HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-05-05, Page 5Thursday, May 5th, 1938 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES MIDDLESEX AND HURON REGIMENT FORMS GUARD OF HONOUR Meeting Next Year Will Be Held in Wingham. H Uh At the post-Easter wedding of Lt. Robert E. Ardiel and Kathleen Edna MacKay, Port Elgin, brother officers of the groom’s- Regiment, The Mid­ dlesex and Huron Regiment, attend­ ed in a body and supplied the Guard of Honour under the command of Major E. A. Corbett. The above photo shows the weeding party leav­ ing the church. Mr. Ardiel is a son of Lt. Col. Lorne and Mrs. Ardiel, Toronto; Miss MacKay is a daughter of Mrs. Walter MacKay, Port Elgin. The Middlesex and Huron Regiment with headquarters at Strathroy, On­ tario, is under the command of Lt. Col. A. P. Malone. Lieuts. R. S. Heth­ erington and Harry Towne, of Wing­ ham, were members of the Guard of Plonour. f LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mr. Lloyd Baynham was a Guelph visitor over the week-end. Mr. Dwight Reid, of London spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. S. N. Hare spent the week­ end with her son, Jack, at Guelph. Mrs. R. E. Jackson visited with friends in Toronto over the week-end. Mrs. A. J. Walker is visiting with relatives at Fort Erie for a couple of weeks. Mrs. (Dr.) J. R. Lockhart, of Bath, N.B., is visiting' with Mrs. L. C. Young. Mrs. J. W. McKibbon left last, week for New York where she will visit for this week. Rev. F. W. Davis, Rector at Chats­ worth, is the guest of Rev. E. O. Gallagher at the rectory this week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. T. Burke and Mrs. Win. Case- more were Detroit visitors over the week-end. Miss Marjorie Smith, who has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. W. H. Waram, left for her home in Saska­ toon, Sask., on Tuesday. Mrs. James Fowler is leaving this week for Toronto where she will spend a few days prior to taking up FO® TEH DAYS OHLY-MAY 4th TO MAY 14th MONTREAL I medium Here is a real opportunity for you to try this marvel­ lous new finish—to see for yourself the new beauty it will give walls* woodwork and furniture. for ten days only* your dealer will supply you with any quantity <bf Neu- Glos at the special low price shown above. Just fill in the Credit Check shown here and take it to your dealer* Neu-Glos gives the soft, medium­ gloss finish that is now so much in vogue. It is easy to apply, dries in a fewhours, and is deodorized to prevent any unpleasant odour. Its beautiful pastel shades enable anyone to obtain color schemes in keeping with the modern trend in decorating. And Neu-Glos is washable, Finger­ marks", ink stains ^nd dirt can be quickly and easily removed with soap and water without harming the beauty of this fascinating finish; GLOSS MARTIN-SENOUR NEU-GLOS Gfibd /or 16 days only, May 4 to May 14 inclusive, This Credit Check entitlej.thc person whose name appears below to purchase NEU-GLOS SEMI-GLOSS ENAMEL at special sale prices shown. U-gallori 12.25 Quart *1.20 Pint. 70^ U-Pint 40^ Regular *2,85 Regular *1.50 Regular 85<! Regular 50j5 Name............. ■ Address DONALD RAE & SON PHONE 27 w.IM WINGHAM, ONT. East Huron District of the Women’s Institue Will Meet at Wroxeter June 14th PAGE FIVE Good Advice About Constipation! A doctor would tell you that the best thing to do with any ailment is to get at its cawse, If you’re- constipated, don’t fiddle with makeshift remedies, Find out what’s giving you the trouble! Chances are you won’t have to look very far, if you eat just the things most people do. Most like­ ly, you don’t get enough “bulk”! And “bulk” doesn’t mean just a lot of food. It means a kind of food that isn’t consumed in the body, but leaves a soft “bulky” mass in the intestines and helps a bowel movement, If this is what you lack, your ticket is crisp crunchy Kellogg’s All-Bran for breakfast. It con­ tains the “bulk” you need' plus the intestinal tonic, vitamin B,. Eat it every day, drink plenty of water, and join the “regulars"! All-Bran is made by Kellogg in ^.ondon, Ontario.__________ residence at Glen Coe, Long Island, N.Y. Mrs, Wilfred Reid attended the graduating exercises at Victoria Hos­ pital, London. Her neice, Miss Rox- ina Brandon, was' a member of the graduating class. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Snell, of Tor­ onto, moved into their home on John Street on Thursday. We extend a hearty welcome to them on behalf 6f the ctizens of town. PRESBYTERIAL HELD ANNUAL MEETING At the twelfth annual meeting of Huron Fresbyterial of the Women’s Missionary Society of the United Church held at Exeter last week the following officers were elected: Past President, Mrs. W. J. Greer, Wingham; President, Mrs. A. W. Gardiner, Londesboro; 1st Vice Pres­ ident, Mrs. R. E. MacKenzie, Eg- mondville; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. C. W. D. Cosens, Clinton; 3rd Vice President, Mrs. C. Johns, Exeter; 4th Vice President, Mrs. Robt. Nay, R.R. I, Gorrie; 5th Vice President, Mrs. James McGill, Westfield; Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. P. Lane, Goder­ ich; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Celia Christie, Exeter; Treasurer, Miss Mary Milne, Blyth; Christian Stewardship