HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-3-23, Page 4Interesting Items. Se} Amerchant, writing to the !Alaimo I [4 I'rototvp. complain• that jwticr Mar not June j` It is Muted that 79,000 suldienenow he sock "' •"°dng the wpm Ited, who reacted the dry and wounded in the several militarj hurl Italx ^"".L •tort (1 Mr, n. • 11un., , auJ k!au a. throughout the country.there from property to the )'alas of $75, W I/ gaol tar four mouths. The merchant ci}ea •' Hina the discovery of the bounty frauds in case which oceun.d in llamiltou a ehurtb tie At Brooklyn. New York, seteralof the eh urche. ,tilts Where • poor uutortuuate woman, u. -sl or lo have toot the attendar,re *1 d st.n;ui.hed mem I.,u. igwant, i e ivr d a wutvnce at tour) 10 bers. Ureeret business or Washington de. ,aa ris,oment in the penitentiary fur unlit_. *muds tbeir presence. u1 open day, a paltry purr of boots, tatted airs loo Carlyle survive* the publication of his last " `•"u1,lc of J.,,h.i*. volume of •• Frederico the Great ' rel halts 1 u _ 1 O 1 S A L F. MONEY TO LEND M Ike' t3 s,} am Jv' Business • bil'cci i . a.a _ r ON IMPROVED FARMS, C I'Ihjt,11• k t`t!tnrw. CAN 11ECJNSI 1,1'I:D 1'l' TO 10 AA., 1 167 t i 77 he It ells\' 11 THE GI AND TRINK RAI YJ l .. , *NA ulthe re.nlnnrrpt Ker. %1r. Elwuud. IOrI J at ha swede., int North Street nest door r i'iu t hri;i," the AI '! .J T 8 PER CENT! ' Five Years Credit,' • Wla a w. ten Kt,,,r,rrY,r. tigeritre.luireJ. Apply to . x.. I I1Y81('1. )Nail it%:EON, Eo.,ke.,GOD: ` ,a .,,• •.: t%'••' `. :YI P t• 17:40 ly C, CAMERON. . Il ►Mani . W. -Atso,- Some to Invest in Town Property. J. 11. GORDAN, derith April Mb. leht obit wIl ! '1i , 1• !r •i ' i" ',_t ' _ Ij,- •Clow.lo•Ale Leon. I12. 13.. . i.. -•i •,., , - -- _ II Y s I C I \ N. S C HG Iu NIke., (Iota[) Iluui,iKmiIlwpnal). r (Jima -At AnhuG'a eutil s!Hours7., the public sill. The Confederation tate. A village pedaeogu., i° despair with a ' The Quebec rorrenpnndent of the Glebe elapid buy, pmnlcd W the letter A and teed '*:.pa that we* the dig ei a1 ou the l'mtlr•,cr;m• him it be anew it. . Yes, air. Well, what is it t 1 know ber vert well by sight but swallow me if !remember her orme. Lord Lyons, the liritish_Uimster at Wash- ington, has been cnn.elleu through 1.1 health to resign ; Fir Frederick lutes is appointed kis successes. , We read that a boy lately committed suicide is Loudon, because ot di.apn.odment c,nmte- qu.ut ou the gleans a game of bits. Sten have killed Ihemeelvre fm fennel or tri% lel. Thaetery say., in owe of Lia poems, ,• The triumyle, and detests ul b ,ys are but repeated la ter fag,•. " ' m electric mn+uetic The mud,) of • 1 t c u 1 live is now on ex iii tion tat V loomiity, It, u1 tenors, Mr. M• I t-I„i .. d Itouve, nwn,•rt ti locomotives cuu.•irueted .m 1.1. it' could travel on urdoury raifro:edy at thereto et OM hundred and tw• sty for milts nn,heur; The power is obtaiutd by roues -tiling by glean• of .current supplied by u tired batt, ry. "Miss, will you take my arm?” r• Ln t yea, mad ]ot lett." tern unly spare the mon,' Illi*," hastily replied !he ba.l.elor. "Then," aid llia+, " 1 can't take it, as my motto is 10 (/ fibs whole Ang, or tote at all." • A fanner who recently had his butter wised by the clerk ot i:,i- meiltet, ter shot weight, gave ea'& reason dirt the cow from which the WWI. OW n1..dc ors .ubjtct to the"' tram{., and that cauaod the butter to abtiuk iL eetgbt, • The New fork Eve-nin.