HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-02-17, Page 8WGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, February 17, 1938 Show Starts at 8 p.m I ■ Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge, George Thorntorn, Mrs, C. Hetherington, Sparling Johnston and W. J. John­ ston. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 17, 18, 19th WILLIAM POWELL - LUISE RAINER ——* In -— “Emperor’s Candlesticks” A gay and fanciful tale of espionage in Europe dur- the nineteenth century. Also “Coloured Cartoon” and “News” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 21, 22, 23 LIONEL BARRYMORE — CECILIA PARKER * Here is a picture that will satisfy everyone. ------Also------- “Sound Defects” and “Changing of the Guards”* Program of Pictures for next Four Weeks - Save it for reference. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 24, 25, 26 “Wild Money” Ed. Ev. Horton Mon., Tues., Wed., Feb. 28, Mar. 1, 2 “Pick A Star” Patsy Kelly Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mar. 3, 4, 5 “Small Town Girl” Janet Gaynor, Robt. Taylor Mon., Tues., Wed., Mar. 7, 8, 9 “Fight For Your Lady” John Boles, Ida Lupino • Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mar. 10, 11, 12 “Topper” Roland Young, Cary Grant Mon., Tues., Wed., Mar. 14, 15, 16 “Hideaway Girl” Martha Raye Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mar. 17, 18, 19 (Special) “Broad­ way Melody 1938” Robert Taylor, Eleanor Powell Mon., Tues., Wed., Mar. 21, 22, 23 “Think Fast Mr. Moto” Peter Lorre Thurs., Fri., Sat., Mar. 24, 25, 26 “Mountain Music” Martha Raye, Bob Burns WHITECHURCH . This community extends sympathy to Mr. Elymer Tiffin and Billie and Jack in their bereavement, also to Mrs. Tiffin’s sister, Mrs. Foster of Detroit and brothers, Alec Cameron of Kinloss and Milas of Wingham. Mr. Clarence McClenaghan attend­ ed the Father and Son banquet in the United Church, Wingham on Friday evening, when Rev. Forsythe, Big Chief of Boys’ work of the United Church was the special speaker. Miss Amelia MacDonald and Miss Mabel Johnston of Wingham spent the. week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Al­ bert Coultes, and Mr. Bruce Vogan of Belmore visited there on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reed and family are moving this week to their new home in Listowel. Mrs. Chas Gillespie and Donald and Betty of New Sarum, spent the week­ end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ternoon. Russel Gaunt is holding a dance in the Hall on Wednesday night at which the C.K.N.X. Hill Bill­ ies will play.. • After singing the Maple Leaf, the following program was much enjoyed. Topic, -our I?lag and what it stands for, prepared by Mrs.1V. Emerson, was read by Mrs. J, G. Gillespie. Miss Merle Wilson, a piano solo. Mrs. Grain, a reading, <lThe Children's* Hour," Mrs. Scholtz, a piano solo. Reading, Mr§. Lott, “Florence Night­ ingale.” The meeting was closed by singing the National Anthem. Mr. Thas Inglis spent last week* in Toronto at the home of his daughter, Mrs, Jack Flannigan. We are pleased to report that Miss Chrissie Inglis is much improved. Mrs. David Gillies had the misfort­ une to fall down stairs last week and gave herself a severe shakiqg-up. Mrs, Gilchrist and Rev. Mrs. J. Pol­ lock of the Manse, were visitors last Tuesday at the home of the former’s daughter, Mrs. Fry of Wingham. We congratulate Mrs. Gilchrist on the wonderful recovery she has made from her recent illness. The young people of the United Church held a social in the church on Monday evening as the climax of a very interesting contest that has been carried on* during the past six weeks. After an interesting program, games were played and’ lunch was served and a social hour enjoyed by all. The Fireside Club of S. S. No. 14, East Wawanosh, met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman on Wed­ nesday evening last with a splendid attendance, with the president, Mr. Bert Cullimore in charge of the pro­ gram, after which the young: folks danced and played cards. Lunch was served and the social time was en­ joyed by all. The club has accepted an invitation to go to the home of one of its members, Miss Catherine Mowbray for the^next meeting. Mr. Ezra Welwood received word last week of the death of his brother, Mr. Fred Welwood of Winnipeg. Mr. Welwood was born in E. Wawanosh over sixty-one years ago, he was president of a Box factory there, but has suffered from diabetes for the past two years. Besides his wife, formerly Miss McLennan of Acton, he leaves seven/children, three of t whom are married. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. i Welwood of Wingham, predeceased I him a few years ago. He also leaves , tow sisters, Mrs. Welwood of Ent- I whistle, Alta., and Mrs. John Fal- | concr of Wingham, and three broth- j ers, Richard of Headingly, Man., and j Ira of Carman, Man., and Ezra of : E. Wawanosh. This community ex- I tends sympathy to the relatives in i these parts. Miss Frances Robinson, Wingham, ; spent the week-end with Miss Flor- j cnce Beccrbft. . j i Mr. Donald Martin spent the week- i end at Langside at the home of his j sister, Mrs. Robt Stewart., I Mr. Rellison Falconer visited on [ Saturday at the home of his aunt, ! Mrs. George Tiffin of Kinloss. The young people of the Presby­ terian Church held their regular monthly social at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson on Monday evening. Tom Wilson was in charge of the program, various scripture readings were given. Mr. Jack Pol­ lock led in prayer, Rev. J. Pollock gave a talk oh "Health" in his series • | on Life and Conduct, and Mrs. Rhys Pollock' gave a reading on the origin of St. Valentine’s Day, A sumptuous lunch was served and' games were en­ joyed by all. iMr. Robert Mowbray, Mr. Rhys Ppllock and also Mr. Alec Mowbray of Bluevale left on Tuesday morning for a business trip to Toronto. Mrs. Victor Emerson spent a few days this .week in Wingham at the j home of her uncle, Mr. Elymer Tif­ fin. Quite a number from Kin loss at­ tended the funeral of the late Mrs. ’ Elymer Tiffin in Wingham on Satur­ day. Mrs. Johnston Conn and Ruby vis­ ited at the home of Mrs. Sam'Hutch­ ison of Wingham last week. The Club at Langsidc are holding a dance in the Hall this Friday night. i John Gillespie and Mr. Charlie Markle who accompanied them, visited with his aunt, Mrs, Robt Mowbray. Mr. Jack McLean has’been visiting for the past week at the home of his sister, Mrs, W. A. Gibson of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. S. FI. Cross and fam­ ily of Walkerton and Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and children of Brussels, spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLean, and Mrs. McLean left with her son Ira, to spend a few days at their home in Brussels. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Institute was held in the Hall on Firday afternon with a good attendance and with the president, Mrs. Scholtz in charge. After the op­ ening exercises, the ladies decided to forward their federation fees, and de­ cided to send a donation to the Red Cross in aid of the Chinese fund, and for this they are holding a Echure and Tea in the Hall on Tuesday af-I _ J~ -------------- ----------1 Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 AYLMER CHOICE NO. 4 PEAS ................11c 17-Oz. Tin PURE ORANGE MARMALADE ... 23c 2-lb. Jar AYLMER CHOICE GOLDEN CORN ............. 11c 17-Oz. Tin MONARCH ASST. JAMS....................29c 2-Lb. Jar iiiwiiMiiimiiimiiiiiMiiMiiiwiiiaiiwiWiiMi I OPEN FOR | INSPECTION i February 17,18, 19 i I Afternoon and Evening i ■g McLAREN’S IMPERIAL JELLY POWDERS ... A i BLUEVALE I ■ Model Home Designed, Built and Decorated by Elmer* Wilkinson Furnished by A. J. Walker ■ Y. P. S. To Hold Bible Contest The Y. P. •$. of Knox Presbyterian Church held the regular meeting bn Friday evening with the president, Claude Belsmith in, charge. Following a short devotional period, when a scripture passage was read by Miss Jean Robertson and the president led in prayer, A session of games and contests was enjoyed. The ladies pro­ vided boxes of refreshments for which the young men drew numbers. The Bible contest will commence at the next regular meeting, Mrs. J, R, Greig will conduct the contest, asking questions^ from the Gospel of St. Luke. Miss‘Lois Elliott and Miss Al­ ba Mowbray were chosen captains. Continuing till February 2,6 LADIES’ DRESSES, COATS, LINGERIE, HOSIERY MEN’S SUITS, COATS, SOX, SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR Baptist Church Rev. E. M. Loney, B.Th., Pastor Phone 206. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a.m.—Sunday School. A special invitation to at­ tend the Pastor’s Bible Class. An excellent way for afternoon teachers to prepare their lessons. 11 a.m.—Subject — A’ Difficult Text Explained, “If they shall (fall away ... it is IMPOSSIBLE to renew them again unto repent­ ance.” p.m. Subject —- “How Long Should Two Christians Stay Mad at Each Oth­ er?” ■■ttiiiiitnitiiiKiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiniriiiiiittiiiiniitiifiiiitiiiiiini 7 Entertained Y. P. U. Mr, and Mrs. J. Wick'stead, 3rd con. of Morris, entertained the members of the Y. P. U. of the United Church to a Valentine Social on Friday ev­ ening. Prizes were awarded the couples drawing the best valentine with an accompaning verse, the winners be­ ing, Mrs. S. N. Gallaher and Spence McKinnon, Miss Irene Taylor and Ormal Smith. Games and community singing was enjoyed. Refreshments were served by the hostess. The president, Geo. Hetherington extended the appreciation of the so­ ciety to Mr, and Mrs. Wickstead. CURTAINS, DRAPERY, SHEETING, BLANKETS, TOWELS, ETC. BARGAINS FOR EVERYONE, KING’S LEALAND TOMATO JUICE............... 