HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-07-28, Page 4rtjr MR* TOPPING says: “If you want a lasting job buy B.H. ‘English’ Paint” And he knows what he is talking about. Rrandram-Henderson has been making good paint in Canada for 64 years and the name Brandram in the Old Country, dates back to 1729. Their reputation is your protection. Thirty shades to choose from as well as Outside White, Interior Gloss White, Flat White and -Black. Come in and talk it over. Have a look at some of the lovely color combin­ ations available. Machan Bros., Hardware PHONE 58 WINGHAM COTTAGE TO RENT—Furnished; August Sth to Sept. 1st Boating, Bathing, Fishing. Lovely cedar grove, a real resting place, Walter Rose, Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE—Baby Pram, in excel- , lent 'condition. Apply to Grant Mc- Lean. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 28th, FOR SALE—100-acre Farm in East Wawanosh, 95 acres under cultiva­ tion. Bargain, for quick sale. Pos- • session March 1st, 1939. Apply to J .H. Crawford. LOST—Rod and Reel, near Wing­ ham. Reward, Finder communicate /Kzrwftft Albert Nutter, Waterloo Post Office, MiRk FOR SALE-tdark, haTSypr?- lifie Straidk Full, mtofffiitioft On re­ quest, inspection welcomed, Elmer Trick, 3% miles* west Of Clinton, > Ont., R. R. 3, experienced breeder. OLDHORSES WANTED — Phone R. E. Laidlaw, 366-J, Wingham. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared i to do first class Painting and Pap- "f er Hanging. Terms - Reasonable. .Chas. Potter, Lower Wingham. WANTED—Man with car to sell five gallon sealed cans Tractor and Motor Oil direct to Farmers, Threshers and Truckers. Excellent proposition. British Lubol Com­ pany, 25 Atlantic Avenue, Toronto. WANTED—Girl for general house­ work. Apply to Box 77, Wroxeter. IN MEMORIAM The Municipal Council of the Township of Morris are asking for tenders for painting the Cruikshank Bridge. I The bridge is to be brushed and painted. Tender in two ways: supplying the paint or having the Council supply the paint. Tenders will be considered at the Township Hall on Monday, August 15th, at 2 o’clock. J A. MacEWEN, Clerk. MORTGAGE SALE 'NAYLOR-—In loving memory of George B. Naylor, who died July 28th, 1937. —Sadly missed by Wife and Gordon, Brothers and Sisters. CARD OF THANKS “ The family of the late Mrs. Rab- 5due desire to express their apprecia­ tion to their neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy, espec­ ially do they thank Rev, Kenneth MacLean and those who sent floral tributes. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Aitchison late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased, who died on or about the fourth day of July, A. D. 1938, are notified to send to the Executor, William John Aitchison, at 140 N. Euphemia Street, Sarnia, Ontario, on or before the 30th day of July, A. D. 1938, full particu­ lars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 30th day of July, 1938, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re­ gard only to claims of which the ex­ ecutor shall then have notice. Dated at Wingham, this 7th day of July, A. D. 1938. J. H. Crawford, Wingham,, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. "township" EAST WAWANOSH Voters* List 1938, Municipality of East Wawanosh, County of Huron Under and by; vl'rfue of the power contained 5ft a certain mortgage dat­ ed the 7th day of April, A.D. 1932, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will b^ offered for sale by public auction at the office of R. S. Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, on Friday, the 12th day of August, A.D, 1938, at two o’clock in the after­ noon, the following property: ALL aftd singular that certain par­ cel or tract of land and premises sit­ uate, lying and being in the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of a part of Lot number Ten on the North side oi Victoria Street, Foley’s Survey, in the said Town of Wingham and being a sub­ division of Park Lot Number One, Government Survey, and which part is described as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of said Lot Number Ten thence southerly along Edward Street a distance of Forty feet(to an angle, thence westerly in a straight line a distance of fifty feet to an angle, thence northerly in a straight line a distance of forty feet to the North boundary of the said Lot to an angle, thence easterly a distance of fifty feet along the north bound­ ary of the said lot to the place of be­ ginning containing two thousand square feet of land be the same more or less. Upon the premises there is said to be. situate a frame dwelling house suitable for residential purposes. TERMS—Ten per cent deposit at the time of purchase and the balance in thirty days. Property offered sub­ ject to reserved bid. THOMAS FELLS, Auctioneer. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Solicitor for the Mortgagee. PORTS WALLOP HURON 7 - 3 Tribe Unable to Overcome 5-Run* Lead. Notice is hereby given that I have Complied with Section 8 of the Vot­ ers* List A/t, and that I have posted up at my office, Lot 34, Con, 9, East wawanosh, on the 22nd day of July, 1938, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections and that s-uch list remains there for Inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac­ cording to law, tl.te last day for ap­ peal being the 13th day of August, 1938. DATED this 23rd Day of July, A. D. 1933. A. PORTERFIELD, Twp. Clerk. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS The Municipal Council of the Township^ of Mortis will let a con­ tract for cleaning parts of the Mc­ Arthur, the Blyth Creek’, and the Doc­ ket! Drains by auction. The McArthur Drain on Tuesday, August 2nd, at 2 o'clock. The Dockett Drain on Wednesday, August 3rd at 2 o’clock and the Blyth Creek Drain on Thursday, August 4, at 2 o’clock, The McArthur contract will be let at the Drain at George McArthur’s; the Duckett Drain will be let on the 2nd Line at the Drain, in Charles For* rest’s; The Blyth Creek Drain will be let at Simpson McCall’s, at the Drain, .A, MacEWEM, Clerk, After numerous postponements due to rain, Port Elgin and Wingham were finally able to play a ball game at the local park Saturday and while some ram fell again it wasn’t enough to save the Hurons from a 7 - 3 scalp­ ing at the hands of their pale-faced brethren. Another good crowd was on hand and saw a not too bad game in which George Sturgeon, while hit often and at times hard, kept the In­ dians away from the plate in any great numbers. In fact, single runs in the 1st, 3rd and 5th were all the Brav­ es could muster while the Lakesiders notched three in both the 1st and 3rd and one in the 9th. Besides losing the game the In­ dians lost their catcher for some time, Cummings suffering a broken thumb due to stopping a foul-tip with the big digit. Al. Finlayson made his first appearance of the season for the lo­ cals, batting for Somers in the ninth. Al, as is the fate of many pinch-hit­ ters, struck out. Joe Tiffin also made his first ap­ pearance for the Braves, after having been to summer school. Whatever else may have been oft the curriculum, apparently little time was devoted to the noble study of how to Control a baseball, as Joe proceeded to walk the first two men to face him. Becker then lined a double down the left­ field foul line to score both pass-re* ciprents. Cottrill’s single to right­ centre scored Becker and brought Chalmers on the scene as relief pitch­ er for the red-head. Cottrill having gone to second on the throw to the plate on Becker, moved to third as Kugler was being put out by ’Doran, Deiitfoger Mt to the right of the box and Chalmers made a nice play to