HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1865-3-2, Page 3• Bei basal sal I}'sans'Oration b]/
Victor then.
1 'At the interment of Mie Emily de Petrol',
which took place at OM Foetus' Contrary ,ru
'1 huredsy lest, 11, Victor Hugo pruuouuced
the (ullowteg oration over the grave:-
- Within • few weeks we have been occu•
pled with two ■ialen-the qw we. have
smarted, and now we are burying the otber
Ruck at the taeepetuat •;regau4u of life. Let
us bow, no: brsihrrn,twlore inflexible dsstiny ;
and Ira us boor nigh hope. Our eyes are
nn, to weep, but they .re s)eo made to see.
Our heart i• made 10 suffer, but it le also
made to believe. Faith to another existence
apringt from the facully of loving. Let us
not forget that in this unquiet life, winch is
cuuseled by lure, ,t le the heart that believes.
The tom hopes to bud again his father, the
soother sal nut consent to lose her child for
ever. The revolt 'latest anuihdaticn is the
r.udeur of mwu. flat heart can never err.
The thigh is • dream whi.h fades .way ! This
'mess were ,t the end of won, would take
(rune our existence every sanctior. ; we cam
nut cuuWnt curatives SA this vapor-rblcb
ilia mere matte, -we must hare 11 certainty.
ll'hlever loves, knows and'eels that th* preps
of man .re Iwo epee the earth. '1'o lore is
to live after lite. Without this frith nu deep
gift ortb. heart were poaible. To love,
which is the rim 1,1 man, would be his punish
went, I'rndiae would be hell. Nu !-ore it
declared aluwl-tbe luring creature demsnde
the immortal creature. The beat *lust haws
• soul. There is a heart i1, that coffin, and
'that heart lives. At this .ery mume11 it lie
tens to my words. E,m'y ,it I'utron res the
sutitle prole of a reapectible suJ lettiarcIal
rlily. 'ler friends rod n.iehhors found
enchantment in her grace and pleasure in her
ile. She was like r lull blown Iluwer of
joy in the house. From ber both every
'endorsee aur rounded her; she grew up
Lapps, and is ,eceiriug happur., she g..e i1.
She is gone. Whither 'is she gone' --into
darhnri 1 Ni. It is we who 51e l5 Jakoee
-she is in the dawning light. She in in the
light, in the truth, in the reality, in the reeum-
penie. Thee eerly dead who have dune no
ill .rs the blessed of the grave, ,arid their
heals rise gently from the tomb toward a
mysterious crown F+ 11 d. f
'utrolIt gots
r i inserenity-the
to seek >, h er*rlm,nt g
complement oten Saucer, elieureee. Youth
is gone to eyrniy, beauty w.rdv lM ideal,
the pearl t. *irds the „cern, spirit u.warJe
its God. { its, soul! The mart el Cbs great
rdesuaddeparwn, which war 'I death, is
that tbbee who thus depart atilt lata near
u , bey are in the world ail light. t thee,
as tender esteemed', hover sheet our w• Id of
dui toes. They .r. over us and near Is.•, Oh
whoever you may Ise who hair s. en a Irl'r
wing sinking iota the tomb 4.. not think the
i 1us left you. 11 Is always near. It is
Ile a you mo -e thou «ver. 1,e Iwsut, of
t rcr5i'uee. Inexpressible dost u its p xp presence
of a w i 5lnch solo let 1111' ', sur tearful eyes!
The Sot that W. nen rat has dsappe1rvd
but has n, departed. 11 a nn longer. see i*4
gentle face,.hu' we feel that we are beneath
IV wings. 1 d•I,l are 0,•»ible, but they
W O not absent. last us be just to death. 1,..t
asbul be uo4 rat.,'ail to it. It is not, i4 hu
,been sad, • ruin a snare. It ,n au error
to skink that ben"=, Oita Juknru of the
open gravy. all 4 lye •res 1i5.. Here emery.
thing is found again. r grove s a place
e( test udaink here. the soul renames the
ialale ; here it recovers it IemtaL ; here
it we retention po emio1 est a in wtsieriwls
nature ; it 4 Set bee from t 1 bar, term
want, trona its burtben, from tat. ` 0., !kwth
ie. hl.herstepy for all wh.. hare • t'4 up.on
Cie L.•uht Iui:t og and holy a 1 ...on'
}:.en one receives bit. irscr''.aae. Ivry
thing or transfigured in the light, and by the
light. He who has born .ser* 1140 vielt, ,
an ea-th b,eomu Leauteou.; Ile *Mu h,
Daly been beauteous becomes sublime.: he
who hoe only been sublime becomes good
And now I who am speaking, why am 1 Mere!
What IAings me l0 this •are. 11y libel
right do 1 address the .had' Who am I :'
NmMng! Ilut 1 wrong -1 am something.
1 .m • prescript. Yetteday railed .f y ata
. Tenet -today a voluntary retie. A ]Fru+eript
is • vamp...W.I, a ealenemetld, • pettier -end
15.11. a man wounded by fate and disnllenitd
of bis country ; a pr. script ,n •n innu0.54
man weighed down by • malediction. 1114
blessing aught to have tin's in It. 1 t(lee.
lbie grave. 1 blase the KOS sod grocinw
being that ben Were. In tke•d.,,r,t we lied
the nasi+, In este we sleet WIG, monk., Emily
.k I'utrnn has hien ul.e of the 1 sly that ..;
have mel with, I risme to pre 'her .11e d:•bt
..wing by • p.ro script whore she hen consulted.
1 blew ler est the dar', profound. In the
umm* of the ,arrows when she gently Teams
ed, 1,1 the tans of 'the toils id • d1•suny
which fun her are ended. bud •hoed continue
.for ea, in the name 1,h ternstier things whish
ranee she hod.d tor, and of *limited. thin.*
which ehe taw e61w"s. in ie 11514 of all
the loved. 1 h'.•-5 11115 heel, being. 1 11Yir
bee in h'er beauty, ,n her y .tth, '111 he, ' .
r :its AIM i1, If er dewtM 1 blew
crime, in he �. at'
tier to lief while sepnlclirsl role, in her home
wbieh,she has left desolate, ie her coffin which
kr. mother has filled with flowers, and •hich
Oad is about to till twilit start."
The lateral eevlce wale pirforwed in
French try the Iter. Mr. Nicolle )l're.eyan
minister, in the remote of a 4rgs eon.
course of persons whom- ole: elpectertion of
homing the eland cut poet, had attracted.
- l
A Wwr1lM Martyr.
Nearly three hundred sem ago. • Moorish
Chrietisll, mined GOnnlmo, was a captive In
Algeria. id ceptors were eng)tg,.1 In build
mg • m fort for the defence of the catty, and
after m ,y efforts to induct. him to abjure his
faith t y thre.tened to bury him in the em
bank) eat of be refuted to comply. Chained
and uardd, Le w1, Lroughl t., the wall til
when th •
the fur he i e Ylietl
M A n •cco•ted
hi 74 thas.
