HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-3-16, Page 2•
President directs that from and after this TIRE Mt AT te1116•
pint 111/11 John Miller, lot 15 meta Idowick, Thom. I artifices, then where will be the homer t.oi uriailyt .hibsk.aselote., b‘ti,t;inrett:de.offv.f.ohno.bit;,1,1etme trt
as Chambers of Delmore, and -nrchibald g!" P d b
Doxtator, lot 31 oon. A Township or[ Ltotulght.r.u.kbe.'etdairdiaild ?r Beni 0. Brown. -
-gergninatent use& and 12 killed anti wounded.
Alum ,ignat.
date the order above referred to reguirinf
dODERICIL C. W., MARC 14,1S65.
fl I
The wee was takes on the Confedera-
tion Address on Friday night last, with
the following result, which is even more
revereble than could have been anticipated,
although, of course, that the scheme would
*errs by a large majority was a foregone
e inclusion :-
Yeas.- Intro Aileen, Atchatubseilt,
Ault, Beaten's., Sell, Itellerow, Itianchet,
Borman. Bowe, Brouriseen, Brown, Burwell,
Camerow(Peel), Carling, Carter, Cart wrig bt,
erstwhile, Chambers, Chapais, Cockborio
e'er -ultimo Cowen, Curiier, Deltouekerville.
Peres, DeNiverville, Dickson, Dufreene
(Moucalm). Duroford, Evanturei, Ferguson
(Fromenac), Ferguson Ciouth SiowneY, Galt,
Gaudier, '.faudet, Gibbs, lisrwood,IlarOude,
Higgintion, Howland, Hurt, Irvine, JRCLIoll,
J481441 Ciouth Leeds), Jones (North feeds).
Kuieht, laneenn, lelloutiltier, Atty. Gen.
Mai:donut& Macfarlane, Mackenzie (Lamle
toe), Maekeezie (North Oxford), tleConkey.
McDougall, McGee, MeGiverin. McIntyre.
McKellar, Mo rr i rr Morrisnn, Parker,
Pope, l'oupore. Powell, Rankin,
Idayeamal, flemillard, Itobitaille. Itose, Itue.,
(Chant lain). Rose (i)undas), now (Piinee
, I , 8 I Du h
Smith (Toronto), Somerville, Stirton, Street.
▪ Thomparns Walsh. Webb, Wells,
W , Wilson, Wood, Wright (1•List York).
Wright (Ottawa). -91,
NAIS. - Higitar, Bourame, Cameron,
Cana, Coupal, Donee (Heckle/a), Derion
(hrtbahaak.), Duckett, Dufresne llberville),
Yonne, Gagman, Geoffiion, Hutted\ Howie,.
PIentierton? Joly, labreeheNig,er, 'Fearer&
knee. Meccloneld (Cornwall); Mac-
donstd (Glengarry), Macdonald (Turonto),
O'llelloras Values' Perrault, Piesonneault
Poseiut, Scatchent, Tashereau,
Thibaadeau, Tremblay, Walibridge, (North
Messrs. 'Poiret!, Pettier, Gihhis, tient,
Evanturel, and 0.milet, a ho voted spinet
the previous quention, voted yea ou the., main
The suhacauent formal soften ot the a&
dress are to be made no Mondiy.
The House adjourned at half past four-
. rashers immediately joitiing lir chore.,
od save the Qaeen." •
The Rouse will probably rise next week,
and adjourn until July, when the um
pamports shall be modified, sad so our BY A POOR YOUNG KAN.
thereat ad relates tu persons entering this -- . .
country from Caned. shall be rescloded, I know the editor of the Signe/ is too
saving and reserving the order. iu all other 'ut
respects in full force. good-naturad to have meant mere than a
—____ — joke when he offered to -give me a wood -
CON ElgIldrritTION. cutting job nt 50 cents per cord, else he
i I :I eordtalit ive i d f T da °Teem next ts, sue i tie instance • • •
powered to get a book to keep the mieutee Pohl", dinner. thl titling . 1 tieb!.nu., au r i
a d our anon el Nora Sc tit a il N
Brunswick are of tke mime( value te 114. gad
me another opportunity of addressing the in Crablie Victoria 11211. It is to be
ars of itifinitely 'Sore iutpuitanee than the
dear public through his widely -circulated udder the patronage of the military and give public dalliers to such moo st h
occasious let us to day
. but del out preside iu the Senate.-
. . • an- 1 eY ' His ItiMIth is much better. .
meg Prof. Ferguson has an engagenteut lIewick, get a certificate to the Revenue then 1 go in heartily for public dinners. Nu se
asniaut ON, Morels I I. -The remours et * long, however, as they are earnest in dice
CONCIST.-A. grand CouoUt in aiu or ItTialiti$11::d11:71 :Iiii)tckrehd :le"'"nd :e'll'rtithe°:fir7tibirt 61 tu 4.17
year, by oonforming to the statutes and why keep the tide; up -why desite to Male
in London on Se Patrickhi Day. ediii„eibi,,trisie rue t 6h; ir,litela‘it as,e trilietio...g.o, et rubbluiet disaster tuScbufield originated in. a boastful deetim r effOoltog" eohoection, the tie
Inspector for Tavern Lieienaell the present
the F.piiicoluil Church mid Rectory Fuud by-laws of the umincipality.-Carried.
Itlidisiffik"thirar°tfritbethecoln'°iitn'ILI"t:ti. • •
2 X d 1, 11 St me and seconded a cat Mature ef
plentyof nom ei uromeven in yoarownlown, %h. at„it it iy bei;„„ti the, both the valise of etre Areericnn possooiono for .,,
a good cuatom. • Wn have hoe.
ihiportanco whatever is attached
would not n t ise \ I Y g a announce ur ues y ' by Alr. Perkias, That the Clerk be\ est- ` that 1 cuuld-tele honoring woh a 1. ice President 3ohnson was iu the capitol Posse u u ew
The news of the probable refusal of
New Brunswick has, of course, changed
the whole appearance of the Confederation
Question. While it reinnined probable
that the alaritime Provinces would be
glad to form a more intimate Uniitn with
each other and with Cenada, our Legiala-
ture thelieed to discuss the scheme
quietly until each member had mid hi*
may, in fall confidenee that the platform uf
the Quebec Conferenee would be adopted
without aniendineut and by 3 very large
majority. No*, however. very much to
the disgust of the Opposition, the Govern-
ment is inclined to close up the debate at
once and tithe the docieive vote. Thie
(Morse is not unreasonable. The eppoat-
tion have had a month of it without Win-
ning over a single Government supporter,
and without offering an aineralment or any
description. And why need the debate'
continue ? Every member has made up
his uthid as to how ne will vote, and it is
'ebeolutely certain that, two mouths ninre
of mere idle talk coudd. not materially
affect the result. The dote, therefore,
will probably be taken to -day or to murrcw,
and the Pertiatuent will soon afterward
be rotheued until summer.' In the mewl -
time prominent members of the Cabinet
will be sent to 'England tn confer with the
Houle authoritiu on questions of vital
one of my priuciptl sources or kontiseuielit town, and will be, of counts, u complete duffers laud the minutes therein to cow. There is seether evil 1 see iii some uf our N L
• The remotes of • battle, by Schofield. in 'Ilineetir"... 011b1"1"71 "woe:176.'1"f.. Lateeinfir•
n of this Council, price net to exceed three
Journal, Puor as I am, mid obscure, It is some of the most prominent citizens of the wilt be popular in any part of Huron.
