The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-05-26, Page 1With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
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Single Copies Five Cents WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 26th, 1938 Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year
Lieut,-Col. H. R, Alley, President of
the Ontario Command, Will Speak
A rally of the Legion members of
this district will be held here Friday
night this week at which Lieut.-Col.
H. R. Alley, O.B.E., President of the
Ontario Command of the Legion, will
be the special speaker, AU veterans
are invited to attend this meeting,
which will be held in the Town Hall-
at 8 p.m. Following the meeting in
the Town Hall a social time will be
held in the Armouries.
All Legion members and Veterans
are urged to be present. The Wing
ham Post are acting as hosts to the
gathering and it is expected a large
representation from all* parts of. the
district will be in*attendance.
Men’s Work Boots
All New Stock, Grain or Kip, with
' leather or panco soles, at lowest
prices. Willis Shoe Store.
Mr. and Mrs. W. . Greer were holi
day visitors with friends in Barrie.
Mrs. W. Skinner, of Mitchell, spent
the 24th with her sister, Mrs. Wilfrid
Reid. “
(Mrs. Charles Hopper is. visiting
with her sister, Mrs. F. A. Stark, in
Mrs. George Howson was a visitor
with friends in Chatham over the
Mr. R. J, Deachman, M.P., was in
Goderich and Wingham , over the
Mrs. Herbert A. Doig, of Guelph,
is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Thos.
J. McLean.
Mrs. Ted Manners and baby, Ow
en Sound, are visiting with Mrs; A.
H. Simpson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bishop were
Hamilton and Toronto visitors over
the week-end.
Mrs. L. C. Young, Mrs. J. R. Eck
hardt and Miss A. Wood spent the
week-end in Toronto. *
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Robertson
are spending two weeks with Dr. E.
C. and Mrs. Apps, Kenora.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kerr, of Detroit,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
George Kerr, East Wawanosh.
Miss Mary Johnston, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with her mother,
Mrs. Adam Johnston, Victoria St,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Fenn and Mrs. E.
Fenn, of Parkhill, spent the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burgman.
Miss Florence Nethery, Toronto,
visited over the week-end with her
aunts, Mrs. G. Olver and the Misses
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Copeland, of
Bolton, visited over the week-end at
the home of Wm. Burchill, also at
John Falconer’s.
Dr. A. W. Irwin attended the On
tario Dental Convention held in Tor
onto last week, Mrs. Irwin and Mar
ian accompanied him.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawkins and
daughter, Hilda, of Preston, spent
the holiday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. L. Davidson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Isard and
son, Douglas, of London, spent the
week-end at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J, Isard,
Miss Emily Holloway, Librarian,
■attended the annual convention of the
Ontario Library Association in Tor
onto Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Gray, also Mr.
and Mrs, Edgar Lindsay, of Niagara
Falls, spent the week-end with the
latter’s father, Mr. W. G. Gray.
Miss M. E. Fisher, of the Post Of
fice Staff, and her niece, Miss Louise
E. Hanna, of Ontario Agricultural
College, are spendihg a short vacation
in New York,
Guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. Cos-
ens over Sunday were Prof. G. G. and
Mrs. Cosens, Miss Edith Cosens, Mrs.
(Dr.) A. Cosens and Mrs,' R. C. Grif
fith, all of Toronto.
Mrs. Harvey Peterson of Munros,
Mich., and Mrs. Tom Feterson, of
Cleveland, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sut
ton, Victoria Street. Mrs. Sutton
motored to Monroe with them for a
few days' visit.
