HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-3-23, Page 2• r ■ifeh 11, ecce that on the eight er the I I tb, near Sheth West Creek, Bragg was fairly neaten; that during the night he retreated acrnatihe ileum at Kinston, and row holds the bark of the river at that place. (Sigteed) B. M. STANTON. )few York, )dereh 15 -The Herald's Wash Ingtnn speoiel stars • letter from Sehofield's wjeWgaartns, dated Newbern 11th, uysa- %hu morning Hoke attempted to break our it"ees, but was rrpotsed with terrible .laughter Over Iru in rot more than 3t10 or 400 L;fled and wounded. • 'fhe rebel bus ;n killed, wuueded, and prisoner, ;s eight times greater, We hope pnreaseion of the field. end the 'fetal dead and wounded are in our bends. Sauitsry supplies are abundantlal the front. The Stalwart ('ummiuion has sect to New here $100,000 worth of supplt••a, and it is IoadinZ peered more vessels fur the armies .t .' i)arab t'arolina. New Votk, March 1S.-I:i:bmotd papers show that the rebel Coasrem, aLich was to w mnw tet Ratanlae, Asa et the request of :Dern hauls, pr.tprnrd tl,c adjnarning, He informed them that he expectd to have eoaethine rel irnportenee to lay before them. \ew. York. March 1:..-1t appears by later news that the defence of tort Myers, 1 bride, by the t'nio' garrion, wits n very brave one, tad resulted iu finally obliging the rebels to retreat. )dew 1-'rk. M arc:, 1 5. -There were various reperte at City Point and tri N'a,hinginn enn rennin! Sheridan's mo.emenls, tape eve he hr, entered Grant'■ linen north end euro of Richmond. while another enn be has kept on. suwthwsrd just sea of Itichmond. City Peine, Va., Marclt 1 P. -The Rich- mond pre of tn-day arc received. The onftderate Congress adjourned sine die at 3 o'clock today. The Provident of the Jamei River Cm nal calls on the farmers of Virginia to aid Ise tepairin_ the e.nai. The Auguste, Georgia, papers say that A 1I Stephens has been in Ileorgia for len daps or Mori. , tint hr lies not vet been heard from, and that they hype this silence will not continue. 1'igerous rtf_rt, ere makio_ at iCich- ntond for the orgnnis iti nl of colored troops• The folleetn pirt_r:1phi are taken - front the It;chnlond 11'hig 5Io911.r, March 4. --Thi.. city ie ntrong- menaced. Gen Maury has issued a stir 'ng addrews, caking on the people to Far the expected attack. Ile n -combatant" to leave. uuresth The I ,*nee Commission yesterday •temingraei;•, -information of the ar- rival in tat bay-. a large number of pri- soners from Ship 1. nd and New Orleans. Y'ies see expected w -day. alejor Cowell will effect such eranggments as s iM wbraee al1 prisoners captured m the iapertmcnt. Monistt, March 5. -Gee lie seventy-six navy and rmy axe prisoners arrived in ibis city )*ft nig Monne, March 9.-A transport co twining 2000 troops catered the bay yes- terday, through Grani s pass. Monne, March 11. -Fourteen vessels more were added to the -fleet to -dap, mak- ing 21 in night 4 the city-. Great neti- vlty prevails with the enemy in the lower bay. There in every indication of an early etteek. The enemy have fired a few shots at both shgres. FAYETtviLLe, N. C., March 10, 1:30 p.m -Today we hare added Fayette- ville to the flet el cities that have fallen into oar lands. Hardee is said to bare 20,000 mu, and withdrew •crow t1.e river yesterday and lax night He ;a en route for Raleigh. The Coefedrrwton skirmished in the town mid find artillery upon enc houses occupied by woman red ehildern. They burned a bridge at this place. and removed all the luhhc sloes by railroad t)tiey could. Gen. Sherman is here, and well.' Many men are wanting shoes asd clothing, yet the army was u, better condition. A Mealper /sold. ' One of our saintly boutity scalpers was completely ,old by • gentleman of the lash 2 !Huron ,. nate 9 GODERICH, C. W., MARCH 21,1865. THE FI'TI'RE. The negotiations which are likely to take place betwail the Ministerial dept- oboe from. Can da and the Imperial authorities must bare an important bear ing upon the futufe of this country. A crises in our own mode of Government to commit peepers to the eommou gaol. The proper course would be to return them to the wuoicipalities whence they Dame, to be taken etre of and' furnished with work if passible. Thera were 0s the doeket cases of aauult with intent, arson,ao., the law respects,;; which was lucidly explained by Ilin Lordship, sod Ithe Grand Jury retired to cuter upou its dean. There are sonic eighteen civil cases for trial. Ili* Lordshipaeatenced Jeremiah l'arle- rcnJeroneme distinct ndjuatment of ex -ler, eonvicted at tat sessions of having -.__.. . .............. o forged an order for 116.00, to four years i'1;.g dificulties 001 "rely a*lt noble, but ituprieouutent in the l'ruvincial l'euitet- abnedutely necennury. Prue, the CoaIiuon tiary, and stated that a recommendation' hu nide • rignroua effort to secure a would be sent to the Government to have Confederation of all the British American I the mid term commence with the dale of l'rovineen and bas partially puceeeded, but Lis Belt committal for the Crime. now the very serious Tender. fills the -- nlindsof our public men, In view of the prorogaglor oL larilatoesl. rejection of the aeheine by the 51m:enme Provinces, what course nball Celleda THE OQVEIC)OB Oh.NF.QAL'S SPEECIH Qcucr, March 18. t Eetet.arITC C0riCi1.. At three o'clock hu Eacelleney sane down pursue ? A set•,factory conclusion cannot bearrived at until the iL.me Government hu been ennsulted. The Canadas mi_ht go on with Confederation off., a small scale -they might set up the nominated Lords, the general I'arliautent -and the Local Legislatures, but oom'mon-sense tzachen as that the inechincry would be too rest for the hull, too astly, and, withal, far, far short of our ereneseent dream of Nationality. And then, too, it is desirable that we shquld know precisely what' Britain intends to do by us. A , in nate, and after sanet'uning the bills parsed ' during the cession, then clued the session with the following speech :- Hon Gentlemen of am Legislative Comer, I. Gentleman q/ the Lrgi.A7lire Assembly: In releasin_ punt Jur the preterit from Furth• ear attendance ;n l'arliameut, 1 reJnice that 1 am able to congnrnlate you upon Marin; laid tae foundation far a more intimate union of her Majesty's poaeu;ow of Itritish North America. 