year. -Carried. tee much iuclined to m1(1011,14160", o"d "tall re'lirill"blets.7u:lei:6., '1;thtreuyeliteted'els;:lcelnitlaytft:Uitiiii7d' sii ignominy to w h I c li I hope we
• teems. The comtnitties will epare nu
de‘i,„to, ,„ tt, tt,,i,. shall user submit, if we *ere on any pretext
" human rice divine." and 1 hen ellee" : penis te gratify the iiumense audience of them iedulge in the practice of bespatter.
twat it expected.
ed by Mr. Pearson, That the Clerk lie eleell way or may not lw sineere. Wlianover Sh the doubtful Bragg
PO much struck with the rage fur twietache i :
per The sudden breaking up oT the instructed te write to the General 110e. I t•ead ouch stuff I may say, . in the. oingular
growing that I am tempted tu devete a
et paseport systein gives great satistastien to pitel in Toronto, and mile:nein by plinieulegy of Mr. Muner si, Persian .hero, ,
p I,' . , beg' ' i , as the ,inie,b00,,n twdit.licoueu,nttireyt vb,t, theig.iloret.b:eu wireivashatoz
publIc of Canada end the meauseaud what alpinism would he inour- I resolves itself iuto moor. Wkeuever at a to the to„,„,,t,,ia
"e- ulf heer 'fbe remnants of Eatly's forces have fled
author Of all abstruse treatises shiluld, what my fen turns . epside down it
. border States. The Great Western and red, le tecnding there nu . . . ut_er apuutatiou 1 beer an • • . . * • d 1 es e o , endeayored tu propitiete, Itionever sebum
the beyimany. Therefore, lot me first : the buel"efte moan boy,: teehlic Munn or I. I he reot I army is believe o ru et
Greed Truuk Railways have resumed subjeet tu fits mid Mckuess, awl diet Mr.
• • , 'their !lintel number of through traiiis, and Magirgod be sllowed 'eight dollar,' fur his
f '
to etudy eArreact. r portranea in the , the Nahum"' am but nothing can bt• ascertained from any dueroe• to this count'', if would las
menu at the lieginning of tho present Puhhe dinners. MALI.), of
3 Moved b \dr 1Valker and seemed whatever, on ail pretext, however flimsy, to
Mg each uthee with- touch fulsome peaky, result thou reentries* to be invaded and pep -
Good. ilea s hat been received IrMst Sheri.
Olo reliable news from Sherman yet.
uny dcawe on their part to teparate their coo.
twitted f!oin us, not by theivuwil act. not trine
inatoe pug
rest:ese. As tie dreadrul old clap trap be- favourable to tlie Nortli than to tOe South
l'110.auicherlii March 1L-Tbe Bulletiti
fins to jiligle a sleepy nielauelgoly seizes rae. • (Ilear, hear.) I my thel under those circuits.
h h .00ta fut.; Loathe following special despatch
stauces tu allow the cider to be wrested from
Ct.:gelidly 1,e a neutrality at all events more
la I j y ,
travel it es brisk as ever, greater even runner keepiug and uutil such time as au WWI feria in Winett we tecogitize no sinceri• ea 1 g on, .
st.s.:Tinhout putting foith t e whole strength of
wile, 6 conenge, enoge g, puppyi,lir • It is neiessary to state that Within seb. R. Moved by Mr. Welker. and sewed- dacrP''''`' 14' gee,. a-,
, • . II. nweA ivl.edttizrielattcottd:;:linininwitioenh, lawr:sli itiit,07.,a, ,:aiala the...,
in pueitire terms, that a scout from Sher -
=WS artuy had reached Tesoy's headgear. Vs" "ad 111""".‘"/ a° °loch I boos thil
pire aided aa we should be by the col.
1001 a stroug element of !tell -importance
than before the interruptiou tea pleat answer coaled from Toronte.-C irried. ty or life, but iii lame cues out of ten holiow
Ino,.woold be an eridleas dia.
which mey ur may not take the firm of : . I ,euekery
twee. As the Age of !inherit "I`Pronclies .leets who coiltetuplete cromitig tho hues ed by NO. PearsoE.That,,the Petition of. terri, who left our forces ia the occupati,on tit custetry wilLuever subir.it. (Hear. hetr.)
the young gent. gradually arrives at the should posses, papers by which they usay Jueeph Jaegilei Ind others,'eoneerning dis Eire im MIllelleell. C_Iteraw, Si. C., the terialillik Of do) Chersw
discovery that a slight nondescript down and Derleigtuu road, and but a very lest Lord Derby on site adittiatmgen
eec•ipe the drat Le mid other lee invenienees. aide road -betwetu luts `20 and 2 1 iu the
rimmed= he stands before itia bed. tO Mr. Jatues rhouson, Tewa ( lark of on to this Commit! as woe as uoneeniene te tie on lire, mad was burned with it. gootents, P erto oed rested for some da s and In the course of -the conversation which
ot the North a utericau Colt.
irdevelnping itself upon his upper lip. Partite lit ilia sectiee o,go remedred ieth „,„attont be reforms to William , thiNsiruilocrHoEitni; theutlacreigetinv.-frAZiaattiZre°hcolo.'4,k miles from Nuith Caroller'. einiee.
Carried, except 0 barrelt of flour. The "lido's! folio,' ter, lair subsistence along the Yroute. to"k Place lo the lion"' of lottde on the
" A mustache !..a mustache !" he niental- with tbie proper doctitilente on applieetion Strong it P imilt by Job. rbthoy, cuover.i Nothing but cavalry elirmielbes had take,.
au- -olM . cation to report there -
certainty. d.e.fencce of Caii.sda, toed Iterby expressed
11181ikoi cm isit importatit ottestIon with Vaal
room glam. 0, happy tnought ! 0, Goderieh• coutanied 4,000 buithels of •Imat, 500 barrels
BILLIARD MATG11.-A Billiazd alateh i ' ' '\ : : Th i d 8 '
'the &ursine iute North Carolina was •
sf eutiestriem end orth a distmetirean which
ciateil Whilst ad -
5. kto rod by Mr. Walker, and seconded by
microscopical emblem uf buddiug manli: Joba r earsan That go be ellooed to cue*, , el -flour and a large queutity of tither gooda.
lie 'ridge- on the 4th line, ward 3, aud that -e rt°1 l'''e 4 "el• mete at Iliilluoi "e4'1). lbw letter falai that, on the 1st March,
itting that it rule wrong to attempt to
object iu life, to wit, the eultIvakuu el that -day eeggeg bat eetweee teodereet eed .814 fres ward approotinema-Carried. lark, To utor 2,090 bushele wheat ; 1 11 I
-'• --"-- of the otcutration of Wilmington, reach
Tialotain the connectiou between Canada and
Council adjourued to roust at Fut-dole's lauda, 4 rick t1
50 be our; .1. I. ishleigh, 2,000 that place much atone,
tlia scout started fur Newborn, bu t lull be universally air
ness Thenceforth ale Total+ • Itne so mane off at the Huron Hotel on There- 84 of Me tante be paid by the COSUC11) and ;30vered bninaurauce. The are T.M.
mustache. 1Ie securee a Taxer awl use.' Stratford. The Stnaford players were/ mr. • ' bbl f I b .1 I • • ;wat Britain against the althea of the Cent,.
lietchuttes, the third Wednesday ia " e s w got t he, La a ari, 1 he ovum* of tho intelligence is perfectly
it 111 t1CCret- he purchases a bottle of Thos. Tobin, D. Soott, Blom Corey, J. . March, at 10 o'clock, a. in. ot o ot er ;,u 1. correct. &au themselves. he yet maintained that so
long Si we are 111 earnest in our desire to
rinublety•s hair restorer -lie devotes his Turner and 3. L. Rebuts. 0odierich the work of au inceudiary.