Week-end guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Browne over the week
end were, Mr, and Mrs."B. Browne,
Ronald and Alice, of Willowdale; Mr.
and Mrs. J, McGibbon and Donald,
also Mr. Lance Brown and Miss Eva
Buschert, of Kitchener, and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Browne and Eleanor, of
County Meeting Was Held at Clinton
Launching an active campaign to
eradicate weeds in the district, a
meeting attended by members of
municipal councils, road authorities,
weed inspectors and others interested,
was held in the district agricultural
office, Clinton, for. the purpose of dis_-
cussing the Weed Cdntrol Act and its
Problems of weed inspectors, weed
identification and eradication meth
ods, suggestions for improvements,
and plans for a province-wide cam
paign were dealt with. There were
more than 60 present. Mayor George
H, Elliott spoke briefly and pledged
the co-operation of Clinton Council.
Ian MacLeod, agricultural represent
ative, was named chairman, and the
speakers included: John D. MacLeod,
assistant director of crops, seeds and
weeds branch of the department of
agriculture, Toronto; William Wal
lace,’’ Woodstock; T. Roy Patterson,
Huron County Engineer, Gqderich;
and Ben Elder, Hensall, secretary of
the Ontario Brotherhood of Thresh
Work is practically completed at
the new Tennis Courts in the Horti
cultural Park. The surface is all ready
except for a dressing of sand and, tar.
The fence is ready to be erected and
if fine weather prevails this week the
courts in shape for play on
Saturday of this week or early next
Illustrated Lecture on China
Rev. Fred Goforth, M.A., son of
Rev. Jonathan Goforth, former mis
sionary in China, will give an illus
trated lecture on China in St. And
rew’s Church on Wednesday, June 1.
Government to Spend Money
In This District.
In the supplementary estimates of
the Federal Government the follow
ing votes were given for work in this
district: for Harbors and Rivers, Bay-
field $12,500, Goderich $50,000, Grand
River $300,000, Kincardine $26,000;
For Public Buildings, Arthur $4,000;
Clinton $15,000; Lucknow $18,000;
Tara $15,000.
County Scout Rally Postponed
Due to the heavy rain on Monday
which saturated the ground at the
Agricultural Park, Goderich, and the
cool winds of Tuesday morning, the
Huron County Scout Rally that was
to take place in Goderich May 24th,
was postponed until- Saturday, June
11th. The Rovers, Scouts and Cubs
of Wingham were all ready to pro
ceed to Goderich on Tuesday morn
ing when word was received cancell
ing the proceedings.
* 1The results of the season s play at
the Wingham Bridge Club were an
nounced following the game Wednes
day evening last week. The season’s
results were as follows: Ladies — 1st,
Mrs. G. H. Ross; 2nd Mrs. O. Cpl-
borne; 3rd, Mrs. A. R. DuVal; 4th,
Mrs. A. Wilson; 5th, (Mrs. W. H.
Waram; 6th, Mrs. J. EL Crawford;
7th, Mrs, R. S. Hetherington; 8th,
Mrs. J. W. McKibbon; 9th, Miss N.
Dinsley. Men —- 1st, W. H. French;
2nd, L. R. Blackwood; 3rd, George
Williams; 4th, J. H. Crawford; 5th,
F. E. Madill;-6, R. S. Hetherington;
7th, W. W. Armstrong; 8th, K. Som
ers; 9th, J. A. Wilson.
The play-offs have started, one
game was played on Friday night. A
cup donated by W. H. French will
be presented to the winning lady and
a cup donated by Mr. H. Hodgins of
Toronto, will be presented to the
winning man. A second game will be
played, after which the scores will be
tabulated. The first eight ladies and
the first eight men are iti the play
The winners on Wednesday even
ing‘last week were; North and South:
Miss bL Dinsley and L. R. Black
wood; Mrs. Blackwood and J. H.
Crawford; Mrs. DuVal and (Mrs. W»
H. Waram; Mrs. R. S. Hetherington
and K. Somers. East and West: Mrs.
O. Colborne dnd« J. A. Wilson; Mrs.
W. W, Armstrong and J. R McKib-
bon; Mrs. A. M.’ Bishop and W. H,
French; Miss Y, McPherson and Mrs.
