HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-06-09, Page 4' PAGE FOUR THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June 9th, 1938' Used Car Bargains 1936 — Ford V8 Deluxe Sedan, radio, only 7700 miles, good as new 1933 — Ford V8 Deluxe Coach, exceptional shape. 1933 Ford V8 Standard Coach, completely overhauled, 1932 — Ford VS Coach, a Bargain for Cash, 1931 — Buick Sedan, privately owned, like new, deluxe equipped throughout, 1929 — Ford Model A Sedan, good tires, Al mechanical shape. 1929 — Buick Coupe, a real bargain. 1927 — Buick Coach, low mileage, exceptional condition. All Above Cars Thoroughly Inspected,’ Huron Motors WINGHAM t PHONE 99 recently. His mother returned to the city with him, also Mrs. Mary Daw, after a visit with friends here. Minnie Jeffray called on Mrs. Rae McIntyre, Gorrie, recently. Mr. and Mrs, Norman Baiers mot­ ored to London Sunday, Mrs, Geo. Rutherford is still a patient in the hospital there. While attending Conference at Galt last week Rev. Raynor was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Carter McKee. The Many friend of Mrs. Newans are sorry to hear she is nursing a very sore eye, striking it while pap­ ering. A quilting bee was held at Miss Elizabeth Hakney’s on Wednesday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs, Dave Mole and son, Maxwell, his wife,and little daughter, from Rochester, N.Y,, returned home from visiting his sister, Mrs. Alex. Casemore and Mr. and Mrs. George Mundell. Mrs. Wm. Sparks from Kincardine, and Mrs, Murdie and little son, from St. Thomas, were week-end visitors with her sister, Mrs. Alex'. Casemore. O lj cents a word peri insertion, with a minimum ^charge of 25c. :5E30!======30E30E======IOr3[OC====30.EaOE^q====30E30? ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE — On Thursday, June 9th, at 1 p.m., Lot 16, Con. 11, Turnberry, of Farm Stock and Implements and some Household Furniture. Farm will be offered subject to a reserved bid. George Baird, Administrator; T. R. Bennett, Auctioneer. CALL at Thos. Kew’s for all kinds of flowers in boxes, also Tomato and Cabbage, kept at shop or house. Quality our aim. CRLUSHED GRAVEL FOR SALE —I am now operating a pit near Wingham for the next two weeks. If you require gravel place your or­ der now. Joe Kerr, Phone 353W. FARMERS — GET ' READY FOR HAYING—We sell guards, sec­ tions, ledger plates, wear plates. . bolts and rivets; .also shares, soles • and landsides for all plows. Hpm- jith & Bennett, . - - FOR~ SALE OR RENT—Six room house, stable and garage,_ one acre and half and over. Bargain. Apply to F. J. Mooney. FOR SALE—House, 6 rooms, 1% miles from Wingham. Owner in town Saturday till Tuesday. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE—46 cords dry soft wood; 1 pair heavy yearling Colts; 1 5- year-old General Purpose mare, well broken; 1 young sow to farrow in 2 months. Apply Norman Walk-i er, R. R. 4, Wingham. FOR SALE—Brass Bed with Springs and Mattress; Piano; Electric Washing Machine; Lawn Mower; Cook Stove. H. Buchanan Hard­ ware. HOUSE FOR SALE—Red Brick House, Diagonal Road, in. first class condition. All conveniences. Bargain for quick sale as owner is leaving town. Apply W. H. Conn­ olly, Diagonal Road, Phone 209. LOST—Female Collie, black with white, partly bob-tail. Finder please notifv Roy Hastings or phone 600r21.________________________ MAN WANTED—Experienced man for farm work. Apply Advance- Times. MUSIC TEACHER WANTED—For Bluevalc School, S.S. No. 4, Turn­ berry. State salary expected. Ap­ ply to R. H. McKinnon, Bluevale. •POTTED PLANTS FOR SALE — Window Boxes and Hanging Bas­ kets filled. Mrs. H. Peterson, John St. Phone 157. REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Domestic and Commercial machin- es. Have your machine checked ov­ er before the hot weather sets in. Arthur Newton, Clifford, Ont. Ph. 73W. ______________ REFRIGERATOR—Norge, with a ten-year warranty, brand new, a limited number only, $169.95. For further