- Fire la W WM,. 1
Britain to second our effortg fer as possible.
Slat Mt
News from Mexico. maintain that connection, the tie not only uf
interest but honor bound the people of Gnat
Whole enereies of tuind and body to the toppoied to thew Cape Dencey, /cape Township
importance to this country, such as de- lark of encouraging the hirsute appendage MeGregor, Chas. Slack, T. J. aliairhotese atoarriox or 113 saurian 11i • be noble tool Men went tria to make the
to become visible to the.naked eye, and if and Harry Reid. After 1.1 ad IfssIlett Connell.
Winne, Much 11. -About 2 &auk this The Emperor Max 'lien, according to fullowtug observations, which we vulture to
Nature is not unusually unkiud, he sue- interesting bout of 1500 poia
eceds to *mice:tent. Now it may appear won by ere •The return m
doubtful whether it is possible. te aid the bakily come off soon.
Eases' l'rows ttnebee.
(41 orcal Triegnipli to 114oss ) _ ___ -_.........
' 'a' $3,000. Plc ho1:duttei beldflf1"2 to Emperor of Nlexicir *event autographic:tiers ,Ilies and our summon ut Nova Semis, aa.1
_ mustache In coining forward by any mere mg were read and confirined.
• The amendments to the Esplanade Bill, thet a large portion of the mind of the We dnesde.y Night. non and others praying,assistanee I./wards Mr. Oliostovisis had hos stuck iesured for ti rs is a formal one, accrediting the minnow's out a, el egteeety more ioweittance thuan
i Toe second is • repetition of the first, bu the goo stem of money or economy. 1 my, „
agreed to to day in Toronto by the repro- youngster does by 80113e mysterious process i — the expense of certain children under the (2,01:10. ,
f IS " t • • i • I care ofJonathan Abby. -...-- —
. I It yl b
I morning fire brooks out in Mr. O Doitoran • 'deices received front Mexico, has received &mut will weakest a truly national respouse.
Stratford Ili:WATT, March let, IS6.5. 1 carvisee foCtory. In skim an hour 15 buggies at comecial audieuce Mr. Peter Campbell 11e•gagj , -
will pro- The Council met this day -all the DICID. i and cornered, 7 cutters, all the 1.4.4IS, black• Scartett, the entoy extraordinary end Will. , ". I- differ from the noble lord ie the esti•
hers present. The minutes of last meet.; smith.* shop, shnls, awl euirything . were ,c,,t, p i y p . ,
. telil utenuar of her majest , the'Quees mate of the value of our hemmers ossosions
' burned to the ground. Mr. 0 Donovan' hos of F.,,, e.t.d. Mr. Acadia' pregame,' to the t , 1 'hod, dog the commend or too st Lu.
Qgtnee, March Stli, le65. went d operation, but I solemnly licliee,• ry on In referenee to the petition of J. J.Ale- tleases, Easton Jit Wests.:0, were net itinured. from Queen Vieterie. The first of obese let.. . ',,, itru,,,,,,,e1 are er the enneer Tee., re 5,
Extensive ilijobbe
eentatives of the Great %Vegans and
addresse.1 to the Entente Charlotte 1•014 tberefure, that it would be an ignominy to
• Valise 1.'0 intuit' ett.2,7i. mas 1110VL y Mr. Warner, see -1 The Defence of Canada. 1 owe ster, an
gather about the mots ti the air o Myatt riesua te etappereronci 0 sa
firished business will be taken up at the Northern Railways and the city of To- atituulate its growth. I knew a boy 0130t ,
ended by. Mr. Morgan, That the petition: her uf text, however thowy-te permit those prov•
stage which te may Ii3V0 reached. It is renta, reached here by telegraph to -night. whrise mile ambition ia lif.: wee tiggrow . - td Jame+ Johnson and others in favor ott De‘‘ler;at4itA.4e,__t1"...1.‘Yle"eoniu`goortr.Qmoodethrsetooll'hioff, tfi°,:itairly'tlia4eehisnacincessjuni:alt"ottl:enlitr7olin of Mel ince, lu be invaded god separated hoot tut,
• lo M ey. Notes, dee.
rumored that nereral of the althisters will The Bin eficnes herore the Railway coin ' big. His paternal progenitor war a small Rucoi. RI, 0 1., .t
gets try Its‘ Mr. Abby be not granted. ! what principle the governinent II actin: in tint In the uot by their uwn act, not time any desire on
hot " third' is an ac ow which 1 ho we shall never submit, if we
• lielgetueet of the letter scat hy the paror were on any. melee% erhateveremn any more
Mo. Elie geese' espreases bar in
weltare ut Mexico, and her be
establishment of the empire is
.4 a iiekand happy era for t
cougratulatet the Eispero
and cleats with .tb• Ousel
kimatic courtesy. •
The Mexican pope
the diplomatic and
mule by the Emper
No appomtmalt
4 that the thei, part or sejiarate thkie connection with
. Moved in Amendment by Mr. Long- ; the matter of the defences of Camidge An
set out for Eugland almost immediately niittre to-morrilw. - ' man, and iu order to escape such a fete OF rut: Plit0PCMIT1 l
bottom, seconded by Mr. Warwick. That • official repert. is published, which clearly
the petition of James Johnson and others . Provee that the r“..ti^ ooeu,beituCi•nn:in1.4* cueenhutrtybwylitlu1st8i Igeofre4hel°zil‘lilwiyea'anne "ernilleahr("eureld.
an excitement was created in this r of that great cdlony is
ly exposed, but utterly defenceless. or. hot c;ettion, to propitiate?, hiiiiever unsuecessfully, by a
yeete,rday in cousequence of a vere- mr. Abby
be granted, and that tilts Council give to..00t on
the sate Of 030.00. , 1 'I lie pub.ication of thin report seems to imply etuoestd"e of diP i neutraitty at all errata more favorable to the '
ey reibbery haying beeu perpetrated at 3Ioved in amendment te amendment by; t.t.isuk.tabeidnetieernmeet is inipiesaed with the !North then to the South. I sae that under
ess and imprudence of such a state publish loot lilts Or 1 these eircanstarien to allow the colony to - '
ark's flow' during the night before. Ms. Morgan, seconned. by Me.•Warner,: or gene, egverege:y 11 teepee, e, rortde consular upeintasents ' be wrested trom us without putting forth the
The particulars of the affeir are suLatan- That in reference to the petition .of J tones 'meebee. This proposal hi sensible enough 110 foreign governments. whole strength of the empireogsided as we
tinily as fulleis : ale. John Cameron of Johnsen and others in reference to Mr ; ewe its ileted• COO), to be connidered. the
which it et arranged to devote to are made to the United ahould be by the colonints themmlves, would
i ' Abby, that it is the opinion of this Coen- I whole, sum be ea endless disgrece mid ignouirey to •bielt
oe I Brockvtlle,whose,business is the colleetiou ell there should be no greet until there ; th's object ie s:•-loil•ooe-IiitIe e".14h• at Ibe I hope this country will never submit.) .
is , of accounts throughout this seetieu, came ,thidi he an effort made to aud s r r • best ; but even the expeuditare of this small very important piece of aews I
fest' Or TROUBLE.
