HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-3-30, Page 2Trurou Agnal.
GODERICH. C. W., MARCH 28, l865
We learn br the arrival of the Atneri
ea, on the 26th, that • spirited discussion
took place on Canadian defences in the
House of Commons o0 the 131b. Lead.
ing members of both Ministry aid Op-
position united iu declaring that Canada
would be defended with all the power oft
Lord Palmerston denied that England
w.a jealous, and believed there wu good
feeling towards lin¢land ■niongst• the
gnat bulk of Americans. No doubt both.
North and Smth have some feeling fur
our new -espousal of their cause, but that
wu ao',roason why we should not place
Canada ip a etate of defence. The rela- I
•tions between England and the United i
States were perfectly friendly at present.
A ►light *deuce io bre.dstuffs is
The funeral of the Count de Monty
took place at Paris on the 13th.
- sPRi_l:_ASSIZE:Os
tl[trOalt MR. JUSTI(•1: JOHN WILSON.
the E mart.
Bank of Montreal ea. C. Ckaires.-
Verdtet for plff. /683 67. Lewis for pld,
Schofield .s. Stsalake e( al.-Ejeet-
ment Verdict for plff. Toms for plff.
Wilkie vs. Carter. -Verdict for plff,
Cameron for plff.
Commercial Bank rt. lmlacb et al. -
Verdict for plff $10e.15 McDermott
for plff.
Commercial Bank ra.'Sullivan et al-
'eruct for pld. 1 i3 p. I J. !McDermott
for t
Rua s. SWC y. --Verdict of non suit.
S' 'amerog
1'or deft,
i•ivi ld 1.
.tool t. p
and, u • general rule, people of that kind
were nearly always in the wroth. [ Laugh-
ter.] It would havo been far better to
have given up everything than to hide his
goods from creditors iu an underhand
ma0ner, the result of which was a0 un-
natural eetrangemtent from his son. The
defendants were then discharged. Beecher
fur the Jcfouce. -
The Queen vs. John Smith.-This i.
the case of alleged crimping in May duet,
he particulars of which here been given in
detail in former issues of tits• Signal.
'Fhe jury brought in a verdict of guilty
with a recommendation to mercy.
Ills Lordship alkr laying before the
prisoner in an impressive manner the
enoreiity of the crimo of which he hot
beep convicted, sentenced Lim' to three
years imprisonment in the Penitentiary
at hard labor. .Smith went off with a
constable to very bad humor, gruwbhn,
that he was an innocent , icti,n. The
apa•ctators dtJ not appear to waatc Much
a. wpathy uion dim.
•Iter e.
The Queen vs. John Finkle. -This was
a ease arising out of the burette of the
house and store of M. W. H. Perrin, of
Clinton, in November last, the particulars
of which were published in our columns
the at time.
The evidence of Mr. Perrin, Mrs. Per-
rin his wife, and others went to show that
for some time past 'a family ,quarrel has
subsisted between the I'errius and Mrs
Finkle, the mother of Mrs. Perrin. They'
lived about a quarter of ■ mile apart.
On the ith of November Mr. Perrin
started for Brentford, leavin his wife at
home. Nezt day Mrs. Finkle: persuaded
her daughter to (cave her own home reel
eons and atop with her. It appears this
mor), syiog, '• ef you owe him suythmg
pay Lim out tat iLat," he handed the money
►ac'a to Griffin and said, •' 1'11 pay you suuw
other way." He then struck me on the
Wreered. I tried to keep him off, and G,if•
da came between us. I shored Griffin's
hand off and backed out of the door. As 1
was doing so 1 tripped aver a stick, which I
picked up to defeud myself with. J. Griffin,
on. of his sons, and McQueen followed ore.
tiriffin premed me as I tried to seize the lines
le tae : ut-ter nod took hold of me. McQueen
juvt !heti truck nee y-aiu in the face. Ori(-
lin,sull held me by the neck, his b yrs came at
me behind ., J McQueen in (runt Edward
Gril]iu. 1 think, sock the reub from me and
struck me on the ye. McQueen eontioued
to"tr,ke at me while I remained arnsible.-
McO,e;or came to -my rescue, and John
iirilltn took the whip away frc,u hien. Griffin
kicked me it the thigh. I became nieeusible
and when I recovered Gntlin'a ,hors were
kicking ,me to the head. The old men had
t.kew McGregor into tM house. 'I asked
them whit it was for ,end did they want w
-murder me. Tbrr asked lee if I d,dp't
know -1 set' no. 'They ,said they would let
me know, for they had been watching for me
all day. Dr. %V A. attended to me atter I
Rot home.
Robert MacGregor sworn. said be wan
coining from Bayfield to Goderich on thenith
01 March, Ou q;oiny back we stopped ■t
Griffin's. Wo were asked by John Griffin
stop. 1 went in first. 1 went in with the
'emotion tet light my pipe, and was fastened
in there. Itultuu moa standing, outside. I
got out at the front door. When I went oat
Bolton cu down and all were pounding him.
\\'bee 1 ,rut up ta them I asked them if they
were going to murder the men, when they
seized mc. They then hacked od and John
Griffin, sen., peeawJ me back in the har
a,tsin. I saw Thomas McQueen. John
linlfti, jr., and Edward Griffin sinking
ilult:m. Thos. McQueen gate hien steerrl
blows; the rest wern kicking hi;n, 1uhn
Griffin the elder, took the whip from me,
The old man a,o! he did not want to touch
me. McQueen was not at all intoxicated.
