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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-02-24, Page 10
PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, March 3rd, 1938 Wingha.m Advance-Times J Peb&hedafc ;: WINGHAM „ omRTO THe Conduct of Government Sutarigtiact Kase — Qre ¥e$r Sts torttfis, $1.0$ fo ?dfc3BW. Tfo- V» Si A, $2.50 per year. Foreign rate* $3.00 per year, Advertising rates <;© ag^fecaticn, [How Gmtwcts Are Let "1 ami PositioBs Filled J An Address by R. L Deachnian MT’ f.te Bfartb 5iwm. I practised, sfe/rtiy after uty elrotfo©, fiat I waraBS to y©a fetera titae to fitte, va rortafea matters in ©. ti/ra vtffi fie afetorfrtsati/'n ro fie nati/ris feast have kept fiat promts© The rafetians! Meofier ro Barifenteto and fe;s ecnstt ;g on©. TE:e snemfeer owes so his ronstitaenfi his tirite0 his effort, Ks afefity. Yqus on year part® aught (J to give sa me atteatEaro as I know ya a dav, to fie great profefetns whEfi easarant the raria®. greater gefirags. to day fia:a ever betar© in cw bfst&ry. Leadership wall tatt salve fiema — fiey vriT net fee solved fey aerfdeuri they. w® he solved, by fie effort af fie people and sn a© ©fi-' er way. Fabtic cpinEara is, after aT» fie deternrinEag fac tor tn. the directicn of sdfefes.. . . . Today I want to speak to yoo an haw gaveranrentl contracts rare let and. Eraw gaveracxent proititus are ffif- . era. It is a subject greatly unisunderstoei. Many people '■ believe mro. prevaried d? Ji jest as yta might dri if yen wanted to brailra a ha’ "e i» Fasttioss tn fie Civil Service are won. by cranrcetitive ex~|l __ _____ _ _______________ -antinarian. Keifier business nor government can affordelsewhere, I have been told by CjEservatfees fie ©p- j. inrompetent help. Fcsitrons g© now to these best qcri- ~ 5 be: t3 fienx I fitrfi when I am. through wifi fits forthwith sra fiat Japanese t §*,j-y yens will agree vrifi me that fife fe fie right mefi- rate fo Canada with fie esse •' fiat in fiese items at least, we sfeauld act at- fiey fio at present The cultural u tempt to roll fie fid days back again. statfiofe ©f fiese prople are s© wery | CosteetS digferent from cure that rt ts sraposs-{, „ _TzL 1_______________ju sfele for fie average Ctoadran to com- f get© and mfintafei fie standard ©a fir- J fesg that Es> expected t® be fefe. This p ©sudtfiro firafii net fee fifewed to/l'j ■exist. We rettteufier reading: secre t tints ago fiat rane ast ©f every fisr- ■: teen c&oldte® fecra Era British Cafem-j1 fefe fe an Grietofi Thfe sfome shrafid provide fie govrers fiat be wifi fien- [• fey ©f food far fiaagfcri )i Apgararfiy T we are to preserve'. fie fora and Emriter industries ©f Brit-' ish Cficrshta fir Cassfian enterprise s.'rt—te-hnig wt^— xirave ta- ee ra.^—— t—- step fife Japanese dantinafira March rarae like fie era myth fe tight, : A-Li&S? A kXfe.Jrafe- * A BAB SITBATXQB? It tt £$ caraect that Canadian ?Gh- Wtten cannot carry era this “graya- rivn along toe coast of British Co” wrfria feecs&sb ©I toe Enterij-rance ci ji fcteresrin; JaySEes© irtoertuea someth tog shout'd’’ Ite chtte afeoto: tots cendiri'n and toeb gaener,, toe fetoten TXutas Brid, lib- ■enG mettoer cm New Westminster-■ made tot> charge to tSte- Hmcse eff ©cam tns ard an r~vesrigari?n Erato Ids charges smrid fee started witoent detoy- It has been stated toat toe laps net criy idarra?raa*e toe ti-tong todustey in to»* storim feat alsa are gradually but sorely gettitog ctntrto or toe d ©5 toat prarince ahr That toese C'r- fente's have crate tranteutens tercads ante* toe totot and vegetable grew hcsbte'ss «that ptovt'rate has been eagntoed. ter same toraeu Tbs rmrrigrarion law she sjjffiteraded eaa®M tc r ¥ ji tracts of one tend and anrafier m tire DcurinEon, and w Nett artiy fiat bet wifi evezy change of Govern- lucent fie snrils system prevailed, thoasauds who Mi po- feEtfons were firawra cat — new ®ces put fo fiejr places- i I ask vats now this questfoa; “What da you want fo yuan gateramemt?