HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-3-30, Page 4pod when holding the baby ebile his wife chopped Ilse Joh • L a 67, to confined In hal mom, suterung *otnevhat fiLL Humorous Items. Hitedolmld, furi°R a eolliaiun, sprang out, O A j E' ustq nest pn»per," u the man said on the forehead. f31r. Catueruo temaiued in, 11 .1J 1J and was throw, out on the snow the next OT8 13 11, I3 7T near the RAILWAY moayn4I ilhotle forK). Mr. u STATION, Godench, for SI JO each, and falling on his are, recotved a wren cut • wood. Paou.ar.--What two aumben are the *ten the shock. The esrwrs, as a body, whose sum, diff reua quotient stud ,tTOdIsN hen have long tamed beyond the emend of make bgethar, I .31 F the chy government,;and mu reekk'as of the Fitment st. ArratL-An editor aneooncea livty of pwvrugero. the arrival of ore twelfth rearteseibility at the - house. .. (ma6.•r. she !ulluw,.ig rapped there- et'l.Tl(ATtaa 1'u ATOLs. - Th• Rarul after . •• More aul,.ctibers wanted immediate- American ears : ith proper implracnts ly at this ellice." there is no necessity w, hand.hneing pnt+uuta Tits Lem Sate Tut 4SaTtts.•-' My non at all, except on lend that is very weedy t and man friead,.how long hare Doo been yy`tkree fourths of the weeds may be kelt those . rued?" Veil die em a t.o„ 1 seldom don't hkma by a tittle iaaaageuIent • hu the whites.' to tall abebt, bet •e• &duel• it seems to me are plated. We plant in drilla, three tett about ea Zoog w it uever ens.' aryl t, made teltb • oue home plow 1 drop sod "Thal eat hes got a cold," said n fnend to then cover with the plu., turning • shallow Jerrold; pointing to a domestio !•,..rite.- furrow 'ter the centre of ►js was, oa each Yes," Jerrold replied, •' the poor thud is aide and leaving We laud iat,rh)ge`a let about twcoty days, when the potatbes hoe groat subject to cal urh.' near to the surface, whro illy grown i.. Ictrl A Pont roan in Mi.+saeLuoclta 0"e $PPt'eJ tabu an ordinary harrow, turn itoeer teeth up, to • worth farer (or the hand of hie place a few large stones on thy forward daughter. worthypact The (ether eunaented, sad said aril, and drag your potato lad ero.uiee of as the young man was *boat to leave his the ridges until the grouud o smooth; and pre.so a; I feel hound to tell you, air, that the potatoes will tome up clean ofweede, nerd aim is the meet ere. -tempered woman 1 ever at hoeing time will not rejoin hall tle knew. She u sleep mad.' labor that they would if this eyelets' had pot Tterisa THIw harts. -Andrew Jackson been adopted." was pop mating a stump speech i° a country village out Weal. Just as he was coneludiug Amu* Kendall, who at behind him, whisper- ed hispered "Tip'em a liuie Latin, Generali they w0 i t be satisfied without it. The "llero of New °derma," instaotl) thou.bt of a few phrees Ise late, sod in • voice ot thunder, wound JUVENILE BOOKS, up his speech by er.claiming:-F,pfuribao FANCY GOODS. warm! rine ern non! we p/w rl/ret! TOYS, weaves to pori'n! The effect was eremitedome, and tie shouts could be heard for miles. &C".';&C , 2C., 'If you go on iu that way, tar,' sada In Large Assortments prisunar to dock to Lie couture, who wet de+guitable for iolday Gifts 1or both old awl fending Aim with force and fury, and abusing 3.0111,!, just received •11 '▪ jL1 w Jur is good set te'ifyaa ey IT THE CLINTON BOOK STORE on tF.at way, u � Ihey'll Lunh• me, 1 know they will.` , `fever mind, my boy,' red.lied the (iEU. LAYcoCS. counsel, an Irish gentleman, carried away by CLINTON, 19th ilecetabcr, 1864.his own eloquence-' never mind, my boy; IK '. them hang you, and 111 make them repeat--, . it.' pLAYCOCK'S n little mmsore than half seas over. man conling home feeling nen ;eiry Canadian farmers' Almana�l lho.17, procured a glace of water a'd drank a tl In doing so be .wallowed a small ball of .ilk f"i' Price 2.' cents 1"-r do:en...