HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-3-23, Page 3(1 1 roc Dash Romany..-Cleric•I writes bre causing enough •uroenmee, hot the (ul- - lowing which may be called the application of• paraphrase to ' improve' the occasion, Is as amusing( u any with which we ever re member to have met. Recently the Rey. Mr. Spark of Kirkwall bed • child •baptized. The respected minister of Rimy officiated on the occasion. The ceremony duly p efnruied with all befitting irepressirettee. The offi- ciating clary man ;lave out the two verses ot paraphrase, which certainly ' Improved' the occasion w aptly that their application wt's tlh(rersally seen sed felt. The cou4regaiuu sang over the tint verse, but they fairly gave in at the scud, ' a herr they had W sing the tollowiug " As *parks in clow auccemion rite, So aro, the child of woe, 1* doomed to miles ease and kilo Through all his life below," If the selection was accidental, an alter •p- plieatiun could not have Levu made,-(Julu e'Urwt Journal. • A Strong Mispposlllos, Some years since, just after the Mains Liquor law had been .,trodoced into Ma eacbusetu, a ease of selling liquor was brought before the futon police court, and the district attorney appeared to prosecute the matter. lie called au undoubted 'cue. tomer' to the stand, • man who would know a rum jug at sight, sod with him held the fol. lowing colloquy :- ' Mr. Kar; est, were you over in Moises' Kimball's bar room'.' Yes ser,' answered the witness. . Did you see any liquor there?' 'No sir.' • Did you see anything containing liquor there to *Net as 1 kuuw of.' 'Did you eta soy decaliter' or tumblers Ulster ' No sir.' • Dui you•see any barrels er kegs there'.' ' Yee, 1 sew .nae kegs there 1' • Ab, yes, exultingly urged the lawyer, you 44, then, see some kegs. Now tell the Jury what there sew in those kegs.' 'I don't know -1 didn't look in.' 'Jut so. But were there no marks upon the ouui,:e-tickets ur labels, or writing of seas kind 7' • Well, 7e* there was; i remember it now. Q,.. 1 should have forgot if you hand't put - 'sae in mind.' 'Oh 1 you do rememder; just state then, 'sir. before you forget, what then was termite or printed.' r different all f 'em -none 5f 'It u Jtd 4. t on o '.m had it alike.' • Well, tell us what it said on the first one lea saw. Well, 1 tautly forget now -hut i- believe it lid gm nn thyu lust un. 'GmThen, sm. 1 guess we e•n bed out mins there tau in those kegs. If you 'did not .look in. Now, sir, tell us what it said on t he •fest one r • Well, en the neat one 21104 Ben Kimball, bet I d,J't .uppoaa that Ilea. Kimball was . donde the keg.' Verd,et for the defendant, and the court adjourned. Ain't dose NatkI.g. '• What • the mater, Jahns.' i ain't dune nothing, father." " Wp 1, what are you crying for, you lui- iler 1• ' Monday, the 3rd ofApril, I was afraid you world whip me father," At \,0,,, f, mss ercelndi .of a Neve (lin k 11, rid. 7eesd H•,*.o ,..• 44 10. Ml. rot'.. E. D Colborne, •' What ! whip you •ben you haven't done Mair known .. loonies S.ho,d Howe. Ilan. aolh.ng." mot fp. -e n• rooms .t 0.01 ItmW,ag welt be .cru .. a livor ge H..u'dun'• tri drnr'. ant lure between Yes 'r. s se the 4.t and lmro(iven to accept t t 1.... . "Ge ia5 the house, you baobr," said hi. Jo rhe bond rMew.rlvra to arcrpt tfe L•w. a ' fether. I tender. Terme awe Inuwn on u.o .!*r .. ' Jobe fest gate re 1ieved, and went into the • letting. horme,his tither •int down to t6. farm. V.ry -conn lin (,*her tame bark (n a rage, and lay. leg a cowhide over the urc1n, s buck, said • II 5u wizen ,Tia . to !net to 6 0 1 went • ee, the tore 1'• ' Yes ser -hut von told me just nun that Tem wouldn't whip sae if 1 hedu't dune noth- •Ing." Fortunately John's wit didn't sere him the 'hipping. lltrt 8btblritina sets, A1'PH):NTl' l WANTED. -The Sub ember waula a Ivry to learn the •radon, g busluvwr; 4.110 ,hat lira beau at Ibe trade • yes ser se pre- Itrred Apply e1 once to QQ Aj)RAl1AM :1h1J1;H, 1o.lenck,Yareb 1416.10U'u. - r2J*l tali WALL PAPERS ! ALARGE ASSORTMENT of Wall Papers' Irons 4c per roll upwards. • AT TO ' SIGNAL' OFFICE. EVERYTHING IOU 11•,T in Schocl Books and Stationary 01 THE 1!.1'1,T PRICE'S, WHOLESALE & RETAIL AT THE •SIGNAL' UF1ICE. N. R. -COUNTRY MERCHANTS sup• plied at Toronto Wholesale Rates, Farming Lando for Bale. Chancery Sale of Lanc.3.Ifte i4 LET GODERICH FLOURISH 1" $501 AGENTS WANTED ! PART of lot No. 10, 1st con., [Hayfield CHANCERY : Gravel Roa1J, Godsrich Township, about ROBERT PEASE, 1865, New Spring Goods. 1865. 21 miles from Goderich Town, containing HO $ITWI acres, mon 01 less. The Tend has a beauti fel fronted, on lake lluron, with r gravelly' Pdwsttf, ADD be set h , will be sold 111 one lot, ser as may be •g 1 Fifty Dollars a Month ANP ALL EXPENSES PAID. 111 further *rticulare nnply, either per *„efts or y mai with stamp, o I NOTICE. TIE partnership for sum* time raising fee tweet' Matthew R. Dodds not' Jnha.Ae It !reined, es Tonners, in the Village of Ail • leyvilte, Or this day dissolved by minuet roc -- sent. A:I debts due to the lite firn shell he sol• r 11 lecled by Matthew R. Dodd*. and all habil,- - -" ' `� .�.,....��.