HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-05-05, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES T Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, May 5th, 6th, 7th SPECIAL.----- WAIT TILL YOU SEE THEM TOGETHER' in the amazing adaptation of the play by Edna Ferber and George S Kaufman syssj: Direcled by GRIGORY LA CAVA. Produced by PANDRO S. BERMAN, Screenoley by Motrle Ryrklnd and Anthony Veiller, Also “Musical Comedy” “Mickey Mouse Cartoon” “News” Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 9th, 10th, 11th LUISE RAINER — SPENCER TRACY Two of Fildom’s finest stars in a thrilling drama. Also “Charley Chase Comedy” “Coloured Cartoon” ................................. ......... ., .*■ v t. . stitute have decided to hold the reg­ ular meetings^ on the first Thursday the month. Hence the meeting for May will be held this Thursday, May 5th, at the Hall. The roll call will be answered by Tongue-Twisters, and Mrs. Victor Emerson will give a talk on the motto “If all the members • were just like me, What would our Women’s Institute be?” A good pro­ gram is being prepared and all the ladies of the community are invited to attend. Rev. J. Pollock exchanged pulpits with Rev. Mr. McGillivray of Loch- alsh Presbyterian Church on Sunday, Mrs. Joe Pennell, of Brantford, and Mrs. Walter Pennell and son, Ches­ ter, of' Culross, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson on Sunday. Miss Anna May Carrick, of Lis- towcl, spent the week-end at the home of her fther, ,Mr. R. Y. Carrick. Born—In E. Wawanosh, on Mon­ day, May 2, to Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, a son. The young people of the Presby­ terian Church held their monthly soc­ ial at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson of Culross, with Mr. Tom Wilson in charge. Mr. Jack McLean read the Scripture lesson and James Wilson sang a solo, and Rev. Pollock led in prayer. All joined in playing progressive crokinole until lunch was served and the socoial half-hour en­ joyed by all. At the Y.P.U. of hte United Church Monday evening, Mrs. Lott was in charge of the meeting, Miss Luella Laidlaw read the Scripture lesson and Mrs. J. D. Beecrcft led in prayer. The young folks were making arrange­ ments to attend the Huron Presby- terial Y.P.U. at Brucefield on May 9 and practising for their part .in the Bible Baseball with the first chapters of Mark’s Gospel. FOR MOTHER A Box of R&nM 10 s ‘?,Ff Hand Rolled Chocolates Always Fresh QUEEN’S COFFEE SHOP I LONDON - WINGHAM MOTORWAYS Leave Wingham Daily except Sunday and. Holidays Southbound 7.30 a.m. — 3.30 p.m. Northbound to Kincardine 9 p.m. Sunday and* Holidays Southbound1 4.30 p.m. Northbound to Kincardine 10.30 p.m. t$i*’s parents,,* Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Ca­ pers of the B'.j Imie^xH^yick, ' Mrs, Thompson, WiV^tfa'm, spent a couple of days last week vith Mr, and Mrs. Charles Gathers, Mr, and Mrs, A. E, Gallaher called on Mr, and Mrs. Maitland Porter, of Wingham -vicinity, one day last week, Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy spent one day last week with friends at Mi Id may, The Women’s-- Association held their regular meeting on Thursday afternoon with an attendance of 14. The president, Mrs. E. Palmer, open­ ed the meeting with singing the hymn •“Take the' name of Jesus with you” followed by all repeating the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Scripture les­ son from James 2, was read by Mrs. T. McMichael. The business period was devoted to making plans for a. Garden Party to be held on June 15. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. J. Gowdy, after which lunch was served by four of the ladies and the remainder of the day was in quilting. ST. HELENS spent WHITECHURCH Percy Vincent and visited on Saturday her aunt, Miss C. Ab. Cameron, Ash- Mr. and Mrs. Eva, of Auburn, at the home of Laidlaw. Mr. and Mrs. field, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Purdon on Sunday. Mr. Aldin Purdon had the misfor­ tune to lose a valuable horse on Sun­ day. On Thursday last, when Mrs. Rus­ sel Gaunt was visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Cur­ rie, she was amazed to see flames and smoke rolling up from the side of Mr. John Tervit’s barn. She ran* over and with Mrs. Tervit’s help, put out the fire that had started in some coops beside the barn. Mrs. Tervit, handi­ capped with her broken right arm, pumped water. No one had been at the barn, but a threshing engine had gone by a while before, and it is thought a spark from it had done the trick. Born—On Wednesday, at White- BLUEVALE Kerney. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H. Smith who have occupied the-house, have moved in with Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs; Kerney. Mrs. Kerney is not enjoying good health at pres­ ent. Rev. I. V. Kaine, of Grimsby and Mrs. Rev. Thompson, Parkhill, were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw. Rev. A. V. Robb and tMiss are in Toronto this week. Eu- Au- and Robb on Sunday., sister, Mrs. Mrs. Walter visited with — SPECIALS — Guaranteed Oil Perma­ nents. Including Shampoo and Finger Wave $1.75, regular $3.00 Also $5.00 Permanents $3.00 School Girl Permanents $1.50 Shampoo and Finger Wave 25c FARROW’S Beauty Salon In Gorrie Hotel. r church, to Mr. and Mrs. Johri Gaunt, a son. The babe has been quite ill but with Miss Merle Wilson, R.N., in charge it is steadily improving. Mr. Wm. Barbour celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday Congratulations. His Norrish and Mr. and Robson, of Walkerton, him in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Toynbee Lamb and children, of Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy and Mss Olive Kennedy returned home with them to spend a few weeks. Miss Jean Johnston, of Cedar Val­ ley, is with Mrs. W. R. Farrier for the next few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Robb, of Stratford, visited on Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Lester Falconer, of Cul­ ross. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McBrien and Doris, and Mr. Jasper McBrien, of Goderich, were visitors at the home of |Mrs. McBrien’s sister, Mrs. James Laidlaw. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Watt and Ross of Port Elgin, visited on Sunday with his sister, Miss Muriel Watt, at the home of their uncle, *Mr. and Mrs. W. Barbour. Mr. Emerson Colwell, of ■ Glamis, spent the week-end with Mr. Bert Culjjmdre. > i i . Rev. H. M. Wright conducted a communion? Service in the United Church on Sunday. Mr. Wm. Armstrong, of Teeswat- cr, spent a few clays last week at the home of his neice, Mrs. John Rich­ ardson. The Executive of the Women’s In- Institue to Meet May 12th The regular meeting of .the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held on Thurs­ day, May 12th, at 2.30 o’clock at the home of iMrs, George Thornton. The roll will be answered by introducing a new member. Mrs. Aitken will speak on the second class held in “Buyman­ ship”. These lessons promise even greater interest than the first ones. This will include a study of the man­ ufacture of shoes. Tl/e co-operative programme in Home Economics will be discussed. Music will- also be a feature of the meeting. Report -of Ex­ ecutive meeting. All members are re­ quested to be> present. a sing song and a round of It was decided to hold the weekly meetings on Sunday for a time. The first meet- Young People Held Social Evening The Y.P.U. of the United Church enjoyed a social gathering in the Sun­ day school room on Thursday even­ ing. During the evening they enter­ ed into games, regular evening ing was held on Sunday evening. The Scripture lesson, Matt. 19: 16-26, was read by' Spence McKinnon and W. J. Johnston led in prayer. The topic which dealt with the subject “Youth” was taken by George Hetherington. Rev. A. V. Robb contributed a solo. BELGRAVE Mrs. J. A. Brandon has returned home after spending some time with friends in Hamilton, Guelph and Fer­ gus. iMr. and Mrs. N. Keating and Cath­ erine also Mr, and Mrs. Bob Coultes and Billy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Mitchell at Rothsay. To Plan Recreation Grounds A public meeting of all who are in­ terested in organizing a community playground is being held in Belgrave on Friday night of this week. It is hoped that some form of organization may be established that will make provision for appropriate recreation activities for both male and female of all ages; the main feature will be a softball league made up of four or more teams recruited from the com­ munity which is to include Belgrave and surrounding territory. SALEM Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Caslick from north of Teeswater, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Palmer and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMichael spent Sunday afternoon with the lat- The meeting of the Girls’ Handi­ craft Club was held on Thursday at the home of the President, Vera Tay­ lor. The roll call was responded to by Smiple Pattern Alterations, and plans were completed for their social evening. Mrs. Webb demonstrated the cutting of a dress. At the con­ clusion lunch was served, the hostess­ es being Mildred McQuillin and phemia Rintoul. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thom, of burn, were recent guests of‘ Mr. Mrs. E. J. Thom, . ° The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. was held on Sunday evening with the vice president, Wallace Miller, in the chair. Mrs. E. W. Rice read the Scrip­ ture lesson and Grace Weatherhead the Christian Character on “John Cennick.” The topic “The Value of a Smile” was taken by Dick Weath­ erhead. Cuyler Ramage favored with a musical number and Stanley Todd led the discussion. Rev. H. M. Wright presented certificates to the following Who had taken the course under the Christian Leadership Training held in Nile last fall: Mrs. E. W. Rice, Vera Taylor, Isobel Miller, Stanley Todd. Others awarded them- were Dorothy Miller, Jean Thom, Laurine Miller. Mrs. W. I. Miller returned Mon­ day from Toronto where her daugh­ ter, Dorothy, is making favourable recovery after an operation perform­ ed at the Western Hospital last Wed­ nesday. Miss Mildred McQuillin, Mrs. Mc­ Kenzie Webb and Mrs. Wallace Mill­ er attended a meeting of the Exec­ utive of the District Women’s Insti­ tute at the home of /Mrs. Oster, the District President, at Blyth. : This week’s meeting of the Girl’s’ Handicraft Club was held at Vera' Taylor’s on Monday evening with 7 girls present. The roll call was res­ ponded to by naming “A Defect in my posture and how to correct it.” The girls worked on their dresses and at the conclusion lunch was served by the hostesses Sadie MacCharles and Annie Watson. PRESENTING Melodies in ■ * In the Friday Evening, May 6th — Featuring — A CHOIR OF OVER 40 VOICES. A FASHION PARADE OF WEDDING GOWNS of years gone by, some fifty years old. MRS. VANWYCK, Dramatic Reader. GORDON DAVIDSON, and his Piano Accprdian.j MARGARET PARTUSHEK, Soprano Soloist. A MALE QUARTETTE. ADMISSION 25 Cents. Former Resident Passes A former resident of Blucvale pass- , ed away at his home in Toronto on Wednesday, April 27th, in the person of Mr. John Gannett. He is survived by his widow, formerly Emma Sabina Smith, one son, Wilbur, and one dau­ ghter, Mrs. J. H. Smith, of Toronto. Messrs. George and James Gannett, of this village, are brothers and Mrs. George Wright, of Turnberry, is a sister. tes’ fell her she Mrs. Raymond Elliott, Turnberry, who has been a patient in the Wom­ an’s College Hospital, Toronto, for the past three weeks, returned home on Saturday. Mr. arid Mrs. C. H. Coultes, Lis*- towel, spent Sunday with Mrs. Coul- mother, Mrs. Grace Snell, who while going down some steps at home. While not seriously hurt, received quite a shaking' up, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hutcheson, Mr. W. T, Thompson and Miss Sander­ son, Toronto, spent the week-end at their home here. Miss Dorothy Aitken accompanied by a friends from Drayton, spent Sun­ day with Mrs. Aitken. Neil B. McEachern, of Mount For­ est, was a Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss. Rev. William „ Smith, of Islington, and Wilbur Gannett were here this week attending the funeral of the late Milton F. Smith. Miss Donna Smith returned to Toronto with them and attended the funeral of her uncle, iMr^, John Gannett Mr, Champian, Toronto, will speak in Knox Presbyterian Church Sun­ day next* He is representing the On­ tario Temperance Federation. Rev. J. ft, Greig attended a meet­ ing of the Ministerial Association at Lucknow on Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Elliott moved Into their new home on Monday that they purchased recently from James Reid’s Glasses Satisfy! Consult R. A. REID R. O Eyesight Specialist for 20 years.Eyesight Specialist for 20 years. Wingham Office: Williams* Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning Phone 5W for Appointment. Wingham Office: Williams* Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning Phone 5W for Appointment. W. SECONDS 3 Sizes YOUR CHOICE - $L00 At — OMAR HASELGROVE’S MORRIS Robt. Baird and son, Ronald,Mr. Mr. B. Aitkens, of Blyth, also Mrs. J. C. Casemore, of Belgrave, spent last Sunday at the home Mrs. Milo Casemore. Mrs. D. FI. Campbell week-end with- Mr. and Wheeler, of Belgrave. Mrs. John Haines, of" Lucknow, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor. Haines. Mrs. Robert Aitcliison and family and Miss Bertha McLeod, of Ripley, were visitors at the home of Mr. and of Mr. and spent the Mrs. Jesse Mrs. Will Abraham on Sunday. Jim and Glenn Golley were visitors with Mr. John Abraham on Sunday. We are sorry to hear Mr. Wm. J. Souch has been laid up with bron­ chitis and hope he is better soon. Miss Donna Smith was home for a week to help nurse her father, and attend the funeral of her father Who was buried On Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Gannett and Mr. Jas. Gannett received the sad news their brother, John, had died ip Toronto last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Geo. Mathers and Mrs. Rudd, of Bluevale. Rev. Wm. Smith, of Toronto, at­ tended the funeral of his brother, Milton Smith, on Thursday last. Many congratulations to Mr.' and Mrs, Sparling Johnston, on the arriv­ al of a baby boy last Friday. Mr. Bennett Ruttan, also Mr., and Mrs. Anson Ruttan and. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ruttan attended the^ funeral of Milton Smith last Thursday. . .. . Thursday, May Sth, One Minnie Permanents At The Featuring The New La-Rue ADAMS Hairdressing Shop a. For the Woman who does not like the idea of being “hitch- . ed up” to a machine, we have a new, marvelous, comfortable and convenient‘ method of Perinanent Waving —- The La-Rue Qne Minute Permanents. Fashions in hair, this year more (han ever, demand a sleek, well-curled head. ' Phone 177 If or Appointment. The missionary meeting of the j home of Mrs. Charles R.obinson, with United Church 5 manse on Wednesday afternoon with a very small attendance. A falling- off in missionary work is quite evi­ dent. Mrs. Law,.,of Toronto, who is vis­ iting her sister, ,Mrs. Robt. Nichol, had a quilting bee Tuesday, when a few friends enjoyed the afternoon to­ gether. 1 1 Owing to a concert being held in the hall recently, a small crowd greet­ ed the Singing Marines of Teeswater Thursday -evening. Mr. Harry Merkley, of Wingham, was a visitor-in the village Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. George Herd through the week; friends from Buffalo at Jeck Reid’s Saturday; friends with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Baiers, also with Mr. and Mrs. Shaw on Sunday; Mrs. Ddig and Miss Nellie- called on our sick in the village one day week. was held at the | an attendance of 22. The president, 1 Mrs. Gus. Kinahan, presided, and in the absence of the secretary, Jean Purdon was appointed secretary for the meeting. The roll call was res­ ponded to by the paying of fees. The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs. Fred Moss; 1st Vice President, Mrs. Mark Armstrong; 2nd Vice President, Miss Lauretta Kinahan; sec.-treas., Jean Purdon; press secretary, Mrs. Robert Chamney; pianists, Mrs. Jas. Craig and Jean Robinson; flower committee, Mrs. D, Chamney and Miss J. McAllister; auditors, Miss Berna Boyle and Jean Robinson; del­ egates to district annual, Mrs. Fred Moss, Mrs. Gus Kinahan, Jean Rob­ inson and Jean Purdon; program com., Mrs. Fred Moss, Mrs. M. Arm­ strong, Lauretta Kinahan, Jean Pur­ don, Jean Robinson, Mrs. D. Cham­ ney and Mrs. Robert Chamney. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Moss.GLENANNAN last herMrs. John Mulvey is visiting daughter, Mrs. David Eadie. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes, Jackie Metcalfe and Miss Annie Stokes vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, 9th Con. Ashfield. Mr. Albert Aitken, leaves' this week for Molesworth where he is learning to be a cheesemaker. Mrs. Richard Jcffray . spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. in Wingham. Mr.' and Mrs. Andy Pringle and son, of Buffalo, called on Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid on Sunday. Mrs. Thos. Appleby is confined to her home with bronchitis. Miss Doris Sample and Mr. Thos Weir visited on friends. We are very Billie Hastings ing had. pneumonia'. Chester Stewart R.A.C.I. (CHICAGO) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION General Repairs, Service . Air Conditioning Phone 29 Wingham, Ont. / ■Sunday with Howick glad to see Master out again after hav- BLYTH Dr. Annie Ross, of McDonald Hall, -Guelph, spent the week-end at'the | home of her sister, Mrs. Dan Mc­ Gowan, A meeting of the Home and School Club was. held on Wednesday .even­ ing. The president, Mr. John Cow­ an, presided. The minutes of the pre­ vious meeting were read and approv­ ed. Mrs. A. M. Boyle gave a reading entitled ■ “The" fitome and School Creed.” Miss Little explained the new curriculum in the schools. Miss Dor­ othy White contributed a piano solo. Miss Ament gave a splendid demon­ stration of the subjects being taught in the school, English,’Social, Health, Natural (Science, Arithmetic, Music and Art.- Mrs. Weekes extended a vote of thanks to those taking part in. the program. The meeting closed by Jisinging “God Save the King? The United Church congregations of Hensail and Blyth will exchange ministers.Rev.' Arthur Sinclair com- ing to Blyth, Rev. R’. A. Brook, goes to Hensail. The exchange will take effect July ist. DONNYBROOKDONNYBROOK FIRST CLASS Watch Repairing AT REASONABLE PRICES WILLIAMS THE JEWELLER Official C. N. R. Watch. Inspector. INTERIORS EXTERIOR PAINT I ELMER WILKINSON | The Women’s Institute met Wed* nesday afternoon lafet week at the Institute Elect Officers A1U Don’t fall to hear the Singing Mar­ ines, of Teeswater, when they visit your town, You will get your fill of fun and frolic* They certainly de serve a full house. BELMORE HOUSEPAINT Surface Satisfaction Olltsidte BUGHANAN HARDWARE