HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-03-17, Page 8PAGE EIGHT Show Starts at 8 p.m Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 17, 18th, 19th -----SPECIAL------- BIGGEST SHOW IN SCREEN HISTORY! f 111 i j d 1 KS8 I1 I I 1 The 1938 edition of your yearly musical treat—Big­ ger and better than ever. Also “News” Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 21, 22, 23rd PETER LORRE — VIRGINIA FIELD ------In------- <Think Fast Mr. Moto’ Mr. Moto is the successor of Charlie Chain in the part of the oriental sleuth. Also “Horseplay’’ “Edgar .and Goliath” (Edgar Kennedy) “Sport Subject” fR————Ml i ■iiw-nrmirrr.B—— WHITECHURCH Mr. and. Airs. J. D. Beecroft and Florence and Ernest were in Clinton on Sunday visiting with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, who re­ turned last Tuesday after spending the winter in Detroit at the home of their daughter, Mrs. F. L. Creighton. Miss Frances Robinson, of Wingham, also accompanied them. Miss Bertha Mackay, spent the week-end at her parents, Mr. and Mack'av. The choir of the United here and their Pastor, Rev. Wright, had charge of the of the Air service on Thursday and dedicated their program to Florence Beecroft, which was greatly apprec- Lunch was enjoyed by meeting of WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES and touching' on school legisla- Miss Agnes Gillespie sang a and Mrs, Beecroft gave a piano The meeting was closed by General has been Corneliusof Mr. Amos few weeks, left on Fri- with Mr. Jas. Hueston Thursday, March 17th, 1938 of Stratford, the home of Mrs.Hector Church H. M. Church iated by the family. The young people of Brick United Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin on Friday even­ ing and enjoyed progressive crokin­ ole and other games/' served and a social time all. The regular monthly the Women’s Institute was held in the Hall on Friday last with the President, Mrs. Scholtz, in charge af­ ter the opening exercises, the ladies decided to hold a Euchre in the Hall this Wednesday night. They appoint­ ed Miss Agnes Gillespie to attend the meeting in Wingham Town Hall on the 29th. Mr. R. S. Hetherington, Barrister, of Wingham, was present and gave the ladies a splendid talk on Statutory Laws pertaining to women and children, speaking on Dependent Relatives’ Act, Married Women’s I’roperty Act, Parents Maintenance Act, Deserted Wives. Act, Divorce Law, Legitimization and Adoption Acts, Children’s Protection Act, Mo­ ther’s Allowance, Fatal Accidents Act, Female Prisoners Act, and Patients’ Act, tion. solo, solo. singing the National Anthem. Mr. burg, home inson, was accompanied by Mrs. Fred Cook and her daughter, Edith, who will visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ross Robinson, of Tilsonburg. Dr, and Mrs. Wilfred Robinson of Dryden, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson, and on Monday they, also Ernest Robinson, went to Walk­ erton to visit with Dr. and Mrs. Har­ old Robinson and family.' Mr. Jack Johnston and Master Denton Moore, (of Kinloss, visited at the home of the former’s daughter, Mrs. Cecil Chamney, on Sunday. On Sunday last, Mr. and Mrs. Ray­ mond Finnigan and. children, Crewe, and Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin and baby, Joanne, of Detroit, visited over the week-end at the home of their mother, Mrs. Joe Chamney. Mr. George King, of Culross, visit­ ed with his sister at Guelph last Fri­ day and was in Toronto over the week-end, where he attended the hoc­ key game in Maple Leaf Gardens on Saturday night. Mrs. Archie Patterson and Helen, of Lucknow, spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Whitechurch Presbyterian manse on Saturday, March 12th, at high noon when Miss Mabel Elliott, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert- Walters, of Culross, became the bride of Mr. Ross MacRae, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John MacRae, of Cul­ ross. This community joins in ex­ tending to them best wishes for a happy and prosperous wedded life, Mrs. Sam Reid, of Ashfield, is '■ spending a few days this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. R. Far­ rier. I Calvin Robinson, of Tilson- spent the week-end here at the of his father, Mr. Thos, Rob- when returning on Monday, lie OLVERS Cash Store Phone 116 Week End Specials Comfort Soap, with Dish Tow­ el Free ...........5 bars for Walker Sodas ........... 