HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-3-16, Page 3A Murder Cleitmage. Another chapter in the ethernet hatory of Chicago was finished last night in the open street, and another human life hus been sud- denly and violently sacriticed on the altar of -" 1 make from 1,400 to 2,000 pounds evil impulses. Several yems ago there re- mettle auger per fear. according to the sided itt Chicago • young lawyer, cf amp. First, for the spouts: 1 think manners wed excellent promitie, mimed (leo statist:I. best, the pith id which can emit W. Home. When the Pike'. l'eak excite hurued ma «oh a piece of wire the pr. sae. I be ovoids ure then sharpened to 1 luck bit (• little smaller will &newer Ka w and put two spout. in a tree, utile. the is quite entail. When the holes become I ream out the boles with a pod bit a h larger than the fiat, &ad the sop o flow gm freely as itt tirot. lie'sap is gathered abiteace, he returned to One city yesterday, and,,boiled iu sheet iruti ethporstors, the and, fur the ',uprise ut seeing the vast ma. best of which 1 think are tuade uf two sheets piovements which the city had uudergune riviied lengthwise, and one across the end; during an the years he was awtv, he started tIsis is turned up sis und if made ol out, at rather a late hoe • of am night, furlgood iron, with a I; inch wire put in around a walk uf observation. Homo'. found hine the top, or • strip uf band iron 1 inch wide self on Clark street, near -Arm Buren, where and inch thick riveted around in place:of he fell in with John Sayero, better known as the wire, it„will 'iced no other support. hers "Jewler Jech," a taloon keeper doing busi. oniroeshould nut he ent uoder the paa, as they seas in that vicinity. Although stranger* to • • g at laing• In answer to • request last month f petictieal gulps, makers. • gentleman w to the .4rnerican Agricultural as loll ' eloquat eerestMS. tlweeiwewew " A aut"L941 kaud I Tvea • Xnr 7.14d"rlirnirniS• Ten l'e.r Cent Discount I rym sumo° strongly proves the elleellalty of atm • - 114116 bare almost a ailed to tare bigger. Farming Lands for Sale. - DART of lot Nu. 10, 1st con., (Bayfield flow , eatarrtta. Gravel Road], thidericlequyinehip, about by the Hey. It. Whiting,Mr. Joie: McH•sor, bets.r.u, atage ou Lake !lure., with a graved! y In this town, on the 9th inst., at the resie 21 mile* from Gutterich Town, containing 110 . deuce of the bride's 'mother, stre., acres, more or less. The lend has • beauti. oilo of Colborne, tu Miss tiessiiNau team., 4.11,1i.be sold une lot, ur may be tree ALSO :- Part of lot 24, nopp of the dry, hayfield hoed, in the Townithip of Steam.- y, tile between Hayfield and lirucelield, containing rue. called hundreds nf enterprising young men to that region, Mame was one of them. Abandouing las profernion he adopted the inure laborious and ruder one of a miner, with more or lees ouccees, gradully Daytime habits of life that prubolity led to hie assassin - like exploit uf lust night. After a prolonged i HE MARKETS. - Golillatell; March 14th, 1863. Fall Wheat,. ...$0:85 -4,to 0:1.17 Spring do 0:77 (a 0.78 Oats, ... 0:371 tic 0:40 barley .' 0:55 (.4, 0150 Peas 0:00 Or; 0:75 Pork . 5:50 4 0:00 Neel', ... 3,50 (5 4:50 Lambs 2 00 Qs, 0.00 Itakies, each i . :0:45 (a, 0:5o fat Cause tt to burn uut much sooner. A o i ...nue, th I 02.1: (0 0:00 each other, they entered into conversation,. evaPorater made this way, of gjgod material C•iicketa, 'ens* '0:20 ' (5 0:00 krises makiiig iiiluirtes conceruing louliti•es and well taken care of, will last fifteen years. 11.icke, do 0:00 fir 0:25 nob el.,,gb be w„.. rorwori, a-eye/timed, end The syrup should be boiled until it will break 11 des (green> ..,..... 2:75 fie 0:00 • the two walked aloud towards Quincy street. in males from a sheet iron dipper The butter leer Shippy, of the Eirst 1 reciuctpolice, strain through a flannel into • tub the largest pet,,,,,,, 011:::1355 ((o74.. 00!:11774 had observed their movements. end when ac •t the bottom, and let stand ta few hours tu un ow 2.00 (to, 0:00 coaled by haze. as to the locality el the old mole. Milk may be used to clarify the syrup 1.;,,es i .. 0:08 fin 0:124 1/colby House," gave the iukrmetion and when sugared off. 'The milk tanould be pot Apples 0:40 . (u. 0:50 walked on. From this junctuie, • dispute in %hen the vyrup a cool, and thorooghlv 11.. •ig t 15.00 .0, 18:00 seemed to arise between Sa ers said Brisee, twee wit it. A good some' to finish off 1.:t.....-w.gier load . 4:00 Ta, 5:00 and presently the officer, t en a short die sugar 111 snide also of sheet iron, 21 lyet long, lance off, saw tho latter draw 1 large dirk or 14 Mein* wide on the bottom, and 1 foot bowie koile and *trate his compuion • heavy high -a little larger on the top -with wire .N. -no 211betrttenutets. blow upon the head, Sayers Lei g felled to put in to strenghed it,and handl. on tliernds.l. „ the ground. %ad the blood strewing. frotn box "A •ery niee way to prepare cigar for wound. The otticer immediately secured market ix to run in mou!ds made in board, of Itrium and the weapon, and two men. elierry (which 1 think best,) or good pine will pouting at the time, picked up the she tb • do. They are made with I 4 i m. bee on the little delatice off. 'Sayers noon reeov d bottom and enough larger at the top to ninke from the blow eittliciently to walk along w h . them cume out rembly, and neai ly 0111. 11101 .. the officer and his roamer to the Armo deep. It should take shout twenty KIRA. Chken 1.,. although he bled profusely all the way, and • make a pound. Pou hot water 1111rf the Military Seliw)1. .. was foint from loss of blood after Ilk arrival. rile, and then let them get nearly dry Jas A C011;1111 1/WW liunledistely called to T soder should be dole. quite dry. and th dress the would, which he did ao soon as stir d until it is just cool eliough to possible. At that time he did not consider ammo ly. lot it steed in till) moulde e Players' injury dangero., a:though severe.