• th Yost .aye at ei Gerin* y nut is .iwgl. lily Itis been loan on a' railroad byaceideut eine? rrilemila were laid dowse • Te reason is abut wheels and rwilr e re ratio ed after • eenuin period of use, jtji■ T whether Cher give iiges of *Athena or let; that men els stationed All engineer is never out of sight of these living iigu•Is; that they always avert on Heir own tenet and the speed maietsieed, though Ira than ours,' u yet u uih. 1. In France it is the saute. The orsoa of the cavalry regirnpnis form- ing part „f the variant of Paris 1er'4 at pre- sent, it is Maid, suffering from r disc,*, roe e nabling jaundice, red which iheayeierinury auegeoas call inappelrnre.heealae It deprave. them of rel appetite.. Toe animal attacked with tbu disease generally dies after • few' dao' illness. This epidemic "hes been rhielly fetal among the heroes of the Cuirassiers end Chaaseurs of the Imperial Guard. e1'he disease hos likewise appeared in the sables of some large establishment whets a *via, number of buries are kept. '114 epidemic has not appeared outside Pari* A suegeetive contretemps ocesred in }:ye. ter Cathedral• few Sundays ago. Arehart eon Iiertholumy was to preach, but had lost his sermon. •• In blaltk dismay," allyl ! keel ' reporter •• he turned up the Il;b:c curer and cushion, the stool aid the •ley:, searched his pocksta, deceirding to the pew in which he kat hew eating, awl enli+ted m sus service the keen eyes of the v.:rge.s-all in ran, the acr. Iwo Was not in hie pocket, nor wad it in bis bead . " iutba difficulty the venerable Ardis' deacon applied ;named to the Ifev. I'rebeu dery Remotest," who practically illustrated the advantage of extempore preacbiag by • capital discourse. • A great discovery is reported to have been made by • surgeon tat the Eueluh army in China, in the way of an effectual cure for smallpox. The mode of treatment iA :.+ f, ,l• lows: -lit hen the preceding fever is tat dad height, and just"befure the aruptiuu aP14•:1^•, the chest is rubbed with croten nil aid et, Uric oiutmeut. This CAN.'S the whole of the eruption to appear ou that part of the b d)•, to the relief of the rest. It also secures a full and ensnplets eruption, and thus prevents the disease from attackiug the internal org:ums. This is said to be nuw the established node of treatment in the English army 111 China,. by general orders, and is regarded as a perfect *Lire. , CONallialt*Ti.-A 0007 learned and come passionate judere in the Western State, on p•rtn a Sentence uo one Julies. who had been convicted of murder, cuttdluded his tie marks en follows r- tiw1 wham,, hx* taken place the are/meet calm l•rr•neiis. 1'h,we: who linea a, dud+, a, mem periectit Jutish. 4. 1f any hemu-tutie. is really felt tt ie* by ileac %C atere te, tubers who have tefui.•J tu`gdarar • ,tehetu.• using fair representation in w popular rhumb. r eta. braving• all the lintish Protium•, line pi. acing feature was last night taa,ilestrd. All seem fatutable to union-ul,oetle,n were .rale simply t • rla";R`Five t . m1.two Im J y weie abonott from the Jwiaimi-U..arn. N.4 man lid Munro hod gone bum.' hon. illness; Mr, Ironti . was almond by leave ; Mi. Abbot) wu ill here. Mr. I bouot obtained here td absence .for the se.,3imu Mr. IMmkin oum would have voted. and that even doubtful. 16W EOUIS!! tau tlt.rl.1.1,E BOORS, FANCY GOODS rola, , leer In Large Assortments' 1 - Suitable tor Holiday til:ta tar both old aril roque, just received IT THE CLINTON BOOK STORE GEu. 1..1Yt'uCt. CLINTON, 19th rk•rrmber, LAYCOCK' 3 Canadian f arm3rs' Alm3naL C7• Price Te cents por doze.. j -THE CLIN'0N Book Store ! • The soot useful Altoona tar Femme tilers is puhlishel. It Content* spec° he: meteor andums for every day in the year, Lesid.•s much valuable inL,riattion, •tach a* Post Office Regulations STAMP DUTI1':S, LISTS OF l t% -KS ! exp . Judiciary & Parliamentary Liss. L•eay farmer Anted Aare one. - r h}:O LAYCOCK. Clinton. 