2 lbs. 25c Pitted Dates ............. 2 lbs. 25c Falcon Tomatoes 2/2 size ... 10c Hallowi Dates ......... 3 lbs. 25c Peaches, Extra Choice ... 19c lb. Clover Leaf Herring, in Tom­ ato Sauce....................13c tin Zest Chip Marmalade......... 25c Five String Brooms, with Hanger................... 27c Golden Pears, 10’/i oz...........8c 1 Small Oxydol for lc with 1 large package, all for ... Clark’s Irish Boiled Dinner Falcon Brandi Ketchup 26 oz.................................. Seeded Raisins 12 oz. pkg. Tip Top Tomato Juice, large can .............. 2 for 25c 24c 26c 20c Courtesy Prompt Delivery .Our Slogan “You have tried the Rest, Now Try the Best.” 17c 15c Baptist Church Rev. E. M. Loney, B.Th., Pastor. “Give us a watchword for the hour, A thrilling word, a word of power, A battle cry, a flaming breath, That calls to conquest or to death, To heed the Master’s high request, A word to rouse the Church from rest. The word is given, ye hosts arise, Our watchword is Evangelize!” Sunday 7 p.m. Subject— “THE HANDWRITING ON THE WALL.” ARE YOUR SYRUP PANS AND SAP BUCK­ ETS IN GOOD CONDITION? Is Xt On The Wall Today? ? Broadcast, CKNX, Sunday 9.00 10.00 p.m. Now is the time to have them repaired* Syrup Pans Made to Order. MACHAN BROS Wingham, Ont.Phone 58. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Tiffin, Kin­ loss, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Craig last Wednesday. Bom—On Friday, MapclJ llth, to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Aitcheson, West Wawanosh, in Wingham Hospital, a son. Mr. Harry Edwards, who at the home for the past day, to work of Walton. Mrs. Kenneth Weaver spent a few days last week at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Bert Boyd of Palm­ erston, and cut st tches wound. Mrs. last Friday that her brother, Mr. Spence Currie, was seriously ill in the Hospital at Fostoria,, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. George Tiffin, Kin­ loss, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, St. Marie and family were at Ayton on Sat,, March 5th, attending the funeral of Mrs. St. Marie’s mother, Mrs. Michael Dillon, who had been confined to her bed for the past 18 months. She leaves a married; family of seven children and twenty-two grandchildren. Rev. Fa­ ther Clancy had charge of the ser­ vices. This community extends sym­ pathy to the bereaved family. At the Toronto Conservatory of Music examinations held in Stratford recently, Walter MacMillan and Lloyd Adams passed the second Theory exam, with 1st class honors, each obtaining 9’6%, and Miss Elaine Mrs. Boyd slipped on the ice her hand so badly that seven W$rQ necessary to close the Lance Grain received word Pipes Lighters Playing Cards, Mouth-Organs and Magazines — At — OMAR HASELGROVE’S Chester Stewart R.A.C.I. (CHICAGO) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION General Repairs, Service Air Conditioning Phone 29 Wingham, Ont. Orders Taken — For — Floral Work Peoples Florist Phone 37. MWMHMHHHnKi ELMER WILKINSON Consult FIRST CLASS Watch iring AT REASONABLE PRICES WILLIAMS THE JEWELLER R. A. REID Eyesight Specialist for 20 years* Wingham Office: Williattia* Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning Phone 5W for Appointment. 59c Mrs. George Coultes won the lady’s j prize and Gilbert Beacroft the man’s. Separate Dress Lengths — 4” yards Figured Sheers ..., $4,§5 Bembergs................ $4.50 Wide Range of FL Crepe .,, 69c'tb $1.50 yd. Figured Piques and Linene for House dresses ,.. 39c New Dimity..........35c, 45c Beachcloth, fast color .. 45c Pure Silk Shantung Special . Rainbow Taffeta — an imported English Broad­ cloth, guaranteed colour fast............................39c Spun Silk — big colour range, Special..................45c New Buttons - Belts - Collars. Walsh was successful in passing her Grade III history exam. These stud­ ents and their teacher, Mr. A, E. Cook, are to be congratulated. Browntown and Currie’s School played a friendly game 'of hockey in Wingham rink last Thursday even­ ing, ending in a tie, a'nd then White­ church and Wroxeter played, and af­ ter ten minutes overtime, Wroxeter won 2-1. They play again this Thursday night. The Fireside Club of S.S. No. 14 held their meeting last Wednesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw with a good attendance. The main feature of the program was a debate, resolved that wealth is more influential than education." The judg­ es, iMrs. 