The Court of Common Pleas hating
en diplomatic business.
- -
suet:tined the legality of the purchose of
C...4 C081" "d q"rier Me" b h C C ^
etotie. the 1 ork Roads y t e man les teoun
on their resolietion, there is likely to be
The above courts were opened thie day
little deley by the Gavernment in wen-
(Tueoday) at noon before Ilia Honor, the
plettng the Usurer. It is understood that
County Judge. The h Hosting gentlemen
a copy of the award by the Court is on
of the Grand Jury 111114WerCd 141 tle•ir
the way to the Government.
DaMea Jeceib Thempeon, one of the Snutherp
George Gager, foreman, Robert Ander- maMagera, has arrived here. Porterfield
mon, Thomas Agnew, Geo Cox, Geo Gunn, and Bettersworth 'are likewise here.
Jas Landesbote, G Linklater, Wm Leg -
The Oprotition trented the Speeleer
ett, Jun McAllister, Jno McAulaji jag' :met utifeirly lest night in uking him to
Pollock, Jno Scott, Wm Hall, Jno Ste -
entertain a motion overriding the well.
phene, and Jas Woods. underetood practice of Parliament. One
Ilis Honor, in addreming the Jury
of the gentlemen who supported this police
aldd tt WI" t° he regretted that them was has been Speaker himnelf, and must have
so much litigatiou, but there was nn doubt
known he was trying to establish a dam
that the preenure of circumstance render.
gerous precedent. Speaker Wallbridge's
ed it neceasary for creditors to enter such
firmness and mo,leration during hie pos-
a large number of cases. CAWS might
ion of the chair is fully conceded by
ume before the jury wherein two or three
all, and his fineness last night is opecially
mon had set upon a person and beaten
d reing of commendatinn.
htm en account of mane old business
A di•ision on the Courederation scheme
grudge, but no each considerations should
is thought probable to-morrew evening. It
away it' The wsle questian was as 1° is hardly likely to be delayed uotil Fritley
whether there had or had not been a
the sou, though a little yellow dwarfeet
looking scrub, devoted his whele energies ; QU'
to growing. Instead of Fix:piing, his time I tog
in cultivating Lis mind, or in thoroughly'
mestering, his trade, he spent every leieure
moment In weighing himself, stretching
up his head, and discussing the subja
thet lay next his heart.. And what
the result T At this moment th
nearly six feet high, stout in Pro
and strring ae a three year old et ! et lastrthe 8th inst., bringing with hint a nod. . I teusly small. flsis contemiribie project
all that growing, and fattening,/ and spin: larg eieed valise, Con131Ining about pen 2 aIeeed by Mr. Warner, seconded might well evoke expressions of indtgnant
ning out the result of a mere/ accident ? in cash, and now, deeds; mortgaesee, t rpr. Morean, That no mere than four astopisloneet from the peers of the realm.
Not a bit of it The whole er the youth's to the ea-ue of about 823,000. 31r. CAlt- tavernalse all•vwed in the township for tlje ,.bly6ettereteeechei.nnede, etebeieece
p.iresejnt anad that a By -Law he
Pre' , and iftefficiency alines grid it eon...Meat
energies were exerted hi. that oue *rim lald this Tali* down in the hall of a_
passe for thus limiting them. gdeeeee
tion, and he sueretrial., This is another the h•del, immetime between eight and P. riehirrained.
illustration uf the fact/thet, indomitable 11410 O'clock, am!, entirely unconscious of The By -Lew was prepered and putted
We hav
winch e
to Dark's Hata ou wt,dnesd•y evening place for them -Last amendutenPt. sudin is to he spread over four years, which
.. re aces tbe enterprise to proportions ridiew 1, reppe tet.,:tfirsieriN,eutr. ant:d., A Man Who Ilaa net Slept for
*Si er Fourteen emirs.
energy' will rilway•s rveive itt reward It 0 e risk he ran in learine 'in article ef so 3 Movel by Mr. Morgan, wended AMERICAN Vi Alt.
' ' - ' by Mr. Warwick, That the petitions of i •"-- - ' • - - -
way, therefore, be set down u prettY mtrei1 value in art exposed situation. Spent
T. Andrewe, J. Bellingten, V It
i.....owie and • 711rw 'Ione, Mtitt'll 4.—The
certain, that ineutal entliusiesua combined route thee with acquaietancee in various R. Idouglas be granted on conditions thet ' Point.correspontudt:. obi thit• It
with careful oiling, brushine land twitch- rooms. Shortly after nine o'clock he took the said partite comply with the require- ' ',:,:,:11:locreere °Zee., „oil.;
twitch) are invaluable aids in producitig war set dowu at the doer about ten o'clock. 'tried. complePte success.
y n 11 eters
mg (when it becetues long enough to a drive a'uout town with. Mr. Pulley, and meets of the BeeLaws of this Municipalt- 1,
that which seem,. to be to huniatiity or the At that hour there were very few persons ti.Z-CXtived b Mr. afore-tn.. ruled by I anThrie:fiTelecaurtreo lit ylefirliiimr:thirdsf arijh . north
Mr. I,ongbottonyi, That the treseurer be of the J2inet, to Mewle's extream left, bey
masculine persuasion what a fine teil is to about the bar -room, and nothing of im• pay i mid Hatcher's Itun, south of Petersburg, is
a penctikk or a fiery proboscis to the gene, portance occurred until I I o'clock, when, instructed and is hereby instructed to
• f t •I II be' that he impriwil isod encountered. Gm rebel
erald's City
says :-Osere
ridana noon.
e weed with
la Uirited States anal Fierier. It is —
ifirreatioe of• po,iomi repo-ts in the i At peewit there is a ail.lier iit the Chestnut
oern newspairern to the etfett teat the ' Hill Military Hospital, Pbriadelohia 'rho hes
nited Stales cousul at Nlatamoras who wrss I not slept Cm a single moment fi,r fourteen
neereilited to the Juarez government, has 1 years and six mouths. This may seem in•
been ordered away by Mexierio.n. It is also • credible. nut neeettbeless it 'is true, and can
Mel that clearances for the Cnited States , by verified by numbers of persons. This in.
from thot port are noe refuned. Both houses I diudual is an intelligent man naturally, anal
ol Congress hare pooled a 11041 tal law and 1 has the benefit ol a moderate education, Ho
repealed the old une. 1 name k C. D. Saunijero, orderly sergeant nf
— I company ll, 131a Virginia ,Volunterre. 11.