- surly old, then lure over and rap 'on Sayers, however, Legan tn siuk Immediately, board, • .1 the• will come eet snide and was conveyed to ha home, 27/71,Ltark be packe boxes-. fur market. Saler& street, in a hack accompanied by isPal,ice- and corelle axes for peeing in ean noun man. hut no time elapsed before be beaklike he bought at. he stores and groceriee chea insensible, and death immediately interrenitban tba new ;ma'am, be madr,o he having survived the •ttack but two hourso .-- ; • . .__-..._ _ run en ' CANDIDATES for commissions. in tbe ntil Service Militia desirous of olisnieing ad - the miosion to either of the Sel ' Is nU,Nlilitary an Instruction' are required to make eradication tus no writiesg for such purpose, ifirough the „ hridade Major of the disision wherein they -, reoide. - ,.. mammal. wilh their application, • certificate 1. l'" Applieants must stole their age, rekidence. Poet office rehlreso. and 111111•8 country, and . from a clergyman or niag.strau. ia the local• .13, i ity *hem they live ,fft to, moral elturoeter.• n• • W. BoiV ELL. Lieut. -Col. he .. . Il. A. Gen. NI., C.C. le Adjutant General's (Mee, ) itekditeltec, March Mb, 1...(1.t. i • 2.3to her . . •- - . - - -- ea * .1 4 ilortoitio.e Side E5 p5 4 *mi. dyiug at ii o'clock ilia moriiing. Movitifft A•tel . MD Ditow••11, IN A C , vans.--llie Peoria Tionseripf mays that week ago last Satu a.Mts. Lucretia A • in Tremont tow It was obeerved that a certain euyeto.i. shipeTistwell county, ni t their deuth in t bm, .111 i„ , w„,,,,,,, ,„„1, e,,e, • 1 pt. maths uld,while playing I he yard, fell ii neh (11311 never ifivitcd any fom to dine watt ifollowing manner. Iler lild,, an MIL. as invitation 'from hum.' the cistern Mrs. A. tied a pe around. The wager being accepted, he got,"1 the , waist, and went,down to get it 111, .but w next day to the rich man•s h•uuse about' the ' enable tit return. Iter i -. n chit en, aged tiine, he wax to dile. and te:1s the servant he I old 6 Tem, at her sre nict thre down moat speak with the muter Imm,diately, fur chair, churn. and a plan , but were 0 you he can same him a thouoand prelude to go for assistance, and the unfortu m9 out risme the muter. • What is that, sir er and child . were drowned. The ot eim can save me a thousand pounds 7. ' had placed the budy of the babe in the e u ' • Yes, air, I can. hut 1 see yes are nt duincr: I no doubt tbinkine it would be Safe, and t on An Intliation to Dinner. bum arid resffIl ng ' OF do her 64 Shares & Anchors, Rigging, rn &C., in Steamer ' Bruce.' worn out with h'er efforts, sank be:ow t I will go away, slid eall ' Oh, prey, mr, come in and uthe'dinner surface. When her husband came hunie, t with me.' ' two ehildren told him that the baby was ' It shall be troublesome.' du cistern. and oe going to see. and draeri 'Nut tit all.' up the rope.. be found nut dead bodies* of The invitation wax aerepted. As soon aa ifr chikl• the dinner was over awl the family retired, ' TtlIttthITI3t1 A WA Y 111 Et It LI V E..-- T • Well, so,' said the man of the house • now • t 0 y ou i. bu., u etc 12 ray !, 1 M , koww how 1 , Montreal 'Herald Nays that since the be-, aris to me a thousand pound' ?' - . ginning of the wsr on fewer than 40,000' . Well, sir. I hear you Isere a daughter to.!Canarlitits have joined the Federal army, dispose of in insrraage.• ! 30,000 of whom are' known t.. have been • I have, so.' I French Canadians. It would he interest- . And you interid to P°01km . her `ill' too ' ing to know how many of these bare thousand pounds T. . 'I do sir.. . , sacrificed their lives in a quairel in which ' ' they had no right to inte•fere • bUt we • Why, then, sir, let nee have Ler, and 1 ' ' . 1.01 take her with eine thousand.' may safely presume that not one in fo The UMW of the himee arose in a passion, ' now lives. . *ad kicked him out of doors. , . - --•••••;*..- - • - - . Sacati.Y.ta.-Sonse miecreante entt;rt ILI0lag a Bachelor. he in him end mod TNIN..14 end by virtue ur • 1..wer eg Fele en L.) Lorelei on mut forming pert or Cerium Mortgage made 1.• ..... at• Venr.eere mod urge Renewal!, olthe Town oftiodero a. in the nrw.t1 Illuron. Forwarders, id the FII41 118re. uon tf,thelor •ii.150emeel 1/etlor.14thw .15 .4 thsler,h, Alerchants, .4 the S.! p *eel Mori gage es duly reeord. he intim C toin Dem. or the r0f1 IlodernM default ha leg leen made :a the Joe potyreen ther.rf, •st pools...es therein contained anal doe nob hiswinebeen son -014 1111 el 1/Iird 10 , will he indd pohl,e A..1105 71 acres of land, were or less, Levee as the lianimekburn propeity. These lands •ill by sold cheap. Apply to G. M. TRUEMAN, Auctioneer & land Agent . gen . Goderith, March 11, litho. w7 Itue I-1011 CASII will be anowed on the balm**, fa' ul the large Stock uf Miscellaneous Books ! • At the 'Signal' Office:hook and Stationery blo .A. 1.4.A. Et C3 -M STOCIC (11. Writ* Paper and Envelopes ! REDUCED RATES 1 ` SIGNAL ' 01'170E. NOTICE STRAYED into tlitt premises of dm under. • Asblield. early in June last. 2 white and owe black :Buell, which the owner ie ieguestod to prove, pay charges, mit tilia awns. Mar. 1 1, 11.105. w7at J 011 SI DICEN. reigned, lot 15, N of te plot, Luke Shore, Lisolvent Act of 1864. i• III: Creditors ef the undersigned are mai. lied to meet at the.dlotel of Mr. James Johnsue, Innkeeper, in the Villake of Blue - vale, in the Comity of !furor, ou .11onday, the Twenty wreath day ot Msreli 1S66, at 1-1 o'clock, of the fotenuott, fur the purpose of receiving statemebta el alfeirs, aud of naming an asaignee whom Le May make aasidnment under the abOlitti act. listed at Itlumale thie 13th day ot March. A. 11. 1..C.5. w7tilVot mama c. PUGLI. Insolvent Act of 1864. INTIIE MATTER or COLIN SIN - CI. AIR., tan Insolvent. frIll F. creditors of the leisoleent are notified a that be has made an siesignment of bit Estate and effects wider the above Act to me, the undersigited lasignee, mid they are re. quire." to furnith me, within two mouths trona this deli-, oith their chinos, specifying the coral they bold, if my, sed the value of it. if none, stating the fact : the whole at t oinder mob, •ith the vouchers ia sup- P°ri run. thia 1 n65. sueb clatuu. at lioderieb. in the Comity of Illu• • hirteetth day of A, 1,1. IIIIISTOPITER cuAnn. Assignee. TOMS & N ORE, / SoMciturs fir In ulvent. e7 Insolvent t of 1884. IN T111; .11:ITTER F ALEXAN- DER DUCGLESS um asoleent. 