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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-02-17, Page 2
PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, February 17, lHf Wingham Advance-Times Published st WINGHAM , ONTARIO Subscription Rate One Year $2.00 Six months. $1.00 in advance. To U, S, A., $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $8.00 per year. Advertising rates on application. as they wish. * * * * The King ef the Hobos has sailed for England. Most o£ that tribe should be sent on a long trip. afc sfc a|t Prime Minister King and Jvhn R. MacNichol* of Toronto, had ^ritc a discussion on hair in the Hcv.se of Commons last week. Very often pol iticians get in one another’s hair. * A W * The smoking of marijuana is hav- I when quite young. Her father, the I |late Thomas John Kennard, was ■ well-known carpenter, having done! the interior finishing of a great many! houses areund .Bracefield, as wull asj building a home there for his family. | I Mrs, Binfcney says she was too young | |to remember the journey when they | |came to Huron. s THE BE5T (HEUROLET UNEMPLOYMENT STILL BIG PROBLEM Premier Hepburn said that unless | Ing a very had effect on many in Ou- Ottawa .increases its contribution tojftari© it is stated. This weed hops up unemployment relief the taxing pew-’people so that they will do things era ef the municipalities may, of ne- that -under normal circumstances they | cessitjq be increased. Property at the present time is tax ed about to its limit in smaller towns ing efforts to stamp the traffic in this ;• and villages. A person in such places; is indeed fortunate if he owns a house which he can rent at a, profit. Rut the catch is, what added taxing pow ers are left for the municipalities? Income tax in smaller places dees not yield a great amount. It seems that we are in the position where we should be on the lookout to reduce taxes rather than raise more ikr the already overtaxed public. True* the relief problem is net so- serious from a rinanctal point of view would not even consider undertaking. K® wonder the authorities are mak- . Injured Thigh ii Mr. William Ritchie, 2nd Conces-I Jsion, Celross, had the misfortune tot | tall and fracture his thigh on the§ I slippery ground at his home. He was | }' taken to Walkerton Hospital. Air. | | Ritchie is advanced fit years and the ■ injury will prove quite troublesome for some time.—-Teeswater Xews.it wood out ■ Hanover Manufacturer Passes » ss | «$» President of the" Now that Hitler has the Gtrm&u | Katienal Furniture Company of Han- s, army under his heel the big questiontever, and one of Ontario’s leading;; as-what, will he do next. We hope ^manufacturers* died- at his home there’.; that this added power will not create Rafter a long illness. A native of HmU greater ambitions than he alreadyover, be is survived by two daught-» Isas- jers, and Miss Xenia, and three sens, Carl, Mrs. H. H. Lucas of Hanover^ .... .... . . . ..’ The Japs are going to keep their << Frftr and Max of Hanover. J. V. i* naval business a secret front other n&- p Knechtel ef Hanover is a brother, i ■’»- **'*h- s^t'^re '-'rew.Ci* 'o >•.*..^.. 3? TtAfl ■ .