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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-03-24, Page 4
If cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. 3OE3O?«HO3 OXZ3O OE30ET OX=XQ£ WANT AD’S BRING RESULTS i AUCTION SALE — of Farm Stock and Implements, Household Furni ture, Hay and Grain, at one o’clock on Monday, March 28th, for W. E. Dennis, Nxa lot 16, Con. 3, Mor ris. Kemp’s Sale Register. SEALED TENDERS THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, March 24th, 1938 FOR SALE — Sweet Clover, Alfalfa and Timothy seed for sale. Apply J. A. Menzies. FOR SALE—Good used Piano, also Drop Head Singer Sewing Mach ine. A. J. Walker. FOR SALE—Yellow Sweet Clover Seed. Apply Bert Holmes, R. R 2, ? Wingham. Township of West Wawanosh Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock noon, Tuesday, April Sth, 1938, for truck ing gravel from the Township crush er per yard mile, as registered by ap proved speedometers. A marked cheque for $50.00 must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. C. PURDON, Road Supt., R.R. No. 2, Lucknow P.O. SEALED TENDERS FOR SALE—Double house with barn on Victoria Street, large rooms. Apply F. J. Mooney. FOR SALE—Hart Farr Tractor No. 18-36, Massey Harris Cultivator, Oliver 3-Bottom Plow. Price $1,600 at your banker’s terms. Apply L. Fiadlater, Wingham. --------------------------------------------------l- FARM FOR SALE—200 acres good’^4 land, good. buildings, close to town. | Water in cement stable. Hydro ' passes property. For full parties--i lass, apply T. Fells. “__ ’ regretted but you are leaving with • the affection and good will of all. As •a reminder of the pleasant years we ; have spent together, your fellow workers of the tank car department take great pleasure in presenting you with these remembrances. That you may be spared many happy days in good health, is the wish of all your former associates. Wm. tation. Miles then made the presen- OBITUARY L. Maxwell, mother of Mrs.Mrs. Edgar Snell, of 211 Parkside Drive, Toronto, passed my on Saturday, March 19th. Service and interment Were held in Sidney, Ohio, on Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Snell recently pur chased the Griffin home in Wingliam and will move here next month. Arthur Fothergill sudden death of Arthur Foth- on Sunday afternoon was a shock to his relatives and ...............— ......... M ...... ’....... .,...........................................................! I,. kM.,... ducted by Rev. R. A. Brook. Mrs. 1 of educational meetings is being held T,, Ct...-. _ .... .. ~ .1 . X C .4 43 I' ...at present in Middlesex County. The matter of making Huron a re stricted area was discussed here re cently at the meeting of the Perth- Huron Shorthorn Breeders’ Associa tion and a committee was named by Elliott, Clayton Petts, Wm. Aitkens, | that association to bring the question H. Hi tons, Joe Thompson and Morrison. Interment took place Blyth Union Cemetery. James Sims contributed a solo “The City Four-Square.’' Pall-bearers were Messrs, B. Tasker, Thomas Taylor, Albert Walsh, Herb. McElroy, Geo. Coutts, William Jackson, Flower bearers were: Stanley Sibthorpe, Bert D. I to the attention of the Huron Courtty in | Council at its June session, t’ Records show that about 15 per . j cent of the T.B. in humans is of the | bovine type and in areas where there The sudden passing of Charles | is a high percentage of infected cat- Frederick Smith, of Goderich, form- tie the percentage of T.B. in humans erly of Wingham, was a great shock may be as high as 60% bovine type, to his many friends here. Mr, Smith ~ ‘ entered Alexandra Marine Hospital J area the plan must first be approved Goderich, on Friday with a carbuncle?by the Cour.tv Council by a majority on his nose. A streptococci infection | vote. Next petitions are distributed developed and he passed on Sunday land every cattle owner in the county afternoon. He was born in Wingham j must have the opportunity to vote for in 