™ Is politics wfifog but a game in I whrfi, at electors time, v»c judge art measures, nor men, I fiat variation En price teak place in every contract, it ;warid rrean. prerty cfos© to $^0QOW60@ — $J,95@.O©0f to be ! exact in added casts for hatifog she maSs? | a» W yas want this dace? ; Jff that sum is to fee spent, let is ba voted in Fariianmut,........ _..........................„......, _ ...,........„........... . tn the usual way- We stoeid not «$e public ttacds foriirsar the interests cf the nation. but ©Ely the chance of : charitable purpases unless it fess been voted by JFbriEwsist || getting ©entrants ©r p©s;tis®s? As a Cawdfoa $w aught for that purpose. Expenditures cught to be under centre 2 |J to study Canadian problems and work so fiat the party ;-—■ we aught to few haw fie atraney voted is to fee [j yen support reflects the views yes brisk fefoa skeuld K spent. But that is ©riy the feegBEfimg. There are ton- [l strive to send to parihment meta wfe® understand. issues '! tracts to be let m fie Jhsuta ©f Canada raatries ®to feudreds of raEKfous ©f drilara. Cantractis for btildfogs, railway contraction and ether things. Weald yea want the same principle applied to these? D© you want the Gcverament ©f fie Damfofon ©f Canada — Grit, Tory, C, C.F.„ Sacral Credo. c-r whatever st may be, to/re-introduce the principle ef patronage which always leads to graft. It warid add ufiShns and raXscias to what I deer® t© be, even at the present rime* an excessive cost ©f Gaverament. It would, not be long ee fife brake loose before we might have to cast eut rural mail entirely. »mrsunderstooii Jiany peepteij & which fe ran tree. Ccndittons. which cneeij A Clear Record o stot rusw exist. Gortor&'cts are let by tender,, ji j have bees told ibse and tune again by strong party ;i ment Q.E my own rairh that the Conservatives get all toe bjabs, even when toe Ltoerais are in go.wer. Ins Ottawa Gcec-1 stess. i; .tp between toej) u-toiits is always a»i Ji I civil service. It is no good to answer that a man of one political faith can fill a fob as well as another, that is not the question. The problem is: How will you get effic iency if staffs are appointed for political services only and changed with every election. That sort of thing is abominable — it is disastrous to any government — dis astrous to the county — it would be impossible in busi ness. In the days of Sir Wilfred Laurier similar views pre vailed. Sir John Willison, in his Biography of Sir Wilfred says: '“He believed there was far more of gain than of loss to Governments and parties, through control over appointments to offices and distribution of public contracts.” But these views changed with fie years. Sir Wilfred in later years recognized the merit system and encouraged its establishment. I mention these facts not as a reflection upon the char acter of the men. Their attitude comes from the times in which, they lived. Under no circumstances would you find in fie leaders of our two .great parties in fie House of Commons nor in any other party an expression s-f a simi lar point of view. The reason is that the patronage sys tem, as it was applied in the old days, would be absolutely impossible for any government today. I do not think you could find a leader who would undertake to administer the affairs of the country under fie hounding influences of 'patronage as it existed in Canada before the merit system ’ of appointment came into force. | The argument has been advanced fiat a local committee I representing members of fie party in. power could make a I better selection for positions than could fie Civil Service | Commission. Any thoughtful man or woman who gave i consideration to fie question would hardly be willing to I accept fiat verdict-" In the first place it eliminates prac- ; tieally one-half of fie people in the Dominion of Canada j from employment in the Civil Service while fist particular J party is in power. If it is a sound view that positions J should be party appointments then for similar reasons I those appointed should be fired when the government ' changes. Then there comes into consideration cuestioiss I wfeiefe are in no way related to capacity for fie position.. J Partisan appointments stistitutes prejudice for merit- The ■ Civil Service Commission working with knowledge of fie i situation, and of fie work to be performed is able to select sjt rS.