HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-05-05, Page 7Thursday, May 5th, 1938
the back of this and other pic-j cess Elizabeth’s 12th birthday,
released at the same time waslures
.the notice: “It is the special request
-of the King that Princess Margaret'
Rose shall not be cut out of any of
these pictures. The photographs had
been taken.Jn connection with Prin-'
first royal request ever issued about
a news picture was intended to stop,
special attention to the heir to the
throne on the ground that she is still
a child. Princess Margaret Rose, Left,
rides as often with her father as does
her big sister. Last week she wore
the same powder blue spring outfit
as Princess Elizabeth. Londoners
noted that Queen Mary wore a com,
plcte outfit of exactly the same shade.
Mr. Adam Sippell spent a few days
with relatives in Detroit recently.
.Mr. and Mrs. )Vm. Jardine and
family, of Brussels, were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cathers.
Mr. Frank Chapman is having the
interior of his barber shop repainted,
with’ Mr. George Galloway doing the
. work. ;
Mr. J. H. King, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr.
■and Mrs. Chas. King.
Mr. J. E. Magrath, Toronto, spent
the week-end with his brother, Mr.
■Joel Magrath.
Mr. and Mrs, E. W. Carson, Miss
Eleanore, Dickie and Norman, also
Mrs. Hamilton and Hqctor, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Hamilton’s daugh
ter, Mrs. Archie. Scott and Mr. Scott,
at Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera and Shir
ley, spent Sunday at the home of Mr-
and Mrs. Jack Fitch.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ashton, of
Toronto, spent the week-end with the
. former’s, mother, Mrs. Ida Ashton.
Mr, Frank Harris, of Detroit, is
z visiting his "lather, Mr. Russel Harris
and other friends in the community.
Mrs. Simson visited with her dau
ghter, Mrs. S. Bricker, in Fordwich
■one day last week.
Miss’ Ruth Fydell,. Tara, spent the
r , week-end at her home here.
The members of the Orang.ehill
, - Woman’s Association were entertain
ed at the parsonage here on Thurs-
■ day. ' ,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Michael spent Sun
day with the latter’s parents in Mil
men’s Auxiliary there this Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Farfish and child
ren, Maxine, Mildred and Johnson,
and Mrs. Farrish’s mother, Mrs.'
White, spent Sunday with, relatives
fit Holstein, where the latter remain
ed for a visit with her daughter there.
, Mrs. Pratt, Miss Alma Shier and
Mr. Smillie, of Teeswater, rwere Sun
day guests of Mr. and *Mrs. Thomas
Bradnock. ‘
Mr. Phillip Harding of Toronto,
spent a few days this week with
friends and relatives in this vicinity.
Wise Man" by Henry Van Dyke, were
presented by Mr. Herb. Neil, of Gor
rie, with Mr. Ropt. Paulin giving the
lecture, A large crowd was present
to enjoy these slides which were well
worth while.
"Miss Jean and Mr, Jack MacBurney
were Sunday guests of Jean and Lloyd
Robertson, near Bluevale.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mundell, also
Mr. and Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton and
John were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin, near Wing
Mr. gqd Mrs. Thpmas Caslick, of
Teeswater, spent Sunday with Mrs.
John Bush and Miss Gertie Bush.
Delegates to the Presbytery held at
Exeter on Tuesday of last week were
Mrs. Stocks, Miss Margaret Linton,
Miss Maxine White and Miss Gladys
Miss Lily Waller will attend the
Girls’ Conference in Guelph, May 11
to 13th. Miss Waller is being sent as
a delegate from the local branch of
the Women’s Institute.
Mrs. John Neilson, Gorrie, is
taking care of Mrs. John Bush,
continues to have poor health.
Y.P.U. Held Final Meeting
The Young People’s Union
.their final meeting of the season on
Monday last when about 30 enjoyed
a progressive crokinole party. Re
freshments and a period of games
brought an interesting and successful
winter season to a close.
