HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-07-28, Page 7|nillMMiniii.mrnlly.lm|||,,...u-..y.,T||[^-------- iWWl'wI li Hl i Fwwwwwwwm w > wwjwjjw j»w nmmwifo* I McClemmet, of Moles- the week-end at the sister-in-law, Mrs. Jas. over a period of years, to rebuild the physical fitness of Englishmen. An athlete himself, he advocates stretch* ing rather than physical jerks. 4 spent in quilting and at the close. Clarence Napier Bruce, Baron Ab- erdarc of Duffryti, is chairman of Britain's National Fitness council. With $10,000,000 to spend on promo­ tion of sport, Lord Aberdare hopes, Thursday, July 28tn, 1938 GORRIE Miss Alice Ritchie, Toronto, spent last week with her mother, Mrs, Rit­ chie, Ross Oliver, of Toronto, is spend­ ing two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King. (Master Ed­ ward King, of Detroit, who has spent •the past three weeks at the same home, went to Grand Valley on Fri- -day for a week’s visit with relatives. Mr. Ernest King, of Detroit, spent ■the week-end with his parents, Mr. ■and Mrs. E. King. Mr. and Mrs, James Shera, daugh­ ter, Shirley, and Mr. and Mrs. Har­ vey McDermitt, spent Sunday at Rruce Beach. Mrs. Muir Anderson, of Guelph, spent last week with iMrs. R. F. Ed­ gar and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. August Keil and Mr. Harry Lohr were week-end guests of Triends at St. Thomas. Mr. and -Mrs. Douglas Edgar, of .New Zealand, and Misses Mary and Katherine Edgar, of Ayr, were guests -of Mrs. R. F. Edgar and other rela- 'tives Wednesday and Thursday last, Master Jimmy Allen and little Miss , . . . . P- • , -Pauline White, of Wroxeter, spcnl; SP^I m.n.ster for the occasion will most of last week with Mrs. and Miss e ,ev' , f' Jeisl 0 ueva e’ -ross i erator of the Presbytery. Mr. and Mrs. Hemingway and chil­ dren, Walter and Phyllis, left on fWednesday of last week for two reeks’ vacation which they will spend t North Bay and Kirkland Lake. Miss Arlene Galbraith spent last week with relatives in Toronto. Master Jackie Reidt, of Monkton,: is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Jack Reidt. Rev. G. W. and Mrs. Butt, Harrow’, who are holidaying at Bruce Beach, •spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. "Foster were Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Young, of New Orleans, and Mr. Herbert Williams, of Detroit. Miss Margaret Erscott of Toronto is visiting at the home of her grand- rparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Miller. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Mill- -er on Sunday were: iMiss Florence Edwards, of Sarnia, Mr. Johnny Har- •ris of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. -. .MacDonald, of Molesworth. Master Tommy MacDonald, of Cal­ edonia,’visited with Earle King a few’ >days last week. Friday visitors with Mrs. W. C. King were Mrs. Thos. MacDonald of Molesworth and Miss Florence Ed-* wards, of Sarnia. Mrs, Earls and son, Mr. Frank Earls, of near Wroxeter, were Sunday guests at the same home. Guests of Dr. and Mrs. James .Armstrong on Sunday were Mrs. -(Dr.) Armstrong, of Mitchell, and Mrs. Tom Earl and son, Mr. Stanley Earl, of Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. Alex1. Edgar Sr., ac- , companied Mr. and Mrs. Watson Brown and family, of near Moles- j worth, to Kitchener on Sunday where they visited with friends. j Mrs. Norman Klemp and son, ;Stanley, of Harriston, spent a this week at the home of Mrs. James Edwards. Simson on Saturday were: Mr. and Mrs. John Vincent and Mr. Charles Haugh, of Brownsville, The re-opening and dedicatory’ser­ vice of the Presbyterian Church will be held on Sunday, August 21st. The „ • 1 ? .1 . - ■ ... Mr- and Mrs. Arthur Stephens Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock spent a few days last week at Bruce Beach; Rev. and Mrs. Watt spent a couple of days at the parsonage this week. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cook Sun­ day were: Mr. Hugh Burnett, Moons­ tone, and Miss Selena St. Marie, of Clifford. j j Mr. and Mrs. H. Avery spent a couple of days this week in London. Mr. Keith Watson, of Fergus, is spending a few days this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Watson. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hynd­ man different days during the past week were: Miss Blanche Irwin, Tor­ onto; M,iss Redmond, Toronto; Miss Katherine Warrell, Orangehill; Mr. 'and Mrs. George Johnson, Fordwich, and (Mr. and Mrs. West, Stratford. Mr. Harold Hyndman of Toronto is home at present. Mr. and Mrs. John Hyndman spent a day last week in Kitchener. Mrs. Gordon Underwood, also Mrs. ‘ - Earl Underwood spent Tuesday last with friends in St. Marys. Miss Arlene Galbraith has returned ( from Toronto where she has been vis- ' iting friends for the past couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright, of Bay- field,"spent the week-end with Mr. and ? Mrs. C. Black. I |Mr. E. Sherriff, of London, and Mr. Chas. Williams, of Stratford, were re­ cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradnock. Many friends were pleased to have a visit from Mr, Fred Rush who is visiting here, after an absence of 37 years in the Canadian West. I Mr. and Mrs. G. Musselman and 1 sons, of Kitchener, also Mr. and Mrs. ] Zimmerman, Milverton, were guests I of the latter’s daughter, Mrs. Cloyne Michael and Mr. Michael on Tuesday last. Miss Muriel Michael, of Sudbury, spent a couple of days with her bro­ ther, Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael. • , I Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gregg spent i few Mr. and children, Bobby and Eleanor, spent - a C0Upje of jays last week with Mr. Sunday with’ relatives in Toronto, Miss Evelyn Stephens and Mr. Mervyn Stephens who are attending summer school in London were home for the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stephens. Miss Dorothy Best, of London, also spent the week-end at the same home, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simson spent /Sunday at Fordwich. • Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter MONUMENTS at first cost Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe­ cution of high-cIasS work, we ask you to see the largest display, of monu­ ments of any retail factory in Qntario. All finished by sand blast machines. We import all our granite^ from the Old Country quarries direct, irt the rough. You can Save all local deal­ ers’, agents’ and middleman profits by seeing us. E. J. Skelton & Son -at West End Bridge—WALKERTON and Mrs. Alex. ‘ Butchardj who are holidaying at Amberley Beach. Miss Agnes Darling, of Belmore, was the guest of her friend, Miss Bet­ ty Edwards last Mr, and Mrs. Eleanore, Dick Wednesday last Mr. and Mrs. ’Ewart Whitfield, Mrs. Robt. Graham and Mr. James Doug­ las returned home on Friday evening after a motor trip to the Pacific coast. Leaving early in June, they called at points along the way and report an excellent trip with ideal weather con­ ditions. week. E. W. Carson, Miss and Norman, spent in Toronto. INSTITUTE ENTERTAIN YOUNG LADIES MIDST BOMBS, CATASTROPHES AND CHOLERA, CHINA FIGHTS ON t 1 111 5* ’’23 oL'W; obi a - w method of washing the stocking. After a sing-song, the guest speak­ er, Miss Lily Waller, of Wroxeter, gave a very interesting report of the Girls’ Conference which she attended in Guelph last May as a delegate from the Wroxeter Institute. Miss Waller took each day and each lecture she attended, telling helpful hints receiv­ ed at each, which interesting. Following the guests were asked contest, the results were: first prize, Miss Margaret Dane, 2nd, Mrs. Chas. Lawrence, and 3rd, Mrs. Norman Wade. The meeting closed with the National Anthem, and during a social time, sandwiches and tarts were serv­ ed. made her talk so addresses, three to judge the tart MONTHLY MEETING OF WOMAN’S ASSOC. The Woman’s Association of Gor­ rie United Church met at the home of Mrs. Anson Galbraith for their monthly meeting. Mrs. Toner, the president, was in charge. The meet­ ing opened with a hymn “Sweet hour