19th december. 1`64. [ore • 116use and Lot for Sale, ABRICK t'(YITAOEoa the *southerly Mr. tun u1 but 441, • HAMILTON 'STREET, MITI! coop ROOT -HOUSE and OUTBUILDINGS. al present eccopinl be Th,w. Wralherald, Esq.; Knee t TWELVE IIv%I)REDOLLAR% Fur lumber Darin slum apply t. • -. T. \1'i-:.1.7IIEIC.11.0, Omlerirh, or WILLIAM 1-,ERCIVAI , 1:.11., A.ul.er t Wand. Oaleneh, O..'tn'vr 17th.. thee. .wli-rl, Farm in Basanqu,et FOR SAI Olt oro I.:'r. r1 HF. Vti4)EH$IGNED offers for ,.tIeortolet L Int 20, 12th e•n4. i.wn.h11. of 4*.11.4.1441ue4, (7uua*Y 01 helubt.M. The lino ...moat, of ▪ P CD ►i Barrister, Ac., (iwlurich. ouhrisb. Sept. 1:t, 14li4. aw3 tt Jlortgageg Wanted to Purchase i •=''a'"rob'1r 11'.i3.. _SIL'•tr4taltirfitr_ ..'.'•' `'""v' lu - V41 iewWw!)i thrlwrw b.o. Ni- • Apply to D. SHADE GOODING, lie• t ant«. f Solicitor, West Street. r LIGHT -HOUSE St. GODERICH LATE I)}' STANLEY—CLiNTON, IIID Y GLASGOW u OF C.1\.\U.t, unfurtun tt.ly for th0 interexbeuftfie Proprietors of the GL.\ 0 G e; h. 20ty Ik'e., InoJ. :1101' E, and f,rtuuutely fur the interests of those who ma: want I -BOOTS AND SHOES stained the transit in some i'i)nner unknown to these tCases of Boots and Shoes tthielk .11-11L• to t miiw iy Station bort abut di• "2 .nil of '.3rd December ill the $taagt forth° dt•:eription of I itwJs Contained therein, sectitictd ill order to make gale of them before the MO • mn* 11ead. (Mr. 'I'hwra,J.ioruter Sion — 01,11E at'1l'CltlHk It widow to veleta *brake If TO LEND to Ind 1.11.11... 1..01.61 tevur• re rived a1 their July 1, 'W. ' at DR, A. WORTHINGTON, tutu+l a, '.a 11 wr4xuo,m )11Yw11'11N • $1,1i1;FON •c will ist- /mud., .tad would beg to intimate Mal Ile Miele,. ler tt cIN'I' CHEAPER THAN EVER. drltonente, of seven haw I habeen .1.- lv'.r.•d at last, and to it is now Into they will be sold at'a ammonia over.._ Intending Pur:haserw: Would d. }'well 1. Note .he Feet. • We would also take this opportunity of imfnrmin, our numerous friends that our order 'or our SPltlNI; S I'/ICIi Is now in the hands of the )Ianulactuntre, and that Mandi them with a Stock nri nr about the 1st of .Ion L we will be ready to trait upon h n h k of Goods such as they have tevcr hadpreacnted to their view in good old GJderich Town, TO THE LADIES OF OODERICH ! IN 01110 or " One Ilundred Dollars and upwards. Apply 10 TOMS S MOO)HE, - su!,ellurs. CBABB•9 NEW BLOCK. liudern•it Sept. tile, 1844. •- w33 tf 1 will sell you w ws¢ton complete for 114...1 ea4* . end ell other tlw.O, 11 prop. tion. All wor: Woirrmoted. to soler siatl.lnrtlo*. All kinds of Fermat Implements made to enter. JuliN Mt 1'11EISON. --tied n,.h, Jan. 9th, Istat, wsw17 (1(11)1:If 14 li l)Ts liar wad +ix in the }'lest Luneetriono WAGON L.CARRIAGE To Rent or Lease. Ltownship of Colborne. W. A., about two mile. from G.,h•rieh. Apple to Slit{Y Iti:N!.1 Y, 1, glithouae•ot, Goderieh. December 5th. lee, 1. w{Sts We owe our best and sincere thanks for their appreciation of our mammoans.., to :meet , their wishes in ftrrmi+hinz, them with an L'rticic Suitable to their requirements. Our aim will be still to Ideaae thea. DI► KERR, JR1, & CO. .N , ON'S:alt'F:Noel:. 1 le drat), of Mr. X. \t. ! (( '..1114.041.11.1:10 10.1 .1 ela14lorOrt• .'Merl , ••n denier ib Name anal .I) of PLobt.Runcin & Co. FI)trI'd1)1' 11l . moat her it,.!eon or I+•h*r OA.' 1ST DAY OF APR L, 1865. All port .r • i t s'.•re. u n :tee here• j u. gourd tu,u s -t.te-.",d L,. a .ouub 0.00 stday of FEB' next, will he honied to their ,.0 ren r '1'W. mat on ba .. ,401 11,0 V9- 1'Oit Lie . II. Olt SHOW 'd 111101T.• `. :1 c.mi1.'$ of a lure,• ne..,rtn;wil t'' PIo.,7)r 1 Lai. 4atnt., Hirr.