�..... ` by T 1 h , lien of the mane to the present date, *ball law liquidised by the some party. Witasm ser hoods this 4th d*v set March, 1465. be Hayfield d H f Id 51 1'1 TH V IN S. IRELAND. ULD9� rero up use. ALSO fart of lot 24, north of the; ROBERT HAWTHORNS, THE SI"itSCltlltERS tree respectfully to announce that the Ere instalment ot their Spring' Da. k. J. Asent:Ir l Wlfut .o., t. Hayfield Road, .n the Township of Stanley, Pelenidnl. ,"J.r set Ashfield, p C. W sworn au .seer,. ,conwlulog TV arsw*faof•deereeold haat order in ///��� (((�yy]]]n SHOES 74 acres of laud, more ser less, known u 1110 I tw room qwe,.there will be so1J bBOOTAND HJ .tf,'JI• These lands *111 be sold cheap, - Robert Cooper, Esquire, Master of Ibis 111nn- *nt,uckhurn property. Pu 117 Auction, wash ihe approbation u! tt► + Apply to 0. 11. TKUEMAN, arable Court at Imaisnielt, at the Clinton Aucliourer it Land Agent. Hotel In the Village of Clitil'.u, 011 Weston' Goderith, March 14, 1865. w7•lm day. the 15th dry ut March, 0465, at twelve g - - of the cluck, Belo, hy Mr. Geur4e a 1.'1'rao mon, Auctioneer, in nue 1.1. The east "hall of lot number hits in the eighth concession of the tr,.wuahip of Hutton, erected • good log hours mud a log barn. - '1 he lot i. about two ,u 1. from the Village of Kinburn, and about forty acres of the laud are cleared. The 'dews a will be. sold subject to a Mortgage to the Plaintiff amigo. ed to one Macl)ermld,- upon which then is doe the sum of 11.100 00, 011,1 in'e•eit from the 19th day set November, 1463. Theurchaasr w111 tie required to pay Md' the said Mortgage within one u'eek'fr4u1 the time ul the sale willb upan *71,1 rice Thepropriety a putat 44510, theurehuarrr to :.y dorm to the Rlaintiffat the time of the tale the sum of 'NOTICE. TIIFn Sale property silye,s.d to take plum un the ikon day *f M&o b instant, under • power o1 Sale In a Mune a ge trout Juhn L.nrrwunl, and woe to J.bn W. , rynwur, 1. a,ryouroeo 'u Monday. the e. ell 01 April neat, at the Auction Man 4.1 Thomson dt HasN- hum, Kiugo.. Strut, li,.afrnrai 1t a,s0. M.C.CAMBKUN, we Solicitor for hied gases . 1.17 ordering from the • Sigrwl ' Office you _ . _ _ SAYE BOTH TIME AND FREIGHT. Goderielli,March list, 1665. Insolvent Act of 1864 IN THE MATTER- OF WILLIAM ROBERTS, AN INSOLVENT. THF creditors of the Inwlveut an notified that he hu halo an •ssignnleat of het estate sod effects under the &booty Act to me the undersigned assignee, and they are regwr .J to furnish me within *go mouth. frolic this dere with their claim", s.eciffie; the security they hold 4 any, and the value of i1, and if none statin;; the fact; the whole attested toe der oath, with the vouchers in support of such claims. Dated at Southampton, in the County of Bruce, this 14th day of March, 1,'(a.',. .8 2* A. 51eNAnn. -' To whom it may Concern. 1i* with the deepest regret that the under. signed finds it hie painful duty to hereto' caution the public .gaunt giving Mary Da. I his wife, any credit un his account, es she I hu left his bed and board without any. just I ca./se whatever, -be will not he ra/ponstble fur any such debt* contracted by her. ` JOSEPHDiX. Seaforth, Marclj11J41h, 1865. *8 STKAY 6D" into tbe premises of the under -1 signed, Int 15. Not in plot, lake Shore, Ashfield earl in June lug 2w lite and are black Sheep. which the n.ner 1. reque*t-d to prone. pay charges, and take smear. Mar. 14. 1863. w7.3 JOi1N DEEN. INT rr .0 TO CONTRACTORS. TH F•urrlemlanr01 Trustees '1,1 !school- Revlon i 1.,, the Towson" Ne, YI C0110000.w.l N 1 w Iweflr! sondes up 10 Al.:dr.-Tend roe wet Ie r.-... o.'4 ";,o the *mine piano •t the .arae time, by ' S al trusters,.7 I ,he ...trot' o1 . tame bwWmg. GEO HOI'7'[IIN• ALE[ KIOIhPATKIC'K, :,aateee. IiI.KDON YUCNII, Colhm,ee• Mame 1010. Ihab. w'�p• • MORTGAGE SALlee • •(.'N C IIEDIT). • Military School. tNDIDATES for eommissiors in the Service Militia desirous of obtaining ad- mission to either of the School* tot 5lititary Instruction, ere required to mate application in writir,+ for rub temp's. 'through the Brigade Major of tho divisfuu whereiu they residr. Applicants musl110*e their age, residence, Piet •,nice address. rid native country, end trariamit. with their application, • certificate from • cler;tmrn or magistrate in the local- ity rbr:e they live as to moral character. h W. Pt)W'gl.l I,iem. Col. D. A. Gen. M., L. t'. .hof utent (ienerol'* 111Ttre, Quebec, Marco 4th, 1865. .7-3m Mortgilge Sale 64 ShaY3e d , Rigging, hocs R1f;d ing n &c , in Steaniler ' Bruce.' I"Dolt and hy cM1ue ,y a 1'nwer..Irate en. .,owl on and 1 it sen 4.l • vcriel l \ton air Innate I•v '1 home, fart Errrr end Ondae Ro,..*!L ot 1117 T•.ayn uI (i*.lrn. 11.11 t0. 4uuntr of 11un•n, Fore vnlr ,set thr Fara _prin. •44,11.....1 1', De , alt Sant' •1 H.-IIeit,.r, o the .a,J'f,,w•n o1 e:eler.ch, herr ran'.. o1 ter \fie• .'ond pail, wl1-h M..1 Mon_ar' u duly reeordel n the Crisruen 1h•u.e of the 1 11 '.1 li.okn.li; delmlt h*r:ax 4.n tootle m 1 chic plyhaeeIIiii��t th•r .4, snit on the 1 •,nae, t1. *tai o .Maio . world. motive harm)/ 1., rn.wrt.:l on NJ part,'1l 'v(1016,1111 wooer, w., 1. !odd by pubo,' A, •-non,. x Oa Tuesday, the l•lth day of April ..ext. ▪ 1 twenrot-fork. g,w, at the Aar,., Man of Marrs. '1'h•n,-o. & 111111........11,•lo Kossslam 0,ry t. ,0 .r+11 ,.sen o1 lioder.d,• 1I.