particulars, write Heintz- man & Co,, 242 Dundas Street, London. No obligation._________ STRAYED —* Red Yearling Steer, with white head, from, 2nd line of Morris. Anyone knowing its where­ abouts notify Robert Warwick; phone 618r3L WOMAN with school age girl, desir­ es position as housekeeper. Apply L» Manto, R.R. 3, Wingham, STRAYED—On to Lot 23, Conces­ sion 3, Culross, a Hereford Heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses. Ross McRae. WANTED—GifFOf’Woman to assist with cooking, also girl to wash dishes for summer months. Good wages paid to the right person. Queen’s Coffee Shop. WANTED: Man for Rawleigh Route. Permanent if you are a hustler. For particulars write Rawleigh’s, Dept. No. ML-453-103-F, Montreal, Can­ ada. MORRIS Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Peacock, also Mr. Wm. J. Peacock, Mrs. Rudd and Mr. Geo. Mathers visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers of Hepworth. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McLennan, and Scott and Jean, Mr. Norman Coulter and Mr. Glen Breen, left on Monday on a motor trip to Winnipeg and Cal­ gary. : Mr. Robt. Shaw took charge of the service at Ebenezer, Mr. Robb being away at Conference: He preached a very inspiring sermon. A splendid at­ tendance for the new hour of service. Please don’t forget, 10 a.m, every Sunday morning until the end of Sep­ tember. Mrs. Dobie, of Auburn, spent the week-end at the home of her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Jas. Johnston. MOTHER OF FIVE WHO WAS ALWAYS TIRED Now Awakeg as Fresh as a Daisy A mother of five has a lot to do. Especially a country mother. And this one was "always tired”. But Kruschen ended all that—now she gets up, feeling fresh, at five o’clock in the morning! She writes: "I find Kruschen Salts the best thing money1 can buy for my health. I am the mother of five children, and before taking Kruschen, I was always feeling tired and run down, Now, I am glad to say that I get feeling fresh—and I get up at five o’clock in the morning. I do my housework, look after my children, and leave the house at 6.30 to start my daily work." —(Mrs.) B. Tiredeness and that run-down feel­ ing can be traced to one root cause. That cause is internal sluggishness; failure to keep the inside free from poisonous, waste matter. Kruschen Salts is an excellent re­ cipe for maintaining a condition of internal cleanliness. The numerous salts in Kruschen stimulate your in­ ternal organs to smooth, regular ac­ tion. Your inside is thus kept clear of those impurities which, when al­ lowed to accumula’te, lower the whole tone of the system. Fancy Evergreens Such as ate being used for dec- btatihg your home surroundings, have just arrived from Holland. This is the finest selection of such trees ever offered to the pub­ lic in this part of the country. Are now on exhibition at Geo. Stewart’s Green­ houses BRUCE ST. GODERICH Phone 105. NOTICE RE FIRE TRUCK AND FIRE ALARMS The attention of citizens and mot­ orists in the Town of Wingham is drawn to the following provisions of the plighway Traffic Act: Section 39, subsection 17: "The driver of a vehicle, upon the approach of an ambulance, fire or pol­ ice department vehicle, or public util­ ity emergency vehicle upon which a bell or siren, is sounding, shall im­ mediately bring such vehicle to a standstill as near as it is practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway and parallel therewith and clear of any intersection.” Section 39, subsection 18: "No vehicle shall follow any fire department vehicle when responding to an alarm at a distance of less than five hundred feet.” Penalty for violation of the above —not over $10 for first offence. The co-operation of all citizens is sought by the Town Council in car­ rying out the above provisions to pre­ vent accidents and assist in having the fire apparatus promptly at the scene of a fire. J. W. Hanna, W. A. Galbraith, * Mayor. Clerk. 