' Dog, wherefore wilt thea not be • Mu..
t ' 1 am a Christian, -and shall be one 'kill,'
replied the man of God.r
Ah, well,' Mid the Paha, ' if thou wilt
not become • Muawlmsn, look hem!' and he
showed him • moldmade not of mud, 'look
here; 1 will bury thee alive there.'
' Do what thou wilt,' returned the hely
men with ndniiuhle courage; ' lam prepared
for all thing'. The prnseeet of death will
not make me abandon the faith of our Lord
Jesus Christ.'
Enraged at his 5rmnese. the Pasha fulfill
d his threat. Geronymo w•A bu,ied olive
beneath the earth of whlrh the hank ora'
boil*. The Christian slaves who whtnelised
the atrocity were 'tumble to prevent it or to
remove the body alter death ; but they made
, a record of the feet, which when they
down to the time when the Freneh were
masters of Algeria, old the nld time e,rth•
works werede.nulinhed. On the 27.11 of
I)eeemher, 1463, the soldiers employed in the
dennlitinu of the rattle* facing the road,
peleei•ed upon the removal of the ruhbinb
produced by the exphsmn of the mine, ex-
tending lenglhe se within a block of mud an
(-swathe. invlosing& human skeleton, which
*as risme frees oplieal *gine to the artic-
ulation of the obis with the lemur.
in short, excerweng the upper porion rat
the herd and the beer portion ofthe legs the
w hole body was mottle. Relieving the re•
Maine to be those wt the mertyr Geronymo
the *firer in charge rern.o.ed the.benei arta
took • east in plaster Of the cavity in which
they were found. The result was a perfect
model *(a Moorish figure and fee, with the
eyes closed and a strange pathos in the ex•
pression, leaving no doubt *hot ft w50 a re.
produetion of the martynd Moor. Photo.
graphs from anis cast are now to he sen in
The Cealederat. Iron ('lads.
The London index, the (Jbnfdente organ,
earl :-
to We in erdihly infnvra.d that sent
negotiations are now progreiaing between the
government of the I,nitd Strum and that o1
Denmark, for lie aegaisiteon by the former
of the large Clyde halt Iron clad of the
Warrior model, which,it will be rememhenal,
was at one um* supposed to ha designed ter
the Confederates, and, ender the thou! n•
pooewdinln by the Crow., sold by her own(
els to Deihsark, then w belligerent. The
Keel one Ile* in ('nperh5g*nmot if es era
well informed, u there ,v au reason w doubt,
about the neg0tiatiots then peudini in re
gard to her, the prae,itatl result of Lnghsb
neutrality will be to asunder this Ibruu,.ble
engirt' of maritime warfare into the hands of
the North, possibly to sistcl herself Wore
lung mama her suod.l, the Werren."
The Laudon Telegraph says : -
" It wee repotted on Wednesday that the
Freuek Emperor had caused several war
stesinees to go m chase of the Confederate
attain ram Ol1.de, nue on her war to one 1l
the Southeru ports, and that the Niagara had
started from the channel o1, u siwllrr mis-
sion. The City of Itirbruund steamer, repre-
e uled to have supplied the Otinde with her
armameut of guns, cleared out of the port of
London, on the 31st of December lam tor
114rmuda, but her destination appears to here
been lis the uortb, where she remained till
the Oliude was ready to receive Ler arum
'mut, and then proceed to her rendezvous."
New Ygse.Feb. 24. -Gold bas stood sten_
dy at about 200, our military sums** ap
1parently not hating any effect upon the price.
11*. fall of Wiletiuglun, ■, uuu,,ced *0Jlay,
i had ne appreciable effect. The tinge mower,
to have gone by when vidopj.* 11111 affect
this market.
Horrible Tragedy.'
The following horr'b e'itarntiee appears iR
the Indianapolis Journal of • I. te date .
Thr staruuJ iarclli4ence hu just been
received ors fearful tragedy which test urred in
the 1,111. villege of F.irusi,le-about tea miles
from thus place. It emirate,' that a young
man named Henry Hoare had been- paying
.lddresee• to • young lady whose lather
I Oiseounteneueed the •hole affair, p, fubid
any meeting rh•tever between the Invent.
Mis.-reciprocated the affections .l Mare.
who, bowevar, was known to be a wild,
di.oipated cberkelrr. Uu Sawld0y night last
it was agrel'd beteeen the tau this they
should meet in a0 arbor et the tont of her
lathl'rs garden. Thr old gettllmrn, hu
I discovered the secret meeting, row to the
place, drew a revolver, rod, *about • single
sora, deliberately find twice at voting;
thee --the plat br I missing into his Vain, 1
e nd the second into his lett lung jun above'
the- heat, producing ustrulane.,u* death.'
lie then deck hi. daughter • sever. bloc
with Die bo:tt of the revolver, sax) left Ler'
lying Ie'.,de the turps of Ler lover. 1h, ail
WW1 111 11015 pat feet, bathe, and will shortly
he removed to a lunatic a.elu.n; hi,dwnbter
s ail r very pncuitoua ccnd(Y-
News Items.
tzle A great and intim-noel meeting for the'
re al ul the welt oma has been held 1,i Lot.-
. Jon.
he prohibition Mil has been carried
mote* d. Prohibuion Las • majority est ,
104'is A41
j h On
61lh- Regimen
A mericsn .le.
( A great dee lee 401 taken place d.r
ing the prat month 'a We emigration Duni
t It it Muted that w, ' in, the 'rat ei4l1t ,
Months Ater bur hundred te•p 1prrt have]
c„me W, an uatimely sod in w,etnp,ence d 1
• the ,•corhitait price of papier.• i
I els. It it reprortes! that • 5TeFie General;
u e d,nrt on nMaximiliant
bs., tb 1 f a reed, o
pure •11 ',fuzee. from Tetra i1oto t hand,
of the 4 o,to'derrlt5. If obi, it nue d cul
dies will sow" arise bet5ee, Mexico and
'1= hind Stat....
✓ j.11n Wedwe5dae. los) !rel, a tad and
11111 accident happened in the towt5Lip of
,eerier, to a LH1e elrt aged about ten year.,
d* .Feer of James Ilarri'.gnn,, Fay; 11 ap
pear tttat.w.hile al'hnit l t \Lchmrawet
npwrit n •she attempted t step nvv the
connect, . rod which passed bon 11.e horse
power to 1 sprra44.r, a Iwo her d1,••• costs 11 ,
. a, the roup, L., tied bor tale to solute, a
wan wOw•J
killed. The h, , was f ufull,-mnng',J, the
c,dhrs baring to rut to poor,' 1eflte it
could be rewire* . 7 bra melareh"'y se '
ciornl shouhl proven a:ning to All 1st,. have
0teum e 10 we machin y est 'Such • dearer
0w c'sent ter.