(' J that lay in the bottom of vie tumbler, the end eatchieg in his teeth. Feeling aemething in his month and out knowing what it was, he began pulling at the end, and the little ball - Book Store 1 unrolling he soon had several feet in hie hands, and still no end apparently. Terrified, he shouted at the top of hu voice, ' 1\Ye f wife t I say wife, come here! I'm u°raeell• inge elp•Ataaasi iigtai New Yurk,aresolution was adopted requesting the President to send • national ship to Char lepton harbor to con. espy thither Gen. 'tuber* Anderson. that he may replace upon the flagstaff of Fort Sumter that national &Loser which coo the 13th of April, 1461. be was compelled to lower atthe dictates of the traitors of South Cerulioa. ez - A peculiar ease is before one of the Moatreat courts. A deaf and dumb man ea char with larceny and • jury sworn to try whether the ma wits mute by the visitation of God or by slip. Wmteses proved that he had been mute for years, verdict accord.* iD ly. The same jury were then sworn in relation to his 'mindsets of mind; this being proved, the pruomer'a counsel pleaded not guilty. AT THE CLINTON A writer in Blackwood pe rases to know all the Engliab woman abroad who write r , r travels, ted he says "slut they all sketch; ROOT -HOUSE and OUTBUILDINGS, moat o1 them are ahort-eiented and wear thick hoots and spectacles, very little crinoline, and what there is of it rather long. The younger ones ars reserval, the *Wee ones gushing,". The most useful Alapnae tor Farmers there is published. It contains space for mentor anthems fur every day to the year, besides much v.,luaLle iuforhwtion, such Bis Post Officio Regulations, STAMP DUTIE`3, LISTS OF BAA S ! AND Judiciary t Parliasieatary LIritp• Every !draer .florid hare tone. (DEO. L.AYCOCK. Clinton, 19th December. 1x114. (w19 House and Lot for Saler A IINICK COfTdr.K„n,i,a Southerly Par. 11. non of,wl 0,0, HAMILTON STREET, LAITY 0000 A immelue cave, nearly se large as the Mammoth Cave of Keaucky, has reeentlr been discovered about ten miles from Fort Roby, California. It has boos explored to the datums of half a mile. It was fused to be u immense subterranean lake of clear water, with high walla of limestone on ei.her side. The ceiling or srh is 6:ty feel high. The petty explored it to the distance of half a mile in skiffs, and finding no indications of a stoppisr•place. returned to explore it fur- ther at some fatale tirne. •t present occupied by Th.... We• thermal, Eaq.; pries TWELVE HUNDRED DOLLARa kis further part wider* .poly to T. WEA1 HERALD, ' b ►, or W iI.LIs4I PI'.RCIV AD Esq , Aeahra 134.0. Unclench. (ktebei-17th• 1064. aw13-tf Farm in Bosanquet FOR SALE o1:. '1'4.1 L1E'arr. The World's Wa.h,ngtoo HE t1NU1:RN IOs 1:11 otter. for rale artui.t soles 'kat,•• . ng the miotic• .luely L let fn, 14th con,. township tat It.o,anluet. gives in that respect, the naval force of the Commove( Lambon. The farm cenaM• on L cited Stales upon the upper Lakya shall be - Q the sane which was stipulated by the 'Creasy. ONE giujetikazil ACED, of April, 1817. lty the letura of the Register General of ItatYol lrh,ch urs clm*rnl, and aitunrrd near s I ,laud for the ear 1064 it appears D iithat 04,- i M 'met:. T. Railway. Tbrq ,. a !.fear; j pyx DI R.T.E/ly: MI USE AND FRAME 6136 persons left the country up to the end of D_4R.N on the -pot. July, being an increase of 41.060 oo the num 4VEi.L TI'IBT.l4FD alt N'.ITT.D: D 1,49!,642 persons. ber for the previoa year. Since the 1st of Way, 1851, the total emigration ha beet, V rpan,culannllly to JI. C. GO :,rift\, (itderkh P:() el. A very sad accident ;ecently happen. As Da Ilth. 1061. .s•3711 ed on the ice at Wendover, Iluck,ngbatn.bi-e. �7 Tiro little girls, sisters, aged respectively six SHERiPP'S SALE OF LANDS. and seven years fell though the ice and sank At Five Years Credit, or longer it required. Apply to M. C. CAMERON. (iuderiah Afrrjllitb, 1864. aw62w11 immediately. Another child following them rooted roentirenf 13Y virtue sot • writ i,l also sok, and her sister, aged ail teen, nista Huron and Bruce, I-9 pier, Pauses re•td•re ing to her rescue, shared the saws fats The To Wit : mond wit of ILv \lop.Oy's whole of them were drowned. l'oon'y Court nl the ('wnty of Kesel. and 111 me d reefed ar.ma the lands and tenement. 