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Huron Signal, 1865-3-2, Page 4
l! 1 Humorous Items. For iSale cheap. ltd ST RECEIVE!!' POI BILE PERI CHEIP Yr/(Lr eyew. 1kM•r: t1,at1 gieibu { !t, PANM of tb aura tel clout, 5I wait. fou . FALL snow OF lki ego. t/urw. ASV! 14/ tin FARM iii, ere tet cleared, won good roan,. L•s,:ras thereto. Tlwc wad tat rerun Ian a L MES' ANTI GENTS' r . portion of tae dans lain 1'101 fur-. FALL I suf. bar a 1xIN WM. SEYMOUR• ii0lot )'1'iori 1 I 1)" t i11(.1i N veM4r Islet. Mt!ti a,' oat . old frac r ma dr,, to f t 1 mowers, sttwd„ y W o w bow fanny 1 4f l CAfiLR( T h res there are eo • uuemoia TT"' "%ll,•' re plied Jliks, '•baa 1 kouw how tunny ►utas th.e b e. for of rt or.,..' NES BOOgs I OVERSHOE T editor of a Y•mlee •ewvllapnr earn that be never duteed eo i but uses in ►s iia, slat iissttg wee u • light with • contemporary r d• 14sahed went hilar tsm" ao tarorwtk•pjoke.the u Na' rtesileakdd FexeY GooDs. po tweed the Joker out o lead. roY u Do leu mean le challenge lie Jury," whir ed • lawy7er to his In.h client, in California. '• Yes, be japers." wu the answer, '111 they dost *cyut me, 1 mean tochakug.,verysp•Ipee• of'ery. 1 rent you so give '•m all r hint of if, tun." A barrrter observed 10 • learned brother Ia sowt, the ether day, this the wearin4 of whiskers our enprn(.eiouel. ' •• Hight,' re- plied bn f :etrd, '• a lawyer cannot be too bantlareel • Sheridan, erholsr, wit, and spendthrift, Ming dunned uy • tailor to pay rt 1.,... tan ister•ssonhiehill,aoewcrrdtial it ws-',,t has interns( to ley the priu:iprl, u,r h., principal to pay 1h• interest. A Frenchman writing • letter in English to • friend, and looking in the dictionary fur the word preserve, sod Iiuding it meant to fickle, wrote as rolloes'-May you cud your Mmilgbe rokrird to all'Lerma) . "b *wra Mr tit b.m. ' ln1luirsd a man of the ittle giri •.bo admited him. •' I, your name ytdl 1" she asked. •• Satre prop,. eall me so' neral be. • Then he u uht .t t ,me; for 1 beard him tell John, if ray 111:: came here to ,ay he was nut a bowe. i 'A n Arla.sr.. trevel'm says that he knew • gfellow, duras booth, who was as load ofagirl that be rubbed hu sosu elf lns,ug Lar shadow ou the wail. A eonyslcscent student on being inquired 'at * .tint Ito health s•a *till improving, pleasantry replied sic sum. C u,ler•ok.(*tuber tee Itlts: cuts thee primula.* app ysu t11t r M (i1 SiSUwoo r, liadrnah una.rtth. vt► N10 AT U l\ l t\ S JUVENILE BOOKS, 4 While Mrs. Hurler WAS playing Juliet. a Philadelphia. mad just when eke had a:ciente ed " Ob 1 cruel piton:" • tall, hen, guns, Brady h•irod ,I.4 I student io the aa,e bor. deeply *timbal iu the s;ene, th•u.t down hie hot oo his heal with • cunv,.1.1re eff„rt, crym; oat ins voice of thunder at the some time, '• Keen him up, Juliet -I'll run end fetch the stomach pump!'' Rewlw21rlenttlss water Italians. The subjoined incident we had from a friend r lather esu I1i0h Sherif tel 1'y tone andoit\fatty yuaA $,go. A cuustry• lad AND ' ! • maw hanged bs nI.4 h. tor sheep.ate.Iinr- a penalty and •d.uffence (repent', associated MADra TO ORDER,1 , Ae., a•'• AT DuNCA 10,000 PAIRS n FARM FOR SALE MAMMOTH BOOT AND: SHOE STORE ! Mortgage Sale of La DFR and b virtue. of a Power i f gale 1 OT 3, Con. A, Tuwnsbip of Howick, . 