get Cottrill at the plate, Rae then taking I^addoh's fly to end the inning. The Indians scored one of their singles in the first, After Rae had lined hard right into Smith’s hands in left, Mellor got a life on Kugler's error and went to second on a passed ball, scoring On a double by Doran. The latter remained on second as Gray struck out and Lediet fouled high to the catcher. The Ports sewed the game up in the third with three big runs, Beck­ er singled to centre and moved up when Rae dropped Cottrill’s drive to left. Kugler singled to right to fill the bases. Dentinger forced Becker, Doran to Cummings for one away but R, Paddon’s hard single scored two and put Dentinger on third. Kelleher walked to again load the sacks, Den­ tinger scored on Smith’s fly to left but Paddon was put out trying to advance on the same play. Chalmers’ double and Rae’s single produced a run in the third, but with none out Mellor forced Rae and Dor­ an hit into a doublt-play. Chalmers also started the fifth inning but struck out this time. Rae went all the way to second on Kugler’s high throw to first and scored on a single by Doran after Mellor had grounded out. Stur­ geon tossed out Gray to dash the Tribe’s scoring for the day. The locals handed the Ports one in the ninth, just to be sociable like, Cottrill getting on when Doran drop­ ped Mellor’s good throw. Hank then stole second and repeated the proced­ ure towards third where he found Bill Lediet sound asleep and went on home as Rae chased the ball out to left field. Chalmers took care of the next three personally by striking out two and retiring the third unassisted. The loss was very inopportune as a win would just about have put the Hurons in. i * * * Not So Good! Port Elgin- A.B. R. H.PoA. E. H. Paddon, 3b ...... 4 1 1 1 6 1 Sturgeon, p -----.... 3 1 1 0 2 0 Becker, rf .............. 5 1 3 0 0 0 Cottrill, lb ............ 5 2 1 10 0 0 Kugler, ss ............. 5 1 2 1 1 2 Dentinger, c ........ 5 1 0 7 '' 0 0 R. Paddon, 2b....... 5 0 2 4 2 0 Kelleher, cf .......... 3 0 1 1 0 0 Smith, If......—.... 4 0 1 3 0 0 Totals ................ 39 6 12 27 11 3 Wingham— A.B.R.H. PoA.E. Rae, If .................. 4 1 1 3 1 1 Mellor’, ss ............ ' 4 1 0 2 3 0 Gum-dipping is a pat­ ented Firestone process not used in any other tire. With it every hundred pounds of cord fabric ab­ sorbs eight pounds of rubber and, as a result, every fibre, every cord and every ply in a Firestone tire is coated and insulated with pure rubber to counteract internal heat and friction-—the greatest enemy of tire life. Due to this extra process, Firestone Gum-Dipped Cords have 58% longer flexing life. Yet you do not pay one cent more for this extra value! See the nearest Firestone Dealer today! FOR SALE BY Doran, lb....... Gray, Jf Lediet, 3b .... Somers, cf .... W. Tiffin, 2b Cummings c J, Tiffin, p.. Chalmers, p ., * Finlayson 4 4 4 3 4 4 90 3 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 i o 3 2 0 0 9 2 0 0 1 0 5 0 2 2 1 11 0 1 9 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 0 ISAKD^S GREAT SUMMER SALE EVENTS Totals...... ........31 .Batted for Somers in 9th- R. Port Elgin..... 303 000 001—7 Wingham ....... 101 010 000—3 6 27 II 4 E. 3 4 H. 12 6 Sturgeon and Dentinger; J, Tiffin, Chalmers and Cummings. JAMESTOWN N. Wade is staying with Mrs, ■ '' ' i- '.