HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-06-23, Page 4Thursday, June 23 rd, 193®WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES AND SAVINGSfriend in town Sunday af- WROXETER C. Berkinshaw and Bob, of spent last week with her I WEEK-END 1 | Money Savers i 1 at the ISARD STORES §■ ■ ■ LACE CURTAINS, New De­ll signs in cream or Ecru, Q AW full size, Now..............OU V Fancy Colored Rayon TABLE ■ CLOTHS in new pat- ■ terns; Size 54x54. Sale ■■ ■ CURTAIN NETS to clear at S Su 20 25 39 49 S Fancy FRILLED CURTAINS,■1 plain and colored A Q EJQ■ frills. Sale...-... OuC ■ ------------------------- S 112 Pairs of fancy Mesh CurtainsS in Ecru shade, reg. 1 A AH $1,25, Now ........... **vv ---- ---------------------B A line of Colored RAG QA^ 9RUGS to clear. .... ■ -------------------------- ■ CRETONNES, Choice A J* * patterns. 2 Yards for ... fciOC ■■ CRETONNES, yard wide, col- ■ orfast, Bar- OA OE OK ■ gains at .........mw Ow ■ ■ 1,1 INI III......... ....S CONGOLEUM Rugs in choiceS patterns and coloring; size 6 ft. S x 9 ft,. O AKS Bargain ...................... ........... ■ TABLE LINENS, to clear, ■ good quality, full width, reg, to H ........1.00- ■ ' .... 1 ■ ■ Congoleum RUNNERS, Size 3 • ft. x 6 ft., in a range i AC jj of colors. Sale ........... r r T T 1 ■ FACTORY COTTON, j J yard wide, Special------ 1V V ■ 9 Congoleum MATS, New De-S signs and bright colors. 1 Q n JJ Each-------- ---- -------- ■■ Bleached COTTON SHEETS, ■ Large Size, reg, at *1 AA ■ $1.25. Bargain -------- 1»VV ■ ■ ...... ® Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs H in New Patterns and All Sizes,■ on sale at NEW LOW PRICE. ................ Ml Linen TOWELLING, 1 Kr S reg. value 20c, now---- LvV ■■Bl Complete Range of New Drap- ’Bl eries, comprising new designs ® and colorings in Reps, Shadow ■ Cloths, Homespuns and Dam- ■ ask. See our values at| 39 50 75 to 1.25 ■ Turkish TOWELLING A ■ Striped, Special ......— fciOC ■ ■ PRINTS, Big choice of new S patterns and all f K 1 A Q are colorfast, at 1U to * *7 1 H. E. ISARD & CO. | !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ .. ...I-.. '.............. Does YOUR System Make Excess Acid? Acid Indigestion, Colds, Headaches, Bilious Attacks, Constipation OFTEN START THIS WAY Some people are what are known as acid-makers, They can't help it—and often they don't know it, The results of an excess of acid may seem just like ordinary stomach trouble — but they can’t be put right by ordinary stomach remedies I Excess acid may be the reason why you wake up flat, sour, bleary-eyed, bilious — and the reason why fierce purgatives only leave you in the grip of a weakening habit and the same old symptoms. But there’s one thing that acid can’t face. That’s the neutralizing power of Vange Salts, the alkaline remedy with the natural mineral spa action, A tea- spoonful in warm water surges through your system just like the medicinal, spring water far away in England where Vange Salts come from. Excess acid is neutralize^? quickly, painlessly. Your blood is purified of poisons. Your sore stomach walls are soothed. And that mass of hard, poisonous waste matter lying in your intestines is softened gently, naturally, and passed out of your body, Then do you feel good! It’s marvellous! But the most marvellous thing is that Vange Salts are only 60 cents a tin! At your drug­ gist now—but if you’re wise, on your bathroom shelf tonight! BIG IN SIZE I ocaoi :qk=jo OE3O1 dthese] HAVANT AD'S I BRING RESULTS A t l > * %.9 s ,! T„-r- _____ ___________ * 1| cents a word peri insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. OEJO n o o n o Laoi___aasiomoi .....