Lies A rsrplinter who ha 411w071 proge..i
tics,rd evil to himself, tris o twiny u,•nnthe'
• 111(1f 1,1 s five Story hu,ldin:, est' 1 w hi,h some 1
rain had Gillen. •The roof.being hope, y, ht
I.,.1 hit fooun t, 1,111 es hr 1444 4c.. mdu.g i
than a*.e,, hr ete'5im«d: ',lust 1,4 I b vitt'
I',lt hili;, howr.•er, the. tin apaul,-he ;rted
Off Lu rh'a a •,.4 r•4'inwl n place rat .a 9x.
I .11Th he thus delivered himself : I ,
luowe d 0: i1eeas • lair of sheet gone t
du del!'
Fn r.Li,,ens and smiles net nn the heart
;Re morns 04 nitre on water; making it col
dry *nett n le cold, and simmer diene •II is
1 The hypeerite stretches out his ern.* warmly
u. claep some ' in the e1o+.41 rrnhurr, nut
only, like ?he hnted•Mohesh that he may
burn hint -to albs, •
Communion with nature, when the passion.
of the 50111 tyre exited, writes a verve of peace i
round the inner storm bell i
We ere all like Miftm'n .ad*m, halting
upon Opt first night es the lest day, and the
setting of the sun a.lhe setting of the world.;
Speaking i4 generally a when that 111inkin^ I
has reseed': at to a n., 11TIe morning bell s
heart tr, ring Only when there .it esu me* I
grain to be grouted.
Love changes all into splendor. Peen lean
end the :rate: and before us. loft., like the
deelinrne sun of the longest 4y of Ibe north
Sea, touches only with, 1* elm the peening'
mirth, said rises ,gain, lite morning. In the,
arch of heaven.
(11x. the blue mountains of our dim rhi!di
im.id, toward which we ever turn and look,
stand the mothers who marked out to 114 from
thence our life: the moat hleasd age moat be
forgotten ere we can forget the warmest'
Old maids get along poorly for the same
recon that railroad mins frequently do -m
fbitnre to connect.
relay last, fix soldiers of the
'lunl*ai, deserts./ to the
orad the start and 11 twnt4•
At F:xeter, on the 24th Feb. mM., the wife
of Mr. 'loos. M. ltuwarlaao, of • daughter.
On the 21th ult., by the Kew. Ju. thaw,
Mr. Dcmcs% MkMlst,m to Mie MAooastT A.
Bares, both of Iiude:iah.
Op the 1)1.1 into., at the residence of Oen.
Wilson, Esq., Moran Road, by the lte.. J.
Shaw, M(. Ut nut C. Wilson, of Colborne,
Mus Sense :roman, of Goder,cb.
- ?C(tD S''Ib'erttsrnituts,
Oats, Peas and Barley I
1, RE Subscriber bis remaining on band
2500 bushel. flat., 500 bushels Peas and
x qu.wny ul Barley, which be will sell cheap
fur cash.
Apply at Aedrew l)eoogh's Hotel to
Uod,rieh, Feb. 27. 1865. w5 2511
ALL those tudehted to .1011n 11. Wheeldon,
-late of the Villale of St. Helens, in the
Tueish,p of War•untrh, an absconding
debtor, ly book nrcou.t 1,r etherise, are
hereby notified out to pay the arms utherwle
111.4 11110 1111* office.
t Shull 41. f B.
Sheriff's (Mee, Onderieb,
2314 Feb . 1045. ` v5 -td
Afw XdrertiftlatAU.
Insolvent dontof 1864.
THE Crediton of the unoenigned are
` notified to west at the office of the tinder -
signed, Will.... Roberts, in the Y'Haze of
Suuthateptoo, is the County of Bruce, on
Turelay, the f,urtee,,tl' .day ,r1 March, 1865,
at Die hoer, of ten 04',,.'14, U. w., .Cur the
purpose of receiraeg ,.Irt•onr w. of his antra
5.4 of 1111ming an uiat_uer• 1•, wI, m hr sub)
wake 1111 aaettuwrul under the above Act.
Deed - at the Village of Southampton,
Arurywd, the 17th'd.sy of February, A. It,
FBCuo ticK pWuuvooT,
subcl w Cur Win. Kobelt..., Itr5l.ilr6.21yu
.Dog Strayed.
A POO about 8 mouths old suaeed from
As.,.til* muter in OuJerieli, on the 21st inst.
!Lint a dark brown aloe oaching to black 1.01
the buck. with while on Ingo and suite un
forehead, and had a oral. around his neck,
huir showing that of the Cotter. Any per-
son (Mort tot ormatlon regardlll%jtk• name
either to Mr. A Black, Dulkreler- IFox;••.icL,
or to Juhtt Go -don, S10 Helene, Wiw.s.. h.
rill he thankfully receiy'd.
M. Helens, Feb. 22nd, 1 65. w.o3,•
I'n0ed(otenbes,J? 1)Y •low el a writ ail
Huron cud-Ibwe, Li Eon, Fscus' renal le
is Wit 1 S easel ton 01 Itcr •Alefe'.y'e
t'ou5'y CuUrl M Ill. County of gnarl. awl 10 rte
Jhnrnd arsons? the LAW. soul leoeu,rnl. of
N'ener seawn•k.\t the .int of W,)1an. Marton.
1 have sr,ud ■1,41 lakra'n Eor.vu,u a1111 a rI:111,
title std Inte est of the .ail 1.1.ndsnt 15 and to
hr a 1, r our in the h'nlh r.•s.'r.snn 40011 d
Huron final in the 1'ewn.u,p.I 'furl«r'0, Ili. , .
the Loun11 o1lLiron, who. a isn.l. tato trnrm. 1.
1 .hall ed.'s torr .alt at Inv,diee,u the ., aro (louse
to the Town of li;d•n, (,, on '1'' su4y. the *1114
d•..,( June twat, 5t toe hour 0: tweve of the
XYLR mad by v telue ,are ?ewer 01 Sdr eon.
A 1BY LAW W 11 whir m •d Joosn'treater. rade by ge e-
SW T4, ..J east Jwaab T,'o0s1 . a'. r,nye 1,I
, •
9pWh•luplun, la the County of &we, yeoman
Y. of We MM Court, aid Te,.... feed0.y, r1 the
To 'dim by way of Jon• doe stow'eme.seee,i.ea see, w ihe 0,0114 pan (.e -
Treaty l'huw'iud LAullars fur this''salt v.y Sawa weds n Coe Jw pot anent
++ purposes therein exentiunw1.
[, ,'IIBJtE.kd the Crsrporati.m of die retard/
11 Couutie. ail Hurusl rod Bruce has so-
solved to tit rile, &travel and tulurei• CW LIII
140ads .rad 1lighw.os, rich 111. nonmetal
Bridger for he erose notes the mid est
t 1 l.uu )
e1 lturub.
AGO wll0a0ea Ihr eaiii imprfNmet.l* SIG maker, to the wet 1 tonnes I...Irn. 1, w,111w seekl
Meryl) woe& lok11115 pahhc suction es Wd-
e•adeythe taw JY, or .Hann tont at teres.