{' following prulrnr, inn? 1. 10 000: Si a ,vi.ilr \ ,*Evaded rh.rr..•r parts or and 40 nn that swathes ..alied the ^ Itr*n,w Uw•0 *he property of Vs.1,ery h itn'n twit ef,re.,ol. now Irina at the Port '(iwle+ r:cl, .'O,7N,1, I..zelher web .11 std ion ter the • 0c hon, .,77,.17, lyrn.lure, ta•.Ie seri pn*rel nmrerino, • Or ,n •l • stow • n 1 In . r Ife.,m 1 11r 4 rv= P 0 Eked send.. Yuen ot 0 . . • M. C. CAM} It/ )C' w 751 . ,, ., ,w l r Ntonca Mortt)-;isae Sale! 32 Shares & Anchors, Rigging. Schoonor'Jean Rumball.' y 'insolvent Act of 1864,1 1VliISKII in the County Of II 111101i, up w ich Own is 6330 and give a Mortgage to eecure Uro' balsoee payable in Iwo yearly payment* with iutere*1 at eight tsar centavo per .,nam, the 7 isreya cos to the purcha.er •tel the Mint. gale to be prepared at the expense of the perch's/ter. In other re.pects the eunditioas of sale sill be the stsodieg conditions of the Court of Chancery. Portlier couditwtie .*d particulate ay be had et the (Ave of the 1 undor's Solicitor. in the Town of Ooderich, and of the Aw- tioneer. Dated the 27th day of FrLruary, 11465. (Sd,) 11. COOPER., Master. ISAAC F. TOMS, Veudof a Solicitor, Guderieh., .5.2t 'Tbe shore sale u postponed until;Friday. The 24tIrM rch, mat., at the name plite rad 1 hour. 1 INSOLVENT ACT OF 1964 fret iton of the undersigned see unfilled 1 10 inert a the other M FrnMnrk Pr, udbwrt, 11*rr.ster et law u, 1ne Village ot F,•utbnmp,yn, 1n tae (seely W Hence. o. 'rn.,raday. *he •lam day of Aprel nest, (101U), al *be hour W lea utei3O•k,.. m , Mr 1hr par, pn.e id revolving •'.N- meet• of hu .daif., and set nn..4.1.13 er.gnee (6 wham he loan nude u, a•Ngnment ower 1..e above Art. !bit...I nt *oulh•mptou, .(olesed, the 13th clay u er is that. (51 'GE:),CRA10, FREDEu,cK PRttl.'IWOoT.f• , „out. r for UA.vwgel a g. yeS Wu6 w• Insolvent Act of 1864 I I.0 Tlll' .11.1 TTEIC OF COL11 SI.V I Z.III., n* lank ext. AMIE IE c-rJitnro of IheJnsulvent are nolifie i Y.• n 1 that h+ has triode an e1 „nae t of hs 'Estate state and rlfecte under the :thou Act to the under.igned &soignee., and they .0,e R wilted to furnish me, within two months from with v claims. specifying the the do to„ sen their c • c I •. :.ecurity Hill hold, any, u..J Ili^ value of bail Benne, .uitio( the fart : tire whole at tented under meth, with the vouchers in sup. pdrtofouch e:aima. Dated at Goderieh, in the ('o•mN of 1t, nen_ thin Thirtrm.t6 Jas of Marcit,i A, U lsG3. Has been received and is now on exhibition at the CLASCOW HOUSE," W'hi.•h moke. thr:r ,Inc!. v.., nuplete In all the vides and qu0:ll:er of 1 dier'• 5bwes'. *11•!., Mini, l;oyi, Youths' cud Childs' LOOTS AND SHOES. Our prices will he Voted very low, quite in accordance with the necessity of the time*. FELT INII From 7444 York have shin tome to hand, e pods -very cheap ! Look in *0d iwpct our your while. •a LI`"L A1\ 1) Glasgow house, 20th March, 1S63. tie Land Scrip for Sale Olt A LIBERAL PREMIUM GIVEN ..n pnrmente which ran ha ••,a.I* 1., the t Lauf• 10 partmeut 1a land 00 rip. Pee . •nut'srtulumu, Q}:NRY GRiST, �1 Horner 1VOOJ HATS nmprising all the novelties in 11:is line o stuck even if you lou'* buy, it may be worth L.FZ` I,IV1 ." D. KERE, JR.& CO. w7 1) N Z` X !3'11 ltt Xr. Dr. PUELPR. u• a SI' !VW: AI. k *ENIT.INif'Al, and ,n I I).vn•r.(','.'..,nu.T.If.Moak ..outcry.) niouerieb, U. W. ' Rooms ern Er. F. Jordan's DrntT B!ori. • 1 Janu.try *3.b.i9.S. sew'-J-1Iy Ouden.h. Dee.4,1i TAKE NOTICE! K!RK HAS OPENED AGAIN THE SUBSCRIBER BE`“to inform his old friends and the public generally that he 1 KE -OPENED in Witnesses -JOAN C. ftp HOLLIDAY, * JOHN WILSON KERR. (w8'2t - A Iii' W -LA' _--- -- To raise 6y tray of Loan fto\�wnsw Of Trenty 1'1,oa0aod .Lkllurs foi\tAo purposes therein occasioned. 11/ IIFIREAS the Corporation of the United / Counties set Huron and Brace has re• solved to urate, (travel and improve certain Roads ■ud Hi4bw0)a, wh11 the necessity Bridges fur the same, "satin the Wirt Cooney of Huron. Ant. wlrraes* *he said Improvements 576 entirely within the County of Iluron, and the espouse of mak ins the same is to he defrayed by the said County irrespective of the County of Bruce, the Lown or Debt will he paid be the mud Cuuuty of Huron, and the )Opts Lereioniter IoentWned tai,! be raised sorely upon the rateable property within the said County of Huron: AND seaman* 10 carry into effect lbs sold reeiled object it will he ueeeu*ry fur the maid Corporation to raise the ram of T.eety Thousand Dollars, in the ma0ner xte-d .sett t mentioned: AND Insolvent Act of 1864. .+ it t, rcpt-dn•ut to debtor the reyprr- tiv. amount. 