HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-07-14, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shews 7.45 and 9.45 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 14th, 15th, 16th
A return engagement of a great picture starring
the philosopher-comedian, whose whimsical type
of humour can never be imitated.
Also “Phil Harris and his Orchestra” and “News”
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, July 18, 19th, 20th
------In Hi
Judy Garland and Allan Jones make this show a
musical success and Fanny Brice provides the com
edy with her celebrated “Snooks” routine
and other specialties.
Also “Charles Chase Comedy”
Miss Ruth Blackall, of Toronto, is
spending this week with Miss Mild
red McClenaghan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan,
Lorna and Irwin, motored to Orange
ville on Sunday and spent the day
with Mr. and Mrs. Cairney, and Miss
Doris McClenaghan, who had been
■visiting there during the past week,
returned home with them. Mr- Stan
ley Moore accompanied them and
stayed at the home of- his sister, Mrs.
Basil Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lickley and
daughter, of Toronto, spent the week
end at the home of Mr. apd Mrs. F.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Newby and
sons visited on Sunday at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Mrs. Peter Naismith motored from
Sarles, North Dakota, and visited w ith
her son at Flint, Mich., and them
motored here to visit with her sister,
Mrs. Robert Ross.
Rev. and Mrs. Graydon Cox and
Donna, who spent last week with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Cox, of
Palmerston, are spending this week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Seally and child-
<* ■ 0 ■
Bargain Fares
«... JULY 22-23
— To —
BUFFALO ...........$5.75
■ CHATHAM ......... 7.55
HAMILTON .... 3.95
TORONTO.......... 3.05
; Also numerous other points.
Going - 12.50 p.m. July 22 - 23
Return Limit - Up to July 25
Consult Agents Ask for Handbill.
Canadian Pacific
Reconditioned and Guaranteed .
1936 — Ford VS, grey finish, excellent running order.
1934 — Pontiac coupe, a teal buy, good tires and mechanical shape
4 *1931 Buick Sedan, privately owned, in best of condition,
1928 — Buick Coach, a real buy.
1933 — Ford, model B, short wheelbase truck, new motor and
rear end.
Alt above units completely; overhauled and guaranteed.
Huron Motors
ren, Mr, and Mrs. George McClen
aghan and Mildred and Ted, and oth
er Gaunt relatives held a family pic
nic in Goderich on Monday.
Miss Skelding, of Brussels, will be
the .Special speaker at the W.M.S. of
the United Church at rhe regular
meeting next Wednesday. The ladies
of St. Helens W.M.S. have also been
invited to me present
Mrs. A. Emerson left on Friday to
attend the Laybourne-Small family
picnic held at Kilbride on Saturday.
Mrs. Emerson spent the week-end
visiting with relatives in that district.
Mrs. John Richardson, Grace, Rob
bie and James spent last week-end at
Guelph where they attended the cele
bration of the . silver weeding of Mr,
and Mrs. George Richardson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jacques spent
the week-end at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques and
left on Monday for their home at
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gillespie of
New Sarum, visited with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Gillespie, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and
Ernest and Florence, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Browning
of Kincardine.
Mr. Jos. Laidlaw, Annie and’ Mary,
Miss C. Laidlaw, Mr. and Mrs. Herb.
Laidlaw, Luella and Ivan, Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Falconer, Charlie and Lois,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Per
cy Vincent of Auburn,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Inglis, and Mrs.
A. Emerson motored to Hensail on
Wednesday to attend the funeral of
the late William Dow, who passed
away after a long illness. Mrs, Dow
was formerly Ellen Inglis, and was
well known in this district and her
many friends here will extend sym
pathy to her in her bereavement.
Little Raymond Laidlaw, Kinloss,
is spending this week with Wawanosh
Mr, and Mrs. Carman Naylor, of
Toronto, were visiting last Thursday
with Mrs. George Naylor and with
Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor.
Miss Olive Farrier, a student of
Mrs. George Smith, Lucknow, receiv
ed honours in Grade VI, piano. Con- t-
Mrs. Newby and grandson, Ray
mond, of Detroit, are visiting this
week at the home of Mrs. A. Emer
This community extends sympathy
to the relatives of the late Mr, Currie
Wilson, who was killed in a motor
accident at Guelph on Saturday,
The following Entrance pupils, who
tried at St. Helens, were successful in
passing their examinations: First
class honors, Keith Hackett, Wilfred
Ramage, Russel Ritchie, Muriel
Wright; Second class honors: George
McGee, Gladys Wright, Keith Ritchie,
Pass, Margaret Aitcheson, Florence
Beecroft, Gladys McBurney, Mae
MacDonald and Marjorie Purdon.