12th LINE HOWICK Mr. Robert Baker attended the funeral of his cousin at Plattsville. Mr. James Underwood, who is spending a few days with his son, Wesley, is not as well as his many friends could wish. ,Mr. Wasman is spending a few days here with his daughter, Mrs. Cleve Stafford, also her sister from the West. Mr. and Mrs. George Dane visited with Carrick friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. Stewart called at the home of Mr. John Finlay this week. Mr. Henry Finlay, is visiting with friends near Delhi. Mrs. Wilford Brown is spending a few days with her sister in Detroit. In a preliminary. resolution made public, Mr. Dunning disclosed the measure would make available some $116,000,000 in new money for hous­ ing building, in addition to the ex­ penditures made under the Housing Act of 1935 which up to date amount to about $14,000,000. It will not all be Government mon­ ey, however, for the 1935 Housing Act involves loans by private lending institutions with the Dominion Gov­ ernment lending 20 per cent, of the total value of a new house where the institution lends 60 per cent. This principle will be continued in the new act. The important feature of the new measure is that it brings $30,000,000 of Dominion Government money into the low-cost housing field. Brussels Girl Married At the Home of Mr. and Mrs. John Logan, Brussels, their elder daughter, Mildred Jean, was united in marriage to George Alexander Sparling, of St. Marys, son of Mrs. Mary Sparling, of CliH’ton. Rev. W. A. Williams, Cran- brook, performed the ceremony. The house was prettily decorated with ferns and spring flowers. Following a buffet luncheon the young couple left on a trip to Montreal and points east. The Mayor reported that a letter had been sent «to R. J. Deachman, M. P., asking his support in having pav­ ing done to Teeswater this year, also work on Listowel highway. The let­ ter also requested him to use his in- fleuiice in "procuring some munition manufacturing for Wingham. A number of accounts were pre­ sented for payment and were ordered paid on motion of Couns. Crawford and Hetherington, A bill was received from Dr. R. L. Stewart for damage done to his car on a man-hole on Minnie Street, • Moved by Coun. Crawford and Reeve Davidson that th.e Street Com­ mittee negotiate a settlement. Car­ ried, Coun. Lloyd for the Street Com­ mittee reported that Minnie Street from Victoria St. to the Park, was now all graded and ready for the sur­ face. Further work would be held up for ten days or so as the county had no tarvia on hand; The cost of the work to date was $918 plus the cost of crushed stone which will be about $350. Extra crushed stone had been purchased for use on other streets' which will be applied this week. Cal­ cium Chloride will be used as a bind­ er when it has been spread. He re­ ported that the s'ewers had all been flushed out. Reeve Davidson presented a plan for a drain on the north side of the C.N.R. tracks to prevent flood condi­ tions. 'As this work would cost over $1,000, he recommended that it be left over another year and Council agreed. For the Property Committee Coun. Hetherington reported new eve- troughing had been installed at the Arena and the roof patched. The roof he said, was very dried out. The Band Stand has been repaired. He al­ so brought up the matter of coal for use at the Town Hall. Moved by Reeve Davidson and Coun. VanWyck that tenders be pro­ cured for a car of anthracite rice coal. Carried. A letter was read from H. T. Thomson stating that he would sell his barn on Victoria Street for $2000 or the front 100 feet of it for $1000. On the sale of the whole barn he would take the Beattie barn in part payment at a value of $500. Moved by Couns. Lloyd and Wil­ kinson that C. Fryfogle’s offer of $300 for the Beattie barn, less the old shed, be accepted. Carried. Reeve Davidson reporting for the Cemetery Committee said 250 yards -of dirt had been used. A start had been made on levelling section F. A new lawn mower was purchased and AGENTS FOR Gem Electric Fencer Canada’s own and original fencer unit as re­ cognized by the Ontario Agricultural College, at Guelph, where a Gem unit operated 24 hours a day for six months on an Everready Hot Shot Battery. COMPLETE UNIT including battery, ground rod, 50 line insulars and four corner post spools, $30.00 ' . Demonstrated at our store. Donald Rae & Son Wingham. Phone 27. 