‘ ’ » ’S'
Institute to Meet May 11th
. The May meeting of the Gorrje
Women’s Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. Everett Sparling on
Wednesday, May 11.'J The meeting is
called for 2.30 sharp. Members please
note the change in tittle. Roll Call
will be payment of fees, and the pro
gram will be oti Gardening. There
will also be an exchange • of bulbs,
slips, shrubs, etc.
Mrs. Kaine is spending a few days
with friends in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes, Mrs.
F. C. Taylor and Mrs. A. H,''O’Neil
motored to Windsor on Tuesday
tnorning where the ladies are attend
ing the annual meeting of the Wo-
The regular meeting of the Gorrie
Y.P.U. was held at the home of Miss
Jean Gowdy with 45 in attendance,
with Evelyn‘.Dane, Russel Ruttan and
Bob Douglas in charge. The theme
of thef Easter service was “I am he
that liveth, and was dead, and behold
‘I am Alive forevermore,” The service
opened with quiet music played by
the pianist; Bernice Day, and the call
to worship; A hymn “Jesus Christ is
risen today” was sung. A poem was
read by Evelyn Dane. Alma Galbraith
led in prayer. Hymn “Never further
than Thy cross” was then sung. The
meditation was taken by Bob Douglas
and Janet Watsoii.’ answered with
Scripture -in response. A quartette,
Dorothy Edwards, Bernice Day, Ger
ald'Galbraith and Harold Robinson,
sang “When I survey the wondrous
cross.” The Easter topic “Tpll Pet
er” was taken by Russell Ruttan. A
hymn “Rejoice the Lord is King” was
sung. Evelyn Dane closed the wor
ship service with prayer. The pres-,
ident took charge. The minutes were
read and adqpted. The Roll Call was
answered by an Easter Thought or a
favorite Hymn.
An announcement of the Huron
Bresbytery Convention being held in
Brucefield on May 14th was made.
A dainty lunch was served by the
hostess, Arlene Galbraith and
Taylor. They all joined In the
of the "Friendship Circle” and
Mr. Fydell closed with prayef.
Geo. King read the Scripture lesson,
St. John, chap. 14. Rev. O’Neil then
took charge of the election of officers
for next year, after reports were read,
which resulted in the following offic
ers for the fall and winter term 1938-
President—Nellie Dinsmore.
Vice Pres.—Jack Musgrove.
Treasurer—Harry King.
Secretary—Blythe Underwood. ’
. Circulation Manager—Ted Malone.
Captains for Baseball Team—Mr.
i E. W. Bolton and Mr. Robt. Wade,
j Lunch Com.—Mrs. Bolton and Mrs.
G. King.
'The programme which was furnish
ed by the winning side, was then en
joyed, and consisted of a chorus by
all, tap dancing by Maxine Bolton,
and several other songs including a
quartette by Wildcat Boys, a duet by
two little girls, Ida.Ritchie and Blythe
Underwood, also a comic dress duet
by Edith Ritchie and Mr. Ed. Bolton.
Hymn “Now the day is over” was
sung after which contests and games
were enjoyed, following closing pray
er by Rev. O’Neil.
Luncheon was then enjoyed by all
during a social period.
Paeans of joy were sung by some
,65,000 known trout fishermen April
30 to herald the official opening of
the Ontario season. The lad at the
right was a little too eager to haul
in a big one and needed the long fin
gers of the law to extricate his hook
from the seat of his trousers. Most
-------- ..........
Waltonians moved with more caution
their minds set chiefly on netting the
20 rtout which the government allows
one person per day.
Officers Elected 'for Ensuing Year
MONUMENTS at first cost
Having our factory equipped With the
most modern machinery for the exe
cution of high-class work, we ask you
to See the largest display Of monu-
ments of .any, retail factory ifi Ontario.
All finished by saiicf blast machines.
We import all our granites from the
Old Country quarries direct, in the
rough. You can save all local deal
ers’, agents’ and middleman profits by
seeing us.