-.u.l.a..,;,u. .r.b.n .... r V r rr... T . .. The Big Bargain Festival of the Season, Extra Value in Men’s and Women’s Wear Stores. Shop Now and Take Advantage of these Money Saving Specials Mrs, W. Grainger for a few weeks. Miss Janet Stokes visited with friends in Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Sela Breckenridge en­ tertained the attendants of Roe’s Sun­ day School and their friends and nei­ ghbours to a very enjoyable picnic on their flats by the river last Thursday afternoon. We are sorry to report Mr. John A. Earls is confined to bed at the home of his nephew, Mr. D. McLen­ nan, Mr, and Mrs. Allan, McKercher, Mrs. Alex. McKercher, Tindall and Ewart’McKercher, spent Sunday with Toronto friends. Miss Eva Sangster who has been with Mrs. A. McKercher for the past few weeks visited with Mr, and Mrs, Robert McAllister on Sunday. Miss Laura Savage also spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Walter Savage. Mr. G. C. Grainger is supervising the Boys’ Fresh Air Camp at Ethel. Mr. Percy Sellars is with Mr. Sand­ erson, Fordwich, for a few weeks, GLENANNAN Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Appleby and family, also Mr. and Mrs, Roy Hast­ ings and family spent Sunday at Pt. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. David Eadie and sons visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitch. , Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Murchison and two children, Duncan and Elaine, were recent guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Gilkinson. Miss Delight Reid is spending her holidays with her aunt, Mrs. A. R. DuVal, Wingham. Mr. John Campbell, of London, was a week-end guest at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. John Cathers and two children, of Gorrie, visited Sunday ev­ ening with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fitch. Mr. Black, of Brussels, has been engaged to teach the Glenannan School for the coming term. The Eadies’ Church picnic which was held on the river flats -Thursday, was well attended, DONNYBROOK The Women’s Institute will meet on Wednesday, August 3rd, at the home of Mrs. Harvey Andrew. The District President, Mrs. Oster, Blyth, will be the guest speaker. Hostesses, Mrs. Jas. Craig, Mrs. John Thompson, Mrs. E. Finnigan and Mrs. Will Red­ mond. On Wednesday evening a large number of friends and neighbours ga­ thered in Donnybrook school in hon­ or of Mr. and Mrs. Hillard Jefferson who returned from their honeymoon last week. During the evening they were presented with a. sum of money and in a. neatly worded address the congratulations and best wishes of those assembled were extended to the bride and groom and a hearty wel­ come to the community was extended to Mrs. Jefferson. Mr. Will Craig read the address and Miss Jean Rob­ inson made the presentation to which Hilliard made a fitting reply. Mr. and Mrs. A, A, Naylor and dau­ ghter Grace, of Chatham, visited with Mrs. Geo. Naylor and Gordon. ** ASHFIELD Nell Beaton, of London,isMiss spending a few days with her cousin, Mrs. .Robert Nelson, near Coutey*s Corners, Mr. and Mrs, Spence Irwin and family spent Sunday with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, Robertson, of Au­ burn. Mr, and Mrs. Cheff Nicolscm and children, near Auburn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Irwin, We arc very sorrow to hear that Mrs, Sam Sherwood, 10th con., is con­ fined to her bed with heart trouble. Mrs, Robert Drennan, Lake Shore toad, is seriously ill with her heart, We hope she will soon be up and ar­ ound" again. The community was shocked Mon­ day morning when It was known that Mr, Dan Long/ah Hemlock City, 12th com, had passed away from lockjaw. Me had received a cut on his head July 12th and had. neglected the wound after the first treatment from the doctor. He is a brother of Miss Jean Long, teacher at Lothaln school. Turkish Towelling Face Cloths ............... 3 for 10c Factory Cotton, yard wide, See it Now ..............,....................... Cretonnes, choice of new patterns 2 yards for................... Towelling, striped all linen Roller Towelling ................................ Table Linen, good quality pure linen, reg. $1.50........... $1.00 Sparva Cloth, yard wide, all colors On Sale ............................35c Heavy Striped Turkish Towelling, Bargain ............... 