S..w no blues while 1 was in the kitchen
Dr-. Woods sworn. I ■as called to attend
J. Bolton on 8th March. I forted him w.th
Mrs. l'crnn'a sus •iciona breanie aroused ,crural eau on Lu head and his body much
b,uiaeJ. 1 wuu'd nut Bare known him
whilb at her' mother's houso that night, if 1 bud „01 hce,r called w goo him.
Mrs. Finkle was up andyydrest -J nearly all 11.s Ief eye brow ars lahl open, and i could
ldibbcrt rv. cote -Verdict for/plfr night, and her sum .oho Finkle, the got o en bis ares as tbey ware so swuIIeo•-
Gooding for plff - / prisoner, went out and in repeatedly, d
Beecher es. t. Dods.-Vcrdiet for'aplff. stating by way of excuse that be was
subjet to the opinion of the Court. : fraid of fire at Perrin's Lousy Mrs.
Beecher for plff. Sinclair for de ft. Perrin, as she Iay in bed, heard whispered
Borne ri. Huthvio.-Verdict by eon- • conversations between her mother and
sent for plfl. ;500. Shaw f r piti. Caw- I prisoner. Filially, Juhn Finkle went
four' a s.all deep woun uq the left temple
as it it hal brcn cut with some insiuncut.-
Screral wands un the nail and neck. Uoe
side of bu head remrierd black fura week in
rwtsrguence of the blows he receives/. 1
sewed op .Ire cut above his eye -found a very
had warred ou his tbi:b, as if dare by some
blunt instrument. He was in a very uuwte
state until recently.
Mesas. L l):twat and M: Kenzie defeveed
the pri.'otr with much ability
Verdict -Guilty with• recommendation to
eros for deft. away rometimc neer moroing, telling a
Rathvin rs. Ilornc.-Verdict by eon- little doe with him ; soon afterward
sertt fur plff. d •x00, left t, award. Camey- he returned, saying he smelt firc.-
on for p ff. Shaw fur deft. An alarm was given that I'errin's
Dickon vs. Crabb. -'Chis was an action haute was on fin. At the innestignt:on by a
brough y plff. to recover damages for coroner's jury -into the origin of the fire, it
false imprisonment, under a warrant was proved that a peculiar tr,.ck, correspond-
ha n
by the daft. autlorieing bis incar• ing wan one ret grit -,net's boot , d bee
erration for 30 days in default of paying traced a the seighroxhon.l of the: fire, that
•certain sum oC none and cost After track was art `°mpanied by the track of a doz
Gregor and all of us went to the door. I rapacersrr er nasal, soar. ant reline, pamp°r.. If such should be the I ported eaofennre, the object, being trona of •
opened the drat for Mr. McGregor. Saw The Grand Jurors of our 3ovemgn IadJ Csu, we will advertw the store, for it would peace, by means of a military cunveatiou. Zan #
f h rear• t A"eiaee u[ the nest with • wady ale •bout rheas perm. JEF'FEBiOY 1)AVIS. T•
sister Catherine lu alp bar room, ! d B 7 he palant agar mart taw u u
b 1 the Qses• or h e p u
I h f aU UN IU aL CiTTaa/ Or Ttla rra/IDaa T.
,u) Ueted Co.
Iwked onlaid° and ant my youngest (heir o•the p h d whiebaamruon maybe set down as wr o 7b ( ea R C Le , g,
°ties of uruu •s race upon People don't smoke mare in this locality ; Richmond, Feb. tri, 1865.
ru"e°t k - e Comawadia etc:
brother holding my father around rho T►u ascordaue' wifh u Lerclaohi tic " or serious, just u the reader pleases. tern, -You will lea,. by the lettar of Deo'
waist. Saw Bu1W
u with a etiok i° bis °wgi, he gaol a d h u Tgre re W are not okm; about these American ad Longstreet the result e/ hie second intenww
we rutted the gel and h►•e greet pleasure 1
band, whioh my brother Jvbu snapped in statin
g that under the supx visi n ul Mr vertmemeets. 'They haro been wet to l:a m
front him and threw over • rte of wood. wi0 `O1
P well prwaded rill, the trace.eariea and cum- 1f el1e rdrerttsusg a, enntee of aur respected
My father had hold of McQueen and tore forts ousted fur the inm"ta. we made friend, oche Samuel, will pay their bola in
his shirt ; be seemed to be bolding him particular enquiry of the prtsouers and found 'none.• and in advance, we will •ularge the
I am alum., them perfeetl satisfied sou► their treetwnt. Signal and stick lase is, m41 rhes, w
Lxk to kox•p {he peace. W Ju,tie it wlvio.bIa to reoeeat the at- must decliva with thanks. Silver taken at my prefer, and are clotlse
sure it wu that. After the fight my teudanee of the .ur,eon to report on the con• Par supplrmautal authority you way neer) in the
father took lir. Ur or into the house and dltion, of the rowan Preens confined in gaup cuwidar,tiun of any grog awal, tar fur • 01'
that w,• night Ian better qualified to exprea LITERARY NU'I'1('k:ll, try eunvenlito tar the •pporoteent of •
introduwl him to we. mother. . our views ou the expediency of havia1 them cuwmti ..iii r to ens* tow wc6 t rrmnp
n1. :..cd. lee l'•xaunY Qc•arsaLr Kc•aw--This • tweet u will cause at last a temporary aur
Catherine Griffin, sworn. Saw Bolton We beg lu.epromoar deep regret to Ionto neat little review, published by Mr. Gt. D. pension of hustilities.
and McGregor in the tavern ou the 8th from your I,onLh,p'..uatement that insanity Griffin of Hamilton,•at 81.00 per year, al• Very truly yours,
tont, Tom McQueen apd Bolton had is our tsvur,J I'ruriuce i5 i°cra"siug in a ways cuutoina ankles inWrestiug to busineu. rano or era. a. 4 rra•
swuo disputa about money and llcQuvan tin•nter ntiu thin in former )ern. mea, eltallrnging uteonus by their baldness Headquarters Conf. States Armies.