1.111E creditors of the Ing.ilvei are notified that he lies made in assign eut of his Estate and oriole under the above et to rine, doe underxigned assignee. and they e re- quired te fuoidsh ithio twosoont from . the date with their ciainis, , specifying the 1 steuray they hold. if siof, aud the value to 404,11 nue, mating the feet ; the whole.a timed tinder moth,'etith the acuehers in sup. ' port Ouch etaims. A. SPROAT, .„ otos°. SoutliiMpton, Marsh s, 1665. tsw53w2.2w On Tuesday, 181hdav tof April text, at tile Anetion M111, h▪ ie1.11.• Thom.. J. Siithdoirsr. on Kingston ✓ ime!, in toad Town o Cidern.h. the f proprrtv, dist is I.. se Sisly•knir 'woks Ard :there. part• et •nif in II that Siemer, ealled ur the 0 Bruce,' num the pr., /iv of Vent:eery hot ;good, uounties ot Huron& Bruce. to • , A 1.1. Ihnse nelelited to John IL Wheeldo'n„ 3 late oldie ot.St. Bele., the .7ownship of, Wawatineoh, an ubscondind debtor, hy Look account or nilierwiw, 51, lwrehy nutiliernot to pay the cone otherwii, then hay this Ate. JOHN NIACDONALD 111serf 11. 4. it. Sheriffs 0111.e, Goderieb, 251h Feb.. 1065. . .5.14 - ' ( ' I' I I . CANADA COIYIPANY II,,, ,,,,,.•,„., „,,,, ,i 4 ti,e iltnitiou Of Setticia on th.iir. Loud,. and where, to 1 the Statute 23 Viet. cap. V. making better provision fur the puniabuient by fine and its. priomment of persons stealing l'imlocr. I Aild the CANADA COMPANY hereby low will giro mach ieforunition se-wid lead • -TAKE NOTICE ! KIRK HAS OPENED AGAIN t FA RM F0R. SALE 11N WAWANOSE1 THE unarm:peed utterer. mle the hillowoug pienoww, snoatel on Ko.,1 the '1' ownship W•w•tooh. Within 11 Milos of Goderich ! eonlnotinv 100 af•res. 50 or "rho are ....co. the premises there is 000.1 Frain, Hein 3to • ▪ by 02, a good rt•Ille Holier, reins or. - banner/. A oreek rounaig through a., farm. A poi to THE SUBSCRIBER BE"' 14, inform his old criend4 anti the public generally that he has RE -OPENED in PARSONS' I3LOCK Nex t door to Mr. BUTLER'S 300K.STOIZE, where ev,rythint; in GROCERIES LIQUORS 3 ie., will sold cheap for (ASO or iii exchange for ()wiry FrotInee. As be Wen s to devote' his attention principa115 to the rectifying of pEs OF All YIDS s. Thereby enabling him to sell at Distiilery Prices! Dealeii-tkerein will do Well 10 give him rt call. 06e Indebted to tj at once, othervi 'MARL will Please call and settle Oats must be incurred.„ Y. S. KIRK. 1865. T. Citulrrieh, tti,Ms y Phi hu Itemou FrIM 'I' i14 'IV le". L lo the motivation of my ',onion or persone Stealing Timber from 11111. Of the Lands ut the said Canada Compeer. • J. MACDONALD, ' • A gent. Goderich, 25th Fe•o•y, 1465. - aw&er, 110 - • • Insolvent Act of 1884. . • • - ---- 1 111: ereth nos of tbe uoideraigned are notified 1 to tweet at the law utiles. ef Jame* Shaer Sinclair. iii the Tern of Oeilerich, on Semi. dty, the tire( doy if Apr.I *est: at twelve o'clock ttouu. for.the purpose uf receiving a. stateateut id hi agars rail uf naming en f• assignee tu • in he uikY 141ek9 60 elleitfo• went under shove Act. , Dated lit ilie Vollege uf Cintort, in the Comity of urou, this second day el March, .A. D., 1.65. FREDERICK RCIDIALL. SI NCLA 111, • - Solicitor for. Lis( !rent. w6.2w To Lease. to r. ir IR v. pa. , SCRGICA k IISCIIANICAL , . • visor to T It Mout, ieugiery,)-(tone t It, C. W. Rooms ov‘v Kr. F..Tordasi's Drae Store. J•nuar• 13111, lohd. •w3,.$1, .. - SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Vetted Comities Int, virtue of • W ro Huron awl Kraut a vow.. „ and out of der Idsolny'• Ciont 01 lduceiell Bea ▪ tneOtrected airmail/ the la Ild• •11,1 01 /1101111111.10, i(1411144. 1148 J•fues Ken!, Jam • Memel! Stevenaos and •reat- teiit Cuok S141..1604,1 have se.s..1 •nd taste a bah ut.ou ell the right, idle mud interest of the • Jetenesut.•• suit to Lot utimber Th rty-tiont, an the Secousl Lange, and len Voria. is the sees und South el the Durhswit ItLed. Lotto Numb". Thirty -mete •ed roily le he thin.' Meuse, mutts of the Durham /load, all in the Townohip Kraut. in the County uf Sauey. cootainiar 1114 sure• 1.1:061.1 eueh, more stiles.; which lands atte le/1,111.1114 1 shed' offer 1,ta 0111, W.11111411, 1W 11/e C1•11 House. the town of Goilerich, on Tura- dav Twenty -meth day of Noveidber mat, at the hour col Melte 01 the Flock, Iwo,. JOHN MACDONALD, To Wit : VICrl eJ NO 111 COLBORNE, OT is the I Ith W. offered aJ fir. 500. e25.) Cs411, balance time. This !arid of excellent loaltly, with a t 60 acres elt red, "folds 6 miles of Hoderich, 4 vol which a gravelled. At ply to J. B. GORDON. Goilerich, h fi, 1865. lima 81r Or e. t sale. LIME Span of good 'arra Homey". Marmot. he., Nob S.' Apply to T110MAS or JOHN WEATIIKRAIA). uderich. treh NOT1C milli. en -pit ership Itetetolore exi ling he. troinibe eh:reigned under th name and style' of 0 gem. McPherson Co.. iiimil;ris and Motel 'iiista ot the Villa of Clinton. Couuty sof 1 roe, is dissolved is do] by mutual Minima. Thomas Evershe leaving the brat -- shot ts ia lucre of the remaining part rm to be paid 1..r.111 Bs firm to be collected by th • q E FA I . OF SI ri N.% IFI.ELD. For se e. Deptity Shealy, n Insolvency for fho Uni tars. and all debts due by the _II3d luknirrI0P, 1,101,7 hy letter postpaid) Sherid's other. Goilcrich, by them. re h cormaid, 0N:eller wit!, I and mitignier the 111114.110,14, • riggo8o, 'wanner, t• Best Oplelterl ,d ineremito bet.ingine10 in atri w atinert•ining. the ojd 3lethodist Church oe king street under Voter oi Sete. w7til • • M CAM !ION. $41114.110, 10f I nose.. re ly s tn 'Mortgage Sa oneevenin4 during the past week, an A eorres?ondent relates the following inci• !wok • e open three caah boxes place'd the - .. We hay. a friend -a bachelor friend -•ery fond of the soviet! of the lathes. fc'r is.""QarY PurPt?,ses• F"rigft"T t •ttreniely modest and diffident withal.