of prayer.” Mrs. Strong led in pray­ er. Scripttire lesson 1st Psalm, was read responsively. Minutes were ap­ proved as read, business was then transacted. Reading by Mrs. R. Ash­ ton “Which Type Are You?" Solo by Mrs. Sparling “The Lights Along the Shore” was much appreciated. Read-, ing by Mrs. Kaine. Mrs. Toner invit­ ed the ladies to her home for Sep­ tember meeting. There will be no meeting in August. The meeting closed with a hymn “God’s Hand may be seen in the dew­ drop”, Lord’s Prayer and Mizpah benediction. Refreshments were, ser­ ved by the hostess, Mrs. Nash and ,Mrs. Geo. Dane. WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Smyth and fam­ ily, of Burlington, spent a few days recently with tMr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill. Mr., and Mrs. Gavin Davidson, of Oshawa, visited during the week-end with friends here. Mrs. H. Hutchison and sons, James YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examin­ ation enables us to give you Clear-, Comfortable Vision F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phornl 111 Harriston The Gorrie Women’s Institute en­ tertained the Young Ladies of the community at their regular meeting held on Wednesday last at the home of Mrs. C. E. Gregg, when nearly 60 persons were present. The president occupied the ehair, and after the op­ ening exercises, words of welcome and business, the hostess gave a very interesting address on Silk Stockings in which she told many items of in­ terest relating to her subject, point­ ing out what to look for in buying them, regarding the length, the advis­ ability of buying more than one shade, the size and many other things as well as the three reason why silk Stockings should be laundered before wearing. She then called her young nine-year-old daughter, Erland who gave a demonstration on the correct Preparing to retreat from his pro­ visional capital at Hankow, General Chiang Kai-Shek is still hopeful of de­ feating Japan. The new capital will be Yunnan, about 300 miles from Tib­ et. The general (TOP LEFT) is shown here as his wife interprets his message to an International student delegation. Japanese bombers have yet to break Chinese morale. 'Daily bombing of Canton and-.Wuhan cit- and Tom, of Howick, visited on Fri­ day with the former’s sister, Mrs. Jas. Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sanderson and family, of T5etroit, spent the week­ end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. D. Sanderson. Miss Doris McAllister, of Grey, is visiting at the'home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sangster. Mrs. Thos. worth, spent home of her Edgar. Miss Margaret Davey is visiting with friends at Hamilton. PITCAIRNERS WON’T STARVE tlescendants of the mutineers from the Bounty living on Pitcairn Island have been cut off from the world since May 23. From her home in New York, Mrs, Dorothy Hall, amateur radio operator, learned ships were avoiding the island because of false rumors of epidemics. She informed the British admiralty. Provisions and medical supplies are being rushed to the islanders. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hooper and dau­ ghter, Mrs. Ethel Mee, Fordwich, at­ tended the funeral in Guelph last week of the late Mrs. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shearer, of Sault Ste. Marie, are guests of Miss Beatrice and Mr, Thomas Shearer. Mrs. Mary McKennett, of Toronto, is also a guest at the Shearer home. Mr. -and 'Mrs. J. H. Wylie and children, spent last week with Tor­ onto friends, Mr. Wylie attending the A.F. & A.M. convention. Messrs. Cloyne Higgins, Allan Munroe, Thomas Brown and J. J. Al­ len attended Masonic Convention in Toronto last week’. Mr. and Mrs. Gav. Davidson, Osh­ awa, are guests of Mrs. Robert Mc­ Laughlin and Miss Mae Davidson this week. Mrs. Robert Stocks returned from an enjoyable two weeks vacation with her daughters in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Aikenhead and Mrs. J. McNaughton all of London, were