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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-07-14, Page 4
WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 14th, 1938 Il w * AD’S BRING oter; corresponding secretary, Miss Ethel Murdock, of Hcnsnll; recording secretary, Miss Annie .Consitt, Hen sail; treasurer, Mrs. W. Hern, God erich; Doyal Temperance Legion sec retary, Miss Penrose, .Elimvilkx Departmental Reports The afternoon session opened with devotional exercises conducted by the Exeter Union, with hfiss Jean Mur ray, of Hensail, in charge, assisted by Mrs, Chas. Johns, of Exeter; and en couraging reports were given by the following department heads: Evanoglistie and Christian steward ship, Miss B. Hart noil, Exeter; anti narcotics and medical temperance, Mrs. W» 1’earce, Exeter; flower mis sion, hits. Ml W. Howell, Goderich; law and Sabbath observance and leg islation, (Mrs, A. T* Cooper; Bittle White Ribboners, Aiiss R. Dewis, 1 Wingham; medal contest, Miss Jean |S. Afarray, Hensail; moral education, 1 mothers’ meetings, health and hered- pty» Mrs. B. W. Beavers, Exeter; pub- ’ licity and social meetings, Mrs. I Wightman, Blyth; press, Mrs. Walter J Hern, of Goderich; temperance in | Sunday schools, Miss J. S. Murray, s | Hensall; scientific temperance in day j schools, Miss A, Consitt, Hensall; | Travellers* .Aid, Miss Ethel Murdock, I Ijcnsall; world’s and Canadian mis- ’ sionary work, Mrs. Hawke, Clinton, i Mrs. J. R Taylor, of Goderich, pre. I sided at the piano during the after- ^ pioon, and contributed further to the q j musical part of the program by sing- q J ing a duet with Airs. R, Henderson. . 3 They were accompnaied by Mrs. W. ■jJJP, Lane. q 5 Memorial Service o| A beautifully impressive memorial — •; service was conducted by Mrs. A. T. 5“Cooper, of Clinton. As the name of K. i; each departed member yens spoken a 4! white flower was placed in a silver 5 'j basket by the president, Mrs. Johns- it n. e, Whigham ... (HO 022 10-M0 7 7 Twmater . .. 204 004 Olv- H 13 0 Cummings, i hulmers, IWwn ami 1 edict, CUmmlngs; Wylie, Carruthers and Brawley. Two base hits, Wylie 2* Rue; slob vn bases, Somers, Cassidy, Johnston 3; left on bases, Tce.swatvr I), Wing* ham 7; struck out, by Peterson 4, by Chalmers 4, by Wylie 3, by Carruth ers 1; bases on bails, off Wylie 3, off Carruthers 2, Cummings R Chalmers h hit by pitcher, by Wylie 1 (Gray); hits and runs, off Cumming 0 mid 0 in 2H innings; off Chalmers 3 and 4 in 3 innings, off eteiwon d and 1 in M innings, off Wylie 7 and G in 3L innings; off Carruthers 0 and 4 in M inning, Winning pitcher, Wylie; losing pitcher, Cummings. Umpires*** Divbvl mid Thompson. Time. 2.27, cwRm u word pep hwntlmh with a minimum charge of 2Sc, Et»» AM !•' WilhM im in;BAND STAND pond vomhlmm jnanl tnrra itxuou ? hbkh Apply Adramv Timex J h’tlR S M U thto Deering Umdvr, 7 J ft. vol, m good vondilion, with! Mtcutv v.uiici and tiuvk's Ipplvn , AdrathT Tinted s VOR S\1 V’ J nglrdt topic VupH,kmct the vmmnitivv with reference lo, Apph LG. Tamv« jvtveimp a Mausoleum. The Commit) EUR S \l t Hou’-v in Belgrave, in |lvc Kui agreed to sell an area 48 feet good icpair Wil! rah m h.ogMnpA bO feet at pth'vvt ^400.1)0, Ffoml w vaxlt Apply J H Crayvil^L |ten to twelve inundations are beingj ; inMuHvd monthly at the Cemetery, | R<e\e Davidson rtpoited that the| v hangemeu Rxwslvd a deed to a| space to use for Decoration Da> each i (ear., ami a copy of the letter sent to I the thange 1 odge was read at the | request ot Reeve Davidson in which 3 it was pomtvd out that the Commit-* j rae