HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-3-16, Page 4f ATo tit lisan IN lira: MR. MIK RC OPINION Or Ntwl e�\ Toch4LTY."""'"At l lywouth,eche$evening shady grove- to our country, the Common Council 0! vol.. 1. Mr. • • 1 ry .. ,..M,..:.,., _ -- - v ltlt t� MONEY TO LEND ` ` S1t1.E+: .sea ION IMPROVED FABMS, Rl:lta 1'1N , RPM -lu the aiurir use n Wham . V � �hurch,loot'iYudayywae,sail:L,N,Iut'tbntyJingraoe Tau young people much u1 love { • New York, with the Mayor thrown to be - Heron, rah great wealth endowed, tide. Look at thein and their unblwhiug Hero handsome, poor, fwd proud, i outrage., -and then pre. nd to say teat tho Truth eternal-ht:artk umtrd- teachers of public morals haw uo 'Poeta n e e ori sewn p ig ; g" P" at New or with is y million of inluabitauts its li • t meatier 11?Ol,t(y, Maiden y'vide oneofher toasts; ' r 3YY•• 1.Da V �•" t t. 'I iso t• n other of o f il l NII that tfJ Obstacles t J. th t y y { LOTH 11 47• to 13 77 near the RAILWAY ifl'A'1'1O i, Gatwick, fur l:.0 At !rive Years Credit, or longer if rtuluirud. Apply to at, e. CAMERON. .\..ria -Ili. 1-•,I ,. V f ha l I hted fort them. Look N k h i !rias s- ranrle-ar•h.-tav,.•y b tat e• 10 be arm u . e Harpy hours pa., 1 v yncuuuted. Overbears the t•ude tale. its streets reeling with filth, it- + .a l!g y rival, OW rod J hair, pretcnee, and its juJiciar a 1 •d t to r rt e d ci Lands II\111 t 'Mil by - of al ,werofSale ' , . , ,.1., 1 e Jot, ('.:l dela, its t".1:4141,11'1''; , of t!"• part, (!rf....'t her.ns leto•ua,eir.t:ie du• "anrwn14L,.r.1)a.d stock -a nemt of n..,t.; r4, a sen .: I wItute sex:uuplc fawt;iarisea oo; Il.. Tol.. u. - with IiliJ •, and pr imitates the 1;..;;...il, li st t.•, Morning if. the Ea+t looks tali) : of our juuilh • lilt are to be wet, to be 'Y.. i th, Lie:.cad deunuua'd nod exp sed. and ell:tv_. I for the better. Public n.t ah ill I f. a 1, tta.1 the people dewaud of .hunt a toil, for their. elevation; theyshiuld,. tbef re wr 1 young wen exampl .ofknddrty, et homer of fuirnesl, Intl of l. -e soy. q► Mobile w:eiect to elft 6th ult., Ltd% Scene -Young lady's fatItet's stud;'. 11rro. jwuh his hid In Lund. !'Dior Lrr ditto t . Je1n-rd ; An cry parent storm uhu•s- An Mr,de• Witte beneath the blue- Muther inlet Bides -no go ; tih riela-Lystenes-prutestaioca, Mixed with old mar's execratio.s. Exit lover midst the diu- tale that Were is nu iudicotieu ty eve 1 e Ugly rival enters its. ' the city. ,The ga rison was Iteieg strength• curd. The forest there is a.t d robe tomb VOL. u6 larger then 1 genera!:y'auppo, d. CI.f-d y, the Selena ,_- J at Duce consent reforms : .1. D. l �:,• at I:e, ; gatd was i . SI. i e o, tier It , nod ;,Lip c,m1 Time --a mnodlight night once more, eke deleam, le r sir•.tit 1:, il.0 . in Scene -Outside the lady's dour. the evening, he exp r: d 0, fit. m-...1t:i.1 the Lover, aith halt le°keit heat, city would be su.,...'t y dt•fudc1. The Swear. he'd 'rather die ljtdn pert. Mobile Tribune relays, evtrvt,.in, ,plitt in Ganh:n-floeers-umb:azeoua shade- alae depatuucut. IF Mauls accents -serenade. - _.. Chamber wi'td•.w opens wide- -. - _ _.._- ' Dam( of e--.peetant hr: le; Little dot most kindly elute-. 