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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-05-26, Page 4
»»0CSSS3a»QC wjKFad’s » lOrtHMW .......... U II >^ININI|ll»l>IW<IWMWW»»»«**WiAll i»UIIII|IIUl|Mm»IMIiMi;i ..................,T.T..„m*.rl.t.' .. / ^..^y,,r. ,.r . THE WINGHAM ADfANCE^TIMES aosw OESLOJ BRIKG IOC§ AT S3 SHE DEFIES j RHEUMATISM’! >iAfter Suffering Acute Erin For Years teumorism first attacked this teljj in 1931, sacd gradually spread] 1 her aws to ©the? parts ©f her ( ||,btey. Then she starred to take.j '|Krusclxn Salts* and tetw she sends] ; j the foTcwing letter in her ®a baud- ] > Thursday, May 26 th, 193& 1| cents % word per terries, with a minfojEm charge. -of 25© tec screw3 B’CRNY CaXns, fea Corn and Irehy 1 Thcretrn gave a reading. Asp. creh- nntri Cress «Ccm Sa^re jwhiDrag Counters. i MaSk-weX .at rix y-nno, Harvey Mr* !,t_X SCSSO;’ Mr. Robert Met-ssrit, ef Winds spent the hrihfoy wirit friends lawn. Mr. Harry IXriWps rassed pea fc"3y away cn Tuesday, aged TS. Th t funeraJ serrire was ferid a* the lease !j x Px nephew, Geerge Jehnstrn, cn •j Friday, and was an charge rir Rev. 3t A, Moss Kradrifog sang very eiferrirely *‘fe The Garden.“r The pa’l bearers were E. Philips, Edgar , 5«a-usrn, James Medri, cf Atfoum, J. .iSims, Herb McEhrey, Gevrge Jehus* ! fen. Interment in Unfoti Cemetery. The Yormg People's Cnfon are heading a ra^ly serrire on Sunday ev- < enfog tn United Church. The address . triB be .given by Rev. H. A. Mabtney «of Brussris. FOR SA1E *-* Seed potatoes, Katab* dsn variety, irisa S yrung pgs S weeits aid. At ply J re E. 3Jrinbar7: Phene ■£SSr5. FOR SA1E OR SENT—Six rotrei: tests', «aKe rxd garage, me acre; . aind had and ever. Bargain. Aypiy,: ,^. F, J. M^isrey. “ ; 4>?U^Tl~>‘'l*111 >■■ lliri'. **T‘,;'"l‘'. ■J1.1. 1 '!.. 1 ! ' —. ■ ■r'.: .; T; . ■] FGR SAXE—Fire Fariara Crws,«| will freshen in a few davs. Anph-ri tc R- V Ifetk Smes Stabie, ‘ ' j HOUSE TO SiENT—At Wfogte} luucrifex Appiy Ja«. Schneider. j Souse fur'sAiE-£fo& Z.*\'!i*s **?»?■ ■’k !^■St-***-? •?* */' ■ McDowell at tlx ricno, Harvey Me* i Dowell and Ned Thompson with vi~; plins, Ed. McGill mteh ©rgan, and;5 =' Idoyd Walden gtean Fallowing the * ijpregram, games were ©re eyed and a , forte was sewed. This meeting was ! * the retetefog meeting for the Eri- grave steely for the present season. J rim • .. . ... "• 1 Tfce Ontario Agrirultaral College, ; Gueiph,, w?5I be the mecre rc-r On* r . [tari© Eve 'Stock aneu during the next J The pains and stiffness ©f rheuma* Uew weeks when a number a? Breed- . irism are ©flex reused by deposits sf jers’ Assoriattes wsil ted rixlr su* ’ needle-printed uric arid crystals Sn j nuai Ffoid Bays at the Cridege. T*he musries and jcints. KruscteJ The Autel Husbandly Depart- > Suits stimu'ate