'clink mom. at HdIw,11 Heol, In the oast 5d-
I@4wOtinrush 11upIolt. toe mowing properly,
r.at ,. to •.e : Pare bat No. le ,., the ere.t.5 e
of t'\rlu4 Orr. I. In 114r u:,krwW v.Met w
""`""::"""•`0"14'"'"''''" 408 Ons ball. 1
SOAP Or -so. OF CAVADA,�}anlurtbnntely 4,r the init•rcoti of the Proprietors of the GLASGOWtlw eFOie sent 11111' 10,1 phi,. ...kr • LH0t'Fih,, sod fortoustely for the interviste of those who may want
power Abraham
t est. in Orland oeu.1lher urn. oar moor by T) (\ I � ` \ i
AIMY'1\III �"rat til 11,e send ynllny a'. ,alrn,111 It L 1 \■ 1 ■u■ 1 1
ouurely a 111114 our Comity est'tonin, mid the Pistol' bol N,• 5, north .,,1t' of 11,gh street, in the 15 ( 1 1 111 \ 1/ 1J11 V 1J1J1
1 ealrmr UI Wrki„g Cho 191110 1. lis Ito I1•1ia),a1 .y.l ro't'or of soulaa.onion. 2.. ore m (1015e,.ur
by the 19lJ l'umny a ,1115,ura ail t the rn
° I" �, wetJ.wp, wish a'sur to t„r re.r. detained the tn*it in some manner -
unknown t0 these deponents of $eveA
a� lean.. ,e•h.11 ,rah YYJ I•aluoc. un Iwn rend
rl a YYJ I � II,a,IIh• WII IYIeI• •
w al eight torr stool• the iuiiw.iv SInUnn hpppppp ab r'U the 'G"1, or _ u December est, andas it Is now ate
}'I4Eb1 IiiCK I'IIOI'14741')r, in the Jca4un for the l rlpllafl UfIHMela Crm{nnk 1 therein, they will be sold at
County of Brum', the Loon or Debt wall ore *Omit no'Iswwut+ h (ori lees of Boots and Shoes which should (are been den e
1 ,l 1,r 1 ik be l 1
pant by the said County of Huron, rust the
1t0te Isertiarlter wauuun:,d r, l be seised
w'e'ts 5,•uu tI. isI. a lru;orty silken we
, mid 'noun u Huron : .. w aha. to
I t7 1 1 u r►
I carry +.1,) elleet sur Bald redilwa 011, rt it
I will bra o etes.1,7 for 'be aid COrpurrhuu to
roue the tom 05 lreutv,Tlwus.nd Donees,
to the 51ae„er •Iteleirattcr Menuuded: A10
1 *Naosw It i5 e\p1w.dient 1° deb.., (Lw ,r.lrr. Anders'no Alexander Litundy Thomas
1,,r ewuuut4 to be apond.4 wt race L.ue oA Aewrwy Win
IIlard,.,o'ultd l0 Il. Iwpru,ed ,1 .WII lar - • ls•rson 1Vm
1 esp'caJrJ as 1 041 11, 11e .5.15411411 at the
II a .J ut ibis ilj 1,44 red !Orating' prod of the
WWI 151 Feb , Ih66, w3Sl•sa sac' like in order to wake sale of them below the season u eves.
.LIst of Letters Intending Purchasers Would do well did Note the fact.
LE)1AtNING in doe (uderich I'ost Office,
ialtre IUIh February, 1/105. We would .l.+1, lake this opprrtnnily of informing our nurtx'rr+an friends ant nor
order 'or our SI'It 1 NI: Sro('K is now in the hands of the Mandh.tureen, nod that
on or about the get of March we will be ready to wait upon them wit► a Stook of
Goole such as they bare Lever had presented W their view i1, good old Galeriah Town_
.t:.1, 1554,1st it will *quire the anus 01
I !blew ')'tluusld Tau lluodred.Dullate to
lelcher A E Mahar Annie
Byron Al.zaadsr Mathison Donald
Huse] F:Tens mono Fled (:3)
Burnett Elijah (2) Mills Erenru
Bennett E M Mian Mitchell George
I be erru:J au,ur.ly by s,1es. Kate our tlr Ikoton C O Murray George
I'ay vera 1,1 lie •41st l.owt air 11rLt rod tote' ];rooks so"
Millar Jemn
ort as rises Leirivallrn sleutiu.,ed• Iknwn Ilrrris S Mntbas.n Jo►a
IAso res the 1,W„'.rat of the whole Itrun•lhank Ju )L.nilsll James
,a1erl,le pru1w11y d 1110 .aa M30.114.1.1, Ban James • )tunroe Jnmee
wiespctne of one haute luon• vie ail the lines J Mil,ion J00
Mum, and Irreepectite 1,1 any income to be Ill.. Malcolm l2) Neyer J A -
deoeed Iron 111e leap ear. in.rootwcu•ul for I4ro*,, Ricl1.rd Miller Jamar
aiokiug (tied beret.stlet aleuuy...A Ur any 14(11'. 11•,hl (2) Mnun'tris t
port thereof;, •cco,JwiNlu 11,e last ret i1e4 111.0115• Sarah )loan L
dsteuwr,,I Roos tieing Cor the yrrr one Ilur.A• Thns.8 llrthennn Malcolm
ttnesild «1011 twitched and slot) hour wet.
h:.4Ltguillm,s 1'*, 011 .4 .4 .,1,d LIgIltyvi6bt
thousrto Six bundled ,std N'ut'ty ria outliers:
Amu r1'Ih.0 for paying 11, edema' and
Cre.liug res 041111, x111111 . Stole Cud. Fund' I1,,
paying the w.1 sum pf '1 rents Tbouepud
Dollars 8,.11 interest •s hereuiallcr ,u.•ntiw.ei,
it rill requiretrims! annual special Rate
of luertruthe of a mile its, the 111 ter in .d
mom. to 4111 , thea rales statues tube levied
is each year. - •
Ile it therefore enacted by the Corporation
Mike United Co,ulies 1,i Huron and arum,-
1 flirt 1
l stet' ate Ir51bi G.. we N ardes (`raw Leger Mkt".
our the 14,0. lren,g of t',, total 4.01 mcuttorwd c40405 Swrah
Corporation to raise by au, of Luau, trout Cowherd flows@
any person 1r prisons, body or b,�xi1... curve--
rata whir may be 4.1bo4 w edemnatd ail: tame 1)5m• , Rrid� t
upon the credit ot one Debentures Ito rO.rlWv Hoyle F:
me•tluned, r aunt of snooty not ex... ng m Ilrumm'teary
the who r the tum of twenty -i buw,•nd iso- 11,1414111. Jpmt5
tare, hull to cruse 'rthe 19150 1./,.11/r,1•111..1..111 Duels Joh',
the hauls 01 the ,cl'urer ote ned
Counties atun•srid, for t,5 i ' i'°'es and rub tiler rr.ns
the object .lore reutcJ. Eaintl Gahrel
/t B
5 w
flr .. Peunt r Ur m . hrri..