'feat s -u o1e•Iudder-flight-pursuit- Oallaat atemia-too late-night'. screen, NEIV BEITh Triumph- marriage -Gretna (. re•n. JU'VE ILE BOOKS, Old wan'. rage-daowns 1oree.r- Udly rival -scarlet fever. yrL Iv. ' 0W •usn aickly.eenda for child - All forgiven-rec.mrlhd i Yount men matin; money tut- ted utav'e hle.,siug-dies al Imo. Yuutnful couple prove prul.aw- Get the moiler -live its alste- Family w:ut,ioa -jewels, plate Mother, wishes crown.l with joy - Doctor. -$aur us -hale boy. Time proceeds -heir tie. endear- LAYCOCH'S • Olive branches year by year. Blessingsoa the good attend- Canadlan faurners' AIn3aa�p General gladness -mural end. -London Paper. FANCY G0333. ,Je, In Large Assartmenta !. Suitable ler 4tldds little for both old and young, est reel.. 1 AT TIE CL11iiU uwf3J211112E GEO. 1,.\)•('t) (' K. CLINTON, 19th December, 1b64. Interesting Items. Q}AteEugli,tts society 6tida tl,•t one lady mat worth thirteen guntiemeit rod • hall in solle.u•y charitable su'hscripnou. irl•A ease t. pelefng in the New York idupreme Court in whieh a child was lett in pawn or pledge for the paymcol of • debt. (~}There are at present five iouthful kiuyre io Europe to want of wives. What • chs•ny gi bl Pati and Alconi sang • duelt at Roesini's home its Pose reorntly, the maestro playing the pianoforte •ccom,.euimerrt. A young lady being asked whether she would wear a wti when her hair turnedwgray, replied, with the greaiest earee.enem, \h l no, Itt dye first.' e The best men are sometimes short. We know • clergyman who isn't above three feet, and a derc.o who never has • sixpence about him. Josh Billings says :-' Tew bring up a child is the way he should go -travel that way yourself•' Solomon couldn't improve on that. '1 rh*ll be at home nest Sunday,' remark ed a young lady Its her beau, who scented to be wavering in his attachment. d So shall 1,' wu the fellow reply, An' exchange' says it is just u sensible a *rive to undertake to get married witddtut c8utung u to attempt to succeed iu.busiolm without advertising. A country girl gave birth to a child in the open street ut Cork the other day. A police C) i'rirc 1. lesls per dues..!'? AT THE CLINE!, Book Store ! - rhe moo useful -Alumnae mance bre F.0:m.-, t'1ere publiahtNl. It cunt:ons *race for mercer. auduina for every day in the jeer; lesil.• much valuable iul,rmath,,, such as Post 0ffic3 Regulations, Sl'AMP DU TIES, LISTS OF uA % kS ! *ND ladlelary A Parliamentary Lids. Every should Aare ,t 4 GEO. LAYCOCK. `Oliaton,l9tb,December.lwl. tKI9 FL S, SHOT GUNS, i 1'I »'l't )I.M. Xa•. !ic. AND' MADE' TO OB ZR, WY man had her and the infant removed to the 9 i 1''*r2"- ewe lying in-hoapnal forthwith. The mother g iti i refused w give coy account of herself. Opposite the lterhpt. ' Honesty u the beet Policy,' said a Scotch- - man. '1 know if, my friend,' said anaither, c- Allkinds of ring J,no on mutt 'tor 1 have tried bait h.' reasonable 1. lou., '4" Why, when a .merrier sera a highwayman arrroachin; him, can lie ezlar -on an opinion _Obderich, A diy bf Feb:site\ 11 14e t•'ott, Ligon, at the Auction Mart of ♦(ease. 1'!Ioww.1 if' 11 iiltAirit, KINiN1't1. FT REF: r, (H 1l•:Rrl'll ,'. • 1 I 1 .g :1)', t'1at IA t ..ay • L.•t r feu Cu .e I hid thi:ty-,i u. (103.1) 11 .I t .,.1- t t Areal of Uuctetith. I) el t a t.,, e. Jr. :.1: . U 'tot for \:.later flaw. 11,t 0 :at my .idle rlK. this 5th Janu:,:r, ld6 i, w5u 3! ...Croft sa!r I. i•...ti, .ut until -Tuesday. ant lth of .\pail. at toe sato: place and hour. T8E 6A9NU TdUNg OF CANADA. notortu*stdy for the iota r vts of the Proprietors of the (IL.�SGOM . ;HOUSE, and fortunately fur the interests of those wrho�may\want :A.N1) SH BOOTS 1--L'aincd the transit in sumo manner utknown to these deponents •of 'von �` Des of Boots and Shoes .Lich should have been de it d at a d,'a o IoW lice IGaiiwry.St atoll her- about the '='-na ,r _3rd December leaf, and as it t n lt� in the Season 111$ the description of tioo.1.