■ :^o^o ocoi............. oc3o? APARTMENT TO RENT — Overt WANTED—Agent, a large Canadian McAvoy’s Drug Store. Apply to! Life Company. Full or part time W. H. Gurney. I contract available. Assistance given AUCTION SALE—Of Farm, Farm I Stock and Implements will be held! at Lot 38, Con. 14, East Wawanosh at 1 o’clock on Wednesday, June 29th. Terms: Chattels, Cash. Farm —10% day of sale, balance within 30 days. Mrs. Helen Pocock, Exec­ utrix;* T. R. Bennett, Auct. EXPERIENCED GIRL desires po­ sition at housework. Apply Ad­ vance-Times. EXPERT CARPENTER wants work also painting. Urgent. Wm. Tuck­ er, Minnie. St. (OESOi oraorr in closing. Age and references at the first instance. Box G, Advance- Times. WANTED — AMBITIOUS HUST- LER. Sell Rawleigh Products. Needed every home. Easily sold. Pleasant work. Should start earn­ ing $30 weekly and increase rapid­ ly. We teach you how. Rawleigh’s, Dept. No. ML-453-50-F, Montreal, Canada, TENDERS Softball team, was well attended on Friday evening. These dances, with music supplied by the CKNX Hill Billies, are proving quite .successful, with good crowds in attendance, and all report a good time. We under’ stand a third dance is being planned for the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McAllister, of Clifford, and Doris, of Grey Twp„ called on terndon. Mrs. R, Toronto, parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Kitchen. Mrs. McDougall, who has been visiting friends in Turnberry for the past week, returned home on Friday. Mrs. Thomson and daughter, Alma, of Wingham, spent Saturday after­ noon with Mr, and Mrs. F. Kitchen. Mrs, Herb Hennings’ many friends are sorry to heir of her serious ill­ ness and hope there may be a change for the better soon, Miss Eva Sangster returned home after spending some time with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Stewart at Molesworth. Mrs. Allen McKercher, of James­ town, is at present helping to wait on her mother, Mrs, Herb Hennings. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cathers, Gor- rie, also Mr. and Mrs. Jardine and family, of Brussels, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Moffat. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McLaughlin and Miss Nellie, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mrs. Robt. Mc­ Laughlin. Miss Jean Wells, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wearring. Rev. A. L. and Mrs. Sanderson of Mt. Forest, are visiting with the for­ mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lynn, How­ ick, visited on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Jas. Edgar. The Sunday evening service at the United Church was withdrawn owing to Anniversary Service being held in the Anglican Church. Bluevale Vs. Wroxeter Bluevale and Wroxeter boys met on Thursday night in the Wroxeter Park for another game of softball. Mr. Alex. MacTavish umpired the game which resulted in a win 23-9 for Bluevale. Mildmay Vs. Wroxeter A large crowd attended the softball , game here on Friday evening when Mildmay and Wroxeter girls teams played ball. The game was umpired by Dr. I. P. Campbell and the local girls won by a score of 23-13. | Miss Agnes Durst, of Ingersoll, i visited at her home here during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Muir celebrat­ ed their 24th wedding anniversary on Friday of last week -when they enter­ tained a few friends. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller, and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Woods and fam­ ily, of Listowel, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. Durst. Mrs. Dixon and son, Jackie, Tor-- onto, are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs; Philip Durst. Miss K. Goodfellow spent the week-end in Toronto. Rev. R. S. and Mrs. Jones, London, renewed old acquaintances in the community during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Durst, Mrs. I. Durst, Harold and Agnes, spent Sun­ day in Toronto. Anniversary Service at St. James Church Rev. R. S. Jones of St. David’s Church, London, a former rector, oc­ cupied the pulpit at St. James Angli­ can Church, on Sunday evening for the anniversary service, which was well attended. Mr. Jones expressed | his appreciation in being called upon Ito return to his old parish to conduct this service. In his sermon, based on St. John 9th chapter and part of verse 25 “Whereas I was blind, now I see” he compared