G. H. Ross.
Two Tournaments Held Victoria Day
and Officers Elected.
School Work Will Be Op Display
Despite the cool breezes a large
number of golfers were present at the
Alps Golf Course Victoria Day when
two tournaments were held, In the
morning the Captain’s team won from
the Vice Captain’s team 5-4. Cap
tain’s team: Dr. Johnston, Jack Mc
Nabb,. Reg, DuVal, R. S. Hethering
ton, H. Agnew, R. Rae, C, Arscott,
N. L. Fry, A. Peebles; Vice Captain’s
team: Jack McKibobn, J. H. Craw
ford, W. H. French, Dr. G. G. Mc
Kee, W. Porteous, W, McWilliams,
Roy Finlayson, A. J, Hawkins, Dr.
Geo. Howson, In the afternoon a
mixed four-ball foursome was played.
Low gross, Dr. Howson and Mrs. H.
Campbell; Low Net, Mrs. O. Col
borne and Dr. G. G. McKee.
Officers Elected
Supper was served at the Club
House, after which the annual meet
ing was held when the following of
ficers were elected: ‘
Hon. Pres.—Mr. A. E. Lloyd, May
or John W. Hanna. . z
President—Herbert Campbell.
Vice Presidents—Dr, Johnston and
Roy Thompson.
Secretary—J. R. M. Spittai.
Treasurer—L. R. Blackwood.
Captain—Dr. W. .A. ,McKibbon.
Buy Your White Shoes Now
We have a new stock of White
Sho’es for men, women and children,
in the latest styles, and at moderate
prices. See them at Willis Shoe Store.
Celebrated 45th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. ahd Mrs. John Mason, Biyth,
on the 24th of May celebrated their
45th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Lyle
Armstrong, his sister, of Rainey Riv
er, visited with them for the occasion.
Sale of Suits
Buy your Spring and Summer Suit
now at a Big Saving at Isard’s. They
have bought a range of Sample Suits,
comprising choice patterns in English
Worsteds, latest models. Regular
price $20.00, now on sale for $16.50.
A Bargain!
Underwent Operation
Mr. A. M. Forbes underwent an op
eration in Victoria Hospital, London,
on Tuesday of last week, We are
pleased to state that "Scotty” is mak
ing steady improvement. Mrs. Forbes
accompanied him to London and re
mained there.
A Word to the Wise
In several of the municipalities of
this district the Highways Depart
ment are bearing down on motorists.
Brakes, windshield wipers, horns,
lights are being inspected and permits
are being asked for, Our turn for
this inspection will likely come soon,
so be prepared.
Service in Honor of John Wesley
A splendid service was held in the
United Church on Sunday morning to
celebrate the bi-centenary of the con
version of John Wesley, founder of
the Methodist Church. 'Hymns that
his brother Charles had written were
sting as was one that he himself had
translated. Sunday evening the ser
vice was in charge of' Rev. Mr. Ed
mison and the Choir of Listowel Un
ited Church.. Rev. J. F. Anderson and
the local United Church Choir con
ducted the service in Listowel United
To Represent Teachers at Winnipeg
Mr. and Mrs, J. Stanley Elliott, of
St. Catharines, spent the holiday with
Mr. Elliott'S mother, Mrs. John El
liott, Con, 12, East Wawanosh. Ex
Alderman Elliott is President of the.
Public School Men Teachers’ Feder
ation of Ontario and will represent
that body at the Canadian Teachers’
Federation meeting in Winnipeg,? in
August. He has recently been ap
pointed as Principal of the Demon
stration School in connection with. the
Summer Course in Health Teaching,
to be held in Northern Vocational
School, Toronto, during July and ear
ly August
WALKER—-Iti Goderich, oft Tuesday,
May 24th, 1938, Mary Snell, belov
ed wife of Elishii Walker, in her
84th year.