Sherotl'. Unficr. A:,J nrh, '
itlh Jan.. IW5 ( ♦ wS
VANE into the enclose of the rnhe'riler,1.,
1, 4. nob ran., l'owiettip of Colb.,rne. •blut I
the 1st.uf November hot, a Dark Red Heifer, I
cumin,( 3 Team old. The owner 14 re,in/wed
to prove property pay charges and take her
Feb. gird, 1.36.5. w5.31
rrrticnl..rh d :1a the apenuup of ' +
S.ttlem on their Laude and other's. to 1
the itat11lr 23 11 sham. 37, •ratagm. ..1 ,a. l tail Contract•
pn.risinn (or the punishment be and jig. 4
p•rirommWnt,of pe'y.'' stealing timber
And the CANADA - COMPANY banhy
offer Fifty Dollar. to for pond 11 any person
who will gibe such information as will lead
to the eoevictinn of any person or perea 4
sle.iilig 'h.CM•r I'r any. of the Lands of
the said Canada ('ompnnt.
- ..-- Ayent.
Guderich, 25th Fe:: y, 1465. swtw5 Ise
Ten Per Cent Discount
111 CASH toll' be all/wed Oa the balance
Of the large Ruck of
iscellaneous Books
,5t i> rga{nal;, 114ir.-(I:,oc and Stut.mlary
A.. L : RC3£ STOCK
Wrillu6 end Envelopes !
IU;UI c'E: a 1;.1TES
AT ,n4
TENDER; a4Jrl'-e.d to the Podmaner
• 1 General'will he received at 1/mime until
Noon, on Fltlfl %Y. 7th April, I,r the eon
verince of Her Mejesty'. Hail., 05 a propos
est l'outrvt for four years, three hart per
w.ek '.oh war, between I:XLrEa rod
1T. 31.1,1i1•i, or. and Gum, the I -t May next.
Cm s...pone to be male io • Buggy, Wag
(on 1,r Sleigh.
The Mail. 10 ten,. Evt•'r, Mon•I.. Weal
I m oI117 s and Fridays. et lea. m,
. .oil arrive
at :it. Slaty% rat e. ten.
I To 10400 St Marya at 3 O. 111. and arrive at
EteterSt 7 p. In. 1.4/i54the !Rost (Aces
se Wa,lb.u, and We,'Lilsoa, v 1,1 way, or
Truders Piny hr • 11'nt In "for lerve'1t. Marys
tor Exeter and littera, on the snore d ed of
1 the week. •'
Printed 0,440.0 eontoining further inform*.
ti.m u toe i diti .55 of proposed (''nt'act
my Is- tsar", eel Lank fora,., of Tender may
i he untained at the. Peet 4l!i s'. ail 1:'rye'
i and St. )boys and .t the °dice of the stile,
I scriber.
GILBERT clarriN, -
I'.O. Inspector.. -
Per')8 e. in.'a•cto • I nKlo;3 I
London, C. ll'., 21 tb F,h. 1065. I. 5+31 1
11..4 Willem (2) Murdoch Mr
Brooke Wm Merlin Montag .
!flair!flairMel w
W hews Wm
Burl',ct Wm
McLeod A Capt
Cameron Alexander .MrKinitial Arrhd
e'wmeron A 2Jt'K•y Catherine
Coy Iknj , blelroud.l [lonwld (2)
Cook Items, - Mt Kay Donald (4)
Cameron 3..b0.1) ' Mel:daimon Donald
ratio. .Cohn McDonald Donald A
Colwell Jolla' ' Mrletan Donald •
'{tint' Jobs Mr.tnlar. Gro Capt
NoKero'n 3010
McI'he•nnn Mr
II.. I bat .t third be lawful Err the said );I i.,tr
Walden t,4 cell.! *Its number_ad Astern 1.11.
10 made for each wilts ail "piney as ntarbe Ervin. W�
.apuetd, 11,1 1040 * 54. tl:,e IIunJ.aJ Duh
trap arch, end the ,l,Ip rad I) Io',.tmra she 1 Fraser 11.. E
Ito sealed with tele a.•al of file shod Curt:ore of oke late'
tion. s.:4 agnrd by the n.10 Warden. ga
111, Teat the mid Deuenw,rs shall bel FFgshern fidCatrbeinrtne
iro1! ',statue hd In ltltiY.era at ( 1
gee day Aruinalwr -meets" d for Iles By
Fowler Jen
1.1w w take elle..t either. it I *don, In E ,f- }'lick J..rnb
lend, or *01110 place 111 '4441•.! ,1 to hos 0/4141./1 F sr: ish \Ieyxarel
1,,J An the said Downie:prs, 10n4 00841 hair* Fitzgerald '3 /1
embodied 'tis them Coal..uns for the peymeut Ferguson Wm
ail 'merest.
l hat the s'id Debentures and Cote Gordon Catherine
jr,na 51w4 be male out in either Sterling Graham John
mon•7 ur I'nryin•-iul currsl,cy of this Pro Onldlhor,Joseph
.it1v, st the °Iowa of the sad W''rden M, Goldr)*J5mr.
Richmond D C
111.1 the 41,1.0:rw110and 01 mud D ehenturds Gordon M I tow John
a,iail nut carved the before Menu 'd Bum Oliffnh 7 hp• J
ail Iwetty Thou11u10 Dollure, and they shall Go,llon Wee IZMkie Wal
Ira unrn'at est •aid niter tile Intel *l eft per •Rnbertaon R'q "
',matting per 411011111),10•1410111111000.1 shell be Henderson James ;l(0biwon W'm (2)
payable un the first day est Joouary and lira' Ilay Jn1,n
hilay est Je,y, In enih mid every year Jut ug Iles' Jews Sutherland A
the cool.„uaih•e ul iso +.find Dem -mimes al Halsted 11 S Stew.rt Chas g
the time where the Deueutu,rs. are wade Ilend•.son Agnes Mn Shannon 1) Wna
payable. Huu-hi•on )tithe+ Sknnshnn F.Ile11
V. 'lhmt'for the p,urpse of former • Hanis )laq tiinclnir &rest
Sinking Fund for the payment of the erid 1 H lrkin Noble Shannon J'
Debentures red the interest at the ratatt. e. Ilarrison Thomas Stanley Jno
said to be -centre Jur thcrrui. ton snood elrti4l Henry Thn'nas Rim^m James (2)
✓ ite ot four tenths of •• mill in the 'totter, HamelW'lu Sayers Itpse
in to lawn o w other rates an freer
We owe our best and sinter* thanks for their appreciation of our endeavors to
(heir wishes in furnishing them with an article suitable to their requirements.
aim will be still to please then'_
D. JR.,&C'0i
GLASGOW HOUSE, 30th January, 1866. aT
;� n:� >i"'inch i ON SALE CHEAP
McLean .1 Sir.