would a^tee is* grant permission | to use the .present plot for the time); being but it tbund neecssaty in thcV ttitttte to alter the plan, ample notice f , * u w <tw iw. Dr1 t KwiD: Lt . .v . ' ., ; unmeet baseball weather. While the raw. \an\v\xek repotted lor the■’scarcely rival the Into 1 owmttve that new lochs had 1 &TRAATD horn the mulct rignedi twmvW'A Friday mcht, an ihmhvhf Black Sew \iiuw kmmiiH of hvt whmt\ib>mt’. pk.m' m»mt\ Waid Jvhnrpin, Con. 4, lot b, Vtnnbem TEACHER W \XtVD SH Ko. X 'I’mubvnx, peraovs.d appheahom r.vCT■.■.•.! y; *' ' “,*v '■•’-■ «aUr\ and, oyyvMetwe WaUavo, A'A rara Whmhant WANTED * HouwUoym pardon to vldeth Mdv. wv Timet WORK b\ the dax Wanted Roon, Hmwesvmk er else looking aft er in valid patient pvefvmd Apple Ad varne Vmwx TltAKSS ..' The t'amdx of the late Mv* doh" Wei de We to thawk the iviemK amb tivmbbovx i’ev theh- kmdtws* ami ^vimvithv.. ami aHo iov the ma«v Bor* ed UiWte* at theiv iwem betvavv tWB (VF THWHKS iI I ................................................. I pwfenvd "up to tab tilth, Maiiuid Vhos II I R R. 2. and x\nu Apply Ad J AND SCALES TO BE REPAIRED iCuniimtvd from Rage line) John LIhmvw of 0Mway> Mkh.» had INTERESTING GAME WON BY WINGHAMI 8th Xnning Rally Gives Tribe 6 - 2 Win Over Teesugrter. The Wingham and Teeswater base ball teams renewed their warfare, ad journed from Wednesday, at the j town Bark last Saturday and at the end of an interesting game the Hur-1 «ons were ahead 6 - A This gave the ’clubs an even break on the season's| |play* rxrah chib having won two gam*| ’ es, For once the weatherman was on Ills good behaviour and a fairly large |, Does YOUR System Make Excess Acid ? Acid lifdigestion, Colds, Headaches, Bilious Attacks, Constipation OFTEN START THIS WAY Some people are what ere known as aeitMuftkcrs. They can’t help it**mid d//cm May dow’t kMw .it, Tlw results oi an excess of arid may wew just like ordinary stomach trouble *- but they can’t be put right by ordinary stomach remedies I Excess acid may be the reason why yon wake up flat, sour, bleary-eyed, bilious — att<i the reason why fierce purgatives only leave you in the grip of a weakening habit and the same old symptoms, But there’s one thing that acid can’t face. That’s the neutralising power of Vange Salts, the alkaline remedy with the Ruftmtl mineral spa action, A tea- spoonful in warm water surges through your system just like the medicinal spring water far away in England where Vange Salts come from. Excess acid is ncutralkcd quickly, painlessly* Tour blood is purified of poisons. Your sore stomach walls are soothed. And that mass of hard, poisonous waste matter lying in your intestines is softened genuy» Rotwrally, and passed out of your body. 2'Aen do you fee) good I It’s marvellous! But the most marvellous thing is that Vange Salts ane only* 60 cents a tin t At your drug gist now—but if you’re wise, an jw bathroom shelf tonight I ranunmte tnm new «J'» everyone seemed satis-)' ten «> the J.wrs «the hw- w as tlw <hlbs UnM |mens Room, and new nose mtthom-^n ,i\xwiug for eight innings when the| led at w last meeting had been Braves put the game on ice with n 4*1 Dorau, lb Gray, H I.edieh e kfeller, ss Tiffim 2b „,.^„.k.w,..w Small, 3b IMcrson, p 3 10 2 1 2 <) 0 I 1 3 2 0 2 0 tanea. t& REAL Hospitality DETROIT j chased and was now on hand. svb eA. I ia -vaVT' -After unnxmtWl innings Alur- jWdUnson taat the hre which broke proceedings with a omat^lhoLmvnl^ M Wtraentre field and scored pm a ptra 01 kV^W'^when the left and centre fielders let I board et Health should see that Amers’ easy fly fall for a hit. Som* jwas mnoved .C m then stole second but \vas thrown | kounnl pxrthtWixUob XWlv . which were held m the town Halv-- * - - • Und ComwB agreed that ho pay >|ln settlement of this. Cramed then axt|ouw& HURONS LET AN- r, , K. . , „ ........ xJI wH*. AW*** .double far over the creamery by Tap'I d -ta < rv > «. V M j jTceswauw wiwd it up m the sixth | ou. three siuglea au^ au emr by Rae s 'km Johustyu's ily» the latter eventual* | «ly a<xwing. ^SlaeV* partly atimed by knaHng' a. flue throw to uip Hughes | utt the plate to end the imriug. i* ■! A single by Doran, a nramraoth 5 £)RW R, J. MANION .. . v. n xs. ... -ki,. vs,. 'it x»t!Gray and another single by Ledietd Md 1X'Wkwdneed the second Huron m inj rays as Te^waMs . Anting, the sixth. I| Mellor Gold out ami Wfin scratched. Has Ober or \»ken Seat a hit to SI the bases but Small and | Qntano JWrson bstth propped out to Johns*-! .torn The locals appeared to add erne ’ In the seventh but the umpire sent the :l stw.ee bach, to thM for httetfetence , . and nothing eventuated except some grate taan wthmg to accept* a^ wssrds and a lot of tun for the ,....... - . tans,nmod thewelves, Both -cluba made J. W.kVaxxfora^ ’jhUsl e VCUrabatu.^ x^wrisX :u.xxmnunt. Wlule. the locals' errors ............Ikherara rartboUxoratra. w enough, bad Wri mflWTOCRBBITORS^'^ Xt'h pooo^x having ehrans aga-nst the evtate -o* '’avras Ha.-ris '-Me of rhe TewshT o'j' How-elk Uo xTnratv 01 Horara. Ta .■ re . d.xxxrara'-, vUo dxxl on oTabovd sTvcrah ?ax e,i v;-.?o, ■\ Tt W?t. yc xra-rad to *0-3 to I W Urau oM. M rachara. yh'^a-A. Oa horara -/'O ivrarav thrivl dov .v 'u'v o> im. ?,3 ■•ohsiraA ;'' e> ■■■. - • xa 3 Qw<rao 4>srats ci :,X' X; ^'■'i'th'ooxj a ">ra ■’? •. fcrara. ra .x otfxvh A Ara wtvra ra: M Od kra UM.. UR VU TOR A • XX mrica to obwors S j ■ The fatwdx of the late Mw. Wm. Mtriraran wkh to acknowledge with shraera thank* the kind e\pnK<*ions, xvf sxmpathv extended them in thole j teeent ■*>ad boesaxemeM. also to those | who so khwRe loaned ears and. Gw the J wutithl floral tributes I NOTICE TO creditors;j ‘Ml porraos having elahw* agahvd-? the eMato of WraWh AttehLon lato \W the Town of AVteghawi in tbra> CGtMttv of Hura«x Widow*, xleeeased'd w ho dwxl on o^ about the tom th day of July. \ W Rigg, aie notified to| -<Hweswe» seed to the Those charitable Wingham Hwows Attohranx at WA. huphenua »w«. .00^ 4-ao^ > ^awo^aw?a. xhwAx 00 ovbetow tbo^hh'i^ 7 V k <? " U1 t* ' ■day of A, Ik W!x fTd pavtkuri(M;vGnesday ® leeswatety tins eemg Usx e^'shoL oWyris in writing.. pho seox^d straight lime the local ^prate-dxttek Mrat the raid xtw 1 ^hllanibnoplsix have done this little of Mra the avra’L ot the raid;’-. n ..iXraxrauK wdl bo dRiMhmAl .ttriongst ’'wa- *VMt^ v ihe wk* ent i'Aod theiot o. hav ra* ] twre xravd erih to. o\Gra> of which the erau though they uete in a charitable k«sra xha’l Cran have tratwra t - ............... Wtted at WiMhan\ thU dav at W x Tl j'M . .ough ersota, both of eoumsslon mfssxwis to slogger a ceririled ‘Tfttre It net show or «rtilice *t Hotd» Midhon-Lcnox. A definite emphesfo , . on COMFORT, plus plcwsnl and peaceful wr* roun^n8* * <re considered the quditiei you »r« teehlns end these «re the qualities yens find at these Ideally locsted hotels. Rooms fitom $]5O WITH PRIVATE BATH from <F SU/TESAWMIE-ALSO WEEKLY RATES GARAGE NEARBY raiju wSllHifillilll . - - - MADISON-LENOX VERNON W. MtCOY MADISON AVE, AT GRAN D CIRCIJS PARK Gb, Mjt.BEST HOTEL LOCATION Miss B. Harinoll, president of the Exeter Union, gave a two-minute ad dress on ‘'The most joyous work in my