0t The Duke and Duchess of Beaufort Were Wanrr lien wick. at the mut of W:II:a,il -Mar in snowed up for several hoar lately, whine l hnvr..,zad nod taken in F.sn•ote,, all the r,ehtr travelling with post horses between t.dworth title rand filtered of the anal defendant to and to earl Everleigb, in Somer*euhire. Many men with spades were required to dig their graces Oat. lot num!. r one in toe tenth e„ace..mn 441111 nl 11 Noel rat the Town.hrp of 'I• ker..,,l 1, y, the C monis•ot.Hnrun, which land. and tenement.. 1 .hod 11 , nor aide at lily °dice to tee, burl Hollow 'n the Town of li,aknrh, on To. rainy. tee. al h Tenors roe. Inznoie —'T'he hoodoo Ad- day of June neat, a the how. u! 1,1,0 of ,er mrtiser hae received reliable information that emek, nous. the troops will return to London immediately. JOHN MACIIOX.A I,D, Ilz).. William Delany, a private in the 30th ' rMe„p, !! y D. R• 1went,was vied at Montreal ton the IstR a. Pnttoacx, ySheriff. - t seerig's (Mice, li rich, • t�ennrteted of desertion, Inc which he was 97th Jan. 1148.` w5 sentenced to five years' penal aenntude. .. A coloured girl mimed Mary E. Chaois hes seCH .FA PANNING MIL sent to the Michigan State Prison for a term of ten years for setting fire to her em- • • AND ployere house four different tittles.•- et A aye that in the county 1'uznp FItaetory ! of Halton the Dunkin Temperance Act is strictly enforced, so much s0, that the doors THE Si'llSCRlRER RI:f:B TO ir7FORM of the taverna in Oakville are ling with black L eheinhebeis se ul the Ionntles m f Horne crape, as ea acknowledgment of the death and hermit of King Alcohol. The St. Cathsrjnes Journal stales that on Tuesday, one orate Captains of a volunteer company at Nvp(tra sloped with • lady from tkst town, and pmeeeded to the "other aide,” whew the nuptisi knot wet tied. Whoa the Capons. The Montreal Casette states that a new 1, 'emotive has been menet out of the Drank Truck Railway workshops in that city CS Mee more are rapidly approaching completion is lie same 'hops. Write • Ger limes' MoR ruff IM. -A yeast( man named Crockett, who brat w leg shove the knee, en the• Demon end Maine Railroad, when • child, eon perlcrm fent& with one foot, that few it any lads of his teC w this 1 can perform with two bet. He will swim like a dash ; he can rue as feet u the f nesse, bo0ding on like L deer and h. skating is esarre400a A doaen lads may skate with him no the ire, but be is smr le ~emu obead. Nor is it In a straiytht ewes dome that he shows his speed Mh aeremeh in ow band sod a skate uponthe feet, he will defy the tri catch him, sad dodge es nimbly as a cos. We doubt if there is • boy ilia. man jump higher. Iia will leap • fNe• as With w ht head, and surprises his reorients is by etudes, beak to a (secs that will Boma to ►r'hoalases, tenting a Bremer alt and ermine down rrfht end apo., the Ind Reties that he,. add \laaul4rtunng, and has on hand a slumber id Ilia g rn 0 C) 1.14 ;;;3. 6=1=rn M S? zit.rnj J Vj V^l Cwt AND i �Io�r lY�toTO !LEND WINTER• COOflS AT 8 PER CENT AT ITHE Some to Invest In Town Property. f ONDAN, 0 Barrister, etc., G derieI Onlerich, Sent. 1:3, Iri84. sw3 tf ON SALE CHEAP FOR CASH I Good Mortgages Wanted to Purchase a Apply to 1). SHADE GOODING, Solicitor, West Street. Ooderieh, 200 Dec.. 1.+64. TUE RUBSCRIBl•:115 have nearly completed their FALL AND WINTER J. STOCK, whit% comprises almost every article gooeauary fur the trade, viz : MONEY TO LEND DRY GOODS GROCERIES EICIII"P rePALI CENT Mill or One Hundred Dollars and upward,. SHELF .AND HEA1'i' UAI1DIVARE, R Et lfl MADE CLO11IING, 130tY11S & SHOE FURS• Ladies' and Gents' Felt Ha They wioll particularly to draw atteetion to their stock of DR k- (rOODS, &c. Lich FOR QUALITY AND PRICE CANNOT BE SURPA4ED The RE.1DY•M.ADE CLOTHING is mostcomple(e and mmiufaetured ia\theess Best and most Fashionable Styles., LAn11is' FUJtS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Having imported a large quantity of CI aOTII F'It FYI L Ca IA & I) ! We