^.15 ’’HP*-™. a. , bring to smaller places but in the cities itfVr.ited States are putting up an ex- is a heavy drain. The tax-burdened tensive naval program. We call this; Herses Swapped tor Wood public loric tor tax redueriro.s but it ' the enlightened ago but what wilt the;. Caused Trouble appears in many glares the unemytoy- xticnt shuatien totcstrils any hope in this direction unless tree governments give greater assistance. ry ❖ The Cntaric Cri-uret* it :s reported, is attending right school s.' that they will be all set tor the epering of the, Legis'aitsro. They want to- watch cut' er the Fremter may keep tb.cru in at-' ter school. s£ sfc Brantford for eight years has not; Bad a case of diphtheria among-its children. This is due tc toxrid treat-, rtxcnt that Is given free. We are rar behind here in the matter of health services. SJ: An epidemic ci ^priio” is reported in Australia. This dreaded disease which was so rampant tn Ontario last year, strikes where it. wills. i .■s e? To retake sure that they are not;; Mrs. H. Graetcner of Toronto, a taken in, Great Britain and tke<-si$*ere to ~ i Swap ot a team of horses tor a; * i;q-ta.retnty of wood, with two Howick| !■ Al Capone un-t'Township farmers as principles in the» .cy say the one-1 deal, nearly led to a pitched battle. | is cracking under p Fearing trouble, neighbors telephoned 11 ac yrtson. They ?; pjbtoj to Goderich, and when the of-ti eBay's Bead i1 ficers arrived they feund two camps J cue of fifteen and the other ef eight,1 farmed with clubs. The trouble start-; explained at i> ed when, it was alleged, one horse'. arms ii ccutd not eat hay, so bad were its a ‘"tok The farmer who originally? wned the team, was bent s® getting; .1 and had organised ten teams!' it away, all in one swoop. It i rrequired two of the teams to pull the; ;!constables" automobile thr.ugh the, need ;> quagmire, so deep was the mud on' the sideroad. The cohatants were fin- ( pally mricted down by the police. ; tost c ria ns cal! it? E’bj c’re rerisns have der ebservteton. Th. time great gangster 1; the stmto at Atoatran p storaM. have read ttos rtany years ug.?. ’<* -4^ <** Hen. Fernand Rhtirct > Lxrimto* Que.., that Canada’s yalley is ter mtianal defense alene. j; teeth. He stondd net have much trouble tojc eeuvinctog the public on this point, h Ids we Ima-giue sending our two new des- [i ra tab, trovers out to attack some foreign country. If we ever find it necessary fi to defend ourselves we wi® many thousands of soldiers who so far Eave never looked 'along the bar rel ct a rifle. i THE SYMBOL OF SAYINGS CHEUROIET HISTORY d * ■HFTHE best Chevrolet in history -L—the outstanding car of MODERN MODE STYLING PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES GENUINE KNEE-ACTION c a Master De Luxe Mad eJs ROOMIER, AU-SILENT, All-STUL BODIES VA1YE-IN-HEAD ENGINE FISHER, NO-DRAH VENTILATION NEW UPTOE.WATIC CLUTCH ■— tai. vx 1938I Compare... and let your own eyes prove it. Look at that beautiful-, ly rounded new radiator grille. See how those modern lines are repeated in the new hood louvres — emphasized by the fleet, low streamline of the roof. Glance inside. Here are wider seats! Wider doors’ Attractive new uphol stery! Extra inches of room!' Elat, un obstructed floors! Fisher No-Draft Ven tilation! And remember, these bodies h $ Level cresstog railway accidents are j | IM £itS = ; reported frequently from some parts 11 * | i of Ontario. The tow should be chaug-» = q£ tll C H ed so that all motor cars would be l j I i compelled to Store hetore proceeding | 01^ T I? 11 T ewe- a railway track. 