1" be expended on each Line of Road int.pdcd to be improved, it shall be THE Crediton of the un.1 r, elect are note e a endo t as rel out in toe Schedule at the 1 lied to meet *1 the hotel of Mr. Jam.. end of this Hy law and turnu.g part of the Johnson, Innkeeper, ;n the Voiles, of Nue. Annie. vale. in the Omni, of 11 'mut., • w `Inde!. AND u1n.0r.AA it will require the slim of the Twenty-Mee,tlh day set Mash 1965, et l hire '1 honsao,l 1 no 1Iondred 11,1101n 10 lr• nt;sed annuauy Iry S;0•clal hate fur the Insolvent Act of 1864. THE creditors of the undersigned are notified 1 to tarot at the low office of Jamie obis. Sinclair, in the Town of (:oderieh, aro Sens - day, *be first Jnr of April nen. 01 twelve o'clock noun, for the p„rpr..e of receiving • atntemeet of his affairs and of wmmg ea assignee to whom he may make ea wigs. (neat under the shrove Act. )pled .t the Village ..f Clime', in *hs Canny of Huron, .Ms second day of Hslet6, A. 11., 1 e66. FREDERiCK RCMBALL. 1. fS. SfNC6Allt. :iii ,nor fur (orcleent. w6.tw 7b Leasee rIE FARM Or II GNAr,FIE1'D. Few particrlure, apply fir by letter p mtpsid) to T. J. MOORHOUSR. 'Signal ' Otli.M Gnderieh, Yet. ?Lt, )8g6. .w4rif 11 o'clock, of the forenoon, for the peepers* of rereieing statements u1 his affMlre, and pro) men, 4.t the sad Lou,,', Debt and outer. •,f naming an soignee to whom he moi mater cat u* rs ILL'l.'Inallrr mrot',,,,,.,p, 'art 0miyument under the above act. •Ass. 71I,r1.1A Use amount n( the whole Dosed at Itlrtewle Village, *Itis 1111 day ra.r06le property of the sari Mumtipelitr o1 Morel. A. D. 1865. mnperti,e of aur future increase in the I w71d'8o) HENRY C. YU•GH. some. 1 irre+l,-.uta ..f any income to he TIt.1T STRAYED. -Come into the prem• de, ivett trout *he temporary inveetmew. of the sinking fund hereinotirr :0m,tioned or ane inns ollthe subecrilcr, lut 1, tri eon, God• part thereof, .ecnu-fin2 to the Inst revised erlch township, alwut the 1st November lams, Averment Rolls IemK fur the rem one l Brindled Steer rising 2 years old. The tlnuso.J eight h ind,ed and sixty four was owner is regoal04 to prove property, pry Eight md:ious'1* , 601,dredand Eighty eight .'h�rll'etI oke film away. thousand SIAhuudrrd anJ Nmety..z dollars: JAS. DAVIES. f JGodericl, March 4, 1466. ser 3t o AND whr.ulue fur paying( the inlereet and I creating an 7gtal Annuli! Sinking Fund for ' paying the saved sum of Twenty Thmuand Dulles and imams' as hereinafter mentioned, it will require an equal enema Special Hate 1 of tour -tenths of a mill tit the Dollar in ad di*iou to all other rate. •sed razes to be levied in each year. lk it th.•refon .,OCIC4 by the Coryww.tion of the United Counties of Ifumn old Orme, L That it shell be lawful for the Wardell las tot the time being of the said but mentioned Corporation to .rile by way .$ Loan, from any person or porwnn,•body or bodies corm). tom of 16. late Air. Smith *ill be accepted, rate who mar he willing to advance the acme and 1171 .0 notified Immediately. u pon the credit of the Debentures hers -matter More miiculur information will be elven mentioned, • sum of money net eseeetrng in t,, 51. t'. t'n"1emn, Faq.. Isarriae:, t.., tiro whole the arm of Twenty Thous.nd Dol. (inderieh, oho ell' abn resole.. the offers and Lir*, and a erose *lino same In to paid into forward them to the unde'reigned. t6. hovels of the Treasurer of the United OFIF.(.D. Counties eloree,i 1, for the purposes and with '1*4 C. SCII the object stove incited.. -Berlin, lOtb_Fgh. i8g5_'_' (.w4etd 11. That it- shell he laief.l for the said �1 Warden ,to cause any number of i)ehe J to made for such mums t'1 money as may be requited, not less than One Hundred Dol. neeirrHEAS default having toren made is ce. lora each, and tort the said Debenture. shall • YY payment d a Mortgage male be K4 be waled with the 0..01 of the said Cor3or- ward Kelly of the Town.hop of Ashfield, is • Mon, cud signed by the said Warden. the County of Huron. yeoman, awl Mary Ana . 111. That the 0.id Debentures shall be Kelly, wi(. d Edward hello, (tor the purpose made pushier in ten yeas at furthest. from of barring her tomer), to N idiom Ganem& the day lt.reinnfter' mentioned for this Ity of the Town of Godeneb, in the County of Law to take effect either i;: London, in Eng Iluron, Gentleman. The following lane and land, or nom* place in Canada to he &signal- premise. will be sold lie Public Auction at, ed in the said Debentures.' and .hall have 0. 51. Truemnn's ,l0ction Mart. on the 22nd attached to them Coupons for the payment. March, 186.;, et the hour of twelve o'clock. of In.reet. noon, subject to a Mortgage of 5400 mud IV. That the said, Debentures and Cote interest at eight pct' emit, dye 1st May 1465, I pone shell he made omits tither Sterling that is to say, all and sirgular that certain stinal. 4.d endpremien mooed 4.r 1'nlvine•id currents of this Pro- nares) or tract of 10 r e vu,te, at- the option of the said Warden 00 lying and being in the 'I'nwn.hip of Ashfield, that the tried, amount of said Del.entures in the County of Iluron. being composed of O heJ not exceed the before mentioned sum of' Twenty Thomann Dollar, and they shall hear interest at and atter the rate of .'z per cement per annum, which interest shall be Ie I payable on the first day of January and first PARSONS' BI40C K • O 'F who everything in BUTLE . S 300G•ST l.. where hex t door to Mr. , y 8 CHRISTOPHER ciWUh. Assignee. I As he TOM`` 4 M90RE, ( Solicitors tor Insolvent. &c.. in ROCERES, LIQUORS W int be 7nld elt"np for CASH or in t'xrh:ln:;e for Dairy Produ intend* to devote his attention prin'ipnlly to the rectifying of ( 'SHF.R and In: t• rlue o: a Cower of Saoe.