The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-05-05, Page 2PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, May 5th, 1938 Whthm Adwnce*Times ste*‘ *' *-*'- - ;jgaStat&vs, tecati wetlteagh ^siKtrdy teots ^b.te'teg to snch JS Sk & ak Ifefashte ftt WINGHAM w ONTARIO ^3$«n^xut.n One Year $500 Six -writes,, $1;00 in To tB S. A«> $iW yc&m «te, $&$> per year. AdxwUwg «&es apyTtc&ueft, THOM® WOW FIVE stesitetea is tea by tec ' term the iaci that tee *Qten- ^yfets wM contew ©Mte Govern- Went sstx'teslvn. as they hsinc since ■ <’faa>st M-rte- Trx vcvc’nrcstt* ?:> specter tevtesoite tec 'Hteite «te tfa .«ten:$. in bis re port stated r.0- teteg dot r-rx’tnad tc th,.<e wbn have ;Wte as giuMi'tms it was also a T®*y" jr,<A»sm*. rtty t..at l-e ti«t * '■’ *‘’tmx. ‘& 0;0 er, theta fete the wte.2 ate has sfete Kte fete ha to adr matte.? fe ithfe mtpaerty •arrm has Stven m»;*..« to- fete Cfetete tevantete mv* tte eteW teter. Mtets a royal mntttesten. to -nvesti- -gate tte rmteyng of the .attarrs ot Ms five iam:gss ilnnghters tet this has Betti nteste bon as the Attorney* <tetete masters it wnoccssary. We Bcfe'te teat tte rtete tel that fete *tete or these, tenons teteren few? been •»<« 'managed and fete tstete evywd.'rsA wte i.... We teltee ft won’5 te a ste t ft tee feters cf these ten.xis Mtea U ted fern- unsmuptecs >r,d if this were tee case wc vm.uiro la predict that Air. Btorme wte<5 be weifeteg that the Ifevvfeefal amtete- Bes wmiM msm again tex ate liters te tee ^tetete-s. ■§; «. sS WMXB BE CAB INSFECTION :. $®. Tammm a Ssjate ed ptemmete fay teetete Fp on tee ears as | a safety measex. This is a very wte 1 _______ _ 'pvmjmte. We hteevo teat tee Hfefe rfeteay ’icay' Trafefe Act stextel fa revised to • Tra£tfe A-- ' WMe ft feaw wHte wofeS bay®: that aS ixw ; wte wner as& tespettebfe ter faws fet fei feyfe r&Ibsray teefe car tteratigHy fespmtol ovfe ■ —su— ’’fety spring and a w+tmeate to tens et-,; fegt gwen wfe 4ftwv wt r*i'e t s?At.^ NEWS 'Jute* <v* *«* • *'*•• ■*.'-*» "■'■* ways tee roads a Ttefeh n Mxted b ! v iet. o»tel blossom tentey Steady cv-;iX&derfeh Maa Wswsd SeU jer fe tec Nfegara disttet, st appears - Heatfag tend poundfeg on the wtetj I that tbs weatherman has staned ..on te a fete h.mse. Olfeer Co-te n;sf> i ■;rri toy tefe 'oot this year. fed in to s’fefe his ncifeifar, Sydney I ? sk i Tlteinson, Sd, lying en fee tern in ‘ ;j Now that the l.fefeWrfehs have ynr- fegony. lEckiason fetermed Cock fa 1 chased a home, an is’avfe on the Frit- hefe taken poison. He was dead be- j ury ecast, we hope that they fe’l en-, tore a doctor ecfed reach him. Crown .Hoy tee setesiem teat they teste tel-. Attorney Hoteos said an tersest tevng Co Mrmteng cxptec-nco they -write not fa necessary. Coroner W. -had %hte Ifeteg' amass tee farter. " F. Gaiter, M.D., who* ferestig-awd, ? t 5S 5J« -ft -fed tee .poison ased was potassfem * It is sotetel r.mvs that Tfe. A, R. ‘ eyote.te which Plokfeson ©see. in hrs Wate will mmtee as physician to,; trade as a