11 XZliU i V 1 | S? * fl ? ». >>ra<«mtMMa«u«nt««>MUt«i>ut,m«>uw.iunw3u«aK>uun(Vn. The new Fergus Council is going to : ,. jsell the traffic lights purchased by^e^Grth Coumul Approve last year's eeuncsL They evidently ;■ hoboed Additions. i thtok the people should come and go i beato-th conned approved the re-, !■ quests of the Collegiate Institute^ ■ i. Resrd and the Public Schood Board ;; for money with which to repair, alter i: and add to their school Buildings. jjThe tonnes® instructed town solicitor j «i H. G. Meir to prepare By-laws cover- i ing debentures of 830,000 in the case j of the Collegiate, and $5,000- tor the ] |i Etoblic School. — Seatorth Huron Ex-! t positor. On Guaranteed Trust Ce.rfrfi;ctries THS STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION ' Seaforth Lady Has 90th. Birthday il On Satot Valentine’s Day, Mrs. |WBltam Hnkney* a highly-esteemed I resident of Seaforth celebrated her _ niutieth Birthday at the house of her a j scm-to-law, Wesley Ktchol, by enter- lj taming a few of her friends at aficr- jnoon tea. Mrs. Pinkney has lived L’ nearly all her life to this district. She [iwas Bom to the town ef Perth* Lan- hark County, and came to Brucefie’d |! ffisglir* i A sgirefc; g-lj. guaranteed A^-» W&Br Wing-ham JMI' >^4-* are of All-Silent. All-Steel construction —so safe, so soothingly free from vibra tion, “tmniness** and drumming. Check on all the exclusive features Chevrolet brings you. Learn what owners themselves say about economy . . . 4'Up to 27 miles to the gallon of gas!” . . . “ZVever add a drop of oil!” . , . “Lowest upkeep costs in motoring!” Then drive the car itself, and you*Il not only agree it‘s the best Chevrolet in his tory ... yovfll never be satisfied with less than a Chevrolet for your money! Charged With. Perjury After he had denied on the witness- ji stand treat be bad made and signed ai statement for the police naraing his, stepfather as ill-treating a dog, a 16-; year-old boy was arrested tor perjury.; The stepfather, Edward Willto. was!' convicted os cruelty to the dog, a val-jwm ^ve a and dem&astratdon on r.mtnton Department of Agncriture, uable animal', and was remanded ro|;" Eraring and Training the Yeung !, rail one week tor sentence. The hovTrait T ree, and M. B. Davis, Dora-1 was allowed out on bail pending a; horticultnmfi, wifi speak on toe f c.rart appearance. i &St£c“ S’58- Or Baldwin spat, disease that J _____ i; attacks apples. | Fahnerstou Light Standard Smashed t; - ,SlKit EU-te sto&rfs ra:«e to griefi^ «*«“?«' b“a ® k-tettRev. Robb.rfBia«ate, .JA-i^P'0^' '«* > ■>■ »«« k n«- WfaroWe «r. vras eateriag ?»••.«« *-»»* y=“re *»t to. * . e _ .. f •„ carved wrth hts jack-kawe many m-ePalmerston from, the east, when het . to » n- PI n- . »r . „ 1 terestnsg subjects in weed. Many offI realised he was travelling a httse wo« p. ... .to jass ttawsh tte ton. He *ero*lc“^TT? "G f IwIM tte takes stisW. sta tte r18 J- *- car swerved on the kk tie. tannngly*^ 3tare- represent some very .cotatet^ aromtd. Tke wMele w, tomeate TO* o« the r?rt hie Mtata .-ompteteiy demoHsMne <a.Mr-^e“Ee5 Oae «t tne most ta- to , » . _ . !tneate pieces is a parr ©f oxen withit, and continued es to crush iront ® w y. . . * uvioke, wagen. and stover m aaaatwe. * tender mt® a tree. The tor, census.-. - * teriag the tanm it ta<l <fc». traslA d°?f ? °» ?