- the box which contained the lamina hU hu .t few evening, since be went to nuke a call • (I67) liNd been emptied by the Suirri upon en sconsontance who had recently taken, tendent the night revious The tl te himself a wife, young and beentitei, •nd, ' look all the 'silver from the other tw las inatter of course, ruerflowine wriih affee. bon., icuing the copper.H. mot, ef • weel., a!! other wives, tonid scarcely *waive the brief absence -of her huotierld for the duscharge of h11 business.and aiirom upon (ion for ha, husband Now this lovely wife 8 pectator. e • Andrew Robertson, m. Andrew %Video* and Hobert Para, hauhrents, lOtendurits. Ul'ON the applisation of tbe I'laintift and upon reeling the pspera tiled, it is ordered I that • meeting of the creditors of the above I r.amed insolvents he held before the Judge jof the County Court of the County of Ptrth, at seek time and place an the Slid JUdfft. may . omelet. or the purpose of giving their advice ix to the appointment of an official munget.. of the estate end property of the said vents, peisuunt to. the Statute. It COO Flt, Judge Huron k Bruce. Creletieli, 13th 11_7_elloniery, 106:a. In Insolvency County of Perth. 1/3.-1,1 leovis and William Frederick Kay 11:.larokit,iffiL,r7.1..,,siniirel.re• Wallace and lkobert UPON reeding the' writ hound in matter and the declaratiou thereto annexed, awl the affidavits of sei•ice thereof thereto an• taxed. an.1 the retie., of the Sheriff of the County ef Perth thereto. thereon endorsed and no refit -kin to gen.!, or to stay proceed• inds beirig filed, I do order lltat the creditors of the tabove named Atilre.w Wads& and Robert Park shall meet belcre MP at my ehambent, in the Town of Stratford, on Thursday, the twenty4 hied day ot March, A.D. 1.65. at twelve of the clock, noon doe notice of this order to be given to each of the said foredoom for the -purpese of giving their advice broil the' appointmest of an official assigsee. o 32 Shares & Anchors, Rigging., &c., in Schooner 'Jenny I Run:than. N nrm •nd liv visite 01' A Power of Sale er • Mooed on certain 91..,rtgage mode by ‘' TERRIIIII 14:1111 14 A ItAll.RoAlf. CAR.- Thomas If. V auLvere nol (trots* It ,,,,, ef his return met him upon the threshol 1, and The Ituffalo pryers give the following partit. tee fown of Goderich, in the l'ounly On smothered him eoh Limes. It on hail...I'd/ stars of the ileeth of kir, Godfrey Schultz of Forw.ielen..04 the First pori•end when our friend Celled, that the husband • as Au nuni on hi, Way to War ra,, and Neinitel• II. Der Ito, mul Town.in Coder.eli, fond n..4 aexinuo wife. She heard ha leo- rel his carpet bag, surf essayed to make hie Town et Coderieh aforesaid; .10.011 beim.' brew absent, but wail momentarily expected by the Pa., when a collar... took.place and he grate. :I''''''.h.^:;t7Cri:tr„..thor'j:.7.7,1,rr!'„•,,,w,„"„';':,0%.„,4 1,4,77'- 1..11 upon the vt•p, gni sunosing it to be h.', escape from the ear. Just then the begrage made in Ihe payinetit thereof. end thermere • o • 1 , au he car came entailing in -through the ear he /rem ".00..7"4. 1'nd doe-nolioe'hevmff had scarcely laid les Ivied the Wel pull • ireeumed, end hefore he could release himself bee" "" 41! 1".".4 col•1451 othwei R011 before the door flew open, awl hit neck was he was jammed in between tn., seats. The • be lood by Piagie Aiactior.eri • act I • II. encircled hy a ritir of white arm., and hurn• suive was upset, and in *moment the car was Tuesday, the 1Sth day of April next, • at 'welt. elites noon. sit the Auction Mart of him from ha 1 rnsitiorl, het a ithout Mreors. Thome. 61 lloyiehorts. on Kingston rt.. arm]. Large pentitiee 1,f snow were thrown "lt lb" "n'san (i.olerieh,th• hillossinu in through tb„, window of burning perty.lhst Iv to say. Thin v-1 wo ,,,,, bested Shares Ve '1 ••.1 ing kerma fell t lick anil fast upon hit lips i„ flim... Ferri. 11* • 1 sad eheeks-while • full ned thrvithing bream .. was strained to ha. Dere ome a trying tie - olio's for a diffident (Ilan, atel our friend came near to fainting on the epiii; but, tortunatery, with deipetata euergv he stooped (low., Rt,,,the,,. 14,.„ t o p„,„„,. ,,,. v"E„,, si .4 .rta iit soi1 n stl,titat earl ie.." 1hr emir die lady discovered her mistake in Ammon to gathered it with hie hands, end applied it 10 Rowell aforesaid, nika lying it the Port ol (bode - prevent such a meanebuly event, and he 1 his face and hody. Doff the merelleso Mitnes rich. simesend, mist -thee with all sole *insular the escaped' more deed thin a:iye. The last continued to wrap thn tInroef ulnae 1T1811 111 anchor,. rnotofg. formtore. teekio and •pruorel we saw of hirn, be was teeniest spinet a tree, ' their fold'. end 1 or twe ow i t s h oall 1,, m 1111 P e I heretinto believer or tn any wane appertain - fanning honself with hit sombrero, in order clothed in fire brtore 0 I d d h mg. Deed under Power of Sale. to recover strength to region/los lodgre.gs.-- veriest coulee of a body. Solsettor Mortemeeee. (New York Home Journal. The N. Y. SIM has the following on the ! advantages ot advertaine • To property ' A Chatham Planettorrespntalent writes:e- appreeiste the 514tie of ndwerteing. cr., ether tt The Celville ferm, sold a short time since esethods of making one'e loneness known to ' Int 810,700, to Mr. Ilet jamin of Montreal, the community, we have only to instance the. hat changed hands several toffee, the last many large fortunes that hem been derived tram:for being from Mr Munson, of Oil from a systematic course of advertising a Spring& to Nleoars. hfessmore & co.. or New good article in the columns of newspaper/1.