HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-07-07, Page 4* WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 7th, 1938' noexoc Illi (imwmMMWRg .......................... wrrm-u ..............................I. |, , n o •J? ff,, THESEU^TAP’S 1- BEfttKTS j 1} penta a word peri insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. [OK3O: oao Helen; Templeman, Edna; Town, George; Vanner, Mary; Wild, Pat­ ricia. Il Joynt, Teacher. . Grade II to Grade III mioted on year's works Ander- Marjorie; Angus,* FayBreen, WM BUY winters fuel now, on, instalment plan'. Also good summer wood, cheap. E. Peterman. .Shell Sta­ tion. :octoes FOR SALE—Electric Rangette, in excellent condition. Apply J. A. Wilson. FOR SALE—9 young Pigs 5 weeks old. Apply John Balfour, R.R. 1, Bluevale. FOR SALE—Wardrobe Trunk in good condition. Apply Advance- Times. FOR SALE OR RENT — Spacious House on Centre St. All conveni­ ences and good garage. Ideal loca­ tion. For particulars apply to Mrs. J. W. Dodd, telephone 198. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the. estate df William Dodds, late of the VillageiOf’Wroxeter in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died Qn-tQr .about the eighteenth day of May, ,A.DMi 1938; are noti­ fied to send td J; H. Crawford, Wing­ ham, Ontario,*on, or before the six­ teenth day, of July,'A.D. 1938, full particulars,of,their claims- in writing. Immediately after the said sixteenth day of July; the assets' of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re­ gard only to claims' of which the executors, shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this 27th day of June, A. Dl 1938/ , -J. H.'CRAWFORD, V(ingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. STRAYED—from Lot 9, Con. 5, Morris, on or about June 10th, 1 black steer about 800 lbs. with two scissor clips on right hip. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of the steer notify C. R, Coultes, 622,33. TEACHER WANTED—S.S. No. 3, Turnberry, personal applications preferred up to July 16th, stating salary and experience. Thos. H. Wallace, Sec’y-Treas., R. R. 2, Wingham. THE BEST PLACE IN THE Coun­ ty to .purchase Hay Rope, Binder Twine, Fencing, Paints, Oils, Lime, Piaster, Roll and Metal Roofings; all Kitchenware and Hardware lin­ es, is the Buchanan Hardware. PROMOTION LIST OF THE WINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL Grad^ rVII' to Grade VIII Promot&J/on year's work: Adams L. , Allin' N.»' Armstrong C., Brophy F., Brown U^ Brown N., . Buchanan D,, Chittick R., Crujckshank B., Fal­ coner M., Finlay, D., Fitzpatrick M., Fry D., Galbraith B., Garlick D., Har­ ris R., Hastie'D,, Hutloij W., Lepard M. , Mundy L.f. MacLean I., MacLean M., Parker ,,G./Roe-M,,’Small G. Promoted by examination Dur n iff F:; Ludwig J. Pi­ son, Maitland; Bowman, Violet; Burgmam Ruthj • ’dScmdh Joyce; Deyell, Hall, Jimmy; Hopper, Clare Lean, Gwen; Mundy, Bobby; Mont­ gomery, Donald; Seddon, Ralph;«Selj, Wilfred; Shiell, Gladys; Swanson, Gloria; Wild, Buddy; Wall, Leslie Mae; Yebman, Shirley; Williams, Gerald. Promoted by examination: Fitzpat­ rick, Marie; Moir, Gordon; Seddon, Ronald; Wells, Billie. P, Johns, Teacher, Grade I to Grade II Promoted on year’s work: Bening- er, Mary; Blatchford, Gwen; Bush- field, Joan; Cantelon, Ruth; Colborne, Bobby; Copeland, Marjorie; Currie, Jacqueline; Currie, Jimmy; Deyell, El­ eanor; DiCola, Christina; Ernest, Viv­ ian; Fryfogle, Connie; Harris, Cath­ erine; Hart, Wilbert; Haselgrove, Wally; Henderson,, Jack; Hopper, Donald; Johnston, Billie; Lockridge, Ruth; Loney, Milton; Machan, Ruth; Pollock, Billie; Ross, Mary; Scott, Ronald; Waine, Annie; Wild, Allan; Young, Hugh. Promoted by examination: Brophy, Jack; Cruick'shank, Lois; Hall, Lor­ raine. Tresina; Dalgleish, Jean; Everick, Irene; Kingston, Kenneth; Lockridge, Lois; Mac- A. Williamson, Teacher WANTED—Position as housekeeper, or to do housework. Apply to Ad­ vance-Times. —...!