Union last year—Cottage prayer meetings.” The speaker for the evening was Mrs. Jno. Wright, Provincial presi dent of the W.C.T.U., of Brantford. Mrs. Wright gave an inspiring ad dress on the work throughout the Province and declared she was optim istic regarding the future. She hoped the men would take an interest in the work. It would make it easier and add considerable weight to the cause. In a brief business session Mrs. Johnston was named delegate to the Provincial convention at Hamilton in October. It was decided to have Miss Rosamond Duff, of Toronto, field worker in the W.C.T.U., visit Huron County in the near future. : be made to suspend over the top of the range. Care should be taken that the temperature is not too high at first as the surface of the berries will be hard and the interior juicy. The temperature should begin at about 100 degrees and may be increased to. 150 degrees. During the last half hour, if the berries are exposed to the current from an electric fan the process oi drying will be completed, more quickly. I Raspberry Jelly I Pick over and put the raspberries ina double boiler to draw out the juices. Then strain and measure the juice. Allow % of a cup of sugar for every cup of juice. Boil juice rapidly for 20 minutes, add the warm sugar* and continue boiling until the temper ature reaches 220 degrees Fahrenheit. Ilf a firmer jelly is desired, apple juice may be used in proportion of half and. I half, or one-third raspberry juice to Totals 89 S 15 27 14 R. H. Teeswater _ (H)0 001 010—2 10 Whigham 001 001 04x—0 15 Runs batted in, Marrs, Somers, ■ ton. | l.ediet, IMersan, Rae, Gray 2; three-1 Mrs. Walter Hern, Goderich, gavel base *hlt, Rae; two base hits, Peter- ■ the treasurer’s report in the absence j son, Gray 2, Wylie; stolen bases, j of Miss Mabel Bailie (now Mrs. S. I*. 1 Goete, Somers, Mellor; left on Mses,' Fear), There was $26 in the- treas-1 Teeswatet 11, Wingham 9; struck tiry. | out, by Peterson 7, by Wylie 3; bases ;i "a ne amjress ot welcome was mane a On balls, oft Wylie 1, off Peterson 1. i by Mrs. Howell, of Goderich, and | Umpires Dsebk and Thompson. Mrs. Chas. Johns, of Exeter, replied *! Times—-1,55. j briefly. Miss Annie Consitt, of Hen-1 ,-j -----------------«sall, read the report of the corres-1 ................... i!ponding secretary in the absence of- vtrYxre. r v- inrneinn Murdock, of Hensalk j WIN'S EEADERSHlr Miss Jean S» Murray, of Hensall, a OF CONSERVATIVES presented the report of the reseau-i ; Gons committee which concluded the a «— Prefers,. afternoon session. j ■ » '■! •i Rvenmg Session J Y*.*___H: Hon. Dr. Manion is the new lender ■ entertained nt supper in the basement«ture begins to thicken Sat-jped cream, raspberries and aunc-nds. 'Trills; er resumed Rev. W. F. Lane, ofl --------- 'j©; Xorth street United church, conduct- ; Home Dried Raspberries Irichri' ed the opening devotional exerciser ! Chan berries thoraugMy a~d re->«shnSar vessel and Sil it with enough de, **Jn j move imperfect or broken trrit.. bribing water to reach the tops of the E. Myers: f Spread cn trays. The arriSriri heat fans, lace a blanket over and leave x method w&h seme air blast rs rats: . rill cold- If using screwtop jars,. : eiaecrive. The Sdtcken even may be tighten ©casionally as the 'water cools, a rack may Invert the jars to test for leaks. TESTED RECIPES The following recipes may prove hWO-thirds apple juice, interesting in view of the plentiful supply ot raspberries:—- The address of welcome was made jj Raspberry Rice-Cream Dessert 1 tablespoon granulated gelatine cup cold water