- rorlc, et g3r,,000. The noljnming-4V ACM!, Benjamin Itrandreth, who is now worth !Ulf mewed by Mews. Duncan k rtoo, at an ear. a million of dollars, attributes his Ilicceits to ly date, from Mr Atwel,l, at t5 500 is now advertiming, which beton with notices 'in the Shos. Dr. Townsend. and many others, are tiring examples. Shortly after the war •eolarnenced Mr. Ramiro concluded that his expenses must be curtailed, and accordingly fan orders to one of his agents that his erl vertiarnents in the Sun rnust be cut down • Oil Items. II. C. CASIEltfIN, Mortg;ag.e Sale! or 64 Shares & Boats, Guns, Amu- wition, Small .1rrns and Appurtenan- ces, of" Meunier Niagara. NDEll and by virtue of a Power of Sale container! is • certain Mnrtgage 11i11.10 largely incremed in ea vie, the eum of ja,500 Thomaa 11. anEvery and George Iturnball, heing offered for it fit limo of transfer. Mr• of the Trom ot Goikrich, In the County ol,; Sualwell sold 30 acres at 0200 per acre to fluTon, Forwarder& of the First Part, and Merows..Inrdan, lthwrervw & of Adrian. John V. Detlor and Samuel II. Detlor, of the Mr. Lick's well ia yielrli"g 11' fhe rub" 01. eforesaid Toon of Godmieb, Merchente, of least 40 barrele per day, and more if the the Second Part, which said Mortenge C 11 it odor his slumber*. Ile ming been employed in matchmaktng. et twelve n•elock, noon, at the Auction gave orders to doable the site of the *dyer. ' Bard', • forteithf elhlated &nee the Mart of Messrs. Thomson k Haalehural. .up. doily feconled in the Custron House of the roan' discovered that hot dai'y receipts were I A remarkable purges! (operation bee •itut one half re,. days later the 'great show. ••••• l'ort of Montreal ; &fiat having been merle 'growing 'smaller by degrees and beautifully !been performed in New York, viz., the re. rin the due pnyment thereof, and due notire having been pervert on all parties entitled to leas.' Ile doubled his attraction., but still motel of the lower jaw for neernaix, induced notice, will be sold by Public Auction, cm his receipts were not increased. The matter by expoeure to the fume* of Inciter melches, became serious, and troubled Mr. Barnum en -the pattent, a boy of tweite year. of age, Tuesday, . Ihe 18th day of Aprl! next, lumen*. It was done, am! the result, as re. operation and the boy mid to be doing well, lated by Barnum himeelf, was an inereee oil beine able to walk oot in the nir, and but 1150 in his reeeipts the tirst week, and 4250 speedy perfect recovery is certain. per week subsequently. Since then he has never attempted to economize by reducing TIM Neeen Tatioes•-The Richmond Smi- ths amount paid for his advertismenta." find of Woe& says :-" Both Houses of the A Toaftlawrita ltationerf al the delivery window of a post office, nerving the impatient throng without, wee muldenly confronted by a eountenaroce flaming with oreth ; which countenance was that of a well knoan gentle - on Kin ;skin street, mid Town of I oodericti, the following property, thst is to any; Sixty. four undivided Shares or perte of and in all that Yew! called the " " then the property of VsnEvery & Hum all, aforesaid, now lying at the Port of Goolerich, aforesaid, Virgini` 616" "" ennearr'd in C". together with all and singular the anchors, tress to support the poliey of introducing ne- rigging, furniture, tackle and apparel there. genes am soldiers in the field. The resolutions „orro bejongmff or i„ ft ny Uie ppert log „ take the broadest grounds, and we trust the Confederate Senate well now Act withont de. &halve. mentioned. treed coder Power or ay.o Man by the risme of M- III-; who had A few day, ago, at Dalmellingtnn station, w7114 M. C. C.kNIF,ROr .' Solicitor for 'Mortgegees. oltlo."41 hil Say through 41. ere•ftli demand Ayrshire, an elder Inahwonino.who arrived • ---- ing retire. !lending the 1Protmester a Brit• few minutes After the train Inul darted, net inh letter matted "unpaid, Vie." P'1"--- 1(Arto run after it. She nf rearm imon calm 11- exclaimed 181 tone of righteous in.: to a halt. abusing the unaceommodating dignation "flei.e, sir, in a letter that 1 paw P.A.OT 0 .EI, -V- 1 engine, and adding vrith a 11911P brogue. - 25 eints /or out et my owl. pocket, and the peugh. The great hid egly Inter, when she WITH 5 kettles and other appnratne, all leiter from Pht C°"%fr"".' "mei° in ^1.1 fete as mild as me, Meted she won't run to in goorf working order, wonted in the Intlimd, and Pat ie se honest a bliss iver that be para poet,i",,t ono. oultill "That wu A horrible ATitir-111. murder of smart feet, and Ili he obleigoi to you if 1th " whot Defter' milted half a yo..4 r.11 ro. who in „3„). Red.& o tee% down voices at once. ..Sar Deer, " saw daylight, mid Pat mars inside leuer, q Town of Coderlch, For sale on rensonable teems. limo given for most ot the purchme money if required. Alm), a COOPERAGE! h. rho.t.„.1 „,„, and man, to mote tom !lean. and the moiling up or his remains in a me that's going to pet up with such rasheal- oty." Ilere he brought down hie shtlIaley on the Once, to the imminent danger of hie restehbotre toes, suggestive of a fitted deter- Miestion %to hue setiefaetinn from the on. Women defrauder. th, postmaster Informed him thou if any mistake howl (warm, lloeffoit Ofilee Department in England wax to blame, and Wootton the party to be seed.-" Is it the Reklah government 7" migeired he - • Certainly" was the reply. NI-- H --- settled his bet over hie eyes, remarking Aid se, " all up yid my 25 eeets."- Tea pure aniewit Ante. Xr. Yieterces-iVntri-neo; made a very boozy epeeeh at du inimignrsi ceremony.. l'ense-too meeh trine. A man very much intoxieeierl 511.4 *int to prison. " Why don't you bail hire out With tools enitehle for general wnrk. Terme, Ignited a bystander. " Rale him mil" .0- elaimed dm other; "you couldn't pump )1,111 Ma I" Tee Fletsie 1-A Rolston teleerani says A great osemong of the friend& rif Irish natioe• alit, wae held last Thersdny night in Famoil Hall, under the improve oldie Fenian broth. arhood, at whieh speeches were made by Coi. Mnthony, head centre of dm bentherbond time United Mateo; Captaie R. R. WA", el Penn. and A. P. Somali, of Ileum. the meeting adopted le101510rIs ratifying the pro- emehrogs aril resolutions of the lets Fenian part Cash -balance on ti.ne. This propet lion will he sold separately and at two thirds albeit Milne. A grmd house afterlife' to Inch pmperty. Ap p4I to J. B. flORI)ON, finderieh.: goderieh, March flth, I /1113. sw04 OAME intro the emblems of the fleheerlher V S4 of lot 19, 10th erm., ffawannek, aboot thre tairldle of fleptember last, two Heifers eorniag 3 years nld, nne red and whits the other black and white. The turner is melees - owl to peeve property pav Armes and take emigrate held ia Cieciratti. Great eathnsi. theta aeay. PETER RUTHERFORD. urn prevailed. St. Hitless, Mr% 1 Ith, 1865. 