HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-07-14, Page 71
ews and
Thursday, July 14th, 1938
I Mr. and Mrs, Jack Toner and baby
| -son, Howard, of Toronto, are spend-
I jng their vacation with the former’s
I parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Toner,
.and other friends.
Little Miss Greta Hyndman spent
I last week with relatives in Toronto.
I Mr. Walker Hastie and Miss Mar
garet Fleming, of Toronto, were
week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. K.
Hastie and little Arlene Hastie, who
has been spending the past week here
returned to her home in Toronto
with them.
Rev. and Mrs. A. H. O’Neil left on
"Monday on vacation and will spend
a few days with relatives in Lucan
I and Atwood, after which they will
I spend three weeks at the A.Y.P.A.
camp at Longford, Lake Couchiching,
of which Rev. A. H. O’Neil has
, . Mr. Lome Walker had the misfor
tune to lose one of his valuable hors-
•es by drowning one day last week.
The animal had gotten into the river
,for a drink and sunk in the mud.
There were thirty-two from the
’ parish of Fordwich, Gorrie and Wro
xeter, who attended the A.Y.P.A. pic
nic of Huron and Perth at Goderich
on Wednesday last. • .
Mr. Spittai, of Wingham, will take
charge of services in the Anglican
^Churches of the parish on Sunday
'^Aiext at the usual time.
. .‘f Miss Margaret Butt, who is holi
daying at Bruce Beach, spent Thurs-
,-day with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Steph
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Ruttan and
family spent Sunday with friends in
Miss Anderson, of Fort William,
■was the week-end guest of Miss Ev
elyn Stephens, and on Sunday rend
ered two pleasing solos in the United
Miss Catherine Butt, of Harrow, is
spending a week" with her friend,
Miss Margaret Ruttan.
- • Mr. and. Mrs. E. J. Farrish and
family visited with Auburn friends on
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock ac
companied Rev. and Mrs. Butt, of
Harrow, to Port Elgin on Thursday’
and spent the .day with Rev. and Mrs.
. Miss Evelyn Stephens is in London
studying pipe organ music.1
The regular meeting of the Even
ing Auxiliary will be held next Mon
day night, July 18, at the home of
Miss Evelyn Dane.
, At the regular meeting of the Wo
men’s Institute which is being held
at Mrs. C. E. Gregg’s home on Wed-
nesday, July 20th, the hostess will
give a talk on “Buying Your Silk
Stockings” after which she will de
monstrate the correct way to wash
them. Miss Lily Waller, of Wroxet
er, will give a report of the Girls’
Conference; each member is asked to
bring 1 dozen tarts for . a contest.
Meeting -hf called for 2.30 sharp. Ev
erybody made welcome, especially the
young ladies of the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright have
(W/old their property here to Mr. and
~Mrs. Jack Reidt of the 12th Con. of
Howick, who moved in on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd Griffith have
bought the farm lately occupied by
Mr. and Mrs.'Reidt.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Farrish and fam
ily spent Sunday with friends at Au
Mr. Livingstone, of Toronto, spent
last week at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Short.
Mr. and .Mrs. T. Bradnock are
spending this week at Bruce' Beach.
A new store, will open up in Gorrie
next week under management of Mr.
MONUMENTS at first cost
Having our factory equipped with the
most modern machinery for the exe
cution of high-class work, we ask you
to see the largest display, of monu
ments of any retail factory in Ontario.
All finished by sand blast machines.
We import all our granites from the
Old Cdiititry quarries direct, in. the
rotigh. You can save all local deal
ers’, agents* and middleman profits by
seeing its.
E. 1 Skelton & Son
at West End Bridge—WALKERTON
Our 25 Point Scientific Examin
ation enables us tb give you
Clear, Comfortable Vision
Phom llSr Harriston 1
Simcoe on the night of July 8 to do
thousands of dollars’ damage. Five-
year-old Elaine Robinson of New-
five minutes a terrific gale
the Keswick shore of Lake
and Mrs. Cook, of Clifford, who are
opening a 5c to $1.00 business in the
store belonging to Mrs. J. Bingham. •
Mrs. Thos. Short spent a couple of
days this week with friends in Tor
Miss Alma Hastie," of Kitchener, is
spending a week or so of her vacation
with her father, after which she in
tends leaving on a trip to the Pacific
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sinlson spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Wade. It was the occasion of Mr.