•w,, +.raw {Knee: •, THRESHING MA.HIN • S Pot -ash and .ttth.lett c., wasou* atoll Cooking, Parlor'& Box Stove A s,...1 .r...nd•hxwl firri7AM•DN'Ctir=1'a1-E and o!o1.r1" i'aekmer' nor .4141 and -..ow\1 I. A.I ;.,rbc. rename.; tl 11 00 ■,1 4 it, wenn I' ., to I Ali art n,.lxat lbe.1 .k at ollee, ..+ *tie\ anal t•• bsstafaa. _ - e , .R. ELLN('IM, N. I Is reirr.ener to the nh4. H. Rnnrimttn w.4 Ix. po•pair d 1.' ,awry on nieosis.•et 1'111: I ICTItoN FOUN 1)ItY I Mel cunlrn, 1 1 a Ills reshot, til' n11 Look ..t M4 u0 ,t,1 tae .Meal. 411..1 wdl itn,p,y ! AMU( Ir 1.1'11.111.111. IIIPLE.7IE1{Ts I :Mutes and taw mgynt res.. roe b e rstee.h r ('.\ SH u •bort e,0,1•! ti,.le nh, IMc. ala, 1iu1s ' awT2wit GL.ISGO}l 1IO1-SE, 30th January, FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! Blink. Lerman !link Rock itch-- Rock flat in, British S.tblo, Gorman La bis Sdtts, '4 a ; AND VI -C` OVINE REc fav En BY; W. & J. KAY. M10 ,rirtt, October 2ist, l+tit. CHR1ISM MA8 ' ,4411 .ONE HVNIDRED ACRES,' I10I+ID:tY PRESENTS sixty oil whu•hrre e!rnr.,I..til ,ilii ntr•,I nen? .tet +n /t .(:.T endive,. the,. . l.r,,; Y, Toy 11,.L., l'- tel Ho.•ka,f ell lords, 1) 17-! , i / \'r; IJY('s(i .1.\-D hl:d.H6 T(7*"twee S0r0,cea,11)111lto.,le,• 111! 101. 17-1 . Wl:LLTIt7BF.i1EDItW1TElE•D•\t4.itl` , \'I'('1II:I4S! , f " 1 h fact is, Junes, the court did at first Iter particulars apply to OL 'CARDING !!- . ..O• cfcca• 1 rrr1F. Ci1S1'Itrl .TEA wouli be; to iiitorm his customers aid the puLlic that Lis new prem- ises tau Eoot etre •t, - - THREE D a CP.S.FRO►111 THE SQUARE, 'Bill ter npenc•1 on she first of June, aur trfino Maine the Wool ('nrdin;,1'':it1 Ilre+.ing Manufacturioy buaioess, in cunneetion with 111. WOOL FACTORY. where a:1 • .rders u:. work in the whore burl it will be punctually attended tu. Likewise a vale ty of Cloths, Blan ets, an Stocking' Yarn, wilLbekdptonhan:ltoelle nge for wool. (lavingglueyear ad'Iedanther RST -CLASS DO I DLL CA: DING MACHIN2 t , h est ul : •guard. hr sill be pr pan:,1 "^tori.•.• 1- ref': t t ,c i •+•nnrbte relent tip dem rt o tion. l'u,tomeu e n 1 r1 the f tetnry th •msehr will ho ,.roti 'v rotcnded to , an t rmerly, std ;. truculer :tit, •.tr.a 1a 1:1 e pail 10 tbo„-glom- a dintng their AV' - Ix0.r?(li isvnt+l`- I) . act ! N.11. \W-hitethankful t ,r Ihe,lin•ral pitrnna- of firmer neve in th* whnve bn+, w, the subscriber ipes by r, ri •t *Ito ,ti n t •'1 11rt.e. .vm.l -run; no exntnte to ole.the; the ante ”( hos eust•r et., to *till rer;yve • F. "r of tie o. , . t a F[ +•eco•11 J fr. tn felt \YIN It1 K•K. (j "•:mr n r th, vac.•— } ttr ,t Goderich, A it 190, 1'.6t order yuunut toexecuted betere next a((lriugl i u.C_(7err:If1Nil WORK-BOXES,WRITING-CASES Q 1 batibe weather is very coldr T k`i and our ail 1:•' r r,, h 1' fay, 0e11d•. unfortunately,in a hal condition, much of the An u4 loth. 1464. 4:2;11 AOOOfi D2JOtYn. (law in the windows u broken the chimneys -- • are in such a dilapidated state that no fin. ern be made to render your anurtnlent ,omf,n- MORTGAGE SAL Bud imam.'Mier •mule•', • -hasp; c:0) suit- able ib•ble i besides -owing to a great manlier of , HOI.iUfl' t;t!'TKt prisoners out more than ttne blanket earl b. REAL Ei iTATE ! - 'II :` `f 11 =1 ; 111 allowed to each, and t• sleep sound and coni! i fort•bleis therefore out of the question hr consideration of these circumstances and Tli}: fnllowine ori ;,rtes will he 4i:+oveJ of pr eaents for the Little. Folks. 