- sjfr Mtsy wero. : 2 tiro fist! tifo' feea;csta' aa ^fotsns due fo* Btar-’ feg satin* vista® p.i_c. A^aroeGy- TWtat. SfeBtiss;*? i ■fioft is sari <fe, Urtfe it. ttriferafe ^raestaS Saroseirt. sifttaSfeta # #; * * taorfiari.i, ts to aoax tifes SSh Bk JL ©eafiotota & efftsroxt ci ’rffeso’ s^iroro. ca Gte ,sGutaBafe c.S Grttoto* attaext’,, fe a toSri&eri c® tBri sroffiiril l^Bariroafctav Gurorofetee asjctatoS to ar.fe: Grfta Sertiaio ctaifer®, UUte toShsto.ro -;5 crocs c? Mr. Btexfi- ■anaris caCBro- «ttD Be storo^ to^astfe tot^rosifitetts i» Site GfeG Smfot vr «rto. rafito toiri tag st T&a c«ss:riatJ ci rite rororofe- tne wu<-2 asatsm &-■> to ttaaoak fare oi'tot:rter oud tfecra <£s-' JifeiBrM^M.1' May b« e-xje-rtidt to fe> ec s«fc fie ierad are capable ci expressing their views wtoerwise they icarastet serve yea as they sfected. Yea sfeauM seek, as in J private bosorass, eiricent adrosristrariao. ¥©o should Jstrive t© feaven so every branch ©f gavemtraent, the most Jefirrietst staffs abtriraable- If yea were direcring private |Endnstry wanld you want toe entire staff changed every • rime there was a change Era toe directorate? I fcraow year J answer. Wbald yea canEhe apE’rinteents to one parities]! faito?’ Wbrid yea ratafee appate tore-rats witEraut regard to {merit? Again I fenw year answer. This is what you I would say: ; I. ApgoEratnxeufis to toe CrriE Service sfeauM be i era nerit, merit aught to fee deteroriraed by tests, t there sharia, be security far toase who get raasi- J tiaras — toey aught not to be thrown cut merely | became as a change in toe governmerat ©f toe I esuafcy. ’ t 12. The Giril Service aught to be toe most cam- peterafr, most efSaerat body ef wc risers in the Da*- naaErara ©ff Canada. 3. Crril Servants sfeaold take m part m pc Erics. They sfenrrid be free to vote fest not to becorate bitter narrisarts. They toarid fee wilting to veto vrito eauaE energy far arae gaweramerat today arari araatoer tomorrow.. That is what you woadd say, acd tost Es what beto gar- (ties in Canada ar^ trying to da. | A Competent Service Two ©£ these have i The Civil Service is a. groat deal more competent atei ill era toe scene. If j efficient than it was a few years ago. It is nst a place of cc-rds an these ten- j idleness, it is not a camping graurad for toe pb.ysfca.Ey tors topic t>day. I p and! merafaluy unfit. I thick I rorid ttoe yaes into degart- saffise Q-f tocse who jnxeto rafter depsritnrent aS the Crril Service and toe wato- rerat to defend torir ters toero warihS camparo feva-arabty wash toe warirers af » silerat Thera was ! any business Ensritotota Era toe rotatory. It is net yet per- _ btfxri sraggesri ira aa y feat — n-storrig is ever perfect, brat I describe truly toe £ men for Civil Service pcsitioas aa toe basis of merit and rontract was- regu-f! CwfH Service as it as today when I say that it is a fixe JI capacity to perform, fie required service. I have positive I j knowfedge ©n some cases where men were rerorameraded. -1 for pasitfens sad examination revealed fiat they were | wholly incapable of doing fie work — they Jacked saffic- i Eerat edeeatisn. Do yss. realize fie difficulties involved in Jjstsfi appriritisrests? If the applicants in these cases re- Hiceive positions they have to be -carried in idleness ©r Safer ‘ / disfiarged. It throws an undue strain era fie men wifi j! wham they work. Tree it is craracesyably possible That in yss-me cases men may be selected, by