The funeral service at the residence
of her son-in-law, Edmund Irwiti,
Kcays Street, Goderich, at 2 p.m. on
Thursday, May 26th. Interment in
Winghatp Cemetery. h
An open night will be held at the
Public School on Friday night this
week. The school will be open at 7,00
o’clock for inspection. There will al
so be a display of pupils’ work.
A' cordial invitation is extended to
the parents and all others who are in
terested to attend.
The May meeting of the Women’s
Institute will be held in the Council
Chamber, Thursday afternoon, May
26th at 3 o’clock. The guest speaker
will be Mr. Abricr Cosens and Miss
B. Graham will be the hostess. A pro
gram will be given and lunch will be
served. Roll Call — A Household
Hint. ■’
Miss E. Slicter of Department of
Agriculture, will be at the home of
Mrs. J. H. Crawford, Minnie S't.,
Wingham, on Thursday, May 26th,
from 9.30 to 11 a.m. All Institute
members are cordially invited to at
Purchased Chopping Mill £/
Mr.. H, T." Thomson has purchased
the-chopping mill at the south end of
Josephine Street from Mr. Russell
Walker. He took possession last
“Snow White” Coming
The Lyceum Theatre are pleased
to announce that in'the near future
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”
will be. presented here. Watch for ad
vertising of this great fairy tale pic
ture. "
Passed With Honors
Mr. Carman Hetherington was suc
cessful in passing his second year at
the Ontario Veterinary College, at
Guelph, with honors. He is at pres
ent spending a few days with his bro
ther at RidgetoWn.
Attended Funeral of Cousin
Miss Jane McGregor, Mis F. Mc
Callum, Mrs. G. Olver, Messrs. And
rew and Greg. Shiell and Mr. and
Mrs. Chris, Nethery, motored to Ac
ton Monday and attended the funeral
of their cousin, Robert Waldie.
Fractured Arm ' .
Mrs. W. H. Connolly, Diagonal Rd.,
fell down the steps at the home of
her sister, .Mrs. Harry Town, on Fri
day and splintered the bone in her
elbow. The injured arm was placed in
a cast and is improving nicely.
T.B. Survey
A tuberculin survey is being con
ducted in the Walkerton High School
by Dr. J. T. H. Robinson, acting of
ficer of, health. This is a program
generally carried out for students en
tering Normal school, universities and
hospital training.
Farewell Service by Ashfield Minister
Minister of Ashfield Presbyterian
Church the past five years, Rev. J. K.
McGillivray preached his farewell ser
vices on Sunday. Mr. iMcGilltvray
recently resigned from the church
which has been linked with Ripley in
a single charge.
Goderich Miller Injured
Douglas Wilson, 35, miller, was
painfully injured at the Western Can
ada Flotir Mills, Goderich. He was
in the act of putting a belt on a fast
revolving pulley when his right arm
was drawn in between the wrist and
the elbow. The bone was broken and
ligaments and muscles torn and
crushed. He is in the hospital. Ev
ery effort is being made to avoid am
Interesting Items of Old Days Re
called by Scrap Book. -
Mr. Ed. Palmer, R. R. 1, Wroxet
er, has a scrap book which contains
many interesting pictures and clip
pings of days gone by of this district.
One picture is that of the Wingham
Football Team, Champions of Mait
land District for 1897. This team,
which made a name for themselves,
was Composed of the following: J.
Hartley; Chas. Stewart; W. Allenby,
Capt.; E. Cotiltes; E. Bailey; A, J.
Irwin, treas.; W. Stewart; C. McKin
non; C. Hawke; W» Vanstone, Mgr.;
L, B, Duff; Mac Messer; C. Hender
son; W. D. Donagli, Sec,; H. Ham
Large Number Present to Welcome
Grand Master W. J. Dunlop, of
Toronto, on his Official Visit
The Town Hall at Wroxeter was
crowded to capacity, 250 were pres-
net, on Friday night when Most
Worshipful Brother W. J. Dunlop,
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of
Canada in the Province of Ontario,
paid his official visit to North Huron
Masonic District- It is the first time
in 40 years a grand master had made
an official visit to Wroxeter. A most
sumptuous banquet was served with
Rt. Wor. Bro. J. H. Wylie, of Wrox
eter, D.D.G.M. of the District, presid
ing and acting as toast master. The
toast list included the King, Canada,
proposed by Rt. Wor. Bro. Dr. Fow
ler, Teeswater, reply by Wor. Bro.
