The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-02-10, Page 4Maitland' Creamery Buyers Of Cream, Eggs and Poultry THE UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. W Ingham, - - Ontario. Phone 271 FARM FOR SALE—Consisting of 65 acres one and one-half miles south of Goderich on Bayfield rd., good brick house and bank barn with drilled well at house; would make an ideal place to retire as it is close to town and borders on lake; will exchange for farm at Wingham or Belgrave or for city of London pro­perty. Apply to W. R. Paterson, 9 Hayman Court, London, Ontario. FOR SALE—Good Cow, due to freshen. Apply to J. A. Menzie, .R. R. 5, Wingham. FOR SALE—Red Brick House, Low- ,pr Town. Apply J. W. Bushfield. KEMP’SSALE REGISTER—Auct- ioneer and Monument Dealer — Wed., March 2nd, for Andrew Doig • Sr., S.H. Lots 37 and 38, C, Line, Howick, Farmer Stock, Hay and Grain. Seq Bing, NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against the Estate of George Shrigley, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Stationary Engineer, deceased, who died on or about, the 18th day of De­ cember A.D. 1937, are hereby notified to send particulars of their claims duly verified by affidavit to the un­ dersigned solicitor for the Adminis­ trator on or before the 15th day of February A.D. 1938, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that immediately after the said date the assets of the estate will be dis­ tributed among those entitled thereto having regard only to claims which have been properly filed. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, February 10, 1938 HIGH SCHOOL OPEN LITEREARY PLEASED LARGE AUDIENCES (Continued from Page 1 ) Clare VanCantp; The King, Neil Lowey; The Queen, Hilda Brown; The Duke, Dick Irwin; The Princess, Rose Lewis. The presentation by the Glee Club was “May-Day on the Green,” The singing was well rendered and the dancers gave a fine exhibition. The opening chorus .was “Come to the Green” followed by the Maypole Dance. In this dance were: Ann Van- Wyck, Mary Tervitt, Louise Dore, Edna Hogg, Helen Hammond, Melba Radford, Margaret Homuth, Frances Lockridge, Noreen Benedict, Irlma Harrison, Agnes Seli, Marion Tem­ pleman, Jean Wclhvood, Betty Gan­ nett, Margaret Connell, Louise Llqyd. “O Who Will O’er the Downs” was then sung followed by an English Country Dance. Those taking part in the Fairy Dance were: Betty Rae,. Muriel Lane, Mary McKibbon, Pat­ ricia Parker, Jean Cruickshank, Ruth Wheeler, 'Doris. Armitage, Nora Wheeler. “To A Wild Rose”,’a three part arrangement, was sung by a choir of Betty Rae, Evelyn Campbell, Ruth Wheeler, Louise Dore, Doris Armitage, Mary Julia Preston, Helen Hammond, Verne Walker, Betty Baynham, Muriel Williams. An Eng­ lish Folk Song, “Come, 'Lassie and Lad” was sung and an Irish Folk Dance presented' by Isabel Lamb, Rosetta Dennis, Jean Elliott, Mary Julia Preston and Lois Elliott. The demonstration of Physical Training by the boys was work on the High Bar, a Dumbell Drill and rara FREE PICTURE SHOW In The , TOWN HALL, Wingham at 1.30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 11 Also Tractor Demonstration Under the Auspices of the Massey-Harris Co,, Limited. PAYSIDE CHOICE HEAVY SYRUP—SLICEP OR HALVES 1 PEACHES No. 2 Sq.£ .£3 LIBBY'S PEAS CHOICE 3 29 I I I 1 » 1 QUALITY! VALUE! SERVICE! SPECIAL OVERHAUL RATE — Any make of sewing machine over­ hauled for $1.50, until March 15th. Inquire, Walker’s Furniture Store, local Singer headquarterg. TENDERS WANTED—Tenders will be received by the undersigned, up to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 12th, for the supply and delivery at the Wingham High School of 20 cords 16-inch beech and maple body wood. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A Galbraith, Sec’y. Wingham High School Board. WANTED—Assistant Superintendent for Wingham General Hospital. Duties to commence as soon as pos­ sible. Applications received up to February 15th. State salary expect­ ed. Apply to Abner Cosens, Secy, of the Board. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Jane McBrien, late of. the Vill­ age of Whitechurch in the County of Huron, Widow deceased, who died on or about the 3rd day of January AD. 1938, are hereby notified to send particulars of their claims duly ver­ ified by affidavit to the undersigned Solicitor for the Executors on or be­ fore the 15th day of February A.D. 1938. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that immediately after the said date the assets of the estate will be dis­ tributed among tho.se 'entitled thereto having regard only to claims which have been properly filed. R. S. HETHERINGTON, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. there is about five acres of bush. The property is situate one mile from Bel­ grave and four miles from Wingham. TERMS OF SALE: 10% of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance in thirty days, At the said time and place will be offered for sale the following: Rub­ ber-tried buggy, plough, mower, fan­ ning mill, 4 bedsteads, round table, kitchen table, sideboard, glass cup­ board, bureau, bath tub, 2 stoves, sofa and half a dozen chairs, 4 cords of^ wood and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash. _ . Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known at -the time^of Sale or may be had from the undersigned. a | DATED at Wingbaiih this twenty­ eighth day of January, A.D. 1938. JAMES TAYLOR, Belgrave, Ontario, Auctioneer. ANDREW FERGUSON, Belgrave, Ontario, Administrator. Pyramids. High Bar work by Lloyd Ellacott, John Lamb, Melvin Phippen and Smith Robertson; Dumbell Drill by Bill Burgman, Melvin Phippen, ■Creighton Reid, Harold -McCallum, Ken. Wheeler, Jim Hamilton, Ken. Johnson, Neil Lowey, Dick Irwin; Pyramids by L. Ellacott, John Lamb, D. Biggs, M. Habkirk, Jack Richard­ son, D. Adams, Srriith Robretson, Bill Burgm&q; Melvin . Phippen, Creighton p.eid, Harold '^.cCallum, Ken Wheel­ er, Neil Lowey. For the first time a .demonstration in Physical Training was given by the girls. Taking part were: Margaret Connell, Louise Lloyd, Betty Gan­ nett, Ann VaqWyck, Myrtle Father­ gill, Margaret Homuth, Irlma Har­ rison, Helen Thompson. The final presentation was the play “When Anne Was Queen”. The cast did exceptionally well as the play was a difficult one to present as it had its setting in times of long ago. The cast was: Sir Geoffrey Pompous, a Judge, Elgin Coutts; Roger l’Es- trange (Delia’s lover), John Gear; Timothy Bees\ving (the Butler) Ralph Baird; Rattling Jack (a Highwayman) Harry Posliff; Tabitha Pompous (the Judge's sister) Margaret Aitken; Delia (the Judge’s Niece) Verne Walker. The Valedictory Address will pear in next week’s paper. ap- PUBLIC SCHOOL JANUARY REPORT CARD OF THANKS To the many friends whose kindly acts of sympathy helped so much in a most trying time, and to those who so kindly loaned their cars, we extend our sincere thanks and gratitude. A. T. Shiell, R. M. Shiell, Miss Jane McGregor. IN MEMORIAM LEWIS—In'Iovingmemory of a dear Husband, Edwin Lewis, who pass­ ed away one year ago, February 11, 1937. Loving and kind in all his ways. Upright and just to the end of his , days> . , . ■, Sincere and true in heart and mind, Beautiful memories he left behind.. -—Sadly missed by his Wife. MONUMENTS at first cost Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe­ cution of high-class work, we ask you to see the largest display, of monu­ ments of any. retail factory in Ontario All finished by sand blast machines We import all our granites from the Old Country quarries direct, in the rough. You can save all local deal­ ers*, agents* and middleman profits by seeing us, E. J. Skelton & Son »t West End Bridge—WALKERTON NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Samuel Burke, Sr., late of the Town of . Wingham in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceas­ ed. . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and’ others having claims against the Estate of the late Sam­ uel Burke, Sr., are required to send particulars of their„claims, duly ver­ ified, to J. W. Bushfield, the solicitor for the executors of the said. Estate, on or before the twenty-sixth day of February, A.D. 1938, and that after such date the executors will proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only to the claihis of Which they shall then have had. notice. DATED at .Wingham, Ontario, this fifth day of February, A.D. 1938. J. W. BUSH FIELD, , Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor'for The Executors. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE ' AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate There will be offered for sale. by Public Auction at Blyth Memorial Hall in Blyth on Thursday, the 17th day of February, 1938, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon the following valuable Real Estate, namely, Park Lots 6 and 7 in McCaughey‘s Survey in the said Village of Blyth containing 5% acres of land being the property formerly owned by'Viola A. Fraser. There is erected on the property a good frame dwelling with kitchen with frame ad­ dition containing seven rooms with a good! cellar. There is also a large barn erected on cement foundation. The property is very suitable for a market gardener. Terms of sale will be made known on the day of sale. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 21st day of January, A.D. 1938. , DANCEY & BOLSBY, Barristers, Etc., Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for Vendor. THOMAS GUNDRY, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Grade VIII Total 550, Honours 413, Pass 330. > *•—Missed examinations. Grace Hingston 469, Ellen Bailey 453, Isohel Miller 429, Eileen Dark 426, Grace Hutcheson 423, Eva Led- iet 407, George Lloyd 403, Laura Col­ lar 388, Jack Hopper 388, Joe Falcon­ er 381, Betty Groves 377, Louise Thompson 349, Alan Williams 334, Lois Bateson- 333, Isabelle Ross 333, Jack Rich 331,' Clarence Ohm 330, Harry Howard 319, Jack Carter 314, Carroll Casemore’ 314, Erie Schatte 313, Jim Cam'eron 303, Bill Forsyth 226, Jack Gorbutt 210. G. Kidd, Principal. Grade VII Total 630, Honours 470, Pass 378. B. Galbraith 543, R. Harris 523, G. Parker 518, F. Brophy 488, N. Brown 482, L. Brown 479, D. Fry 479, D. Hastie 478, M. Lepard 471, D. Fin- COrt RuwariiW111 be paid by tha of LLOYD’S THYMOLATED CORN SALVE, for Atiy corn or callous THEY cannot re­ move, with this Wonderful new scien­ tific preparation for CORNS OR CALLOUSES. It de-sensitises, and relieves pain with first application. For Sale 40c, at McKibben’s Drug Store, Of Valuable Farm Lands, Imple­ ments and Household Furniture. To close the estate of the late Maathew Ferguson, the undersigned, has received instructions to. sell by public auction, at the premises, on Friday, February 18th, at 2 o’clock p.m., the following property, namely; The south.-half of Lot 42 in the 10th Concession of the Township of East WawAriosh in the County of Huron, containing one hundred acres more or less. On the ftroperty is said to be a white brick house, frame barn on cement foundation 40 ft by 59 ft, and pig pen about 20 ft. by 35 ft The farm is watered by a never-failing spring, The soil is clay loam and IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Joseph A. Brandon, late of the Vil­ lage of Belgrave in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims against-the Estate-of the late Joseph A. Brandon, are required to send par­ ticulars of their, claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield, the Solicitor for the executors of the said estate, on or before the 26th day of February, A.D. 1938, and that after such date the executors will proceed to distrib­ ute the said estate, having regard on­ ly to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this seventh day of February, A.D. 1938. J. W. BUSHFIELD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. LISTEN... low Pt IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S y INSPIRING PROGRAM Friday, 10 p.m. E.S.T. STATION CBL FARMERS ATTENTION WE REMOVE DEAD HORSES AND CATTLE CALL US FOR PROMPTNESS —- Our Men Will Shoot Old and Disabled Horsts, Telephone Your Nearest Station Collect, ONTARIO TALLOW CO. SEAFORTH 16 , EXETER 265 NOT1CE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Euphemia Chamney, lat,e of. the Township .of East Wawaiiosh in the County of Huron, Spinster, deceas­ ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims against the Estate of t the late Eu­ phemia Chamney, are required to send particulars of theif claims, duly ver- ified, to J. W. Bushfield, the solocitor for the. executors of the said estate, on or Before the 26th day of Febru­ ary, 1938, and that after s-uch date the executors will proceed to distribute the said Estate, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. DATED at Wingham, Ontario, this seventh day of February, A.D. 1938, J. W. BUSHFIELD, ' • Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors, Bargain Fares , FEBRUARY 11-12 To DETROIT )$C.65 WINDSOR) Going—Feb. 11 - 12. Return—Up to 3.00 a.m. from Detroit Feb, 15 Consult Agent —Ask for Handbill. Canadian Pacific •FRUITS’ Oranges ... 23c Doz. Grapefruit . 6 for 27c I Head Lettuce 2 for 13 Celery Hearts ... 15c | New Cabbage .. 9c lb. Fresh Rhubarb 2 lb. 19 | Radish, Spinach, J Cauliflower I Fresh Daily p EARL H. GRAY, Manager _ Phorie 170. ley 469, L. Adams 466, G. Small 465, K. Allen 458, C. Armstrong 454, M. Falconer 454, R. Chittick 452, Dr Bu­ chanan 443,. M. Fitzpatrick .443, I. MacLean 430, M. Roe 424, W. Hut­ ton 420, F. Durnin 420, M. Finley 376, J. Ludwig 374, P. Fitzpatrick 371, H. Brown 366, R. Dark 360, L. Mun­ dy 351, M. MacLean 339, R. Collar 319, B. Cruickshanks 280, D. Garlick 261, A. Self 245‘, A. Henderson 244. B. H. Reynolds, Teacher. Grade VI Honours — Evelyn Allen, Norman Anderson, Lillian Angus, Evelyn Cantelon, Donald Campbell, Helen Carr, George Copeland, Shirley Ed­ gar, Muriel Evans, Lauretta Everick, Dorothy Hamilton, Elizabeth Hare, Marjorie Kreuger, Jack Lewis, Marie Lockridge, JearT MacLeod, Madeline Mellor, Joyce Mitchell, Annie Shiell, Joyce Walker. Pass — Orwell Allen, Eddie Fitz­ patrick, Ileen Morris, Margaret Rich­ ardson, James SandersOn, Harold Seli, James Stoakley,* Fred Templeman. I Harry Brown, Teacher. Grade V Honours — Margaret Angus, Grace | Bailey, Ted Bailey, Raymond Bell, Milton Brown, Walter Burgess, Jack Ernest, Evelyn Evans; Billy Field, Helen Forbes, Mary Forsyth, Mar­ jorie French, Wilfred Gannett, Betty. Hall, Donald Lloyd, Jack Mellor, Jean Prentice, Jack Scott, Marjorie Sinna- mon, Jean Stewart, Jean Town, Jack Walker, Cecil Yeomen. Pass — Hugh Bell, George Breen, Arthur Brown, Isabel Brown, Eddie Carter, Billie Hilbert, Billie Lee, Jack Montgomery, Freddie Ohm, Percy Vanner, Roy Brown. ,, M. J. MacDonald, Teacher. GRADE IV Honours — Jimmie Colborne, Mary Lu Connell, Joan Edgar, Mary Forb­ es, Ruth Gannett, Anna Harris, Bet­ ty Lewis, Shirley Lloyd, Helen Lock­ ridge, Jack Lockridge, Tommy Lock­ ridge, Barbara Ross, Donald Schatte, Billie Templeman, Fred Tucker, Dawna Walker, Jean Willoughby, Pass — Gerald ’ Brophy, Wanda Cowan, Junh Everick, Betty Finlay, Helen Hall, Jack Lloyd, Donald jMc- Leod, Mary Prentice, Alma Thomp­ son, Dorothy Wells. Fail »— *Jack Musgrove. V. McLaughlin, Teacher. Grade III * Honours — John Armitage, Helen Arthur, Jimmie Beninger, Howard Breen, Pauline Cowan, Grant Ernest, Bob. Finlay, Theresa Fitzpatrick, Iona Henderson, Ross Johnston, Donna Lockridge, Betty Sanderson, Helen Sturdy, George Town, Patricia Wild. Pass ■“ Wilma Dark, Madeline Doyell, Florence Harris, Betty Mae Hutcheson, Charlie Lee, Alan McKay, Robert Morris, Rose Ohm, Latirine Prentice, Edna Templcman, Mary Vanner. B, joynt, Teacher. Grade II Honours — Marjorie Anderson, Ruth Bttrgman, Violet Bowman, Tre- sitta Bondi, Joyce Dalgleish, Jimmy Hall, Gwen MacLean, Gladys Shiell, Wilfred Sell, Gloria Swanson, Buddy Wild, Leslie. Mae Walt DOMESTIC SHORTENING 4-ty. pkg. ,47 REC LABEL BLACK . „ _ ,/,.*•LIPTON’S Tea 3X OLD COLONY 16~oz. Bot,MAPLE SYRUP 31 NEW SEASON'S CHOICE ll^lllkJ mPRUNES 7MoZ 2 lb!- .19 BROCK'S - bird seed .14, tRANKFpBP STANOAhh .PEAS No. 3 Slot. 5 Tios .a&S ■ NEW SEASON'S CHOICE VALUES EFFECTIVE FEB. 7th to 12th DROP IN OR PHONE S3 t I X-: I [J® Pass—Fay Angus, Maitland Breen, Irene Everick, Marie Fitztatrick, Ken­ neth Hingston, Lois, Lockridge, Bob­ by Mundy, Donald Montgomery, Gor­ don Moir, Bonnie Richardson,. Ralph Seddon, Ronald' Seddon, Shirley Yeo­ man, Billie Wells, Gerald Williams. P.. Johns, Teacher. Grade I • Honours — Mary Beninger, Gwen Blatcliford, Joan Bushfield, Marjorie Copeland, Jacqueline Currie, Eleanor Deyell, Vivian Ernest, Connie Fry- fogle, Wilbert Hart, Catherine Har­ ris, John Henderson, Donald Hopper, Billie Johnston, Rdth Lockridge, Mil­ ton Loney, Mary Ross, Annie Waine, Alan Wild. Pass — Jack Brophy, Ruth Cant­ elon, Bobby Colborne, Wally Hasel- grove, Billie Pollock, Ronald Scott. Fail — Lois Cruickshank, Jimmy Currie4 Albert Fitzpatrick, Lorraine* Hall, Morley Hart, Ruth Machan, Hugh Young. A. G. Williamson, Teacher. day. Mr. Will Davidson and her par­ ents, were on the road to London Hospital, after leaving the* Wingham Hospital, with the little one, but be­ fore they were very far on the road, she had passed away. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon\to Greenhill Cemetery. Besides her par­ ents, there are two little brothers, D. A. and Alvin. Mrs. James Barbour, of Goderich, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Sam Sherwood and Earl. ASHFIELD was with deep sorrow that weIt heard of the death of our Reeve, Mr. Ritchard Johnston, near Mafeking, early Wednesday morning, in his 69th year. The funeral was held on Fri­ day afternoon to Green Hill Cemet­ ery. Besides his wife, formerly Annie Blake, two sons and'one daughter are left to mourn him; Cecil at home, El­ mer, teacher at Mildmay and Beryl, (Mrs. Herman Moffht), Lambeth, and two brothers, Wm. H. Johnston, of Exeter and Albert Johnston, of West Wawanosh. The community was shocked Sun­ day morning when it was known that Gertrude Hackett, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hackett, had passed away late Saturday night. She would have been one year old on Sun- Glasses Consult R. A. REID R.. Eyesight Specialist for 20 years. Wingham Office; . Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning Phone 5W for Appointment. /IRE YOUR ROOFS F/RE-TRAPS? COUNCILSTANDARD HEAVY Falling sparks, dnving ram, swirling Snow—they’ll all roll off a Tite-Lan Council Standard metal roof like water off a duck’s back. Tite-Lan is aoo§ foralifetimeandissoldbyus with a 25year guarantee. And is well able to Jive up to every clause in that!^ar^^ S J A T II T E “ drive - fici'&w nails With* stand ten times ttidre drawing force than ordinary barb- ad roofing nails, ’ Ask for them by name, Manufacturers of tho famous Preston Steel Truss Barns, Tito-Lap metal roof Inirnnd Jamesway Poultry Equipment, lOl and »Aeo?n» ™„nin ’S* and "Acorn” quality7 Send ridg Sid iSter nmx/ ^^S^ caps and hip caps ate after EasimSied Products . Factories aha of Montreal and Toronto