Friday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sanderson and sons, Detroit, spent the week-end with' Mr, and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson. Mr. W. A. Sawtell has returned from his vacation at the beach, Mrs. Sawtell and Helen are remaining for Several weeks. Jack MacLean accompanied by Tom Ritchie, spent the week-end at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs, Boss and daughter, Eileen, of Chicago, arc guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rann. Jack Rann, of London, is also visiting at the home of his grandparents. An engagement announcement of interest is that of Miss Margaret Rae Dotg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doig, to Mr. J. Gordon Mundell, son of Mr. J. Mundell and the late Mrs. Mundell, Bluevale. Miss Doig has ies have failed their purpose. These homeless refugees’ (TOP RIGHT) arc in flight before bombs and floods. A new army has been mustered in China —one to fight cholera (BOTTOM). Although disappointed in their failure to secure a $100,000,000 Ioan from Britain, the Chinese leaders are not eager to fall in line with niediation proposals sponsored by Britain, Ger­ many, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland, been on the Toronto teaching staff, but formerly taught at Lane’s school and Wroxeter. Mr. Mundell is prin­ cipal of Gorrie Public School. The marriage will take place August 6th. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bernath, Har­ riston, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Harriet Mildred, to Frederick A. Hucks, Picton, son of Mrs. W. H. Shaw, Toronto, and the late Harry J.' Hucks. The marriage will take place in Harriston on A-ug- ■ ust 25th. Mr. Hucks was formerly a popular member of the Bank of Com­ merce staff in ''Wroxeter. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Hague, of Woodstock, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton. Miss Mae Davidson returned home Friday after an enjoyable holiday at Thornhill and Oshawa. Mr. Everard Robinson, of Minne­ apolis, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Nichol. ed to Lot 4, Centre Street and has signed a new contract on said Lot 4, W. E. VanVelsor being the owner of both lots. Carried, Moved by Winter and Baker that By-law No. 11 for the year 1938, as read the third time, be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Toner and Baker that By-law No. 10 for the year 19’38, as read the third time be finally passed. Carried. Moved by.Strong and Toner that the Clerk be hereby authorized to ad­ vertise for tenders’ for repairing and painting the roof of the Township Hall, Gorrie. Carried. Moved by Toner and Baker that this Council purchase, from the Ped­ lar People Ltd., a steel Arch Abut­ ment Culvert, 24 feet long and 5 feet wide, also a steel culvert pipe, 22 feet long and 24 inches in diameter. Car­ ried. Moved by Strong and Toner that’ the following bills be paid. Carried. Norman Wade, Insurance on Road Grader, in Lloyds, $36.43; R. B. Wat­ ters, sheep killed or injured by dogs, $15.00; Milton Leonard, equalizing U. S. S. 12 and U. S.- S. 15, $8.00; Isaac Gamble, part salary as Clerk, $35.00; C. White, repairing sidewalk in Wro­ xeter, $1.00; R. H. Stephens & Son, Wood for Twp. Hall, Gorrie, $17.25; John Hyndman, Taking Harper girl to London, $5.00; W. C. King, to er­ ror in tax collections $108.41; Isaac Gamble, assisting Road Auditor $5.00; Mrs. B. Adams, Care of Jean Gra­ ham, $7.00; Relief for month of June $43.35. Road Expenditures J. W. Kreller, wire fence $8.00; W. Wilson, ditching and weeds $5.00; Weeds, Earl Corbett $2.00, Bertram Ashton $2.00, Jack Wilson $1.00, Frank Wright $2.60, Ed. Horton $3.- 40, Wm. Klaholtz $2.80; Ken. Wright $5.60, George Hubbard $2.00; H. Foerter, cutting weeds and taking out stone $13.00; Weeds: Fred Locking $7.20, E. Franklin $5.00, John Giles .-50, Mrs. S. Angst .70, Emerson Dick- ert $1.00, Walter Reddon $3.80, Nor­ man Koehler $5.20, H. Sparling $5.80, Wm. Edgar $2.00, George Kick$2.00, Manfred Irwin $16.00, Ted Malone $8.00, Archie Irwin $4-00, Lindsay Galbraith $3.60, R„ B. Watters $18.90; George Baker $1.40; Earl Baker $4.