1 am also happy to think tl:at-the courne,wh;ch •ou have o pted has been nal - Tee Cnuacnsar's Maoszt+s for March hu also been received from the sante source. It seems to improve, if possible, with every iuue. Tar EotNat'aun Revtsw, fir Atlw ary, republished by L. Scott i CO•, IQs. York, is particularly interesting to Cana- dian,, ea will be wen from No. 7 of the following table of omtente : Sir F. Pal - grave's lliatory of England end Norman- dy ; Dictionaries of the Bible (Smith and lotto) ; Life of `Sir William Napier ; Critnical Law Relorm; Lord Derby's I Translation of the Iliad i. Ecclesiostioal Jurisdiction of the Crown ; The British American Federation ; (iairduer's Monro• ri:Js of Ilerxy VII. ; Seven per Cent. : The Lut Campaign in Atnerics. CHAMDrRS' JOURN.tt. for February is (received from Mr. Moorhouae. Lady Klavia and Buried in the Sea are exeel- lertt stories, and the other articles are both useful and entertaining. 11 'e lok open Chambers es one of the most cont - mon -sense mogasinea issued from the British 1'rces. Dai' An -American Ju Ige named Pick- ' ering was removed from his ofice a few days ago for drunkenness. Ile earried his tippling propensities so far as to np- pcar on the bench in such a state thee it wan deemed a disgrace to the honorable prof<ssiou in which he held a petition of Ieminence, and he was deposed, to become, perhaps, a common gutter sot. Above all things the administrators of law and j•s ties should be possessed of their sober Bc11sel. ver lame and influcntiul class at home eulated tp prove the sincerity and earnestneu y I.with which Tou adhere W the policy et her 1 ak-e down upon us as a race of paupers, ; Majnty ie relation to foreign countries. and poor relations, hangers-on who are to be I your read,neU to pass sty measures which got rid of at the earliest moment. Tlsey of flat pulpy wsih a tme t Provinces lures•n ret tell us plaipl'y that we have lived upon IGenttemeaof fie gis1tire Amenably: the Imperial bounty ton Inn_, that we I I thank you fur the pioninion you have made, enjoy the privileges of British pro'ectioh far tanyiug 9r, the pdblic service of the l'ruyinee. Che sum whic hu been entrust. without paying our share of ink burthens, I ed to the Gine'nment by y i rote for the and that the time, hu come at Inst when ; permanent defence of the I remiote cannot some clear) defined Colonial tic is • fail w be reee,red by our fellow' ub'ecu is J' la J 6 , land u an earnest that Ca ens are ne essar . Commerce, now -a -du s, is 1 ready ti ogee t the res nnsibility w ' st the J ) I f P 1 'rlwi • h t a n British c mu, btu. Ia t e aJ ►ret s f King --money the god ret the maasen. 'f he i Ke empire' upon which the sun never nits is , lino. Gutleneew and Gentlemen : \ net down as a delusion and a snare-, .. ti has been considered advisable that a m th which lien to be aid for out of the;deputation from the tiorerument ol`Ca,ada J P ■h•,uld pnw•e►d to Lntdun to confer with iter profits of modern merchant princes.- i)lajesty's \linsten on questions of greattim• Patriotism with tens of thousands means , portant•* to the colony W hen thew genie• 1 I inn shall have returned. 1 shat rent far rent, and grave En_lieh writers , in again availing myself of your County Court asd quarter lea- alons. cowrie nue) Bank of Montreal rat Carseaden.- Verdict for pll.. 111125. Lewis for sT A roost wise M►a. puff., Sinclair for deft. Ira Lewin re. John McCullo.h. Vara o o fo Il. ' t ftt Il. a recant D le r dtc P ,b7 7 P Bash vs. Annand et al.--Vedict for plff., by consent, 8411.87. Sinclair for pll., Gordoa'for deft. J. V.• Detlor t•s. Dutton.-Ycrdiot by eotuent, 5152.12. Sinclair for pll., Lo- froy\ or deft. iuw au tme Sterols, et al rs.. Me aughtcn. Ver. eoenrl*. •ted' dict fur pita. -•Sinclair for pile. their mit+iuo.' \ waI hew yua into uuu'e meat." The R 'i Nu bridges have been swept away thus Our 11'oollen luuutaetmrse. LARCENY. Queen n. Ed, Davis, larcerny.- far, which is very fortunate. The ffruce L was secured and towed in in the afternoon. CaitaJa can neper rap,ert to prosper if she' uuurr flit his arrsigamtot leaded ,y depends solely on her sericultural resourcee and lumber business. The ssason kr work ei ForttHcations %'. ante d. stun ; in srmmrr ai,d autumn the farmer u -- busily engaged ;n gatheung food Iu sato for Dr. A. vee Russell, the able ZV,tei himself andeun'r, dmMg the winter, or it he cow epoodsol, !n a recent work al Cuna. trust to wheat steals, Lr does so at the idr tfa", points OUt Gederich es d last that mulemt ti'l ,.1 nfl u%e,isI og hie lu,d, •ed' P tlmsof Grua„ es it acre•. tau lib capital. 1r should be fortified, in a geoeral nystent of is uhjected t:.nt ec noel l have no market fcr defence. We think the learned Dr. ik naii,ofacmr••.I 4t d., ai J Uat then u • scarcity of labour. The latter oh'eet;on we site r bt, for it is evident that thin ) q mat gnawer rich the l::::al , lbat workerw point may become an invaluable bass for will be fnend wherever employment offe,er naval operations un Lake lluros. Ile pTtu the lira ser s.1l glr, • mon detailed re harbor comprises a basis that could, b7 (.rings of is siojilencgn,e usporb nyk•on a eery modenta cxpeoditure, give utcom• riridly the horror. of slavery, we will oke modatiun to a very large fleet of gun- one bnuth of trmle no show the fallue r e( tbie ubjeel;nu. Take, then, lour i npurtai,ue. boats, and the eowwandiug heights, at iia of Woullea utanulauures, het ue go back a its entrance, if properly fortified, would few years that we mar Lt.e a clear naw of in the opinion of eminent engineers, be a the Immenw euasumydw, of Nnie star of goods. W. imjw is d of these In very Gibraltar in point ofstrength. Our splendid artillery coiOpsny will no doubt 1859 .....•. ••g3,S62,7ib 1x60 ................ 3,9;4,066 be ready at any time to man one of the 1861 4,411.30 batteries. The naval and military am- 1x62 4,006,71[ ••••....... 4.i29,16S .... 2,537,669 The The Yr' Y guilty ofstealing a quantity of cloth from the establishment of Mr. M. McAuley, of the Stoney Creek Woolen Mille. Seuteooed to three months imprisonment. The Queen vs. Wm. Spain. -The pris- oner, a boy, wu found guilty of having stolen a bag of oats from Messrs. Dickson & Pringle, of Seaforth, in 1''cbruary last. Sentenced to three weeks imprisonment iu the common gaol. ' ASSAULT. Tho Queen rs. Benj. Coombs, assault. This wan a naso tried at last Sessions, the defendant beim{ found guilty of common assault, and sentence deferred to the pres- ent sessions, io coneequtneo of a civil action being pending iu the same eause.