the Christian to the man who was blind and had received his sight. Mr. Jones voiced the thought that the ’ Christian should face the facts of the Cross, and at all times have the courage to witness for Christ. Bouquets of Spring flowers filled the chancel, and the special an- : them rendered by the choir was "God will take care of you.” Next Sunday the service at St. James Church will be a special Child­ ren’s Day service and Flower Sunday. The annual Union Picnic of S. S. > 4, Grey, and U.S.S. 16, Howick and | Grey, will be held on Thursday, June iSOth, at McDonald’s bush. Ladies are requested to bring lunch, and each I person to bring their owm cup. i Dance a Success I The second dance held here under | the auspices of the Wroxeter Girls’ 12th LINE HOWICK Hie size and comfort of this year’s Ford V-8 is surprising. Bodies are designed and styled for beauty inside and out. And, of course, the compact V-8 engine allows more useful space for the comfort of passengers and for luggage. In performance, the Ford is equally outstanding. The V-8 engine gives de­ pendable power with remarkable econ­ omy. Letters from owners report that they get from 22 to 27 miles per gallon in every-day driving. DE LUXE THE CANADIAN CAR The 1938 Ford V-8 is available, in De Luxe and Standard models. Both are built on the same 112-inch wheelbase and powered with the famous 85-horsepower V-8 engine. The De Luxe, at a slightly higher cost, gives you more room, more luggage space and finer appointments — all included in the delivered price. If you haven’t driven these finer Ford cars, see your dealer for a demonstration. It will give you a new concep­ tion of low cost and high comfort. SQfl A- MONTH, with reasonable down-payment, buys any vv new Ford V-8 far under T.F.Q. National-Finance Plan. FORD V-8 STANDARD Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Stafford were visiting this week with friends in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. William Wright call­ ed on Mr. and Mrs. John Finlay last week. * Mr. Thomas Vittie Sr. is spending a few days visiting with Turnberry friends. Miss Margaret Newton,' R.N., call­ ed on friends in this burg last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Finlay were Otterville visitors over the week-end. Mr. Henry Finlay, who has been working there returned with them to his home here. Mr. James Underwood returned home after spending a few days with his son Wesley, here. HURON MOTORS, WINGHAM FORD SALES AND SERVICE TENDERS TENDERS GLENANNAN NOTICE TO CREDITORS ■ X SHIRRIFF'S ASSORTED JELLY POWDERS DOMINION STORES * BELMORE 19 04 GRUYERE CHOICE FRUITS DROP IHTO YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD VACUUM PACKED 1-Ib. Tin * DELIVEny fj^l HOME GROWN STRAWBERRIES FRESH DAILY, SPECIAL PRICES 21-ox.JI Tins 2'- 23 GREEN BEANS 2 Lb. .. .. NEW POTATOES 7 Lb. for . . , H. H. TOMATOES .. 25c • 2 Lbs. for ............. 35c ; CRISP CELERY 25c > Large Bunch ...... 15c CHECK THESE SHREDDED WHEAT E. H. GRAY, Mgr., Wingham Branch PHONE 170 FOR SALE—2-Wheel Trailer. Ap­ ply to Wm. Latronica, R. R. 1, Wingham. FOR’ SALE—5 Durham Cows, 3 Jer- sey Cows, about due to freshen. Lott & MacDonald, FOR SALE—1 Used Side Rake, 1 Rebuilt Deering Mower. Apply at Massev-Harris Shop. Wingham. FOR SALE—Beatty Electric Wash- er, porcelain tank. May be had by taking over balance of payments. . Phone 141 J. FOR SALeToR RENT—Six room house, stable and garage,. one acre and half and oven* Bargain. Apply to F. J. Mooney. FARMERS — GET READY FOR HAYING—We sell guards, sec­ tions, ledger plates, wear plates, bolts and rivets; also shares, soles and landsides for all plows. Hom- > llth & Bennett________________ NURSE wants light work on ground floor or work aS companion. Ap- ■' AdvancE-Thnfeg? PRIVATE SALE—Of Furmhlre,. in­ cluding, an Oak Dining Roohi Suite in good condition; springs suitable for summer cottage. Mrs. Carrie Taylor, Queen’s Hotel. TENDERS—For repairing and paint­ ing inside and outside .of S. S. No. 11, East Wawanosh, will be receiv­ ed to 1 p.m. June 24th. For par­ ticulars apply Frank Thompson, R. R. 5, Wingham. The Wingham Public School Board will receive tenders up to 6 pan. June 28th for 60 tons, 4-inch lump Steam Coal, to be delivered in the bins at the Public School not later than Sat­ urday, July 16th, 1938. The lowest or any other tender not necessarily ac­ cepted. W. T. Booth, Scc.