Corkaption la Ike American entered the service of the ratted' States it•
Congress. j December 2e, 1863. He is in the forty fifth
— • year of hio age. IIO lwaltli hoe been gener•
We have a Congress wherein the idea of 1 ally excellent daring hit life. In IC49 he
Frugality has tio place -wherein the surges 1 wee attacked 'kith cholera. sad Mem thes
tion of Itetrenehment k accouuted peen!" or , period with lung fever oa two ocessiomt 1ii
dentago,:ical. If this were not so, bow should l the summer -of th:re .leep torsoolt him, gad
the Whisky gamblers have escaped tatatidillaince that time he bas never felt the Imat
last winter ? Why should not the Mileage !drowsy. Ile Ibu always led a tensperate life.
awthdle bane been arrested / Here come two , flis wife and ehildern reode in Putnam
dement turkey-thagjg to any, more .1l,e , ere 'retiring, 3Ir. Cameron went for his presented to the Council and be certified 1 tntrb.", l't• eo."`kr haeli` at MnYnetien°' nearly new Senators from Nevada tu serve thirty (manse, %rot Virginia. Mace be entered the
atalatieat of the law' Cases of isreeni Mr Wood's Amaleamatinn Dill is dead
orinitnengthen wee. But &lag ales ! The I clime and found that it had been removed to by the Councillor getting the work i idterly routed atni eantori„z the owe force, a.h....to,
roway uetween Staunton and Chultetvillc, in OILS Coarior, arid Ulm seree (10,0-00 :17niiiii army he hotelmen on seven raids.. and
(300 per. day -out 01 1111 lin four char" during which time, lw intones .
woule come before them, the law in re- , .* . , .. ' . ... ._ eup of human blies is often rudely Capeixed i Mr. Bark, not having been pieced in thene•-•Ceraol• I mid securing, among the prisdners, the Truisury the for. We do not. blame there • us. he never felt tired nor sleepy. Ile was in
ference to which hail been so fully explain• e • •just as the nectar approaches the fip.- I charge of it, knew nothing whetever of its 5 • aloved by Mr. Lonebottem, necond-; doughty General commandirg. ' ' fur this ;- eir we presume they will talm *out- I four (bargee made beyond Harper's Ferry,
and bertha unlit next session, ti tut pro- ,
ed before that it was unneceesary to meters have even the enuraee to tsar 47' I ed by :ale. Warner Thai' the • Auditors' I h is admitted by the nibies, um.' rding to 1,•ehat 1 e ge g , 4 t IS
' h 1 II. w he : we are reprov• ' V on the 1:th. IMO., Itith, and 2011. ot
I a '
\ -After all the enerey :and brushing And whereabouts. Of course the gentleman Abotraet be received and pyised.__cote„ the 'stoke, of deserter.. to have ....hr•en thement mg the law ittelf, and the maker of the law. Aurust, yet he did not feel the least
do so again. One cese of forgery and anode, dollar bottles ot- oil ueed, the niusta' clie, I was excited. If the stolen property could •rieet • : overwhelming affair oethe war in proportion which is Coligress. A, regiment might be sleepy. 11 14 that be cannot or does not
up then. Should they do en, a host f
, Wheitit is ushered into thie troublemeue I not be recovered he would be a ruined I 6 Moved by Mr. Warner, s,conded I to the numbers engaged.
paid the money due it for its last sot' months' sleep, is as much a mystery to him m it is to
witnesses will bc called, and a lively time
er of argon were upon the docket. Ile
y few devote have been obtained bear• service out of this monstrous grab. And• . nutny scientific gentiemen, who, having bad
ever for the Assizes next week, 11.e usual _ _ . . world instead.of being a " thing of beauty man. Search was teal: high and how i hy Mr. Warwick, That these accounte be 1 M • Mem of rellobilit but the "mole while there ia t -da et leen One hundred eirlaiten on lled to him, have been 'be-
thought it would be necestary to leave them i3 onlieil'Iterd•
practice being to send such eases to a higher Tule N one tt• IV leer . -We observe front an a jni
: rested on Wednesday night. On Thursday be 7 -„ , In so v.., ' ern; amount to direction t / escape his relentless squartrene. week gladly pay if he knew where to
Whiter's eaminining, wOrch Mr Fessendeneinee7er„
Detbel her' of cosio44 ilielifiRd guidlemen eatched
c matter (ili.4 , tit000 et Diionwin,e. 01...40, home his sudden adoent, aad• IS ecing la every
n one occasion, at his request, • nom.
iribmal. Ills Honor spoke in favor of keep- recent Englise papers that the eubject nt fine as Pereian goseamer-ry turn out robber or his booty. Thus tls
sag up an effic ient pol i ee threug ho ti 1 Ore opening up the Northwest Territory lia.s t° he what jo kehnie'llY 03 1041 c arge to Ward 5, mien the Cellector's 1 he account, agree se well in every parocular mone we hare the Houseitopping thge"
and ore iii such perfect accord witb srhet was lieiency ii1 to coerce tbe Smite Otto adding . hen for fort2, two days arid nights conseem•
those Municipal repnesentuives who wished Now in a uiustache that from its Infancy , Robert Booth and several others, pasteee, 7 3 of y . r. arner, Neon
to believe that Early auil bin army are milled its It f employed and generously•paid euder• I cause of the wonderful phentrineeon. TI.ete
Negotiations have been g • e •t -
to dispense with the services of some of the ' b._ . ul.n•-: nn' , ' al:1- persists in being the color of a root of : the hotel Isetwem nine and ten ' o'clock, by 31r. Longbottom, That the Clerk be captured. lino, and a Senator rely proposing •n !gentlemen took turns 'tub each in the pre -
would not lead to an additional security to the Home and Canadian Governments. see wtitiment,
nor chivalry, nur-nothing.lappearance of that stolen, in a ;sleigh es to the best meens to be employed for Thursday. 't he capture of -Bony occurred to 10,000 per annum. , to sleep it would lee obseered. Some of the
Men arid biothren l you are feerfolly 1 watehere became droesy and it wns as much
The owner of it iii iinubbed hy more for- standine at the door, and , the couject are dBeernerinediiings:racwasecoinioz. ree_filianrified. between the next day.