Much. 2, 1865.
re Lieut. Gen. U... (irunt, Commaanding
U..S .Ironies :
G • i, -Lieut. (Jes.-Longstreet has io
furnned roe pkat i,. a reesut ceover.atio■ be
twewn himself and Major Ga. Ord, w to a
possibility c I arriving ata saiisf ctory adjust
went of the present uuhapty ddScuit•ee by
means of a military cuneeuuun, Gewrs! Ord
stated that if I desired to here an interview
with you on the subject, you would out de-
cline, provided I had authority to act.
cerely desiring to leave nothing untried whrc
may put an end to the calamities of war, 1
propxs to meet you at such eonneuient
deemed place u you may designate; with the
hope that epee an interchange of views it
may be found practicable to submit the sub-
ject of controvere) between the belhigerenU
to • COnrention of the kind mentioned. In
such event I am autboriaed to du whatever
the result of the proposed interview any
render neceatery or advisable. Should you
accede to this nropisitioe, 1 world sagge"t,
that i( agreeable to you, we meet at the place
selected by Gens Ord and Lona'atreet for the
i Itnl,ertsun w• found n dean and Ifood frisk and up'o the terms mentioned.
ith Oeu Ord. The point es to whether
1 .Ioht D.pea, E.re., nota • Q. C.,
Counsel fbr the Crown at the pate,
Auisu, instead of Mr Beecher a►we wurn
• ltd to believe,
ourasl(ur Ueu Orwt should into the utLwr
a eoaterenee is nal worth discussing. ll Itsilorat.. --Ily au adrertuentent in mother
ou think the statement of Gen Ord reuden column K •ill tort asrn thrt tM Ilauk et
probably u.eful that the conference sue{
pared sburld he had, you will proceed ea Joe Moutrcal will be remored tet a few weeks tr
'`- the building at preseut used by the Usuk of
Upper Canada; the agency of which ie ■bout
Ming removed nae this town altogether.
' A:eumranyin this our preeentanon your if nut eonrincing the jud.;anent by their logic.
struck Bolton. Father caught bold of Lott hip affil bind the gaol surgeon. report.
11eQueeo and• raid he would nut allow '1'h+t our opinion iu ret'crenoe to the peat !t duuld kava • w Je circ ul.twn.
fightiue. I opeueJ the dour s4t1 callnJ to i°" of those cuofiurd i■ gaol for inwu,ty to Guucv fur April is •sluice Dmnber. }'all}
Ihrt those II.arties not supposed by tiro aur- up to the high standard of thin ezceilent
mmy brother Edward to come out of the geun a M dangerous to wetuly. should be Lrdy's Book. • Fur sale by Mr. Moorhosae.
kitchen. Father sou trying to wake trireaed ; Cut those having m person to care An•snc Moxrai.r ria Arxu.. -The
poaeo all the time. IIe held 110 ueen. fur them tar who .el notMalwntad talo Wn
Q form, , or white malady wanes • violent Pte`sntcumber a quite u good as lhed last,
Balton went out fiat, Father sou hold- fonu, should be rrini :ed in eustoJy till su far . whioh iu aur opinion, .basun a marked im
tug 11eQueenoutsidealso. Ile then went improved iu mind ate to warrant their n- peoveaent upon the issues of preceding
back int.; the loins with )leGregor,- the iea"e, or till some other pr)vieioa u madde fur mo01h.. The contan11 rn :-Adreotures of
I tAem.
followed one another. I then fullowed W. think the subject of making previa:on • Bone Woman; The Spaniards' Graves at
my Tither iu W see what ,lie was going toe,fe r ind, ret persons wIto bee no particular Ithe isles e( Shoals; licit; The Puttibuoa
du. L did nut arts what became of Bultom i -claim un sumo moor hmnictpaliq tar friends hineaga; Up aka St. Mnry's; Rubin Bdkllow;
elle to prortde fur tbem, devnro tAe xerww 'lee •qJ Esyui10wr L)uetor Jahns; Our F'int
uakntion of the County Municipaliiy,an4' Citizen. Needle and Garden; Memories os
would respectfully urge upon the Protein.
Government the necessity that 511511 or
u poly watching my father.
Pat. Griffin, sworn. Was in the eke
kitchen when the row commenced, Went Omit tri n oro nccomrnodatim, for those
irra an, t rso:u wl:wc m us/ies oro re cited
au an saw u ° o ani to M of such n e►uwar lhet by pro's: by Moorbuuse.
hie haul, and may father holding Tom treatment thei mi •hr.,nain be nudes,u,,J itt - -.