•- I, domed on ■ certain Mon$a7e mo1,br /,v Tlli,' 31.1TTEl: OF ALEX.f-\'- tic Tows o1 1:4.44.. h. to the County of H 4.r„ F, Triomas H. V.oK .rY etyl f e ,ee llurw . lrof int l;' 4.011; E ,' ' no IneoIt•rnt. Quern Niemela held a grand tweet on the I /3r oit'AYT to a P. err nl Ra'e contained n. A trerntn, Mangar•. rn*de bow„.,„, Marlen Yurwarden..d the F,nl part, tnJJ.'0n V. Ikr:.n s(1 ' creditors of the • last dry a( Feb.. •eid t'r.wn or(. o(.',.r h. 00 &a,ent are notified and. an,uel II'IhI,M, OI. parker, d the Tnwn-mp..I Amin. rt'c.e(.num) Atenham,. a drc •• • •.t poor wair'n Orel }tort-, to t he has made an anti:nmrnl of 11� fhe (investor of the Stale of New Yo.0 of Brum. 14... ..i etc nr.1 717* 1 *4 W Wean, 1 I . r • „„„,/ ,n t nal rt'. mftr m thr :rotate n effects under the above act to me, c warms the people that the draft will be psi'- Crawford. Rous Renner...ft sed John J•m,r.rwt • l al the said l owiou., ; . rt' ,rt'. ftxn•olmrr W ; rat o* 1 w of l et u•�u�a,,..,en,d; oe:.ult hat mss 101 n I lir u .soy rd 'soignee, teed they are re• po.,ed mde6uitely, if netauug goes on vigor- mss sero 4.t Ile Tari re ,tc 4pan, I u.i •ocJ I merle n, 16. pymrnt rnrreof nod intie pros ,••iquit td ti, fur rh inn • ithin ten m,.ntls from ' it data wrtl'\their clliinl0, .pieeify0s,the euIly. , the rr u . un anr.l nod doe 4.W .•r 0071,17 Ili , security they hold. dens, and the value of it, l - sod, Jr hone, tomtit: the fact: the whole a.•j Dealers therein will do well. to give him a call. R�t te.tml u,.der' oath ith the a ucbers in sup • theta, nem fd 1%m. W.I.er. eonn, thread 1. wm•Mp•d A ran, Inn .,.n•., •t Iw•.' n, tar 4..,n. *r fnr Anrt tm ' 4.,l 4.r Polt 0f,ueh nils+.‘ , Those Indebted to him will Please call and sett '.gm. gaud new t{ Ar..(.. 4 3'oWnk 11ar,•Itnu•e.•.l Kmnp.n u.,I A. SPROAT• t I sof. roar .4.d lu7 lwnu, rich 20 ■.rc•' I p Aripur.. at nn ce _ _ _ ep„1,,,,, iii„n,•mo.d'r..ww„ I:,Okt.•lr,thrl.•t.ow,..g "'I , otherwise costs must be incurred. Tr:IIM° :-1M,-6011 es.h •n.l b•?•n le tomo petty, moo nth urs. Tont-two umLynMl Share. Births. 1lt 5uuthanplon,' arch S, P,65. f"w53w7 2w • I 1 h • . lir con, I or Wane ala 4.d o, all 111.1111 'rl+e''calterl Ili• -.bonne �' �. • nit sent r..• rid L) 1't' sell. A •wlon i* flallwr*'n herr oenevl..' all primes rhe lent 1, nolo..., win T.n men, se the fnhnurn Sun,...re the ro.rl, m 4.110 Ilse fr nl Sewunhar.lppo•4., 1t' Ihr rad r p *'dun, of Hrwe.: UN '.116 ilu7H DAY oh' Ise a,iJ by Yui'Ir.Aa•t0.r, .n Vag on Lot No. 26, 1st run. ilemt,tnn. 1153 APh11. NEN 1. t 1.0.5), s* 4..d•,,, 11,0 n.u•.w0. - Toesdar 1 when* faking tree kdsd one of la, d s,d usmeh lid t'0 .7 .n sec v4. T. Iesday, the IS:h .dry. -of April next, • OFFERS FOR LOT 931, (the David dmith 151] wee; . aide of tiortbaireet,'Goderieb, will be re- lyjved. till The 20th of March next. 'Thr pwniee desiring to purchase will stew their each offer, en also ma a credit of tavern) yeah set 6 per tent per 00,1100. The ors, ronsid.n•d most advantageous for the eredi- lite aa mm GE ELLE. hP 9L1 KINDS, 'I•h•'rrhy-en:tblin 1:11n to istiliery Prices ga•, ar,nu. 1ur�uuc0 e, with .. At Gndero h nn taro 13th root., the wife of mitre.,' Mr. It. 11'. K:nahnn, , f a son. FREDEIEH'K I'ROI'DFO(*T. �a� Suhcd,r Wr Murlgs*eao: Zpart'ICO. Swnbamptes, 14 Menh, 1013. we•4'e4o At the resid.nre of the lo,d.11 father, nn _ Wednesday. the 15th 0011 , 1.7 the Rev. 11. 1.. Elwoo1, :I/o. Jens. A tin,,., 10 MART, to.rtb daughter of 514. Jog,. SRI. cat 7, all of 6 odenc h township. Tat CD. At Smith or 11111, Colborne. on Tuesday. the 21•t ,.oat.. Mr..7no. IOre, innkeeper, aged • 57 yeas. '1 he fuller -RI takes plots on 1 hurelay, 21rd at fine c'ciork. p. m. 'I HE MARKETS. Goncntri, M- arch 21st, 1865. Fall *That,. .•..10.75 (d. U:87 Spring do . 0:77 (4 0:74 %vats, .. 0:371 (4', 0:40 Harley .... .... 0:55 (/g 0:60 Pear 0.00 (q 0:75 Pork .... 5:50 (re 0:00 14•ef ............ 1:50 04 4:50 Iamb* 2 00 (r4 0.00 Tarsier, each 0:45 0:50 %leew, do 025: ' to 0:00 11:Iickena, '141 pair 0:20 (d) 0:00 ' 11urk4, do ...'......0:004 0:25 Hodes (green) 2:70' u etutvr 1.13 Pemtoes 0:35 (4 0.371 11 sed 2.00 1'4 0:06 Nees 0:07 (it) 0:124 Apples 0:40 (4 0:50 Lay, el ton 15:00 (4 IR:00 tone, per load .... 4:00 (4 5:00 PIIF: AFORTIt MARKET*. te.ranrM for the $,svt. to 01471., Jfet0mp11 & Co] RM„d.. 1," tern the properly .4 Vont:eery ,F ronol ill Monroe Now lane 11107 Pore of (tuob'- ruin. 51,1.0*gi d. 700.lhir won al ani meula 1,, aneM,hi, nog„F. 1.0,1.,,', t4.. 1... ..4.d ■lona 16,14010 leloneine o, in :04.1. Ss*. •p,e,Iam- Ing. Ibnll Irakl Power el 5n'e. -�-- M L l'Atll H(I\, I w7o11 Soh. itor for Mortises.. y4. Insolvency'for the United U • Y. S. KIRK. Counties for n& Bruce. MARKET SQUARE, G(wlerieh, 7111 March, 1863. .w.,3 Andrew Robertson. Piantif� *v. Andrew ' lVleudIM.Iace and R4.6ca Park, Insolvents. llefeudrnt4.. iiiYYYeiiilll 1'ON the app liratido of the 1`IainGT. ted •r■ ortgage Sale 11 ort11tt1Me sale! (- os th teeing ieatio Nn filed, It d n� ..reyi 01• Thirty-two Sixty fourth shares of tho schooner, strip or ves- sel e'llled tho " W. H. Mer- ritt." U111.0 int lie Virtue 0111 Power oe oaf* roll- I tamed ,n a rens., Mongan- rn+.4 M Thorn's H. llnetery and ft7uree Kimbell, of the town of Ur.kn,-h. m the County .1 Herren. Forwanlers,ol the Shit pan, aril John V. Bailor e nd Samuel H. Iht:or, of the aorer0l 'tower of I:nlench. Mrmhent.. 