---- ---- ---. - ■_ -- -— - — - --- _..---- - CARD OF THANKS R„ A., a: Collar ‘Fin'lay M'.; Henderson Ma'cLaughUn J., Seli Reynolds, 'Teacher Peter O’Malley and Family wish to acknowledge with sincere thanks, the kind expressions of sympathy extend­ ed them in their recent sad bereave­ ment. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Samuel Marshall and Mervin wish to take this opportunity to thank their friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and expres­ sions of sympathy during their recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Henry 1 3 *-1-- lU, ---------------* — .iLloyd take this opportunity of ex­ pressing their appreciation to their friends and neighbors for their sym­ pathy and kindness shown at their re­ cent bereavement. They also desire to thank those who so kindly loaned cars and for the floral tributes. WEEDS WEEDS are unsightly and a public menace. Destroy them before they go to seed. Beautify your surround­ ings. Do your share to make our town more attractive. Weed con­ trol is a public problem, co-operate, . do your share. The Ontario Weed Control Act states "every occupant A of land or if the land is unoccupied, the owner shall destroy all weeds * designated noxious by the regula­ tions as often in every year, as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seed.” Municipality of Wing­ ham. Weed Inspector, Geo. Allen. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims against the estate of James Harris late of the Township of Howick in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the eleventh day of June, A.D. 1938, are notified to send, to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or Before the twenty-third day of July A.D. 1938, full particluars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-third day of July, the -assets of the said testator will be,dis­ tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims pi which the executrix shall then have Notice. , ,, . , . DATED at Wingham this fourth day of July, A.D. 1938. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix, B. H. Grade VI to Grade VII Promoted cm year’s work: Allen, Evelyn; A.ti d ers pn,: Norman; Angus, Lillian; Catitelon, Evelyn; Campbell, Donald; • CarF, 1 Helen; Copeland, George; Di> Cola, Sam; Edgar, Shir­ ley; Evans/ Muriel; Everick, Lauret­ ta; Fitzpatrick,‘'"Eddie; Gardiner, Lome; Hamilton, Dorothy; Hare, Elizabeth;?Kreuger, Marjorie; Lewis, Jack; Lockridge, Marie; MacLeod, Tean; Mellor, Madeline; Mitchell, Joyce; Sanderson, Jim; Seli, Harold; Shiell Annie; Templeman, Fred; Wal­ ker, Joyce. Promoted by examination: Allen, Orwell; Morris, Ileen; Stoakley, Jim. H. Brown, Teacher. Grade V to Grade VI Promoted on year’s work: Angus, Margaret; Bailey, Grace; Bailey, Ted; Bell, Hugh; Bell, Raymond;' Breen, George; Brown, Arthur; Brown, Isa­ bel; Brown; Milton; Burgess, Walter; Ernest, Jack;. Evans, -Evelyn; Field, Billy; Forbes, Helen;.Fbrsyth, Mary; French, Marjorie; .Gannett, Wilfred; Gardner, Ivan; Hall, Betty; Hilbert, Billy; Lee, .Billie; .Lloyd, Donald; Mellor, Jack;. Montgomery, Jack; Ohm, Freddie; Prentice, Jean; Scott, Jack; Sinnamon, Marjorie; Stewart, Jean; Town, Jean; Vanner, Percy; Walker, Jack; Yo.emen, Cecil. Promoted by. examination: Eddie Carter. - M. J, MacDonald, Teacher, Grade IV to Grade V Promoted on- .year’s work: Gerald Brophy, Jimmie:.Colborne, Mary Lu Connell, Wanda Cowan, Joan Edgar, June Everick, Betty Finlay, Mary Forbes, Ruth .Gannett, Helen Hall, Anna Harris, Betty Lewis, Shirley Lloyd, Helen Lockridge, Jack Lock- Donald Mary Donald Alma Dawna NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of James. Wilson, late of the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, Sawmillcr, de­ ceased, who died on or about the uinth day of June, A.D,, 1938, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on of before the sixteenth day of July, A.D. 1938, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said sixteenth day of July, the assets of the said testators will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the said executors shall then have notice. DATED at Whigham, this 28th day ■of June, A.D.