450 trees had been planted in a plot near the pump house, Sunken graves had been filled and the grass kept cut. Coun. VanWyck reported the fire truck had been taken to Woodstock and the knock in the pump repaired. The hose had been tested and some new hose is required. He said cars interfered with the fire truck. Ac­ cording to law he stated that all ve­ hicles should halt at the right hand curb when the truck siren is sounded. Moved by Reeve Davidson and Coun. VanWyck that 150 feet of new fire hose be purchased. Carried. Moved by Couns. ‘ Crawford and Lloyd that $4000 of Town of Leaside bonds be sold to the Bank of Com­ merce at 99%. Carried. Reeve Davidson explained that the County Assessment that is now be­ ing taken does not affect the assess­ ment as taken by the town assessor. It is for use of county equalization only. He explained how the assess­ ment is being carried out. The bounty he said, had purchased a spraying ma­ chine for killing weeds on county roads. He also explained the scheme for having wood lots for schools and that now a board could be set up to administer schools in each township or a group of schools. Round Trip Bargain Fares From WINGHAM FRI. And SAT., JUNE 17 -18 To Oshawa, Belleville, Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott, Morrisburg, Cornwall, Lindsay, Peterboro, Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Orillia, Midland, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Hunts­ ville, Callander, North Bay, Sudbury, Geraldton, Beardmore. SATURDAY, JUNE 18 To TORONTO Also to. Brantford, Chatham, Durham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Kincardine, London, St. Catharines, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Woodstock. See handbills for complete list of destinations. For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, Consult near- k est Agent. T164B CANADIAN NATIONAL CARD OF THANKS Mr. D. D. Sanderson wishes to thank all his friends for their expres­ sions of kindness during his recent illness. IN MEMORIAM BAIRD—In loving memory of Jeanne Alexandria Keanne, beloved wife of Robert Baird, who died June 21st, 1934. Your gentle face and patient smile With sadness we recall: You had. a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. The voice is mute and stilled the heart That loved us Well and true, Ah, bitter was the trial to part From one so good as you, You are' not forgotten, Mother dear, Nor will you ever be: As long.as life and memory last We will remember thee. We miss you now, our hearts are sore, As time goes by we miss you more Your loving "smile, your gentle face, No one dan fill your vacant place. -—Ever remembered by the Family, ONTARIO MINISTER OF LABOR PASSES The Hon. Morrison Mann Mac- Bride, minister of labor on the On­ tario Cabinet and M.L.A. for Brant­ ford, died suddenly Sunday morning. Mr. iMacBride passed away sudden­ ly at his residence, Brantford, follow­ ing a heart attack. He would have been 61 years of age on August 20th next. His passing removes one of Brant­ ford’s most widely-known political figures and one of the most colorful figures in Mr. Hepburn’s Government. Entering public life in 1917 when he was elected to the city council, Mr. MacBride was mayor of this in­ dustrial centre on eight occasions and for four terms the people elected him, under various political colors, to the Legislative Assembly. He was ap­ pointed minister of labor in October last He was born at White Lake, Ont., and lived in Ottawa and Winnipeg before going to Brantford in 1900. Burial took place in Greenwood Cemetery, Brantford, on