• contained therein, they will be sold • a ductifce in order to wake s:lie of them before the season it over. Inteadlpg Purchasers Would do • well N Note the Piet. We wnuil also hake this npptrtnnito of infor:uin, our' nulu rous frtcnds that our .trJ.'r or our SPRING STOCK is unto in the hands of the MauuLietuiers, and that 011 r,r ubni:t the Ire, -f )Inch we will be ready to writ upon them with a Stock of taco.:` such as they have never Iwo presented to their view in good old t;uderich Town. TO THE LADIES OF - G ODERICH ! We owe our best and sincere thanks for their appreciation 'of our endeavors to meet their wishes its furnishing there witir an article suitable to their reiluirewenta. Our • .mon-noni iai will be still to please them. DI KERR, JR., & CO e'a't to Q7 .a !' •GL.IPGO11 HOUSE. 30th January, 18130. rr7 . 00 u Ft.1 1.1 • FURS ! FURS ! ! FURS ! ! ! • 02rman T'Iink Rock Fitch, Reck Martie, British §able, Garman L, nib in Setts, - i3u5il1f99 Llircctorj. • Carriage Factory [JAN BE ONSCI:TFD I i •i a io A.lt., � 2t Au •e.sMncu oil North : tree. `AT 8 PER CENT ! ouch! Moir youth of Roy r. Elwood. W:1 C.. Some to Invest In Town Property'. _ J. B. GORDAN, Barrister, to., Goderioh. (ud, rieb, Sept. 13,1864. ■w341 • G Mortgages Wanted to Purchase A ly to 1). SI(ADt:l100Il1NG, SolicitorWest Street. • G rich, 20th Dec., 1/461'. wl c M'O EY TO LEND 4 ' NE11. CENT 1. SUMS or Otte hundred , t>llars and 11-- a Apply 1u T MN & MOUI CRAMP'S rich, Sept, Sib, Itiri4. l*. 41. Nts.usnon, 11.1).. • I ) IIYSICIAN. HUFKQiiI N, .k,'., tic., O01/ I avid', P. W. _ Igt4t-ly '1'Iwr, h• ALa•Lt•wu. 1) H Y S 1(' I ,l N. SC IWEON. tee., pet. Howie Surgeon, K, ngsya fwpdrll.• . (rru'a -At Arthur'. Hoarding Doom, u,denek O. W. .vrgOw. I . LIGHT -HOUSE lilt. 00DERICHSTA 1)r• l' -CU r T ATIi OF dTa\1gL•'Y-CLIh1<fON, IIID 1.4 sue herr. (Mr. l'bwalw.'sfuneesawre THF SUltw7Rlbt It w1•bes 10 mime Ihnuk. July I, 'Al. to Ino public Air pant us ore receival et the r $- bawls, and wu t a•g to ultimate that he udeacr• I DB. A. WORTHINGTON, A 0,404 to s wag►uua N 11 at C PHY:,It'L\N, st'IU:EO. , Lc., will PER THAN EVER.1 tend, particularly. to digerati( VI cud .urgicrt op.n.t n, uiw'• the eve. It sell you a wasaon complete for 400.00 ltuwaca .'.uses. Use. t6.11111*_. 1w4Lly .b. and all infer tkongem proportion. All wank _ _ _ _ Wnrrnuted to etre datisfuctton. 1ci. 1.."`»' R A14RfSTb14 AND A'"TOILNEI:•AT• IF All bade of Farming Impletnenta made to oiler. L) I.rtw, sad Sotienur-in-Chruc.ry, Cera, ' 'iron• JOHN Mt'1'HERSON.Drown Attorney, O0Jerch,'Jrsada%cot. utiles ll(, Oodeneh, Jan: bib, that:., wrw3T •Court House. vN•NI w33 If _ Dar C. C'estsee.,ta, • C()ttI:It1CIi ' QAlatISTEi••,}" A'1'l'ORNKY. CONVCY- B orae. ace ,•iuestuu t(eeet.l,iuderwh, l:.W- L"T` 1, Ana. miler frau Rent or ease. e mod sex in the Fit -t Cenceoio,i of Colborne, W. about two rich. Aeoly to MFARY IFF.\ F.Y, i:hthowe at.. G $rich. Deoemb*r 5tb. %1. w l3tf 'Lands tor bale 1 , tT No 1. n, tar. er.t.-, n. of .t.nnrin. roan., nt' a 11eiroo. eme...,w fel ,.. r. - M• v w Ie... -one 0,4 sol.-. 01, t'1!N,tr , • Poet then sea" M..e + k 1 .d an u i ..t ori. 1, add: flood grass( road Wawe,', on' ,• Dere•.$. IS. 1:. 1... n•,, 14. roe a T•.wi..h^, of \t'•w1.•rMh l ..,...tl et 114..11 )W111Id 4 a:M., l,.r.•'oil :IWt.•Rd'. •id .r• -t. ,n 4 rt{trrn(, ) 11, 1. P, • 1, .. t� - rt C., ate• r'•drioy or .ted 1 V1M ' x'' 0 n( u ' • Y. Ii ...1 refused • rt x , l; mar the dwelbs4 11sM P WM* I.t. •m -^'Mart III •..a<h. .1•n!. .