Sirpson’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall and
Mr. and Mrs. James Shera and Shir
ley visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Willetts, north of Wrox
The regular meeting of the Ladies’
Aid of the Presbyterian Church was
held at the home of Mrs. Stuart Ed
gar on Wednesday of last week when
a quilt was quilted. The hostess then
served a bountiful lunch while all en
joyed a social half hour.
The Presbyterian Church here
which has been remodelled and re
decorated, will be ■ completed this
week, and regular service will be held
in same, on Sunday next with the min
ister, Rev. Arthur Leggatt in charge.
Dedicatory service will not be held
until Mr. Leggatt’s return from holi
days which he starts next week.
Master Earle King is spending this
week with his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. T.
J. McDonald, at Molesworth.
A large crowd,’ including members
of the L.O.L. and L.O.B.A. who par
aded in a body from the Orange Hall,
attended service in the United Church
here on Sunday morning. The church
was prettily decorated with white and
orange lilies. Rev. Loney of Wing
ham, was. the special speaker, basing
his text on the 18th chapter of Rev
elations and 4th verse. A special solo
“One Sweetly Solemn Thought” was
also enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock left
on Monday to spend a week with
Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Butt at Bruce
Mr,, and Mrs. Harris and family,
also Mrs. Harris Sr., of Jngetsol,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Gregg.
Mrs. Archie McKinney, of Wasfc-
ada, Man., was the week-end guest of
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carson.
Mrs. Girvin, of Goderich, Rev. and
Mrs. IT. Ferguson and son, Dr. How
ard Ferguson, of London, spent the
week-end with their brother., Mrs. S.
H. FetgusOn and Mrs. Ferguson, ,
Friends of Albert Vanstone, Lon
don, formerly of Gorrie, will be pleas
ed tok learn he was improving nicely
following a critical operation for
The sympathy of this community is
extended to the widow and family of
the late Russel Williamson, Orange
hill, who passed away in Palmerston
Hospifal on Tuesday morning follow
ing an operation for appendicitis.
United Church W.M.S.
The regular meeting of the W. M.
S. of Gorrie United Church was held
in the Sunday School room on July
Tth with an attendance of fifteen. The
theme chosen “Go ye into all the
world and preach the Gospel” Was the
market, was staying with Mrs. John
Taylor and nine-year-old Shirley
Taylor at a cottage near Pine Beach
when the storm struck. The huge
roots of a nearby maple were thrown
Two Toronto women and two small
children were sitting in this cottage
at Pine Beach, Lake Simcoe, July 8,
when a roaring gale hit the district,
sent this giant maple down -on the
fundamental principle of the devot
ional period, which was in charge of
Mrs. Wm. Gallaher and Mrs. J. Wy
lie. Mrs. Gallaher as Leader read the
Scripture Lesson from Mark 16: 9-20.
Prayer was offered, by Mrs. Robert
Ashton. The closing chapter of the
study book “Facing a New World,”
was taken by Mrs. Wylie, who also
conducted a questionnaire at the
close. A splendid reading on “Pray
er” was given by Miss Bessie Wylie
—God answers Prayer in various
ways, even at times answering our
prayer by saying “no” instead of
“yes.” Mrs. White, Herald, brought
a short message from West China.
The President, Mrs. Robt. Ashton,
took charge of business period. It
was decided to purchase the new
study book “The World in Canada.”
Mrs. (Rev.) Watt was welcomed, to
the society and consented to accept
the office of Secretary of Christian
Stewardship vacated by Mrs. (Rev.)
Fydell. Miss Sparling was the mis
sionary chosen for special prayer for
the month. The Roll Call was res
ponded to by a thought on “Humil
ity.” After singing a hymn the meet
ing closed with sentence prayers in
which several members took part.
An induction service for Rev. H.
M. Watt into the pastoral charge of
Gorrie and Orangehill United Chutch-
es was held in Gortie Church Thurs
day evening last. Rev. Johnston, of
Fordwich addressed the minister,
While Rev. Grant of Wroxeter ad
dressed'the congregation. At the close
of the service Messrs, John Mont*
gomery, of Orattgehilt, and J. N. Gal-
into the air as the tree was brought Longo, of Toronto (Left TO Right)
down on the cottage roof. All inside
escaped.- Victoria Longo, 19 (LEFT),
her two-and-one-half-year-old broth
er, George, and mother., Mrs; Emilio ■ very spot where they had previously
roof over their head's. Mrs. John Tay
lor, her nine-year-old daughter, Shir
ley, five-year-old Elaine Robinson
and a servant were miraculously un
touched. They rushed to a neighbor’s
laher, of Gorrie, introduced the mem
bers of the two congregations to the
'new pastor and his wife.