and Finance Secretary, Miss L. Young, Londesboro; Mission Circle Secretary, Mrs. Warren Brock, Granton; Affiliated C.G.I.T. Groups’ Secretary, Miss Dorothy Walters, Benmiller; Mission Band Secretary, Mrs. W. Pickard, Clinton; Supply Secretary, Mrs. A. Colclough, Blyth; Community Friendship Secretary, Mrs. Mantel, Exeter; Literature Sec­ retary, Mrs. F. J. Bechley, Seaforth; Missionary Monthly and World Friends’ Secretary, Mrs. W. Well­ wood, Wingham; Temperance and Christian Citizenship Secretary, Mrs. J. G. Gillespie, Whitechurch; Press Secretary, Mrs. Leslie Wightman, Wingham; Baby .Band Secretary, Mrs. J. M. Southcott, Exeter; Assoc­ iate Helpers’ Secretary, Mrs. M. Ait­ ken, Clinton. Theme of the morning session was' “When we give God our lips He will speak through them.” It was decided to have a crusade for new members { during the month of May. Reports I given showed that all branches of this ■ work were progressing in a satisfac­ tory manner. 100 bales weighing 5984 pounds, and valued at $4148.35, were sent from the different organizations. ■(The new allocation for Huron is $16,000.00 and the Finance Commit­ tee assigned the objectives to be rais­ ed by the' different organizations. Total receipts were $13,809.52 an in­ crease of $108.25. At the afternoon session an im­ pressive service for those who had been called to higher service was con­ ducted by Mrs. W. J. Greer, Wing­ ham. The Presbyterial had suffered the of loss 51 faithful workers, 36 an­ nual members and 15 life members. The guest speaker was Mrs. H. T. Thompson, of Whitby, Dominion Board Secretary of Christian Stew­ ardship and Finance. The theme of her address was “Stewardship.” • Stewardship does not apply to money only, It is an effort to live a spiritual life. Stewardship invites re­ sponsibility to mankind and provides a solution for all ills of the present day. Training to share is a simple definition of stewardship and we find joy and feel results in our W. M. S. where we have full chance to use our talents. Next there is the privilege of worldly possessions. We give be­ cause Christ first gave to us, ‘Let US forget the collection and think of the offering. There is more money spent on pleasure gasoline and movies than for the church and the yearly liquor bill would sustain the W. M. 5. for 111 years. The church Requires money and think of the epn- seqtfences if I do not give. The following committees were ap­ pointed; Nominating com., Mrs. W, J. Greer, Wingham; Mrs, Preen, God­ erich; Mrs.^E, H, Close, Seaforth; Mrs. Pooley, Winchester, and Mrs. E. Webster, Wingham. Finance coin., Mrs. J. W. Johnston, Fordwich; Miss L. Young, Londesboro; Miss Mary Milne, Blyth, and Mrs. White, Goder­ ich. Delegates to attend the London conference branch meeting in May, Miss Mary Skelton, Brussels.; Mrs. Jenkins, Blyth; Mrs. E. Bryans, Wal­ ton; Mrs. C. A. McDonnell, Hensail, and Miss E. Howard, Exeter, The annual meeting next year will be held in Wingham, EXECUTIVE PLANS DISTRICT ANNUAL I Water water No matter if it’s raining, snowing', blazing hot or be­ low zero . . ♦ water is absolutely neces­ sary to one’s exist­ ence. But it is no longer necessary to carry it from the old fashioned pump, The annual meeting of the Execu­ tive and Board of Directors of the East Fluron District of the Women’s Institute was held on Monday after­ noon, May 2nd, at Fordwich, The. president, Mrs. J. Harold Spier, of Brussels, presided. Representatives were present from Brussels, Ethel, Bluevale, Gorrie, Fordwich and Rut- nam Girls. The chief item of busniess was ar­ ranging the program for the District Annual meeting to be held in Wrox- eter on June 14th, The session will open at 10 o’clock in the forenoon when reports will be heard from the convenors of Standing Committees. Items of business will be discussed, and the election of officers. In the af­ ternoon the following speakers will be heard, Mrs. L. G. Crozier, Walk­ erton, Provincial Director; Miss Flora Durnin, ■ County Coach for Junior Girls’ projects, and Mrs. Clarence I-Iayes, Georgetown, from the Insti­ tutes Department. At the close of the meeting delic­ ious refreshments were served by the members of the Rutnam Girls branch. Mrs. Alice Aitken, Mrs. J. Wickstead, Miss Florence Fowler and Miss Olive- Scott represented the Bluevale branch. A RURO PUMPIN<J SYSTEM , will supply all the water your home needs, at the turn of a faucet. In addition, it will make it possible for you to modernize your home with Emco Fixtures, so necessary these days to health and coni fort. Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are modern to the minute, mechanically perfect and finely finished. They will give years of satisfactory service and greatly im,- prove the appearance and comfort of your home. The four pieces illustrated — Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and Lavatory — with all Trimmings, ready for installation, cost only................................ 142.50 (Soil Pipe, Iron Pipe and Fittings extra) Other complete Bathroom equipment as lowas $83.85 The Duro-Special Pumping System, complete with 30-gal. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle Motor, has a capacity of 250 gals, per hour and costs only....