HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-06-09, Page 8PAGOIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June 9th, 1938 * Show Starts at 8.00 p.m, Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9,45 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 9th, 10th, 11th ----- SPECIAL ------ A A ' I CANTOR /i 9 O © Also “Traveltalk” “Coloured Cartoon” “News” Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 13, 14th, 15th MICKEY ROONEY ANN RUTHERFORD LEWIS STONE CECILIA PARKER In ■ Ktday with friends in Hanover, and also at the home of Mrs. John Grierson,, formerly Miss Winnie Richmond, a former teacher of S. S. No. 14, at Durham. I^Mr,. and Mrs. George Garton and son, John, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Smith of Listowel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Patterson and family, of Lucknow, visited on Sun­ day at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor, Don’t forget the garden party at Brick United Church this Friday ev­ ening. A good play will be present­ ed by the Bluevale Young People. Mr. and Mrs, Pratt and children, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr, R. Carrick and his daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox were in Listowel on Sunday attending the meeting of the Legion. The following were guests on Sun­ day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McGee; Mr, and Mrs, Albert Patter­ son and Mr, Will Scott and his dau­ ghter, Marvelle, of Kinlough, (Mr. and Mrs. Will Simpson and family, of Cul- ross, Mrs. John Richardson and Grace and James, of Langside, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGee of Wingham. Don’t forget the regluar monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute to be held on Tuesday, June 14th at the home of the President, Miss Grace Richardson. A good program is be­ ing prepared and Wingham, will be an account of his land and Wales. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patten, Lucan, spent Sunday at the home of her mo­ ther, Mrs. A, Fox. . Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Rellison spent the week-end at the home of her brother, Mr. Elgin Purdon, De­ troit, and Mr. McKenzie Mowbray and Miss Margaret Murphey, of In- gersol, Mr. Kenneth Laidlaw and Mr. Bert Cullimore, visited there also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Newey and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson and family, also Mrs. John Mason, of Bel­ grave and .Her daughters, Mrs. Young of Brussels, and Mrs. Armstrong, of Blyth, were in Guelph on May 28 at­ tending the Nichol family gathering at the O.A.C. There were 75 relatives present. The regular meeting of the young people of the Presbyterian Church was held on Monday with the Presi­ dent, Mr. Tom Wilson, in charge. Rev. J. Pollock read the Scripture les­ son and gave the meditation Miss Janet Craig led in prayer. Hazel McBurney gave a short raphy of Longfellow, and Mrs. Pollock had charge of the topic. The president closed the meeting with prayer. Mr. and Mrs. J. F.’ McLean and their little granddaughter, Shirley Gibson, motored to Listowel and spent the d.-iy with the latter’s par­ ents. Miss Muriel Watt was in charge of the meeting of the Y. P. U. of the United Church, and the Scripture les­ son was read by Miss Susan Carrick, Miss Jean Johnston led in prayer. The topic, Place and Time for Re­ creation in One’s Life, was taken by 'Miss Agnes Gillespie. Mr. Clarence McCienaghan led in prayer, and the meeting was closed by repeating the society prayer in unison. NOTICE In the preparation of-the new Telephone Directory the fol-, lowing listing was inadvertent­ ly .omitted;.,,, . v . ;,! a * - j. Merkley, Cecil,' Garage, Josephine, 84 Subscribers are requested to have this listing inserted on Page 34 of the Wingham list­ ings. erton, visited her brother, Rev. J. R. Gr^ig and Mrs. Greig. • Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutcheson, Tor­ onto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutcheson. Norman Hall, who has attended Western University, London, is with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, John Hall. Miss a few Misses 'Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hamilton and Allan, also Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Eck- mier and family visited with Mr, and Mrs. Florence Fowler is spending days with her cousins, the Cresswell at Seaforth. Fred Churchill. Dr. Redmond, of present and give trip through Ire- June Specials Linen Towelling' - new patterns • * all colours .... 