3t • D. EL LIZA h.41, Sedge County Court, Crustily of Perth. Dated at (*banshees this 1st day of February, 1805. • Sheriff 'es Sale of Leads. Cnit.Ifleionties Y of n wirit m Huron and Bruce, ILI Fleet issteid nnt T11 W11: lfu Majesty's Comity Cmat 01 she retied Cirintien of Huron and Bruce and to me directed eireinst the !mode and tem. menet of Nesbitt Borger end Gootee 131cfcar. ot the snit ol Oliver Mockler'', John Thome., Willinm trams. jr.. and Janie, Marl:Wm. IN,horie wised and token in Eseoution all the right/title and inter...011hr seal .Irlenflants in en., to 1,1511 Numbers Ile, 113,114. 115. 116, 1 i7 end 55, also ;het certeln percel or tract of Ian& known ea the Mtn Block end .140 that from fn ;mei.] or Pm of lend. 14,111141 14 bounded on the North wife the Iti-er Maitland. on the South v,de by the Town line between the Towenehips et Morris and Turn - berry. and on the East wile hy the W4111 hoendary line of Lo4 119 to he extended tu the Hever Mait- land, with sny lest. privileges whoeh may be derived from the /liver Maitland so far East as lyde street. all in•t he County of' Heron, which 11,11ndk and Tenemena shell elfin tor mie at my oilier in. the Cram Douse In the 'ewe in (lode - rich. on 'Tlersitly the 'thirteenth iley of June neat, at the hou 411 twelve of the elor le noon. JOHN MACDONALD, Fberilf, H.& Sheriff'n Office, Qivileriett,/ 2nd Marrh, 1Wt, . , SHERIFF'S SALE OF LAWS. Ironed (74nintwa DV twn writ. el Huron and 'truce, 1_11 Expense end Tro .S•• tt Fieri Poeta ‘for resod., 1,14111141 11111. er /11r Majimerho Cdenty Court otthe Connty of mod Corot of COT. T151 Peso. end lb me directed nem the rondo iond tenement* reserver', Mem Sthanton. Enoch C. Dowling end Po Oilmenr, et the mint of fuer 34. Howled • the Corporation of the :Township of I have twined •nd taken on Exmoition .11 the right, tp.itlert a Indn; ntmeren. inkt ft.% hemsa..idx,rtaentedniil:inhis..sinnnatadh 4:05, Mien No 6, Kam sale el Queen mmet North, Wien mihilisisiontraPark Lot No, 4 III the tril- led. of ; Month ball of len 21 on the Nest side of Closer, Street !tont h Pantley, Park Lot No. 13 NO1111 side nf (ammeter street. snd Illoelt 13 Wee. Pule of Qneen Street, North lot 13 Month Sole aml 13 and 14 N nob *ode of f'ambrefee street, Pander North hall (KIM I. East lode of Huron otreet, Southampton, 30 feet of the North • o ugh treet, 1.:4ontlionnpron, lents 29 and AO on the orth sole i4CInrendon otmet, Snoth•mpton i Lot tri Ea.; male int Koefolk Street, Southrimplow, Leda 21 and 22 Amok nide of 1,rmis• met., Soutlyarnmete, ell in theemint of !Imre • /which land• and tette- memo I ahat nffer aele m nffice in the Conn HOU.. on the Town of (4 Tielt, Tom - day fh• Twenty.Eiehth day of Ftettrus.y use, at the beer T sthiee ot threi etreth, noon JOHNl MAC:41.11.1,4NAHL114, By P. putdwat, flopety envoi. Iherimilli:a,s0111r....4thnitemmroth, seri The shore sale is postponed till Tueinky. the 4th day of April next. i in NDER and.by virtue of a Power of Sale hf contained in a certaito Mortgage made by Thomna II. YanEvery arid George Iturnhall. of the Town of tonderich, in the County of Huron, Forwerderse ot the fir* part. and Robert Oiliboni,of said Town of tirelerich,Es quire, of the second pert,and whieh :raid Nlort gaze was duly sold. nasiznerl anil mei, neer hy the earl Robert Gibbons to F. Wolferstan Thomna, of the said Town of lioderich. Eteluire,Rgent of the Bank rof Montreal .in Isaid town, which said mortgage and nseign. ment •re duly nworded in the Cuotnin House of the l'ort of Owlet ich. (lefenIt having been made in the doe payment thereof rod due notice haring been served nn RH parties en- titled to notice Ise required by said Mortgage) w41 he snel by Public Auction T..1. 1100111101'SE. - ' Signal ' Offire. 1$65. sw42tf eap. Garrieh, Feb. 21 t, For Sale T irrin , enn.. Mrticel TO,It alum; VI. .11.4 cert. /Loon. Apply. to M. C. CAME NT. Caterrett.thootter *mkt. w le . _ QTR.(' STHAYEI).--Casne into the p kl ism of the subeerther. let I. 1st erm, townehip, shout the 1st Noventher lest, a !kindled Steer retied year's old. The owner it requested 0) prove property, poy thardes, and take bon nway. JAS. DAVIES. , Goderich, March 4, I wt1 3i•o Morttrawe Sale OF 16 SHARES AND ANCHORS atutim,&e., IN SC TECUMSETII. On Thursday. the Six- teenth day of March Neet, at twelve &clerk. e st the Auction • Mart of CEORCE Pell. TR ORPIIA N on'the Markut Squat, ..5 Wald 1.1/5n of Lode. rich. tlic follewing properly. thro ia 10 say : SIxteen undivided shame or parts of nod in all that vessel called the freeumie th, t hen the prop erty of VanEvery and Itumbroll,stormaiihreaw lying at the l'ort of finderich, aforesaid, together with rill awl sirogu'ar the oviehore, etaging. furniture, tackle and apronnot there. unto belneging or in any wise appertaining. Deed antler Power ot Sete.. 111A LEWIS, Solicitor for F. Wolferman Thomas, Agent and Assignee slammed. Iledstich, Feb. 23rd, ISO. vr5-td _ • Farm Insurance Only. TIM DEAVER MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY errirt, 20 menern AT., TORONTO. c.1. E. M. TlInsinou, President. R. L. Ilex. mow, ice -President. ri,,,,,Avoncioolon insurers Farm Iln3dinge Isolated Buildings and property only. (neurone's eon he effected either open tho Premium Note tvitem or Caeh sperm. The rale* for Insulanee arn eareinfingly low, being le* than one third the prices charged by Pmprietary Companies. L000m Promptly mid Boimorably eetnigge. BLIITRA, Nov. 1464. 711 Ms Massager of the Heaver Mutoal "'ire huterance Association 1- StR,-1 beg hereby to thank the Dir. orlon of you thrtingh you, for you outtiefectnry !settlement of my Hain% ot Them Handed and Eighty.Seven Dollars and fire meta, for the loos nry barn Sod hay and grain, which weft insured ho yoer Asencistion under Policy 5399- my elaim for hay and grain heing paid in fall. , DANIEL MOORE. Witomois-JNO. 111.1c K It Ir • RN. For Inonranee ani full partienlare apply to THOMAS 1101.MES.J. P., 'dime. [.N1 4t•.-1 1 Pin September. INA. w3.$ This elle 10 roapnawd tul Torelpy the Ilstb day of March, 1:466. J\011IN MACDON.% LD Sheriff, H.