fie Chril Service’ Ij GramEjissiara who prove mcampetent. But fie ckasce of' h error, by this mefied, is very small compared with ©fier Il rondirians in whidh fie men who make fie sefecri-sra, na ij matter how careful they are, cannot be aa a fair pasStfon | to exercise reasonable judgement. I Thea there is one other matter which I fiiraS: aught to | receive cansideratian. We aught to be Canadian — is fiat jjnat so? At present appoiratiQents are made from fie Eraa- |l mediate territory where the pesiriem is gj> be fiTed. That {{is to say if a postmaster is to be appointed' the appaiat- jmeat cam.es from among these who receive fieir mail j fea-m fiat past affice. If it were & customs house appfiat- < meat it wutrid be made from fie territory served by fiat •tearricular customs house and. usually from, fie town is 'which fie customs house is located. There rare certain jvarratroais &am fits rale bat in practice not many. I ask ■ Jyara to (tonrider fie effect >rf this, it means that if a saa -its spprinted to a posirian in Huron fee is, in a large raea- Irsrare^ barred from, going beyond fits prasirion. Do you. j want fiat Ijmitatfeja oa your sons ©r daughters? WooM flit teat be better to have a district wide system ©f rappoant- |j meta rand peumatian? tai fiat ease a mau might: enter fie igavensstesnt service in Wingham. or Goderich, ©r Cferateu, tor Itenfiraow and Sy a sjsteaa of pr@m.ction, through merit, | fee might rinrally fee in charge <rf similar work in Do-udon, j Qv Toronto. Wby do are insist on limitation -of develop- ’ raent? Wa certain extent there is promoriea but it is haraperad fey tne grrm insistence upon fecal appaintments^, j when is should be encotmged by moving men froto place to g&se as fiey develop greater capacity for work. I ask you to fimk ©ver that very earefuMax The men and wo men c-f Btron county are capable ©f riBng fie best gwsri- riraras tet if we resist upon fecal rappomtaients and. ©fiers do the same we femt pra-matfen and prevent the accotss— glHEbment of fie filings we desire. The banks d© not do fife. A man may start vrork in a bank m Ingham and iff fee has fie capacity fee may become general maftsg-er__ i why SEGOld vk limit fie Civil Service? Ira all fiese matters, W friends, we are growing wifi fie years. >e cmnot expect great reforms to be brought - atat us a (fey. The high standard of fie British Civil 1S fee 5£S^t ’deveW«senfc. Over a lw period fie stric^mg ©t anything whether it be great tren ©t great effis ora groat mrioras requires times, it requires effort {acid feoraesfiy, and clearness of thought. And above all it raqmros wfi* We ro® encourage fie growth of sound , tonreptmns by ro.r<ro and pen — by criricsms at feev W patetace at ofier rimes — abw© rail, W fie effort we IttM ttd ttea MtewJagit There ara a few fees written by UmgfeUw which to ,tae# omy a groat message. They ar© a tribute to fie j men wfe<fe ro fie past built fic great temples and «afie& ra.^ ornvro fie manamen^ painted the S , wrote fie stages fie age fo which they “fe fie -elder days of Art, EuTders wrought with greatest care. Each mmttte and mseca pact* Bar fie Gads see- ewywbere?* W' «’ t» ward as we keep fiat ideal before- us —. A r^*.^ MHtaa s/3 — “As «et ;tt gwsl TMaaister’s X«««*« wrtf- *®u* mSm. ate and u_^a part et£ fie nation we build i§ fo. itseU ?efcte? Wrtito fita w - trttad u s&M be enr eternal ntenunie tfi Each. sre&e-rjttfea» S&2?S ®»ds fietn and works fo uyfie tbesn t j T Bat'«s'«K>n«M««0«r rT TTrt* <* tt«s m««> w <: II J- toie wadB nto fee an®- f Oamgetl CwM©ffliS dial Salaries and wages |j Tfeere es nmm of that today These. tonaBdaus have In addx&rs to i changed., ff’erbaps tote change is due mare fto emrasnre to.’sa wb.® c*.3to to toe j toan to merto tmpris^ Ira toe days al Afesaari&r Mac- tore rxera caste to sttd [; raaa-enamsratied, dhssw a total ef $S51j69&EiL, Trds was.? Kfiffiris* Sto Jafen StoSCnald, and S£r WEtred .Lanrier toe ma Hx tS upto canaat &x Eft paid to temporary esngsfeye^, seme cf wfeato might fee ©ta -ember af CrsSI Servants was rriatotely smaX The cast art dtstante a? toe place- fcen ! sent, !