28c, 30c, 33c, 35c yd, . Turkish Towelling 29c, 35c yd. Natural Twill Sheeting, 81 ins, .. ...............79c yd, Wabasso Sheeting, 76 ins. ......................2 yds. 1.00 Wabasso Pillow Cotton........ . .. 35c, 39c, 45c yd. ‘You’re Only Young Once’ A sequel to “A Family Affair” and “Thoroughbreds Don’t Cry”, with Mickey Rooney as the star attraction again. Also “Colored Cartoon” and “Andy Clyde Comedy” WHITECHURCH Mrs. Henry McGee and Miss Myr­ tle Beecroft visited on Saturday with Mrs. Lou Williams and other rela­ tives in Blyth and Mrs. J. D. Bee­ croft and Florence and Miss Frances Robinson visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, of Sea- ■ forth. Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson of Port Burwell and Mr. Calvin Robin­ son, of Tilsonburg, spent the week­ end with relatives in Wingham and with their father, Mr. Thos. Robin­ son, of E. Wawanosh. Mr. Elymer Tiffin has been over­ seeing the taking down of the barn on the grass farm owned by Mr. F. Coulter, on the boundary and will erect it on the foundation on the farm of Mr. John Menzies of the 10th of E. Wawanosh. •Many from here attended anniver­ sary services at Calvin Church last Sunday to hear a former pastor, Rev. A. M. Boyle, of Blyth. A severe hail storm passed over the East Wawanosh district between six and seven o’clock last Saturday ev­ ening which has done considerable damage as the early grain was badly pounded and cut off. The hail re­ mained in drifts beside the buildings for an hour after the storm had pass­ ed. The young folks of the United Church are presenting their play, Cab­ bages, or Dollars, at Ebenezer on June 15th, at St. Helens June 17, and at Gorrie on June 28. This is a splendid play with a real life problem to hold the interest. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hutcheson, of Wingham, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn. Mrs. Bert Boyd and family, Palm- •erston, visited last week with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart, Luck­ now, and Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor and Mrs. Roy McGee, visited on Sun- Chester Stewart R.A.C.I. (CHICAGO) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION General Repairs, Service Air Conditioning Phone 29 Wingham, Ont. COMING Four Nights Only at 8 o’clock Also, The Laflamme Musical Family Ronaid ........... Cell° Gerald ...................-... 1st Violin Oswald ................. 2nd Violin Donald —------------ Audrey.....—.—-. Aged who slugs Mrs. Wheatley ......................... Out­ standing Vioiiftlst of Toronto ■’ B ' a BELGRAVE Ladies’ Guild Held Tea ' The Ladies’ Guild of Trinity Angli­ can Church held their regular month­ ly meeting and a 10c tea at the home of Mrs. W. J. Cole on Thursday af­ ternoon. Following the business ses­ sion a program was presented. A reading by Mrs. W. Brydges, solo by Miss Nora VanCamp, a paper by Mrs. R. W. Procter, piano duet by Mrs. W. VanCamp and Miss Nora Van- Camp, recitation by Mrs. W. C. Scott, duet by Mrs. C. Wade and Mrs. N. Geddes. Tea was served to about 80 and a social time enjoyed. A vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Montgomery for their kind hos­ pitality. Miss Jennie Townend, R.N., of Ann Arbor, spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wightman and children, of Listowel, spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. Geo. Cook', Mildred and Ev­ elyn, spent the past week in Hamil­ ton with her sister, Mrs. A. Nethery and family. Mr. Stanley Marks has purchased the 200-acre farm of Chas. King in East Wawanosh also the implements and farm stock and will move to his new home in the fall. Mrs. N. Keating, Mrs. C. R. Coul- tcs„ Mrs. R. Procter and Mrs. R. Mc­ Crea attended the District Annual meeting of the Women’s Institute' in Blyth Friday. Rayon Lunch Cloths - all colours .. ............69c, 89c Grass Mats - all sizes.......... 