& 111. FARM RENT, -0 *- LE T ON SH RES! • CNDEII.,I(INEI) millet hi •rto cel - 1 borne, loto 10 snd 11, Pth eon., wther ..n sham*. elarroviee,•. nay be agreed ma.a. 1 he 11•7111 r0111101.115:11 0 HUNDRED ACRES 100 of nit arerieared,•nd :•0 free ut stunita. Well yrs red-wOhla FIVE LES OF GODERICH, mut only three Iles from two Sawge ills. norms tr,ernintr.hintses 0. 18 101,1 order. For further • ulars split% toHERT wHitoy,s, Ooderich,er the mews to DAVID CLARK. (Lettere-h. t kt.3, led m:116 - Lost. S11.11.1. yellow colored kb Terrier, 3 lied on a chain miller, aro *ring to the n ame of VARY. An_y person bringing the 'IRMO to tho Crown Leeds Agency will be rewarded. Goderich, 22nd Feb., 1683. sw60 3t OR SALE. Qn ACRES. of loot No. 32, Lail Lake v lipoid, Hay. FIRST - RATE LAND l'erms ensy,ap;ily to 1)0NALD SUTHERLAND. nn the premises, ot M. C. CAMERON, Onderico. tIndsrieh. April 20th. 10114. w14.tt SIORTGAGE SALE ()PLAIDS. cettith.) urNI)ER end by tom. ex • "mimeo( Sale eon. kJ twined in • motion Mont:ewe male hy Po It - E rtl T.nnier and Josiah 'framer. ol, the Yilleire ot ,,,, /ltettlirron. in the C t$ of Wore, ye of the Are l'eurl, stUI Tonna. I fedirey,.. sof the same place, rentlernse, 01 the *rimed pot! (de- mon hn•mg fier• Funds. in the dee privment thereof) wet ne he petite 1111r1,08 Wiwi - minder the Ilnd der 110 Moroi neat et torte,* o'elosill, noon, •I llovel, in the mod Wits •pe .11 Southemplon. the following propetty, that No to is, : Pare Lot No. on the weet aoM et -Carlton. mope. la the eteresset •illomi or nnhiltemplon, contsining ins acres gad one hal!, more Or lose. Alm at the tonne lime and tinder is power id Wide in a eertairt other mreureire eade Abrithain West. of the Mid village, ...Mo. 4. mike.. to 'hewed Thotnestlottfay. trill he sold Town lot No 3, oorth sale ol 11.001 tereet, 111 the mid manor nonthampton, itifeet in irostrehor et.. RO feet deep, With tnne in the rent. • Sr I Orin. -gine-half cosh Anil 'wiener tei two equal instalments at 6 and II months *oh intoM est at ratio pet rent, FltEDEHICK PROCDFOOT, Soliettor foe Monument, IMMO ffth TOO., 1865. w3dtflin SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Cnned Cenetiesof U •irttie of • writ of Ifnion end 11itii•e, 1 .1 Fier, Fames To Wit loaned roil of Iler Comity Com? nt the Connty of Stant. and to tee dire.1.4 agantort the Janda and tenements ol W•ner Renwiek,i4 the mit 01 Mar in. I have ...tear and token in Eseeistion ell the neht, toile and interee of' the met detookei in find to lot noinlirr one in the tenth oweessum month of ilitom Mind /5 18. Township of Tn. lierornith, 1/1 the Loriett of Huron, which land.11151 tenetnenta I shalt oder tor sale at rov offirse in the t /11/11.5 111 Ilse Town ef fink...h. on Too, sdity, Itto day of June next, st the hour oil tivelre of the eloek, atom. Joust MA C1N1NA LT% learrif, ilk 1. fly l'en.fmcw, Ileputv Sheriff. Sheol •• Offlee, fanderteh, t 37th Jan.. Ifeta. 1.3 LOST OR MISLAID. A Not. of gand benring data April 4th, Ks. 1064-dn• 10 montha after date -drawn in farm of Robert Ressin, signed by John Kerne, emneriting $34. Thin is to forted 611 mowing ?run mirelmaing otlirrwies ingrotiating the same. PATRICK coNNELLT. trieninnik, Feb. 24M, 1043. 1.6•30 D. Mel'IlL °ON, WM. ISLAM VI, WM. HOVEY, 111(18. EVERS Witoriat--AIIASA W1)1,11). 1Mted at FingaLyeb. 27, 1865. vr6.3t - . D. THE HAWLEY FARM! NIILES Crum 1; calerith 00 the Huron 4 Road, TO LET OR SELL. --- The above farm will he let or sold on very. reasonable linos. Apply to -J. !ILA KE, lioulerich, March 0, 1865, ;504 AUNTS WANTED ! Fifty Dollars a Month ! - AND ALL EXI'ENES PAID. reolt further particoilara apply, either pm- .. mmally or by mail with Rump, 10 DR. A. J. ARCHER, • Ashfie'd, Belfast p.n., C W. WtORTSAGE SALE. 'WHEREAS doormat haying been made in •• payment of • Mortgage made by Ed- ward Kelly of the Township n* Aithlield. in the County of Ilionn. eremite, and Mary Ann Kelly, wife ot Felwarel Kelly. (for the purpeme e l barring her Dneroor), tn William Lawman' nf the Town nr anderteh. in the County of Heron, Gentlemen. The f Mowing lend and premiere will he mid by Public Auction at ri. M. Tfiteman'ol Auction Man, 88 the 22nd Mare?, 1.65, at the hoer 01 twelve o'clock, noon, stahjeet to • Mortgage or *too and" intereist el eight per cent, dote 1st May 11165, that ie to say, ell and sirgular that eertein name! or tract of lend nod premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Ashflehl, in the Conroy of Huron. brine eon/rimed of the MUIR tutifof the north WI of Int nunther eleven, in the third concees,na'ametern diviaion of the mid Township of .kahfield, enntieining by adrnessurement fifty acres of land, mom or lesa. . Deed Power anntainrii in Mortgage. ,Terms of Saho-Cneh or Credit. For farther particulere apply to IL, Shade flooding, Solicitor, West Street. - 1). suAnE noon's°. Solicitnr 'or Mortgages. Petrel 7th Marei. 1441. wfdd OFFERS 0111.0T 3.11. [the lonvirl Smith Intl wee 3..• side of North street, 6,uterich, will he re. mired till The 20th of Marcn next. The ramie,. &Airing pprchane Will atom their mph offer, alom no a credit nf several veers% at 6 per rent per annum. The offer considered meet rolearitageone foe the ererli. tont of the late Mr. Smith will be accepted, and parties notified immediately. More particular information will he eiven M. C. Cameron, Esq.. Barrister, ie., rioderieli, who eriP aim receive the °Cary and forward tbem to the undersigned. M. C. SCHOFIELD. Berlin, 10tb 1863. (sw4611 _ NOTICE. CoUNtIES' CLERK'S OFFCE enli open Avery erineatlat,•nti for non week after esf.h meet tog se the (/ ohm ies• Connell . All eon, - M..11.111 ion. 6o t he Count ies' Clerk to he direeted In Hayfield Peet Onto,. FETER ADAMSON, 1 mates' clerk. ere ot (JAM,: iittft the enema of the enhaetther, lot V 4, ffth con., 1 ownehip of Cons:wen gest the lit of November Inst. a Tarok Rad emitting 3 pores old. The owner hi requested to penes property pay (Matra and 1st. her away. XICROLAS socint. TA. 2114, 11143. .3"It 111'5111 MeMATII, leat .3, 4th w Jon. 3n, 1405. A BY-LAW .ts raise Ly way of Lwrit the rum of Twenty Thousaad Ass purposes ilsercia turnsiorted, ItifEREAS the Corporroi in nf the L•iiiteif II