7, LOT num Wruarw, 1010 TOYS, In Large Assortments! notable I ,r Holiday ILtu lar both old and ,. en., lust r. -served AT THE CLINTON BOOK STORE G F:U:1. AycocK. CLINTON, 190; December, 1`tit. LAYCOCK'S Canadian farmers' Alm. r - Prier 2a cent. par dozen AT HE CLINTON Book Store 1 rhe r,..t u,•dul..tlntgime I r 1 mors there it i' blis11 d. It commas spire for mr.nor- •Ldems fpt entry day in the year, betides much valuable information, such an Post Ofc , Regulations, S1'. MP DUTIES,' t LISTS OF BANKS A\i. Jadklarf I Parliameultr Lists. • EppyJ11101r.Aoutd A ire amt. 0E0. LAYCOt'K. illi co .t:,ii'-d iu a \Icrtrege mode by Mban 1). fl 0b, tel 110 town of Dud"ri the Coyote of Iluron,-Geot'entan,.o first pan, to the Huron District Hull mg l.ug.`.uuw aid bars: ucir•ty, of the aec•n, 1 part, (.1eflwll hay IT - .. been wade in the .11•• payment theretl) '11 9 ACRES.B'8 CLEARE© b RAND R1,ViFt1 .t Dl NCA\ 4 HOOT AIYi14lIOF `fTl)ItF f70DRRICH Calf and 4e TIM GRAVEI. ROAD. be sold uu Apply to 1Taesdly, the Seventh day of Februar I F. a'.Trios' AS','E*q.,R.M. weisw51-,c I.l. L. I.-65. tet Trrlye n( the clot*, neem, U,.kn'h, VA 16.Ino4. at the Auction Mart Of - ` - -- ---- Messrs, Thomson • dr //n3'r!tune, KINGSTON STREET, GODEJ4ICII 0 s" SA'"" E' than tollovlog prup.iy. that is to say Lot NumL..r tea hundred and thirty-uill(10:19) harbor Flute, in the rad town of Uoderich. ')Fed outer Power 0t Jrle,, M. C. CANF,ttON, Solicium fur Mortgagees. Mateo at mr chambers toil fok January, IGS. wu0 ,The aof above Nle is postponedntulitil.Tueeley Fa the 4th April at t .d sae place aid hour. J, & JI SEEGMILLEP, IL) 1 I. .rr. '11.A:12441.Si liHPOI r1 HE CND 'Welt iN ED otfrn(r male or to let O tot our. %owlish+ of Bowsquel, OTS'13.6T.to 13,77, null' the RAILWAY STATION, (ludurich. for 1130 cath, A Five Years Credit, or lger if re,luired. Apply to M. C. ('-tM11JtON. ` (o "rLF April rib, 1864 7062011 w"•ar Het Ar bed Stork oJ'fllJAlt. (! • Df. WIII/Y )w tAe (• utrwt ! :Mk lel 7 MK iwtl[It /t rigw AL. MI 'AV •-M."' u. Z we Thou'.,'I* have tried Duncan'. Roots sad Shoes, and found them all that was .epre•en ed. The subscriber CANNOT I11: UNDERSOLD by any one doing a legitimate besi .ew.- Rrnmmbev the place- Nest 01110 01 Mu?ket RVuw►e, TWO DOORS, SOUTH of the ' SIGNAL' OFFICE WILLIAM DUNCAN. Dederick, Sept. 20th, 1864. ew61 WOOL CARDING ! ! in Bosanq Ful{ SALE et E A. •, E R S.(:oueh'ol Loot via The Lino ,nits of ONE H I DLIED ACRES, sixty tel who la ere t:esreJ..aa.l .au.ord nen. e Clinton, 19th December, 1^iia, tai1J ' ratios of toe G. T. Railway. 'flier. de a 4,01: - - --- -- ---- - -- -. EA' 'i El FIS DINGS a BA(H.\ on the lot. U t AF.' .a F'K.1 lr l: RIFLES, SHOT GUNS, irr.. die 1016'1'1)7 M. a ..,kc. For part.vulare aptly I (IODERICH. C. W. WELL 112115 FOR SALE! at itt 0(4 .ch. fter the prescrthed time, ni• the crtewnal wast down and de'ivered to * r w m attempt, tote ant. They n0rde the 1 Ct Ag li big Heeds ' usual ►umpt, at regi unehim and in this 'INi O' instance succeeded The, man recovered, re 1.1041 no outward mrrka-rt what had hair Uppu•ite tide McTkkele • peued beyond a dight dotoi•tlu, of the seek. "ter 11 was &algkt by many that\he had no right it.