10c 26-Oz. Tin O.K. Unwrapped LAUNDRY SOAP....:..... ........ 10 Bars 29c FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA..............59c Lb. LIBBY’S PORK & BEANS 2 28-Oz. Tins ........... 25c SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA 5 Pkgs. 25c County Club SOCKEYE SALMON,.........19c Small Tin BUTTERNUT CHOICE PEANUT BUTTER 2 Lbs. 25c Fresh ICEBERG HEAD LETTUCE ....... 2 Heads 15c SEEDLESS GRAPE­ FRUIT ...................... 5 for 25c CRISP,FRESH o RADISHES................. 5c Bnneh Fresh, Ripe TOMATOES TEXAS NEW CARROTS ........... 2 Bunches 17c FRESH CRISP STALK CELERY 10c Bunch 17c Lb. We have also Fresh Cauliflower, New Sects, New Cabbage, Or­ anges and Lemons. All Are Strictly Fresh. ed. , Officers for 1938 were elected as follows: Session (Honorary) L. H. Bosman. Ed. Johnston, Geo. Thornton, W. J. •Johnston, C. Hetherington, Robt. Shaw, R. Johnston, A. Shaw, Jas. Peacock, David Jewitt and S. N. Gal­ laher. , Stewarts: Chairman, Geo. Thornton. Secretary—Mrs. Ed. Johnston. . Treasurer—Charles Johnston. Members — Geo. Mathers, Frank Stamper, R. H. McKinnon, John Hall, R. Johnston, Ed. Barnard, James Gan­ nett, Mrs. A. Aitken, Arthur Wheeler, Former Resident Passes A former resident of Bluevale the person of Mr. Philip Thomas, pas­ sed away at his late residence, 84 Hal­ lam Street, Toronto in his sixty-sixth year. His is survived by his wife, former­ ly Miss Elizabeth Bowley and five children, Hilda, Orval, Colin, Clar­ ence and Shirley. . Funeral service was held at his late residence on Wednesday afternoon, February. 9th. Interment in Park Lawn Cemetery. in Mrs. E. J. Sutton is visiting with friends in Toronto. Here’s a real opportunity for you— See Walker’s display of furniture in Wilkinson’s Model Home. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Living Room, Bed-room, Den and Kitchen furniture ARENA ACTIVITIES Skating Thursday Evening This Week Saturday Evenings Saturday Afternoons ■»HOCKEY Wednesday, Feb. 16th Goderich vs. Wingham BELGRAVE the the ad- but Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Johnston and Kenneth visited on Sunday after­ noon with her parents and brother, Mr. and Mrs. E. Barnard and Allan. Sorry to hear Mr. Milton Smith is very sick and hope he will soon be better again. Mr. Alfred Agar, visited with friends in Brussels one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Mathers vis­ ited on Sunday with friends in Turn­ berry. Mr. Wilfred McEwen of Detroit, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Alex The regular meeting of the Y. P. U. was held on Sunday evening with an attendance of 24. Grace Weatherhead read the Scripture lesson and Stanley Todd gave a review of t,he book “For­ give us our Trespasses." Dick Wea­ therhead read a paper on “The Rich Fool," and Bob Purvis one on “Hap­ piness.” McEwen, 1st line. GLENANNAN and Mrs. Clayton Edwards OLVERS Cash Store Phone 116 United Church Annual Meeting The Annual meeting of the Blue­ vale and Ebenezcr congregations was held in the Bluevale United Church on Thursday evening. The Woman's Association of the Bluevale church prepared a bean supper and the bus- iness®meeting followed. Rev. A. V. Robb presided. Reports were given by every organization of botii churches and these were encour­ aging. There are 212 resident mem­ bers, six having been added during the year and eight removed by death. All obligations for 1937 were met and there Is no debt. The two Sunday Schools and the Y, P. U, each report­ ed a balance on hand. Givings for all Missionary purposes was $368,00 and Bales of supplies to the value of $212.00 were also dofiat* Consult United Church Women’s Association The Women’s Association of Knox United Church held ■ their regular meeting in the basement of the church on Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance present. Mrs. Carl Procter, the president was in charge. The I meeting was opened with the singing of a hymn and prayer by Jhe presi­ dent. Mrs. Llye Hopper read ■Scripture lesson. The minutes of previous meeting wert read and opted. Patches had been ordered, had not come so the plans 'for mak­ ing quilts were still left to the com­ mittee. The ladies of the congrega­ tion were divided into groups in or­ der to carry on the work, each group to plan their own work. Mrs. Town­ end gave a reading. The meeting was closed with the singing of a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Townend. C, R. Coultes and J. T. Coultes, each shipped a carload, of cattie to Toronto on Saturday and spent the week-end in the city. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. McGowan of Blyth, spent a few days with Mrs; C. R. Coultes. ' , ' • Mr. W. P. Wray of Woodrow, Sask., who has been visiting for some time with his aunt, Mrs. J. A. Bran- don, returned home on Monday, Miss Jean Higgins of Morris staying with Mrs, J. A. Brandon. Mr. have moved their household effects to the vacant house on Mr. Isaac Stokes farm, where they will reside. Mr. David Calvin of Teeswater is spending a few days with friends on the ’tenth. iMiss Laura Hopper is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cathers were recent visitors with the latters .par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin Eadie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott enter­ tained their friends and neighbours to a Progressive Euchre party on ‘ Friday evening. | A little girl has come to gladden ; the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gil- , mour, congratulations.. Mrs. Alive Stokes spent a couple of days last week' visiting friends in Wingham. The community was shocked early Thursday morning when it was known that Mrs. Elymer Tiffin had passed away. The dcceaced having suffered a severe stroke late Wednesday af­ ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Tiffin and family have been valued residents of our com­ munity until about two months ago when they moved -to Wingham. Much sympathy is extended to Mr. Tiffin Week (End Specials Aylmer Pork and Beans 16 Oz. Tins............ 2 for 15c Snow Flakes Ammonia 5c pkg. Magic Tip Matches 3 boxes 21c Robin Hood Oats, “Quick Cooking Package ........... 15c Crisco ......—.....1 Lb. Tit?23c 3 Lb. Size, for...................63c Baking Soda ...... 1 Lb. 5c Princes Soap Flakes ... 15c pkg. Peanut Butter...2 Lbs. for 25c Tasty Salted Large.1 Peanuts ......................... 2 Lbs. for 25c Club House Olives, Stuffed1 or Plain......-...25c per bottle Tip Top Jam, Raspberry and ' Strawberry...„.....................25c Ovaltine .............4 Oz. Tin 40c Large Size .................... $1.00 Aylmer Mixed Peas and Carrots Choice quality ...... per tin 14c Gold Medal Asparagus Cuttings 17c Courtesy Prompt Delivery Our Slogan “You have tried the Rest, Now Try the Best.” is and two sons, Bill and Jack. Pipes Lighters Playing Cards, Mouth-Organs and Magazines * MORRIS a Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith Ruttan of Gorrie, spent ST. HELENS Neily Todd of Stratford and R. A. REID * . * Eyesight Specialist for 20 years. Wmgham Of flee: Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning Rhone 5W for Appointment. Mr. B. day with and Son. Sorry to hear (Mr. Alvin Smith was laid up with tonsilitis. Glad to hea.r he is better again. Mrs. Ross ”i ” and Mrs. D. last week. Miss Janet her mbtlier wek-end. Mr, Henty Mathers and Miss Jane Mathers visited with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Thornton and family on Wed­ nesday afternoon last week. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Harris and son Billy, visited o'ver the week-end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Johnston, Miss Kthel Johntson of Bryan, spent the week-end with her parents and brother, on the 1st line. Miss Mosaic Milligan visited on Sunday afternon with Mr. and Mrs, Will Johnston, Mr» Samuel Woods visited with Mr, Henry Mathers ahd his son-in-law and I daughter, (Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Math- j ers, 1st line, . Button visited with Mr. Demerman at Brussels Robertson visited with and brother over the Mr. Mr. Murray Taylor of Goderich were- week-end visitors at their homes here. ‘. Mrs. Gordon McPherson and Isobel are spending the week with her par-, ents, Mr. and Mrs. McFarlen at Jamestown. Mr. Cuyler Ramage is a visitor with friends in Toronto. Mrs, Dornin Phillips is the gilest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Curry$ Goderich. Miss Helen Thom who has recently Completed her training in the Nicoll’s Hospital, Peterboro, will remain as a member of the staff, until her gradu­ ation in June. Miss Iona Swan of Lucknow spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Swan. — At — OMAR HASELGROVE’S Chester Stewart RJLC.I. (CHICAGO) ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION General Repairs, Service Air Conditioning Phone 29 Wingham, Ont. TAKE NOTICE CHANGE IN BUSINESS The Peoples Florist have sold their floral Stockland equipment out to Mr, E. S. Lewis. But will continue to take orders for floral work. We also wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your patronage in the past, and trust we can be favored with your floral orders in the future. PEOPLES FLORIST