Counties of Baron Itruee hu re• eolved to Grulls, Gravid and improve certain thifsiLhar.iss:a.,:whiitato „bet he.idnetemo:tryy nfit1isui".:tre. uses the mid iniprovemenre ate entirely within the County (A Huron, and the expetiw cif makitig the nano, in to be defrayed hy the Raid County irrupective uf the Comity of Itruce. the Liam or Debt will be raid by the *aid Ceuuty of Herres, seri the Rely hereimifter mentioned wi.1 be raised solely upon the rateahle property -withio Ube said Comity of Ilurou Ann 1•11•Alt•S to carry iato effe,ct the said recited object it will be ficeesaary for the said Corporation te raiw the aunt of l'eretity Thuusand Dollars, iu the manner hereis.alter nit:taloned wurnacos it is expedieut to define the respec- tive memos to be expended on eisch Litie iif Hoed inieuded to lie improved it shall be ,..,,xinpon;:e I no set oat in the Schedule at the ion! of this By Law and forming tort uf the AND witertese it will reqnire the imio of . Three Thousand Two Hundred 11ollors to be raieerfannually by Special !tate for the payAmaeontyoln the mid Loan or Debt and tams est aa also hereinafter mentioned. the amount of the whale ratmehle property of the said irrespective of any future increase is the mine, and irreepective or •ny income to be dittoed from the temporary investment el the stoking fund hereinafter mentioned or any Part thereof, secrirdnig to the last revised Aim:element Italia being for the year eee mend eight hawked end silty roar was Eig dhotis Two hundred lend Eighty.eight x hundred and Ninety Mx dollars s ACV wnsne• fur paying the Interest and creasing an'enea Hama! Sinking Fund for paying the said su of Twenty Thmiesnd Dollars and interest as inertia mentioned. it Vrill require. an equal ano Spetiol Rate of tOutorrithis of a mill the Dollar in ad ditiov to all other rate:read taxes tolseed in each year. Be it therefore enacted 1.t the C of the United Counties' of Neon swQrrlrt7tio;c:,4''''''--„„, I. That it shell be lawful for the Warden tor the time being rof the said lest mentioned C'orporation te raim toy way tor Loan, loom any 'orlon or persona, body or bodies corp. - nae ho may be willing 10 Ad the IMMO upou I credit oldie Debentures hereinafter meeition. , num of money not exceedlng the whole the 'urn olcfwenty Thousand !Pol- lan', and to"-eause the same to he paid iinto the hands the Treasurer of the United Dries aforesaid, for the puyproes and with t ohjeet above recited. That it shell be Inerfel Cor the soll.1 • to Mine wily liuml/er cif shibetiturea to in for such sums of money as may he requinnf, not les• than Ono Hundred Dol - lam each, and that the mid Debentures shall be sealed with the mid of the said Corpora. tion, and sigtied by the said %Verdian. 111. That the maid Debentures Moll be o de payable ie ten years at furthest. [rots th day hereinafter Mentioned for this Be Lave tu take effect either its London, in Eng. land, Of Rome place iu Caned, to be designat- ed the said liebeatures, and shell have attached to them Coupone for the payment of' Intereet. 1V. That the said Debentyres and roe. pona shall be sunde out either Sterling money or l'rovineial carreney of this Pro - whore, at the option, of the maid Werden se tat the whole &mourn of mod /*Lenten,* all not exceed the before mentineed mins f Twenty Thousand nollAm, and they shall ar interent at anal after the rate of itx per o tum per Istollitn, which interest shall be yothle on the tirat day cif January ant first • or July, in reel) and every year during be contimaguice of the mid Debentures at e plate where the Debentures are mad° vable:' V. That for the purpene of forming w liking Fond tor the payment of the said bentures and the tnterest at the rate afore - id tn become dite thereon. an equal special te of four tenths of mill in the Dollar, all in addition to all other rotes and taxes, raised, levied and collected in each year lely upon all the rateable. property. within said County of furon, durang the cocaine. cot of Mid debentures or any of them. sh be ce l'a th Si De sa oh be so the XII Vf. That this Ily:luer shall take effect and crime into operation upon the Ninetemith day of June, in dee year or oar 110LII Ober 'Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty.lire. SCHEDULE REFERRED TO IN VIIIC FORE- GOING. Seven ThoesanU rollers to be impended on the Colborne mil Ashfield Road. cow meriting at A. Allena Tavern, going North- ward. Four Tlioneand Dollars on the Mail Road, Stephen, between Lota Ten Red Eleven, commenting at the London hoed. One Thousand Dollen, on the Extenaina of the Hay Gravel Road. Three Thontand Mit Hundred Dollen, ow thelieoforth •/inn4, .eriterneneing at Days' Tavern, gning North tn Belmore. TWO Th0111111114 Four Unwired Dollars en the line between the Eighth arid Ninth Cu - equines of Howick, commencing at They's Taming. Two Themeand Dollare on the Clinton and Winghnm Road, through lints Twenty•Three and Twenty Four to the Cnoession Line be- tween the biigilth and Minh. and thence along said Line to the Sale L'ne between Lou Twenty and Twenty•One, and thence. 'dont: laid Side Linc to the Itnendery Line of the County of Rrece within the said County of Iluron. NOTICE Till: above R true tory of a pereproed try - IA. to tw token into comidemaion the Municipality of the United Cevinties !Limn and Bruce, at the Cooney Court Moron in the Iowa of (Incleorich the Comity of Heron on the Seventh day of June, 1 Q61, 14 the hoar of three' o'cleek, is ther afternoon, at which time and place thy mem hen of the Coined are hereby revisited to attend for the perpoom aforemidl. PETER ADAMSON, Commies' Cheek. County Clerk's Office, G./do/rah 22nd EA.; I/103. i td Dog Eltrayed. -- A DOG shoot a ronnthe old strayed Insei hia muter in noa.oith, on the 21st km. Being a dark Inevern apptnisehtng to Meek na the true, with while on ler mod se* no forehead, nod brie • strap tormail Hs owns. Mei 'hostiles Ulm of the f'sielep. A wy prre. sea giving lisfeneetme ,vgassliser the eamo Usher to Mr. A Sleek, Inalresper, Giwtersek, ow in John Gordon, St. Belau. W umusnsh. wi/I bo though/env meelmil. Rt. Honda, 22ret, 1503. w 3 3,.