Author: Theodore lluok nal his Friends;
The Chimney Corner, Mr. Hosea Biglow to
the Editor of the Atlantic Monthly; "!f
t d J h Bolto th a stick to p" el r Malva put Guns tato our Ila°.'s." For sale
tlr.Queen who seemed to be quarrelin • mind earl thus 1.e brought back w thrtr Ax lanx Mnrt tx S•.s,u.-For many veare
with him. 1 tank hold of m tither and (needs and b same ag•iu useful members tat pptat there fan been o,beenud on the beach of
I the emnmu tiro while with respect w thux Lnkr Ii oon, from S..niia as far u as lios5u-
he sure McQucon's shirt. Let my Ether that are tort ruble we would also earnestly quer a large ywnuty of what eta palled interview, at 11, a. m , on Monday nett.
i \cry resjlect(ully )aur obedient errpn
ecu the ns, unubiht tb•t reau u on the black and, :Some of the iron miners t'
om and then raw my brother Edward o0 V 1 I' ' ►t E. LEB, 0.n,, act
,.uteraueu t. prori de some 5uitnbls place observed t►4, material a few mvmhs •go,
Hutton ( h d f h,e8 t J t teed 't ' ( C S VeneMr, A. A. G., liaadquu11re,
tar t e treaine 5n rare o t n moa an a once pronoun t iron o s very ' Hush 7, Id65.
Hubert 11cGregor, recalled. Sail the deplerehlc of 511 Saes of human suffering. 1 excellent. quality. A specimen of it sou seat
pre sad by your Lp •.-ship in reference to the ' and the p rof•mor i report state' that• it sun• Headquarters Armies I;. Sutra,
\Vu heartily co cur w tLe sentiments el- j to Profeseer Croft of Coronlo fan anadyang 1 ITTeb ear. r. s. GRIST.
girls were not in the front of the houac at
all ddh Pt"kC'
personal. religions std ! tains about nine) per cent. of a very •well- Marc! g, 1866.
nor t e a;,w a etc rn o. sacu.i(v green to eta
Mr. McDermott, who defended Grifin, civil lixrty rn maintn tin r uuuct our Grand I lent quality of iron, John M•t.troy, Fiq., of fen R b Lee ComnwndugC. l armies:
I • haxzw -lour two Iron of that 0th
did bis best for the old man in his address Jury system, whereby a secure the declared ! uu,t Fwlwanl, Md secured the land un shawl alt., were reeeieed veNerdy. In re{tad to
opinion of twenty-four u our peen before we I the i .gest bed is round, and it u su-1 -by • an w rely-, w..te.dntanding in refer
root o J rP
ndeurorin'• to t h 1 r sum stent en •i ser th t . the one bank I
to the "uc b e b , he d iveJ of cur i n. " r
oat ser
J y
hot lel \I Q 1 the t p'c hc•6 to acknuw'es/; our indcbtedneas I there is at lout 370 OW tom and tbat • tun i sure w the raehanee of pu:itical priunere, 1
enty u manner I ere are of ter mater a m tt e su tient
n, eting . any i value W pay for working ,t.' Tho bank is
bar„. of our about • quarter of a mile from Grand Trunk I
station. We may state that it is kuown A few da s before the iotervie. between
We rc:ret that the root° asst, ted to the that there is a shoal or bank of the same I T
Grand Jurors eat ,n such ,• poor ion, coal- I material, of unknown ditoensibn„ but Generals le,■gstreet aid 0,d, I hal received
polling them w frequently to dig. rh the 'several nsilea in length, in Lake !lavers; rt • I • deanatch from Gen. huff ni,, ('ummi"ary
prbeettiin, a of the Court by resting d re- I Bort distan•-e from the shore. Lumbermen Geuend/of Prisoners, suing in substance
passingbetwen your L)rdebipaad Petty ' fomxrly dwtd this hank for floating t lhu+ I prismiers u1' +nr . hu were, or bad
Jury. i setts, u the water un it was only about fuer beim, n elate confinement or irons, whether
TUE 9LNTLNCL,O■ORII:I•/AND M• CggN. aka or rotenees,
had been ordered
V Un this year hnrduhi is 6 st visit to t req (ccs Jcnp. toile on either aide .it sou from `
Uuited (counties in the cape ity of MIMI - I teelve to twenty. If it real) prop to Mas to ' y feint fur ezebange. 1 forwarded the
roan these dews wbich fur "o sway; e - ; u t,nFdemly anticipated, the forsrue, not a tonne of that deepwkb to Lieut. Colonel
Itis Lordship, after addressing the ung of Msceaer but of he es* s000 alford, •our>irnt agent of eeehanEq and
w e ane upon . c users an sou r 1Lmk lhrre need be none. tarn Urd nr (ten
boys, and making it appear from the to the learmd rail goals •my l'uuusel for of the otterinl u lelunh ao( .ufScie .I 1 1 , bpd ode loud (bat
[Le frown for hie enrol tar, f Th !
evidence of the witnesses I'or the defers o ,,tj his re,J,oessg in 'cunt
that, he was doing his best to quell the i"f,rmationtequued in the d,
disturbance aril keep the peace.
The jury retired, and in about an hour
returned with a verd:ctbf Guilty, with a
recommendation to mercy.
nr,,tstrest Ku t. mise to
1 said to the former on the subject, or 1 °ray a" to ramming of she Canadian. The
hare failed to )hake mix!( understood, dee
Fart \\lair, -From all ' the information
we can gather, it appears that the Fall WLeat'
hu passel through the winter remarkably
well. The field' lave not presented stab •
promising appearance at this season fog
averal years past. Thus far the appearance -
of things fur 1h65 is very encourajinj,
Sr iec,--The weather sums to be fairly
opening rp fur spring. Th. soft South wise
hu brupgbt with a the birds of wormer, and'
to -day (Tueadmy) clouds of •eiid pigeons havr
passed over, flyin; Northward. The fresh ie
outofth•rground, and a few fine days wan
enable formers to set their ploughs at work.
The indrcatiurx are that the season will betty
ea unweally forward onr.