•o A ,the t 1 1011u •he 11•wiheru I( .0nl - 0 .:h sot of him 1 Because he ratty say to himself, • {'hat's. the man tor sty money: *mho, givint •n account of his sea voy. (Yr r Ws, eke, 0.111 dr pamenaeis wet .row heat. A Hawn tagn of (ttOTTAU ), Fr- anti if dal wont r•twu;h. de captain grave orde for do obit) to, beave wo.' ( HAMILTON A good 1 of the cumulation offered is 1wtRIL\iAi. ew94 Lot f.;_ .Sale. loathe Pvutllerlt -pur- TREET, House az the word Is a et es.otacingasthe assurance of the man to b wife when she fell into the ROOT-11OL>r and OUTS. river. ' You'll ground •t the button, at prevent men/pool ho Thos. Weal my, dear.' price O, yis! 0,iu!" a an Irishman in The TWELVE lit If Bit CD DD street a few dare since, my • bell; eilo.t Fur wooer awn,00fnet apply 10 betwaoe twelve u'aock to MrKtnne7 s stole, 1'. WEA1 11E1111.1).on Market street, • Lege b I k•y. 1'11 not °MJeru • be after telh,i ye whit it way t it Iran the or -WILLIAM .PEIICI1' \r t.wq., ba key to the bank, .re.' A.nhrr.t Wand. 1 (ialench. October 1111,, 1n(1 1d-fttl C Theo -called spiritual muni adeno of _ - - the Davenport Brothels were brim/ t""" to MORTG %t 411 G%1 abrupt conclusion a 9t. Goor•e'. Lir- jjly 1 u�j. 41111 001 !LUNGS, L-1., ARM cHatt, erpool. The audience appointed two genes• ; men to do the rope tying. They proved too REAL EbTA t L'' ! much fur them, and were objected to by the Davenports. Great eonfua;m, and excitement •roes. The Davenports escaped. but their TTIE to11nwie3 prcp.-rty Wiii I"' '11.1' ,ted of paraphernilia were ama•hed to stoma, and by Puh1ic Auction, on S.'tilyd.y, the the hall had to be clotted by the poen. SALE twenty fifth day of 51 arch next, 1865, at two o'clock in the ,Iter,•,,,' at Jaime Foists:v n it war made public somd time ago that the tavern, near Hayfield,. in the I'oso .Lip of Rev. 1.1;. Ornust.. had,received • call Gubt Stanley, under t,, ower contained in two not ve $ wealthy New Y irk congregation, with the sad made by Thomas llauua•1 a1:..1' *i'0 he offer of a salary much larger than he heroine Thomas \1aa.,p; ala., * thiol, is Eamiltue. It iv now announced th.rt the male by said Thomai Hannan 1;. 'fh.rra a r•d the oYvr . i e( tut si. u, ens' side oft -,_- --.. Towiehip of ��tanlce. in the fou•Jy of Huron, and Prueir.ce '.,i't'anada, eighty!' use tanto par. g.ptlemen hen definitely duelin Mown. Tin. theeast h t f t 1 1 to': whktth, it ie staiml, is the second one he boo maimed, from New York. His co,i re• 'totem will duubtiees appreciate his preference. .ti.•.Iwnrara:trn, : to m Crulte ¢.rt 1'r. -.. trw4.S, . 1 .'••t •Nee. wh1.1, 4 .' nee • •!'run' 0n sen. Ire k• M th n14,s14,110 edl' *l, (,he Tow1 rf throe r.l•h t pan.Np w.acely. rf M otter/poet-peal to G1 ". lI 'I lNa, tj tax. lI<II'F:ItTS0, l' 1:L. r t. f 1; Ltd.•it, (,,lerieh. d tp'. _Nnr.t*ct w4.v*t11ir6F S 3:•ZSF7F'S SALE GI' LA2J S. l'ndetl 1'.1141.,.* .,I OY voiri'.,44eta Wet• 01 I lur.n1 lye 1 I1ru -e. �1) • 1;.r- F.. 1. • miner • T., ait t 1..lvt or Iter )1r.• d)', yours f•tt IonI It t t1 ,Ia • t‘1,....o...14 c. 1 I t fee - r. -i f 01 .1,0.3 1'1,4..10 1 11 ll • emir 1 Fir Joon. 1 1l ,'I 111 a I J 11,1•I r•.•n, I ase I :v ase 11 I W 1., and John R ant f h a �p1 a J, I ./.1,11.19rJ nor. 1, Ika N. a„,an1 Ian !fen r n -$ h. r xrll mail ak r f Fe o n Al 1 o r.'41.11114.n• a ,t 1 11 IM I th a:int \t 1:, 1 Item ll se, cot 1 •1 1,41-1,111,11. !e hr .., n 11.0111,...'