We congratulate these young folks,
Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Taylor and
children, Doreen and Wayne of Ham
ilton spent Sunday with his mother,
Mrs, Thos. Taylor and Doreen is
Staying for her holidays.
Miss Marie Ford of Montreal is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Purdon for the next few weeks.
Mr, and Mrs. Roy McKee and son,
Allister of Teeswater spent Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Aldin Purdon,
Mrs. T. C. Townsend of Mexico
City, and her sisters, Mrs. Kelly and
Miss' Linda McEwen and Mr. Gordon
and Mr. Wilfred McEwen of Den-
field, visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Frank MacCormick of Turnberry
and at the home of their uncle, Mr.
James Sutherland.
Mr. Ed. Gaunt had the wiring for
the hydro done in his home last week.
Miss Muriel Watt spent the week
end at Belgrave at the home of her
uncle, Mr. Harry McClenaghan.
The W. M. S. of the United Church
held a tea at the home of Mrs. W. R.
Farrier on Wednesday last, and the
ladies quilted the autograph quilt be
longing to the young people.
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Seally and four
children from Quill Lake, Sask., spent
’Saturday at the home of her' aunt,
’Mrs. Jas. Sutherland.
Mr, Hector Mackay has been under
the Doctor’s care during the past
week and is suffering from a severe
attack of shingles.
Mr. and Mrs, Gershom Johnston
of E. Wawanosh and Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Chamney and Ann of E. Wa
wanosh spent Sunday at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Johnston. Their daughter, Mrs. Jas.
Moore and children Colleen and Jim
mie, have also been visiting there.
Miss Christena Finlayson of Loc-
halsh spent Saturday last • with her
aunt, Mrs. Jas. McGregor.
Mr. Jas. Morrison, who has been
in Toronto for the past few weeks re
turned home last week.
Miss Florence Hockley of Kincar
dine is -visiting at the home of her'
sister, Mrs.' Russel Moore.
Master Claire Thompson of Tilson-
burg is spending his holidays at the-
home of bis grandfather, Mr. Thos.
Mrs. John Johnston has been suf
fering with a
water, across
Mrs. Bert
Palmerston spent last week at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Weaver.
Mrs. John Kilpatrick and children
of Lucknow spent the week-end at
the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Robinson.
Miss Beatrice Graham of Wingham
spent a few days last week with Mrs.
Gordon Elliott and this week her
mother, Mrs. Robert Mitchell of
Wingham is visiting with her.
Mrs. Pearl Thompson and children
of Wingham and her nephew, Mr.
Berbert Burchill visited on,Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Wel-
bad scald from boiling
the ankle of her right
Boyd and children of
Knox Presbyterian W.M.S.
The regular W, M. S. meeting of
Knox Presbyterian Church,was held
on Thursday afternoon in the Sunday
School room with the president, Mrs.
Alex. Mowbray, presiding. A fine dis
cussion on “How to celebrate the
25th Anniversary of the' Organizing
of the Provincial W.M.S.*’ resulted in
the decision to hold a birthday party
on the manse lawn on Tuesday after
noon, July 19th. Miss Olive Scott
read the Scripture lesson from the
fourth chapter of Matthew, and Mrs,
J. R. Greig offered prayer, The chap
ter from the study book entitled “A
Mission in the Clouds" read by Mrs,
Raymond Elliott, told of the work of
Frank S. Back, a young medical stud
ent, who worked among the Indians
in a small village high in the Bolivian
mountains. The meeting- was closed
with prayer,
United Church W. A,
- Mrs. W. J. Johnston presided over
the Woman's Association meeting of
the United Church Thursday after
noon at the home of Mrs, James Pea
cock. The Scripture lesson was read
by Mrs. George Thornton and Mrs.
Johnston led in prayer. The regular
routine business was transacted, after
which Mrs. James Johnston and Mrs,
I Lv. Wingham to Toronto, Lon-
I don: Daily except Sundays and
i Holidays, 7,10 a.m., 3.30 p.m.
j Sundays and Holidays 4,30 p.m.