7'ou F•se.• [tbre el o'ue'goinj about
with a petition in 1►Tor of a notigaunn of law
sentence of John Grifii., wish to secure twe
1Wl years of Penitentiary life (or him, they
will persevere in their ualow efforts. le
sur upiuion the Government will be mush
more likely to do something for hie if
Froperty asked six month" Bence.
N•V1141ATION b'OR 1$S6.
We believe it is now settled upon that
we aro only to have the following ar-
rangement for the season of navigation,
which will probably open in a few days :
The steamer L/eron will take op the
Saginaw route, same u last year. The
propeller Niagara and baruye :Maitland
to run between Oodcrireh and l'hioagn,and
on the coast route there will be the Bruce
and Lonnie Boer. We are not informed
ailed). Chicago and Sarnia mute will be kept .p,
ernttons Lave been the pride wet but . zea,
prisoners reepectirely upon the enormity Bruise, subjects, we hag mutt reqs fully to te mad•.. We toy wM elsatcapital s brineNp'eao ii-prutswMe that he haat comm°w
and brutality of the crime they bad cum- tnngratulue )Jur L xJahi:, u s e receivin; t vented for the purpose of derelopieg t►f C* ertao rode der wbho was nettles d pr r 1uO
Jahn Grit n ants then put upon Lis mittol-which narrowl esca ! bein the cmmuivice of our beloved gm•ereiP m m • .-SnrwiaCawtdiuw.
trial fur his share in the sumo transaction• I P•' o re huncretip to dioinee voer 3.,rdshi ea P° Pct
,'e'niaheJ r ,anion as
that hon ad dig,
of murder itsaC-and aJverti •• to w creel
p r
we believe, pretty much the same as last
Tia Fauiirr.-The !reshot' him do..
further damage here• At the harbor
quay the icolin paa,io out of the river
i tore arta) all the fisbin rhurti.•a, domo'•
ishcJ epees. opened a breach through the
piers and uleyed the mischief generally:
Considerable damage was also done to Mr.
of war nor • liticat ner, was executed. !'lath's darn. At one time it was thought
n ti 1 trial and in aeturd-
ter • fit.
ate tanu
u M
tobe.w town al cher but webelap
•P I tOKc •
w and law ase+a of
w' lawn of ac
th tlx
averts t
civilized nations. It sou in ezplana:ion of it did not suffer ro badly as sou feared.
this clam of cases 1 tele Gee )td to speak to' Still, however, tt vsi;l cost a g,001 deal to
Oen Len street.
Itntereuce to my letter of Feb. 1 8tshew repair the breach.
my understaud:n; en the eubjent of acing
political or Citizen prisoners. JIir. PLATT'$ LOt1laEtt,
Ir. reeard to eestin you oo the 6tb inst.,
1 could rotate that 1 have no autbnnty to Mr. Platt estimates his testes by the
aaeede w Tour pruprxition for a eonl:-rirnie
on eke subject prop ted. Sxh "mthorit} is re mit freshet at about $:x)00, and, after
rased to the I'nsident uC aha Uaitd Staua alt the trouble and anziety he has passed
atone. through, in 000aegnence of the di eulty
G 1 Ont mold on y hae,.meant thea 1
woo!d not refase an interview on any suhje.t • of inaintainiing a dam •oma, the rip.
on wbich 1 have a right to act• witch, tat 3laitla"•I, it i. pet to be womiared at thea ,
course, wua1-1 he such at era
The Counsel for the Crown, in opening the sad ant unsafe state into ri...' Tueicty gnat of Ju3;e in ane of aur Su;s:our louts Toru
woo ,rowmworo wet tin rs to c aid .mit o rra ctfa;ly w n tbat goer Cana
o I nrd..er may he lee 'pared m uruamcut nat.7war
the lase sail that when a party of men, 1d be t} h h b Pe ,. P J
I •doe wan burael iu the loans, • ecuphe of sat upon one mac, u to this instance, to passed over with a light punishment, sena
lying io jail fur eighteen days, Dtekson wan basket. were thrum over a fere, us :i t., °bust him, each was liable fur the acts c d lbo'p W h
discharged on a writ of habeas corpus sant wane lciun on • neitl bur. I tun_ • ! committed by the others.
T g i 't W e
Its eke Juiieirry of our south).
rtaonen two year+, cac , m J. V. U1:1'I.0It, Foreman., th teooplUn
Grand Jury R.om, Goderich.
at hail labor. 3tth March, lois. pecuniarily
fhe evidence given by Bolton, McGre• I Benson S. Bennett vs. C. Haskin.- . Biz L)rdehip enmphmented the jury pent TAe skid fn
gor sod Dr. Woods was the same as in the l Ejectment. Vcrliet t x plff. Lewis for dee etS.:ient disc:,area rel iu donne, dunked drroled nitudt
saw of MMcQueen. pllf. the gra•!.-men composing it for their kind dec:,re !hitt they
Hugh Crawrord testified that he saw alleatons to biose'', and oroteised u) bring - the Ilepub:te."