- Sentenced to pay a fine of $12.00 rax.csTwcaT or Caaau Jl•RT. The Jurors of our Lady the Quern upon their oath, present that they hare examined the Jai!, s,.d find ;t clean and comfortable, and uI crery way fit for the reception and de- tection of1'rissole's-the prisoners themselves ween eau, ed with their treatment. There are over or two natters to whicn we wash to draw ihe'stention of the Court: in the Ent place, to the condition of an old man apps - Look out for such • man as that. He ;t just the fellow to buy clothing and jewelry un credit-lon • credit. fortuwtel for ou newspaper wen be is no great er, an u not like)) to run in debt for uewspapen. 'rue ]tows r MraT.cne is. peculiar" but very marked "institution-'' The true plug ugly ,s • fighting character, and whder- staudu,g the disaJvaotages of long hair w a rough and tumble, he crops hu round thick pate as closely .a possible. The mustache tines is worn short, but what • mustache I What a forest of griuled bristles ! What an ornament fora coarse,utuual,bruush mouth h flow plainly it speaks of needing to au alley of a dark night, club in hand, waiting for same luckless wight to knock on the head I flow plainly ret speaks of coarse comlanioo rel a and brutat paraiens, and with what lontbiug do we turn away from its owner. aa we wouid shun the wild boar. or the rattle• snake. But I must atop here for feu 1 begin to moralise, which a poor young mus should never do. 1 he rich, comfortable, haN,y, ealaried members of sucker should mural's., nut such pocr wretches u ice. 1 look at the folblea, and follies, and canities of men and laugh, in order that 1 may not tbink of my own condition and weep. If I hays hurt the feelings of auy young person whose mustache is inclined to ginger color. I humbly crve pardon, and 1 trust you will, Mr. editor, as you promised, keep my name • reret lest I fell beneath the iodirnatien of the uhre-brush tar rowdy men. As for 1)undreary, las would not hurt • fly for the world. rrntly a confirmed invalid, we would suggest tb•:..esplacebettersuited to his eoudn;nn Itl„ty tt d1., 1j t than • Jai; could be found, or if titre mediR ' .✓ e,e • cal auistance or attendance required it should be obtained f,r him. There an ale" wme `- -`- - - -- - - - _ Lunatics confined in the said Jail -their re. moral to uuae place better suited to their condition, is, we think, ab. alutely nece,san, We regret that there i* no sufficient provi. .ion made -(r paying the_ expenses of wit nes.es for the Crown, u we tied there are many cases of hardship arising therefrom. GEl). GAGistt, Foreman. G and Jury Ilogm, t Goderich, Much 17th, 11(15 S ° •THS MUSTACHE. Tas MILITARY MusTACHE is affected on the principle, 1 think, that its very fierce sad f,rmidable appearance is calculated to strike terror into the heat of an approacb(ug foe. Titers can be nn doubt about that • big burly fel low running swiftly tows ' you with • drawn .eorJ m hu hand, ii cloth with ad. -ditional terrors if be possesses a rocioes mustache. it ora with terrible en basis: '•lam bloodthirsty, cruel, relentless, in pa- ble of giving or taking quarter -ren,. e 1 solininly dedaro tlmt whether the Colon laying beton you the result of ea,,,_,. w1..... _t ..A, 4.- .Ise " . I i.r'ol,t•Tlya settWl.T. - sen soldiers are the hairiest emcee m unr ed and hits sing Rule Britannia or flail Cnlunl- I 5182 23 • Ca eron for pll f J 6 1 h h n$ m • t u ' The iloua met at noon. A numher of arm, au our rare ,un w o art met them bis the m if their n u I o turns a1 6 ,r Johnston rs, ell. -Verdict b eon- nmenJmrnu to bills tro o the Inditlu e J on uu•h fields u Bre aklavw and {nkerntan pennies.. the otlu•r day h sums that •\ c • nut to be unremuneratire. It in a thoustnd I Counnl were enncurred in. ;sent, 535;:19.! G oding fur pll., Gordon ities that this feeling should be the case 1r, reply tr Hsn. Mr. Bell, of qu*tell. for deft, hat harsh•mone a umcnts sltouhl be I then. Mr -Brown end e, ' 11. vertirrsad ,y , that there was iia chap;e wLnNrsr in the ! The Canada Co. rs, '. Mc6ellar,- the ens of weakening the ties of aloe• I policy of the -Government nn the subject of Verdict for ,pile., 5299.95\ Gordon for tion an loyalty that Lind' the hearts cl'Ithe rrmoriI of th,• s -a-"f G,t•ernment. its. Canadians to the tlimne of Britain end I P i European News. (lance rt al Ts John Daly.--A'tgdict fur the glorious traditions of their f rs f.ithcrs. -- ' pld.. 812•:.79. J. Y. Elwood for OS. But it is uscl`eu to conceal the fact that 11y the arrival of the Peruvian 0nt;r )Tolland rs. Moore. -Verdict for PRE, maoy leading men at Lome either will not ' lath we leurn that -the Bank of i':ngland 5101.25. Cameron for pll., Toms- fi or eau not understand us. A Lidcrpool I has reduced its rate of discount from :r to deft. . journal declares that Western Canada will 14i per cent. The 'opening of the tele• Archibald rs. Emeat.=Verdict for p1R. never be invaded by an enemy, for that ' graph to India has created quite a senna if5•Lti3. Tom, for pit. there is nothing in it an enemy could +tion. Messages from Kurraebeo had l4eymour et al ra. Jordan et a1.-Ver- ooTct-oo wealth of breadstuff,, cattle, or • reached England in 8 hours! Bread. dict by consent, 8127.00. Calwero. for .nil ! A grave reviewer (ride Ed. Re- stuffs dull. Iler Majesty, the Queen, has pll McDermott for deft. deeht, for the . view, Jan.) says '• it is net unnatural that emerged from her lona; retirement and is McNally is. John Clarke. -Verdict for caw• they ash to , ea ri,;or,us and moo•'. the desire to maintain .a connexion with, holding brilliant Courts. The mother of Il 8131.05. Cameron for IR. 1 in the a es of th ladies. I have seen a ! 0 P P 1 7 t e a sea he ua C flu s i, ad. he h wcr red a Ith of the moll r should U red 1e T is \t n Q 't w P" \ eJu -VEr• err ret ih the n ul•rw ho l.hou i i I . f. C. Cameron tv . ie- ab 1. gas g a ,h h s be stronger on the 11'1' of the (:olonies 1 Portuguese Ministry resigned on the 1st. diet for pill., £I0. 18. 1. Sinclair for avocation is to kill err Le `1411. J,aeemed to'. than it is co that oR fhe British public, I The Cardinal Vicar• at• Rome has.tsaued • pll Gordon and Mcdermott for deffs. take as much Iain* with his per -lip nrna ` for they owe'Imola eidrything to us, and i notification relative to the Jubilee. )ie 1 Cris 'n rs. Acheson.-1'crdict for iR., 'tient as • girl elth her flowing els. Th.v r Pr P wets evidently, oiled brushed, are u , c eta w the ob'ect of the I e e we reccite but little io return from them. re e seycla J 1/e 511i.IG. Gooding fur pIR. Durisoo fur carted in meet artiste fashion -ears so'emnly,declare that the sight of auu aivuse- ing stuadron of thea whiskered and muttacbed demons induces anthing but ,on- , aai.ons of centime and security. Napoleon , 1. understood the terror i,ep;ring qubiitiea of the mustache. for his best rceimexls, wore I them of the very longest, bushiest and grin• a'iest. lienee. 