E. X Skelton & Son
At West End Bridge—WALKERTON
Al dL
Closing Meeting of Fall and Winter1
The A.Y.P.A. of St. Stephen’s An
glican Chtttch, Gorrie, held their clos
ing meeting for the season at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C., Taylor
on Thursday evening of last week,
when the losing side in the contest
which they had during the year, en
tertained the winning sidef which won
by one point) to a special luncheon.
The meeting opened with .prayer by
the vice president, Hellie Dinsmore,
and hymn "Father in Heaven, Who
lov’st all” was sung, after which Mrs.
George Brown, of Guelph,
spent the week-end at his home here.
Mrs. Chas. Stuart,' who has been
spending the past few months at the
home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. .D,
D. Sanderson, has returned to her
home in Toronto.
Miss A. Archibald was a week-end
visitor at her home near Seaforth.
Miss Janet Carter, who has been
employed at Ste., Anne de Beaupre,
Quebec, is visiting with her aunts,
Mrs. J. Stutt and Mrs. A. Munro, be
fore leaving for her home in' Sas
, Miss Kathleen Durst spent a few
days last week with friends at Lis-
Mrs. H. H. Mercer and children,
Donald and Bobbie, of Markdale, ate
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D.,D. Sanderson.
. Mrs. Wm. Edgar, of Fordwtch, vis
ited on Sunday at the home of her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Jas. Edgar.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison, Toronto,
formerly of Brussels, called on Miss
M, Howe on Saturday.
The Ladies’ Guild, St. James Angli
can Church, have engaged a group of
young people of the Presbyterian
Church, Listowel, to present their
play “Wife On Approval” in Wrox-
eter Town Hall on Friday evening,
May ISth.
Slides Presented at Anglican Church
In the absence of the rector, Rev.
A. H. O’Neil, the service at St. James
Church on Sunday evening was con
ducted by Mr. Isaac Gamble of Ford-
wich. In place of the sermon, slides
based on the story of "The Other
. ‘ . j
Mrs. J. Adams opened her home
for the April meeting of the Wroxet-
er Ws I. on Thursday afternoon of
last week.
The President, Mrs. N. T. McLau
ghlin, presided opening with the sing
ing of the Od'e, followed by the Lord’s
Prayer in unison. The guest speaker
was Miss Ailecn Schaab, who spoke
on the topic “Fire Prevention.” Miss
Schaab brought out many helpful
ideas in her talk, quoting the fire loss
es of Ontario in comparison with oth
er provinces, many of them caused by
carelessness, resulting in loss of life
as well as property. She also demon
strated a screen for protection from
chimney fires and also small fire ex
tinguishers which every homemaker
might use. The Roll Call—Hints on
Fire Prevention, brought a helpful
. Miss Lily Waller presented a ten-
minute report on the Buymanship pro
ject, dealing with the choosing and
care of- cottons, especially sheets and
pillow cases.
During the business period plans
were made to send Miss Waller as a
delegate to the Girls’ Conference at
MacDonald Hall, Guelph, on May 11
— 13th.
The Secretary, Mrs. R. Rae, gave
a resume of the year’s work, report-
' ing excellent progress in attendance,
•1-__ . 1. _ „ -1 Alli
For almost a year Alhponse Rob
ert Alda of Toronto has been smok
ing a briar pipe, ahd he’s only two
years and. three months old now.
When he became’curious about his fa- [ interest and the carrying out of the
ther’s pipe, both his parents thought programme.
they’d let him try it, hoping, he would j The president expressed her regrets
become sick enough never to adopt at severing her membership, owing to
(he habit. But he’s been smoking ev- | having moved to Wingham, which re-
er since. A New York doctor told gret was shared by all the members
his mother moderate smoking would who have co-operated with her effic-
not‘injure his health.
Special Bargain
Going Dates
* DAILY MAY 17 to 28, 1938
Return Limit: 45 days.
Ticket Good To Travel in Coaches
lent leadership during the past year.