are enabled to lied them , IiiiiPORT'NT NOTICE AT PRICES Do not forget to call shoo n Town at the EMPORi1'.V, and inspect their .' t.s .l 1I'F.NC1:of the d,•e(h of Mr. M. M ' t1'amu". u..,_ueaull, .,ear heretofore carne,. `tock of Cheap Goods • on mWrr lb name au.l 1alc" Ai w ni vii. DEFY COMPETITION Robt. Runciman & Co., Nun no; noel be cloned o° or Ingot* die 1ST DAY OF APRIL, 1865, All pales nnlrlard to Ilse v!nve inn tar L1,e. by notttin) that a1 saes and Taxol amounts over due on the at 'day of FEB'Y next, will banded to their 11 4 ,: for tor collce11W The work ono band wail Is: sod LA) Y' 1Y)IL C.t$lI•- R SIiORT CiREDIT, It comets of large assortment tat Ploughs., Culti- vators, snuws,Ittrsw Culler., THRESH G MACHINES • rot -rah eu.l xue.'r ulr., w,,, on and pipe to, Cooking, Parlo Box Stoves, A good ser.'n,-hand •adslot of N artunery. tor 11 eel and Saw -Molls. All partes requiring the above envie. would .lo weal, to call add ,n.pert dee Mock. at bases as they well get barg.ms. • • R. R('NCIMAN. , —0� iR rwlerenre to the .Gore, 11. Runriman will be pnlarteJ ti' rarry un the li,iurr, u( THF HURON FOUN IDItY and contract for the ereH,0n of •11 trade of Ma eIrnery a usual. ani w1l runply Ansel( 1:IrTL'RAL 1 /1rLEmF.NTK rlto�r�e. and 15*l flge,al lenanable rstesJurCASH !. /tion reedit. mach, Dec:21A, 15,44, . aw3SwIA CH8TMA8. They idt to intimate to their c°a nme n owin • accounts and nntei that they aro CumLxll ed to insist eel I'L'O>(I'T PAYMENTS Apply to TOM1 S MOOTRF., Solicitors. CHABB'S NEW BLOCK. t ;.mlrrich,Sepl. &h. 1664. w33 If To Rent or Lease. LOTS fire and six in the First Concession, township of Colborne, W. 1)., about two miles from Ooderieh. Apple to MARY HENLEY, I.iohthouse 86. Ooderieh. December 50. 1864. w 1151! 10 SUSTAIN THEIR CREDIT AND SELL GOODS CHEAP GREAT OLE Gudc,i,1, Sept. 221. let;:. WOOL IHOLIDAY I�Rk:SENTS' TUT Toy Roots, Pr. -ee. O..ok+:. f all kinds, �r ChurchSer vices, flyma130,.1. THOM J. V. DETLOR & SON. w12 C A R D I N G!,! 6✓ u% C - HESUBSCRiIlE.lh would beg to inform les en -miners mud the publiet&at his tiew prem: a ises on East strtet, t THREE DOORS FROM THE SQUARE, will be opened on the first of June.' for trnnaacting the Wool Canting, Cloth Drrwein: and Manufacturing business. ill coenertinn with hie WOOL FACTORY, where all Jrders and work in the above business w,11 he punctually attended to. Like's igen vaitetyof Cloths, Blankets, and tocking Yarn, will be kept on hand to exchange for wool. Hating this year added:mother FIRST-CLASS DOUBLE CARDING ' MACHINE establishment, he will be prepared -to execute farmer's wixho ar.r nroannahlo eOtent on shstrtieitice. (,t,ielen ctiolin4.t) the fa, -tory themselves wilt\ pro in:•tly aitended to es formerly, and ptrticular attention will be,paid to those trust s,jia'tauce weihing their W oil[ I:xlscditic.it y 'oras ! • N.B.--Whilethinkful for the 1ilore' pttrnneyeofformer ramie the ah bn,.hees,the auh erihcr h Tea by 4' -i,•t nttr^tti rt tit Isorin•..I and no eep0tnse In n cttit the wants of his customer., to •till receive a share of the same, c ' Reineinher the place- East Stott, second door !cram CP..ABB'S tzit•OCK. S LOGAN. ALi3UNIS. S.TC1IL''lis: Go'Irrit•h, Apri119t1, 1064 Ladies' Commotion.. ' \ WORK -BOXES, WRITING -CASES venom.�u•dFO, And venom. .to� hee •metra, all rhea', ; V re m• HURON able for HOLED 4V GIPFy1 Qyr Qui .11'� J1133 NEIL Well laden wenn . Fremont* for the Little Folks. AT BUTLER'S. • Uonlerirl. Dee. l9, Ie64, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS: United Comet e• rot I. BY vi,of bre Writs' el Huron and *lire, 1 l7 Fs•ri Ism.. ...teed To •lyn Conti l wit i. of Quern's Beneh mad Cuut 01 t'o•nmon Pham and to me ehrrele1 against 11. Lands and Tree- 1 trireme( Webs. Proodgnl, at the and. of Air Joiner Loki' Hoh,nsun and Jsmee Henchman, I William li.nderhem, Jame. D. W.wl., nmol John 4VJmot, John Sproat, John Sproat, Junes 'Akin - Iteean.nn mnri Jamfa ItemM• ; 1 .H'r n•1rV and Wire in F.srrutinn al the right, info. •rd: - 'T% R (� �f f 'r( ` _ _ Intensenithemod,lr(•n.Unt.uIlimm I'nnr1... r'�I hi �() r� '1(tf 'jj 1\ ()� { Iii}%%%trx�(llaw�!'r`(�';)S SEWING. ISG MACHIN ES mw, end tot.w I.ilewma I:rnla, cost: -hot \o, 16 t• ?J 44 v + `s '�rl 1 "' • 3J Vey ifr V YJ'!'i�y SALE ! ING JOHN FAIR & CO. • ARE SELLING OFF their w Stock of Dry Coeds, Clothing L Groceries AT WONDERFULLY LOW P: BS! To make rnnm fear alterations in their .rem• Wes before Apring. Godericb 22 Hb Jan., 1865. seri' �I1 "114111.