1 thunk it would Ire both ri,(ht and proper for som•r patriotic member; of Parliament to brine in an amendment to the' 'Jlsnteer Act rendering the-inmmediate ! gr wtb of a large mustache obligatory upon 1 somber of re Volunteer corps, eilb a' view tuts 'increased eRciency. The rage ; for fine mhataches is greater amongst soldiers than perba ni any other class. pertly, no aeons staled, but a's, be - A volume of such quotations might be I .ail leuer, and particularises as expeeielly d rt •'coda individual " had the Weiler. to tow. tide, and hence, we, say it is high time 1 p table the errors of liberty of eon• ale9loy rs. t'aanlnet when the wine scalper otk e • to buy hull, that ere shoull know the best or the horst seienec and r ligtons work being rceogn,- and the colored man •Treed to'sell for 125. $60.- Cameras for piQ. TM sum nkeJ' ones sed " the seal a from lbs Imperial Cabinet itself. Blond ed u legal rights. Ila, cannot recognize Ie Bank of Montreal re. nnaind.-Ver- "pile," and he was forced to apply to was- t as warm and sensibilities arc as just the right of propagation through another "culla person " for the needful, uite as taro on the shores of the Anteri. the Prean of erroneous principka, nor can dict fur pll., 5144.03. leDermott fur q ( IR de to -Verdict for pifl., Sinclair for deft. who agreed 10 (aren't it with the •snrence p s. - that his '• rake " would he c. aseierahle. can Lakes a on the banks of the Thaiuete he r cognise that the will of the people is The white scalper therefore became poser.,- and now we send mmn w' nein we have coon- the supreme law. I ASSAULT WITH INTENT. ed of the Milesian by purchase. std forthwith 6deace in - to 'ask England BrDu;L her commenced plying hem with liquor and rcprdentatives ir the slat fehn•r, as oyster", so as to bring him to the proper state poP n for travelling. When th,s point was reach• expressed by the'1 Idwin Snaith schogl of ed, the two startd to enmpanv on foot to the eeunomists, is to gni the Colon:al Policy motion, bat on the bill be met o couple of Ribernian,, who eked the scalper if toe would in no far as it affects us; or whether, while gine theta • •• rake," to which request he our per and scattered pnlations are draurred must empLnticnlly. One of the' Hibenian, then Argun talking ir;eh to the 'struggling manfully to plan British grin victim or " bilk," but ee nobody but the two ciples firmly mid permanen upon this c en• Religions Toleratlos Is iesleo. ;will intent. The prisoner seat char p P ged l . least opening, vulgarly called mouth. - IT will please all right-minded readers with barng attempted to commit a rape Tran never lo;k at an individual thus orna 1 to learn that the Emperor Maximilian has upon the person of Amanda Schoenau, a monied without' Acing reminded of my tour •r. Calvin Butler-assault ed utnl , i frown•, ugly nondescripts, bnt•a thingo ,z• uintte grace and beauty. Pour fellow t 9 t I mustache wits las, pet, hs Inp dog, his wlacer and his glory. It was the link that bound ' him through the admirathrii ail chambermaids, and rerhs s irls ofd,i •her r ualit to • ial I N g I J s.oc wajd which he enitlht iurreptuounly tcep iota •but never fully enjoy Tule site earsrt Mreratotn i+ cultivated bT ambitious civilians. 'J u be Teo -feet it must' •set the wiisken sat as to 1) 1.- cram letelv'. tak t I ' h 'll h th l t f little girl of , 11 years of age Butler is a 'n leebee dunog the summer of 62. Tnen : en• a r ep w tic wt err e e eN u n Tau bebotd represented a rut ,:pane cf marking him as a man of Progress as well huge. brawny mulatto, and bears upon his 'dark eieergreen, and i„ the dim dutanee a a. of executive ability. • One of the shoulders one of the most repulsive faces woae frowning down in I'(1y- 7nndeur, m' crags and crevice' clearly defined against the' prineip.I eau.., of the degradation into that ever appeared in a felon's dock, and tuns sky -;u bee lout in the depth. of a I e onversiog understood the language, whet soil, they will not be cheered t}t which the empire or republic had faller , when uoe looked away from Lim with die. mysterious forest and its apex towering into was mid las tut been reported. The result couragemeiit and help that rich, prosper. priof to the advent of the new Emperor ! oust to the pretty child whom he attempt- the c1)u•ia (tf tobacco smoke,) Place • was, however, thiat one nt the ILberokns cigar stub in its mouth, and the illusion is turned round, and accompanied the part• to ous, powerful England, in our opini,m, i.. grew nut of the enormous posses.inns held , el to violate, it could be easily underntxod complete. As the ra•,orous puff* whirl about Clifton, being joined et the station lore_by e-weUiblw10 i f lL -wi are trot wit rut partner of the uculjrr,F a. Vn irrivin7 at hope fur the future. We have gree 1 Clifton, the victim suddenly caught hold of the scalro.r and bis treed, yelling •• perlece ! still in the hearts that are unc illoused be pert ee." at the top of hu voice. The estnmerciel considerations,• lid we carnent- 'cooted',no . *... lif 1.'... the tensed way ly trust and pray that when our able delegates tell ell we want, all we a -c will ing to do, all we are;ready to sacrifice to maintain inviolate our connection with the mother country, England will see it. both her interest end Ler duty to stand by us in danger and ta,ist as by the wi•- I dem of her councils in working out the I governmental problems that now perplex' our wisest statesmen. I SPRING ASSlZES. - I. The Assizes for these United Coonties opened m the Court Room, GoJerich, this day (March 21) at noon, before the Ilon Justine John Wilson. A number of gen• tle.nen of the bar from Toronto, bee., are present, but up to the cloning of our re- port the gentleman appointed to net for the Crown -Mr- Beecher, of Loudon -- had not arrived. The following gentlemen of the Grand Jury answered to their nausea and were sworn in :- J V Detlor, foreman, Robt Alexander, Jae Clark, Joo Churchill, 11'm Creswell, Wm Dunne, Wm flatland, Alex illslop, Goa Layoock, J'as Lngle, Wm Millar, Jas Murrey, /1'm Mackay, Jno M'Lmd, 11. B. O'Conner, 1'. Ramsay, Jae Thomson, Jae 11'Lite. In addressing the Grand Jury, risen,, 1 love Inland, 1 desire iu indeppen. ilia Lordship ern, ■tuisted them up. /•ser, deplore its sad fete for the l.0 ttrw roe the •tacit of crime ezhtbited b b..4 1 yearn, especially under the 7alline P J y yobs of Rn •gland's mimetic* iehu:neviJ end tat ca4mds,. There were a gored many tynwnyt 1", f Imre no fa t► that the Frntan persons in the 7Caol, but some of them Lad bead eontere, ver Kuts crura,, could govern ben triad at life reveal wmaion• and others bee if they hal a.banee. On the contrary, 1 bethee tk., would Mire her • worse conal- aficted with inanity. ile would reeem- tatio n, and naka bee condition worse the■ n mend the removal cf dangerous lunatics Is at po ved. And ( therefore Conjure every per who has a t,J r.ep.et for m judImrnt era tilt uyluin and those in elms) the stod advice. to `..ve nethiug to elo with lbs derangement took a snore harmlees form Peslaas to be taken Dare of elsewhere than in the }J. A, ( Re >!LL ail. Thera were a I, w eaaas of telt t A remokimp of Quim Ati. L 'Ten _-_. ..