Tuesday. NEW HOUSING SCHEME IS BEING PLANNED Government to Contribute Partial Cost at Low Interest Rate TAX RATE SAME AS LAST YEAR Council Set Rate at 50 Mills, Less Government Subsidy of 1 Mill, Net Rate 49 Mills. BELMORE Under the treatment of Dr. Connell of Wingham, Mr. Darling is So far improved as to take a cat* tide on Sunday. A marriage of interest was solem­ nized Saturday evening in Wiarton, when Miss Jean McCullough became the bride of Mr. James McNeil, Miss Mary McCullough was her sister’s bridesmaid, while Mr. Carl Douglas was best man. The bride looked charming gowned in white satin sil­ ver slippers, white hat, her travelling suit silver grey, On their return from a short honeymooin the young couple will reside in Belmore for a time. Mr, Wm, Nichol, of Toronto, visit­ ed his mother and brother, Brnsseis, Canadian, on the farms and cities, towns and villages, will find it easier to build new houses if legislation pro­ posed by Finance Minister Dunning becomes law. Members of Parliament are eagerly looking forward to the in­ troduction of an enlarged housing act when details of the Government’s plans will be revealed. Montreal-loronto ■ v ' t f p rM'r^Ain 1 mi King’s Birthday Will Not Be Pro­ claimed a Holiday. At the Council meeting on Monday evening, with all members present ex­ cept Coun. Evans, the tax rate for 1938 was struck at 50 mills, less the Government subsidy of 1 mill, mak­ ing a net rate of 49 mills. The tax rate was adopted on motion of Reeve 'Davidson and Coun. Lloyd. A deputation of Messrs. H. Sher- bohdy, H. Peterson and M. Roberts, from the ball club, requested the us­ ual grant of $35 to be expended at the park. Moved by Coun. Hetherington and Reeve Davidson, that the usual grant of $35 be given the ball club to be us­ ed at the park. Carried. The minutes of the previous meet­ ing were adopted on'motion of Couns. Hetherington and Lloyd. King’s Birthday Not a Holiday The Mayor brought up the matter of proclaiming June 9th, the King’s birthday, a holiday. Moved t by Couns. Crawford and VanWyck that June 9th, the King’s birthday, be not recognized as a holi­ day. Carried. A letter from the city of St. Cath­ erines re celebration of Victoria Day on Monday was filed. A ietter from the city of Hamilton re charging Head Tax instead of Poll Tax was also filed. The Dept, of Health sent a Com­ munication asking Council’s co-oper­ ation in eradicating rag weed which is the cause of much hay fever. Weeds are cut here three times a year So the letter was filed. » From the International Highway Forwarders a lettef was received ex­ plaining their side of shipping goods from Detroit to Buffalo in bond. It was filed. The Wingham Athletic Association in a letter requested a refund for pay- ! m£nt made for use or Council Cham­ bers; Moved by Coun. Hetherington and Reeve Davidson that this associa* tion be refunded $5.00 paid for use of Council Chambers. Carried, MASTER PACK or POLLY PRIM STANDARD PEARS IN LIGHT SYRUP BLUE LABEL LYON’S BLACK TEA GOLD BANNER 1-lb.43 DOMINION STORES » LONDON HOUSE COFFEE FANCY PACK ______ ___ LOBSTER .17 FELS NAPTHASOAP WITH FREE SOAP CHIPPER 4 DOMESTIC SHORTENING, 4-lb, Pkg. .47 ROSE BRAND SUMMER FRUIT Juke o'.Lime ■ |]y V Juice o'Orangt Juice o'Lemon .29 Bari I: u T?'S Tin TOMATO A AHJUICE o® .25 YOUR CHOICE OF ALL OUR BRANDS » .25 Vz-lb. jfl P*9. .J>4 SILVER BANNER 1-lb. Tin .57 WARM WEATHER A I......■■■......... ... ............................ 3 io ^ARNE'S 2 2513-ox. Bof. .37 1 CHOICE FRUITS Local CAULI­ FLOWER 20c Each CRISP GREEN BEANS 2 Lbs. for 25c These Volucs Effective June 6th to 11th HOT HOUSE TOMATOES 17c Pound JUMBO CANTALOPES 2 for 35c 0 rr'" HEAD LETTUCE 2 for 11c fresh crisp CELERY 2 for 15c Quaker Puffed WHEAT . Fkg. .IQ Quaker Puffed R’CE - 2 Pkgs. .25 Bird Seed BROCK'S 10-ozt Pkg. Picnic plates . Pkg, „10 1 E. H. GRAY, Wihgham Branch PHONE 170 HAWES' FLOOR WAX ■; BROP INTO TOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD A STORES LIMITED ~