♦LLL/aD lA P' -TILL CLL♦aOg netga[a Uwe•-neommzndations regarding the intone
John Griffin, sen., on the day after the ). r. elan Ga,ernor (isu•nl.
beating affair. Griffin asked him how he DOWN' MILISST•TION or at •DDRUM enoe "Tea
had left tfie patient he took home. Told
.'Gums" ow A. tow. be
Globe, in dizeuseing the quest' n of
defenu makes the foil w, • rte
Pr. 7
y statement : -
p 1,ttle doubt that • rudjonty of
( CTula heiier° that/mnewation
States would nenetit them
• think that 'error, but It is
not cont. to a pari).
settle pressing their
to f wantAer °metre,.
mild better.' under
If ties be so, F:nS'1
congrattrl..te bond(
the peop!e of this c
fur a tole time to
will 'have nacos to
the high taxes which
will' have to pay
-- -- - - _- 'aeanit the tame of err mother, rcvrnte•l W. C. Bruce, a well-known merchant °•"••' me to niequenee of this
J r Iw•r, will' tend Irsa•n a belie( ref' the
thorit7 to prorc that no person m such On Saturday sienna ju3 before the rising
many points calculated to call ap f •aline, o(. him ho was very bad. Ili, said Craw- and magistrate of the County of Bruce, of eke ('..art ir" Lown, 1: ., County At=, Ca,wdiana " tl mwxaiu to the 1: oiled military character, and on the subject of ea
a case could be imprisoned for mere costs.' painfulness. The prisoner was defended by ford, asked me if it wan worth ; $10.00 i wet placed on his trial • on Friday aft•► *entry by rgeest, read the fellowisg edemas ; Stews wtiuW nenef,t these pees lardy." While ehan4e, which ha• been eut•asted la me.
Damages were laid at $•:000. I Mr. J. G. Millar, of Woodstock. adding that it was one instalment and he coon, charged with having commtitted rape•. len 1er'.1 trip :- y 1 we hire re doubt that the 'an: dis s" ars i rave shy haver to he, very respectful lye
o n g p' strongly a rhed to the., mother clotty, it year obedtest servant,
Iiia Lordship ruled a non -.toil, with e1 sauce. (Bolton) had to Prot thea or Corr mon. upmn a girl named Mary Ann Hammond 76 the //usnrab/e .Nr. Jr fc A JoAw fF'; is nIt age rr prohah'e t! rt ih . u b int G. R. OItANT,
leave to move. Toms and Robinson for
-unmans rfe * for Upper sort a .
p re Cameron and K. McKenzie for deft. breuebt by me Wm. Graham w recover that time. Witne-es and prisonu'r were on such ea5ce, the story of the girl was so Mr Lunu,-tVr, Ue ISar,i>ten recti.
Bennet rr. Morgan rt aL.-This was an damages from Wm. Henry for sn alleged :friendly teens disgusting that a repetition of it is iln- ie Gerler:cl. and tee United C,u,ities Of
action virtually eenimst the township of slender. Henry's stacks were burned some ( ibis, but as tho affair has been made Huron and itreee, would on this the first op-
months ago and was char ed b Grubau, Angus McDonald, sworn. I live in ports rtu,iit w+ ba+a ftad, uff:r ur-our cungral-
ilmllett Cor trcepnu. It appran that J J tea° T J
some twelve or fourteen )team ago the wnh harmg spre d •report lLet hr (Ornhanq
township authorities were authorized to 6rd net fin to them. d}rnee the presrut
o a road throe h a block oC land which faction. Verdict fee deft. Sinclair fur plff.
i en R Beecher for'deft.
hu since corse into the possearion of Mr, anger mvcaLuo.
Bennett. The .urate labor oC the section q•he Quoit re. Ws. McDonald. -Prisoner
was performed and public money expert- sou charged with haeme „oleo a sheep be.
ded on the road. Bennett now claimed longing to one Wm. Garrett, of Colborne.
the land as bis and therefore, instituted Tbere was evidence that elisoner Aad worked
the premrtt action. !►s Ilia Lordship re-
marked, it would hove been better to let
a sleeping dog lie, fo:, whereas bis d•eel
onven exactly 32 acres, the evidence of
killed w animal Indulging W Mr. Garrett.
two survcyorw peeved that the property •tlthou;h the mivake sou oeknnwirdgcd
virsunl'y, uo teens werC taken to m.k.. the
Waitaed embraced 5 acres, thus giving matter right. Grundy himself said nnthind
bim his 32 acres without taking in the a(,eut it m th, way of taking proceedings
rera1/ °f • he should feel vcrj mach disheartened. --
Graham re. ileney -Thu was an setio° He, (Griffin) was not to say very sober at in the month oC May last. As usual in an, one nil rhe Jadges o e odrrt o would errat'y i i.eI J, i; they Mnot be - laeuteo•nt Oenenl.
rho illy c•rev,n:ed dot the ro nectinn
with the m ether anustry was de :dcdly . A Jadge on Coulederatl•a.
at their pecuniary interest. '1'M . Iglu.
ouithe world over, keep a pretty s rp
k out far tb. ie.ein chance -in Canada
B fi Id h to f \I J h a'hsolic of W \ir Bruce's gr • tt injtkro I ' be I ted t th Bw b well u in Coo.rcli$rlt.-Ddroit 7bbroe.
ay a in t o emp y 0 i r. o a - r. r suuw ua your ing a era o w e t/
Bolton. lied a conrere°tton with John is s only rigl't that some or tho main and .e woad ezprees Ate satisfaction artd
leasure which we peep at tiles b,)nut conferred _
Gri in on the I Ith of the present mantle ; pointe bf thea evidence should he briefly un Tou ler U,o Go•erimuut. F'roro oar pro• AMERIQAN 1gAR.
bo a,k d me how B )Ian as I atatod. Th•. affair, according G) the p d's vines intercourse with you and Mir knowledge
n w anawen"- ANOTJII:R BATTLE.
that lt, zea very pion). lie "aid Buftop I Wrv, to.k plac- on a S.tturd,y night, "f your many g.»J qua'itins, we are aware
bad sworn a lin upon him, for so help him
Go l lee had not l,id a hall on hhn, ant
added further that he would be hanged
frit Mr. Grundy, that be hat received under, . for. Bolton yet. Griffin told me to take
t) hill the sheep, elie,;d w hare beoo at,e,„, care how I went -past his place, for having
That Min r heelf blind he made a mistrke and Becton's mare, I -might bo tek:n fur the
wrong man and set hurt.