- mons in the aol whieh he thou ht rnr Sawa Meyer de kethelalld has erected • R g J t'bythe C-]twdt_to the great disadvantage +' why the indignant father shoal,' haTC been the (hr;sue) tree tops and roll away up the - nf the masses. This state of things wi ltzm.trained with diftcult from shootin mountain en7a io sullen, sombre clouds Tou 1 The lawyers et Goderich aro 1' right not be countenznecd b Maximilian who i the wretch dead on the s y t. The sim le shudder to t mi of the iph he ' dvent:yous i nod fellows " in so far as re rariousnese y , p causes akar miKAY.engulph the adregmrom h f; l+ too shrewd and, let us trust, Soo their.' facts of the case, omitting disgueting da-, wayfarer sshmdd he venture to enter the I goes. Font of being on ono of the two u ly inbuml with ideas of jastice to tails, are thew : A Mre Schwaau can les ate6 u heT 6rwla lite for sttbat he growtslof aidesof acase, and just as fond of enjoptng alio the vitals oC a State to be consumed on the tin-nmithing bueinea. in the town- hair on the uprer hp ley Hu sterner sea was together a dish of good nynteril or a floc by the lerical party. Ile will eitabliah I ship of Carrick, Co. of Brune, in a shop' iodtef d d bywonld not live Or muse bare faced roast turkey. if s new gown appears in {Inman tholieism as the pe!igion of the' connected by a door with a barn.,, On ehe baring n off,) 1 pretest it cunld not bare covert it is pronounced too noisy and crisp Ewpire, b t he is also determined to 21st of Jan. last hie little daughtr, a been;ntendedthat Christian men should mnke until duly wet, and as the lucky owners extend • and ample " toWrotion to very intelligent and intorenting child for gristly hears or gorillas o1 themselves. It ;s have enjoyed nmilar Lonpitality from their unaghtly and oppo.ed to pprrnonal cleanliness - other reli„ioni- Thin i, a it shoull b., her yeas, went from the dwellinz-house W h gives the man an air o(feruc;t, out of all older brethren they aro nothing loth to snd .will entitle Maximilian I to the the shop for some nails. While she was thanks of those nativ(rts of the earth whose searching for them, this great negro, who god opinion is of direst value. The had been engaged by Schoenan on some following is the disp'ntc embracing the kind of carpenter work, came in and, sf- dcoree of toleration : - \ ter carefully locking the door behind him, New Ynns, \larch 13,-'T, day's mail put his arse about her neck and m,auth in from ltrsieo br logs th" teat of lbs Bmpernr ouch a way as to prevent any outcry, and the p umulgetion of which hu bees prevreus• wan about to attempt the gratilestion of lei' Amos Ration,ofltrant, was killed on the 9th try the fall of ■ tree while chopping. rtdl4T" A matt named John ('oleman, of Kincardine township, was killed on the 9th inst. by the falling of a lode d tree. C,,scz or Timr-.-The express train, we understand, leaves tiuderich at 10.30 a. n. and arrives at 3.30 p. m. 1 hb arrangemeut will be a good one, if the connections are all made properly. '1'ua Faesesr.-Tbe sudden rise of the Maitland river has laced some of the County P W are informed Andgeatn gnat jeopardy.. e that • portion of the planking of the Ben Millar hridge was earried away this moroiny- (Friday 171Ai, and thattthe ice is about 30 leet high wbove Piper's Mills. - A jam at the Maitland Bridge hese may sweep the structure away. _ - C} Ile. 1'. Flani,ian, of Ftanigan's Cor. nue, an old and highly respected citizen, died ou the 3rd, and the following Monday a very Targe funeral procession escorted his remains W the 11. C. cemetery, Riddnlph. Nrw Pon' Ots'tcr.--We are pleased td learn that it is Mr. Watson's intention to fit up a new post office_ iu the store lately vacated by Mr. D. Kerr. When finished properly, the new postolhce will b, very convenient. Some change of the kind is badly wanted, as the present office is entirely inadequate to the wants of the public !t7' D. Ken, jr., 11 'est Street,'ofers a new stock of splendid Spring hats, cape, boots, ebnes, &c., which he smures u will be sold cheap for cash. Any juryman, farmer, citizen. " or any other man " wishing to (net a new head or font gear should read the advertisment elsewhere, and start fir the Glasgow house instanter. 'SUDDEN THAW. -In a country where the weuthcr changes from one extreme to the other twice a week, predictions come to nou_ltt. From the indications at our last writing, we thought ter. winter would hold sway for at least two weeks longer ; at a change has taken' place so great that our streets and roads are almuet b tre. If a of arrested b e a is n den br k clic . ad 7 P frost it Ig feared that the Co. Bridges will suffer. ONE or Tilt 1'Eanicrx.-On Saturday lase, a man was hied on a charm oC steal - inn pork. After the evident, &c., wa■ threugh with, the jury retired for a few minutes, and on coming back was asked if it had agreed, whereupon the foreman handed in the verdict which was, " Not guilty, with a strong recommendatione^'to mercy." The court smiled and was merciful accordingly -- A geegal Dinner. held, and before be could get clear had to fork over $50 in "greenbacks," which the Massive. of coarse, divided among them, awl commenced inspecting the hotels, etc., of Clifton, obtaining a most ascents knowledge of the quality of liquor sold. t In one of these they discovered the scalper, and a moms iaag•ifiteet footrace was the result, the scalper, however, gettinga little the start end keeping it. That investment, we rlould say, was not a very ppruhle one fur the scalper er bid friend. -Sl. atherine, Journal. Tito Great ♦Ve•tern Railway. The abolition of Seward'solinnxious Pass•. port R tem hu had a very eheeriag affect u pon the Oreat Weoten Railway, the tram* ere' day b,'ing crowded'Imont to