1900, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-1 or against the scheme. A majority of win Smith, Frances St. He attendedj'66 2-3 per cent, must be obtained in public and high school here and serv-i favor of the plan or else it cannot go ed his apprenticeship in Mr. Charles I, ahead. Swanson’s barber shop here where he continued to work until he accepted a position in Fred Toole’s barber shop in Goderich eight years ago. In June, 1928, he was married to Miss Georgina Goy, of Wingham. He was a member of the Baptist Church. Besides his wife and eight-year-old son, Gerald, lie is survived by his par ents, also two sisters and two broth ers, Miss Edna Smith, of Kitchener; Mrs. Lloyd (Laura) Hayden, of town; Gordon Smith, C.P.R. Ticket Agent at Goderich, and Marvin, at home. A service was conducted by Rev. S. R. McClung, at Brophey’s Funeral Charles Frederick Smith. To make any county a restricted FRUIT GROWERS HELD ANNUAL ! -------- | Meeting at Clinton Largely Attended The annual meeting of Huron County Fruit Growers’ Association : held Friday in the Agricultural Board j Room, Clinton, was the best in. at- i tendance and general interest in the ■ association’s history. The large aud ience included, fruit men from as far away as Tara in Bruce County. Guest speakers who addressed the .gather- S. R. McClung, at Brophey’s Funeral j ing were. Prof. Ferguson of the Hor- Chapel, Goderich, on Tuesday after- ticultural Dept, of Dominion Depart- noon following which the remains , meat of Agriculture, Ottawa, Dr. W«. were brought to his parents’ home-H. Upshall from the Horticultural ^iere. The funeral sendee will be con- ] Experimental Section at Vineland, ducted Wednesday afternoon (to-day) I Representatives from the Niagara from the home of his parents, Fran- ’ Spray Company were also present, ces St., and will be conducted by | Addresses dealt mainly with the con- Rev. S. R. McClung, of Goderich, and ! tool and eradication of insect pests Rev. E, M. Loney, of Wingham Bap- j and wore illustrated with moving pie tist Church. Burial will take place in | lures of spraying operations as used I Wingham Cemetery. The ergiil great friends. Air. Fothergill was out for a walk and about 5 o’clock dropped] into Forler’s Garage. He was there! for just a few minutes when he was seized with a heart attack passing away as friends rushed io his assist- I ance as he fell from a chair. A year! ago last November he suffered a heart attack which confined him to Wingham General Hospital for a per iod of three months and for a similar length of time at his sister’s home on Edward Street. Mr. Fothergill, who was in his 66th year, was born on the 4th Concession of East Wawanosh, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Fothergill. He spent his boyhood days on the ’ sixth concession of the same town ship and when a young man went to the Canadian West where he was em ployed by the C.N.R. and for a time j farmed near Moosejaw, Sask. His wife was. formerly Mary Galloway, of Belmore, who predeceased him in ’ 1926. They returned from the West ’ to Wingham *in 1919 where he has I since resided. He was a member of I Wingham United Church and was a ; member of the Town Council for a 3' term. | . Surviving are two brothers and ^arc^ 1938, with a surplus of S3,-i Ian MacLeod, agricultural represent- three sisters, John, Vancouver; Thos. j 013T°2 <x0 months‘actual and twojative, Clinton, secretary-treasurer; H., of Bowsman River, Alan.; Mrs.‘ raonths estimated). Surplus in the | directors, Mrs. Irene Smith, D. J. .’previous yaer was $9,313,938.54. »Lassaline, Geo. Sowerby, Goderich j Premier Hepburn budgeted for an. i Township; Kenneth Cameron, Wesley j estimated surplus of $288,677.99 for I Jovnt, Lucknow; O. Rapson, Hullett I the new fiscal year ending March 31, j Township. J1939. 