1'uhnr. An^tion, on Sete, day, tui•' wisaiug W learn purr %Warne; aa mucor as 1i1 1110 11)(jt'.1I1'1•,•aleir: pouiae, the court, in the exercise of human• twemydath de, of :larch nett, 1^,:e. tit two try and cunnprsst.m, do hereby outer you to o'clock in the rote -nom at.hun f Poileek•• 1 AT fl r LER'3. r lt.Rkriel., 1)er. Is, Nil' h. executed *.mumu„morning, usoon after tavern, neaaaJlnefied, in the Towe•Iiip of breakfast a" may be convenient to the &limits Ktinl?y, under ¢Awes rbnuhred in twg SInrF _ -. and agreeable to you," "P's male by 'horn" llrnnrl nmol s Pe 1•, . •t• L' Manufacturers of Thnmm Mamma,; r.1.10;n Led Slorte.e. S:.ERIFF v Sl1L.d OF LANDS. now 1'r7eol.xt.11 is Luaus*. -'The Pito' made by aniii Thomism Heenan to •fkor•na THOMAS LOtAN. w13 ONNDRV • GREAT CLEARING SALE! JOHN FA - &.tCO. - 11:1: SELLING 1 'F their whole Stock of il{j Goode, Clothing & Groceries AT ,WONDERFULLY i.OW P•'JES! ' In make rnnm for alterations in their lyes Def...' pring, Goderich, 21th Jan., 11165. !MC 7W et ma 'Lira° SC1, fay. THF.whs•ntser would anti mneeto Ihi 1 et Huron and Blur• that Ow ha. . and wilt make to ..tiler t'arosce•, Waso,l., row., der , who•1a w,11 1,e add . heap b.i.•a, 'were,, I •red.)tit hand ue1 i.r •u:p ehsp.. CUTTERS and SLEIGHS public baud I JI+r 04 -STEA E "•:.'.:.r v/O'4>c5 R. RUN •IMA & CD., ist and Flouring Mills d Sash Saw -Mills, 1 D ' t) r( f) Datums .1. .,..,n• of .lasmmne First (flan A_CII T I ,4'• lydu n.r F ,1g And 11ue.1.110,nrl..m+run Ie.upplied m WI .plannlyr and on rcaMnu ble *ruin, by aptayta JndMCn1"1"..". I berg Chronicle, speculating on the formate: rsenr, tie : aha ea halt of tut ria on Tei, Ih oto nod Bruer,1 11Y visor el n'''' Wm" o. Fieri F, •r,. ,•:nr-I • Circular, Mt.ilay of petroleum. *1411: Petroleum is known to "ant side of the Lake HofeJ ('omrwioh of the I To wit : loot onto Mnle.n''. •'ia,.' be a hydro -carbon, comported of two gases. Township of Stanley, in the Cugnir of Huron. , of Ilnern'. *1'n -1 :o„I ('Dort or r'','"'"' n, I',rx. r f f I G f t (1 1 . ` Thew gases are primary elemeutb indcatnnc *eel Prurineo :,f ce,,,,Jtl, clot itrt•our acnes rood h, rned,vettrd.rr,nn 1h0 Len. am 1 Troc• , t ('11 i. 1`f • ( t_ 31 u,uwln,e Wdham Pn•,alf .•d, al ,dho mala of Mir :J• tilde and uwxhaustrhk as the *seen. The and one h:dLacrn, mote be lets. Tlr pro. Ienw. Iw,k.a Hnhon.un and JeirosHemh•r..,n other it a cottutueut-tit all vegetable forms perry will be. said ssbjert o a Mortgn:;te air 'lt'dnsm (I,x0100101lm. J,na•s 11, '"s Wgt., nil hh, And m many tit our. rode. One hupr(rrJ urn n huhd"' an 't l nilseven ht• d 11ne ' W,b,wt,.1.1, t+ r aro1.•( T) .,Jane•. Lnk„ p •' ods of limestone when bind will w:eighl•h147:0( with ist•n•+t thereon from the ; H. hn1(on sad slmoes flender,u'n i 1 herr wrr..l sixty pounds. The part dei stn nor h en;rhl:ernth day of January. 1.411. ',Id) tnk.•n 1nnr+•nt,nn all. Ih.• rrc:,l ole R•.,I ry T a'r ,,,,x ening u err wale acid. n arty in,t the ' m Rnd n+1 ae ..I 6%1" hmdR ars:-Isle* So, rl,n l V "ml rock " is a atraIum of hme.tnae of un thaw money parable •t the tient . 1 sees i Ila :eh ,oro vw.,ns m IM, l nwrolop •.1 A m•,I. ,, 'l`IIItA`IIIN(Jr CE DARI \ Treeing!areet.ltaleren. `AM11/a,.11W.• wow non • lit)tlierteh PLANING MILL, ! ,,s,,rr Sash, Door, and JV IM``Tsi, .I1J.w.I: o John McDonald & Co. 1YlNt ltMl'LI:fEU TI}}IIt NEW Fast, ry leer row leepoi?M to 142 0. ole. . tonne ell. tit. F t, t llertr luny rIllwrienor IN 1hr IgMlnrN, and hes ,sg rtpenruer.) Werltn,.•u,asi. ,rt.1•r:4••.tl.•t 111.4. q. dr ry, they Helier maul. elere 1441 11...1 .o, J4 as arca od Wor lie A+e••e Q•r..Vo'm,..r in 1•v»,tai* P.n.r.hayi.g work Wolin:d, wrl lu tM W_.