excess. All the tnins,fts the puhlir must be aware, hare been retuned to the line, and bassinet* again twee. u tangible form. A strong feeling e( satisfaction ;s expressed by all clause, new that the obetrection bus been removed, and not dnubi, tno the American Gnre nment will he eaurted that Canadians arc aettng in as disinterested and neutral a manner me pos. • the towards both North and South, and the retention of the Frontier service men, after tat abolition of the Pupae System, mu.t Mao be s•Mence wren ly calculated to nub - lib this ennrieton. Now that the trains tie all ow, and that the nprinz ie opening, then is every reason to believe that all brarehes of industry ant exhibit sarked improvement and progress. -Hamilton T1 mea. The Fenames Coa4esemed. Tat Most Reverend 1 11 Purcell, 11 1'. Archbishop of Cineiunati hu published a a card " condemning the Fria, aditalioe, which eorelchs u follows:- Arch at M.atmere, Decks, for tat Ire of 11'Iwopet In • community where labor b1. 1,VawV. sea* .n nlentiful, it was our* enner•uwry Maximilian's decree of religious toleration, ly aunouneed by the entre text, which'. now his horrible appetite. Just at that mo- tor the firs! time translated for the amri1)1iated meet, however, fortunately for his innocent press- '• Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, having little nietim, some noise nrnse outside, and remedied our conned 0l ministers, we hereby he released her. Telling her to say nosh; decree the followingartitie:- in about the affair to her mother tie ro 1. Tee E,npfror protect the (*.deeper g P Apoaobc Hama• Church ea the roti;tun el needed with lin work a coolly aa"though the 4itate, •• 2. Free and ample toleration ft eutseded• throughout the territory of the empire, io all religio s wh,ch an not tpntnted to morality, ,iruizaimi and good Aat,; e. The nrahlia meant of a new religion will, bow. er, require, the authorisation of the guvernm,ht. '• 3. As circumstances may require ;nstruc sunt will be issued to the police re3ardo,d ,h• ezercies. of the religion. " 4. 'fhe Council 0f the State shall be ;n formed of any abuse" committed by the local authonliee aeamat the exercier of other reli• meet, glans and against the liberty wLlch the laws guarante to their mini's.,- 1 hu ds The prisoner sou defended by MeaaR. ane sh:.11 he depnaited ;n the •rehires of the Sinclair std M' Dcrmett, the latter of nothing hid happened. The child told her parents all that had happened, and on the Monday fallowing Butler was examined befory/the local magietrates and committed,fot trial The story df Amanda Schoenan was told in such a consistent, straightforward manner that we do not believe a single man in the crowded court -room doubted {t. fora mo - keeping with his daily vocation, which may { respond. Masers. I. F. Toms of (inder- be the mr,iuremeut or open"the boiling uf! i sod J. W. I':lwood of Clinton, hiving soap hammering of sole -leather setting of types, or something of that sort. It ;s • trap rete ly donned black mbei, wet them on for beer froth. 1t places the owner in Wednciday last by giving a dinner to imminent danger of strangulation whenever entlemeti the ba and officials Gonna he takes in food, and, wont of all• shuts the g man out behind an impenetrable cheraus de ted with the eurtn, in the Buren hotel. lrtese from the sweetest amenities of social The repast was agood nne and well served, life. 111 eon''enahon, hetweyi • growl and and at the call of Mr. Sieclair the guests .ubterraneun roar, frightens little children into fits end causes ladies to turn pale. And joined in drinking health and imeeeRR to eh.g.to0 wpposo nne of three creatures to their hosts. We trust the career of the trite a heat suppose him smitten by the grad of Love; snppnee him pour;n7 h;a tate of young gentlemen, new fairly established in devotion and eternal lore into the ear of a their hororable profession, may be long hleshi.g damsel, whom fair cheek rivals Ihr and snccesaful. lily in purity and the peach in rnsndneu anJ - soft beauty of tinge. Suppose that ear to be The ICO MOrlag. • willing one, and that a whispered ;es an*wen to Lis impauioned appeal-arM,t Tbo heavy rate and thunder of Sunday been 1 From time immemorial rhe proper, orthodox and mea eppmprI.te neat of night and Monday tnorning last had the pl;gtted troth in n faun i Ifh,t ran the man effect of starling the tee in the river. A do? A kiss i out of the quesonn, l and jus amb oce rrd et the mouth of the har- because of a abr.e brush mestaeb. be loma'a fir, and the water lose se rapidly mom.nt of incl"Ale bli,s, to mrcure which rat leu tvnred riv.1 wm.1d cheerfully loss h;i that between nine ■nd ten o'clock, en right nand. Such a bargain ;n made but not Monday morning, it envered the randy signed, the pspers are prepared hut net sealed, sAd hence 1 doubt eery mach whether apit our the harbor entrance, and even the trai,ucuoa would bold good either to law Inteled the Qaay. Lar a v.eaels were or equttr. Ihmwn almnst nut on dry la and for • Tree ll' mister klr,T,cnz may h. b,;rfly described u (ailow., It has the general sp few minutes it was reared that dam - "m to and ubtsbed in the ,,meal '.ureal' whom • ued that children are natural) Pr y, a would lee done to the shi in , but P P r • 1 alone. rel the shoe brwA rariel with flint typ g Hiyen in tae pelacr of Mexico, t ,a 20th o. diffennes, that It is pareed care 0117 in the Febnary, 1 65. tiara -that they are rent to be be:ieved m delle and lorrwd nR oyer th. eornen of Ihr the ice went at tut with a roar and MAXTMlii.tN. , before grown people who have bean trained moush, so that wife the long whisker', whicn cash, doing no (tether damage than ear - By order of his imp,rial Mnjeaety, IM , W Christian ideas -and thrl,ennsequently, aro hrnshed apart, ;t forma an immenw tn- rying the ,teamer Bruce nut tote the mi,n.tee of justice, i'e.Meo ofd l,udero yngle havirsg ns a no at le tip of ahem wear_ SecAanane. \nand• Scheonau'a story soma probsbly • er . renis and ns ba.e nn hie collar ben... _ 4,ake. The force of the onewlmua massa ao onnonetesl by her tether oat of With Ihu specie. you will •imn.t invariably of tee must have been immense, fee tt out its elates Butler- The jury did gad the Eaw n( the 11.act parted ;n the Centre, off large trees no the 4ts and e•rrid them ____-_ some tip 1 tension end yea then herr before poo a 1010ow M.rnsrv, f,r Maes, (.h'wra k Co., Tornntn and f. J M,norbow., GodsrIeh, is ane,thnr Ens namb.r of Ili,. sale.dd mafassue. {iarin7 •sed sur heat nswk of adjectives i• describing It on former