Rev. Mr. Watt was formerly pas
tor of Mt. Hope United ^Church in
the Hamilton Conference. Rev. and
Mrs. F. J. Fydell after spending a few
days at their cottage at Port Elgin
will leave for their new charge at
A Correction
An error was made in last week’s
school report of the Junior Room of
Gorrie Public School. Promoted to
Grade' 4—Clara Harper, Leslie Miller,
was omitted. In promoted to Grade 2,
the last two names, Florence Anger
and Jim Miller, should have read fail
instead of pass.
Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson,
of Winnipeg, arrived here fecehtly
and will spend the summer vacation
at their home here. They were ac
companied by Mrs. John Gibson and
children, of Chicago, who will be
their guests. «
Mr. Jack Edgar, of Fort Frances,
is holidaying at the home of his mo
ther, Mrs. Hugh Edgar,
Miss Elva Hupfer, of Sudbury, is
Spending the vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hupfer.
Mrs. Hart, Of Windsor, is visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hupfer and with other friends here.
Mrs. Chas. Stuart, of Toronto, is
visiting at the home of her brother,'
D. D, .and Mrs. Sanderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wells and
daughter, Jean, and Miss Helen Gib
son, Of Toronto, Were week-end vis
itors With Mr. and Mrs. G, A. Wear-
heard the crash and rushed to see
what happened. A moment later an
other tree came crashing down on the
house in the height of the storm.
While the wind uprooted a dozen
trees and wrecked three other cottag
es, the children, on their knees, pray
ed: “Please, God, stop the heavenly
Mrs. Robt. Stocks is at present vis
iting with relatives in Toronto.
Mr. Harry Pettit, of Brantford,
called on Thursday at the home of
his cousins, Misses M. and B. Howe.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Easton and sou,
Jimmie, and Mrs. A. Easton, of Tor
onto, also Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone
Edgar, and son, Donald, of Howick,
visited on Friday at the home of Mrs.
Jas. Edgar.
A number of young people from
here attended the Deanery A.Y.P.A.
picnic held on Wednesday of last
week in Harbour Park, Goderich.
iMr. Bill Hart took a truck load of
sport fans, numbering about twenty
seven, to Mildmay on Thursday night
where the Wroxeter girls’ softball
team played Mildmay. The Wroxeter
girls again score a win 24-11. A street
dance followed the ball game.
Mrs. G. A. Wear ring and daughters,
Agnes and Margaret and Miss Helen
Gibson, are spending some time at
their cottage at Point Clarke.
Mrs. A. M, Grant and family have
been spending a few days at their
cottage at Grand Bend.
Miss Irene Wright, of Muskoka,.ls
spending the vacation with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wright.
We were sorry to hear that Mrs.
W. J. Parkes is in East General Hos
pital, Toronto. Mrs. Parkes under
went a very serious throat operation
but is recovering very satisfactorily
and will soon be home again.
Farmer Killed While Haying
It was with deep regret that the
residents of this vicinity learned of
the fatal accident which occurred on
Saturday, claiming the life of Mr.
Charles Muir. While haying bn his
farm in Howick, Mr, Muir slipped
while attempting to climb tb the top
of a load of hay. As the horses bolt*
been sitting. A car from
(RIGHT) was one of two
under the weight of trees which were
levelled by the wind at Elmhurst
ed Mr. Muir fell beneath the wheels
of the wagon, which passed over his
body, causing almost instant death.
Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Fraser, .Blen
heim, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Lovell, Miss A. B. Fraser,
La Rivere, Man., is.also a visitor at
the Lovell home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MacEwen and
children, visited Goderich on Thurs
day of last week.
Miss Evia Stocks and Mrs. Norman
Brandon spent part of last week with
London friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shearer,, of
Sault Ste. Marie, spent the week-end
with Miss Beatrice and Mr. Tom
Mr. Norman Brandon spent the
week-end at the home of Mr. Robert
Stocks; Mrs. Brandon and Norma al
so Mrs. Stocks, accompanied him to
Mrs. Hodgins and Miss Alice Hod
gins, Guelph, were visitors at the
home of Mrs. Alex. Higgins, part of
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Cox and son, Donald,
Teeswater, also Mrs. La Hay and
children, of Toronto, were Sunday
guests of Miss Beatrice Shearer and
Mr. Tom Shearer.