North to Kincardine, Pt. Elgin,
Southampton; Daily except
Sundays and Holidays 3,3Q p.m. I
“ and 9,00 p.m. j
Sundays and Holidays 3.30 and
10.30 p.m. I
Official C. N. R. Watch
George Wheeler assisted the hostess
and a social time was enjoyed during
the lunch period-
Mr. G. Wheeler, Principal of the
public school, is to Be congratulated
on the success of his entrance pupils:
Russel Hollenbeck, Helen Thompson,
George Thompson and Harry Wett-
laufer were recommended on their
year's standing; Spence McKinnon
and Donald Cameron wrote at Wing
ham and were successful:
Jack Mowbray received word this
week that he had been awarded first
class honors in his recent examina
tions in music. Jack deserves double
congratulations as he put two years’
-studies into one. Mr. A. E. Cook, of
Blyth, was his teacher.
Miss Isabel McKinnon is to be
congratulated on receiving first class
honors in all subjects in her com
mercial examinations at the Wingham
EYES . . . .
At the least sign of
trouble have them ex
amined. We give com-
t plete eyesight service—
expert examination of
your eyes — perfect
glasses — low prices.
R. O.
Eyesight Specialist
Wingham Office in
Every Wednesday Morning
Nine to Noon.
Phojie 5W for Appointment.
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe.
,rL envoi No 6ruth Mor hi"
Look for this number on the
Wattpaper Insert in your Tele
phone Directory.
free Prize—
14 Gallon Floglaze Enamel
July Lucky Winner — 1893.
High School. Isabel has accepted a
position in the Mice of A. E. Lloyd
& Son, Wingbanh
Messrs, G. Wheeler, public school
teacher in the village, and J, Gordon;
Mundell, principal of Gorrie Public
School, are furthering their studies at
. Guelph,
Mrs, Aitken and daughter, Miss
Dorothy, are spending a few days
with Mrs, Aitken Sr. and family, at
John Moffatt, Regina, is a visitor
with his father, C. B, Moffatt and oth
er relatives.
Mrs, A, Fladd, of Teeswater, and
King McDonald, of Montreal, visited
with Mr, and Mrs. P. D, King this
Mrs, Bowlie and son, Fred Bowlte,
Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Laura Kir-
Mrs, McKee and two children, of
Montreal, are spending their holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curtis.
Mr. and Mrs. H, A. Shaw and son,
Alex., Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Shaw and
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Shaw “were at
Woodstock on Thursday attending
the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. War
dell. ’ ■
Jim and Donald MacLean, Wau-
baushene, are visiting with their
grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Sell
■ Mr. and Mrs. McGowan, Detroit*,
accompanied by two friends, spent the’}
week-end, with Mr. and Mrs. John
• Mrs. George Harris, Mr. and Mrs.
Burto.n Harris and two children, also
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hooper, of Ing-
ersol, spent' Sunday with their cousin,
Mr. William Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. Wettlaufer, Bright,
with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wettlaufer.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Patterson
and son, Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Neil
N. McLean, and son Neil were week
end guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. George O. Thornton.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peacock, of
Ottawa, are spending their holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. Janies Peacock.
Mrs. G. Harris, of .Ingersoll, Mr-
arid Mrs. Burton Harris, Virginia and
Greig, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hoop
er, of Salford, visited on Sunday with
Mr. William Thornton and Mr. and
Mrs. George Thornton.
Mr. Matthew Owens, of Highbluff,
Man., visited with his cousins,^Mr.
and Mrs. James Peacock over the
week-end.. He was1 on his way home
from Ottawa, where he had been a
delegate to the Conservative Conven
Come all my dear old comrades
And spend a little time,
We’ll take a trip on memory’s ship
To the days of Auld Lang Syne.
We’ll stop at a red brick building,
And enter in at the gate,
The scene will be familiar,
For the school is number Eight.
There’s a church on the other corner,
Built by our forefathers brave,
Long gone to be rewarded
For the souls they sought to save.
So we’ll let ottr minds drift backward
Till in fancy again we can see
The girls and boys of nineteen-twelve
From the lines, one, two and three.
The Churchills came from Bluevale,
A placezof late renown,
Met by Johnstons and MacEwens
• On their way to school at Brown
The Jewitts and the Bosmans came,
And they Just numbered four,
They were met by George Mathers’
’Ere they got to the school house
The Agars and the Turveys came,
And down the hill would race;
Miss Murdie was the teacher,
And she kept us in our place.
For Jams and Jellies ... 25c Bot.
RINGS ................... . 25c Dozen
The Warwicks and the Souchs
Came merrily down the line
And joined tlie Rutledges at the gate
With Jack and Mary Thynne.
The KnoxS then came down the hill,
With Garry, blythe and gay.
And Brewers came up the side-road
Then all started on tlieir way.