oweesienie we will ealy say that we mill 6,1M,. It to M the Blest elegem a•,d, spicy of dl the London ,aoaihlles. gar nM oke that view of it, Gua sf:er ee they ,ase wheas h,win ppo.o.., could nn in • rye away meet u theegls still growing. The irag to their omm for a ahtwt time they meow withn"I re,nl•In 3 tg g J k 'eJr grand. At one tiros it vu feared that brought in a awnaimnw veedlee et Asmult e with intent to .commit rape. your spree. dandy the most congenial Aitua Piper's MlhhtwmiM mallei snvercly, tut the 'fhe prison.r was sentwed oat Friday tion, Hs ;s w chip In porridge, a nontatity, only damage was to a mw mill, shoo, mmmiwg to three Teen i in a gbh tongued rattle bran, and ell rumor, 5150.01. Mr. Platt 10,1 n nmstder•bk rhe 1'm.t.n t J Pen eeatia1 •meaty b. Amer. not the won:tiler meverhe 1 as • iign the< there •re a Iteems le Iet. '- ttasntity of stave nether and lumber. - g the h hien sal 1 of i ht of the movie mus was eetrerwel a. ii . Rech a soetaehe 4 n • • mil for Its doe development and it fin pertanoe of Godcrich should be rcpresent- ed to the authorities. Why not hate a battery of Royal Artillery here? Total is is Tran.... t22 xU1,638 _ iters then is surely a sufficient reply to for Tl'l'KF:11ttl1d1TH, objection that then enuld be no demand:- Nur dues the br any means repressor the• ACCIDIENT.-Thomas Moran, a sawyer 1x63 1864 total sputa ,- of wolkn, fwd to the Prorate,. Tbere k scarcely • farmer who don not nee in Main'n Steam Saw Mill, while setting- home made cloth, some partially, but ether. a Irog,was struck on the head •ntl knocked altogether; and the fitful and unevrtsin de- insecaible, Ile ie reeorwing from the .°and lair wool, a,J flint want of remuoanliw laboar dunOg Ib! •Intsr, Indere thea to Avw eleCL of the injury. it Carded, spun and woven at home. Sheep raising u tbus restricted. for men do not tare eiNt:l'. to raise mon produce 'ban they ran dupes -• of. Suppose, however, a ready and remene- Mr. Hector McNeal, of this township, ntive marker be found fur the wool, with• 'died nn the 13th inat.,rcepeciteid by a large htln• JyJ u wtell u f r bity. and'ulltsnrrt eery Circle of acquaiutancea. iiia child war e,ideot that the wool would he sold for estib, buried on the day of his death. the young px opt. would be scot to the silly more sheep would be raised, • demand fir $EalFUHTIt. articles of refinement, hitherto undreamed of _ would a ring up, and our importations, la - Our respected member, James Dickson, 'read of f.lbng off, would I rge'y tnenw with the iaereased wealth of the-rount,,T•- Enq., al. 1'. 1 .,returned by 1:xpress tram Shipping, commerce, busineaa, trade woald' on Saturday afternoon last, Laking bale all share iu the aeurity created LT new 6.M. Jur labour, Bit ft k.4 1 we Cannot tom M and hearty after ilio short eerwion. P ntA Itiiuin in ehe.pness of produtli.s. Ce EI.opXMCNT.-;\ire Dix, eif0 of Mr, iuw the d &•rent .I rens tither tee town er Aix oC this rill •c hoe cls d with a ma country, and ask whether ;t u or is not Ike ah pe o caw that the reel. brant► of thi , anufaeure lamed Stevens, swatch -maker. Kumon to wh,tn .e bane )Jet tamed cur att.atioa, of Brim. con. wore rife for some time be- namely, ('anaduo Tweed, has mot paid I' The fore the elopement. air. I)is, it is uid, uni,ernl answer to the qurstion wtd be "We n eat not iisport tweris, thaw mads Mn sen received a letter from Steven, who went both .healer and better " h then anything away ae short time ago, addressed to his to bmd,•r tae from aiu , g at a hk• matt wit► (Mix's) wife. Ile took it to her after tree higher crass of goods and b • tat► gnutrr extent'-(Trade:fieoitw, reading it, imploring ler to reconsider the rash step she sou taking, but the infatu- McIe.rkely Tragfedy. ated woman persisted iu her determivation to forsake tine husband of her youth. An I ""'Ower steer ru noes. One of the must eatrod na t» client arrangemeft sou urired at bT which i)ix 1 whieh hr, rear nerurnd is 0 0 town sou retained his son, and the erring wife took b,osgttt10 i,,bi rrstrnLr af,otuonn ental• away the daughter, and thus they parted. j fhe disenrtrr of ib. Charred remains of as _ _ o:d woman gamed Nary Tnbm io Arr shanty HA1'FIFv1.U, on Nugan street. Yule,day alter -noon Mn. McGinn, who resides on King street, and was MR. S10Nat,-trill you be kind enough •cqualntsd with tat derated, aid io tat 'through your valuable journal to tell lhnt baht of renting he, et•,innallr, went up u .- Blythe C hap," tenet writes in your last 51rs. Tobi..'■ ry.tdene.e, and •y greatly ser• prised to find elk door of the shanty leaked, woe), and finds it ieposuble at present to I aad'a neeupee' net ruihle -any place.# 81. see hayfield, to try and mane arrMZem.nts , tune d several time., and then endeavored to to come over soon, when the roads are gout ' open t do,.r. but her eIorai protect tui *l- and iAe days long. Lt Alm secure rhe +'sag• soh n a yut.ng man r.asrd Ila.ati saw , 1.1007, ao looking in the window,.esw Ma. services of a Ent clava artist and bran; bpm ! TOMn'. b Iyin= oat the floor, .ad latw. along, and 1 bane little doubt bat that he can ,1 dialely..buret n the rindww; •nd.trom tb. have a photograph of any or all of the most , reside opened door. when tat deesaaed interesting rharacteri if our respected ei lege i saws found to ha leen beret to death, -Mer T'(' 'home in his cket, rorided elm cloihnyhan8ing oaad her person h ewp p° ..p Jr, shreds. hhe saw ly' g on her (ace, with Mr that be . the hue* tel hi , ray t g l m a'ao that , head over the .baa , ;n .Airh then sou a we are nut abased of oancl•es, we hese !quantity of blood, and eat brass candlestick jot u good men as any of the •' three 1 mins. the candle lying ewes to her bead. worthies he mentions, in the strictest sense 11ho"ing that by some mean. tat mq dle 1.d of the term. We give dinners to whom we I been k.dekrd out and err Arr to the eludaof deesaaed. who had M•en enable ytaremtlT please without any desire to ret ourw!yes tomtintuish the flames, and was aetally into public notice, we eat to live, we don't barna t"dratb in the spot where she bad Isis, lire to eat. Note;thstandreg hr, pretended or hl'rn down. ;vmorance of ear imitable! village, and those A Isar;e Lour sou home in the Eno► anier- esteemed feierdo who inhabit it, he for eta ntMh, the corpse, .ha it ie •nmewhat ex0a• a nrdtna.y that the mhwutT. itsslf sou nM cr,w- h;mself, and any man with one eye and that mimed. Indeed. thu i the most myateriotr hnlf.bat can seat be object at whtob he aim.. part of the affair, ter ;t u rare teat dry pin. ICs vatue men for what they are, not what i boar j. do noveontinie Ie barn until renn- ul.h.d a r Lr n w er Le, fir K u s c. m 'es 'Ihey reten glee W' t m um ted p 1 t e are to liar. one dinner more. Mr. Signal. and ;f you rill tell to Them. 7 Le deceased was w enter, iodua- that "Blythe Coop " to forward his seed, trious woman, we ane Informed, as is CM. ee will erred him a !icket '• free. gratin for dented by the contents of her residence. nothing." -sad should he honor. us nth a wbocb seat filled web a supply of wood and nest, tell hi,g to put '• Lit11. Peddlington " prodsionv, arse! in a tr.nk ver boa a sum sof P rgoaey vu found• -Sb. Cufhariau JoWwal. Wnegttn YOUR Solt. Ton MCCI.