« 1938.J J, W. CRAWFORD,. Wingham, Ontario, SoHcitdf for the Executors. ridge, Tommie Lockridge, MacLeod, Jack Musgrove, Prentice, Barbara Ross, Sdiatte, Billie - Templeman, Thompson, Fred Tucker, Walker, Dorothy Wells; Jean Wil­ loughby. Promoted Lloyd. V. Grade III to Grade IV Promoted on year’s work: Armi­ tage, John; Arthur, Helen; Beninger, Jimmie; Breen, Howard; Cowan, Pauline; Dark, Wilma; Deyell, Made­ line; Ernest, Grant; Finlay, Robert; Fitzpatrick, Theresa; Gallagher, Li­ onel; Harris, Florence; Henderson, Iona; Hutcheson, Betty Mae; Johns­ ton, Ross; Lee, Charlie; Lockridge, Donna; McKay, Alan; Morris, Rob­ ert; Ohm, Rose Marie; Prentice, Laurine; Sanderson, Betty; Sturdy, by examination: Jack Mcl.aughlih, Teacher. SNELL FAMILY HOLDRE-UNION The annual Sngll reunion was held Saturday, June 25th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John McDowell, West­ field. About one hundred of the fam­ ily were present from Goderich, Clin­ ton, Wingham, Montreal, Londesboro, Benton Harbour, Mich., and Blyth. During the afternoon sports were conducted under the direction of Mr, Harry Snell, Mr. Bob Brown and Mr. Bert Grey. The games which gave much enjoyment and laughter includ­ ed races, guessing contests, nail driv­ ing, eating weiners, smoking contest, diving for pennies, peanut and candy scrambles, chariot races, writing con­ test, bushel basket combat and old fashioned costume race. The ample refreshments were serv­ ed in? the house by the hostess, Mrs. John McDowell, assisted by willing helpers. After supper a suitable program was provided on the lawn by different members of the family. Mr. Humph­ rey Gray, Benton Harbour, Mich., was president and chairman. A mo­ ment of silence was observed and a bouquet of flowers was offered in memory of those who passed away during the last year including Mr- George Snell, Westfield; Miss Minnie Gray, Londesboro; Mrs. Maxwell, Toronto; Little Marguerite Snell, Clinton; Mrs. Harry Thompson, Moorefield; Mrs. Elisha Walker, Wingham. After a very humorous president’s address, Miss Lois Wood sang “Away in a Manger," accompanied at the pi­ ano by Mrs. Edwin Wood. Prof. Jno, Snell of Montreal, gave an address on the history of the family tree. This was followed by a recitation “Teach­ ing McFadden to Dance,” by Miss Beatrice Snell. Miss Ruth Snell play­ ed on the zither and sang “There’s a Long, Long Trail A-Winding”. Don­ ald McNall accompanied himself on the guitar with a very pleasing cow­ boy song. Misses Helen and Elva Snell sang “Whispering Hope.” A se­ cond duet was given by Misses Edythe and Jean McDowell, “Sweet and Low,” accompanied by Miss Min­ nie Snell at the piano. It was decided that the officers for next year be: Pres., Mr. Humphrey Gray, Benton Harbour, Mich.; sec., Laura M. Snell; sports committee, Mr. Harry Snell, Mr. Leonard McNall, Miss Minnie Snell and Miss Beatrice Snell, 1 It was moved by Mr. Ed. Yungblutt and seconded by Mr. Wrti/Elsley that the next Snell Reunion be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Snell, Lon- desboro.