A. J. Irwin, Wingham; grand lodge,
proposed by Rt. Wor. Bro. B. L. H.
Banford, Listowel, reply Most Wor.
Bro. W. J. Dunlop, Toronto; visitors,
proposed by Bro. H. Cook, Wroxet
er; reply Rt. Wor. Bro. R. J. Bow
man, Brussels; Wor. Bro. Fred Ed
wards, Palmerston; Wor. Bro, C‘. E.
Toll, Biyth; Rt. Wor, Bro, Work, D.
D.G.M., Wiarton; Rt, Wor. Bro.
Smith, Toronto;" Wor. Bro. England,
Toronto; Rt. Wor. Bro. Loughlfeen,
Cargill; Wor. Bro. Geo. Muir, Tor-
ontoj’Rt. Wor. Bro. Hugh Hill, God
erich and Rt. Wor. Bro. Jefferson,
During the evening the Grand Mas
ter was presented with a handsome
travelling bag. The presentation was
made by W'or. Bro. Armstrong, of
Wroxeter, and Wor. Bro. C. E. Toll,
Biyth. Solos given by Wor. Bro. R.
F. Taylor, Listowel, and Bro. J. A.
Watson, Palmerston, were greatly ap
The meeting closed with the Jun-
iour Warden’s Toast proposed by
Bro. J. E. Higgins, Wroxeter.
Teeswater Won Opening Game
In the first scheduled game of the
Bruce League on Victoria Day Tees
water won a home game from Kin
cardine 4-3.
To Celebrate King’s Birthday June 9
A proclamation was published in
the Canada Gazette setting June 9th
as the date on which the birthday of
King George will be officially cele
brated. Although he was born De
cember 14th, His Majesty requested,
on his ascession, that his birthday be
celebrated on June -9th.
Attending General Assembly
Commissioner Rev. Kenneth Mac-
Lean; Rev. W. A. Williams, of Cran-
brook; David Fortune, of Eadies’
Church, and S. Dunbar, of Ethel, of
Maitland Presbytery of the Presby
terian Church in Canada, are attend
ing the General Assembly meetings,
which are being held in Calvin Pres
byterian Church, Toronto this week.
Propose Closing Wingham Line
The C.P.R, line from Wingham to
Wingham Jet., 5 miles, is one section
of the railway that the C.P.R. pro
posed for abandonment in its unifi
cation plan as set out in detail in the
Senate committee proceedings. The
C.P.R. line from Saugeen to Waller
ton, 16 miles, is also on this list.
Lines proposed for abandonment un
der tfie C.P.R. plan include 2,216
miles of C.N.R, main line and 1,042
of C.N.R. branch lines; 744 miles of
C.P.R. main line and 961 miles of C.
P.R. branch lines, also 58 miles of
jointly owned railway.
Presentation, to Bride and Groom
A very pleasant evening was spent
recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ross MacRae when neighbors and
friends gathered in honor of their re
cent marriage. Dancing and cards
were enjoyed, a short prggram pre
sented and refreshments served. Dur
ing the program, Mr. and Mrs. Mac
Rae were presented with two up
holstered walnut chairs, walnut table,
Alladin lamp and small rug. The ad
dress was read by Wilfred Caslick.
Ross expressed appreciation of the
gifts and good wishes expressed and
all sang "For They Are Jolly Good
Fellows”. The remainder of the ev
ening was spent in dancing.