- A thine, 'aye the 14ally Farmer, that in in his pocket, as We (hail call r on him Yo make a speech, and send him home again to Blythe, u blithe as blithe can be, for blithe apd merry tae we 'a, whet we get t dinner. never done. Keep a -working, working, YOi'it Ai'1.1) FREFNO SANDY• working it, and you will, u durely u yes ' work it ,o much. kill the weeds every ose _ of them. You will make a clean sweep by The staler. freshets eaosed by the rapid working •'ter much" in your soil. Now, thawing of immerse bodies of snow have done how much will that pay you -to hove a/1. great damage throughout Canada- to Mill the weeds killed 7' ('an yon not afford to I'mperty, llridges, ac. Still greeter miachief Plow three tirnes, rend harrow rend cultivate ,lmnet without end. to get a field -entirely has been a chic t ;n the Northern States, free from weeds ? The ,nil feeds the world ; maot of the elfin bring atmmt submerged. a man rennet attend too much to 1t. It A I LAT 7. rRanuaT Srer.-The Bam;l- rhould be made hu especid pet, u a Inver ton Spectator's Quebec correspondent pays:- or a child is. 1t'here. the weeds are gone rain will rq,p ar. It will not only eaas ' notice of a bill for the summery punishment your land of pest, but it will give yes of persons convicted of attempting to enlist lunch more gran for the same labor. if• n le followed is rule, and ke t.leu• Canadians into foreign mil;uryservice. This Pr' P P set in peel much wanted Ae present stuab fieldoy there woul be no bad flour in mar. rear, have to be tried under the foreign En. ket-no bitter, fo cign taste -for clean I;stment Act? which allow them to be ad- culture would indite careful culture. The mited to bail, -The prnenedinen are often imprnvrment ofclean 'nes in a farm, then, delayed for some time and the chances of seer p,o is many ways to - eflt un, viction rendered very uncertain. The present• _ __ proposed law provides that ay two Magic tom - A Scotch eounti7 inister had beta trees -a Stipendiary or Recorder may con- inened, with his wife, to d e and spend the vice The penalty s fixed at a fine of 1200 night at the hoose of his la; . Their hoots and six months impr;eonment, with further was very proal rel nne of th very large beda- imprisonment ,f the bee O not paid. The which had est come into Iu ion, and in the 14.11 ie a good one, and can he pat in a forte morning asked the lady how s e bad dept in • day too noon. - _ _ _ it. ' O vary w.ei. req hot ;ode , I tkoagha. Facts as to Advertising. f g lee! lM minister a ih gither. The deertisementa in an nrdisry number of Brer Plsc[.-Tboy kin a little\tewa'O►r West, which appears to live been everlaok• the London Times exceed 2.500: the annual eel by fatvkens and ether English t yellers, aAvertiein; little of one London firm aie uid and •which in • all sorts of a stirring pl e,' - to amount to £10,000; and throe other, an 1r, one day they er•rn•Iy had twoetrret a, mentioned who each annoelyexpend £10,000. tong •loan, rode three men eat o(1Ae sen. The ex ertse of adrertisin; in the nth edition on a nil, gal op a quarter race, and ata y of thelnrpciipc4ia Hritaawica;' aaidto hone shooting, • gander pulling, a mulch dog6g been £:1000. in treat cities nothing ;s more wed Menehmg by a circus oder, who after enmaon than 10 nee langur Wainem rstahliah• a nrda rat" a twi r•ee few applejack all roamsli menu, whieh seem io have an immense *d. and as if thee sad. not eaoughr the Jhdtn : vantage neer •11 enmpeutnr try the wealth, the Ceort, dt.r honing his peer's salary •I e. exprerientr and prrntge th.y ken acquired, forgsaying he didn't aundrlrsundg the Reese dm -1 gradually out of public mew and be sue- went nut and helped to lynch ►k grandfnhsi reeled by firm* of smaller capital, more fon hog-atealing. determination to have the fact that they oell aachand asch emnnwebtiee known from nne - end of the land to the rnbrr. In other work Nein ,, Rctxwr►.-A restreba d' erplaiar the few establishments adr.rl;m; the old dor hew bin dheends met in parvsit of f•git t.a of dignity. 1'hd former sera nvenoma to pus mar be thrown off the track. If dem hems& eat of olecar;ly inrn pfhhettt t the loner gin stress unto yea, why viva list gni a lung helievw that heir p•hl;e' i so nhv;au that tt vele and hop elinin twenty Iyer if you kin. - cannot bo nbarured. •The fins ■ndeniand 'ou 4041, low or 6,, ernes, and whenerrr that they mans thrust ihemrlves on puerile you light why Jut pot nem. stepper bo r}• bolas attantion or be disregarded , the meand, hay. what Jo., be. • make, and whey da hownda tog rwaeel nMa;md pebllc rrnl'on .app w come ley tom der acrnq and den dry gee" they have arreated n p!rmanently. while in snflEe' enure', sand bymeb)) deT angles ng is fact nothing 'sn raven eAawetenalie of Ibe ar pepper inrn der •ntrilln, an i den rtryl1 get. world then the ease with which it forgets.- epee, clic., epee, and dat'll be M IW dam Borten TFaarrript, doge cu do gat day.' Q} The Leaden paper' auto thew a hors Wa clip the follow;gg hem 111. SI. i nota haver was in that eity • few days ago, and E Vie cli of t►s 1)tb inn-, and beg to oak engaged •number of hnyti who wen le „s,r what tt mower: Patrick. mrmmpany him to Mi•eseotss n s. they Rhin•, Rritish .o'hjeet, released from (Jrau a wan to week on • farm. Re •roe se they arrieed M Detroit h. openly salted them to The Frceheta d 00. n. atacaonafd bas given r me taking the oath o allegiance.^ Frere army. The boys were The T)amhica }.former learn 1h.t int aR only between 12 and 16 years of age. Ali of earls of Beverley liquor can be (trseersM thus with tat epeeption of three, left introit, witheat moeh tre.M,, the law not herng ere and returned le London; the flim•. who Pt!17.nforced. Petitions' tie being sheet remained enlisted and are sew "food for tied few signature, paying the feon,il to powder." allow licenses to he granted as formerly.