5 A resolution to hold a fruit grow- i “There will be no increases in tax- j ers’ picnic some time during the com- ’ ation nor any new forms of taxation j ing summer was supported. Matters : for the coming fiscal year,” he said, j of general interest to fruit growers « The province will continue to pay ■ will be discussed on that occasion, j every municipality in Ontario a sub- ? .-------------------; ; sidy of one mill on the dollar of rat- ’ MAy BE WOMAN MEN- ‘ Miss Alice Stubbs jaWe assessments wr general municip-j TTHWlTn TN WIT T ' There passed away at her home,'Jpurposes. j 1 IVfxXhU 11N Wll-iL< Blyth,. on Friday, .March 18th, Missi Collection of succession duties in** zM;7 Alice Stubbs. Deceased was coniin-p93’-38 amounted to $19,000 - ukulele Bill’s Troupe May Be Per- • ed to her home for some years hay- jone-Bfth or d>e produces total,rev- son Named {or yfi i Township of West Wawanosh Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o’clock noon Tuesday, April 5th, 1938, to operate the Township crushing, plant, by the , ai4Ul ju,avui ucu, Vi tuwu. cubic yard. Contractor to supply j Two brothers predeceased him, Albert .men and power, toe Corporation will! - . „ , . -r- .furnish oil and repair parts for the ? OI_ town, and V llham T., of East crusher. A marked cheque for $50.00 j Wawanosh. unust accompany each tender. Lowest" :'©r any tender not necessarily accept- ! J. C. PURDON, i Road Supt., ‘ R.R, No. 2, Lucknow P.O. AV1VCL, ----------- Henry McVittie, Goderich; Mrs. Charles McCurdy, North Battleford, Sask., and Mrs. David Bell, of town. From Huron Motors, Wingham ■ FARM FOR SALE — Choice 100 NOTICE TO CREDITORS; acre farm close to Brussels; Mod-; -------- i em brick house: bank barn; drive; ALL persons haring claims against. shed; drilled well; will include stock the estate of James Elliott Nichol late and Implements; a_ bargain for-of the Village of Bluevale, in the quick_ sale. Apply H. J. CoitvJ County of Huron, Retired Farmer, Stratford. ’ deceased, who died on or about the -----------------------------------------------f twenty-third day of February, A.D. GET VALUE for your money. Buy j 1938, are notified to send to J. H.. at Campbells Garage, Wingham.J Crawford, Wingliam, Ontario, on or Distributor for Canadian Tire Pro-1 before the ninth day of April, A.D. ducts. Mail or phone orders receive t J93S, full particulars of their claims! prompt attention. «in writing. Immediatelv after the said I .....r...77 k <>-= “-I ?*5LE-Tt In,..................ed amongst the parties entitled there- xr5'",e sEsta‘e -‘e *a*‘L^\Tn*|tv. having regard only to the claims’ Holmes ..:s property on Centre; - j£e executors shall then j Street is bemg ottered tor sale at^nve j.o*|C£) a a bargrin price. F?r particulars ap-j^E^^ Wingham, this twenty-j p.y to J. H. Crawtord. < secorij2 ^av <?f March, A.D. 1938. i . --------- --------------------------------- - , T g. CRAWFORD, HOI SFS TO RENT—One. on^ T -m l Wingham, Ontario, | Street and cue «.-n \ tetoria irtreet. ■ Solicitor for the Executors- | Apply F. J. Mooney. ----------------------------------------------- ■ and Implements; a bargain for <. * * - * ~ .. Stratford. The funeral service will be held this afternoon (Wednesday) in Wingham United Church and will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. F. Anderson. 'LU.iC.2 CJL d CLKJ’llO dS. wOOEl (in the Niagara, Grey County and | Huron County orchards. ; The election of officers resulted in j all 1937 officers being re-elected. • * They are James R. Sterling, Goder- ’ ich Township, president; R. J. Mc- Ontario will finish the fiscal year Loughlin, Brussels, vice-president; ONTARIO BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS This Week’s Specials: 1937 — Ford V8, Blue Tudor, excellent condition, finish like new, includes factory built' radio. 