.,... t. '1 ion h , ..t A4..tie . la 1 F Duel 1 144,1 '0,1,101 . : 1. t, 111e$110. nl, - arks... / I oil kms 4 .n4 .i ,a the 4tk, v,1.end t r• l 3.• l 1 to file tau V. mrwudr, 401x! n.nl..ra 1 •n4'I n 111,! welllh MOW, n,.n,l lilt nw TONT 3,111 !lir .3. a .....10 re- 4on.a11'. Ih'l'.,1110,p...111r.. 1.1, , :.101 •:$ all tine rho, •ou•l :,-rive See ihr sone outer'$ I,"• and 1.4 Incl •r I I. m1 the o,r , 1.1'1 cu..., •.1. n, i. 11.e Townvhi of (',,ri.t , ,,•n•,lnnlg' n1111v-An, •a, all ..,ihr l;am,ly 01 Armee wlurh.I .11.,!:.. 0 1Lr •I I toy.. air$, In di. .'rend House, uta town o tin (erica, on Tnes- ,I the lunrlh dry prll a t, •11 tt:e him/ 0. ',wee nl 11,, Mork, , eon JUIi. M ,,i'hl'1'':.11.11, • +bell, H. S 1:. • wen.. 'rime or 11e S. l'o, sees, 1M wty a •ril. .•Inti'• 1.dt'e. t "nlerh•11, Linn lice. uhl. iota Old Mrs. Darnley ie a pattern of house. told economy. She days she hu made a pair of aocka last her fifteen years, by only knitting new feet to them every winter, and new legs to thew every other winter. Charles lamb sitting next to a hal tivc woman at dinner, observing leo didn' attend to her, the lady said, '• You don't perm to be at all the better fur what 1 aid a\ying to you 1- Norm* am," he seswersl, " but this gentleman on the nide of me must, for it cam) is at 00* ear and went out at the other.," " I see the villain in rear face," acid • judge 10 an Irish prisoner. " Shure jour lordship's rivirenee won't be archer locking a peceonal reflection of a poor bboy 1" Kahl 1'4t. i think, .mid a fatemer, T should m -eke • good rnngrpeamen, for i Lir their Imnau4e(e. i received two Lille the other duy, with Ire quell for Snowdonia payment. Tie cies 11 ordered 10 he laid on the table, the other ts1 be read that day six meths. " Are you fond of lin, ;'e tales r' asked a lady of en old farmer the other evening. " Yes, r like 'em routed with salt no 'cwt," was the response. " N•, hat I mean hive you read iiaFn'i tilos r' " No, indeed," mid he, "our hogs small white or black. I don't think there is a rod one among theta." 11r. R•rtl.n, being in elmmpnny with Pr. Ned, who had Joat printed two heavy folios on the antiquities of I rerae.tte•t) that dm publication WAS de Le 1a.ke 1lual Conccrwion of Ihu and Due first( sold. more use laae. 'lit jrro- + h�j�, "/ NUT as and will if sold subject r 11 -i. 'lit ler igilpuo rV V one hundsd and ai jhty seven dollars (61+7.00) with interest thereon from the eighteenth day of January. 1 e60. 1ERNS,-Twenty per cent. of th• per chase mrmey p.ly.thlr al the time. I 1 sal•e : the'balanrc in ten dart. A. B. BROW\SUN. Aut it oo cr. S7►•,ley, Vett. 21.1.1,60..t n1 L• te ail Contract. TENDirH9 adJreraed to the Po'tmranr General. will be n•reirell at Q..c!n c 100II Noon, nn 11111) \Y, 7111 April, for the con veeance tf Iter Majcetr's Maiht, ore a props .4 Contract for four years!, three t tur•1 per week each way, between EXP. Ea mot YT. MARYS, or. and from the 11 \toy next. Conveyance to be made in a l?si ', War- ton or Siri,,b. The Mni1e tfo leo.. Exeter, Maida,., We 1 •sod*ys and lriday2, et 10 a. re., and^ atli,c at St. Mays at 2 o. m. m• 4tI fUItNINO -To Iwvw At M:arye et 3 n. m. and arrive at Exeter at 7 p. m. Sema,{ the i'rtt 0111011 at Wnndh,nt end Wenrhiteon .ath war, of Tenders may he sent in "To leave 'it. Nana for Ererter and 1{Narn, on 4he same days o1 the wank. Printed unties. containing further iufurm,- tion as In eoud,unne of proposed CdMraet may he seen, cad blank form* of Tender may he obtained at the Poet Offices of Easter feline in e.versi raaposts, ,aadin,t, " pray ami 1t Mwrys and MN.t . "Mee of the se►• i neltw, mope . *justice of the pesos r• , esriber, (n.RERT f,RT'FFiN, " i atm," replied Ifaeh. "Then," said p. 4). Invertor. Rarlien, " i advise you to ae*d your work prat .diem f*erector'e °Mee, to the bowie of .orr'e.tln*." Lollies, C. W., 24th Feb. 1860. ! 