—Carried. A hearty applause was given to Mr, Humphrey Gray for the capable way in which he conducted the picnic and provided sport for everyone. Anoth* er hand clap followed for the kind hospitality of the host and hostess, F°WM°TELS CmoosS PATESl £50 gft v.i, ‘ML* 123® LI $ h’II »* as HO «:Vwir. 1 »»Jlf FMOtON fIREWOf ► HOTELS imwiemY located »tASY mwounes Illi I 'Brau CHICKS 12 pure breeds and several crosses. “Xtra-Profit” and Standard grades. See me tor full particulars, place your order here. A. C. ADAMS, Wingham, Ont. Does YOUR System Slake Excess Acid? '■’ Acid Indigestion, Colds, Headaches, Bilious Attacks. Constipation OFTEN START THIS WAY Some people are what are known as acid-makers. They can’t help it—and often'they don’t know it, The results of an excess of acid may seem just like ordinary stomach trouble but they can’t be put right by ordinary stomach remedies! Excess acid may be the reason why you wake up flat, sour, bleary-eyed, bilious — and the reason why fierce purgatives only leave you in the grip of a weakening habit and the same old symptoms. But there’s onp thing that acid can’t face, That’s the neutralizing power of Vange Saits, the alkaline remedy with the natural mineral spa action, A tea­ spoonful in warm water surges through your system just like the medicinal spring water far away in England where Vange Salts come from. Excess acid is neutralized quickly, painlessly. Your blood is purified of poisons. Your sore stomach walls are soothed. And that mass of hard, poisonous waste matter lying in your intestines is softened gently, naturally, and passed out of your body. Then do you feel good 1 It’s marvellous! But the most marvellous thing is that Vange Salts are only 60 cents a tin! At your drug­ gist now—but if you’re wise, on your bathroom shelf tonight! Report Pf S, 5- I3» Howick and Turn­ berry Grade 9 to 10—Bill Abraham. Grade 7 to 8—-Merle Abraham 81 %, B^ft^ ^Abraham 69%, Muriel Neill 64%. j Grade-'5f 4'5*6—Merkley 67 %, Ernie Merkley 60%. Grade 3 to 4—Raymond^Ncill^^f <frGrade 2 to 3—Harley Berkley 84 %, Raymond Gowdy 82%, Irene Fin­ lay 77%, : Pass 60%, Honours 75%, No, on roll—J2< D, J, MacMillan, Teacher. ST. HELENS Jas. McFarlene, of Bluevale; is Mr. and Mrs. John McDowell, SCHOOL REPORT mow: of the pupils of S. S. 9, Fast The following is the report of pro­ motions cf “ ----- Wawanosh. H indicates the pupil has been pro­ moted on standing obtained in year’s work. P indicates pupil has been pro­ moted on standing obtained in final examinations. Grade VII to Grade VIII—Blanche Manto H. ■ Grade VI to .Grade VII — Jean Leaver H, Catherine Currie H, June Johnston H. Grade V to Grade VI—Jack Currie H, Lois Johnston H, Wilda Mont­ gomery H, Wilfred Walker ■ P, Alvin Currie P. Grade III to Grade IV — Doreen Currie H, Vera Montgomery H, Jim­ mie Johnston H, Ernest Walker H, Isobel Currie H, Charlie Currie P. Grade II (Promoted at Easter) — Jessie Currie 85%, Jean Dwason 81 %; Treva Montgomery 74%. Grade I to Grade JI—Bobbie Cur­ rie 66%. Grade I—Alice Johnston, Roy Daw­ son. Average attendance for June—20. Olive G. Farrier, Teacher. Promotion Examinations of U.S.S. No. 12 E. and W. Wawanosh. Hon­ ours 75%; Pass 60%. Grade 7 to 8 — Eileen Snell 83.1; Ada Dow 81.3; Lois Webster 79; Rozella Phillips 76.3; Harold Taylor 64.2. Grade 6 to 7 — Lucelle St. Marie 76.5. Grade 5 to 6 — Ruth Irwin 79.5; Kenneth Barbour .75-4; Isabel Phil­ lips 51.4. Grade 4 to 5 ■— Dorine Irwin 84.5; Eva Dow 82.3. Grade '3 to 4 — Helen Barbour 66; John Jamieson 44.9. Grade 2 to 3 — Nelson Dow 71.2; Vyetta Phillips 49.8. 0 Grade 1 to 2 — Orland Irwin 77; Earl Jamieson 74; Doris Taylor 72. Lauretta McBurney, Teacher. . The following is the report of the June Promotion Examinations held at S, S. No, 11, East Wawanosh. Hon­ ours 75%, Pass 60%., Grade Vl to Grade VII — Gwen­ dolyn Irwin 75.7; Ruby Smith 66.1. Grade IV to Grade V — Elmer Shiell 69; Audrey Irwin 68.4; Flor­ ence Smith 66.3; Jack Shiell 64.6; Harvey Albrecht 55 (Recommended). Grade II to Grade III — Helen Al­ brecht. \ Grade I to Grade II — Wilfred Shiell, Doris Shiell, Jimmie Irwin, all good. • . Number on the roll, 12, J. Finlayson, Teacher. S. 8. No, 12, Culross Passed Entrance on year’s work: Madeline Casemore, Mary McCul­ lough. Grade VII to Grade VIII — Fred Temush 72,9%, Bob Abram 65.6%, Jean Kelly 60%, Ruth Johann 58.1%, Yvonne Douglas 50%. ’ Grade V to Grade VI—Betty Zinn 83.5%, Irene Curie 79.6%. 