Thomas McQueen, sworn. 1 was
prtscut when Ileo tbw oaurrel at John
Griffin's. 11 ,otmhcr BoIton coming on
It u feared by some that he will give up
►he sera ole in despair, but we trust, Ar
the srke of the town that he may sero bis
way clear fur a fresh tort. Nearly every
business tntn 1,. town will agree with s.
_ when we stuto that a permanent stoppage
Judge Johnston, N. F. has written •letter. of the Mills owuet ltt Mr. Platt would be
eloquently mlroeuit; •union of the euluntes. a calamity much to be deplored, and
Wa make •n extract :- fume.•, we think every man in Gudeneh who
' The choice offered to the !evie:attires of
ha province is : has an interest at stake in rho place, and
•' On the one hand, every able farmer in the vicinity who eau
' i ni,m under ane eovernm•nt, giving to I a restate the aeoasit of kce in a tbe
h uhjee11 m their cont dente and' pP S P R P
g strength a n•lim,slity wonky tat price of wheat should naw come forward
o sin, and • tMatre ul actors sueh- u acid eofunteer whatever assistance. may be iu
bis power towards restoring the dam with -
001 which these fine b1111s will be useless.
Mr. Platt hea suffered a loan that pros-
trates him for the time -being, not through
rnakestter, or roguery, or negligenee,beit
lily by an accident that no human ,
ht could have prevented, and now
it is f\the business and laboring people
of the wn and vicinity whom be hu
materially Dented, to say whether they
cannot come to his aeiittance. About a
year Igo a lar
in Oshawa was
no insurance upon i
were tamed; but lh
with enmmendablc put:
work and secured fur the
use of $10,)00. The ton
e lime near midnight, i0 the absence °hut you will hit the hath positon w wbich Oor.ossoao over rias sr atruurtn.n. et
yur bare been culled in • numxr uhke their
of the accused's wife. The girl Swore creditable to tour IfatJ for the good of the W•sulvur.,,. Msuh e. . 7 r. a --Thi. national
that be accomplished his purpose -that public. Itis cur sincere wish- that you May morning, at half -past four o'clock, the enemy nowbedgi
she wa,lo a great noise, -that the child- I"n,( Itvo in health o.d .ipaplsiuew to sago) .bv a strong and sudden es5ult, captured F ort ,nsuauoM
your well mcritd honors. • Steelman, but alter a •t,roroae contest the principles o
ren, wakingg. joined their cries with hers K. homototie, Iienq I(xUaroott, fort was recaptured with 1,600 prrtsonen, two forth the eser
-that .he did riot know there were other N. C. Cameron, - A. Lefrof, drys and 5!I the guns uninju o1. Orn. Me- dtnicerd•nn
men in Ute Loss; at the time -that oiler 11. L. i),y1. Jubn Mums, 1,sughlin was liken pruuner 7 rho Confmd dente, Mee the
J. R. Sinclair, John Davison. orates who ass-ulted Fors Ilaskelt• Mt wen : green of political n
the occurrence n, uran named Robert Wal- 1. 11. Gorden, W. Torranee Hays,
lace came into her rearm for a light -that D. Shale Gondiug, Toms A Moore,
ahe said nothing about, it to her people J. Y. Elwood, Ira lewis.
Fits 1, onlabip aid he felt much gntt6ed
fur at l':ast eight err ten days.- bytorprexnu.tionof11.sal4me . linIb.•d
roadway in question at all. It was also until recently. although the affair took place the 8th test. into prisoner's 1.vens• I llad there been no 0 9101 of rebutting all preen oonnecled with the btu f,r five marl
submitted by defendant's counsel that, in Nov,•mher tut. Tho prisoner was ably struck at him. John GriiS' jumped in thio \Ir Bruno would have been in a, bad tteenif Tears, •nil he could appreciate ,heir
11/ttding to statute in that cane mado and Iefendd! by Mr. Miller, between w and said there would leu nu kindness on the prekent occasion. They
fix, as the law now stands ; bat the whole could all appreciate, and 11 r. McKd:nzio :.new
Fronded, a roadway could not be recovered Verdict nut guilty, upon which re:Amin,;. - fighting in his louse. ile asked us what I
i° this annum after the public bad us d n demonstration of applau•n aro.•, but it wi.r the qu rr lir g w 5 abu t a d i tl ' L Ile h d the elm wt eompleta ,"°baton ,t
ex pension demand•; ehere-ark
the snmereienty-maintaining the
altivaling and perpetuating the
the parent state -and putting
'es of tree men, they and their
, under a gracious I'rovi•
partunity of ruing in de
uenee, material proppser.