“ “ Sn^' «dr' sWW tattered. «d was able -“'f“ « S«®l ta» eoa-r a .. - rr.T,„ "tain Itafis with a frame. Tae.ro are ’to continue ©ts ns journey. — Paim- .... other pieces such as a pair ©r smss- Llerston Maserver. ■„ , - .t . •« > h ... , <| _____ j.ors and a vice that warns* wooden ^tk and ©yster honar. . IS9 Years to* Ro«?n> | ri©gs* sap ycke and buckets, ads® sevr-!: ^d pepper. When scalded add. ‘a totet torn® ami reteresfiw ®ral swt.s that g-atale a pereon tottateraIKi outers. Coot m»6il oysters | fact cm to lis&t this week .vteajteOTte were erer?3t tosetKf *Mr. John Webber ©f town lino east tE ..Ji t rri r -* j®.*. v ip-ritte'^-riers h.->vc they were ever pct rnstcelebrated ms iefeth birthday. Mr,;. - .it f,. a «1!inside. The display which is hah ©t rkYiebbero st was. learned, had slept mti * ___ , r, . twfeat Mr., Swettrer ©was Etas attract- ;the roam in which he was bora t©r • . is .. ., . , . ,» t.f cd the attention) ®f many, ix tstamLer.spractically every night bis Me—B . ... -s P; L , * h ®t years ng© Mr. bweitrer gave a >•S iAjumers.ton Observer. ■ , ri». - - . <-in ; wtotticng dr monstration e cue ci toe ; wtodovvs ©s a Louden stare and at i that time the crowd that gathered around was so large that several pri- btceitten were caRed <tn to keep the Hraffie. muring—-Exeter Times-Advo- ■ cate. about &e Etottsa- cvering, when skew frit tato. a tub of Itot; - - - - - Go -_*&st Xoverabero is. now restored .ua^- .?—■ y.w™ . aether ircmtoatton. due Stately tot&a Wteetetoa Hospital?8 . . M . .. to ^Rt'Chard JckEStom The date is. set tor M -Etoyt, Fritnrary 21st, ard to event ..q$ an riteticn bring teq,rirad & vritu ' be brid fitte writ Mfewfeg. s !. suggest- Welsh. Rarebit 1 tabltspaan butter tabfespm Soar cup rich milk ©r thin cons grated cheese teaspoon salt teaspoon mustard Few grains cayenne egg 1 X 2; fs cream J A WINTER FISH DISH f -------- J-, By Betty Barclay i; I present the foUtswiiig very tasty » ^fish recipe as- my contribution to I i; those wh® have a leaning toward the I’’ . ' II finny tribe as food: j » !; il Baked Fish. Loaf C-783 “■““'J terial to leave the sides of the pan. J Stir to prevent burning. Mix with the fish, butter and eggs and season with the salt, pepper and lemon juice. Form into a roll or loaf, roll in but tered. bread, or cracker crumbs, dot over with butter and place in a hot oven for from one-half to three- quarters of an hour. Serve with the following sauce: & sjt & 1 ©©said halibut steak cup bread crumbs - erm milk cup stock cap butter eggs, beaten separately teaspoons irifcced parsley tahlespsan lemon juice Salt and pepper to taste Remove the skin and bone from the raw fish and separate it into little pieces. Then ram it through the food chopper with the finest attachment. Soak the bread in the milk and stock 1 i> Make a sauce of butter, floor and milk. Add grated cheese and sense n- ' lags. Pour some of hat sauce ©ver 'beaten egg. Return to double boiler| ; and cook a minute er two. Serve cm I i toast 'or crackers. | Oyster Stew I pint oysters | cups milk and oyster Liquor tablespoons butter ■■ I ctsp> cracker crumbs ji Salt and pepper g__,__________ ____________ Carefully pick ©ver oysters. Heat | (brown stock); combined, and cook ----- - • Season with there is a tendency for the ma- 1 4 3 1 T« As, 2 ll-is: 1* 1 2 3 & can solid-pack tomatoes small onion, sliced tablespoons melted butter tablespoons flour teaspoon salt Sprinkling of pepper Cook the onion in the tomatoes for ten minutes. Rub through a sieve and add to the butter and flour, which have been rubbed to a smooth paste. Season and pour over the fish loaf before sending to the table or serve from a separate dish. , . . . ed§«s begia to corf. | CANADIAN BARONET CHOOSES A BOUTONNIERE *; er, betide stoppers within battles that j^dd cracker crumbs just before serv-« 4Sf;.