6 Grade III to Grade IV — Harold King 68%, Grade II to Grade III — Margaret Rutherford 85%, Orval Schurter 79%.. Grade I to Grade II—Teresa Wiss- ler 80%, Irene King 78%, Harry Ab­ ram 74%,? BrUce Rutherford 65%, El­ va Reid 55%. Grade I — Dotothjl V/lssIer. Fifth Class — Isabel Zinn, Geog. (Soft. Studies) 65%; Arith. (Math.) 67%; Br. History 73%; Bob Crule, Geog, 65%; Artith. 55%, W, J. Tiffin, Teacher, Round Trip Bargain Fares From WINGHAM^RI-^ia jSAT., JULY IS -16 TO Stations OshawaMd/^alt tPi Cornwall inclusive^ Uxbridge, Lind­ say, Peterboro, Camppentord, Stations NewmarkeUW^Npjrth Bay in­ clusive; Pend'tang, Collingwood, Meaford, Midland, Farry“Sbund, Sud­ bury, Capreol and west to Beardmore. ' SATURDAY, JULY 16 To TORONTO Also to Brantford, kpi^tjham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London,. Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St. Catharines, St, Marys, Sarnia, Strat- Jord, Strathroy* Woodstock, . See handbills for complete list of destinations. For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, Consult near- * • ' est Agent. T188C ’ CANADIAN NATIONAL Mr, a visitor with his daughter, Mrs, G,. McPherson and Mr. McPherson. Mr. and (Mrs, J, D. Anderson and Mrs. Archie Anderson attended the Humphrey-Wilson Re-Union on Sat­ urday nt Guelph, They were accom­ panied by Mrs. Torrance Anderson and little daughter, Josephine, Tor­ onto, who are holidaying at Bruce Beach. There will be no Sunday School or morning service in the United Church next Sunday. The meeting of the Y, P. U. will be held as usual at 7.30 p.m. Miss Jean Webster is taking a sum­ mer course at the O.A.C., Guelph. Mr. George Clark and daughter, Jean, of Hamilton, and Miss Anna McDowell, of Westfield, called on friepds here recently. Mrs. R. J. Woods is holidaying with members of her. family at Sauble Beach. Misses Zylda Webster, Dorine Webster and Sadie MacCharles are among those attending summer school at the Toronto University. Recent visitors in the community include: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jansen of Toronto, with Mr. and iMrs. Durnin Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durnin of Constance, with Mr. John Durnin and other relatives; Mr. Lome Webb of Barrie, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webb; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougher­ ty and Gwen, of Guelph, with Mrs. R. J. Woods; Mr. Neely Todd, of Strat­ ford, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Todd; Mr. Elmer Biggar, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Biggar and daughter, Sandra, Grims­ by, and Miss Ada Haines, of Hamil­ ton, with Mr. Wm. and the Misses McQuillin. Rev. H. M. and Mrs. Wright and family leave this week for a month's vacation. Mrs. Webster had as recent guests: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith, Elinore and Yvonne; Miss Donna McRae; Mr. and Mrs. Paisley, Mr. McKay and Miss Zylda Webster of Toronto, Miss Dor­ othy Webster of London, and Miss Dorine Webster of Carlow. The regular meeting of the Y. P, U. was held on Sunday evening with the President, Miss Isobel Miller, in the chair. The topic “Is Peace Pos­ sible?” was taken by Mrs. E. W. Rice after which an interesting discussion was led byJRev, H. M. Wright. Plans are being made for an interesting in­ formal meeting for next Sunday ev- enijig. . ■ Mrs. Malcolm . WeatherJjead and daughter, Miss Marion, and Mrs, Downing, of Pori Hope, Mich’., are guests of Mr. and Mrs.