35c, 69c, 1.49, 2.25 Odd patterns Congoleum Rugs — Special Price this week, *KING'S Gwendolyn Finnigan, St. Augustine, solos by Mrs. Horace Aitcheson and Mrs. Philip Stewart, a reading by Mrs. Archie Patterson; a piano duet by Mrs. W. Fowler and Mrs. Norman Wilson and a splendid talk on “What I would Like to Possess When I Am 60,” by Mrs. R. L. Treleaven, all of Lucknow. At the conclusion a con­ test was enjoyed and a social hour spent over the tea cups. Mrs. Lome Woods, Mrs. D. C. Mc­ Donald, Mrs. D. Todd, Mrs. Crans­ ton, Mrs. G. Stuart, Mrs. E. W. Rice, Mrs. E. Misses Taylor of the tute at Mr. Neely Todd of Stratford was a week-end visitor at his home here. Mrs. R. K. Miller, Mrs. W. E. Gor- . J. Thom, Mrs. W. A. Miller, Mildred McQuillin and Vera attended the annual meeting West Huron Women’s Insti- Blyth on Friday. don, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salker, Mrs Tom Todd and Anne, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Miller and Allen were at Goderich on Sat­ urday when many friends gathered at the home of Mr. J. W. Salkeld to honor him on the occasion of his 80th birthday. The meeting of the Y. P. U. was held on Sunday evening with Isobel Miller, the president, in the chair. Wilfred Ramage read the Scripture lesson and the topic “The place and value of Recreation in one’s life” was taken by Cuyler Ramage. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Barbour, Miss Dorothy Barbour and Bobby Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barbour of Fergus, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougherty and Gwendolyn, Guelph, were recent guests of Mrs. R. J. Woods. talk. Miss biog- John Look for this number on the Wallpaper Insert in your Tele­ phone Directory. FREE PRIZE- 72 Gallon Floglaze Enamel June Lucky Number — 3949. . ELMER WILKINSON Jas. McGinlay i LONDON’S | Most Popular J Preacher ■ Boundary East.. The important item of business was the decision to ho’ld a Garden Party in connection. with the 80th anniversary of the congre­ gation on Tuesday, June 21st. At the close of the meeting the ladies of the Turnberry Cirqfe served a cafeteria lunch and all enjoyed a social hour. Guests with Miss Fowler for the meetings 'were Mrs. D'ale, Walton; Miss Galbraith, .Miss Clara Pinkney, Mrs. Reed, Mrs. McMillan and Miss Jean Scott, Seaforth, Mrs. D. J. Fal­ coner and Miss Betty Ann, Mrs. C. Ingles, Listowel and Mrs. N. L. Mc­ Laughlin, Wingham. GLENANNANI ------- Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eadie and tw©' little sons, Mac and Neil, visited, on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Whitfield, Gorrie. Mrs. Oliver Stokes, Mrs. Leslie Bryce and Mrs. Alex, ored and spent the friends in Toronto, Mr. Jas. Foster, of cd on Mrs. Alex. Forgie and. Fraser, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McNeil and: two sons, of Tceswater, called on Mr. and. Mrs. Reuben Stokes on Sunday. Mr. Stafford! Paisley leaves- this week for Tilsonburg where he intends spending the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Culliton and. three little daughters, visited Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. R. J. Douglas. Mr. W. J. Campbell spent a few days last week in London. Corrigan,. mot- week-end with the West,, call- SALEM her the Wingham Baptist Church Rev. E. ML Loney, Pastor H. J. LaFlamme Former Multimillionaire, who was a notorious gambler and in­ veterate drinker* Now Aflame for Christ BLUEVALE W.M.S. to Visit Teeswater Miss Florence Fowler opened home on Thursday afternoon for monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church. The pres­ ident, Mrs. Alex. Mowbray, presided. After singing a hymn the president read a passage of Scripture and iMrs. J. R. Greig offered prayer. An invi­ tation was received from the Tees­ water W.M.S. to attend the 60th an­ niversary of that organization. Mrs. Mowbray and Miss Mundell was ap­ pointed a comimttee to arrange trans­ portation. Mrs. W. S. Davidson, sup­ ply secretary, reported that all sup­ plies for the allocation had been re­ ceived including $2.00 in cash. Miss Jean McBurney had charge of current events. Mrs. W. H. McKinney gave a description of an American mission school for boys at Moga, in the Pun­ jab, India,. where they are taught to cook and serve. Their education in­ cludes farming, feed work, business principals as well as a training in good Christian 'citizenship. The meet­ ing closed wtih prayer. Mrs. Alice Aitken spent a few days with her daughter, Miss Dorothy Ait­ ken at Drayton. Mr. and Mrs^ V. A. Mowbray and J-ack and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mow­ bray and two children, of Luckno-4', spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mowbray. Mrs. Dobie, of Auburn, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. James Johnston. Miss Annie Greig, Reg. N., Walk- LONDON - WINGHAM MOTORWAYS Leave Wingham Daily except Sunday and Holidays Southbound 7.30 a.m. —. 