�•t ' Jti T O- T ennnfR?tY>f11f Carriage Factory T n ISIM154.! DEALERS., r;tx LEATHER. HIDINGS t e �lee.. re. LIGHT•HOUSE St.,00DERICR truer uvn. Ci. W. TU1: SUBSCRTRI.It washer let rrurid,aak. Febrwry 1116Gr. w4rwm to lis 'die ler put f•Vota received at lathio . T-. - AIL lam, ■nJwouldwbr'Ko Utmost" s uawte &hal he 3ktrr' Mortgage Bale of Lander wood to *ell wagguw CHEAPER THAN EVER. UNDER end by virtue of aMiner ofKale 1 wall sell you •waggon complete Gor gfut,On contained. in a Mortgap made by Joe - 1 Yuhau 11. mai*, of the pews of (loderie►, is anon, Gentleman. of the. luron District Balding part, (default boring )mint therecf).i11 r of Febraary clock, ouow, 541, eah,and all other thing. or proportion. All work the Oosnly of first part, to the Society, of the seem been made in the due be sed Tuesday, the Seienth da A, 1). 1863, at Twelve of 0 at the Auction Mart Afcaars. Thomson 6 Aosle 1 CEDARI - • .� pARTILA deeming of banmg.Pint C STEAM 1 ta'`-• r CodertorI, c.agaidWilding purposes ea he.npptwd an any quantity, •,d on erases to J. AV. ELLIOT Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Mills °°'``h'Fe fitb.1884.- Circular, Mulay and Sean Saw -stills R1 M1 WANIER�CGWS OENUINE CANADIAN PATENT Warranted /0 give Satisfaction. All Linde of Fanning implement. mads to order. JOHN Mtl'HEIISON, lioden,•h, Jan. Atli, I.0,1. wiw37 (10T)F:RI('11 WAGON & CARRIAGE X L-1 L1fnotorp. T6 .,• HE.aw•riher ,I I ■nnonneelu the public 01 Huron and !truce that he hu on hood and wilt make to order ( 'arnagr•, Wagons., Hor- n,ws, Sic., Which will hr avid .-hemp for cash 05 apurured credit. On hand mud for mile cheap, CUTTERS and SLEIGHS JOHN PASSMORE, V, :Iona Street. (ihalrri a. Aee1la. ING. w49 Ern c.J-ode rich PLANING MILL ! Sash, Door, and John McDonald & Co. KINGSTON STREET, CODE the followin¢roperty, that is u say Number len hundred and thirty nine (10 Harbor Flats, in the said town of (iodericb. Deed under Power tat Sale. M. C. CAMERON, Solicitul for Mortgagees. led at my chambers thin 5th Jans•ey, wb0 I_TAVIXG ('(l>I1'1.F:TF:D TI1F.IR NEW Emotion, are now perfared to take in orales to any eswot. From their Iran exprr,eare in alis Peonies, mid having r sprra•ne•e.l wnrknwn, oral • first -clam set ul ma.ou.ery, tlwv darer thoniaeivtla that they ran Ju as Good work, c; v Aa,e Eaglt. d. woof So Canada. Partwakavi•g • wank woulpldu wet to �ir✓>vone.iisacsJCt7• Me Mfr concerns.* on the 1 utvnahtp 01 Amotel, • - Have taken the First Prizes SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. more .•m., ,, t n,mtla rs3,4 nnr& alt ,n the 4th containingonehnnlreil re,,.f!..1hello' anne rrIIItASHI1(3' PIACI-III i N, H. wnnl.l p, 0L-nl arty Brno• Mtrn!,on to his 4141•. s• '.•• tor,Aw,r a.,t th.•.,, let fr,. tthrnl (rent e onks, en - l'. rhea.,r Y,.. rumps , alt10 tddel and Warrant...1. - F10,01 n, ]..,.0 ear , l..r wren 1101,0 in Wert no4 (n'nti.on Roast. A,. -n, earn, for the asp.• nl '7.,rean'o prrmmm and patent r l!(,TIVATUI(. who•) he. ,cc.•r r..1 railed m give generalutralmcteon to former+ who htrr tired them. HENRY DODD. (2,!ar: •F April RUn0. 1114. 39 . NOTIC 1 7.1, !Snow. mdetdedln Won. P.: 0411 E, L1 noir or 1,14,1 ,reN4 .41, W,II 111 - CALL AND SETTLE •en,esmmii. and t'.. number. 