4431 RECEI�TE D 33Y: W. & J. KAY. Octube "1st, 1.,64. WOOL CARDING!! l11 ;: 3_CI1'l'itll 1El4S would her to its . m kis customers and the public that his ser prem. 14,:0 Ora east strict, M THE SQUARE, THREE DOORS F • :" �+.• r•p.-ntd-nn the first of Sue", .for traott •0th • 1'. • \�.,.,1 (sonlin t, Goth D loin, and 1l Iii lar !ting buaineas, in connection aith Lis - - aor4 in the above be/incased) b• pallet/Jelly at tided to. Likesi,r•a vat tet% tf OL FACTORY. where r1i Driers tud Cloths, Blankets, and , ' ocking Yarn, will be kept on haul to-exchsnge for wool. Having t £IRaT-CLA'13s DOUBLE CARDIN rear added another. MACHINE t., hie cs'tab:Lhulent, he will he prepared to execute farmer's work td, no short 0, 11 •.1. ('ustumen a ,tum 10 the factory themselves will he p •a fu;tuerl,, odd particular attention aill he paid to those from • distal NV os•lrc I.lxpOdittcssaos1y N. H. --w'., c th v,kful ter the lin.•nl patronage of former rant in the above v remsooable extent .y{,fly attended to -e wtahiuo their one',-! tepee. the e wants sultscrih,r L pro by oriel att., hti ,u to bu*unces aid rutrhn; tau expunge in mrrryng of bt, et/ob.%or s, t.. *1i11 reccdvo n share of til Camp. �- L'omeutStr the plaeea• Fast St:eet, secured Jour from I' R 1111: S 111.1 t C K. • THOMAS LOGA Godcrich, April 19t1, IPG! • IltiliOS FOI5NDI{Y c II9 131;1Zi aQ:2H3-• • A STEAM E1NGt&IE FZ RUcJCIMAf+O & CV., 5113,nufacturers of t and Flouring Mills Circular, Mill y and Sash Saw-ffiills, �,,;f Ian , ! D1L 39 M w O O .?LT TOlZ.a'i, 'C BT.TQ- wor_AcYtTGiluriso, s �t BrataMl v Ings made, nod $lnckemiets' work dour in neat and subetnntialm•f•er, ti C tinge of any drsr•riptionlnade to order. Also, ail kinds of machinery renaire1 on .hurt notice. A large stock of I111NiC11 1[ %C1iI:v1':!tet, AND. . HORSE POWERS, and Reaping Machines, Wood Sawa, 0 at \I . ('01. F,QCF;1t'Fullka•Brats r M. 5 %%ta LB, tel u.11,, * •• hrnt,d.ere carr u• 1104(5? 16 name and nyle o1 Robt. R4nciman & Co.,._ • , b't)t'T11)MIA N. must M•` Ione! on Lir het: r• the 1ST PAY OF APRIL, 18fd A!I parr.$. uuh!.1.,?t.. ^,r al..ar firm .ser f.y notard that all IOW. and book are sae of c• 1 st day of next, will her• Loli t Io Ih.nf �.•!u a •t' o.rcoll. clod. '1'n. Mock ua Isar,) wyf Ir soot 1.011' ['`t )It,' ('Ahgl. • Olt SHORT f'RF111T, 1t c.•sasee of a Wee aawrttrnvnt 01 Months, Cell valor*. !tido**, ;Mira* 1ender•, THRESHING MACHINES I 1'•t•a•A artJ stgar•irukn, wargaw • id pyre bows, i Cooking, Parlor et Box Stoves. A aged w.•nl l-M.rgt_----. 210 51.409 •'4rkiuT he 1,1., and 04w 5101.. Allarae. ri l I ring /he eve An wet. to call cent relent the Mat el twee. a• They we3 get bargase. --•-o H. RUN('IMAR. lw rrfrvvnee 10 the ahoy,. N. Sine -man he prepared to fery .w1 1he hndnee. of Tllf: IIIJRRON 1''O JNl)ltl mid contract 84. Orr r,e,tlna f .II fronds u1 M a.henny aa uNd..i aria amply AUR1(111.1'I KAI. 111PLE.111:11Tr et.wer end cootiera,al tP4eaa4A!e rate/40r( ' Awl ser .hurt reedit. .w14w4e` Nalrnr'k. Dec. t Mit. 1164, ' "O HEM, PARLOUR ASID BOX STOVES \Ito � ion hprnl, Sugar Kettles, )\'a •un,arl"'f Pipet Ii .er's. As our patternsof the above ere t.