>I.l1rd )It,d.ch
Mel. call )L,.y Mn THE SUBSCRIBERS have nearly completed their PALL. AND WINTER
Mc7auah 11r (:)
McKillop )t:,r. )Ire I STOCK, which compraes almost every article accessary for the trade, cis:
McPherson Malcu,m I
McIntyre •1,15
Mc11.ain 11'45
Novell Charles
4 • •
to.Nl'Connnr John
0'Gm 'Thome,
tine :te .1m rata
poi Me/ II James
rape Elminn Mrs
P.pet It haul
Parket T Copt
Paget :: m
Qerr'Robe; hr� R" Ladies' and Gents' Felt Hats, &c.
• w ter•In vii mock
. particularly rat ra w their of UR Y b(X1D9 w
They wish res. , to dowhich
7 M
Right Alter Levi (2)
Insolvent Act of 1864
IX THE M %TfEIR I'F TIi4*tA5 11. V1.
Ia ERC' aid GEORGI: 111'MRA1,1.
• Ine.dee,dt.
1 11E ('redann of the Omer. thawed lull.
,ruts. Moth individual and. of the firm of
• r 1:.rry k ifuudSll, arc n, tifiwl tc meet
I 0 1,.. 1 /floe 1,1 )le ssia'un Tenn! d 'd oire. 118 $g
41 la 'roan .4 G.rlcrlc1, n, the ('uunty 01,
tram on Mond,y the T.'entoth day of
IS)IAT.I, yrllnw roloiwd aentah Ter
4 had on w e'min eollsr, nutwe,isgt,
' n one of TORY. An, Iera,oh.:1'iggiag tit•
m•• 4, the ('low,, Lenten Agency will be
.ewarded. s•
Grderieh.:2rd 1'e1., 1465. •w50'.3t •
Power of Sale
'gage h
age ID1mdr1(
part, and
quire. of t► • ..eund Iart,ind which. ,d Mort
+age Sao duty .o .1. 'reigned and m over
by the Said Holier' eiihbons to F. Wolf.. tan
•i o1 tg a�•el
.f;1%',, Sc., I.
Goocalcr, - Feb. 20. 1865.
Fall Wheat,. ....$0:54 (", 0:54
0:73 (d, 0:74
0:40 to. 0:40
0:50 Or 0:.',5
0.55 (rat O:5S
5:50 (4 0:00
1:50 (4 *50
2 00 (r6 0.00
0:45 On 0:50
spring au
furkin each
ut'aser do (4 0:00.
t' tickets, 'i'1 pair 0:20 '. 0.140
lb..kg, do 0:00
11 dee (green) 2:75
bitter 0:00
Potatoes 0:90
N nod 2:00
Ergo 0:08
Apples .. 0:40
Dy, l) ton 16:00
ane, per load .... 4:00
, arch, , . 11.1.e5, et ten *the (-loch m the
forenoon. r the public reeminnlinn of the
said Ina,lre s, and for the echoing of the
.11,Irs of th. r estate yenernlly, 11.111 n.
"ohvid.wts and 3 members of the firm of
Vwn};.err t Ilun. II.
Deflsl at Guderic th;• Let March,
. 11. GORDON.
s.4 ...inn fon Assignee.
Insolvent Act o
\1 1:Itend by rime of a
ser c'owinedin.certain Itor
Thomas 11_ VunE•en and 'res
of the 'l'own of ordwrich• in
Huron. Forwarder*, of the li
Robert G Aho .-.of aid Town of (t
, 7 hinnies, of the said ''own Of liakri
Esser., agent of the Dank of Montreal
t.a.l fawn, wlech sat I :mortgage and /1•41X11-
411.111 are may rrenrdd in•thc Custom 1Lwse
of the fort of 1i.derich, (delanit having bee„
male in the due payment thereof and due
,,,,lire having been served on all parties en-
titled to nitiCeea requiord by Mid Mortgage,
Will he sold by Public .t union
Andrew Rohe -tarn, Plaintiff, And -eve Wal.
lace and Hobert -Patti, Defer dents.
WRIT of Attachment lint iaso4.1 in this
emote of which .1f rotors interested
the matte of the defendants, and all persons
having in their p..ressoo, custody 1,r power, ,
any portion of the worts of the defenluit,M.
or whn are in any way indebted to them, am.
"Nulled to tole notice.
Sheriff H. 4f D.
5hertel'a Mee, 6afench,
27th Feb, Is•..,, ( wb•!w
Chancery Sale of Lan..s.
LV el1.4.VCFR)': -
Ipunmonee M a decree and Gant order In
the shore cram•, them will be sold by
Pail lit Anctinn, with the npproh$tion of
Robert Cooper, Esquire, Matter of this Hon-
orable Court at Galerich, at the Clinton
Hotel in the Pillage of Clinton. nn Deane•. •
dny, the roll dna of M,rch, 1065, at twelve
'(IG 0.25 of the cluck, noon, by )1.. George M. True
On Thursday, the Six-
teenth day of March
Next, at helve o4', 2k, n ion, at the Auction
Mart of
on the Mlur'.et Square in *4id Towo of (;talc
roll, the following property. that it to soy
i.xteen undivided shirrs or pares of and i1, all
that vessel called the-feeumwth,tben'th• prop
ea7 of t'anEvery and Itumbalhatotlr4sd,n0w
lying et the I'ort of (detach, aforesaid,
together with all and singular the enchant.
rigging, fuu,itare, tackle end apparel there.
unto twlonning or in any *tee appertaining.
Deed under Power of Sale.
114.4 LEWIS.
Solicitor for F. W'elf,rstein Thomas,
Agent .Id Assignee aforesaid.
Grderich, Feb. 23rd, 1565. w5 -td
Farm Insurance Only.
(1► O:Pj I poen, Adctioneer, in one tot. THE BEAVER MUTUAL
(we 0:16 7152 eat halt' of lin number rain* in the FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY
(rt1 0,;45 eighth'.neem"n dale Township of Millets.
(li 0:00 in the County of Heron, upon which there w 01.1.1('1, 20 TORna' n 5T., 70x0170.
0:1 erected a gond lot home and a log barn
you 'resulent. R. L.
I E. 11, Tnow 1 Des.
rt 0:60 Th, lot is show I+n miles Imm the Village Col. F
1 n0 of Kinburn and 'lout forty acres of the land
vii hject to n Mortgage to t r Plaintiff assign•1117 Association insures Fula Buildings
dee the mum of 04Q0.00 1104 imcr.et from the 0119• insurances can he *Deter' either upon
19th day of November, 1463. The purchaser
will be legeired to pay off the said Mortgage
within one whk from the time of the sale.
The property will he put op at an u(ret price
of $1000• the purchaser to pets down to the
Plaintiff at the aim. of the eel. the am of
$:450 and etre a Mort. age to secure the
b•Ia,ee payahte in two yearly payments with
mon, Iraq., Vice -President.
Id 0 are cle•rrrl The prelllpin will be sold
d to one ManI)ermid, upon which there is and laolwtd nim d rags and properly
(R•pnrled forth/ Mwsat. 1y Cern,. Methergell • Cr]
Sta►o*TR, Felt. 27th, 1865.