1936 — Ford VS Black Tudor, only gone 11,000 miles, good as new. 1936 — Ford V8 Grey Tudor with trunk, excellent tires, low mile age. 1934 — Terraplane Tudor, exceptionally well taken care of. 1929 — Essex Tudor — a real bargain. All above cars reconditioned and guaranteed in excellent shape, at extremely low prices. HURON MOTORS Wingham Phone 99 ing suffered from a stroke of paraly- Jenus- Mr. Hepburn charged millions j sis. A few days prior to her death >of dollars were still owing the prov-J she was seized with the second attack | *mce m succession duties. I and never rallied. Surviving is one! The province spent $196,869.02 in | brother. Orton, Blvth. who has the j fighting the 1937 infantile paralysis | Sympathy of a large circle of friends, epidemic. f Service wa< held on Monday in the ’ Lx an -effort to eradicate the men- | ninth day of Apr:!. 1938 the assets ,1 United Church, Blvth, and was con- I ac& tuberculosis, the Government t' («».•>► -4-Spiffs r- A»-M' VST 2*+■ rvr<« >»».. A ** ' c-lplans an expenditure of $1,000,000 to ~ 1 provide free’ sanatorium treatment for ■ ’victims of the disease. ' | Grants to elementary schools in ij 1938 will exceed by $1,000,000 those I i paid in 1936. Substantial increases I will be made in grants io secondary i schools. ! jiHydro-electric power will be sold ? ; to an estimated 12,900 additional cus- timers in 1938 by reducing from three to two the number of purchasers per mile where new primary lines are | constructed. < ‘Ontario’s funded debt increased $7,- | , 709,254.87 to a total of $575,682,385.-< 73. The gross debt increased $25,-1 221,519.72, largely due to expenditures ’ for highway construction. The mother of Mrs. Harold Ribson of town, set out on a mission to find 'the parties whom she believes will be the means of determining whether her daughter is the party mentioned in the I will of the late William John Wright IN MEMORIAL PIGS FOR SALE—5 Chunks ab?ut-’ -------- 7a lbs. Apply Dunbar, CHANDLER—Tn loving memory of grave. j a dear Mother and Wife who died ------------------------------------------------- i two years ago, April 1st, 1936. " TO RENT—■Six-rv.-.-med H.-use in ( Farewell Mother. Farewell Mother, Turnberry. 2fo acres, large bam.4 Peaceful be thy .silent rest’ Apply F. J. Mocnev.------------------* Slumber sweetly, God knew be<t -------------5 When to call thee home to rest, ea’ed Ten-| Farewell Mother, farewell Mother! the under-i ^Te say ©ur last farewell, Arril" 2nd. 1 Till we meet beyond the river. i theVn/p-1 Happy there with thee to dwell. Beattie Stable I—-Sadly missed by Husband, Daugh- ■- * " ■“ 1 ters and Grandson, Edwin. 2 Steps io Fighting Diseonfort of COLDS TENDERS WANTED— ders will be received b; signed up to Saturday 1938, for the purchase <-f the prop erty known as the Beattie Stable on Diagonal Ritad, Wirgbam. Low est or any tender n> t r.ecessarilv FORMER RESIDENT dersigned W. A. Galbrmtb. Tcwnj OF MORRIS HONORED 4 Clerk, Wmsham. ■jir- ' iton~i----1............................------ - • ■ — — 3 Arthur Jackson, a former resident 100 ACRE FARM FOR RENT ^R U'f Morris, cf 2&4 Campbell St. Samia, Close to t*wn terms red- emnfovee in the tank car de- senable. Apply to J. W. BuShsield. r \ J , , 7 ,____________ , a partment of Imperial 0:1, Limited, re sist Year_Breeding for Ske. Vigor, Jv:r£d fusion recently after twenty -'Lots cf Thein. |years’ service with the company, was 90% * ii pleasantly surprised , by Ms felluw- Ftu.ets Cbckere^s ^eaipjOyees and employers when they presented him trilh a sacker stand :and set ci pipes, also a miaiature tank lean H. B. Bayley read the following : address. 9 KELIIV1S Air throat pain RAWNESS ’OF INTEREST TO ALL CATTLE OWNERS Meeting at Clinton April 1st to Dis cuss Making Huron County a T.B. Resrticted Area. Large Eggs and" ■Raby Mixed Chicks Chicks White Leghorns ..... Sc New Hampshire Reds «......—. 