1,3.3 and 1 .n the - M ra,. I d•onea,n, lot. morning • 1 mid tin 1 br 1 wel0 h 1 ronrwion, and 1.4 ..udiher 3 a the 13th emu,. mon, all in the T.wnehip of Brant, eonhlming in a11.s,1hne.aml arra•., he he mine • or bona, and 1.4 nnnJher II. tar the ...evenlh eonc,••non on the Townah,p of Inrnel, containing 'only -one *era, more or le•., all in the eonnly 1 Ilruer which I .hm11 a ler for 'Me at my ,.l1•, ,n the C"nrt How•, ...the town of (1 .krmk, un TI,.',. lar the fourth dray of April next, at the hour o1 twelve oI the clock, Noma JOHN M.1CDON.AIJ, Sherif, 11.32 U, Ibr * PO'.t..w-s, Deputy Sheriff. Sheriff 'o Irthee, fiakrfeh, i 21,1, Ike. In14. ( w44 • STORY & DAVIS 1TAN1'rAOTI'K1:R:( AND DEAI.EIte 1x' 1 Stoves, Ploovhs and ('arlinrm of tree,' de. *•npton. '1'm,Co pet and Sheet Ire Wars, al the Stove Dept Wret Street, l Laknek. ' ' GOAL OIL 15 k'p•lo.I Oil Lamp.. Area , kr. 1m1,1 Iron. Cop. per, 81.11, (lags and SLecrpsk,n. ••ern met. The um. without .Irley. .0.w,... 4 49 Office on Lighthouse 8t., - -- - - -- — Next to Air ..11vfrne Amutg4'a. . .86 0A.1:11.31:1w For Sal© .481...'l.. it . very doubtful had the two 200 BARRELS SALT 1 'hga res.h, and to his, if he would ever hors . developed ae noel spring owl activity. Ile AT bee made up in training .hat he Icet by • s. d L—iN•c.bortrorf /terabit. >Sraaesr braes, -The Olnh. a Q, sp sit ea,rtr.l♦radm Red11a16 l0.dwald ono yl„t,sfdrQlistresl had a narrow neaps is na4sslahg iron dklliif • Lard D(oltack's Ws g(dW 74.• IleiAr ortha lesaiele *Mar Amwud. as al NM s frit► • o,s bwre at a tenorspre .,w w kelt l p sleek awl meek some $2.60 PER 100 POUNDS I dna. (is 1aar ag the Darrow walled and Wes. F. GRACE• ormombe to 84. IM.I Gate, Mr. Ae olrriels, Deenhe, sand, '064. ew31 W .25 PER BBRL. A QUTANTiTY oP IRON! Joiaph •Wiltlamson Cf1MWI$0l0.YRR ,n R. R., Amrit DIVia011 ('oan3, C0nveyse BUILDER and CONTRACTOR, (Por wood.tt alr lnr.-a) wall Inrmahlane and apse & anr ....WroteI, , al ....Wrote sharpest, •w,4 warrant the none 10 q a +,"af*rlam, 4'14 letters on forms weer nowt Ir po.t - pail. aapp,1 ,f answer. en wwrrwd-•,swain "are ('aa.RAn Dollar, marked money eves ova tele.,awl. The alone nsneI .11 •..J t h.np, nwn..l i,d.rteh. r 14).., I lerperMy 1 Ns ygeld Courts, (health promoting) so Long Si rimy Il''l,I In par, To old pal num he speeds w 1h ennethae.: to iaVsdmg owe, 6011/i117o 211 Inn Trla2 t A.Mrela DMngannnn P n. nnnl funher anliee. Dsegennna, Dee.lalh, 11164. .It -If S ERATORS AND EPPOWERS HORSE P ERS Mowing and Reaping Machines, Wood Saws, UULTIV TOELISI, G11..NG �'LOZ7(C f38, brims flutings; mad,, and Blacksmiths• work done in a neat and tuhetantialmannrr, Castings of any desrriptien made to order. Also, all kinds of machinery renaireJ on short notice. A large stock of COOKING, PARLOUR AND • BOX h,.DVES, AT THE PW)8INCIAL EXHIO(THIS 1..N ,n Montreel,SeprnMr 14th, 15th, Ihth,and 11th, 1w63, over all .then; and dun el the 1'w,,. vincui Exaltation 1,61 ,n Kinga.rn, S, ptnnter 22n1, 33n1, and 9th and 2516, 1063. Prose. of e gim,ur chewnrr were also wanted In t* et the Prornetel F.xhaialrnn field on Tor mu, m I1062,1and im the Pr„vmneal Gtbdntion held al London ,n ISbt. Prices have been Greatly Reduced I R. 2R(W ANZER i Co., Hamilton. ABRAHAM SMITH, Always en hand, Su ar Kettles, Wit toe snd Pipe Rates. As nor patterns of the shove are Agent, of the meat approve kin we w°ula solicit an inspection of Dor since before purchasing rP d. elanwh'•re. as we aro °Noting the above at tee Mweal raaeserstiv prices for Nigh, or or ap proved Credit. Old metal, Itrass,Copper, and all kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Goderich. October. 1863. FOR SALE. i t\r9h and 0, range Nw , m the Innshlp M 4 Stanley, ,tri Ire acre; swarth 9O to of lot 29, Like •herr, Arh•ehl, is per acre; Era ,•••a.1•.nth ri.,-r;y quaver tat 1,4 1 ,n the !1;1, eon . W. D, Anhlle ,4l ler sem; Wearily M s me M Int al, non. 1, meth of Ihr D,,rhnm Bred, township of K,neanlm. J; dollasa per are. Apply to 71100. WEATUI ItALD, 111.50 (iwdkrwh FOR SALE. O n Arnm; of Lot No. 12, Past rake Ot7 amid, tray. FIRST - RATH LAND t Terms may. apply to ore; AT.D SVTitKRLA ND, on the premise% et M. C. CAMERON, rloderlea. Ooderich, April PA. INC .14.1 wit Land Scrip for Sale, (AR A I.IRERAl. PREMiUM GiVEN an ppery/lento whorl. inn Ir mode to the (7mwa Ione. Deparnacet 1w, Lams Strip. Noe rand 1n .notherrolemn. HENRY ORiIT, geotos,. nnlosieh. Dee. 4. Ise. w46eerfl: NEW MARBLE WORKS Wain Street, Exeter. T). h A. M'OO N N ELL. MeNTTMENITS, TOMBSTONES, Peas, kn., of ,eery Aowenp4 vol and style. of wnrbmmnOsep. !rinsed ra ohms uNlee, end sl Ilse tower* pewee, taleral rwdertIon roade tr'r ninth. 