} Al! kinds of repairing done pd- moat to be amongthe living, and',. that unholy reasonable'erem..cj agencies hahelped him. Ile was shunned flakrich, August .n - 1 - 1. sw91 by his former companions, cuu,d u1t.ia Mr - ------ work, and wandered alwut rte ala `beggar. Rollsp Necessity drove im to the boom of the den . o and LA .for Sale. lleman eho, in ho official duty, had $ rHlll('l( C(It t' .h up the Souilwry jars intended the execution. Her recognized. 2j. pmt tet leu' aVl, tiered and dismissed him, npt being dap 10 Mantes tin matter nuttier. Bu. first, a. • phylum! inquire, raked hiss to ducvibe his \ etre coon • sensations oil being turned off. -II! replied that be felt the jerk, but not aro acutely *s to produce inset.. Linty, or even confusion.. $* iapreae occupied by Thos. tl'eathr,utd, Esq.; appeared to have the purer of looking &hove, -.•,_ . - price below and around. All was a,,.., bright TWEL NUrD1tI O DOLLAII' mermilhou co:or. As agreeable sensation HAMILTON STREET, ' r -HOUSE and OUTBUILDINGS, tan* crept through hame until he became Fur tanner 'Mettler. apply to u fr inreoatble. " Hut,' he rJdtd, •• 1 tan 4n,1 - T. 1VE.'T 110:R.ALP, no words to express the •;;ony of gradually Oalrneh,• , returning to couaciouaneta !" Nen-wiity, or or WILLiAM ERCIVAi„ F..'i., ! what modern cant would pall "bis miaiOn," Anther.. Wand. drone him haek to his old trade, which drove (iorler. 1 .lkwlrer 171 1144. .mall -n 1 him again to the gallows, but this tune with I S A A C F w w r n ■r out the benefit of resuscitatiuti.-D.."bin Uwsoersny Alaguzise. 241.3WM.U1710D Crlaollso DegYroa. . ITO V, NITSGUES' OLD STAND. According to • Parisian expositor of the fashions of the day, crinoline bus received SOUP of mut final baiishment from anew. et•Itc under., It pertieularly d.awe the at• ' - ` ' tenth n of the followers of high fon to the fact that at (be ball at the rodent's. on Wed °tachy evening, ber Imperial \lajesty, dress-, s. Tt1 ed with her simnel esti/tot" taste, exhibited WATCHMAK:.E & JEWELER I arae graniteeobride duns Caaplow duff wase ST., C30DEhICII enteurerres," a delicate way of expressing , • the absence of [bat deu:stoble which i Next d ur West of Mr: Sieh(' Saddk'ry,1 add* so much lo female dimensions. The /1.t. c•,na or Empress', example, it appears' bas been iia- itased by all tbos wk. boos pree•uous to siogk in the circles of fa.hio:tsbls life. The consequence is, that the impediment to the free circulation of the Aural. a now in some measure removed, and the gaud sta.rcsse of the Tuileries, which has lately bete almost impracticable et a 0. 1.110 hour or the even. Ing, when the early party depara std the Cs.....ntlyo l ,so, ear' w-„r,m.n„ , r;. aoreprentorNI ' - - Wer ywitonprewwt 1' •nnsel►es, now aeornJed err a \ ITIIF. OLDr. T IN TrIF. CUT \TS'- WAIWIEt, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY NF:I't111Kt 1,N -H.iRC n'.•1I •F'. In the best Style & Warranted. *4.0,.4• oar a•.IR0•.r ter \ Ii*Idt Plated Jewelry. WatIrhes. e'ts... kn. xe, See. Au.u.t I lth, Mia. Penman, 12.1)'0- w471,. I:D £ WATE1a'D to his establishut'nt, he will he prepared totrecut0 [,tuner' M. c. GHSRfON, °natiorto'.tiei. 'Customers ennui,; to th•, factor, themvly U* lei e► p.0 as formerly, and neuter attention will be paid W those s.'g7t( xa• dtca- THHE s 'I1 IbI liFelt9 wouldylh/g V iutorw hu customer, .• 1 the public that his new pram ises ou EIuUtney THREE DOORS FROM THE SQUARE, will be open.d on the brat of .1one. for trans tetiu. 010 tt'-NJ Cardin.