-Louis Weath­ erhead. Mr. Weatherhead returned home with them after a week's visit in Michigan. ' . GLENANNAN Mr, Robert Muir, of. Fort, William, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Muir. Messrs. Herman and Isaac. Met­ calfe, of Tilsonbyrg, spent the week­ end with their parents, Mr* and Mrs. John Metcalfe. • ■ ' Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Lincoln and Lance visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Cat'hers; Go'rrie, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jergens, Ham­ iota, Man., also Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles Jergens, of Walkerton, visited .on Fri­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stokes. Mr. Alex. Baird of Flint, Mich., has purchased his brother’s property on the 10th. . « Mr. Norman Muii; ,ha^ .secured a school at Ridgetown.' Mr. and Mrs. Rich; Culliton and family spent Sunday with her par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Douglas, Bel­ more. • Mrs, Thos. Haugh is visiting ber niece, Mrs. Harvey^.Tanner,, at New- ton.- Sunday visitors at the home of the former’s uncle, Mr, J. C. Robinson. Miss ^Marjorie Campbell, who has been oh the staff of Wingham Gen­ eral Hospital, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. H. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Walsh and granddaughter, Jill, of Pontiac, Mich,,, spent Sunday evening with his uncle,. Mr. Fred Moss. Miss Virginia Chamney, Goderich, is spending the holidays with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, R. Cham­ ney. SALEM DONNYBROOK The Y.P.S. will hold their regular meeting on Friday evening.- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miners and Mr.' Chester Tucker of London were Week-end Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Cranch, and family, of Rochester, with Mr. and' Mrs. Edwin Palmer and other friends'; Dr. W. W. Weir, Mrs. Weir and son> Malcolm, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Schreiber, of Toronto, with Mrs. W. Weir and other friends; Mr, Walter Miller, of London and Mr. Frank Miller of Long Branch, and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haines and family, of Orange Hill, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- i win Palmer; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Min­ es and family, of Niagara Falls, N.Y.r with the former’s father, Mr. W. A. Mines and o,ther friends; Misses Mary and Alma Fitch, of Toronto, with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Fitch, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and family, of Whitechurch, with friends around here; Miss Gladys Weir, of Wroxeter, with her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir. The Mission Circle met last Satur­ day at the home of Mrs. John Gowdy. 2**1'9 2 2 2-.25 Values effective iuly 4 to 9.27 'in. %;.25 ■fe.25 DESSERT POWDERS JUNKET JUNKET RENNET MIXICECBEAM3..25 GARTH'S GRAPEFRUIT JUICE - BRIGHT'S FANCY HALVES PEACHES ROSE BRAND SUMMER DRINKS PICNIC SWEET MIXED PICKLES SHREDDED WHEAT DELICIOUS HOT OR COLD TONE PU«ITAN 25 CHOICE FRUITS Choice Lemons 29c Doz. Juicy Oranges 23c Doz. Head Lettuce .. 5c Head Carrots, Beets .. Sc Bch. White Cauliflower 15c each Cherries, Berries Daily F. D. Moore, Mgr., Wingham Branch, Phone 170 z Baited for 1? i.Z ric«> s»uee h°Urs se,«ted pork «<TCH ovtN hakeo ™REE VARIETY Brown HERSHEY'S .17 COCOA VJ9 SYRUP 5^10 Pkg. CORN SYRUP "Crown Brand" HAWE'S LEMON OIL .............. 1.2-oz. Both .S3 Wilbert'S shoe white • ...............6 oz. Btl. .25 bR. Ballard's pet food • .......«... 2 16-oz, tins .29 ft .19 COMFORT SOAP ............................Bar .04 WOODBURY'S SOAP *•................... 2 Bars .15 HANDY AMMONIA ......................... Pkg. ,0g DOLE'S JUICE OF “T' ' * pineapple 2.2 5 COFFEE - ® .25 >