HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-07-14, Page 5Thursday, July 14th, 1938 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
*»w«MaimiwM«wwa»a>wwMi ■■ mi ........... .............
Big Bargain Festival is now going on in Women’s
and Men’s Wear Stores. Now is the time to buy.
This is the store for choice of Big Stock and Value.
Women’s Ready-to-Wear Department
Summer Dresses in new sheers, Dotted and
.Floral Voiles and Crepes, Suits, Coats, ^Waists,
Skirts and Knitted Wear, all on sale at Bargain
. . Bargain Specials . .
Sports Wear, Showing a complete stock of Bathing Suits in new
styles, Slacks, Shorts, Beach Wraps and Suntan Dresses,
all selling at Economy Prices.
Sale of Hosiery — All first quality Supersilk in Chiffons and
Crepe in all the best shades, all sizes, Sale....... . 59c and 69c
White Mesh Gloves, smart for Summer wear. Special 49c and 69c
White Washable Purses - latest styles, exceptional value to
clear at........................................,...•........................... 59c
Aprons, New stock of Print Aprons, Bargain at............25c - 35c
Rayon Lunch Cloths, Size 52x52, Rich Colors and Patterns.
Priced to clear............... 59c
Girls’ Slacks, High Quality, madle from navy or brown drill
cloth. Sizes 14 to 20. Sale................... $1.00
Girls’ Shorts, made in good style, full roomy sizes. Colors,
Blue, Brown, White. Sale............. 59c, 69c, 79c
Bathing Suits — Complete range of Girls’ and Women’s Suits
made in new styles of Botany Wool. Best Colors. Prices
......;...................*............. $1.95 to $2.95
A Line of Girls’ bathing Suits to clear at.. ........ 79c
Children’s Panties—Well made, of good quality Rayon, fancy
trim. Sizes 2 to 6 .......................................—.......—........ 25c
Also Sizes 8 to 14,' now for .....................—-------.... 35c
Women’s House Dresses, Colorfast Prints, now only......... 59c
Special Sale of New Sheer Dotted and Floral Pattern Voiles.
Choice range of colors. All are .36 inches wide. Bargains
at ..........*.................................................................... 29c, 35c, 45c
Silk Crepe olf good quality, yard wide, in colors of Black,
Brown, Wine, Navy. Sale to clear at ............ 39c
Prints — A range of Colorfast Prints, New Patterns, Yard
Wide, now.........1------------------ ----------------- ---------- ---- 15c
Towelling >— Pure Linen Roller Towelling, regl value 20c, y
Now on sale at.................—...... 15c
Curtain Net in Ecru shade, Reg. 30c .................. 25c
Rugs in Congoleum, New Patterns in Bedroom size 6x9 ft.... $2..95
Smaller Size, 3x6 ft. on sale.................. $1.25
See our range of New Patterns in all widths of Linoleums, Oil-
cloths, and Congoleums. Choice Collection of Patterns.
Mr. Robert McGuire, of London,
and Mr. Stuart McGuire of Prince Al
bert, Sask., called on old friends here
as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J.
The July meeting of the Women’s
Institute was held in the Community
Hall on Thursday afternoon with
about thirty ladies present. The roll
call was responded to by “Suggestions
for a Picnic.” It was decided to hold
the annual community picnic and
committees were appointed to arrange
for it. Mrs. E. W. Rice gave a re
port of the District Annual meeting
held at Blyth. Marie Swan gave a
recitation and Mrs. E. W. Rice fav
oured with a solo. Members of the
Girls’ Har icraft Club, wearing the
spectator’s sport dress they had made
during their cou’rse, sang their club
song, after which 'Vera Taylor and
Freda Rintoul told how "Clothes May
Be Smart.” At the conclusion lunch
was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Jas,
Gaunt, Mrs. E. J. Thom and Annie
The annual community picnic ar
ranged by the Women’s Institute will
be held at the 10th Bridge on the
Maitland River on Friday afternoon,
July 15th.. You are invited to bring
your basket and come along.
Mrs. Harry Lee and little daughter,
Nahcy, of Toronto, are visitors with
her mother, Mrs. Alex, Rintoul.
Mrs. Roy McGee, of Wingham, was
the recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dur-
nin Phillips.
Mrs. Thompson and Verna, Wing
ham, are visitors with her brother,
Mr. David Todd and Mrs. Todd.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Murdie, Toron
to, were week-end guests of Mr, and
Mrs. Robinson Woods. Mrs. Murdie
jMfig PIPE■AtobaccoJHH
is remaining for the week.
Mr. Wilson Woods of Dundas and
Mr. Wm. Dougherty of Guelph, were
guests of Mrs. Dougherty .and Gwen
who are spending a few weeks at the
home of Mrs. R. J. Woods.