41.1. 010471 07111111.11 Imran TO Detign.of Mnn,,n*•n he. msy M aero at the shop. aa,M: I1•lober 10 .1964. .I2.I East Side Market Square (l,Aerirh. Nev. 57, 1861 aw25w14 A GOOD FARM FOR, SALE Containing 140 Acres or•S 1Ti'ATE') on the London Road, adjoining J+ the Village of E+eter. On the above there is a gond Frame House and Barn Apt new. .A glad well and a fins young neck*r4. it will he mold very (hump. Tne land is of the best day loam an! well tim- bered. Terme made known on anplieatlnn, if by leiter pre paid, to Faster p, n., or on the premise. to A McCONNF,I,L, I A Geed farm lot within moven miles of the w1 -It Exeter. till*As of Southernmost. forty antro i cleared and fenced, with • gooey bog hoes. and Aare Teras liberal. Apply (if by letter p.sIpsid) 1st lhereesahemuy quantity o: . DOORS & MOULDINGS, Ji ALL INIDS ON HAND 'leyalao oder 1 o Car 4 1 I tars &Builders A— UREAAL DISCOUN . OR THEIR WOR[. T lali6, The above ale is postponed until Tuesday the 4th of Apnl at the „omt• pure and hoer. BLANK BOOKS AND BOOB -BINDING. HJ. AVING made Irransememe with Mr. 1 1Ice :If *; ,l K, H..rk-lender and Mnnufae- uine Stammer, (who has lately returned frame Ph t. •Ip►u watt • large alt, k •t B.nd,ag end ober', •I.ru1), 1 ant prrlrrr.l 1e. P,rnsl, Blase. Books of all 1,,.1., wa.- and styles with .nl wit M. out Printed Heading•; at tee ser real ckeape hoe T tot r.. Allk,ntof Bindles nit g,y,ng son/acting will he repaired Irmo ,rl charge. aw46w21 JOHN BUTLER_ .1.1.10O -1-.-.:h , .W*b A FARM fo • TS.t I.F., East half of Lot ,'o. 17, con. 3 ow°ahrp of WA WAN0241, emprsing ONE HUNDRED A ES, • 1.-85011.,•. Term. hla•r.l. Apply o the l.xe ,i,,r. otitic 11.tate tai the late WWm. ret, Oling•nmur 1', n Uuad+', chest. 004..'44, 14154. •w37.1 $iIRIFF'$ SAirs OF LANus. FARM FOR SALE OT 3, Cnn. A. Township of Hee Mile nom Wrt*Her., en II E GRAVEL ROAD. United Coanne. of 1)Y venue of • aril al Ninon end /levee,)j l7 Poen ,nerd eel T ,t . of Her Ma 's To wPommy Court ul Ik 1' used Cuaelre 01 H n sad Breve out 10 medrre,tal .ru0•t the lane end tear. meet• of Hugh Ninon, at Ilse nod .d W dbem Wad•twell, t herr ee,5M and 1•len .■ eseetumo a0 the 1'4641411e Mild mtr,r•nl 01 the .stud ,:v •.d- ial a •salon the Borth loud toe ,Niven, In 11. eleeatheoneeaaiim of the township or 1'nbor•e, in me 4.0e111y rat Iluroa, . 11 Boa Lu,Wn``. ihcre- ra greeted ; whoto land. and ten..lanl4 1 shall eller foe .ate at my oda•• m the Cutlet H....in thea.w, .4 limier. -1,, -. Tuesday the F.4gl.leeuth day o1 At.nl neat. etd•e hour et TS etre el the. •elocktf.u.n. JOHN NIACIN) NALD, Mail, R.4D B y S. Pounce, deputy Stang. shoal's OIke,U.deneb. J , . Ju. Ihh.11i6A, ( war Log !whir sad ham, 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED Apply to F'. 11•. '1' i I I) )I .\ ti, perry., 11. 21. nee. Fide 2e, IIW4, erfewal-tf LANDS FOR SALE! THF: following Land. are offered for .•le on very lirlvanr*se tae term.: ONE - TENTH ONLY or nu 0111101 PHI 11 (121 AT 711E Of 011(1.111 van Tns utrnca Nine Egul lull lutalMeats, Walt latere11 et 4 per real., . TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS: South 7 in 1st con., 50 steres,) South R In 1st con., 50 acres, South 11 in 2.1 con., 100acees, S nth 21 In 3d con., 100 acres,, North 20 in -Ih eon., 1011 iron, North - 21 in 4h con., 100 neves,' . North 23 in th con., 100 acreay TOWNSHIP OF HOWiCK; Iota 2. 3 and 4 in 15th ern., 100 seers earh TOWNSHIP OF ORKY•; 0. 26 in 1st con., 100 teres, Lots 34 and 33 in 4 con., 100 seems each, Iola 31 and 32 in f eon., l00 acres each, Lot 26 in con., 39 sere*, Lot 32 in R con.! 100 acre., Lots 33 and 34 in 10 eon., 100 acres each. TOWNSHIP OF Tt'R2. RERRY N. E. { 43 i• l con., 30 acres. App Iy to Niel."' Wrnlita,Esq. ,Goderich, or to the owns., THOMAS GALT, Roo., Termite w 43* TO SELL OR TO LET. Credit Sale, YF. Rpew, of rood Farm Howe, doable kJ Harness, Le., Rob Sleigh.. Apply to TROM.A9nr,J1I1IN W5 tTHKR,ALD. Ooderieh, March 6, 1065. w6tf JAMR1 A. TICRIPASR, Resthamptnrl. J. D, 111.ACK, Goderieb, C. W., Jas. 311 Pf6. `1 i A CALL IS SOLICITED. or to Insolvent Act 'of 1864.