% Cl,dh lres,mg''and 1I•nufa<cturing huskies*, in connection with his WOOL FACTORY, whin,. all orders and \ work in the *burp beakless will be punctually atrudtd to. Li Len ire a xrnety of Cloths, Blankets, and Stocking Yarn, wi4 be kept on hand to exchange Lir cool. l:u. :ng this year added another FIRST-CLASS DOUBLE CARDING MACH"TE work to any reaaonai.i.' extern will lee prompt'y attended w fr • dutauce wishing their -'SV - rk 'I spediit Iro-lawl1 y I)orSss 1 00 1' „ FA!(111 SHERIFF'S Sar • OF LANDS. N. 11. -While thankful nr the llni'rnl,pttn„I s tent feriner 1Mrelp he there buaumr ,the - subscriber h pes.by a'i-'t a nnlion to ho+in'r. ,i'1Penarin,( nM expense n meeting the wawa 7'ntted room .401i k' y are i Err Went td of, her cratumers. 10 still rte. r a share of t'.. ,:sone. ,get !loran awn Brute, . F , h • ,an ,.n,rel . rya Remember the place— l Street, second door from C1tA 1111'' 14. OCK, • ,.,1w FOR .5: LE, • 1 pal nr 4.1ar ManAs 'A r r un THOMAS OGAN.' j. ill MONEY TO :LEND SON IMPHUVF:1) FAH(!" AT 8 PER CENTI --A Lru,- Some to Int -est in Town Property. i1. B. GORDAN, Barrister, ie., Uod.ricb. Ooderirh, Sapt.13, I863t - sw3 t1 Money to Lend. TTHE subscriber has 510,000 to loam on rnason- able Lerma. For pp mrul,rn •pplV to HORA('E HO1IIUN. Cudenek, 19th August. Ince. w30 3m. Goal Mortgages Wanted to Purchase Apply t D. SHADE GOODING, ttolicitor, West Street. Ooderiob, 20th Dec., 1064. MONEY TOI'.END EI(}HT PER CENT' One fliidred IN or llpwards. Apply to TOMIs A 1[ (1RF., Nuheetor,. CKABB"1 "I CR' BLOCK. Galeria,. Sept, Nth, ("*a. "w1! U of Flu via'. Bench and Court u 11, „aim reAo Containing 140 Acres and 10 ueeJim•lal as.,mst the L oda mad 'fcge- Sll l tl Li, un 1h,• Landon I:,*J, uuljominf ''arts.' Wauu,,, ✓r.•, n N,r, at 'u of ' Godcrich, April 19th, 1864 Jan • Litton H.Jum.on and Jain 11 lino. n., 111. \•gags of Exeter. On t' . abuse \t , am tiudrrh.m, luno.. i, W.' •., eel John there. 10 a ,rood N d n s J .hn :ywr at lobo Moroni - 44051.414 0 Frame House and' Barn ! b n a t l Ja nry if I ',77`.:',1 't T rod air. L'a n r rr ,t it Lt J. Alt new. :i g" ,d aell ural a tin. gown: -to4r 1 1 u said Jett (1 . n r'•lire, Ntr orchard. it will Lr soldveryrhea The 'n n,a1 J t,v 1410W11,1 r i d, sr.. -1,4 \o le/ ( ) - 1 y P the Nh „„„.,,j„,„,,„ , ulrc 'I ,.w nip of mwlrl. Lind is of the brat <lay loam and •ell rim ,.,,,rte ,, n, .aur ou•mheA ar.es ot :end. is sr oe heri'd. - , Mord, ,r "•. L.I.anul,re:,a.rl . t,: a y less t: .Terni, m.yle known on aoplivatiun, 11' by , '•ours. 004 lot. .ander 1,2. . 1. tter',re paid, W Eztetp. o., 01 uu ib4, l4, r .n,'oaeupilwn l ■ I - ,remilk's to Ivan a o. •n.I let .pnlwr 9-, e 1 o t'. ( nen '.1 n the Town.h.p o1 t ml earl, ' A McCUNNF.LL, ■II.Mr rhonn.nd 5. ,, 4 ort. wit• Mort i e wl,tf Exeter. nisi I.4 nrr!uM•r I1, m the rev nth araC, • 1 Ilte Towd,hip of Carpi k, a ntauwwr 11 nit 0111 ' a -ns, moor ter Irl•, all iv Ile 1.'..1111111. tel linage r To Rent or Lease. ('vh'• ► f Mist! ofbr for se.e al my adhe . Ilia C,not Noose. mow town of -1 aka-. h, on Tues. T OTS Eve a: d ii* iu the Firs• Conrr.,i n. , .I.y I►e hurl► Jae o1 Aprd SCSI, at the hour of J,i r,.0 .hip of Colbprne, W. D , about two twelve 01 tlya•ta k, seem n •MARY QF\r FY ! a',erul, s1. S 11. mile* from Oink 'eh \ JUI1\ J! [CIN)\ 1I D Lighthouse st.. Galeria•. Hy et Poot-r're. Deputy •i ecember ,the 186. w 1. If Ae e, I i .