• NU, all.r. S W fl c ACC,. - 'ik7rei.al.,u.njquantity .i; SASH. DOORS et MOULDINGS )f L.L iCIN1)S ON HAND) x:, , neer .._ To Carpenters & Builders ERAL DISCOUNT FPR THEIR WORK. T E 11 N •t, W!t: !lettere ', in, Ven.. tJ,:..,. F.2 Disttnctton tritet bo'•CASI[. the rtheolsee: r ;,...r,,•.t. J./ /" u u. int+..t. )`nit, 30 • • BOOTS i SHOES SPRING AND si iIM it WEA•R J 1 (James Collins,Sen.'s alt 1•. .::r.,' r., ,.11 n.u1, I. A. CALL I3 SOLICI ED. bunting 1 i t (• ,1• { F RM`( twenty per rent of he pea , ,nh n 1'''''h"""1.1"1"."1.011, . ,,n , ! r61 (p_ }• r } \ L1 11d I7 r 1 known thicku known to bo oub thwacked ton- balance" -in len e.mcnanr unr401441.1 4en•..,1:AM.lx•rhr.nnn• 1Jb ioLL7 i V 1/ : Ja: ngg ••• f yyI Mowing and Reaping Machine - foot in depth. The water (rolls na the .C• lt. I)GU\Y\,,ON. m.o,•.w less. tuts Iw•r.3,4 end 5. mn7ltr'tlb surface and percnlutinJ thio„ h the porous Auctioneer, ,•a,enieion,wal I*. noonhene 1, 2,>f soul 4 fan Ih0 1TJ'X.aTg 0 ; G r I Sim r.xo earns, fel. nembr•n. 1 sod $ in t he Dorsi e , sal stone that nverlica the til ruck, becomes 8Y* ay, Feb. 21st, iF65. w l Jl j etas. esshm, noel lie umber 3 In the Ilio sou,,,. i charged with potash, e111, salttp1wetre ail other - - - -, . . n, its fan Ier'fuwaah dp n1 Ilmat, ern ra ane it hrnss ramie 74 andel and 111nrkrmith.' work .lune in a urn ehinricnl mgred,enrte, end' "Mall, reaches int SHRttaFF a SAi4E OF LAYDS. Ohm, lammed he nn•tetn. more,* free., Castings o(anv dreenption male to order. .\Im+, *11 k limwioae tuck mud decotnpnv,•s it,—the car. ,.r.) Ion ,,.,,leer I I, m 1n,• r„•*..nth r. ,•.uses ,n I - rr•naircd nn .short notice. , A large stork boo i• the rock a d 1 h I'atad('tn.nNv.,•f, I)Y v,nn• of a writ tl for T'.....n.pof rurrt ,*..must mnN• one *else uniting, they f 1 Is eel free to ascend to the utnitaphere, or ('.tun's Coors "1dhe' e'rrInty 00 Hren1. hint lw Inc Como H.•,w•. ,011.0 town tat (, .k•neh, on foes. snit. with mineral* and form oxides, 'f he ,llreeld ur.m.t the lamb end lenentrna of 'Lilt rhebmrth dee.. Aped next, at the hour .N reverse of this prows: 14 (e, ,, in borninJ Ibc N 11lore Knnwr-t.,11 the .p t of \1' ” M \I,.r ,,, twelve* of tb,•.•Iewk, u.a,r oil in • lamp -tete exyken In the atmos) here Ihovesalt"' and 1,4ker, II! Esc.).) 1,.r It .• ri; ht, JUiyN 't\(:i*4,s 14 LTD, I :..:Ir and sourest .+ hr *.sl drtrndnnt in n1.1 4., •Ntwntl, It. le B. unties with the earh m in DIN O,t, 4,, 0111 lot wont. r one r, lhr4endr ,..•aee.d,. t 0011 M Ile )t Pnr.t.or•e. Ilepole •herd,. a eortemic acid, mod w;ih lite hydrogen forming Hurn lt...1 ei the t'ewuAnp.4 Tie -Lr,. n at ti's tele Ii 1 t •t , 11 SE POWERS Wood Saws, J. W. ELLIOTT. Onderheh.Feb. nab, bac w2 , Re M. WANIER&CO'S 1 -21 -SIB, GENUINE CANADIA PATENT nd+IPatnntielmanner,. 1 `1 t a doofmachinery SEWING MAC INES Have taken the First Pr zee AT THE P!:lVI T, IA1, E)UIIHITIIN held 0, Mnntre,l,+vlrr,nlrr 1 nh. ll:,,1 Pith, n,,.l I7th, lsa3, , vr,r .11 141,er.: and :,I\' .t In,• m'1, - ♦rnrlel E,io lnnon held in Kn,_.ton; ?eptrmlrr 9an.l, t3n1, nil lith end Viih. 1,63. I'gr,•a ..1 n ler therm ter were .I•, 4w"sled to'h. til the *39 Provu._.it E. basun heal m Too.nlo ,n I,'l,\S,an,l H t m dro.en of the Huron aid utter, tt ) Flr•n Fnr1a. rw,d Ie ..•m., more or lens. all in Ihr 1'nunry o1.lirs•sl arm oil, whole the ox ygea in'.V,t: ) astral set ,d love M:.p•Nv'. vele. 1 .hat) ,.Ile, 1•.r..Ir.1 rat oat , in tow. fan err• COOKING, PARLOUR 'AND BC ' STOVES, Always an A nd, Sugwr Kettles, W*4on end Pipe Y .o 4. :\s etsepat rna of the above are nftbe• most a roved kind. so would solicit nn teeeeetikm of our stn before purchasing e sew yrs ns w not o;6•rin - the Above' it the lowest remunerative rife for rash, r or a ! h F r lr r proved Credit. 'J metal liens r Iu w., and all kinds taf uroduce taken I exchange. (1* erich,OctnbeeY.1.9A). *Mer -thus completing the .;rola. The the (.o,nis of !toren. ame•h land. Mad leu •mem. .aa tame lab.. < veil quart beoorse exhausted. We may Mower, when 'n th.