And many a laugh and jest Was
Till they came with lingering feet
And would sample Ferrand’s berries,
Bitt she whistled the old dog 'Fete*.
And we’ll bow our heads in memory
Of some who have gone before,
They were catted in their youth and
And arc safe Oft the golden shore.
(Mrs, James) Annie Thynne,
R. R. 5, Brussels,
Fresh Large SALTED
PEANUTS ......„.... 2 Lbs. 25c
CHEESE 15c ’/j-Lb. Pkg.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vincent, Pei-
grave, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Camer
on, of Lucknow, also Mrs. Ed. Snid-
Thursday, July 14th, 1938
offers a commercial course for students who have
taken two years of high school work, While the
course is primarily planned for those- who wish to
become stenographers or bookkeepers it is also of
value, to anyone desiring a knowledge of business
practice. The-commercial course includes the fol
lowing subjects: Shorthand, Typing, Bookkeeping,
Business Law and Office Practice; Business Arith
metic and Rapid Calculation; Business Correspond
ence, Penmanship and Spelling.
■ Tor further information apply to '
Principal, Wingham High School,
Wingham, Ontario.
. 11 — .III ———-4------------------— '........................... - u
er and children, of Detroit, spent a
few days visiting friends at Campbell-
ville and Guelph.
Mr, Chris. Nethery returned on
Monday after a visit with his broth
er, Mr. Lancelot Nethery, of Rydal
Bank, Algoma.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Coultes and
Billie, Mrs. H, McGuire, Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. Stonehouse, spent the week-end
in London.
Congratulations are extended to
Miss Velma Wheeler who was suc
cessful in passing her music examin
ations, also to her class of pupils,
Dorothy Wade, Mary Wheeler, Shir
ley Chamney and Ross Procter, who
were also successful in their music
examinations in piano.
Mrs. R. W. Procter has returned
home after visiting her brother, Will
Henderson, in' Indiana. She was ac
companied home by her brother and
his wife.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Scott, Detroit,
were visitors with relatives here.
Plans are- made for holding the
United Church Sunday .School picnic I Slemmon of Atwood visited at th#
on Friday afternoon, July 15th, at Mr. Manse on Monday.
H, McClenaghan’s, It is hoped that
all the members of the Sunday School
will be present and an invitation is
extended to all the congregation to
The July meeting of the Women’s
Institute will be held at the home of
Mrs. J. Holmes on Tuesday afternoon
July 19th. The Education committee
with Mrs. W. Armstrong and Mrs.
E. Anderson as convenors, will be in
charge of the meeting and. the fol
lowing programme will be presented.
Roll Call — Your favorite memory
gem. Current Events, Miss Martha
Armstrong, Address, Miss G. Ross,
and Miss C. McCracken., Music, Miss
Elaine Walsh and Mrs. N. Montgom
ery. Lunch Com.: Mrs. Jas, Michie,
Mrs. W. Armstrong, Mrs. E. Ander
Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Townend and
Miss Kay Townend attended the Ri
chards-McCourt wedding at Donegal
on Friday afternoon.
Mrs, Fred Fisher, Misses Norma
and Eleanor Fisher and Miss Kay
Stop here for tires! We have exactly
the tire you need at the price you
-, Want to pay. Eight different Goodyears
at different prices! Drive in today!
We’ll save you money!
(Homuth & Bennett, Props.)
Wingham Phone 174W Ontario
Prompt Delivery Phone 116FOR
14-Cttt RUBBER
RINGS ............................5c Dozen
SEALS ....10c Pkg.
Burlington TOMATO CATSUP 12-Oz. Bottle 10c
SALT_______ _6c 2-Lb. Pkg.
Colored or White PAPER
SERVIETTES ..... 2 Pkgs. 25c
PAPER ROLLS ...... 100 Ft. 25c
CORN FLAKES ... 3 Pkgs. 25c
PUFFED WHEAT...11c pkg.
RICE KRISPIE8 ... 2 Pkgs. 25c
MIXED PICKLES ., Z.........35-Oz. Jar 25c
SOAP .........-------........... 4 Bars 25c
.GIANT Size ............... 3 Cakes 25c
AMMONIA 5 Pkgs, 25c
LEMONS.. ...............29c Dozen | ORANGES 29c Dozen
For the Hot Weather meals see Biif Refrigerated Cold Meat
Counter, We have a complete line bf Cold and Cured Meats
and Guarantee them all to be Fresh.
«•«*•»»»•■»» 17c Lh»