HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-04-07, Page 5Thursday, April 7th, 1938 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE FIVE 1 Sheer Silk Hose I Your Easter INI?* SELECT A QUANTITY OF THESE SHIRTS DURING THIS SALES EVENT. Distinctive Hand Bags in styles and colors, choice of shiny patent or crepe, season’s newest, Blacks, Brown and bright colors. *Fine Fabrics pre-shrunk, fine combed Broad­ cloths. • Fine Patterns— Richly-toned English stripes, printed and woven checks in­ cluded, also plain white. • Fine Make— cut by experts and pressed by hand. Good quality pearl but­ tons are used and fine count stitches characterize the seams. ^Collar Styles— Soft-collar-attached, Laundstay Fused collacs, separate collar styles. • Sizes 14 to 17y2 • Sleeve Lengths 32-33-34-35. Many of these Boutonnieres worth up to 59c, every one fresh and colors almost to actual. They will add distinctive charm to your new Coat, Suit or Dress. Value Correct For Easter Wear Misses’ Sizes 14 to 20 Women’s Sizes, Regular and Half Sizes Special Group Priced Regular to $19.95 Coats you’ll be proud to wear feature special sale value to save you money on your Spring wardrobe. Every coat is planned to give you uttermost in style and wearing qualities, each coat fully lined with dependable two season lining. Suitable styles for Women and Misses. Misses’ Specially Priced $8.98 Sizes 14 to 20 These coats represent exceptional value, tweed cloths tailored in newest styles, all have two season linings, fitted and box styles. Colors \as featured for Spring. Fashionable Hand Bags Gloves In New Dressy Styles FINE QUALITY FABRICS Bengaline gloves the 'feature special, new trimming effects give the necessary touch’ of smartness. See them in the new shades for Spring.- Sizes /IQ^ 6 to 7«/2. Pair-..J............. **<71*- IMPORTED KIDS Every pair stamped real kid, they do add a note of completeness to a successfully planned outfit shown ih , all popular spring colors. Sizes 6 to 7’/i. 1.98 GIRLS SPRING COATS Planned To Save You Money _______f _____________________2 .......... ........................... In Springs favorite shades |-Q Quantity Limited. Pair Every pair first quality choice of 4-thread chiffon or semi service weight at this special sale offering. Sizes 9 to 10%. DRESSES 8.98 We shopped 'for extraordinary selling ‘ value, the saving we made is being pass­ ed on to you1 in this special sale price. Every dress is smartly styled, show new details, better crepes. Dresses would sell regular to $13.50. Misses’ and Women’s sizes. DRESSES 4^95 Women’s and Misses’ Spring styles in printed and plain crepes, also including printed chiffons with slips to match. The saving is yours DRESSES 1.98 Smart Spring styles, sizes 14 to 20, new printed crepes in wide choice of designs and colors. These would sell regularly to- $2.95. Save the difference. Sizes 8 to 14 Durable tweed materials to stand hard wear, fully lined, smart new styles that are bound to please. You) stand to save $2.00 by purchasing during this opening sale. Luxury In Lingerie 3 Outstanding East Specials er HOUSECOATS V Regular price of these $1.75, excellent quality prints, choice of zipper closing of button QQp fiill length. Size 14 to 40. Each ............ FRILLED CURTAIN SPECIAL Fine quality figured) marquisette selling regularly at $1.59, as a knock-out Spring Opening value. All have popular val­ ance headings, width of each curtain, 31 inches, QRp length 2yards* Pair uuu HOUSE FROCKS Cheery new Spring Prints in wide variety; sizes to 44.in this lot; guaranteed colors, CQn fully sized. Each____________ ---------OJ7C LADIES’ SATIN SLIPS These bias cut slips show fancy appliqued trimmed top, this is a mill clearance, some be­ ing slightly soiled} regular selling of these $2.25; White only; size, Small, Med. I HA ium and Large................................ CELASUEDE SLIPS Ladies’ Slips in this popular fabric, and sell regular at $1.50. These ate Mill Seconds, showing slight defects that in no way harm their wearing quality. Sizes, Small, Medium and Large. Colors, Pink and White. RAYON SATIN PANTIES These Panties show faggotting and lace trim, Mill Seconds and would sell regular to 75c. Sizes, Small, Medium and Large. 30 C 1.95 ma- New foulards in smart array of colorings and patterns, as feat­ ured at this special price. WABASSO PILLOW COTTON Circular weave 42 inches, full white bleach, a well known cotton for satisfac- tibn in every way. Reg, 45c. Yard 2.95 t04.95 s Patterns FOR THE MAN... WHO USUALLY PAYS H.55&H95,.. FOR HIS SHIRTS A CHOICE OF SHIRTS The decided saving right in tune with Eas­ ter. Straws and Felts ih group’ specially priced for this sale, every hat fresh from maker. Our hats are distinctly new, priced to suit. See others priced .................... “NATURE’S RIVAL” FOUNDATION At Substantial Saving Reg. $2.95 Corselettes \ Figured brocade terial corselette with semi built-up should­ ers, have inner belt with boned diaphram, also heavy elastic in­ serts over hips, color Tea Rose. Sizes 34 to 42. Household BED SHEETS Superior quality sheets, pure white; size before hemming 81 by 99 inches. 1 Each .......... ................................... * • FACTORY SHEETING 72 inches wide, splendid quality that stand repeated laundering and wear. Reg. 59c. Yard.............................. MEN’S TIES Each 5QC MEN’S HOSE Fine Quality, Dressy Hose, Pair 35c Fancy patterned wool hose, quality that sells regular to 69c, featured special, value for men. Sizes 10 U to 11’/i.