Flow (Ill Moral) ... t)4:00 (k• 4:SO
F.11 Wheat, �1 buhel....fj0:M2 i , 0:55
Spring Wheat, '0) bosh.. , . 0:74 if. 0:76
()eta 0:40 (if 0:45
Hey ('N toe)
Pork (jolt hundred) Ii*W (4 6:50
Hid*s... - MIS Cat 3,25
Mutter (1 111) 0:17 toy isle
Sheepskin .. 0,40 0:70
Eggs doyen)....... , 0,00 0:12
oft (tf1
Ilmoghr bend 1:76 0 2:60;
Wool .. 11:211 0 0:32
Titivate Warttete.
Feb. 27. -Finer 4.10. 4.30. F all Wheat
92e • 91c. Spray 41, 01 a,I lc. Ridgy 65
a66r, OuA44•40
... ale (i ,, 0:60
0,54 (44 0:65
1:30 (4 0:35
16.00 (:9 141:00
interest at eight per *Mum per annum, the
In the purchaser .1,4 Mort.
conveyanceto p the
gate to be prepared at the *Ilwnee of the
purrhmsr. 1n 1 they misecis the cond oi.ma
aisle *ill he the etanding conditions of the
Courtbf Chancery.
Further eomlitlona and panicnlare my be
had at the alike of the V*nder'e Solicitor,
in the Town of Godrrich, and of the Aaetio■
Dated the 27th dy of February, 1363.
• (S d) R. COOPER,
V'e.4a, s ' nheitor, delel,ch. , 71
the Premium Note system or ('1511 171 We.
The rales for In*nnnee are exceedingly low,
being Inst than one third 1100 prices charged
by Pmpretary Companies.
Lewers Prosaptly said linnet misty
feel le•A.
▪ h 11 IJ t it d Smith Robt -
le tweed; leve') nodcols.:led ,n ea. h year . Irish E K Strain Itoht
.d'riy upon nil the meub:e property within I Sandernrk T- Lomas
the said Count, el Huron, duel..,[ the couu:w• Jeffrey Jo70ph Scutt 1V el
micro 01 said Jolie .tunes or any 01 them. Johnston James (2) Sutherland lam
VI. That this Ity,Law eheli t..ad ,Teel Jeunrngs Phomas
and tome into operation pn the Nineteenth Jumou Thomas Tn dal Jawss
•Ipy of Julie, in the year of Our load Oim ':e44 ftm
Tlluuf J u Eijht he year r.11 slaty Etre. ICendul l E 1'
Kerr J r s W i:eon 1) (2)
KerrJu.eph (•-) 1'11500 John
W'r11. Mathew
Lewis 1,r ucnsoo ))r Woodward N A Mn
)IEFEItItEDTO IN TILE FORE- bink lL1,id 5rhitel7 Noble
ooi . Lama, J.mei W.itrn I1
lather% )let tow
Welsh Thome,
Seven TLnntand Tlbl:an to be expnellded J ANI ES W'ATSON,
nn the l'oitiornr end A*h6ele ILrad, coir Postmaster.
mencmgat-1. Allehb'1'S•ern,'going North• -- --- ---- -------- --
,ward• OFFERS
Four Thousand Diners on the Mail Rival.
Stephen, letoren Lots' len. std Essen, fe`OR 1.')1' 7:44, !the Ilor•i•I .imith Intl west
▪ wile of No,th street, Gedorich, will be re•
eumncucing at the IandndJto.,d,
One Thousand 1) Man o.i *he Eztensom ,tri.r'I ti l
of the Hay Grave' Roil. The 20th of Marcn next. -
Three Thousand Sit Huedre.l Dolls* .on
the Serfutth Itn.td, comna•ncln, at Deyi
Tavern, go11;t Ninth to I4'-41.ore.
Two'1'housmid Emir Hundred D.d1An on
the hnebeeween the Eighth and Ninth Y14o,
ee.si.us of HJwlek, cotnrntncing .t De 'a
Two Tioun,nd Dollars on the Clinton •-,d
tlln.hsrn Road, through leas 'Twenty Three
and TwentyFour to the CwMeseion Line he.
toren the E.1rhh and !Comb, and thence
slung fwd Line to the Side Lite between
Lots Twenty and Twenty One, and thence
alnn2 said side Line 10 the Boundary Line et
the County of Mace within the said County
of Huron.
ik.Yrwa, Nos. 16th, 1361.
71, lye Alnnrlger n, the Braver Miami
Fire Insurance Association : -
Sis,-1 beg hereby to thank the Dirt
*Hers of your Association, *7400411 705, for
tour stiafeetor 'settlement of my claim of
TAn* Hsndr«I and Eighty !'even Dollen
and five cents, for the loss of m7 barn and
hey and grain, which weir ir&1.md in your
Association under Policy 5599- my elate' for
hay and gram being p*.lI in fall.
For 1n•etance sed fall ppeartte.I.n apply to
TB(111A6 BOT.371,3. r'.,a I,
.41 •along ] 1111 the.
1 11 shove 5 E she is nue rnpy - of a prnpnweJ fly'
Law to he taken into cOmidereitinn by
the Mumciprlity of the 1''ntcd ('canna of
Huron and Bruce, .t the County Court Boom
In the tow' of linJe,ich in the Cu.nty of
Huron on the
Seventh day of June,
The osmics desiring to purchase *til eta*
their cash uf1%'r, as also ou a credit of metre'
teen rat trier cent per annum. The offer
eunsidered most Idenntegoont for the eredi
tan of the Lor Mr. Smith will be accepted,
and parties nolitiod Immediately.
More pnrticeler information *ill he riven
)L C. ('a^1e000, Esq.. Barrister, . de..
Mel:, who wit' WOO receive the offers and
said teem to the undersigned.
lerfin, 1Mh Veli, InGS, (aw4Aid
The READY.MADE CLOTHING is most complete and menul.etsred in the
and most Fashionable Styles.
LADIES' FURS OF SYPERIOR QUALITY. Having imported • large g•ratty of
We •et enabled to sell them
Do not forget 10 r,, 1 ..hen in Town at the EMPORIUM, and inspect their
Stock of Cheap Goods !
They wish to intimate to their cnttnmers atom? necnunte and notes that they are compelled
to insist on PROMPT 1'AYM}:NTS
Goderieh, Sept. 20, 1764.
THE uniteragnen odea I:1, •ale the following
pens,..+1 4•11m1a•1 05 the 1:ravrl Hord 1,1
the 10wo.h,p of W•wusoyh.
Within 11 Miles of Ooderich 1
c,ml.nnng 1011 •.•nese. :A o1 which e* clrSrm.
On 1M• pre",+t'5 thr:e it a Row Prune Hun 34
by al, • good Pratte 11 e1144., Online °relunl-
Ir•nnf. A good creek r1,on.1/g through the
fain. Appy 10
Lox .3, 4th me.