**c** Ik..£Vt!* nd’Ht’ B_ ' FaB. Into Hot Water I Severely Scalds Child ii Little- Helen Lcggtns, tout-year-old' |daughter uf Mr. and Mrs, Fra.uk toag- gms of T®wrs Line East, met with a patotot and sertoas accident.. The fit- tte sw gTvtee few® Feb. 21st at stx c’ctock m the eventEg, when ,Sts fe3 to a tab rf tev Vi"Kh ““Tt to Sm ted teec sI-Msa » efee;;tet^E^rfby^naten W tt» U<» S=1 test TOei to-,?« j.eseLy satt&a,. ste tsaia tested tx^xta r. -oa -f -- ; Adhere sko is endergotog treatment-— ijFafecrsttot ^bsarven.. )1; ■■■■■ ■ ■■ Appeals Drank. Drrring Seuters-ce Through Ins CamjthaSI >; Gitante cf Walkertet^ J. BL Johttsterv cs&messmen cf has appeal-'; ®5 tos S5M:ay saurcere received to‘ ‘Mag’-Stratc- F„ W. We&jfs cm tret;. rrtei ccuctoreri; of dsivto^ a motitr'.vcmtar sgso ca:? vrhidc tot:seated. Fendmg th®.sirestshtokM kretrirere cS tbs sppeaf hats Fbutate.2; is ttasad c:re that ’ ! ha bad Sjireaidy hceat a (ihresty cisrif- aS a Ekt j creargre read is uras dismissed. ; Creamy Eggs on Toast eggs teaspoons butter teaspoon salt Few grains pepper cup milk Toast ! Heat eggs stiglttly. Add butter,, se-a- ; sontogs and milk. Cock over hat wat er. As mrxtare cuagaEatas araund sal es and bottom dravc it away with a I spoon. Gont&tttu until all of the mix- pttre is cooked. Serve ore toast- Gar- ntsh with parsley. | Toasted. Ham and Cheese Sandwich t I Race thin layer of ham. and thrre |! I layer of cheese! between two slices ef Shuttered toast. Serve hat with cMajj ' saute or catsup. ■ Creamad Chicken ere Toast 2 tabTspucres buttet ; 1 ctiip tsEk ’ 2 ’tahtesfsers Kasr ; ccps fitesh cstoked st catmtd. cki:kech eufi £a ptfetas Salt; and &«&£££* Mett Bretten. Sfend to fkur- and sexsrentogs. Add milk gradually and stir n’.rtin mtotete thickens. Qtek tor S Tutoutek Add hbStkea and teat th.te^res&Iy. Sew® ca toast. Hot Chocckte 1 sqjmrre -cnswtefeted tthccdtaite’ nr 4 ta&i2S^<2iC:ns caccd 5 tahtosincns sngan ua© Be retos water ? 2 cups tsEk ' Mret chierette Add sugM and bciit- SI'IEAYISSTER: SNACKS Afitaff STO&tadi Lo'ots of cu"-dror ;X Skfi Scst sS&s ttoi ss go- f and wae,3 when fikay to- eases k.t±to is toed. T&1& is C—to ext- ctoli faEffiattsu iifes cstsg:;, fresh air is to creato au a^seeito arsS i&t 'exjatois® taw e$- totoidstahh’ fcsafi artdJ tntorgy wMck esxse &o reghicsal. , SaetoEHhsg oustsktoag# ‘toetot&Eeg: ; Emt Growers WHl Meet Mardh M sawftBttg -CricSuy prepaid atruj . Toto spta&ts 1i«e tes re-qhxm af £to<2 as sohr i c£ tfto fcun Co,a*5o Ffisit W toa&teti saSK£«ttf&8» afl make sad* to- he &3ti ih the rector GtJca cto ekr ate* [aroJtopanisa by tfc kit. wfife drieS: ikoos ef March W A. «<> ** desired !-e«* experirrenta* st&feM The Milk Vtslitatiin- Smtce* Bx ®. IaS? b.rcK'- "T" io« ’ tw b;s taltoctafe fam te*-l-sa nr natfasifig ta Cafowfa Men, wh«» »«*etrto> ntFsfiri -wiTtraerS ereiijsz or jtiirfeeito there is. foo dearth of thu fblw* k" *■’ ‘ “ srapner aroppea ; ers be km so *eit He W ehw- 1 |&5S 1 ■;e.% setee wk&i whipped crwsz. or 4 iia to see him Wbto h-e left tor the south a. few