:terary attinment, retina
moral progress and
od manners, which
1 and contracted
story zea" met by the overpoweritng adverse from ezttenenre, the 'Meow duties of the
t. ) e 1 a ,l , n till rte an ,
euiu euo tamed. Mcbunaid .was tbeu a tcatim°ny of at least xis wilnessos. Jlr.
t for tome considerable length of time. Ms" T ' P' . &dton sail, ":bout two dodders," Griffin , involved. Th x had fnrtunatel had men
Verdict fur deft. 1.ewie and 1[u!. fur fist har;rl. JI'Lcan, n divinity student, swore that be greetemmence en the Bench npthis country,
Ikd out • handful of silver and-uid to
l serer. was in the hnu,c on that night m edgy, and it anus difficult for J'm,iors to leeep ap in
plff., Cameron and Robinson for deft. The Queen vs. Robert Anderson.-TI me "pay him out of that." That was and although he slept in • room at no ta,,t i u°", bat hn should do nig best to arta
LARCENT. riw,oer, a rte Wank nc ro leu about l i bcCuro I str.tok at Bohnn. Bultrm Chep a tarn the reputation of the potation a well as
P T g J' great distance, he heard no nota what• be coa11. /
The Queen vs'. H. Haacke and William years of age, pleaded guilty to • charge el backed out oC the door and picket up a ever, and he conal lcred it impx,ssible that
Armstrong, larceny. Thin sou a case lia.'ng stolen the sum of $30.00 from a store- stick that I was making • maul handle en much 110L .cold have biers ma>ic with- A Batci of ASteeturenU.
keeper in Arran during the prevent month• gut of. John Griffin, Jr. pulled at ort of
arising out of a fa.nily fend. 1' he poetic- out his hrsrin ie. 11 r. ilobcrt {Yallaee
eteotented a two )sari ,mpris,ument in t6c lin hand and flung it o11 a ilc of wool We have frog, time to time received from
was also in the house at the time, and' d'
niers, u nearly as we could glean them, Itefurmntory pns'"• Bolton went to his cutter ani took u a en enterprMing Amencan A verlinine Agency
th So 11 p heard no noise. Ile did not ask the girl ad•ertiemera s enough to 611 up a good-sized
were enc , me two years sem , r. •aa ar1.T. black !make whip and struck him with it.
Iluoke, according to the evidence of his The Queen es. Thoma McQueen -1'hc for a lamp on thea or any other night,', 10 accper. Tbese iii fon any always propose
sou, Arthur Haacke, when starting awn indictment char eJ the prisoner with haring All the ttiyp Gnffin had hold of mc. to hen the irl came down to the last
I g P Gritiin'e boys had a acuffl: with- Bolton g to accept of aur 4111 (tar any overt of the •d
b Toronto told the latter that he might and threw him down. Edward- Griffin noise.!, the came part of the way with a ventaments u halt payment for .the article
save ea much of bis [the Tither's] proper- m:m wed his wilt named R'halrD. In thus brought rehire the puhlnc of llnrbn and
qct on top of him, took him by the hair %t i McPherson's tavern, Goderich, sho told Bruce. Sonne of the 'articles offered as in
ty r possible by selling and othcrwse and wag besting him in the face with his the way arc unique, Thns one firm wishes
dispelling of it, as there were a number of It: laden what she was goring to swear
lista. Griffin held me so tightly that he at to take pay in Rocking) theses, which,
executions against him. Arthur Ilaacke spend Mr. Bruce and how. There was hunter math the mi ht rkti ht the Iiule
tote the shirts off me. McGr ;or came 1 g g
traded wegona with one Shanahan, and at a very palpable inconsistency between her Signed.', world nded enbly tat prise one
out of the htru.w and shit we were gone words then and her evidence at the trial. journeymen, if handed over as wages, on
i TI 111
eommiucd an assault on Reber' \i.eireour,
on the 8th of Mach init
Robert Mc. regor swore, told that nn the
day mentioned l:e was called into John
Griffin's pl•ec u he wan paa.iog. A fight
wet going on. McQueen a:d others were
beating a roan. i Wed them to let kids alum,
when teptt,oner kicked me it ihd thigh,
esusing me pain for ae•eral days. The
paniee tried to keep nae in by hotting the
door. Si,nply asked were they going to
murder the mast•
A verdict o(guilty wu recorded.
AGma•r•TCn 1amart.T.
The Queen es. John Griffin and Thomas
McQueen. 'The indictment charged prison-
ers with having, nn the 8th tiny of Much,
inti commot d a, aggravated watt upon
the person of one John Bolton. The acrs:J
sterned ., their defence, and McQueen was
first put anon bis trial.
CrMIs, John Bolton, swore. -Lives." in Bayfield;
sou coming up to Goderich n• the 8th of 11
l.'" Muck, with Robt McGregor. Wien art Y5•e the eBert n(drawmw an imrrnas ' fi
e sale .n
so obtained
the Dr. and so
tavernkceper in
Dooember last Bo
ucotly disposed of the wagon
Dr. Woods oC Stanley. R e,
ght beck the wagon front
it to John Bolton, a
ayficlJ. On the 3rd of
nn tuiued the wagon,
e nd on searoh beingy1t ade, meed it to the
shop of one Warren. "Fate prisoner, iienry
Hawke, admitted that\ bad hid the
♦hock of the wagon. Geo. Warren proved
that oa the 3rd Dseeneber 1Sundayl he
sew llaeoke and Armstron , sawing up
and burwing the wood work of the wagon.
Tbey buried the irons under
kr. Believing afterwards that the
to somnwt inure ere ansa "ton pint up Then, again, sho hail told two widely daturdsy night. Another firm offers •
and ran down the road, and the boys trent
into the house. AI the beginnin John different stories upon x rely important Jouhle Acting Self Adjnuing Crook Power
Griffin, sen. went into the kitcheq with point to the doctor by whom who was ex- wuherwomae hu ea err brcn knoen l die
amimrd soon after the alleged outrage. It
Mtfirc or. I End been drinking •f was evident to eery man is the crowdod of exhaustion brought on by washing an
Gnfiin's from early in the morning pili S court before the trial slotted that the ilitor's limited sock of linen. and hence ibe
o'clock in rho stwraam, and wan • littlo charge had broken down, and that Mr. peael of :