- Ytth Dee Ian*. - ( mai! ci.f r'. Joseph Williamson, COMLI I'to - .1- BUILDER a:1'l CONTRACTOR,' S A FOUND1t X. JrCJ S i _.,,_,..,,....:„. R WI STEAM E--1;61 F.. WOAICS R. RUNCI'MAN V.. Nan acturers of. !gist and Flouri S di Ya> 1.(TTS. ,rte ^ r st.je ria.' t.. ircular, Malay and Sash Saw -Mi } I f ;'I G1 ; B a rin 11 Weir Ve+scud sir, : Will tnrn.1, pia ,. and_. - •„er•,Our,.,n.ata charges, snJ wnrraittl I r0 s,:re w use+sn.ln, yon. Ad 1011ers oil tniy,• r.'.+ Meal be pool - pn,J. and if snswrn ore I wonted.•.I am one tuedisu 1441•x, marled nc•ne, yelp.. 4,4 released. The nova named aiirtid Ihmsanm u, U,.Irnrb. ('I :n,"., Flo, pp Mthey sod iarfteh) •Duns, (health pern,:'tn9) .0 fling s. ; , I IA I.a I 0 *T 1 ht yuNaA tulry. illowin I',r ,1 p+tram Vu ap;ris wlh confidence; t r 7 •T me i inlew:uill 001., : 7 ; J`JJ 0 S iA % :Al Vk. C 9 S— G ivo him cb Triol I 11 ' I - - .t DJi 1.A. 1111 c4 _ 1CI LELN SEPERA ' IRS14-r : RSE POWERS, and ^^Reapiing Mlachin - , Wood Sawa. 1 V E3, oar pig x Yc:vcrw iso, .:!i.' „•k .t..n,•. in a n. •rij.ti'.n marl.• to order. Also, m •I GREAT CLEA SALE ! JOHN FAIR & CO. AHE SF:LLIM; err their- whole Stock of Dry Good., Clothing J Groceries- , WW .WE i tri t 1sT •h Carriage Factory LIGHT -HOUSE St.,GODERICH TIIE i'I'HrC111 HER weihe. to return 'banks to Ili• Diann. for pool la vols ra,wlved a banl., and would hos w ,aWuae that b. rockier. wined to mall wasgua. CHEAPER THAN EVER. 1 rinsed you • regrow cumplese for SA5,00 cash, and all ulhrr anus. M Iwup'wuw. All rank t'Itrraatrd to rive satisfaction. Alt *ma elf Vanning ImlJemenl• mark to alar. JQHN Mel'HERSON, Oodeneb,Jas. fth. Men, - insert Gn!)F 1111.11 WAGON & CARRIAGE 02'3 foil tt tyC. THt ,ul.s•riter wo Id anuounor t„ the put.6e 'a lithos and He ce that by n•, on hoed and w.a make 10 on401- mire., N'aguna, liar. IV**. Or , wlu'-1, will hr out eiwrap for rash or (Imre, rel r rattly U• band a.1 fur wlr r heap, CUTTERS and LEICH8 , • •ire•Iyinlerr a. Ap'. IA. IMl \ *a cru ,t T MillsWONDERYIILLY :.OW PRICES[ ! Mills To make room for alterations In their pr. in . ixs befn,1 tiering. Guderich 2fth Jas., ▪ 1866 111,67 Gta lenicb. -i•reit .:old 64. ' aA'Je - Adair.. Mo,eann•. 1•.'!. uul,i lenb, r ;iota*. i lama,' _: DI A.•, - D.nionaue. Dee.(911,, taut — vi(” -If I ' '-._C:ultntss of any d ren 1 and,tJb.+t:u.:iriima,ner • inJtut' machinery _ _ t r .. on a .rt nutlet. A,irrfre nuc of c rCII,T TLIaFi INIPOR, fN>' NOTICE cooKING, PA LOU3r AND • $ t X STOVES, CA%itlET ViARENO1 S Ahab**, huh.!, Rt¢ar Kotthre, Wtronnn-1 Pipe 111.1.1. .4004; tt••tie "0th, ahnie are /(.. L V ar N r0N .i;QrP.Nt'E of the.104(1, of ttr. \d. Al r.fth•• most w•,nroled kind, w,. 10!,4 ro;irit'an. int;wrtinn of our .1, Ir fore'lorchaoin,f 144:41-; Wad ti.tr. the trtanr•r nrnwwn carried , elsewbyre, as We err o Y•riny the 0 •t a 0t the lownt ieman.rstive pr et L:r rash, or br 0p un Order th name 0011 styli of proend Umdjt. Old metal, I)rue. C • per, and al! triode of termite* taken in exchange. a t , lericb, October. 