Huron County Boys’ and Girls’ Work
Board Met at Clinton.
A meeting of the Huron County
Boys’ and Girls’ Work Board was held
in Wesley Willis church, Clinton re
cently. Rev. J. F, Adenrson, Wing
ham, presided. Arising out of the
minutes of. last meeting as read by
the secretary, Lloyd Dark, was the
matter of the appointment of a pro
motion convener, which item was car
ried over. The appointment of Rev.
Harold Snell of Ethel was unanim
ously adopted. '
The chief item of business was the
dates for the summer camps. They
are to be: Senior boys, July 4 to 11;
juniors, July 18 to 23; junior girls,
August 8 to 15; senior girls, August
15 to 25, The majority of those pre
sent were allotted heavy parts in rhe
coming camp outings and the officers
are hoping that there will be a large
representation of the different grades
at each of the inclusive date periods.
It was decided that two new features
will be added to the camp instruction
—soap carving and lino carving. .
Present, from Wingham at the
meeting were: Rev. J. F. Anderson,
Lloyd Dark, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown.
The Hurons will play their first
scheduled game in the Bruce League
when they journey to Port Elgin on
Saturday afternoon this week. Their
second game will also be away from
home, June 8th, when they play at;
Teeswater. The first home game will'
be June 18th with Teeswater.
New Lines of Canvas Footwear
For men, women, and children, all
low priced, at Willis Shoe Store.
Robberies at Biyth and Clinton
On Monday night two district rob
beries were staged. At Biyth Chester
Morrison’s garage was entered where
a crow-bar and $43 in cash taken and
at Counter’s billiard parlor, Clinton,
the thieves walked off with a quantity
of cigarettes.
Attended Funeral
Mrs. T. Metcalf and Mrs. R.- Mc
Arthur spent the week-end at Lion’s
Head attending the funeral of Mr.
McArthur’s 5-year-old niece, Irene
McArthur, who was thrown from a
wagon on Thursday when a team ran
away. The. little Lot passed on the
same evening in Owen Sound
Staff Changes at Dominion Bank
Mr. C. R. Yeoman, who has been
teller of the local branch of the Do
minion Bank, has been promoted to
the accountants department of the
. Kitchener branch. Mr. Yeoman takes
over his new position on May 26th.
Carl McKay has been promoted to
teller and Benson Hamilton to the
position of ledger keeper. John
Lamb, who previously served on the
temporary staff, has been enlisted on
the permanent staff as junior.
Take notice that the Board of
Health requires that all properties ift
the Town of Wingham be put in a
clean and sanitary condition by June
Dr. R. L Stewart, M.O.H.
Goo. Allen, Inspector.
The Evening Auxiliary of the Un
ited Church held its regular monthly
^neeting on Tuesday evening in .the
church parlours. Miss Blanche Ben
nett had charge of the meeting. Af
ter the opening hymn Mrs. Charles
Lloyd led in prayer. The devotional'
part, of the meeting was taken by
Mrs. J. O. Habkirk.
The chapter of the study book 'The
Light of the Mind” was taken by
Miss Phyllis Johns. She gave some
.very interesting accounts about some
of the schools and educational work
carried on by our foreign and home
missions. Miss Johns made one ra
ther interesting statement, that one-
half the world can neither read nor
write, and the great majority of these
unfortunates live in heathen count
Mrs. Elmer Wilkinson, for her tem
perance report, read a paper on the
terrible and menacing drug, marijuana
that even causes insanity. Mrs. Web
ster conducted the business, and it
was decided to have a work meeting
in the church parlours on Tuesday,
May 31, Afternoon and evening, to
work on the bale to be sent north,
and it was urged that as many mem
bers as possible be present.
T1 1C meeting closed with a hymn
and the Mizpah Benediction.
Game Called at 5.30 Sharp
The first scheduled gamg here of
the Maitland League will be played
at the Town Park at 5.30 p.m, Friday.