Quite a number of relatives and
friends attended the funeral at Dun
gannon on Saturday of Mr. John Pat
terson, a former resident of this com
The regular meeting of the Y.P.U.
was held on Sunday evening. The
main feature of the meeting was an
informal discussion on "Sociability”
led by Stanley Todd.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson and
Ross of Toronto, are spending their
holidays with Mr. and Mrs. George
Thornton and family and other rel
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Johnston went’
to Tillsonbury on Friday to visit with
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Harris. Mrs.
Johnston is staying for a couple of
weeks longer.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peacock of
Ottawa are visiting with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Peacock and Will
of 1st line.
’ Mrs. Blanch Costello of Montreal
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, George
Thornton and family.
Mr. Roy Mooney, of Toronto, Js
holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Smith of Bluevale.
, Miss Viola Mathers spent Sunday
with her father in Bluevale,
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Nethefy and
daughter, visited with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and
Mr, and Mrs. .G, H. Wix of De
troit, Miss Isobei Gourlay and Miss
Betty Gourlay of Toronto were visit*
ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex
.MacEwen last week. ,
Mr. and Mrs, Cooper Nothery and
daughter of Belgrave sfient Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. John
Mr, and Mrs, Peter McIntosh, Mr,
and Mrs. Harold Horman, Verne and
Jackie of Kincardine were .Sunday
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robt. GoJIey.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Robertson of
Morrisbank, spent last Sunday at the
home of Mr, John Abraham,
Mr, Will Casemore of Wroxeter,
spent last Sunday at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Will Abraham,
The W.M,S. will meet, on Thursday
afternoon at the home of the Pres.,
Mrs. Bert Taylor.
Mr. and Mis. John Jefefrson and
family of Munroe were Sunday visit
ors with his mother, Mrs. C. Jeffer
The Misses Marion and Grace Mills
of Detroit are spending a few weeks
with friends in this vicinity.
iMr. Graham Chamney was a week
end visitor with friends at Centralia-
Miss Jewel McClinchey is visiting
with her cousin Irene Robinson.
Miss Margaret Messer, Bluevale, is
visiting w|th her.Aunt, Miss McAl
Miss Lorena Crozier of Crewe vis
ited with her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Campbell.
Mrs. Pearl Thompson and daugh
ters, Louise and Alma, of Wingham,
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Chamney and other friends.
.Mr. and Mrs. John Kilpatrick and
children of Lucknow spent Sunday
with her parents, Mr/and Mrs. Wm.
Mrs. Cunningham has gone to Tor
onto for a visit with her daughter,
Mrs. Lloyd Hinton.
Over sixty ladies and children of
the Women’s Institute met last Wed
nesday at the home of Mrs. Cecil
Chamney and spent a very pleasant
afternoon. A programme of songs and
readings by the children was much
enjoyed. Sandwiches, Ice cream and
cookies were served. Those taking
part in the programme included, songs
by the Foran sisters, the Smyth sis
ters, Irene Robinson and Virginia
Chamney. Readings by Edward and
Agnes Brophy, Gwendolyn Finnigan,
Anne Chamney, Jewel McClinchey
and Audrey Andrew. 4
Mrs. Wm. Ashby and children of
Toronto are visiting with her sister,
Mrs. Charlie Robinson.
iMr. and Mrs. J. J. Weir and dau
ghter Shirley Anne of Pittsburgh, are
at present spending their vacation
with the former’s mother, Mrs. Wm.
Weir and other friends.
Mr, George Vogan from north of
Gorrie spent a few days last week
with his sister, Mrs. Gowdy and Mr.
Miss Iva Gallaher underwent a ser
ious operation in Wingham Hospital
last Saturday. We wish her a speedy
Miss Eve McMichael who teaches
at Port Burwell is spending her va
cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas McMichael.
The community was saddened once
again in the sudden demise of the late
Mr. Charlie ,Muir which took place'at
his home last Saturday afternoon. The
deceased was drawing in hay at the
time and .in endeavouring to climb on
the load he fell beneath the horses
feet which frightened’them and they
ran away. The wagon passed over his
body killing him instantly. The sor
rowing friends have the sympathy of
the community at large.
The young people will give their
play entitled "Who said Quit”, at the
church here on Wednesday night,
July 20th.
(Intended for Last Week)
Mr, Albert Alton and sons, George
and Blake, were at London and call
ed to see the former’s brother-in-law,
Mr. Robert Stevenson, near Varna.
The Misses Melda and Hilda Lane,
from Orillia, and Winnie, of Belgrave,
spent a few days at their home after
school stopped. Melda and Winnie
are attending school in Ldndon for
a few weeks.