■ Miss E. P. Hazlewood, convenor of
the nominating committee, presented'
( her report, and the following officers
were elected for the coming year:
President—Mrs. R. Rae.
1st vice Pres.—Miss K. Goodfellow'.
2nd vice Pres.—Mrs. D. S. McNau
Sec.-Treas.—Mrs. L. VanVelsor.
Branch Directors—Mrs. J. H. Wy
lie, Mrs. V. Denny, Miss Hazelwood.
District Director—Mrs. J. J. Allen.
Aduitors—iMrs. Stocks, Mrs. J. J.
Lunch Com.—Miss M. Davidson,
Mrs. J. N. Allen.
Press Reporter—Mrs. D. S. Mac-
Excursion tickets good in Tourist)
Parlor and Standard sleeping cars al
so available on payment of slightly
higher passage fares, plus price of
parlor or sleeping car accommodation.
ROUTES—‘Tickets good going via
Port Arthur, Ottt., Armstrong, Ont.,
Chicago, III., or Sault Ste. Marie, re
turning via same route and line only.
Generous optional routings.
STOPOVERS—within limit of ticket,
both going and returning—at Port
Arthur, Ont., Armstrong, Ont, and ........« —-west; also at Chicago, Ill,,,Sault Ste. bine naturally with other foods, such
Marie, Mich,, and west, in accord-’as milk, cheese, eggs and vegetables,
ance with tariffs of United States tu flowing are a few suggestions:
Macaroni products require a mini
mum of time and labour to prepare.
They should be boiled in plenty of
boiling salted water, and they com-
is milk, ci.ccse, eggs and vegetables..
Full particulars from any agent.
Canadian Pacific
Spanish Macaroni Casserole
% lb. Canadian macaroni
% lb. grated cheese or cut in small
cup diced celery ’
medium onions (chopped fine) !
can whole tomatoes
tablespoons chopped green
tablespons butter
cups white sauce (medium
Salt and pepper to taste
Cook onion, green pepper and cel
ery in the butter until tender. Cook
macaroni in boiling 'Salted water un
til tender and-drain. Combine mac
aroni and cooked onion mixture, ar
range in layers in baking dish, with
alternate layers of cheese and tomat
oes. Season and pour white sauce ov
er it. Cover and bake 30 minutes
350 degres.
Spaghetti with Eggs
% lb. Canadian spaghetti
hard boiled eggs
cups white sauce (medium
lb. Canadian cheese (cut in
small pieces)
Sliced tomajtoes and parsley
Cook spaghetti in boiling salted
water until tender. Drain. Melt the
chees in white sauce by heating it in
double boiler. Arrange spaghetti in
a mound on a serving platter, circle
with the eggs cut in half, and garnish
the platter with parsley and sliced
tomatoes. Serve with hot cheese
Vegetable Ring with Buttered
Egg Noodles
oz. egg noodles
cup celery (diced)
cup shredded carrot, raw
cup milk
cups soft bread crumbs
eggs, beaten slightly
Salt and pepper to taste
Combine ingredients as listed. Bake
at 350 degrees Fahrenheit in buttered
ring mould. Cook egg noodles in
boiling salted water until tender.
Drain and serve in centre of veget
able ring. A cheese or tomato sauce
is good to serve with this dish.
“Well, Mary, us ’as come courtin’
to this ’ere meadow nigh three sum
mers now, but us won’t be doin’ so
next summer.”
“Oh, Jarge! Do ’ee really mean,
“Ay. They be goin’ to build on it.”
On Guaranteed Trust
A legal investment for
Trust Funds
Unconditionally Guaranteed
This murphy
If you have not Wfr
ordered YOUR sat*,' ply of NARVO <£»
not delay any longestO'* ’Srti beautify7 coloia*
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Bor Sale By J
R* H* Carson & Son -
H. Buchanan • - -
John Runge, Hardware *
- Gorrie, Ont.
Whigham, Ont*
Clifford, Ont*