*at approve•d. kind, we wooll solicit en • inepretinn of our stork h,d..rn pnrehaning where, all we are offering the *bore at the lowest rfuroner4tive prima for cash, nt or Lip ed 1.11 it. Old metal, Bn1iw,CopP.r, and all kinds of .rodless taken in exchange. Do krkb. etoher.1400 w19 I GOOD FARM SALE, Oontaining 140 acres 1J I'1 'AII;lo on the London Fowl, adjoining the Vurate of Exeter. On the *have 11••re is a good arame IIouse and Barn! 111 new. A gond well wet * fir young chard. ft will for .sold very cheep. Tnr .011 Fe of the beet clay loam an 1 well tin eyed. Terme morin known on enplicaGnn, if by tier et. paid, to Eviler p. 0., or o* 11. 'rimiest. to A )IcCONNELL, w 1 df Exeter. rU CELL OR TO LET. (t1•14 Farm Int within seven miles of the • Village 04 Routhampton, forty serf. 'mired and fenced, with a good log house •,d barn. Terms Ay1y (iffy letter postpaid) to JAMEY A. 1t1'I4WASFT, Southampton. or to • • 1. D. BLACK, 0trier ieli. floderirh, ('. W , Jan. 11 1865. wit? - S ar..air 'lo SALE OF LANMS. Untied Coombe, of)) ulnar of • writ m Iloro., end !truce,j Fien Fart,• 1e•nnl out T., w.t . of Iter Maie.l a Comity Court of tors Irni•erl Counue. 01 II 111,11 and Nedel And Io d,rented against the lanrlo and teas• ueltte of Iingh Niton, at the •tut of WJLam Bleck well I I.VP sea NI end taken a vermilion all ihr right. idle and intro.'s 01 the sold 4.re,,.1- 1111 in and 10 the north hallo( lot ',Acorn, In Ihr elrvanth more..:nn of 11e b.wn•h1p 01 1'111,0f , to the Cnwnly of Peron. wit4 Ire• Molding.' here- ero1lyd i who h land. end tenement. 1 .ball oilier for •alp al my offirs u1 the( -ours Homme the Iowa of flo,kroh,on Tneday the E,,hl,•,•rlth dey nl 11.n1 nest. al the hour 01 TA!Ivo of the $trek, JOHN MACDONALD, 'tt.rif. N. ♦ 1 nv S. roo.ux t, Depute Sheriff. Aamoil (Kee,rhaler/eh. ) Jas. 14th. DOM. i wM FARM FOR SALE T 0T 1, Coe. A, Township of Howiek, 11 AA mil. Iron Wroseicr, on TIIF GRAVF.1. ROM). Log hose• .ad barn, 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED Apply to1 F. W. 1'1HOMAR, ., R. M. Orelenrh• Feb. ls, 1664. W6iW4l-tl i GREAT CLEARING 1E & . Pik"'l{r f•tinelnir. Witt ON C 1RRIAGE 1 -1714- ` 13tofu .47 ARKI7YI'EItS. SOLICITORS, CONVEY.' . ser ,. a+ Sc. Odire•, over the Phare ea h. V. Dello, Jt Son A iterteb, sad Qowea Steno, - 7:1).St.Lt:Cser'irirrier7Y1 rfi.9wnr:hlwcwidrar. 13:37 ctnuEno tor'ye I d on 4111 Bro.-et Mat lin• hood RS and SLEIGHS dons Street, Ch.:ern 0. *49 km - /111.1 A 1111 iptiirtirt I CUT Als tiled. 1. PL let b, Dos John Me an ald Co. 1 T111:111. NEW to take to macro per.clice in tile claim,. and a to any extent. Soo!: there -1 Monne., and anvils,/ r perien isuoinitery, Hare that they eau do as Rauh! skteentsro Canada. Fames Rork Weeld do wel SALE I :ALL. 4.11111i. seas Ski' Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing A G1'0(11'111 • AT To make mom for alterations in their min- ima befote Spring. • • at ALI. KIN 1)s ON 1-14iND 1.) rioter.* robot', hte., W cot thihhh.tiokr PltAftlUill'r2Ellrl..S7111'.1TIT.OIGN..."."1:1:zin..11' LAW, Car'. eornere,..West etritet,Li.wertrli, 9:41 he South •..le .11 WitStreel, third dour(rcla wen, h, ta V, Vrcr II. athisierSt Urea Iterdwar. 84.0. 