Miss Isabel Alton, Toronto, spent
a few days with her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. John Mullin, near Bel
Mr. and MrS. Sam Reid, neat Zion,
celebrated their 30th wedding anni
versary on Friday, July 1st. About
fifty guests were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Alton spent a
day recently with her sister, Mrs. Jim
Laybttrn and Mr. Layburn, near Riv
Miss Ellen Hunter, Toronto, spent
a few days with her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter, near
The London - Aberdeen express
neared! its destination.
"It’s been a long and tiring jour
ney, hasn’t it?" remarked the Eng-
"Aye," agreed a Scot, "an* sae it
ought to be fore tlie money.”
On Guaranteed Tru»l
A legal investment for
Trust funds
Unconditionally Guaranteed
(Intended for Last Week)
iMr, Whitfield, editor of the Blyth
Standard, has moved his family from
Clinton and are busy getting settled
in their pew home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earle Willows have
returned from their wedding trip and
have taken up residence in the Milne
The induction service for Rev. Ar
thur Sinclair was held on Thursday
evening in United Church. Rev. Gar
land G, Burton, of Clinton, presided.
The address to the congregation was
presented by Rev. Hugh Wilson, of
Auburn. The ladies of the congrega
tion served refreshments and an op
portunity given to the members and
adherents of the church to meet Rev.
and Mrs. Sinclair.
Miss Janet Hood passed peacefully
away Monday morning at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Cole, in her 83rd
year. Service will be held on Wednes
day and. will be in charge of Rev. Ar
thur Sinclair, pastor^of United Church
with interment in Union Cemetery.
A number from this vicinity at
tended the Orange service at Londes-
boro Sunday, evening.
Farmers in this vicinity are busy
with their hay crop.
Mr. James Cutt and daughter, Bar
bara, of Goderich, spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Taylor.
Union Cemetery grounds have been
improved greatly by the erection of
1 new cement gates and posts. This
was made possible by a bequest in the
late Mrs. Alice Slater’s will, also a
donation from the Women’s Institute
and smaller donations from interested
persons. The trustees appreciate the
interest shown to beautify the cem
etery. 1
Mrs. Wm. Jenkins visited her son,
Gordon, at St. Catharines during the
Miss Pauline Robinson is spending
the holidays with her mother, (Mrs.
Blyth L.O.L. will go to Stratford
for the 12th celebration.
(Intended for Last Week)
The Women’s Missionary Society
of the United Church held their June
meeting on Thursday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Roy Rutherford, hav
ing for their guests the McIntosh lad
ies who put on the programme. A
splendid meeting was held and a soc
ial time while lunch was served.
Sunday in the United Ch-urch was
a gala day when six babies were bap
tized: the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Culliton, Glenannan, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Doubledee, Mr. and
Mrs. George Mundell, Mr. and Mrs.
Allan McLean, Mr. and Mrs? Gordon
Mulvey, and Billie, little son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Mulvey.
Howard Stallard, of Bcamsville, Venetian scene. The picture is made.
Ont., LEFT), has his own way of up of 38,000 caps from pop bottles,
improving every shining hour. He col- “It took him 11 days to nail it togeth-
lects bottle caps, and from his tro- er. He started without any plan and
phies he has built up this ttfiUsual went to work. In the process 17 lbs.
Visitors in the village the past week
— Ray McIntyre and children of Gor-
iie, at George Mundell's; Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Mundell of Wingham, also
Eunice Hakney of Toronto, with Mrs.
Peter Hakney; Mr. and Mrs. Clay
ton Newans and babe of Detroit, with
Mrs. Newans; Will Saeur and wife
of Kitchener, calling on friends.
Rev. and Mrs. Raynor motored to
London Saturday to see Miss Doris
who is in training there.
A goodly number attended the
household sale of Mrs. Margaret Wil
lits on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. James McNeil attend
ed a wedding anniversary at Guelph
,Mrs. Willits, Mr. and Mrs. Higgins,
son, wife and baby visited at Tom
Abraham's on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. McNeil, Mrs. Jack
Reid and children visited in Teeswat-
qr Sunday.
GROVES—In Toronto, on Tuesday,
July 12th, 1938, Ellen Maud Porter,
beloved wife of John F, Groves, in
her 60th year. The funeral service
will be held at the residence of her
brother,- D. B. Porter, Patrick St.,
Wingham, at 1 p.m., on Thursday,
July 14th, 1938. Interment in Wing
ham Cemetery.
Mrs. A, R. DuVal was a visitor in
Goderich on Friday.