01 the pert, which mid Mo,tgire ,•.lulr ',tinted m the Custom Hour 4.l the Pori .f I mlh,ns:e, J.u,nit hrv.ng horn mode in the due pMrrne,rl thereof, enI dile ronre hs„ng b.etn. .mrd on an p. rt'.. e,tnle,l to notice, well be mold Ly Pooh,' An. 104.. on Tuestay, the 10th day of April neat, at twelve o'v lock, it an et the (Inchon Mart nl Munn. Th,mnnr.& HeslehnM, on F.,g01nn elven. is sed Turks nl 'Indere.. the fu.. lowing properly, Ina ,►'t4. say : thirty-two silty foul. shares of tbeighoomer•.hep or sweet celled the W. H. 0:00 Merritt.' then the poverty or V.*Eeery & 0.17 ^"mMu, aurn'd, now 1y,ng at the Port of (i.denin, elureo.,J. Deed under p,wer or,e4. M.C.(-AMEHIN, wSaw54td Mh•'n.1 ,lar Mortgagee. • Siaroit,t, Marsh 20th, 1445, Floor (7lfwrrel) ., 54:00 Pall Wheel, '(.1 bushel ...50:90 Sp int Wheat, %1 bush.... u:70 71.1. 0:40 1lar1e7 .. 0.00 1'eaa 0:70 Potatoes 0:30 Hay ('t0 ton) 16:01 Perk (11 hundred). , .. t 6:00 Hides.... 3:50 Ritter (Z4 15) 0:17 Rhwpekine 0:50 Eggs (}1 dozen) 0:00 Timothy Seed 2.00 Wool .. 1.26 Clover Seed 9:00 4:50 0:92 0:82 0:00 0:60 0:75 0:35 17:00 7:00 3:23 0:14 1:00 0:121 2:60 0:11 9:50 Taranto Markets. Mar. 20. -Finer 4 A • 4.75. }'dl Wheat Nr • 94e. Sprint/ do 90 • 92e. Barley 70 • 72e. -Oats 45 a 4R. TO LET. THAT nnnw and ,hop new (*wooled by Mr. R. Ugien. Prsarisien 1st Afoot. Apply to I7F,o. R. PARSONS. Greleneb, March 21,4, 1,66. w7 NOTICE. ip of frMIE Conr1 of Revision As 11. Tnwwh at ` Goderieh1 will held its O'.t meeting ay, the Coquet' 1+^^•4 H0mw,ille, w Mond 0t CM 24th day of April newt, for the purpose & menet appetite agaieet .saemta.wl, &e. JOHN SHAW, Township Clerk. Man h, :0th 1144. , OREDIT SALE. TUE unl.'..rerd „ ,n..rur trd to wit; on the tum of Thomas and John Itartley, nimble 1.,ne. near Ilevfeld, ON THURSDAY, APRIL Gth,1865, T4. ro,>tmence at 1 o'rinrk, p. m , the following Farm 5l,rk, tr., r,: (Meru bend of rattle, comprising four present raisers. one yoke of rnrrllrnl plough viten m f'•t-s4.- condition. 1 Krd-, .h. Intranet- 'deer. and 0m,i•re M d Ri'rco t . K.o, 2 good horses using 5 years ol•1-ons a 17.0..1, henry farm hope, the other well adeptrd tor rewire a meddle or carriage 0st'.**, 2 plourh., harrow.. on mill, waggon, nlr.ghn, 'drsw- r,,Il'r, harness nenrly new Are., \r., and • pnh,oe of their h.,ewhold Iurnoure. The proprietors will he happy In .ohms( the Moro, Yr., to Inc ,nopeetion 4.l mlendtng purr hewn pervert'• to the cote. '1 ERM7 :-All *arms under $4 0.d, 1 above *hen emoun* 10 monthm credit on .pprovrd nWo*. Aa the prop.enws are gaetbe( farming, them soul 0e no reserve. W M, 81188F.NREHRY, Auctioneer. ttn!y, March 90. IRO, w8.2te Partnership Notice. !4 �" `-"-"- t, upon hat amee*i'.z.of the creditor* of the 0hnrt ll? raised, insoly,-nae be held before the J,ul:e 64 Shalos & Boats, Buns, Amu' of the County Court of the County of P. rth, nifion, Small Arnie and ,lppurft_nnn- *1 suth time and place as the sod Judge i..• (TS,,1lrrtmrr int. for the purpose of giving their nt4.j .Vjng,rnl, a u tl'1t( h' o the +ppyintroent irf an official es,i,; . • • r TNI)ER and by virtue of a Power of Sete of the astute Ind property of the ted nus,,, U contained in it eerlain Mortgage made by tosser Mnuanl to the Statues. Thoma If. •,1 ..1 G(: ry and George Harebell, Judo Huron Dram ('TtT K. COOPER, SALE CHEAP FOR CASH of the Town orler.ch, in the County of AND day of Jule, in each and every year during the continuance of the said Debentures at the place where the Debentures ant made pantile. V. That for the purpo*e of formic? 1 Sinking Fund for the payment of the said Debentures and the interest at the rate afore- said to leroole due thereon. an equal special INTER vitt' 4.l (our o•mL0,f * mill in the Ilollcr, I .hall 1n addition to ell other rae•and M1ea, 6r. raised, (7,1d end cnlleelyd in ea•h yeas • wlel u m ell fhe rateable pro sty within I ib. gad County of Huron, during the eontina• anew el said debentures or any of them. Vl. That this Ily:Lew shall take effeet and come into operation upon the Nineteenth day of Jo ,... in the year of Om 1nd 0,, Thousand Eight Healed and Sixty Five. AT THE 1E IOC c r? I uAlf, Iluron. 1 Fgrwatd,r*. of the Fiat Pat, and Goderi:h, 13th February. 1865 - :- John V. Donor aril Samuel 11. hetlor, of the / afore,aid Town of t:oderieh, Morehuntt, of In Insolvency County of Perth. i r.111111 SUBSCRIBERS herr nrnrl♦ completed (heir FALL' ANI) 1ti iNT the .Srcond I'nn, which .cid Mortgage it - T d.ty eeeorded to the Custom llou,e of the T)a•id Lewis and William Frederic Port .*(Montreal; d2fealt laying been mode: Plantitf., vn. Andrew Wallace'011" in thedw•piyment thereof, -and due notice' Park. Defendants. having been *treed on ell !