your Tver rr.d Hdneys ] merit ©f the O.A.C, headed by Fra- !1O healthy, regular acrirn, and assist ‘Jesscr R, G. Ksox, has arranged fur . ri-u to get rid cf the excess ^ric number of specM features Muding ' ‘arid which is freguenriy the reuse ifepremmerrt speakers for each Cue rf ^yreiT 'Suffering. I these event-s. One ©f tie features will 1. . ....,,..... ...................................Me a parade re eoBege live stock. ,1 , . 4 farmers and breeders re Eve U States StUf Sts kfeir m driib'erahL-u. ar,£ .€orfeIIy sn£J_.d ‘! *Say bsten, you jyretag whippet- ' these Erid days which have a disrinct Snapper, I txw ©if this ■mernfog, < educatfonas! as well as serial value. » T-ou are supposed to be a spema’isU 4 Here are the dates to 'be remembsr- *5* .WRON COUNTY COUNCIL TOWSrSHIP OS' EAST WAWANOSH “SPECIALISTS near with Me* 3y Harry J. Style vrt-E fexnt Fnrerisfoed WesriieSd Yaretg PergSe TH ?4 .g'’xva Trireri Tlxreb T. r S rxd a* Lixir greris rffi W’ednesda sribets :d rix Wsstriei th ScN'it-ty. The Tisitat ’ ihr ;.■'. :k “fen wbisfc was t? Oris Sreil 'Grwtre «?i£?3 nt ths- 'pifesa, Tfe he 5rrip!Xrie 'kssr® esd IrS 'in pray®*. ’Thr » by dure Tinrre Etxts rtvvnred v. red W greens Ste as «te bring wtd for dst- reteg w tern ssyre'uhdfogs. Mre just MriveS trosi EfoTatid, This is the dfoeffl sritete «5 wh. tress erer fettered to the pte- lie life this pwti PJ the ttrafey Are nctwtm cxnboritffi M ’GfciK -Grem* j aamsw. mim ! . 'PhcsW. 1<» ! iffiti'.nilWffilWKK‘fKil''rtiiV^ Cake ft Bat. Cskes 253Solis OSI?W WHITE 2 IN 1 5HO.H MESSING SP-CTA* ’t KARBOL St 3 FRESHLY GROUND FRAGRANT COFFEE RICHMELLO ® .29 FLEISCHM/XN'S YEAST HUKKFORO or AYLMER CHOICE PICrtiC STANDARD WHITE PEAS, CORN No. 2 or 37-cx. Tira 17-oi. Tlw 3 24-lb. Bsy WV Xv-hen pscktd) aFINEST PASTRY Old Dutch CLEANSES «oas farther. Doesn't scratch bees we it's made with sehmofite. 2 ™s .19 DOMINION EXTRA VALUES ROSE BRAND SUMMER FRUIT DRINKS ^.25 EANS W1™POSI‘ MONARCH 22-ez* jjjTiM .3&> Celery Heart 2 bob. 25c New Potatoes 5c Pound Asparagus 3 bch. 25c Spinach - Cauliflower Green Beans * Wax Beans JOHNSON'S €UKT SP-CiAV FLOOR WAX GLOCOAT LIQUID WAX wr TISSUE 14 .11 DROP INTO YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD GAC, ■ med I saw that old car of his steam j is kame np to the front of the hospital. He ■; skasing > dbred out through the dorr, and] the Ex- .knocked bis hat off tn the same way j that he“s been demg ever since he ■ form .ffosi had a car. Then he stnpned to ? ■ " i sort ©f sguare bis shredders, brushed j , Wfost- ibis bat a Etifo and peeked up his old i ith Mr. jBlack: bag. Doc Hawkins never was Sall over rigbteen.” jasxy aud. control methods of in- •S other -much on fanriness. and from where I • ' jsects that mmurily level a loss ©: , ©ted see out the wmdtw, I just i NEW BULLETIN Muadreds of thousands fomtes .'rixngbt he wredd be feeling ’ike me ’ fjwciy.fwe •'Ontario vegetshle crops. :mmun- . . out of place m a swanky Eos-j l.aN.oXlVlO , Vegetable experts state that there . iSsTOSySfcs sage Braa-tet ®f i« ^«ry fcsect ptst at- ;g=si=e n® sl.