3.30 p.m. Northbound to Kincardine 9 p.m. Sunday and Holidays Southbound! 4.30 p.m. Northbound tt> Kincardine 10.30 p.m. Mrs. McTavish, of London, is- at present visiting her sister, Mrs. D. L. Weir and other ;friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Muir of Wrox- eter, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bolt. Mr. and Mrs. Morley McMichael and family, from south of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.. ,T. McMichael. The Mission Circle met last Satur­ day afternoon in the church and quilt­ ed a quilt. The Garden Party will be held on the church lawn on June 15. A play will-be given by the young people of Bluevale United Church. The play is entitled “Behind the News”. Come and enjoy a good supper. , Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dane and fam­ ily spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar, south of Bluevale. ST. HELENS Sunday, Juno 12th 11.00 a.m. Subject, Revival Fire 12.45 p.m. .CKNX .Broadcast. B 3.00 p.m. Taking Men Alive for Christ ■ 7.00 p.m. Life Story, B A Multimillionaire’s Att'tfO? ■ to a Mother’s Frayer/ Frbm a ■ bench in a park to one of the Chief Executives in a Domin­ ion-Wide Organization. Ladies’ Aid to Hold Garden Party Following the meeting of the W. M. S, Miss M. Olive Scott, presided for the second quartely meeting of the Ladies’ Aid. The meeting open­ ed with singing “What a friend we have in Jesus” and prayer by the president. The reports from the font circles show the amount raised this quarter to be $51.11, Several items of business were discussed. Flower com­ mittees were arranged for the anni­ versary services and the members of each circle will be responsible for a JJ month; June, Bluevale; July, Morris; FIRST CLASS "■■MrnimHimWHimHimilMMm August, Tutbterfy.'and September, Watch Repairing AT REASONABLE PRICES WILLIAMS THE JEWELLER Official C» N, R. Watch Inspector. I Mr. John McQuillin, Mr. and Mrs, Fred McQuillin and Mr. Frank Mc­ Quillin attended the Graduation Ex­ ercises of the Stratford General Hos­ pital on Wednesday when Miss Flor­ ence McQuillin was a member of the graduating class. Miss McQuillin re­ ceived the award for the highest mark in Paedlatreis. A splendid meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in the Community1 Hall on Thursday afternoon When many members of the Lucknow and St, Augustine Institute were guests. Mrs. W< A, Miller, president of the local Institute, presided over the in­ teresting program which included re­ ports of the Girls’ Conference held; nt Guelph, prepared by the delegates, Vera Taylor and Freda Rinto-ul, the latter’s report being presented by An­ nie Watson. A reading' by tittle Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 SHOP AT s Economy Food Store MAPLE LEAF NO. 4 PEAS ......... 10c Tin PURE ORANGE MARMA­ LADE ..............32- Oz. Jar 25c IDEAL SWEET MIXED PICKLES ....... 32-Oz. Jar 25c LEALAND TOMATO JUICE ............. 26-Oz. Tin 10c STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY PURE JAM .................. .J*.. 32-Oz. Jar 29c * PICAKE SHORTENING ... 2 Lbs. 25c UNSWEETENED CHERRIES FOR PIES 15c tin SEEDLESS RAISINS ........... BEAVER BLUEBERRIES 2 Lbs. 25c 15c Tin CONCENTRATED SUPER SUDS Small Pkg. Free with Large at 20c FRENCR DRIP COFFEE............... LEALAND TOMATO CATSUP MAPLE LEAF TOMATOES ........... 35c. 18e 10c Tin FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA ...... McCORMICK’S BUTTER SODAS ..... 15c Lb. MAPLE LEAF WAX BEANS .... 59c 10c Tin GOLD ANVIL FANCY SOCKEYE SALMON ...Large Tin 35c SEEDLESS GRAPE- CHOICE FRUIT .......... -... 5 for 25cLEMONS ......... * 29c Dozen See Our Cooked and Cured Meat Display. Always Fresh and Slic­ ed as you wish. Satisfactory Glasses Moderate Prices To many thousands of people in Western Ontario the name of Reid, The Optometrist, is inseparably associated with eyes and glasses. So many of their friends have found the real satisfaction for which they* had been looking that they naturally say; "Go to Reid for complete satisfaction with your new glasses?’ R. A. REID, R. O. Eyesight Specialist, At Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning 9 to Noon. Phone 5W.