*.ries entitled 10 iT1ON reading the writ iuued; notice, will be sold by Public Auction, on 1.) and the declaration theret Tuesday, Ihr tush day of Apri! next, the ah!da,ils ,0f s7tvice theHexed, and the return of a Sheriff of ira' at twelve o'clock, noon, at the Auction Cemety of Perth theret thereon endorsed Mart of Mesar.. Thomson t Haslehunr, sed no nelili00 to nu 4.r to ray pmreed• oe Kingston street. in said Town o(Goderirh. in,pa toeing filed, I dnbrder that the creditors the following property; that is to ear; Sixty. .l the above named Andrew Wail•ee and four endisided Shores or Peru of and in all Hobert Park shelf meet before me at my that%easel called the .'Niagara," then the ehanbers, in the Town 01 atratfnrd, on property of VinErerr 8 !tumbril, aforesaid. T'hordy, thetwenty-third day of March, A.D. now lying at the Port of Godenrh, afore, ol, 1063, at twelve of the clock, noon, due notice together with 011 and singular the anchnrs, of *big order to he given to each of the said rigging, furniture, Mettle and apparel there- creditor* for the purpose of meting their unto belonging or in any wile eppertaining rot ,dvic9 upon the appointment of as official above mentioned. treed under Power of ao4.ee1,. Sale: D. 11. MANS, Jodge County Court, Chanty of Perth. Dated at Chamber' this lit day of Febrtmry, 1765. .wi4.4 $4r, , STOCK, which comprises almost every article neccvlaaFJ for the trade, viz : Rnbrtt this matter d, and 5f thereto an. M. C. C.MEP.Or, I wild]_ Solicitor for Mortgagees. POT ASH AND SOAP FACTORY 1 • Mn. ADAM HOPI": was, on the 31st Dee. iu lest, admitted a Partner of the Business hitherto ennducted ander the firm* of Peter Hochman t Co. of Glasgow ; Dane Ruch*. nen 4 Co., of New York ; and Ituehanso, Harris ! Co., of Hamiltnn, which Rnsin.iee will hereafter he carried on by the ander. *ivied, under the same Arms in Glasgow and New York,and ender that of Raehonan,Hnpe t C,o., at Hwilten. The Dry Goods and tlrneery Rosiness.' of Adam Hope t Co., London. will he removed to Hamilton, and the undersigned will inn• tine* the Hardware and Heavy Geode hwinees at London, in connection with their prevent partner there, Mr. Charles James Rnpe,eader the lira of Anam Hope G. ISAAC BUCHANAN, ADAM HOPE, R0Nl:kT WEUYSa4, Rsstilten, C. W., Ranh 11 1114,5. 1, Il WITH 5 kettles rind 'other Rowena. all in good working order, situated in the Town of Coderlch, For gale on reasonable terms. Time given for mut of the pushier money if regnired. AIto. o COOPERAGE! SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANI S. tinned ('nonan of 13Y 1,rtue of two writ, 01 Huron .nd'Ilret'e, j) V,MLLoni F xpon•a And To Wit: Fien pec,.n for residue i w1u4J ant e( It. r Majesty'. County Corr, of the fnrmty of 0ntann and ('o„rt t'1 Com. molt sir... and to me ,I rec*ed .1.inat the Lends.ml tenements of Stephen 1/.Crawf,n(,F.11. Lynch Staunton, Enoch (1. Dowling and Robert tidmonr, at the, *4.,A of Isaac N. Howled and the Corp,r.loe of the Township 01 Eh•erel,e, 1 With tools nuitehle for general work. Terms. hay, ,.,.rd xnd 1.07, m F.sn•nnon .1I the ri7h4, idle and interest or.e raid defendants. rw env to part Cash -balance on time. The prnpertin will he sold separately end P.rk Lnt Nn. IS,LW No. a, and to the smith hall at t.o. 6irdo of their value. A good deet- orlet Nn.'o enT. Allo m Q,e•n nrret Noah, hong a.hdnuwn*of Park Lel Nu, 4 m the v.b ling house .tl•ebed t0 ...eh prnperty. Ar. lege a Paisley ; South hall ,d Lel 21 on .he Ren ply to J. 11. 6011,110N, video((amen Street !tooth rasky,l'ark tort No. Onderieh.: 15 North side of Cammeige street. end Nock 36 Gnderieh, March 9th. 1,65. s.34.1 m Wow star of(ineen Streit, North Peidey, 1 „4 IS �- S,md ante end t2 and 14 Nord' side of Camhndg. - nreet, Paine? t Nnnh hal, of Int L Eut rMe M CAME into the enno ms of the Rwhsetiler - Hasson new, So^.hsmpinn, 7t' 1771 0t the Nmth I Si of lot 19t10th con., Kavanagh. abort pen 4.r Int Ne. 4, North mete 01 High Siren, the middle of September last, two Heifer* Southampton, Lois 2w and .40 on the Sorth mole coming 2 yeas nld, nn* rod and whit, thn of(tlnrrmMu 0trert. Bo lhthamponn t.na II end 0 k 4.l N 071' 0 St rr $ . p we other black and white. The owner ,n retries- 00 b,nh AAM of L.nusa somal, i4,wnhemp4rw, ell ed to prow property lav charges and take ,w,p,,,(;mmlq M Rn.ee; which tem,. and term. them away. PETKR RUTHERFORD. menu 10hn1 offer Mr mole RI rev, Mace an .e St. helot's. Meh 14th. 1865. .7 11 (lean *40.0, to .0. Town of tieden,6, nn Tee. Jay Rh. Twente.Rghlh day of February lett, at NOTICE. ER SCHEDULE • REFERRED TO IN THE FORE - Seven ThonxandI)DOnIl:areNU, to be expended nn 11' Colborne and Ashfield Road. ens• mewing 41 A. Allen 1 Tavern, going North- ward. T 1/`11 �I F i i 1r`\� 1'nur Thmnond Dollars nn the MalI Road, DR•Y CJI OO1S GROCERIES t RO V 1 RI de.J Sepho., hrtween l.nte T.n and Elrven, u`-' tommeneing at the London Rood. SHELFANDHEAVYlIARDi:AIt}:, One Thousand Dollars on the Extension of'the Iluy (.ravel Road. Three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars no C ' 'h. Se.forth Road, commencing rt D.;.' 14E Sporn *f good Mum iIorwe+, d 71)8 RE:till' 11.1 DE LOTIiI\G� Tavern, (0irgNorth 10Heltaure. OHarnesstc.,Bnhilei[h*. Apply to Ton Thousand Fo.r Hundred Dollar on THOMAS or JURN WEATH MUM). 