By Saturday Sheridah would be in in aeon- stretchin r a cord that will snap one or these as he could d r to 'mak., them. This sin-
life and property in the community. Xen. with a view to the forniation of a Crown I •
tion was also made of the mariner in which Colony at Med niter and a union with
Willie men (of 16), And 'he young ladicii 1 noW ie that the robber threw it• in there
John Smith bad escaped on a charge of the Confederated British Colonies. The
1' eri raping," and CMS were cited where it proposals rnade and the conclusion, ar- meeei
id : I'ekg Beadle 01 1.20, A. Alonteith reriresented as join unprepared for 'millions do. e to° ouir soldiers for the several ttohniebed in"theiera attempts to irkeetigare the
- - d forever," -black, glossy ,aud I but DO trace eguld be obtained of the. r 0 I be re41"" le
, ffounties, and against the false economy of bc st, eee g considerable att •ntion THY. GINGER CoLOBED MI'MTAc111.-; morning a few fact.. ceme to light. Mr. aceount of f1.50. -Carried.
expeet••d and knout, that are constrained tweet pe cent to the legal compensation uf ively, in or r, poss.ble, to arrive at the
dwmm Hudson Bay Co. an . appointed tog consult with 3Ir. Camemn se „e, „
port Sheriden in Staunton en iticrearie of the pay of embers from (3,000 !greets of watching, so Mat if he should chance
higber officets,whoge disruiesal, in his opinion, Pcsrs, ginger there is neith• - beauty, nor poetry, dietinetly saw a valise, having the general
do not set their faces rrg final if, they either to avoid the observation of' pimers
had been proven conclurively y giegle nod 'remark, " did enu by or tojthrow euspicion upon an innocent
Foreign Enlistment Act teas in torte in this
III" the rived at, if any, are still wrappe•I etc,. a-mihis• 'wild sister, gravely warial perste. ld,wever that may be, it seems
Province. His Honor had read the Alien mystery. In fact, it is highly probable
hltit against throwing his shaving water out pretty clear that the valise was stolen
Act attentively and be believed it to he, not that it ail' end as usual in mere NM, and ees.
es alleged by a portiun oe the press, direct- I t the little 1,031S Should get the hairs between Dine and ten o'clock. Nururther
&Mon to push fur lachbark flays 'and 1..1 a good inany tato tbe nos& Be gular man was tent to Pleladelphie by order
Moved by Mr. alo enuennded by'
Mr. Warner, That this eoiuictl de now The fribune's Washington npecial says it entreated to fortreer I or the surgmn. Ile wag *deleted into
is reported from liancock's ;head piarters, . We are among ihose who kid it the sin the boapitel at Chestnut Hill, on the 17th of
Adjourn to FM called together by Clerk
at Lontlesborough. Winchester, that Sheridan has detested Esrly, plo duty of the good citizen to pay to the 1 November last, suffering from chronic dime.
but that Early is not captured. uttermost every tax letied to ruatein ear . rhea and rheumatism. Ile lag nearly re -
Moved in amendment be leonghot- 'Nair Yong, Merch 8. -The Herald's Wit. Government in its fretful trial, and then to covered from his phytiral debility. His
lend it all be can spare beside. We scoot appetite is good, hut yet he does not sleep.
tOm, 'seconded by M r. arwick, That mington correteondeht of the 23rd, 8.1)-1 they
thie Council do now adjourn to be caned here there teonlinnetion of revious re torts tilluiengleesels, estmltebOodoldiahttiomn wubnoderivan;stesirietulL bli,,etrehteirems sreoleed, jemrs,
barely less than a traitor. Hut, though the physicist reit. This brief narrative of a molt
Nation will metier repudiate its Debt, it mu, svonderfel phenorneenn me; mem fabulous,
properly repudiate 'those who wastefully, hut the reader is ensued that it is the truth,
wantonly ailment it. And it teems to us -Philadelphia Press.
the moat °hymns dictate of even the coldest - _ -
i‘recritymdtetno,,,nreteL tbloarketh f,rupguablliitcy bre, ,,,n1
pee:7Tel:: Illiku:dtetrhatezwis°tianidg et.774ikt:eNtortftf.orirhir.,a7:1,
we C411 increase the pay of every soldier, whele volume of eater fent nne sheet i4
Pt it h'neenrvY,a,flUttlehi :oet(r:h:irs:s inri7cpcyr unwnd be :tibroern.i:urTtiibbily. (2:011401(behlee,f,,,t1.71.0,At brirlevenhdteliser:leihii.ni siimr:uunitd42 j51..datingi.,3010Tfeebh,:t
.11111. ml.oi otnher,:,:iuir,,,,rennseyloinidbeilektdateionDa4dt !taus. eb,uotoothrie.ettalli heacei iet.,,vpiesitiet11 (N,fifsgare4, tn.a,
by increasing salaries and allowances on thO further above we found another one of lees
hand and on that, what this but to paralyze note, where the water divides into two parts,
the National arm which holds the sword of and Islis "'distant° of 157 feet," When the
jetties impended over the Slaveholdes. Re- kacific railroad it completed, thin will W-
hether, hy plunging hemllong into National me • feshionabie visiting place, as Niagara
Bankruptcy ?-riew York Tribune. is now, with, however, • wider range of curi•
osities to attract tbe attention ut 'Lefton.
ed agatest the St. Alban's raiders merely, but °De ° stuck in their foci. The owner or the I clue could be obtained, notwithstanding togetherl.bithe Clerk and to meet at It. that Gen ethernet -1 had retie el Car ear
f the finest sections of the continent
itelistment, he., arid hence, the people of . blighted, moonstruck appearatict. As you and county constables, until about 11 : had struck that stream 6060171es&ilsitiotrie"11Viiel
• Iwo -edged sword directed against all ahem retuain sealed. 1r at all possible our
ginger colored Mustache alweys wean a the most strenuous exertion, of the town Deftlffiales River, North Carolina.
who might be iuclined to engage in illegal Government should take the subject up in . inburn.-•Amendment carried.
pletely meg the rebel plans for effecting a
eningtonie.viout to the Ist inst., thus coin.
uuntry should endeavor to have it car- a spirit ot caenestness and press fur the
look at him you ask yourselr whether be o'cleek last 'light, when a boy found the
portanec to ourselvea and our children. ias no a n ou n a se , in ng art c e on e ree n ron o to eive nine nievenityo o sor,e
tied out strtetly and impartially. settlement of a questien ef such vita int -
The jury t110111 retired, and the usual b
vess el the Loan ores proceeded with.
_ _
I t I i t i TM J1111C frolt or i i i I th t t i f t f aim se'll"" ° CONCIIIIN180 TIM. .
whether, perchance, a ff ish of lightni•io° 1 Mr. Jessup's old shop on Kingston street. 1 I i Is i i . rr; le h o l
11, , tn.:, ,u,,,,.,,, Sib, 1,65. which point thty eximeted to have a comb'
has not come within about the hund-edtli tht examination by the owner it 184.8 t'ound To the Editor 01 the • Huron e.snal ' nation of advantages in their favour which
BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE.- ht4nriard part of an inch of care) ing away his wee. would insure his defeat.
ela Scott 3:: Co.,'New York, hare forivarded The poor voting man feels his degrede. 1 that the valise had becn opened with a I' never waa in Ilaytiold
key and rifled of all the cesh and two mull tome it, but as that ii not poesible st previous v., Go occupation atm woe by the
-I should like 7: WI iltinington Journal, in its Mum just
to us the February number of Blackwood. ken. He d es the hateful thing, bat it
--- - - -one even tnat wannes ou witn .18 11101 Wert! an WC and sow! , an . r. ammo- 1,,,ino,noos imbee net sfite; ft ,,tice6dowmag t trienio n t et c kSehde.nmnaignhmt
NO GUNBOATS FOR TIIE 1.:.K1LS. a d m r,, , repreztni,,,I,,,,,srloduk,1,1017 Inva:tulyptthha:kpft,uoli,,,f;nayphskinodr I eat i, n ernes, m ,
The contente are :-31iss Majoribankai .,'"' „ , ii. • ,_ ,_• i , ‘, ,i
*ill eet no blacker than a veil briek-red palter cUllars. The pepere, fortunately,
. ___ . -• 1. 1 f h b h a few of the leading inhnbitants. They mutt I t pelting Lee to abandon
— A eifit.10 the- CiCee, afitl Uunips of the
temper 1e:conies all gingery ns his tuustaelw.. „„ . . , f , . bbe ; be earnest lovers tal good dinners; and if they iti'efihnieldrndarfe:rty"h17in.1 deepet-esbef state
By the following announcement -We- Confederate States, concluded ; Knight- glass of ale. His joy in life is gone. I I is '. • • •
run is mud le re teve• o a cavy urt en :
graphed, from Washington en the eth, it errantry in the Nineteenth Centttry ; Hie appetite f.61s, nnd ten to one but he , I m" nj ar the meet serinue ro r
do not est their way into. public notice, cer. thmt it to positirely known that on the lth of
t ie arge num r to speak pos.tivay se to num era. ut t o F'ebruary (len Sherman was at Camden, S.