matefeist. He said teveas- | the Cfefets. We fa-favc that « he ed had gene to work as asaal fat re- ;i were replaced tee ytelio in general; termed home and teste some of the i wefed tfese tfair votes in strong pro- ; poison pewter wife water in an egg jtc<t and .disgust. fehp* j Si ■’ ■{ --------- j Grote Britain is storing ioo.l as a1 Hand Stem Oti by Dynatete I r.te ct tb.olr defensive plans. It war Everett SteMtess agte 56, of Grate •s -"ernes fee feed ration cates will at; Bend, had his fefe hand Matra off yest 1 once eeme fete tts<\ it is repcrteX ’fefavo the wrist wb.er. a stick of dyna- ’< ss ss mte he was nsing exfetete. He was | The fecctee tax in Britain amtettes treated by Ifa Fletcher ate was tal­ ite the ofetfeatet of S1.55 m SNAVe® to Vteorh Hosyfefe, tendon, j Bey\ eh fay. there is a tax what is a; where his coteifan is nportte as sat- max. istaot.-ry. He was accompanied by is '’Stacey Hrnchison and Lawrence Wil* I Germany will soon fa bfelfilng * son. o-f Farkbfel, when tfa amteent l y'ar.os at the- rate oi IO® per year, occurred. He was holding fee stick ms that far, ot dynamite when fe exfetete and ; sail hr an'' severed the hate ate Mew fe to fas. ; It also blew cut part of fee lefe eye :ate the left side of fee fady was Hd- : died from head to foot wife small holes, apparently made by fee yew- far.-—Exeter Times-Advc-’cate, ; _____ Teeswater Church Calls Minister The congregation of Teeswafer _............................... tese as feeir pastor • resefe of aste accidents -Rev. R- N. Stewart, te Centralia. The rossings. The Highway fate was tmarfawns. Rev. Stewart, will sfatte be attended sc ’ take charge cd his new duties in Jane.. faked after. ring sn^® ; No wonder Britain is auxic isugly of aircraft does not '•, e-mergency arises. ;j * sfc i Elaborate yroparteons were made *■’*' fey Italy to protect Hitler on Hs visit fee see II Ifa.ee. Maybe it would fa fest too bud far Mm if these yreeau- 1 ■i vans were not taker. ss -5S S: ?S test week seven more deaths c*c- * Vrdtte Church rred as the a ^Dod&e car -tc fit btxiget! Get the Sew DEUX^ERED tmoes before von law Murray Johnson Wingham .rd. warm at •&*s would hove to stop crossings. exercise © JM > Sk 'Bore; Tlatn teg .Scharf- tense, :S. & S&. IX & H-a. Hav.' Come, Gilbert, another letter. H-a-a. Hay, Wrong. It’s H-a-y. tew write it many tfeg tesmr *t is ttot fate? Wfa fere Txtfe ^‘“Witolir^^ to Uep *»$ ^feidfe fetWM . - r-- - ------ -- Ti-jnvs MWith m ai higfe Mourn Gtttete tm‘-,;t tbfc >y > gi>.h. Ait these sai^ c««fc*Hk ite hTtm wmtttafe Si ST* .mM ik inmt ;J W^orn., ^TwwJ *m« mowa to»? tte to* -Hie wfej * M, s Orrw t *T"' 'CT* -T *b W' ■*? wten they saw the seres ho 'oast wfak. ... -St. Helens. tevte Pssses st Brussels Sh? fee Lntfeau; T2aer$. •passed aw Ttetsfay ^tefac .