• Tow,t til F.ak•rn•h• wn ern Huse, do cluck, noun. on is frryuentI naked, when will the oil Isbell (Hert, wk M mytrllld• In the 11 ay.. • 1.4 .Inns neat, at the houru: lwth rlrr .it e the ocean ia, tied not before. Volcanic i':myotone. JOHN )'IN ) ,r,,.4rr(f, //} R. EtM S 14iF of r n h n.t" Fest Containing 140 ores - A GOOD FARM 11 OR SA 1. E . rc lett S<% I•;, Fra and Vesuvius am tenth in • stns of Nhen,uneer, nnlrneh, vwknt eruption. A letter from •suisYah h.., lda. O16,» inr' SII 1. A ! I••1 on the• Loudon hole saponins U n Durkee the laid few tlsye a fresh .morns SHERIFF'S SGLFiIt)F L44SISS • F1R$T - RATE LAND, 1 there itagpnd of M wnt Etna bas taken place. It I..' . ' Terme e.,sy.ap•dy to I'itme Hoil9e and Bari ! 1111 extraordinary .peMwcle, end • phrnnme Ilnm*1 l'mtnne.of BY sorts o1 a W4ml f IIUN.\i.T)y!'TiIE1tL.\NU. rtes only re ted at Ion interval i went Huron and *nee, 1"r•nemonl E..m.. alhf run the An new. :\ gn,nl well wad w lin. ]miftl( pew g far To W.f. . 1,,e,, 1,40111( ta.ued premises, or mrhard. rt will be *old very rhrnp. Tar`, 10 I., mountain Ital Ihr Ent receipt of the not of rtes M4jdeg •s f'o,wt "f else en's Igen h, M. C. A.4SIERuo, i land is n( the heal els] lomnld very an 1 well lime ewes•, and Maisel rhea two days •*with collo mr.loe.i.'darR,nnl he lnnd.Adlrrnrrnrnln Godrricr. (rerµ1, sMMlin .he.xreaaivrly bed weather. Tb 01 Alrx.n,Mr Trnrn,.r, at Ihr .sola .a lams•• G.joriah. April 24101, 1116(. wlt•tt 1 Sema muds known on an licalinn if h 1 b, dated Feb. 5 says • the 1 dly,'e of .1eeeter. On t w nee T p y Ilya u of nhundant at its source, and im H.•4, .4.11, Jio.vr 11 Mhweesen and Ar, to. letter pre on' 1, to Exeter p. 0., or on the prwdlgM to I. , I (• t....41...flas.1 I hay* eras.* end gree --- ..- 'mediately divides itself into two principal n Ere m' all Ills right, tele sal ,nlrrem M ihr s e,• I'd"' I neither art LM two I"'"''"1.1•,,r,..,,1 Jrtrn.•ant.m ami to l.ot nundwr Tn ivy -m, J wine. l'hat which I liam men, nal the lar• rim *.rris•ioirl inert anti leo Forly, lu tire about fifteen metres Alit arid of end ettssesewoilt.'"6111"('h• ""thrn'a Ilmodred metres. It armee on the east side "" th*d 1116K8' "`"") "r l'1"4"1" I el and basil reachee the borders or ,„ the comae, or• Prime. ',mt.:nolo end no tiff Pine mitereta : hat t hoe 1 ewer- - acres and ear•lt, more o. les.; whirl, moils ane . wispirspd son. cottages, and it it enniiiinee is trnansenla 1 shill offer Ate sale n1 my "Ike on Ihr VIII robehly deetroy the viipairet of Nleanali C11"" "flo"......he 1...., "1 ri''1"01., on 'I'm- A . am imi.,.,.. ., 1..t, i , 1,147 to taw.; ithioh,;;:ivrtr;nXnirvilh rlasiol ?t,vt•mher next. at , Mg& BB down the northern entre and Siterillet othee.otellerteh. i Ilkeell11101111* village of finguagrosaa. Thai 27th thoseinher. I 064. er34 !kc., J., - it is. maw torrent, and ie Wotan, divoInd _ Th. woe .. P..tonned fiat Tender the Orth ' WO NIMBI ramifientione, which tend to tako It woes hi ebt• direetion of this ilerultirausd "7 "4 141‘"-h, 166 j5(..)//x mAcrmIALn amion. ,ellterilf,1111.6t S. ?chewy 12.1140. GODERICH. C. W. B10414'4 DOOR S BOOK BINDING. I/MONO. merle Illtrengementa 11t. K1;11414011. Witk•bintler and Monterey - 119,01 Avittrarig. 