Wewa•sh, Jan,10, 1550. w14m
C(H;NTIFS'CLFItK'S OFFICE wilt h• open
every We,lnrnIsy, iu:l for one week .11er
eh4h Seem( 0111.2 t,111110.4' cotter*. All rose.
moeteei new (or the Cauhl,e,•CI.'rk to be & reefed
-lo Nsyfield Post 11,145.
Agricultural Society? 1 O11n'ies' Clerk.
1565; sit the hour of three o'clock, In the SPRING sumL si A',I.TONs t Bum.
afternoon, at which time and plasm 1ln mom- •C---
hers • of the Conned are hereby required to 1+ 44 F.XHIBIT.(1N connected w11h the shore
attend for tbe parpwe alorea•d. ▪ 1 .,,,,e, y, oral ler 15.•41 in umk'nck, on •
Counties' 4'lerk. Thursday, 2nd of March. 1666,
County C'erk', Office, roe
Gutkerich, 22u4 Fob.; 1865. 4 to
• When rhe fsb.wing ,rwetn.ns sill 150 awarded :
Rest In b1.heit :envie,/Wheat ot,00, and do
7,ta, 3rd 44, 3.00; le° lo Imnhel.: sl. 4,00, 2m,
0 3.(111, 3rd do 2.00 ; lira 10 teethes Pea. 4 (11f.heH
T Huron Dist t
IIL�.. 3.On, 3rd .e ! (q ' Iran 10 1
vend M 4r hal.
H.rl«y 4,iO, 11,11du 300, 31,1 .1., 2le0: he., Innhel
/ ' ,m0thy +01,1 3.011, !rd do 2.0) ; lives ! bu.hrls
Corn ! rnl, 204 do 1.30. 3m do 1.110
111 E Annual Sleeting of - Snarehoider. will The *h.•.t tsk15g Premrans m he sold to the
take lass. 51 the !'Dort House, in the sletnlwr. rat Ihr'e'.d $ only nn the 'hose tine al
P spprrice no1'n rand it per 14shem: Thr 'M1m-
I'1,wn 1,1 Godrrich, on Mindy, the eiotb dy shy 5 ed uk,ng I1relninm• Ito be .nld to norm.
Slsreh nett. hen ratty 51 a pre•st 110, bo rte.'s! Three dales
1). SHADE, GOODING, prrtnuhel. Alt other nerals taking pnminms to
T„,,,,,,,,,,,,,, L `r,,, r►. he W11/1 In m.m(wry Oflhr 47.1* only 1101 to es-
Godeti0k, 23rd F'sb'y, lAdS wStd u enrol prim on Show der, red 93 coat• per Nobel over and stove the
-. -- -- ---' - -- -- - -- THE EXHIBITION
Insoivent Act of 18C4.I13TALLIONB & BULLS,
Will oaks place at (Gretnnrl mllwafnrwlsv seth
THE erdil. re of th. ,.nde-tittnd are 1100. day .el April. 141.,, whn the 'stowing prem15ms
k tied to meet at tb' ll, .l of Jolts Comfy, wall ne wino -dee :-Iww Meth., fee general hue
Innkeeper in Iloerek Milers, Cnunly Harm, 1•.0311 (s1 00x1 4r1'k, 1600, naw Boll of any
011 Wedoeeday, Ili• fifteenth day nt ,March, ela+.n ga.nn, fin' MI dos I On. To
The Manlnna
Abfo' of livid bearing dale. April 4111,
" 1314 -due 10 month. after dale -drawn
in laror of It 'belt Benzin, signed by John
Kerne, amounting to 036. This is to forh el
all perces Dom porehasing or oth'rwise
n egotiating the same.
Wnwanrsh, Feb. 21,15, 106 5. *5.311
Land Scrip for Sale
ORA 1,111ER 11, I'ICEMII'M Gll'EY on
payments which ran h, made 10 the ('row.
Land. Iteperhnrnt In land Mrrep. Mee rant In
• nMnercolumn,
Goderirk. Dee. I. 15.0►. •ree•w!^
ALL these I•drlAr4 In the ay.'
ndevnd for
Plano 01 the Town M Underich, .,II owe*
*sitcom ter Irene at neer 1 l •11 o.neenl nnr,
the I.t of Mrnh nett wall Ie p'ut't ,* the he nee
nor the 7th day of March, A. 1). 1718, at IM
S, (YEATHF.RAI,T1. hour of 2 of the cloth, p. no , for the purpose
•*44-44 of reeelyi55 l5$Ienette ef Ins affairs ante el
naming .n magma. to whom ►e may make
Lease. 5* smignmeal ender the above Les.
'rHICNDER.I0NEDwnllet Nelson is col.
.4 Mone, tut. 10 and 11, thh con. either n
s11areeur Otherwise, ■. mat ti agreesopo•. The
mon mime
101 nt which aro cleft red , end 5U free of nrmps,
Well watered-w.h,n
and only three toilet front two Mew -mills. Dues
dsifllmR-housea are. in goo4 order. For further
p.r,,ulsre•pply to suite:KT OIBHu4P, }:.q.
U.olenrb, or 0a the pram ler. to
:DAVID C1,,A1tK.
Dederick. (let. t,100 0
8U ACRRS of Lot vo. 33, East Lake
Komi, Hay.
Termor eMy, app'I In
on the premises, or
IQtdeeicle April 30111, 1064. .14 11
irII1: e-ed,t-••i of 1M un4enign'd as a.
A Ind v,deel •1,415 a partner dile Me 11,11.
of A. 1Mu41as• alt Cu., ot the town of ()M-
yst'''. In the County 't Halton. are notified to
meet a1 the nine* d Alexwd.w McNabb, Fen..
Crown lwnd Agent, in the Village of South-
on -
amptoe, m the Ceent7 af Ileus+, on Tuesday
ef Ms .semtortor
461 et Ise o'clock in the forenoon, for Dm laking pawn„am• WW1 Inge! _ -
1 wnhm IM tomb .w 0. C4 111r ,,,,,,,,,dy.'and •Inp
purpose of receiving statements of his .thin ar the Gwbw15, plsee• r.a 1.trn pi„„ rr.ey math 1 1,F. FAR\I OF SIr,NALFfELD. For
mn fne
and of naming sn'.e to whom he may dey.ins. ! licelanch Tnwo. Porter 1(11, Hahne..- partieal•ss, apply (if by letter postpaid)
make an •se.j nment ander ole shove art. eine, (,halon. •M•neheot.r, mod 5115'• 4411, to
Dano u MOwi.k Village 1M 32e4 day M ate 10111555 taeOugh.w., Ow wean metre.. T. J. )(00111. iOT?SE.
iebreeey, A. D.11S0. 0. M- TRty!5l5r, See'y. 4Sipa 'OA.e.
et .it JO'tr?BC)1' !.A';D. 6o;• ,-.'•., , 'Ks i •Ind Go4erieh,rob. 2:„t1 7018. swdhf
ALEX. 11OC4LA$tt,
Hamiltow, IolUdst he 501s1ieee.
Dated u Soaebemple . in the (,sway of
Snow, the kb day a( }abreeq, A D.
IROS. tweed