1Ss mw. nnn,r, n without the usual difficulty. At one ot the omens her 070,101 .14.._11_ - representation at the Theatre Compierw the -- — -- - -- - - -- nu•ome esu a di absurd w enormous SIiERIFt'tit Sl1LYa OF LANDS. -- nuisance. The ladies only found .eau. The .sea,iers were compelkd to stood the whole of the evening. At tli+ ball un Wed Oa1ed Coonnrs "I? RV. 0 die of p our' , . g Huron Ono 'Mace, n•rr Pur• as e.n,ted . ,; I sosday evening tho (Mellow. de Peril{,Iv and TO w.t . Sol "Har Majesty 0 1 nanny ! Madame Sar were the theme tet general .d- Court 011n t'nenl ('inti... of flow". and B. nitration. Their toilet w.0 prnuouuced mei •nal rte me directed ay* no Ihr l,mle hill tent; I ted 1 rd d proweuble. II"' lee, (ted reneeneed be lams 10f Herb Nuun,.t the war 5( W04.,., repudiated crinoline. A struggle has coin - all lit•rkwrl, 1 bare .sial aNl fair• u. axe.v:,.m ssenoed lot rase the u and sou enpolmi,ts aU the ngbt.litka4l ,•tateet el to 9*4 de end - Pr i aa. anal to tie Morin hint tel Eleven, in Ise wss the former being stilt in"'the majority. The iekvthmotemes •1f the jI1W.sL1 hip of Fwnr, dreuu.abnrs will not let the trab.cu of exa,(- ,e tee Canty Puree. wits feeer,!d.Meatherr tad wide Circhu rube* Mad oyer n er rlyd ; itch" h Is ,d, eel tenement• 1 shall D. GORDON • t'.tIII` 1': l' 711,1.11I:: it\ AND UNDERTAKER, atarn,l:i, tor,,. nil., Lido n"w ,.n nand • 0,0np;rte a..ertan•bl IN Frrmrtare. a' hi+ 1.'nr.•nr,nu, WEST STREET, GODERICH, IT Ar Rn -esus. Tab ., Red•trm1. Cane mad Wool seated ( sin, C.i't \Inuldin,t and Looking (ilasses, in variety. ot imported ! ! gala g er0.. ded leeorations gar •t if 1(0? 010 bel it , `Ike lur.a;r ....v toter u, the IL owl H,n,e m !Ionic Manufacture an P Ihr low: pl le eh.o:'.• roewlorrM E,,,,/er•nth - - - day ,ri •Apnl wad. at lir hour tel TotIve of :he \ k AIR gkur ar Man Nte•arp.-S. 1, clock nam. D. R. het alone. on hand a c Hide, o•United States detective, connected . ' JOHN a.t(1tf1NA1.1), vintner t of COFPIJe.. Also, 1 with the Fromm Hannay@ office in New - .•• and, 11, h 8 TO 11111E. • Haien, Conn., tut night, on returning hone, air b-Vot.t.nte. Depute tihenl• LumM r *pd Cordwood takto liked his aide a gat him some a rtndgee SMr lf'• ofrr,t •ldir„n' . „ant. for Furniture. that h9 might reload his revolver. As she Jen' ihh, uu.- wG3 Meted to comply with bis request, the hammer of his weapon sluppeu from his fiajlets and the pitted went off, the hall enter- ing the hear ot hie wife. The dnlortanme ti;Anna sprang forward exclaiming, "i a'0 ° ` INSOLVEAT ACT OF 1E44. 'stn 00- .tR9ES •.OMRrch. rtteO,4.1f103 w TUEer%liters.1lheundenigr.edatenotified FARM for SAL iL t n'•rt u thehew Office of \It es -s. killed • k.. mr halon I die," and iu a T, -int A \longe, tet [lir Teem pf 4o !roach nn r it, 0 'LE, F,s., half of 1.,+ \ I :. 0 1-L F.. 1 ti IRON POLJ :N, 1 )1 ; 1- •' Tr.wn•hi WAWA U•H, rte 11•.1 vuntneT r/ t merhunn a in,s , I a • Robt. Runciman & Co., IT U t' N It fr: 1111, mum ''• ''....et1 on or Mere tlN .• 1ST ,DAY OF APRIL, 1865 c.' All patties indebted Toth/ *louse lira, air here- by .uulied that all m o'.,, i..o.., , ,,,.n.. 1st day of FEB' Y rext, tI 1 1.•h eJ.d t, thur 0..,o bar ler '1'Im.t..cs , ,I.a-d 1,Ji 1, 1, tt' 1't)It ('AiStII. +- oK IHUltl' It coition• a ,urrr, a... tnernl ter Mous fa, Chlti• I ran THRESH MACHINES rot -.01, and sugar- dor, waggon u,J No. In, ea. Cooking, Parlor$c Box Stoves. LATE.A,M•MNC.1.1C et• amt n t, -i 4.-,, len '.•r r., nn,I IAll pparts. rr'7mr,ng Ihr 51.n•e •Mohan 04,.,hl do wet, ,.i rah and s -peel the 'Diet at unre. as !7 `- they 0441 gel Wrgass. R: RUNCiMAN. E. s .rrrrnce to the ,Mari N Rnnrim11n will .M ith.1 ,red 111 carr) uw tae r.:elar. u( moment was dead. M d h 'thirteenth d f Marsh. t D nv the nrtrent day o ore M 1' 11 k' NI 11.6', .t ter nf'he'elock in the toren,, n, for P "f thi•err . u*pal, a.J wJl wnpty Tex Nn nine( Jlc•n,tua.