Mrs. Chas. Sutton is visiting with
her daughter in London.
Mr. Allan Finlayson of Toronto
was a visitor in town last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dolan of
Toronto were visitors in town this
Miss Margaret MacLean is visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Finlay Samis at
Shop at Greer’s for every new
Summer Shoe — for every dress and
sports wear.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Piper of Osh-
awa, are visiting with his mother,
Mrs. S. Piper.
Miss Minnie Barber is spending her
vacation in Ottawa with her sister,
Mrs. G, I. Campbell.
(Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sutton of Or
angeville visited with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sutton.
Mr, and Mrs; H. Morcroft of Mad-
oc, visited with the former’s cousin,
Mrs. B, Leary, Minnie Street.
Mrs. Griffin was in‘Galt this week
attending the funeral of her sister,
Mrs. H. W. Church of that town.
Miss Alice Burke of Listowel is
spending her holidays with her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs, R. H. Saint.
Mr. Geo. Wright of London, a for
mer bandmaster here, spent the
week-end with his sister, Mrs. Jacob.
Miss Kathleen Saint is spending her
holidays with her aunt at Stevenville,
and also with her brother, Joe, in Buf
Mr. Edward Ziegler of Kitchener,
spent the week-end at the home of
Mrs. W. Williamson of Bristol Ter
Mrs. W. Adams of Fort William
1 has returned home after spending a
week with her neice, Mrs. Harold E.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rose and two
children of Blenheim, visited for a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
Mr, and Mrs, Neil McLean and
son of Toronto were week-end visit
i hJFirestotie,
— For Sale by —
ors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
J. McLean.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartley and
Miss Marion McPherson of Brantford
were week-end guests of Mr. and Mfs.
W. J. Henderson, Bluevale Road.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Spotton accom
panied by her brother, Dr. T. A.
Hicks and Miss I. M. Carlie of Buf
falo, were Barrie visitors on Wednes
Mrs. J. J. Brown, Mrs. E, W. Nes
bitt, Mrs. Sandercock, Mrs. Terry
berry and Miss Lou Sandercock of
Woodstock, spent Friday with Mrs.
J. H. Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Henderson of
Lafeyette, Indiana, are visiting with
his father, Mr. W. J. Henderson,
Bluevale Rd. They were accompanied
by Mrs. (Dr.) King of Lafeyette, who
is visiting with Mrs. Richard Procter
near Belgrave,
Guests of Mrs. W. H. Willis dur
ing the past week were: Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Gerry of Fort William, who have
been touring the British Isles and
France; Mr. and Mrs. Will Leather
dale, Winnipeg; Mrs. Roy Pryne of
Toronto and the Misses Downing of
Dungannon Centre
First-class Honors—John Austin,
Barbara Culbert, Audrey MacDonald,
Pearl MacKenzie, Rodney MacLenn-
an, Ivan Riyett, Gene Smith.
Second-class Honors—Louis Blake,
of basket nails were used up. The
color scheme is provided by the vari
ous shades of caps and only a few
outlines of paint were needed to fill
in the design. The completed work
FROM the day it was
introduced, the
Firestone Standard Tire
has more than lived up to
its name by setting a new
high standard of tire
value. Thousands of car
owners in all parts of
Canada enthusiastically
endorse it as the greatest
tire Firestone ever built to
sell at low prices.
Firestone Standard Tires
give you everything you
need — long mileage,
extra safety, carefree, de
pendable service and
economy. See the nearest
Firestone Dealer today.
Take advantage of
Firestone’s new low prices
and equip your car NOW.
Grace Boyd, Eldon Buckingham,
Grant Farrish, Arthur Gilmore, Rod
erick MacDonald, Douglas Mac Ken
drick, Allan MacLean, Catherine Mac-
Lennan, Ellen Maize, Connie Morris,
Verna Petrie, Gwendolyn Robb, Ron
ald Treleaven, Ruby Wilson.
* Pass—Vincent Austin, Jack Caesar,
Howard Culbert, Allan Dickson, Dor
othy Drennan, Franklin Eedy, Stuart
MacLennan, Joseph Sproul.
St. Helens Centre
First-class Honors—Keith Hackett,.
Wilfred Ramage, Russell Ritchie,.
Muriel Wright.
Second-class Honors—George Mc
Gee, Gladys Wright, Keith Ritchie.
Pass—Margaret Aitchison, Flor-'
ence Beecroft, Gladys McBurney^
Mae MacDonald, Marjorie Purdon.
Appeals against the results of the
entrance examination must be made
to the Public School Inspector before
August 15th, and must be accompan
ied by the appeal fee of $2.00, which
is returned if the appeal is allowed.
assumes the proportions
of a bill-