01a1119 Money to Lend on Heal Frqpirty. TTORNEY, he., nape. LOCK ; 11.11,01.1 4,0115. Arizoot 27111, t. aw103w31 ylrowsibly eacers, e. lloietreto mad Chalon. StILICri-OR IN foot, Frc To Carpanters& Builders • rick Pro oBrE No at,Pi al e. lIRERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR W. ' ;mom.. x IBM'S AND SHOP TOIL ARO CIY11, PiNf:151EK15 AND suit YOlt at IT Ali: a. reit -ARCHITECT, sp:timra Emma wvir. (.1 urt.,. See , rot trp.ra a nest sad comet Mile. ILip, iilice at tar. Iluros Antonio* Alert, litag James Collins,Sen.'s LAPID ACENT, FARM for BALE. A. Township tri WA.N041i. ceinproling ONE HUNDRED ACRES, A* clear. n lerm• hirers!. Apply' to the Execirtora Witte- .1,1ale of the lair W111. Harris, fhinaannor P.O. • Win gaano.i. 1) 111.1. er27-14 01.14 duction Catni.t3ion Merchants, And next Door lo /Burg's 140401 at the ewri. every Pet vertwi el ...Ate Polo -nine ilueoioon mud so Ike $411• 4 Pentireni Mora. Yam r 'risk Amoroso ainl..4 .1 to. Malo• at the branch aye - 11011 Mart heahoili or, r) Ttarolai . a dmiah. tier irk . lass. vat -lir following Lands are offered for sale on . _ . . _ odbliroo INDS FOR SALE! ONE DAUM:, Amami, al obtaining Elrod Glees „, „„0 ,„ „ he soppiest in any gottatity, mei rtmion•Ide terms, by applying to J. W. ELLIOTT. Equal .11 fluderich.Feh. 06.1861. or Tait (11111 11 1174 OP .41,201t54 I y rcgrisr.n. ritosElqi for FICTION AA and fierce Pellio punctually attended to. NKR AL COMMISSION AGENT labfavii.,riinviwanotr. c. . Mos on Broad waV.V11/111/M11( tote 1: Merchant. It taint ape, C. W. Maim 011& ?no ed to hint will receive prompt Nth of holt . will.' elan R. M. WANZER&GaiS GENUINE CANADIAN PATENT SEWING MACHINES Have taken the First Prizes ta Montreal, September 141h, 1301. 161h, •oll 17th, 0413, over ell teherto,• aml alao ai the Pro- vincial Exhibition held in Kingston, September Hod, 23rd. snd Zite and lite, 1,63. Proses of • emillar diameter wire ohm awarded to no at ihe II the Provincial kaIntimon held at Lsiniliot )0, Prices have bees Greatly 'lanced ! ABRAHAM SMITH, Agent, East SW ntriot Square Cioderich. Nov. 57, 1%61 Farm in ▪ Bosanquet FOR HALE CPR To rg 11E I1N DER:410SM) offara for wile we lo les L int 40, 112111 townehip of 110eampiet, Corlett of Lamtnon. The farm remittal. of CRES, nine of whrolt itio cleared. and emoted, afar a memo of Ow G. T. Redirme Thom m a 1.0r7 DIVIaLINO 11()MIR AND PRANK BARN nu the lot. /Or Wilelrentarti aptly to Au wit 1 1 tb, 11161. writ al Instalmeats, wan intereat at rest. Tt)W:48111P Or al South 7 in 1tit con., 50 South I in 2ri coo., 100 acre Smith 21 he 34 con., 100 &erre, North 20 Mt 411. yaw., 400 auto* North 23 in 111` un.000 unere.4 Lots 2. 3 and 1 in 15th eon., 100 acres eseh TOWNSHIP OF 0.24 in lst con, 100 acres, LOU 34 and 35 in 4 eon., 100 acres each, 18ns 31 and 32 in 6 con., 100 aereseach, Lot 2ti in con.. 99 sem, Let 32 in le con , 10f1 neat*, Lots 33 and 31 in 10 eon., 106 mares sada TOWNSHIP OF TUlitHERRY Apply to CLUMP WilliDita,fiait.,Godericlb Or to the, omber, w 43n Toronto DEALERS IS LEATHER FIEDINGS GODERICH. C. W. W MARBLE WORKS v/3,4Main Strout, Exeter. w. 1, ate., of every degeliipi110111 1114,1111111141/p, famished 4111 111.151.11 made tor r.h. neaten. of M fitments arc. nisy 1.4 neva in Ilia Oa I Whiner 101.1 4. er14-1, A BEAUTIFUl ESTATE FOR SALE. 1100t5 Acre.. to iron' itteek. LI atonal/or hank nr the Rae.. krarne..a epr.4,1eoke I ovra r1,eloro I, sort the r hlrie rich Matron ni Ike Val - Apply if by letter prrirmidon ; IMAM( BOONS BOOK BINDING. 11./AVIN0 mule arnotrernmee with kir. 11 AP kfrtOt nook.t..nehrr and Maven lbw - threat Stationer. (*Mr has lately returned i PAM Shots eratl glee and styles arlfh Rua *fin. out Printed 114/04461.11, 01 Ion wet emit cheerer khan Torino,' mre., All kind. of !towline nit giving aatbeitetioa be repk,red fres of charge. sat JOIIN BUTLER.