$89.00 5 BORN JOHNSTON—In Wingham General Flospital, on Friday, April 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Johnston, of Bluevale, a son. TAYLOR—In Wingham General Hospital, on Mo'nday, May 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, East Wawanosh, a son. “Is your wife having any success in learning to drive a car?” “Well, the road is beginning to turn when she does.” WHAT TO EAT TO BE HEALTHY A HEALTH SERVICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA vit- fish egg Number Four Every individual requires to eat a certain quantity of vitamin C to pre­ vent scurvy. A lack of vitamin C af­ fects the miles and miles of capillar­ ies throughout the body. The following foods give you vita­ min C: oranges, lemons, and grape­ fruit, tomatoes raw or factory can­ ned, and most raw fruits and veget- ' ables. Vitamin C is very readily destroy­ ed by heat. It is essential, therefore, chat everyone take each day some raw fruit or raw vegetables. Canadian factory canned tomatoes are an ex­ cellent source of vitamin C because the cooking is done without exposure to air. The lack of vitamin D in the diet causes rickets in children, soft hones and defective teeth. The following foods give you amin D: cod liver oil, and other oils in liquid or capsule form, yolk, and sunshine in summer. As this food element is not obtain­ ed in ordinary foods in adequate am­ ounts, it is absolutely essential for every infant and child, and very ad­ visable for every adult, to take some vitamin D during the winter months — from October through to April. One teaspoonful of cod liver oil gives you as much vitamin D as 14 egg yolks or 1500 servings of spinach. There are available in many parts of Canada specially prepared milk and bread which contain vitamin D. Much has been said and written in recent years about the vitamins, but not all that one heats and reads about them is true. Food faddists and ex­ ploiters have toyed with the vitamins extensively. They have a very important part to play in normal diet for normal people if you follow carefully the in­ formation contained in this series of articles on ’What to Eat to be Healthy/* you will secure authentic information and practical advice on the foods you should eat. Take advantage of this Govern­ ment Plan to modernize your home with Emco equipment. Write for free booklet or see—• Also supplied for Gasoline Engine operation Machan Bros. EMPIRE BRASS MEG. CO., LTD. London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver r The next article in the series will dressed to the Canadian Medical As- deal with minerals in the diet. Questions concerning Health, ad- will be answered personally by letter. sociation, 1S4 College St., Toronto, NOTICE <9 The Town Council would ask all Merchants and Businessmen to give their full co-operation in carrying out the suggestions in the following letter. April 20th, 1938 To the Mayor and Council of the Town of Wingham. Gentlemen: Owing to the epidemic of break-ins in this district and in oth­ er districts, and from investigations made it would appear that what has assisted the burglars in almost every instance has been the lack of illumination. From the investigations which have been made in this district and in other districts I believe it would eliminate ninety per cent, of these break-ins if the storekeeps, service station proprietors and oth­ er places where money is kept, would keep a light continuously, burn­ ing in their premises from the time they leave until opened in the morning. Another thing which would assist materially in decreasing the number of break-ins would be for the individual municipalities to take steps to have the rear of the stores lighted by some permanent fix­ tures. By this I mean the outside of the premises as they usually butt on lanes which are not lighted, and assist the activities of those en­ gaged in breaking in. I think the matter is of sufficient importance to have it brought before your Council for immediate action. I may also say for your information that the Provincial Police have patrol cars in this district from dusk to dawn, and if the lights in the places were kept towards the rear they could easily be checked by the patrol cars passing through the communities, and those places where the light is out investigated, assuming you have no night watch­ man of your own. May I ask your careful consideration and Co-operation as it is not only for the assistance to the police but for the protection of in­ dividual members of your community. Thanking you for your courtesy and co-operation, I am, Yours truly, DUDLEY E. HOLMES, Crown Attorney, Huron. Round Trip Bargain Fares From WINGHAM, FRI. And SAT., MAY 13,14 To Stations Oshawa and east to Cornwall inclusive, Uxbridge, Lind­ say,Peterboro, Campbcllford, Stations Newmarket to North Bay in­ clusive, Penetang, Collingwood, Meaford, Midland, Parry Sound/Sud- bury, Capreol and west to Beardmore. SAT., MAY 14 To TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, London, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, St Catharines, St. Marys, Sarnia, Strat­ ford, Strathroy, Woodstock. See handbills for complete list of destinations. ■ For faros, return limits, train information, tickets, etc., consult near* cst Agent. T122B CANADIAN NATIONAL itab ** .illtMbiijtiftihiijT AWi,.