-Treas, The Wingham Public School Board will receive tenders up to June 2Sth, at 6 p.m., for the painting of 2nd storey walls, ceiling and woodwork at the Public School. Specifications at Secretary’s office or Alf. J. Lock­ ridge. Work to be completed not lat­ er than July 30th. W. T. Booth, Sec.- Treas. Tenders will be received by the un­ dersigned up until 12.00 o’clock noon, Saturday, July Sth, 1938, for the wire­ brushing and painting *of Hogg’s bridge on B. Line, Turnberry. Town­ ship to furnish paint. Work to be completed by Sept. 15th, 1938, Low­ est or any tender not necessarily ac-| cepted, ’ W. R. Cruikshank, Clerk, ! Township of Turnberry, I Mrs. Jos. Hall, Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mrs. J. Mulvey. Mrs. Wm. Irwin has returned home after spending a holiday with her daughter in Toronto. A little girl has come to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Ed­ wards. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fitch have re-1 turned h«ne after their honeymoon. | We welcome Mrs. Fitch to our com- < munity. Miss Blanche Irwin, of Toronto, is holidaying with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Purdon, De­ troit, are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Douglas. Mr. Dane Marshall has returned home from Toronto hospital some­ what improved in health. IN THE MATTER OF THE ES­ TATE OF JAMES EDGAR BAIRD, late of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of the late James Edgar Baud, are required to send par titulars of their claims, duly verified to J. W. Rushfield, the solicitor fori the Administrator with Will annexed of the said estate, on or before the second' day of July. A.D. 1938, and that after such date the Administrat­ or, with Will annexed, will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this eleventh dav of June. A.D. 1938, J. W. DUSHFIELD, Wltaitt, Ontario, Solicitm' for the Administrator with Will annexed. Help improve your personality with Wrigley’s Gum. Keep your teeth white, breath sweet, by using healthful Wrigley’s Gum daily—as millions do. The chil­ dren also love the delicious re­ freshing flavor of Wrigley’s Double Mint. Take some home today, cs-x AAAAAAAAAAA ........... ....——................... & BRAY ’THICKS The Bray Chick does the trick. Let me show you the proof. Place vour order here. No writing. No bother. Call or phone. A. C. ADAMS, Wingham, Ont Mrs. Russel Bloomfield, Windsor, visited one day recently with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wallace. I Messrs. Thomas and Reuben Apple- j by and Miss Lois Appleby returned on Tuesday from spending a few days with friends at Uxbridge. Mrs. Robert Crawford, of Milver­ ton, visited last Week with her niece, Mrs. Oliver Stokes. Mrs. Charles Smith and little son, . Gerald, of Goderich, are visiting with ,i her sister, Mrs. Chas. James. Mrs. Duncan McLean, of Petrolia, J spent the week-end with her cousin, i Mrs. Thos. Haugh. Mr. Robert Anderson, of Listowel, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paisley. : Mr. Norman Muir, of Toronto, is spending his vacation with his moth­ er here. BEAVER BRAND FANCY SELECTED LOBSTER KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP AYLMER CHOICE WHITE CORN AYLMER TOMATO Juice HELMET CORNED BEEF CHASE AND SANBORN COFFEE PICNIC SWEET MIXED PICKLES ZINGG SWISS CHEESE THESE VALUES EFFECTIVE JUNE 20th .27 .19 - %-,29 22 .38 ^*.25 fcr .29 06 25 WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE NEILSON'S COCOA FLEISCHMANN'S YEAST - DURHAM CORN STARCH PALMOLIVE SOAP NAVY TISSUE ROSE BRAND SUMMER DRINKS - '&’• .25 DR. BALLARD'S DOC FOOD * 2 s.29 WMINION --------~■■■■ STOPES LIMITED