will be Keen that the alone el Pasepurt or• Modern Demonology ; Etonian*, Aacient 1/314/1C4 eway sorrowfully from ihe bury CIAC weeMare hed for years, and,we think, i tninir it i, not their fau't. 1 would rint like '
der of Mr. Seward has becn eboliehed, and aIodern, Part let ; Cornelius i r Dowd eve of lif , II
e a.. ou account sof a gineer. taken in connection wit i
!of bilge-h.:nee during the pant winter, cells I I have read throne or about six public din- te10a0romilinia," !inenutth'war,Pe'll,°efectIst,:estrie, velhilieChNtr:w)",,b,
Carolina, on the Wateree river, a liulohyeedr
I 1 I be - : • b 6 I hi k
and alio that, in consequence of an ar- upon men and women aud Things is] gene. eni0red mustache' I
rangement with Britain, the Atnericans ral ., and the Right Hon. Wm. Gladatent. , for the offer of a handsoinc reward to any , ners recently gine to " important and it waghelieved, he hlia br:fore now re, ,..
do not intend under present elreumetan- _ . _ _ fhe limit alloyed me b h di
y t e e tor officer or private person who may sweet! influential isdividuals" In tkat aspiring little There were rumours in the army ,r h
. ,5 Potomac on Sunday last that S:ierinen had
having been already puede I must village and its twin sister Brueefield. I ne difeetee eoeee6
eat to increase the number of gunboats on hir We have received the Annual Es. 1"1" in brin-ity, the peietrators to justice.
_ _ _ • member reading a booh galled in a heavy battle, and cap -
the Lithe/ al proposed. These straws in- hibit of the Commerce and 3lanufactures this very important subject until the Ped *Ingle's." It shotild be read in Ilaayifiietrd., tared 15,000 prisoners.
pone the cmclugion of my resuarks upon
dieate a better feeling between the coon. of the City of Ilamiltoo for 186 1-5. It Signal again Wears. and !dare say it is. All vintagers should New York, March 10th.-T,he Augnsta
hies, and may precede a revival of the is get up in • style that does much credit ...-- Conentenonatist of tee 17th ult., says 15th
concentr ion against him, Ind fuming him
As expected, the question of hood for reee a,d profit by it. It cnntaint some and 17th corps, with Sherman commuding,
Trouble %molts the t'rImps In the k ta,
reeiprocity treaty in an amended linen to the Sim...tame office and coutaitia tuuch eattie eas become • Minn,' 01641. ettlnY excellent reporta ol publie tpereches, public
that is of interest to the Brantford.
Mutual ex plan etion. have taken place rhe. Intik= sten of --s of the barn -yards ia the western part of ceremonies and public breakfasts, which may
mese the Governmeuts of Great loan and the Wes . The 111 an f. .1 Courier ofleturilay, cosi- the township have a miserable appearance. be regsrded aa models to be atudied with
We Crewel States, which have resulted in a
.. ' We are pleased to learn tiLlt thiotigii the
reeeinding of the passport order uf the 17th Plet-ere Plataw Storni. mellow' 01 Mr. John Campbell, Deveremcnt Thes.,,Isdlaiyek,admunogtihy:aoptif chaen,idi, liciiani,,,,,afnoirnit.hilse viredmva.nrredgewbiny.r till! .afetrht.. d,,,Aln,,rachrum.anin.tsainc,ne
of Ineo•mber so fisr as relates to the province Detective on the frontier of Canada West, are
le storm of Saturday night and Sun- 'with the ambiance of the High lhanstable of tanner, unless we have an earlier start a nor., hail heen over dene--,' run into the
of Canada, 'and in an unduistanding that, TI ---
ender preeent circumstances, and notwith. the county, Mr.. Henry Peetinen and other vegetation then we have had for somo ground.' Ilia I do not think so. A good
'Mediu; the notice lately ;ken in that re- ro officers, that %Pineal arrests were made dutinf years pest. All vie can do is to hope and dinner is • desired., thing at any time, and
day morning last is believed by many
epees the naval force of the t:nited Suites have been the tiewereat, while it lasted; the present week irf iorties connected Wit proy for wenn showers and runshine in there is much sociability and gnr. d humoar
upon the upper lekes shall be the same as that has been experienced here this sea- eti7a:elly.leinitgPiri:ert,icetu ottfurt7:iioirtiunt denr7ilsgteidn;lin"thde Aril We bare had none 44'..i b'''"Ol eeerched• ;rh" citY Wag stl.1 ad
engendereel hy public dinners. Then let them
was stipuisted by the treaty of April, 11117. increase and multiply.
ferioutly befere taking perieenon. The sante
TM following is the proclamation oil the e°°• The frost gwas most intense. The United States army.
ie Blythe for the ample ritaann that we have
sedblisekof passports :- snow still lies very deep in the "rondo, and " We ere inforc.eil that eight or ten were FIOVIVICK.
paper says thore ore 30 'W.0114,41114 and
Wesbingtoo, %grebe: t we have ev"7 reaa°41 to helieTe that a mit en hail, the Magiattate not haring cow --
heavily laden with store.. The Southern
Whereto, pungent to the order of the general break up will not take piece until milted any td the parties for trial, but the The e1uniciral Council met to -day
February 22nd, I PG4. ' a° reeecat ah"" we th111.111t westlhe of so este pe„oed , p , Ch.,10",,; it .sys sb.......„
lizprest Company sewed all its traluables, hut
arrested and some are in jnil and others are
high an honor. To les rare, we hsve on the will, of' mune, destroy this stock. They were
Dcruieweer Or STaTe.,
at ' whole an excellent elms of motion, but where
Preeident of the Ilniseod Swots, directions the bogiouing or April. It its to he hoped •stuninatiees well be resumod the beginning or. er,,key ono.
k W all are Dearly equally graod. it would he rtifli.
the mails have been lost everywhere.
hut .. see that the ""' '"" I pannsant to Ittli011111-
PARTIrt LAIR or ram T'S
The Earl of Derby on Cannelton
COI'Ver or Eliatlii.-The traveller cannot
In the House of Bonin on the 20th ult.,
help remarking the emptiness of the ham
Irord Derlry apolie as follows yards and sheds of hay, straw and provender.
fhe geunt leannese of the horned cattle will
feell Droor_Thot want hoo aid in convincing him the bins are empty.
whether this threatened and imminent danger
" w The season to' feed turnips has arrived, and
many hundreds of bushels have been found
in or continue for three or foor ears until .
has a baggage tram threatedes long. The ge fo,tifi non. s . ow .
ptete. (I ear, hear.)
with snow in many eaaeroand frozen in others.