-.zrrf S= m. ana le ! &ctw., »*nS «=<*■ : c»m:y® TOWS te jw=y. Ita i fe Ctoge _ .3«»,'«««»•» li®- e0S?5 ’^tS5 “TO?Td to1* "t ?“*’"• ’ S»i. IMU CABsar, S-rmfcdH jf •™5a*? 3^^^^ ® W5 '.“’h1 — S-:J 3®-;= EstomefloEisl. OJLC. I4°* ^sb=S. ®«ae =or s aEtr. re being-i BLYTH *#xsr •s. E-trie haw t fotek btnrih OvTlEITS XO c per-. Control Beard representing twenty mmty,|per cent, of the amount received, by xnng-jihe Board for licenses in Goderich, ly, but Tais amount is an increase over 1ftst i ©on- ■ year as the cheque received by the a-3 the ; town then was $416.46. Eosenby-Larder A 'Ginet wedding was solemnized at the Ashfieid parsonage, Lucknow, when Edith Mae Larder, -daughter of Mrs. John Larder of Goderich, be came the bride of AViilhm John Los- erihy =of Lucknow. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Losenby left on a weddtng trip to London and oth er prints. They wiB make their home ©u the 10th concession of Ashfield. *%Tr * rj DISTRICT NEWS ■ Whlfcsrton Bares Jtane 3Sdjb j3.sris.he arrangetneT-tes nave been siiu X£m Ai *. ly the WaBteri-n Turn CM) for the 'hiding us its amsuril nare rrseeri W’ednesday, June 15, has been set as the date when jmrses tri §650 wld be rmered dur three raves, 2.2B ’ pure nr W4; S.22 yrure nr t: ut smd ! 2.11 hare er srrft, Y—.... ,\-(Tto SSe Ordained da puns rriv. P. H, F-irisand, .resistads in the 3are2 AngSsas Parish derreg a pare af Sky, J.. H. GeugheLfeG reresrshT1 and during the past year ■asf.xxrh lb Stou A., A. Malmey, -triS be L.rdri ffo 5t. ■Tdtns Cfcurre, Xusduts, j rdria (by - kaM* *t *-J-’Y £1 * ^E*J y ng a '—-are ans in ad Hetriem. X sa Gertnn&s, i .u “sw A’ps. Jfexistem he tsti* fo Giert at. 'Gei-r'esgaden. ] tusst s» jlm nsme rr fe*. jases st&rring ra the | MrG:2, id East W^wssnsdi, wE! be dose Crerhns’unrr.fefo. iswtriltd by the’ r.esSftE' rd ’htly utfets >fcjre <is rnsadfe tie ewdr.g. I sbrtnls, tvlhrii 3$?. £S. Ma&'H ims stt> Jttrived x.t ty j£,tri:®E? 'j^uired. The Itrie la^ tre htsSily, •fosm Trnha to witb Srit^]odsisrs^i^»MT. kadfe* terEriJy. ' ,paj5Wtiita6 »ni are lnit»g aiM. We TALKS IJf THE WATSON FAMILY *Wre -SO .glcufyoufre Jeelmg better, MotteK* Habit is Catching! Mie Wafem ymmgam are not merely W5W —they are shyte tog fetes.oe- Ung DisUftce ba bite wM &e ^atm famitv—an fnex. pstiswe that saves anxi&iv and helps tep she toly tege&er, tU tek* jphone cXtfeisK yajj.r fewssioii beyond vowt ndcH>»iaHmiL la it Ln jw &a itmdh wMl Caraway telalim and fe^as-slm wc is W>Hsingfy small >