cup hot choked rice teaspoon salt ■tablespoons fruit sugar teaspoon vanilla Canning Raspberries There are two methods for canning raspberries. One method is to pick | ©ver and wash the fruit. Pack in ster- | ilized jars as closely as possible with- | ©st crashing. Pill to overflowing with | syrup made with one cup of sugar to «two caps of water. Sterilize for 16 ’ minutes. ; The other method is by raw <-an- ■ niKg by which the raspberries can be Dis-; sterilized so as to retain their natural QXs* Members of the Goderich Union ^vanilla. Cori and cSSU "Wken rrix- =«, fa “ ‘ and akn 1 hs 2 1 1 cup whipping creara ?t cup crashed raspberries 34 -cup blanched rimends Soak gelarise ® rive in hat rice. Add srit, sugar and | shape, colour, and flavour without ac- -----------mutual cooking. Pack the raspberries in .old in whip-jh^t sterilized jars. Fill jars with the is. boiling syrap (at the ratio of one cup sugar to 2 of water) and seal Place jars in a wash tub or in cold water. | r ... . ... jot the Gonsemtive party. He was the hall and when the sesrion ’'Ueltotod Thursday afttmoon on the'1 ■'■ second ballot and the defeated van-' i didates tnoxed to make it unanimous. ' The nnuouncement, greeted with' 'jan exciting week ?, At one time it looked- as if the :l delegates thmtenod to take the train ‘ ? for MontreM and were only stepped ' 'by influence of George Heon, M.T.tj : However, the eenvenrien closed on a ’ Jnote of kamtony straek by Hen. G.: • H. Csbara veteran statesman. 1 Wt Mardon .» MseUheraon Harris ■».- Massey 7.awson Second HaSot Morden MacTheraou Hatris «.«-.-«■ Massey Mra., Geo’ Trikon. oira hes srat to d.'riftral wk sk.vri POtT'* ■propose MarJFn an a«*Lnwn w<: ■ hr triktr ^h H a ‘ffi-5/ra-■■ to be satGed 1 devctlonal exercises, j CJe: Mrs. Lane was pianist for a sale, **1® -j snore the G&rdesC* by Mrs. <G. ar.d Mrs. RoM. Wilson, ei ■GoderoeK oentrlbvaed to i with a readifs ■i W HarvftS w the gome away 5a J<beer wm was sU rite klw ^gbtb« Gvvu uwk Tririris sly U ’......................... rvrirv rlra battvr but Small ring* ,W past third aud racli third ou a d.w.b'c ra left by T’cterav-m Gw latrar am&sh Mudiag.’ ahttcat va the fraal iraw. Rac dravc brih msuvrs hemra with a sb.arp tv» the same torritvty. bcurara iwpvd to short but Bowa Ikvpt it -goh5^ with & to Otulrfc, shoxtug Rao to tb.M. Gray tho» hri* >5 a xlouMo ovor the co:tt.ra iiriderX bead to aoos’O Rao attd whoa Wxw oavoraa s;oooa3 Wws soorod bM.rao bra ow'd bo mi dowa av.d taggod vat. Thra Tofsot^ got vaea va second arid third tri tbra rihttb bat Hoghos tridod thv garara by boariririg &ri vasy oric ra tMvd. Thra wra b?oaghx tbra Hv-.vri'U ’.xxx'-rd vo to thra .sxY) ritarh wtth th.jvra wiris ori- ahoat tho -s&rira as thra ■gyoVjX as :&•? as w ,x '*V, •X;’ erii.sn A 'Ctso ■ ■■•.%. ukra’ -Ura Twx- O'h ■* ■ * A.E SdraX ss 'wIa-.v Chccd what -ch.auri: the Braves svri&M haw bad y? she Fy? ttw.c Gw Hue* !y?s wc ;•< w.'wcd v ttsc G'i'CC UjaMvcty Ml wheat wcvv cca&ed tc: Mu ra» the 'Tccscra tuakrag 18 in o? tb.c (MUbcu dis* cMb xwaM Garat CsV* wesy tto »C'SS ft mnisgs M wMch ewa The Hywfts*' aMrasi Go the ?»}* ca ; ho ba$’' shod CChtOO . ci/..ycs aad ar: ra- xs xsxaaUM Gy* ..ICS p.iowi hx c-db.et - /.SO eCU’C Lx ;to Torsc.s l ad -j/jv x «•!,< ■*,'»$ ^vSj'i.V -niOq- «%«■?!» ■’IH-V -< <> v iieiersoo 4 ”0 . .iiSii t'O.' evfc<'OT'Sj ‘p&sS W1. J- s op-heog. the XWt&hss $y;; tg orc wCe Mow doivng the oauvs of a hadh -.May .<!. was s.'-joo -sooSi.0 tot by > a: Uo-’d ooj the txtssicos -and gcocj Mri XXyihe < ’\;b W '.o'* Uv- XxohL • Uy- ■Sr 4^ -ral.' tee .?;> T’S Tiiirai.