^otJTtosta, Itesfafe. Mary Asts S; *' feeteeo wife of .Waite? Sharp, axes. I or Satur-; Share tel,. on the foe several weeks lv TES farce. i C-a-n test fees: ihr teacher called, and jery good Walter. Gilbert Bennett £tere was a rasa of purils to the | spell hay. schofa and to their respective seats.? which were Ions benches, and desks ! were ranged along the walls, with J benches, without desks -nearer the box i -tere for youngest perils. The teach- i WOMAN BREAKS' LINES TO BAY NEW ARCHBISHOP HOMAGE Cars N&s8aw«?&s. te father 3ess£ cjuE or asms, live $3fc«iy !gtaasait£?«d., < -vrik vitro- etas red ' onte’S’t’d, 'Chtwebn Etrhrae-1 | te her so- BrcB£y a sense and two.'* tenks. ware knocked fr’»ES her hands.. ‘ | OrtwhW artitffis r.ts* him MlS.tO- and :; costs st SB.2®. SU'I IrgsreS Cat- j SbasseE TryX aged IS. son cd Mr..; Mrs. Ixicw 'Boyd. Mitchell rt> ■j reived gait-tEl fe.jsrtes whe& smack .' by a car driver te Lc.me Harmer, of I Fteartsn. Ssvers.’. teys had aeex cx« ' TdarHg the ‘‘cfarp*’ <«x Idarrterd st. ' and after cmwlmg ttertagh the terne. S-esste tey* rmna-srrdy seamed ec- ' toss the highway vH±,mi l.:>..j.icir.g tor;d w:h nt the cinsc- rd tte c.-ressat sate.* •:xy&s Ht by the car. The ir'ared lad rm-. erected there an nnnrtmer.t.':u--s mter. *_. *be Stratinrd Gernrn* --------- ;Hysp;ta’. where it was dxsxovsred fa Farmer 'Dr.es trsne Isjcrxes ; suffered -tetr c-Tncssstox, te ft'-kr: Izrr, Goacrtte te writer sar- . tmtr ar-d tedvy lacerated tips tti'rr, died Et Cl-rto’r H spiral 'tro.ffit i's-re. ftrertes retevte -©-ten tes •eats., ttet» ———* cd tncted rr a teyBttsBing taa- ?. fejposst*^ •iSsSf Shrs* M BbBeHdla t. teesme 'Statsmageabie. *ti try-j jE3«fe Taytor, assfettsst ■®ro to r....' theta fa fe2 ate the t Ttestss W Gtd? OtB, n? iLsaste, ■’ .te ore* fete, fegafcag teffeas 'tesn asprfette ptsfes.sitml st’ rr at she base te his wrk | >te MHSate Gals Ofeb, Gteerite, nn.3 f em-teneter. rwsxtte tfe« “ 'v*2 resnw Ms sew teitfes ca May IS. ’ pitess.. Mr, 'Mair vhssy ,,...,.,■„.....-^t. -. "Ktas tern th GtesHte ON1B DAY AT SCHOOL $ «“■“*••* | !®te«», Sslen^y.. 1MB; Wasted WBss SLtefeirW I t^s g “'■“" ""'*“*....... W. J iz'tte uh;. te-> gntethtred af stet? jgwra Xzsckn.;©' ?;:<r tfa pass .£ ,rs. tes ret-rte ate dtsposte te f nk to Herbert Gitefcdh on Kte* t t. Mr. *Mth? has iaiAs rugate t as emstoat tt®ri Hcr«» .saa afhee fa I teid foe W .jsEsts, tet ted csrry | ■test? fetss atel fes stetssss* is 1 ntete. .f ;j . ■ A group kit y.Httg tette- tes m sso' wsgaa? titer ®ay sn stete fe B a teisg msd fee K'£teg te teotusfeess «ss;; *^<tead is art taS fcss sr-1 rivfcg .to wvuM te fatete rte f fate, w&2t •feted «xb te| «***—• tr$ Cgy. it UligteS B®®S8' | Atefe MJ®- a tetfe te fee- B;> cte gasfad «te fegfe tey* es fete “r*sei cm fefefefe j®fc .1 tefe iTi^s* oB Ltr® faws. Buy tea**. | t£fe stefcs, >Uyhmg sterns^ s? .as is I ti*r. «?m r.sW?* stem**’? W^mcs. ? »» *»*» whtWt •'Wl smutM! V Sk'-tsl'# h* L* . K f........................... , _ „ di ley, vorr$ s»n :d K> ate Mrs, 1 r< tjrr ritof ysBies tofe Backey. | Stathfe b? SfeAfafe «ss t*tee |mte tehg «n ’ea®^ sm a?____,._____________ BmkC Wilt!® .fetich- ’ tern fe» scitam. □£ Ite. Th.;n»? ’WsGsE M ■ ..... *«<wt -Wk