and save money
at Greer’s Shoe Sale.
Mr. and Mrs. D. G. McLean of
Wakaw, Sask:, are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Henderson.
Miss Margaret Davidson of Hamil
ton, is spending a few weeks with her
cousin, Mrs. W. J. Henderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Richmond McCly-
mont of Norwich, Conn., are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. Robt D. Golley.
Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Rahlves of Tor
onto arc guests with the latter’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith.
Mr. and Mrs. Wright and daught
er of Hamilton, spent the week-end
with his sister, Mrs. C. N. Mcrkley.
Miss Helen Kerr and Mr. Donald
McLaughlin of Toronto are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Davidson.
Mrs. McRoberts and Mrs. H. J.
Thompson are leaving this week for
a two weeks visit with friends in Mil
Mrs. T. A. Elliott and sons of Ed-
Do You Know A Freckle Faced Kid?
If so, suggest to him that he enter
the Canadian National Exhibition
“Freckled Kids” competition to be
held on Children’s Day, Monday, Au- j
gust 29. Of the tens of thousands of
young Canadians that attend the be
loved “Ex” on “Kids’ Day” there are
bound to be a large percentage who
are freckled and this innovation pro
mises to be of keen interest.
Eight European Powers Take
Space at C.N.E.
No less than eight European pow
ers have taken space up to date, at
the Canadian National Exhibition,
several of them for the first time.
Czechoslovakia and Finland are back
again and the new exhibitors include
Germany, The Netherlands and Po
land. Italy is also present after sev
eral seasons of being without repre
The minister’s wife, whi^e calling
on a member of the congregation,
mentioned, with excusable pride, that
her daughter had won the prize in a
music recital.
Her listener at once showed her
fellow feeling.
“I can understand your pride,” she
said. “I well remember how pleased
I was when our pig took the first
prize at the agricultural show.”
“Man, oh man, is that boy a tight
wad! Fie thinks more of a nickel than
he does of his reputation.”
“Tight, nothing! That proves he’s
smart. He knows his values.
as first mart*
gages on owners*
homes, and on
good collateral
Enquiries invited
The Grey & Bruce Trust
and Savings Co.
Corsets, Girdles, Brassieres,
Belts and Surgical ..Corsets
We Create a Design Especially
for You.
At home Wednesday and Satur
day and by appointment.
For weeks Egbert had practiced his.
one line in the school show and now
he appeared on the stage to deliver it.
“Oh, sire,” he cried to the cruel:
King. “Oh, sire—I have beheaded the
Queen!” • !
The King grew very excited. “Yotr
dope,” he exclaimed. “You’ve done it
two acts too soon. You’ve ruined the
whole dern show!”
Joan, aged five, was speaking to her
father on the telephone for the first
time. At is was a little above her
reach, her mother tipped the mouth
piece down toward her.
“Oh, don’t do that, mummy,” she
exclaimed. “Daddy might fall >ut.”
The Irishman was relating his ad
ventures in the jungle. “Ammunition,
food and whisky had run out,” he said
"and we were parched with thirst.”
“But wasn’t there any water?”
“Sure, but it was no time to be
thinking of cleanliness,”
Mr. and Mrs. Alex McEwen are
visiting in Windsor and Detroit and
attended the wedding of his grand
daughter on Saturday.
Mr. John Kerr spent a few days
in London and Toronto.
Mr. Cliff Gorley of Toronto is monton, are visiting with Mrs.. J^W.
spending a few! weeks with Mr. and
Mrs. McEwen, 1st Line.
Mr. and (Mrs. Robt McClennan at
tended the funeral of his uncle in
Gray on Friday.
We are sorry to hear ,Mrs. Alex
Forest is sick and under the Doctor’s
Mrs. Robt McKinnon spent a few
day with her cousins in Detroit and
attended the wedding of a cousin on
Mr. and Mrs. Robt McClennan and
McKibbon at their cottage at Kin
Mr. Frank E. Madill and sister,
Miss Irene Madill and Miss Mullin,
of Peterboro were visitors in town
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell and
daughter, Kathrine, and Miss Irene
Davis, of Toronto, are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Buchanan.
Miss Ruby Newman has returned
to her position on the local ell Tele- i been making house-to-house calls, in-
Hackney, London, Eng., is air-raid-
precautions-conscious now as it has
never .been before. All day local vol
untary air-raid wardens, organized in
to a body by the local council, have
phone staff, after enjoying two week’s i strutting householders and their re-
■latives and children in the art of self
protection during air-raids and also
demonstrating gas masks and other
apparatus. These two Hackney child
ren found their gas masks a novel
sensation and discovered they do not
hamper the movement of their legs.
High quality, na
tionally known. .
American made /t «
bulbs at
Barg a in
Frieds that
aro hard to
A s s e m ■
bly with ex
haust and
tail p ip e .
D U p I i -
catos orig-j
Merkley’s Garage
Phone 84, Wingham
W6 Ate
Always At
Your Service