040 Aso lately warned from • Mils :ph* 'rob a fiesare ateslt of Mooting and Miter ler101), I en. peppered to Foortieh 111•11F. Meletlf• of all kintia. rote IOW steles trot and +Mk. mot l'reoted fleadoan, al lea Der rent cheaper JAN Toronto pewee. Ilnited rottelies 01 rt I, virtue of wrd and to eirgeted the noi IA sal men?, ef 119114t NIRI/11..1 fine soli or Wit all the tura. title eat lootriew ot the Paul ilerenr ant rn roof to Ike north hno of lei Eteren, on the iiirer for sAle et my mare on the 1.mort Hot/sem ilex Ap11 Mat, stele hour ot T rive .4 the chalet, Toon. Sheriff idiee,thderich. owe TO SELL OR TO LET. coed Farm lot witf.in .narrn mi1c,i of the cleared and fenced, with a good 10; bonne and barn. Terme liberal. Apply (if by letter pentpeidl to Of SO •1 the Provo...al Exhibition held et lemdoe loud, part.. n;nrl) .I.• diose+..-* at Med slw(rsal' up,•r:.t,om .y',.0 the ,•\.•. We.. a Vo.r..ua. 1Jer. 13. 10*1. , 1w47-11, -, — lieu Lie War. flAtiH1STEli 'AN() ATTORNEY-Ar Law, •o1 $olIrd.w.m-C,taut••ry, Coeaty, (Ti At*ornry, * Sidor. ti, .__ 2.1 M. t'. it •wrrra•ron. 2U1,It1.4 '.Jt, .tl'I'**ItNEV. PONY KY.. 1) Aril a, • LI 1 nag+Mal serval ,ll.nlereh, 4.1.W- attn.: • - - Plir.ulrn__ r. ,AtItiSId1tS,S1 ICIult,,CONVEY. : 1 • 0, NtEY- ;40, 10', ,k-. fah, 00er the `'tris of 1. Y.Ia•Iler.. No/,(lud.nc dud queen Plant, A utra rh.,e. • J,S.:Iles:LAin,goderieh•1 A.f4AA ' Krnsssd).s tarn henry At,•1 )retinol, • DARItle tl:.lt, .1'1' rniHNKY: \T i.11 illotanc. Puha., he.r West a ,*,11 ant . _--10:1 diultu 1)44vv4wn, 13\ tl1ISTlIi..\T - llt tEY. StIl,tl•1TUR ,a ti*t,0rj♦. Jee (rater,Markel P wn, Cortlerol K"I.IrIrro Stn•rl.li..tr,..h• — Mt 1.-18,,a i¢ 1,.Ntre'wa,n. B. jkotones,,,vt•.•••veysevre, 1e. Leine itle- Cares..trlinr, al 41.1144.1,..ineerieb. 1:43 • TTI AiVEY• AT 1. M. SOLICITOR IN _Nosey to Lena op Real Property. ITTuRNEY. lc.. coon. t'• Viral Doer viest 011 o. est Brute althslbsty Frederick Proudfoot, • 411.1 Keapleir r, FARM for SA LE. I, ONE HUN ED ACRES, etenrsoe.e. lerno• Ir. Apply 10 1.XCI..11.01( 0111or Estate trIllie 14 Wen. llama, fie, hat. FARM FOR SALE • • LOT 3, Con. A, Township yr iiowitk, A A.As node feollt Wearier, On Sit ACRES, 28CLEARED IUDS FOR SALE! THE feeeenee Lands roe ..ffered sale on ON E -TENTH ONLY! 'ow vl..71yiy LAND AC.1NT • on (logo ley lh re 11, tor takina Main St ronte„,73 actor. Posts. e., evert. dew -Neva, end' etre nt• workmen/a/o. term I en 11.14. rat reduction made Itir eash. teen at tl.• shop. Mimuments &.c. nay be Prices have bern Greatly Reduced A itri911.1' 11111.1..• • .. 0114 ABRAHAM SMITH, Agent, Wan interest at 1, per cent. Eact Side Market Square. TOW L ds tor Sale 1 b 11 IP OF MO RIM South in et eon., fdl acres, South 11 in Rooth . 21 in 34 North 20 in 44 North 21 in 4h eon. (Yr IV 1. in Ihe Int ern, Adtedel4 eniere• el Olen one. te of Ow V dined ni PM, Alton. arra MR* am. Isetransa • 9 wile over. waren lows Sense Mil 4.0inern noon.. This 14 • rare claire, MOIR &mom. 0,10110 Tee ...rho Northern 110.411 01 et te end 74 ea et eeeh ee. 202 man Nese in the V Mal. of Mrlial on Ina Onetime irks.% Vino*. is Oreille nn Ore Minim of in 6E0. HAWKINS, We. R.4.011:10.1fITISI:: Port Albert. j Gaoler, flodnrich, 100 acres, 00 1011.1.4 'TOWNSHIP OF 110 'K t tote 2. 3 and 4 in 13th eon., 100 rem efoli TOWNSHIP OF GREY, Lots 34 and in 4 con., 100 acne MIA. Lots 31 and 32 in 6 con., 100aereseack, Lot 26 in 8 cOn., 99 acres, Lots 33 and 34 in 10 eon., 10, Serra Pie% TOWNSHIP OF TURNBERRY, or fan the owner, w O. Toronto lifortgagl Sale of Lands - wpm? .n4 hy virtue of it Power of Rale. ,athisn Meek, a the town of lioderieh, 'the County of Huron, Gentlemea. of thr Social, of the second part, (default harinir been toad. in the due' payment therecf) Toesday, the &wroth day of February at the Moreton Mart of the following property. that 1. rany Lot Number ten hiindre4 mut thirty nine (11'01) Itatitoe Piste, in the sard town -ot GoNv101.. Deed seder Power nt Sale. Dalin at my chambers this btls Januar", TIM shove mle 14 retrofire! nntil the 411. of April at SIMI name p'aee and ur.