19c *10c 25c 15c Imported Ginghams, check pat­ terns, reg. 25c............... 19c Flannelette of good quality, 2 yds. 25c Sheeting, Bleached, 2 yds. wide, .. 45c Rayon Table Covers, 54x54, reg, 75c, Sale...................................59c Bed Spreads, large size, all colors, reg, $1,75 Sale......................$1.39 Cotton Sheets, large size, reg. $1.25 Bargain ..................................$1.00 Flannelette Blankets, large size, On Sale ,.......................$1.29 Table Oilcloths, 5|4, choice pat­ terns, On Sale ............. 32c SAVE ON HOSIERY Children’s Fancy Cotton Socks Crepe Hose, New Colors (Full 2 Pairs for .............................15c Fashioned) Sale.................. 49c Women’s Plain Colored Socks Supersilk — Chiffon or Service 2 Pairs for ................25c Weight, Sale........................ 69c Women’s Rayon and Lisle Hose,Supersilk, Heavy Quality, reg. reg. 35c, Sale......... ...............25c $1.50, Sale ............................$1.25 *Women’s Broadcloth Slips Women’s Broadcloth Slips, Bar­ gain ..................,................... 49c Bargain in Slips, White Silk Crepe reg. to $1.25, Now ......... 69c Women’s Vests -Bloomers, good quality, Now..........39c and 49c Misses’ and Women’s Pyjamas, fan­ cy cotton crepe, Sale............89c Women’s Printed Cotton Crepe Gowns, Bargain!............. 89c Summer Sport Wear A Line of Children’s Navy and White Sun Suits.....................39c Slacks in a range of colors, Sale . 98c Shorts, all sizes for Girls, go at 49, 59c Girls’ Bathing Suits, new styles ..........................$1.49, $1.95, $2.25 Turkish Towel Beach Capes, Bar­ gain .........................95c and $1.25 Save on Gongoleum and Linoleum Rugs All Sizes in stock and selling at Sale Prices. Buy now at Greatly Re-djn QEJ duced Prices. See. our Special Rug. Size 6 ft. x 9 ft. Now on sale at .. Ladies Ready-to-Wear Department 5 Doz. House Dresses, your pick for ......................49c Aprons, a Range of New Patterns, mow . 25c and 35c Martha Washington Dresses, Guaranteed Color- fast; new patterns. Sale............$1.29 and $1.69 See These Values in Women’s and Misses’ Dresses, Coats, Suits, Waists and Skirts. Hats, clearing all Summer Hats, at 59, 97, 98 to $1.39 Coats, White Cotton Honey Comb Coats, Sale $1.79 All our White Polo Coats, All Wool, at .... 20% Off Waists, tailored in best styles, made of quality silk crepe Satin. Sale.........................98, $1.49, $1.95 Bargain Rack of Dresses, your pick for ....... $1.00 Misses’ Knitted Wool Suits, Fancy Colors, now $2.95 Group 1—Choice of Fancy Printed Dresses .... $1.95 Group 2—Big Choice of Better Dresses, now . . $2.95 Group 3—Rack of Plain and Figured Dresses . $3.95 Group 4—A’Range of Better Dresses, at $4.95, $5.95 20 PER CENT. OFF ALL OTHER LINES OF DRESSES, COATS AND SUITS ♦ t * PHONE 68 WINGHAM MEN’S W — COMPARE THESE VALUES Men’s Blue Denim Pants, now................... $L00 Men’s Fancy PatternzAnkle Sock. .... 2 pair for 35c Men’s Elastic Top Sport Socks, Sale ........... 25c Men’s Grey Wool Work Socks, Sale ........... 25c Boys’ Ankle Socks, on sale .,.................................15c Men’s Navy Blue Work Shirts, Sale <. .. .................69c Men’s Strong Wearing Overalls....................., $1.19 Men’s Cottonade Pants, Bargain at .............. $L49 Men’s Fancy Striped Summer Pants......... $L50 Men’s Fancy Dress Shirts, fast colors, reg. 1,25 . 89c Men’s Combination Underwear Suits, reg. LOO .. 69c Boys’ Sport Sweaters, value up to 85c, Sale Boys’ Overall Pants in Blue, Sale ......... Boys’ Fancy Pattern Golf Hose, Sale ...... Men’s Blue Covert Cloth Work Shirts, Sale SAVE 20 PER CENT. ON MEN’S AND BOYS’ SUITS, TOP COATS AND RAIN COATS Showing Complete Stock of Men’s and Young Men's Smart Models in NEW PATTERN ENGLISH WORSTEDS, SERGES AND TWEEDS — ALL ON SALE LESS 20 PER CENT. WWW Bp jMI • <// MJ