9c RarnC Roeks 10? Livability and sarisiactten guaranteed. .. , Static:! Chicks, Foa’try Supplies and Artanr: .... jh (nhu. tn. tftl S' “ 18c 1c 16c Sc 6c Feeds at Rfobf Prices. Dettcan Kennedy, Dhone 3S Wingbam, Ont. We regret so team that ySu are! retiring pncfer the company's snper-| atmtsatfos plan, bat are glad to knw 1 that ysa an? foaving fo good health. | foxs Eave had a distfogjafoheiS ■career Symdlated^orn r6’3?l aery com or callous THEY cannot re- * with tHs wemdedtf.daw.sciett-', ■. rtarfoatLn is K-W/jl 'CORN$ OR j debtor btoansa tf the rirefoss and vig-1 CALLOUSES. It de-SettsitiSe^ and orctrt werk v-dpain with first i r I Sale 4^ at SWKy 'ye“*s I koar xs t:> be ekctexag3y| tOR ,bfc by *Myf/D newcrumrgs lloyd-s-, . v» Ifo nsed uesject even item fry heed colds. Here is vrhat to do: Take two “Aspirin” teblels when you fed a edd commr on—with a full glass of water. Then repeat, if necessary, according to directions in each package. Relief comes rapidly. The wAspEm” method of reErf ids the way many doctors now approve. You -take “Aspirin” for refief—then if you tire not improved 'pron^y,yMC*ntbefamnydc>cior. • “Aspirin''' tablets 'are made in Canada. “A^piriri’ is the registered trade-mark c< the Bayer Company, limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the form of .« cross On every tablet. Bern and and Get1 "ASHRIN mam m uxm I The question -ci making Huron . County a T.B. restreied area :s to be ■'discussed at an open meeting which •has been called for the agricultural | ■ rooms, Clinton, ©a Friday afternoon, j j April 1st. The matter wffl be. pre-1 seated to all interested parties., in-j 'eluding the reeves of municipalities, • .breeders of purebred cattle and feed-s ;iers of market cattle. L. E. O’Neill, 1 director ©f the Livestock Branch ci] ’’the Ontario Department of Agricab | tore, wilt 'be fee speaker and will out- . line the- complete plan. ; There are now ©nly about six - e-jBftties in the entire province which . fcave done no tircsfc ©a the restricted, ; area plan up to now, and all M these are in Western Ontario. Counties not j • already restricted areas are in the] ef becoming so.. Abnnt two-* • thirds ©f die canvass in Bruce Ctan-j has fe&ea cempk-tod and a series* ★ DELIVETOo i EARL H. GRAY, Manager. WINGHAM BRANCH PHONE m FRUIT SPECIALS ORANGES 176’s 2 Doz. for 51c ORANGES 288’s 2 Doz. for 31c CELERY HEARTS __________10 c Bunch TOMATOES 2 Lbs. for 25c RHUBARB 2 Lbs. for 15c FRESH SPINACH 5c Lb. GRAPEFRUIT , Med. Size 6 for 25c ! ------------------------------------------------I of Toronto, who left $12,500 to a | stage actress known as Miss Babe, j who appeared on a Fort Wayne, In- | diana stage in 1918. 1 Mrs. Ribson, formerly Ethel Iona I Brant, born on the Tyendinaga In- I. dian reserve near Belleveille, is of | Mohawk descent. She has trouped as an actress since she was only five years of age, and is now 26 and mar ried to Harold Ribson of Waterdown, with two ■■ children. She appears with her husband in Ontario’s stock vaude- I rille known .as Ukulele BilFs Hill- "Binies, who have wintered in Wing ham. The troupe leave for New Lis- keard on April 23rd for a northern circuit of theatres. Mrs. Ribson has been known as Miss Babe ever since she started the atrical work and still appears billed under that name. She feels that there must be some connection between herself and the one who was mention ed in the will of Wright. When she first saw the notice in the newspapers, She remembered that at that time she had been somewhere in the Lnied States. Her mother had been in Toledo, her father with a lumber company in Northern Mich igan and she had been touring with a couple appearing on the stage. Be fore making any claims for the be quest, she is going to Snake certain that she is the party and that will mean rinding the couple with whom, she was appearing at tile time. “DOMINION” . STORES LIMITED WHITE SATIN Pastry Flour SANTA CLARA NEW SEASON’S CHOICE PRUNES CONNORS CHICKEN HADD1ES - CHRISTIE'S SODA Wafers CHRISTIE'S RITZ Biscuits CHRISTIE'S BULK FIG ROLLS BULK ROLLED OATS AUNT DINAH MOLASSES BAKING POWDER— EGG-O I I♦ SEE YOUR MANAGER FOR > SPECIAL PRICES 2 .25 <9 u-«. Tins . Pkg. 8-oz. <Pkg. .XO 2 2 6 lbs. Tin lbs. SPECIAL DEAL 1 CENT SA 16-oz. TIN FOR .28 BOTHEXI KA 16-ox TIN FOR .01 FOR .X’ MACARONI COCOA BreokfostStyle Tin HERSHEY'S «-u _ Chocolate Syrup ' BRUNSWICK SARDINES - w’s lb. Values Effective March 21$t-26th PLER5RNT PER5DNRL SERVICE