'Mowbray, Mrs. Albert Pat- ter’son and Mr. John McGee, gave the decision in favor of the affirmative taken by Mr. Fred Newman and Ken­ neth Laidlaw, while Mr. Norman Welwood and Air. Jack Inglis upheld the negative. The Journal was in charge of Air. Newman and J. D. Bee­ croft. Games were played until lunch was served and tlic young folks danc­ ed until closing time. Mr. and Mrs. Rhys Pollock are having the next meeting. A pleasant evening was spent at the United Church on Monday even­ ing, when the young people of the Presbyterian Church accepted an in­ vitation to be present and give part of the program. The president,, Air. Millian More was in the chair, and the opening exercises were taken by the United Church young folks, with Miss Lorna- McClenaghan reading the Scripture lesson, and Rev. H. Al. Wright giving a talk, showing how our beliefs and companions influence our conduct. The meeting was turned over to. Mr. Tom Wilson, president of the visiting society, and Miss Vel­ ma Scott gave a reading, Miss Janet Craig sang, Did your Mother come from Ireland, the' orchestra consist­ ing of Janet Robertson, Alec Robert­ son, and Gordon McBurney, with Miss Craig at the piano, played “Juanita”, Rev. .and Mrs. J. Pollock sang, “Was that Somebody You?” and Miss Merle Wilson played a piano solo, and Airs. Robert Mowbray gave a Pauline Johnston reading. After­ wards all retired to the basement, where community games and con­ tests, suitable to the Irish day cele­ bration were enjoyed by all. Lunch was served and all enjoyed the social time. The young people of the United Church have accepted an invitation from the Bluevale United. Church society to be present with them this Friday evening. The young people of both these home societies are busy practising plays to be presented in the near future. EAST WAWANOSH Brick W. M. S. will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. George Coultes on Thursday) March 17. Misses Jessie Finlayson and Helen Thompson spent the week-end with Miss Viola Thompson. Ml Roy I’ierce, Miss Lettie and Annie Pierce spent the week-end their home near Brussels. Mr. Roy Pattison returned home Saturday after spending the winter Kapiuskasing. Ml and Mrs. Chas. Congram and Clifford of Holyrood visited at Chas. ShieIVs on Sunday. Brick W. M. S. hold a crokinole social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herson Irwin last Friday evening, at oil at FOR Phone 16^Prompt Delivery SHOP AT Smith’s Economy Food Store DALTON’S FRENCH DRIP COFFEE .. 33c Lb. ITS FLAVOR IS DELICIOUS h- TRY IT. FRESH CLEAN DATES 3 Lbs..................................Z25c CHOICE SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 Lbs..... ............ 25c DALTON’S JELLY POWD­ ERS 5 for ....................... 23c PURE ORANGE MARMA­ LADE 32 oz. Jar.................’ 25c CLARK’SSSPAGHETTI 2 Tins .........................19c ALYMER PORK & BEANS 3 Tins.................... 21c BUTTERNUT PEANUT BUTTER 2 lbs .......... 25c DURHAM CORN STARCHI Fkg........................ 10c REDPATH’S GRANULATED SUGAR 10 lb. 55 c With Dollar Order (Sugar Not Included) BULK BAKING SODA Lb. ........... 5c SMITH’S 4 O’CLOCK Brok­ en Orange Pekoe Tea ... 59c lb. CRAWFORD’S TUNA FISH FLAKES', 7 oz., 2 Tin .......25c CHOICE QUALITY CORN AND P^AS, 17 oz., 2 Tins 19c THRIFT SOAP CHIPS 3 Lbs............................... LAUNDRY STARCH Lb................................ 10c DREADNAUGHT TISSUE 3 Large Rolls........,......... O.K. LAUNDRY SOAP 10 Bars.................. 29c 25c 25c BUYASACK BREAD FLOUR $3.65 Bag 98 Lbs. MADE RITE PASTRY FLOUR 75c Bag 24 Lbs. Fresh CELERY Stalks Z for 15. Hearts................... 10c: Bunch: FRESH CARROTS 2 Bunches .. ................. CHOICE RADISHES Bunch........................... FRESH TOMATOES. Lb............../.................. 13c 5c Choice SEEDLESS; GRAPE. FRUIT 5 for........... 25c TURNIPS; Each..................... NEW CABBAGE Lb.......................... 5c 5c Save your Coupons given with every purchase of Groceries and Collect a Nice Set of Dishes. Fordson Tractor Show AT THE HURON MOTORS, WINGHAM At 2 P.M. Saturday, March 19th Moving Pictures — Entertainment* Learn about the Fordson Tractor from- experts who will be present.