- 80; Wm. McElwain $1,00; Frank Gra­ ham $1.50; Herman Litt $1.00; Leslie McLeod $6.60; Thos. Padfield $1.20; Howard Cowan $1.20; Wm. Wilson, hauling sods, $2.30; Richard Griffith, Weeds and repairing mower knife, $3.70; Weeds: Allan Griffith $6.00,' Thos. Jacklin, $1.00, Wm. Stewart $9.- 40, FL Eastman $4,70, H. Bast $6.40, Jas. Walkom $7.40, Cleve Stafford; $4.40, Archie Steurnol $3.00, Waldo Weir $1.00, Robert Brown $2.00, Jas; Warrell $1.00; W. Underwood, drag- gmg and wefcds $7.50; John Montgom­ ery, Road Supt., $84.00; John Hynd­ man, Culvert Tile $47.73; E. G. Den­ ney, Wire fence $16.00; Pedlar Peo­ ple Ltd., Steel Culvert and School Signs,' $107.78; Weeds: Gordon Wright $6.80, Garnet Wright $1.00, Thos. Inglis $3.40, Wm. Caudle $2.20, Thos. Sangster $1.00; A. H. Dietz1, grading and weeds, $12.25; Weeds: A. Brown $6.60, Wm. Reis $1.20, Paul Zimmerman $1.20, E, Brautigan .70, J. W. Kreller $2.60, Robert Hubbard .40, George Hubbard $1.20, John Fin­ lay $1.40, Sterling Finlay $6.80, Thos,. Strong $18.00; R. J. Hueston & Son, plank for bridge $49.70. Moved by Baker and Winter that Council do now adjourn to meet in. the United Church Hall, Fordwich, on the third Wednesday in August, or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. Isaac Gamble, Clerk. have every county in a T,B. restricted area, proven sound in view action taken by the Department of Agri-*' Must Be T.B. TESTED The judgement of the majority of county' councils in Ontario in sup­ porting the Live Stock Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture in. its efforts to Ontario made for cattle has of the recent United States culture governing cattle being shipped to that country. These regulations in substance state all Canadian cattle being ex­ ported to the U.S.A, other than those for immediate slaughter, must have a qualified veterinarian’s certificate showing they have been tested with­ in 30 days of date of shipment and found free of bovine tuberculosis. This, however, does not apply to cat­ tle exported directly from an accred­ ited area. It means that a veterinar­ ian’s certificate is not required far cattle in the Ontario counties already tested and the owners will be able to export freely. ■ ■ The reason given by American of­ ficials for their new law is that prac­ tically all United States cattle are tested and they wish to status; and keep T.B. herds. This new ruling will quire the testing of at Canadian cattle annually sent to the U.S. for feeding purposes. maintain this out of their probably re* least 100,000 Joke Editor: Gimme a sentence us­ ing the word “eclipse.” Office Boy: Every time the joke editor sees a joke “eclipse” it for his column. BELIEVES IN STRETCHING Women’s Institute Miss K. Goodfellow will open her home for the annual Picnic to be held on Thursday afternoon, July 28th. Members are asked to bring a friend and also refreshments. Woman’s Association The Woman's Association of the United Church held their July meet­ ing on Wednesday of last week. The afternoon was tea was served Sunday School Picnic The United Church Sunday School will hold their annual picnic on Wed­ nesday afternoon at the park. HOWICKJCOUNCIL Gorrie, July 20th, 1038 The Council met in the Township Hall, according to adjournment, mem­ bers were all present, the Reeve, J. A. Bryans presiding. Minutes of last regular, also spec­ ial meeting, were read and on motion of Toner and Baker were adopted. Moved by Winter and Strong that the School Attendance Officer’s Re­ port, as read, be adopted. Carried. Moved by Winter and Strong that By-law No. 9 of the Township of Howick for the year 1938, as read the third time, be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Strong and Toner that this Council hereby request the Hy­ dro Electric Power Commission to cancel the contract on Lof 8, Centre Street, Wroxeter, as the premises is now vacant and the wncr has mov-