-The )lung the parp.ot. of re,eiving statements of h'e ONE HUNDRED ACRES, A0111111:1.T NAL 1IIPLF..MErsT!1 man, [teems, arrested fur the munlcr of his atmos. 'old of nammz an teelgn.e to whom father, mother cod wife, to enable h, n to L.• may u.•kc au as.,gsment dd.r the above eo elearnnee• Tetnwa IiDrat. Apply to thr Stoves l amine., reasnwble raeeoerCA!(ft N Oralr rioderreh. lire. Slat, Wel, aw72wta marry • young woman fur whom he hart Act. far.,a.gr/tithe Estate of the late 'nt 11 formed attachment, is in jail at Adrian, Dated .t (inderich in the County of Hii-nn '1 D'tsgs.nur P51) errs, t r alert .mit Mich. Capital punishment is abolished in this eighteenth day of February, A.1/.. 1.6:. 11u4146non, o•.. w... 1161. w17 Michigan ; but the fearful crime has pro COI.IN SINCLAIR. dared so mush 0tom:/nenl, that there was for a litre 'great kers that the people would indict summary puni.hment upon the murder at. Havers fa an only child, and only 22 jean of a e. Ile say, that he has never had hu slightest wish thwarted by let p.rents,and to tMa iulul,(eace iu sem': m.•yure okay he attributed his ungovernable passions. A policeman in New York was shot lit foe tiles by some deeperato berdlars u the effort to 'met them. , CHRISTMAS rAnn J.OI,IDAY PRESENTS 4„ oy Nolo, Prover' floulfs of all kind., WORK -BOX P -S, WRITING -USES e0sCirili 101411, AL, 5_ IFLE13113021211. AY vinous °thee @Melee, mg cheep mmy able for iireLtoore mines %wail limb, with Pram:Its tor the Little Folks. AT BOTLIIIIrti BnlivOteril foe Imetivemit. (et 2t TO FOWL FANkftli.S. trANDFACTI'llER14 AND or: ti.r.as IN 'r HE inihnienher has n few while•face Mash 'Vl Stoves. Dkruighs maid Cooler, 01 every 'IF 1 Siolni0h W.041 he Will ilidgoar el 01 .11erlaNion. Tin. roamer NMI Slieel Iron W are, al • (iorlerieli Marble Works. STORY & DAVIS Gederirk. Pee. It "or th* very flatterinigencouragerners lir the oolOrmlWrillghl hilal 10.1 NOW faciliatfoe 00AL OIL TAILO NG ▪ 0000 in the Prorrinee.11111•Marraer 1.11 On IN one ,.1" *kW Prtnelial Katml.hstoiten • in tor, Brow. Rags and Sheepakina c•ken ea* TNTD the retorters tut Samara Stspotw. (411, INFO re.I better with white vote ; elm Ir prOVO piropertj,pey , barges, mot take nor *Way. • • At H.GARDINER & Co's Market Square ta WItboat Distinction be' CAS ane lf,ll o h.thth Anita,. 1861. 10 .39 PLANING MILL ! Sash, Deo.. and uAl cum ri.r.TED THEIR NEW IA Fa, ort.,•re mow prepared to take is orders 1,1 any este t. Fruit, theft lona eaperie•hr iwthe humor., an having exprnentaid workmen, end • hat they tan t'" mit fork ould do wet to 4C-3 eiL. Ir., MI -a alai. PIO EC JIM. 1 here also m 5 quantity 0: ALL HINDS 0 HAND To Carpenters Sc B 'lders LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR NOTICE. Newlin. all, Feb. Nth, 1. h. wiett Sheriff's Sale of Lands. di TO RENT OR SELL. AN EXCELLENT TAVERN STAND! (tONSISTING OF TW FAS F, ROOMS, wilh , Wein Stahl. Sheri,piimp and large garden, berry,and known y the name of the BLUE. VALE and in the orenpation of . the proprietor, 14 1'. un. Th• property has largo additions and ielpfeweriealik PA is worthy the notice of say moo wbo ieeneLiag a home. October Atli. 1663 w37ft BOOTS AND 'SHOES e or book amount, will pleur 