■• great change since fist tune- 1 {tn tirat ncfi rosaEtrf. to $5B2l true ’ fife fiere was grid tn wages* to> arfy a few days. There are several- cfesses cuitsSfe fie of feverocrenft was fitting in comparfsa’-oi wifi today., Crvtl Service. - Members cf acr ntititary and rravfi sec- ‘GifiS Service standards fid mat appear rmpxartsnt in fisrse vices, emptoyees in resaue past c SEres, fiat fe, snraS post j; days- The cramra one vfiea we realized fiat faeftirfency aftires fea lifitie 'tatas*., and many c-fier sirfifer cfesSes are* j? was ©csfily and cmrfd tss-S fee.* te.feraterf Because fie naticrx cti ctsSsid© fir sersxoe. Ffease Sate fiat 2 rant art naw jeafid nat afford St fiscossteg wages cr rmanbets from fie staradjefntt fit criti- ;■ The attitude trf past Gavetrasmarts fe etetafy revealed to ofera. That cofid be done efiy after caroffi study af fie {J fira Eemtarks fit gcstitissS feafigrs as fiat day. Hobent Mac- farts*—today ;« are axsfifing mefimfe af apycxntoHnt. IfGsegar -Efewsato, Frefossto- af Patit&fi Sexenrae m fie Ufi- Gf fi© riS.C'CC'i gfeeri fixeve# aij^rafimatfiy SS^r (utuae ffimferi Jvensfey ttf Stafcatfiewan £3 hrs Hfetory fit fie CBril See the GrsG Service CGtririfesfota, s«: &r as a^xtfeffiEOtafis tel Mat fir Canada prints efit fiat Sfo John MdEMsald ccn- guK.ra'a&ra fe concerned. Asxfe irons (terffini eMesxytedjJfeSfered party sragert as an .EmifejensaBCe rottditimr to classes and fie non-MttorrteriateS cfess msttfistatri ag.-gnart- J; iS^^crriffixtot and Bad ISfie symg<afiy wifi wfeafi fee termed Eterrt fe By fie Cm2 Sfinrite Cfirmfesfo "' ........... “ *“ "' “ “■ra ca Cterit a&sr|!'’'«£2atostor affitepts to totes- rto. *E5recy Gavemw^nt’** he >■ exasxteoritate trades* toe ClvSI Stnrice Aofi c*£ — toto | stated cs “feetetfe £m 'toe GkS Serrice its ata fetends i, amentoffisrte store totot dateu |!'**'"* *'*’ ■'*’*“ 'w*,pA11 j*fce*** **■ ‘** [’ The apycfe?mtefite arg fintoe rate by paEtostB patouteig^Jj >• &o3 fey “ptoT tteft By merits, tested By exastotatten writtefe jj per erto err ttoto.. Tire wane te <fesa By aimpxdsrat emsTj b teats >35 toe Cato Sscwe ©trrmrssxe. Uh a sragte essaan>| iitetotsata I base feteta toe restote to rartge firs ffiirissp {•to S8 GOu. cl a toradred. Hit reepitoes $$?§• to psa-X. Tfeetel; ifis a. j^Sateeoe ic.tr rtemtrad selfed. BI toey pass to*y|i iJ gs to toe tops c-f toe EsS ito t±jsa» fe* togB. toe toBten [‘ctadBh.te raay araSt. S& £to tts 2 fccw toas toe arity {fitor way cd selactorff &S& tort toe tofeteats depos&tettte pTfinre ttray Bx? ctocrf ways mil 2 dm no® Jtaw a. tetter- ctse. h W are ag.^tetetetos t*ade tosft way? 1 aawee toua »ite toe tomato» whiter yes tatted as& ese B toe aadEb w*® ; & extorae ®Bhto tatod arixBt* tee Estottets to ftril te-to:. !r W ans®er rs: “W&y tore*«ri'K to«y te raade toar way**? fi .arid n-o ©as esfid fijfetft to Eti* Stir tefisfcsd Garttagrat descrifeticg GfeS- Semite cctdr- ti&ns ejEfefirg in Sfe day wrote fen Bfe ritofitfeoefcass these tarfe: ■—• fiat fe, fie CaBfirt cf wEd.fi fee was a tririfiter -— “Atom feted fiat are feted Era a glass ‘ five. a <p»stir= ccfid fee dfocossed in Catatrffi, aisd egrtaefidy fits ras*fofi.s arrived afe J rtfetifi was not fcr-tara to a&r - The fort was uci rotEy afotost atil fie fefgfeen aStes Err : fie CTvrtT Serrrfch. Burt pracfitaEy ®EH fie sfidsrttd- ate g-fotas were fifed wifi tetos <t.r fess reafous ffartfoaas cd car c^cc.®t^ - « w » Every fifi w- ■«;rt was a cartfeaaF St- g'ro«CTrt:«n.S croudd srtvtite ‘fitadto these xft Itarfil Ibe foracstibra — fit efiri strffirh* mast be von-^ir- I fisadt Wrfi ewsr cte.?e raf Grtrt~r."o«ct fiere vm a '' cfeaa-t^ £tee gttw Ct Ct-rid MfiWtB: WW. ©Salt —* 'I« cam ra —• af tiSaa&gits fMWlMSt were: &»o««3fe ' yurt ataryg tte sare af aa ka©o«^ ? it 1/