. pi , mg over ea
15th corpe became drunkoind pillaged Cohen. '" " 0, e
it • etme, The Government are to ask this year /50,000 One farmer in the neighborhood of Iona shot
big, burning the entire length of . am
, , five heel. and mato innumerable are given
on fitment of a total sum of 1200,001) to he
Sher n ordortsil the pillagers and burners
to be shot Two or three hundred C4111408 e,IPen,ded e." r'r,tirteat'4"t at Quebec' a'', of teetering cows and young retinal* to
toe enneman :iiicrnment are to spent. neighltors gratis to winter them orer, ere
left with 1110 Yankees. Mut of the people
remaining were obliged to life in him; their 4400,000 or 1.10111000 et Mio,,,,ntreal. Aril
they die of starAtinn. in the lurnhering
condition 6 dreadful. Sherman left 200 yet the noble earl, admitting t‘ urgency o
districkotaw.mille are fully aupplied with Inge,
head of her, eetee for the toe!, end ernindad. t're danger and the threatoning pe
U. et nr and teeny farmeretearna keys had Imo months'
affairs, proposet to spend 1200,090 upon cer.
ard gave arm. to the eitizena to protect them. eon employment in drawing them, thus pitying
selves from negrom. Every article of sub• "'oil' f"'"ficaotrnolhsiLnnii aakkoe fa...or L10',""." fur thtlfir keep. Seed grain will be scarce. as
*steno* was carried off cellars, outhisililin '''' year. w"'a" 'e`'''" ma; ""' "`"aela"° the majnaty
three fortifications opon which the safety of . . hays eventide doting lest
f 20,000, so that in the cnurse of ten yearg
the North American Provinees depende will torture, end have made use nf portions
any, may occur, nnt in years, but in the nen for the it in feeding. Teem
mOc.-Cor. Lemelon Free Preis.
*have been sold &trill per Amami, and corn at
. .
he constructed, while the danger, if there he ' •
courte of months. (Hear, hear.) I depreeitte O. tho „mem intro4,,,,,„,.. or Ow 0r,,tri.,
- — 44 .14 4..
u much as any one the age of language
of feeling which maturevail, and I fear does thae eimmtry thriiim.,,,,.,,,i .tiot iit,,,,,,tinti 1,7
telegraph into 11, ewers, notwithetanding 67 it
erepesition ot tFe feasting, Ow Emperor of'
which insy tend to increase the exasperatinn
- enuntry, but it I only common mutates to person who should injore the apparatus. The
teerad "al the' "awl ' that the Spring will be a good one, and 0 h th f th C t ment from lut sitting. The Reeve in the
ment ender date enit, a not invidious, to make a choice.
af the I hi December, 1,44, requiring paaa ocrrslitiellt &VC R IntiO4/4111 o 8 OU0 y
h 1. toot much se will in „ref ths at heart tiTien4ing each an wenn, detective chair members all present, when the we giro II. a dinner C would think himself
Cererasgopt immerse' peseesigers directly tattle at t suffering so torriblyin aa Mr. Ceinpbell to this plant. Ile km •, • __a a o_ • New ork, 10. -The Henurfa coerespon-
broken into the rants of the tilicit inffieers of minutes of fast meeting 0111.• rano ano ental to another, and Armee, learnIng lout
dent says Early was found neer Waymobom,
aimoring an American Tort froin a foreign
borne localities from leek of (nod. hereon Ruh, aud we %fled that with the approved of, rnight have to give 88 many aa Sayfielti rin • of hot, 0,11,
eces of artillery
.i.u.... a th. ....0,0,„ity 01,1 lb. 1. mosed by mi.. Win", end sewed, we have wisely derided to give 0030 at •li. in point:rt. Oen Clutter dientoonted Orn re
seeetry ; ben whereto in Urinate., has recent.
ly bee. reweind which afford/ reasionable __
But wrionaly one evil likely ta arise from giniente as skirmishes -in rear and on either
imr On the penietpie that a little floe. local sethoritim thet he 14144 be &Ale tr.t. efr.,4
groolois to expect dot lier lirnannic Majes-
ty's Goveresnent mod the Flzecutim and lag- 114•21011 now and then in :Mathes' he the the P.rr'm ror ah'eh l'a " Rant ha"- ed by Mr. Pewee& That John Gitlftne
tieing to many public d,,,,innehive. tare, stihi;tdewsehre,n. , sinidne,,,or,,,,f thnet oroarond ttivh.er ipbon.h.dyreig.iomerknitsimannid atdli:
tektite brambee a Ilba (lavanunant ot Cana. wi , we give room for another artiek - - - and John MeLanOhlart of the Village
ni. rine man in Met eay the demonstration will at lince. The enemy fired one volley, and
- it o deeirahle to do hon '
The property owned by the late ()Dube 0 f Wremeter, Skehen Ketiebute and John
el bolos Woos. and will ermtinee to take, -
li saps so May bo looked fee from a from " The Pone Young Man,- who, by Northomberlend am, ouhntit. to 1.62040 urea
(fowling of the 'f.ovnitof. wPord. Aludesh., 4W iofl ,...., . iin neevni.c... u e",,
1"." "'eh nf 'ta el."' fmal bamtryaeafitt°°,,, ttehenft0"ito escalikPpeawilLefirninitflemi,""asPCnsteShr"elrotedat
jiiewolly obeightme, amid will be eibetsal to.
the ere7, seem rich enough in a ee tai lia-s P. . i t nuili"; a °I. arnHari II Johnston and
E n to improving the property. eorge erey, ant f,hatley feu a public dinner for loin ems t Npo• tbso, and suetnended near')
w000lo preomatiog hostile isvesiem hove
earl of fleve-ly,r,re,rat 1 Ilewiekn ilk, John Towne rif Spetwetnn, at Meeimpal derIgn nr othegr rot; 14 00"*" f"tec 0e" 17111, 4.4 e"t sileniTt
Canu'en legieteiy iete the rotted States, the "fl
prevail, in Ott Crii litotes towardr this ,
wires having recently been dettroyed by the
prepare eviiust what ia s danger aheolnutly mo,ornny, ?dim..., 1,,
and "aen"tent7 threatening' and aa7 his emjany's order aurrounded, 'bathe heads
that as far am ran am the Oovernavent have
of ton of the natives ware cut off and fixed on,
not talten 'dogmata stem to meot the peat, a ,nas
argent and munineat dither. (Ifear. Mar.)
I believe that the Canadas in a peeentery ottp„minn r
geness are rather a drain upon our reenorem, ""
and if it were ible that a large and ire- A negro, nn hie trial ie Philadelphts
portant and powerful federation could Iv stealing, put in a plea of insanity. To pro
there formed, lied if that tederstion mani- this, he said he might have melee the big
leeted any devee to mearste snd rotehlish renter, bet (lee seek the small chickens,