Friends of Mr. Russel Williamson,
of Orangchill, were shocked to hear
of his death which took place in the
Palmerston Hospital "Tuesday morn
ing. On Thursday of last week he
took ill and was rushed to hospital
for an appendicitis operation. His
wife, the former Emma Galbraith, and
two sons, survive.
Miss Velma Higgins spent Satur
day in Guelph.
Women’s Missionary Society
The July meeting of the W. M.
of the United Church will be held
the school room on Thursday after
noon, July 14th. • Mrs. A. J. Sanderson
and Mrs. J. Lovell will have charge
of the meeting and the Roll Call will
be answered by a verse containing
the word “Endure.”
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harding and
daughters, Jean and Elizabeth, Dur
ham, former residents of this village,
called on old friends here on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gibson and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Mowbray and family, at White
Mr. George Sproule, of Detroit, is
visiting at the home of his brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproule.
Mr, W. E. VanVelsor having re
cently purchased the Sanderson Block
in which the VanVelsor grocery store
is situated, has moved the Pool Room
to the store which was at one time
occupied by the Douglas Hardware,
also part of the same block.
Any official who can perform dou
ble duty is a useful citizen, indeed.
The chief of police of Dink'sville
was also Dinlcsville veterinary surg
eon. An agitated woman Called Up
his home.
“Do you want my husband in his
capacity of veterinary or chief of pol
ice?” asked the chiefs wife.
“Both!” came the reply. “We can’t
get a bulldog to open his mouth; and
there’s a burglar in it!”
Percy R. Rogers
Over-exertion causing acute dila»
tion of the heart was blamed for thq
sudden death of Percy R. Rogers, 54*
who died in his auto Monday night*
while watching a fireworks display at
Jefferson Beach, according to Dr,
Charles L, Rivard, Macomb county
During the day Rogers had driven
250 miles in returning from a Canad
ian visit and then mowed the lawn at
his home at 22717 Arcadia Boulevard,
Dr, Rivard said. Accompanied by his
wife Marjorie, (Nee Marjorie Paul
in, of Wroxeter) and cousin, Ruth
Brown, of Gorrie, Ont., they attend
ed the July 4th celebration at the
beach, He died at 10.15.
Rogers moved to St. Clair Shores
in 1920 and at the time of his death
was employed as a factory foreman
for the Chrysler corporation. He
leaves his wife, a son, Richard, of De
troit; a grandson, Richard, Jr.; a sis
ter, Mrs. Albert Wolfe, of Detroit,
and a brother, Roland.
Funeral services were held Thurs
day afternoon from the Kaul Funeral
Home here with the Rev. T. A. Cos
grove, of the Lake Shore Presbyter
ian Church, officiating. Interment
was in the family lot at White Chap
el Cemetery.» ______________
OTTAWA — Highlights of the
statement of the National Conserva
tive party policy by resolution were:
• DEFENCE—Defence of Canada,
can be best be promoted by consulta
tion and co-operation with all mem
bers of the British Commonwealth of
RAILWAYS — Opposition to any
plan for unification or amalgamation,
of the Canadian Nationals
ways and the Canadian Pacific
HIGHWAY—Completion of
trans-Canada highway as a national
IMMIGRATION —Immigration of
select families from Great Britain,
Ireland and France. Indorsation of
the exclusion of Orientals from Can
TARIFF—“Continued adherence to
the Conservative party’s traditional
policy of substantiating by fiscal pro
tection Canadian labor and Canadian
industries, especially the primary in
dustries of agriculture, forestry and
CONSTITUTION—“The party re
serves its decision on the constitu
tional issue ■until the report of the
Royal Commission on Federal-Pro
vincial Relations is made...”
AGRICULTURE—“The Conserva-
vative party pledges itself to preserve
the home market for the Canadian
farmer by protection and early mar
keting and every other means in its
tion of projects to develop natural re
sources. A comprehensive plan of
federal public works. A self-liquidat
ing housing program. A non-par
tisan department of Government to
administer relief. Co-operation with
the provinces in apprenticeship sub
sidies, to “to encourage and support
throughout Canada a plan of national
unemployment and retirement insur
The Reverend Dn Emanuel J. Jack
of1 Yonkers, who, on behalf of him
self and “all members of the Jewish
faith who may join with me as plain*
tiffs,” has begun a $3,0000,000 sland*
er suit in supreme court, in which
Fritz Kulm, leader of the German*
American Bund, is named as defend*
ant'.' The rabbi’s complaint is based
principally on statements made by
Kuhn before the McNaboe committee
which is investigating Nazi activities,
in the U.S. ■