1 r the line between the F.ihIh and North Con- Godericll March 6.1861t w6tf HO■ f ` ,v SHOES!eeestoue of Howitk, toeln.oting at Ml'e V t1�1J '�r`(r TNOTICE. Toro Thousand Dollar on the Cltstml sod Winghem Road, through Lots Twenty -Three and Twenty Four to the Coneeseion tine he- r11HE co-p*rtnenhip hr.etota, et0stm7 h► IM hon o, Twelee ot'h* clock, Minn. JOHN MACDONAI.D, ri' HE Curt of i eviainn for hearing appeal. !Merit- N. 4 R. agalnet Ameeemenl will be held at the Me 7. pm.l.ee*, Derti Phent. haw n( Mr. Alex. Findlay, Lot 16, inn. 5, Sew"E' (IR•.• ("derieb.1 es Saturday. the Ota of April, ,at 10 o'elnek 26th Jsewn.lR!4. owl 1. m. Thr shove sato it putrefiedlift Twsdsy, FIVDGAY• the 4th slay of Aper nett. fee 1t TnnsbipClerk, Metas. the south hailer the north half of iot number eleven, in the third cunceseon,',Olteru d,vi.ioe a the said Towoahip of A01101,1, rnnt•ining by admeasurement fifty acme set laud, mule or less. Dred under I'ower ennteined in Mortgage. 7ermt of Sale -Cash or Credit. For further particulate apply to D. Shade Gooding, Solicitor, Wee' Street. D. 811ADE GOODING. Solicitor fur Mortgages. Dated' 7th March, 1465. w6td THE HAWLEY FARM 1 MILES from Goderic6 on the Huron 40 Road, TO LET OR SELL. The above farm will be let et sold on very reasonable teras. Apply to J. PLAICE, Iluron Road. Gedertch, March 6; 1143, w6tf LAND IN COLBORNE1 lOT 7 i. the 10th con., W. D., is Offered' J fnr 81300. 0250 cash, halrnse is 11 1. This laud is of excellent guilty, with sham 60 ocree cleared, * 1(141es 6 mil,'. of Godsriehl 4 of which are gravelled. At ply to J. R. (JORDON. Golerich, March 6, 1765. .8.6.14* Credit Sale. FURS. Ladies' •and Gents' Felt Hats, &c. They with pertirularly to drew sttertinn to their *tock of DR I' IrOOI)S, which FOR QUALITY AND PRICE CANNOT BE SURPASSED The READY-MADE CLOTIhIN1) it moeteomplele and tnanuteetured in the Best and most Fashionable Styles. LAMES' FCttS OF SUPERIOR QUALITY. Having imported, las 4wGy of CLCITH V1 01.1C -EN fl•LdND ! AT PRICES 1%'e are enabled tonal! them ,, n, DEFY COAt&r,1I/,YTION 1)o not forget to ee11 when :n Town at the Elil' )Ril')I, and inspect their k of Chea (hoods ! Stock p They wish to Intimate to their enMnm.s nwinc *eenn015 On.I notes that they w insist on PROMPT PAYMENTS tepee the Eigthh and Ninth, and thence *long *aid Line to the Side L.ne between 1cotz Twenty mud Twenty One, and thence along said Side Line to the Boundary Line of the County of Rruca within the said County of Oaten. • NOTICE THE above is a true copy of a proposed tly. 1 IA* to 1,0 token into consideration b7 the Murieipnlity of the United Counties of Horan Rud ifruce: at the County Court Roos in the lawn of Onde,irh on the County of Huron on the Seventh day of June, 1865, at the hoer of three o'clock, in the afternoon, at *bleb time and place the mem- bers of the Connell are hereby regoirrdleto attend for the purp,M* 0f••remid. PETER ADAMSO'7,' Counties' Clerk. Como, Clerk's 0114*. j (inderich, 22nd Yeti.; 71443. ( 4 tel 1: Ait\t FOR SALE IN WAWANOSH tweet. the undersigned sealer the name and style of Ille*npnw. Merh.rsnn t 004 Fnundere and Marhiniat0, .A the Village e.f Clinton, enemy of Huron, is div,d's! ,6l• day hy mutnal enn*ent. Thomas Nronhed, leaving the 6rm t- the dohs* in fluor a roe firm to be collected by the re,n.ining pees nen, and all deals due by the firm to be imid by them. D. M.rHHFItt071, W51. GLA44111W, WM. HOVEY THOS. ETR1�HED. Wltnem-!*MASA WOOD. Dated at Fingal, Pah. 27, 1865. w6.2t Sheriff's Sale, of Leads. tinited0ons{{,n ot )nT Yin,se of • vent re Huron and Bruce, } 17 Feer, Facies To wit : 1 n( Hrr M•ie tr1 Cosset? Cain of tie Cwt.! tenni lea n( /lane sed Bruen sad In me dhret'ed .C.,,.1 the bonds •ed Maim meow 01 Nosh. Rigger and (leurge EIi,•r $ 1k. 1011 .1l I )liver Marklem, lidos Tk.�•w Winnow Irving, P.. sed Jamrm Mu Urn,.1 41* ..,,ed •4d take,. on r:0er,ln,e all .e .. M Mee and oo,M.t M the coed d1te.e0Me is .54 M 644. N 04.4.4.* IIM, 111, I I*. 115, 114, 117 and M elm nisi .main p•n-et 4.r tner e1 Iambi know• re 1y_ Mils Mock, and •u.' t6.1 certain [.reel 1* 110( 1 $( lends which on Wound. d ., the Nath edge 1 . 141-.' Ma:Nu.l, on the Dotal h etrhe he the MY ate Ilea Mwren •I Tb..w.h. p• am enmlMned rr, I4r undern.gnevl 0K.n for mate the Mbtring r're:• mal on lM FaM•Me 4y the W.M lo.•$ate' 1. prein.e1 1,,1+4.1 nn 'h* It MAGI Road . lona a( 1'4115 k' M •zr.nled to *N KtI'� *7 the 11'ow'sh,p of W.waena0. taw*, *h *air water M(v.Mglw wrath ,• [ 4" derived lion ate River MtiJaM 66 BR &rw M Within 11 Hiles of Ooderioh 1 Ctrs. covet ea m the Cooley ref Home, will" essIsere• amt not.wrea 1 rant tits Malo m Of 0% ta.Mg 100 mere., M of .,I p, en Muse. &how on the Cows Houma r else 1 ewe re t&+• by the A good m there " A goawl Pm,ae Ra n le ^eh w T,0•'MT Ike /bu ge•10 day 44aq*y he ri , good Frames Ilona. pawl etrhs 4.t e a ib hoar m Iwo," mw' der.wg► el Manny. l g.•.1 tree! mr.0g fnr+.[. 1M :OE If *AMON Sinn. apply its KI704 )4 MATII, Shedg' PO •I lwt 1. Mb roe neer* f1�/�' n a. f s �, lt'm ..,, 1, Ian .N, Iasi. vet -1• JAI/ korai* N•e- ? ,TO SUSTAIN THEIR CREDIT ANO SEU. GOODS CHEAP Ged.sith, :i it. :3, 1961. J. V. DETLOR do 8011. ! .12 •