The Goderich kids will take on our
Juvenile entry and the game promises
to be an exciting affair. The local
lads have been practicing faithfully
and will be ready to take the field
in good condition. Turn out and give
the kids a hand. The youngsters' next
home game will be June 9th when
they meet Ripley, Next Tuesday they
play at Dungannon.
Dance at Wroxeter Friday
The CKNX Hill Billies will play
for a dance in Wroxeter Town Hall
Friday night this week under the aus
pices of the Wroxeter Girls’ Softball
Presenting Play at Whitechurch
The young people of the United
Church will present their 3-act play
"Cabbages or Dollars” in the White
church Institute Hall on Thursday
evening, May 26th. Admission 25c
10c. Anyone interested in securing a
play for a garden party or other pur
poses will communicate with Mrs.
Robb, R. R. 5, Lucknow, or phone
Wingham 612 r 12.
William Spence Currie / ...
The death of a former Winghamite,
William Spence Currie, occurred at
his late residence, 302 West Tiffin
Street, Fostoria, Ohio, on Monday,.
May 23rd. Mr. Currie was in his 52nd
year and had been seriously ill since
the end of February.//He was born,
in East Wawanosh, on the White
church Road just outside of town, and
as a young man went to Hamilton,
but for the past 23 years has resided
in the United States.
Left to mourn their loss, besides
hi& widow, formerly Mabel Shiell, of
East Wawanosh, is one son, Bruce,
who is a student at the University of
Tennesee. He is also survived by his
stepmother, Mrs. Jennie Currie, of
Wingham; two brothers and five sis
ters. Robert A., of Wingham; Mrs.
J. A. (Annie) Kennedy, of Sarnia;
Mrs. Bert (Margaret) Kennedy, Tor
onto; Mrs. L. (Lulu) Grain, of East
Wawanosh; Mrs. J. (Mary) Burchill,
Culross; Mrs. J. (Jessie) McKague,
Turnberry, and Thomas A., of Wing
ham; one brother, John A., prede
ceased him three years ago.
The funeral service will be con
ducted at his brother’s Funeral Par
lours, Wingham, by Rev. Kenneth
MacLean, at 2 p.m., on Thursday,
May 26th. Burial will take place in
Wingham Cemetery.
Mrs. John T. Bell
Following an illness of about a
year, Jennie Garniss, beloved wife of
John T. Bell, Belgrave, passed on at
her late residence, Belgrave, at 4.10
o’clock Monday afternoon. Despite
the fact that Mrs. Bell had not en
joyed good health for the past year
her passing was a great shock to her
family and friends as on May 11th
she celebrated her birthday at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Jack Ern
est, here, and at that time she was
bright and cheerful.
Mrs. Bell was in her 66th year and
was a life-long resident of this dis
trict. She Was born on the 2nd line1
of Morris and lived there until her
marriage in 1901. After her marriage
they resided on the 5th line of Mor
ris until they moved into Belg.-ave
about 1^2 years ago.
She was a member of Belgrave
United Church and as long as her
health permitted she was an active
member of the Women’s Missionary
Society and of the Women’s Insti
Besides her husband she leaves to
mourn her passing two daughters,
Mrs. Jack (Maude) Ernest, of Wing
ham, and Verna, at home. She is also
survived by six brothers and one. sis
ter, Robert, 2nd line of Morris; Frank
and John of Toronto; George of
Biyth; Mrs. Albert (Annie) Elliott,
Regina, Sask.; Charles of Lumsden,
Sask., and Harvey of Detroit.
The funeral service was held in the
United Church, Belgrave, on Wed
nesday afternoon and was conducted
by Rev. J. B. Townend, her pastor.
The pallbearers were; Robert Gar*
niss, Chdrles Garniss, George Garniss,
Jack Garniss, Frank Garniss and
Charles 'Wilkinson.
Interment took place in Brandon
Ceihetery, Betgrave.