11111TANI Fn. AID SUMMER WEAR C I AND SETTLE JinT 1.101 I. AT JailleS Collins Sen IQ OffIcet on Lifhthoune at., KINHATOst IT., • A CALL IS SOLIUTI.D. Conri .1 the 1,11iled Clorintie• of Iltaroa and Brown ,j1 emst.lishmeateens, ,n• he hem E.11411114•Ii- 200 BARRELS SALT To wit : of Her Majesty's County itn/I to 1110 directed against the hurls End tene- ments ot Alresk•Mre easuan. tee eltl••• (SP ',ad °enrol move 'Nerd 1•111,"111"21 oterwoori the fottorme rotwerv. ed tho "t• tete awl 10100.1 .10 1110 WWI ririendliltrt, •00 10 lee North Mall al 1,4 nenatier Notelet. •sil lot and tenement. I satin "Mist tor tale Et may Odle. it the 4:mirt i• the Town 0. rie motor lee smooth. &yid eaten. mast. et the hos? TWalirf tbeeloak, norm. 5. ISMAJWIF, Deploy now*. • • St t in Toronto or Monl.001 CroileflA•Vei.10 962. sal ..•40-1, AT $1.25 PER BBRL. per sere ; wank MI nen. ni CONVEYANCING NI14,1.0 4,4 1141 he ham' linen (tort at Oneen's Ikea. 404 Thai he will be ra.stre out Deeds, Mott. Aimortal. et pail h, rict res.oamble r.ties All prelatical Ww. E. GRACE, HUGH LOVE, Senry vet -ti ril°9* ViliATI1"1"to,..ierwill. h. Garrick, December 21nd, '964: sw2241 °ember ;tit, 1844. HMO -Oran p.o„t4,74 • CE DA s li N r. ow II. 6.4 rn cn 11.10.. mit ; Yawl 4,444 5 imol.1.6414.1i4 ..41 If 11410 Mill% on- row.. 14414 IsliWirred of li..Yrhrh- Gra..4 air. 4444 Mon 4 nale•ia lank b. Port Albert. Gaoler, °oder' AN APPLICATION wii.i. .18' MADE to the Legislature 0 • ' this Legislature of this Province, at tts 11 meeting, for an Act to ecufirm a c..•taie •tnent entered into by and between the \Huff ri rind Lake Huron Railway Company svg1 tit fantod Trunk. Rai way Compaes of Commla, nil aimed on ..r oh. at the 2th day of .141, let and for other perpome. LANDS FOR WI 9., Ili; following 1.nni1,,e or red for We OS ONE - TE!THI:,1 ONLY 1)AKTI itestrous of °Minnow First (Less ff 11(111%1 IOW 11 (111 1111 (1111111 terms, Ily apt.) ing to oth.ri. W.. ELLI.09TT. Nino Equal Issas! Instals Is ll RI n per cent. GENUINE CANADIAI SEWING MACHINES Have taken the First Prizes h, lab3, over all other.; and •lao at Ihe Pro. Sinn clinfleter *Ire at., ewarded to 11. the Prices ve been Greatly Reduced I ABRA SMITH, Agent, Ens ide blarket Squire NOTI TOW NsitiP OF MORRIS: South South South South North North North 20 in 4h eon., 100 sere& 23 in 4h con., 100 scree. TOWNSHIP OF NOWICK Imts 2. 3 and 4 in Ifith con., 100 acres melt IT'ArNSHIP GREY: Lots 24 arid 35 in 4 con., 100 sem mesh, Lots 31 and 32 in 6 con., !PO aftrellealk, Lot 32 ie eon. ION urea, - Lots 33 and 31 in 10 eon., 10114erse mech. TOWNSHIP OF TURralitla or to the owisor, ALI, partin indebted to the ate ot the ISLAiiii. U044S late lone .A1.1.11,1, either note nr othrrwieeotre requested to nettle a Santo Immediately with the ondersigned, their /1001C•13IND/PICI. ....nu will he placed,iri the hands f an claims *canto the e11.10 of AIN* mud J n 1 A MeoltKantli. 16..11.h.rbler •nd Mentea, Allen, dreamed. up 14 tfiis elate, ere to 1111.05 Sli11.011Nr. (Who ha. flarly relonanl fl,n• brmi4ht in to tn., executors at One, for *TAMP rotilt 1Phterfiloo17,111 10:0:lar"411:tiottl'l'isr(411.14.nr"rh .1tial ?At - illation and adjustment. ors of sll kind.. /ow and attle, with and with - A NiTfil /NY ALLEN, Oodorleh, July 17th, 1864. *31 -tf AIM A tuna. ,4 niter net Ovoid naltadeesies sw4 21 .1011N OUTLER.