• fr'I1I ('reditmr of the untie..Ii-tied are heti' 1 Md In meet at the 11001 of \ir. Janes Jnhuoon, 1nuk/'-per, u, mfr \'dl;a,:c of 1:hle• tale, in tht County of 11urnr, son 114.tday,. the 'Iwrnty sere,th day o1 March 2446,tat 11 , -! -L, tf the fnrennrn, Inc the psrpow of renew, in4 ►ta,eaece u ul hie aR.551 and of naming an assignee b .hum he may mak• an amnipomrnt under t1 a shove art. Dated at l:luevale Triage, this 1:1h day tat March. A. D. 1•,G1. w7td'du7 HENRY C.1'rsa. Sheriir'a'eaio of Lands. ' w Udled C.oenlwa of 13T virtue of • writ re Flown anal Bruce,} D Fwn FA. an .nsr l out T.. sed: tor' Iter Wjr•ty'. t ,..,nty Coln maw ('e,ovl4 e',.4 we of Huron Ana fen•• amt 1.. ase domed •gaaast the lenda and tear 4•24 .0 Aodatt blouse and (ieto,e 11.�1ngar, at the amt d ()Ince' 1; sclkm, Juba lie teas, W dimes Irving, ;r., •00 lane. hearties, 1 fare wisest awl token in E.reut.on all the ngln .tide ■ ndl interest el the seal &Wnkts'. m and to 1..4w omleeoa nln, 113,114, 11), 111,,, 1;1 rod e3. :tee • t ..rinse pi eras tat tract ni lend. Lennon as' the 31 Il'oc k. antda' dint 9er1015 pelted or triol ,1y inn. 111101 a 1. sddd on the North We I clew Rt -e existed. on 1►e atuuth sale Ie the'low* Inctb. . ra the 'rowndogn .•I /Marro. appl luta- berry. a. uta•berry„u I on the Ea., a,. a ht Ilse W rut h.nm,Gry Imr 3.1 L,. 191.. I, rvrinl-d Its the Hill r M•d- 10.1. with say water pert dear• whre•h •114 714 derived Inas he Nicer Nsal.ld es lar Ls.% M Clyde stow', 1 ,n 11.. C'.anty 01 llama, Whish moa and •Ten o11541 .1.11 oI1, for ante et my • on the Con 11 1,.. In Ste •nen 11 (lodes rt.. o0 112at ..1.,r1 •'l heteeath lay..nl /none next • t - hour W twig et the riga l tinea. Sherilr,11.1e1 ShrnF'. Mee, fb.kr h, Rod \1st 31,1066, f w0 Montreal Ni I'ss fo 1865, . THE WITNEar; is show i➢. enter on II. 113th year on • candidate fee p1 tea taverna the . ams psm.spl'o with .which d me: ha ani•. being v/fonoh ".stet readout mailer; uas,aglml .dh sd•tanan btteenrq orpanyarifm.. Thr Newa drpanment 0,51.1,. the btia acre by b•!ey..ph , mummd rte. of ,.•w, In,m Contemn, Rrleoh and Ame".•nn pap•n; end .resat .m - rile* .m enrrenl events, from the IrMoog ,Dural, o(11, world. the I;es ,, .nv.f Jrpat Imrntronpn•r, r,da' le prices rnrrrnl, renew. of the markets, and Onaari•I intellmence. The department of Primly 8..d,na commas o copiou n9? .1..e of swish, , end intermitter matter, tales,. patty, 6'e. Valaable Agreuher•l and Hsrru•ult ural semi*. .,reupnllrns net* 10 . Th Aderrt ia,0 J, penIrmewnt hu mar •sefwl and unpntast n vertiremrntaJit .dmds 0001 ofan immnrel Intrt Thr'('ana.h0rnn Mrrrnt°non.ger:mrnntmenry.amt • owlet - nortrdlheIws1 ant mnnl I llra•acwg malUr M tae •Wdnela, m•ptibldrtrd mdati(y at 16rn per caw., 11th nen ripe snla io 0 , lI4 of len. It a Je- vo*d b NH'g,on, N, ntily, la urawn,( bJJrcn'i Reading, T.•.nin inn,e,on- Pmit sitineetty. is allotted to pan Iner Ihrneah lb* .TEttMS: Dad' n, 3 rt snnnm. MenirealWiiWitnewrn15uo-weekly.) TM. tothe lame linin that ,, ha. I,•.* •1.11/111 111. hegtnning. (r? prr.nm,m. W atrly Wnnen, 11 per semen. -Ca•aLa 3lerenger, 29.-t. per annum. All I`it,sh 1in AfIVIiMYe one ropy "nom in each a*.r for club 011011, Shred., a M,gn1 ('loth he sent, with not tem than 1510. Pmprn will he fww.14e4 Vaal, In Ih. value 014 1 nnr-1r•nlh 0( rrm,dtan. All Wanmmral os, tondhe modems+rJ In Sher. heal W,Ioa.,nr JOHN r>OCG.A4J. k Row. NOTICE. COI's TIES' C LER g'S I,PFiC E wih 1e open r,y W,dnr•dsv, and for rine smelt .lers r.ch mei ting rat 1101 fount me' I'nnnr,l. All rem. munonnaisis OM 1 ho Coaonem' geek a Is dirse6•d to IL,held Idol Other. PETER ADAMSON, rotterae Clerk . i4•21i1 BOOTS AND SHOES 0, rt.tan r/OR SPRING AND SIJUER WAR Jn ,r 51 emu, AT James Collins,Sen.'s EI\ORTO1 RT (1O1)IRIt'It.