HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-02-03, Page 8M
Show Starts at 8 p.m.Thia is Quilting Season. Get
ready for pur
Feb, 5
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 3, 4th, 5th
a is a
The story of a couple of “regular” kids, who were
game to do anything.
Also “Cab Calloway and his Orch” and “News”.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Febniary 7, 8, 9th
There is plenty of action in this comedy picture.
Also “Hollywood Party” and “Poor Little Me,”
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Godkin, of
Wingham, were guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes on
Miss Mildred. McClenaghan spent
the past week at the home of her
uncle, Mr, Harry McClenaghan, of
Mrs. Will Naylor, of Lucknow, who
has been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Naylor, left on Satur
day to make an extended visit at the
home of her son, Mr. Price Naylor,
of Toronto.
Mrs. A. Emerson, who has been ill
during the past few week's is steadily
The W1M.S. of the United Church
are holding a tea at the home of Mrs.
J. G. Gillespie on Wednesday.
Mrs. Jackson of Auburn spent a
few days last week, at the home of
her sister, Miss Christena Laidlaw,
and- she and Miss Laidlaw left on Sat-
Pipes Lighters Playing
Cards, Mouth-Organs
and Magazines
urday to visit with’Mrs. Hanna, of
Toronto, MrS. Jackson's eldest dau
ghter, who lias been ill for the past
three years.1’ Miss '.Laidlaw returned
home Oh Monday.
The Fireside Club held their reg
ular meeting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Johp,5. Purdon.,.last Wednesday
evening.- Mr. George Falconer, of
Wingham,/who ‘was visiting in the
community^ was appointed chairman.
The following were-the six numbers
on Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw’s program, viol
in solo by Clias. .Martin accompanied
by Louise Martin; reading “O'Grady’s
Goat” by Miss Hunter; humorous
musical number, Mrs. Scholtz, J. D.
Beecroft and Kenneth Laidlaw; hum
orous dialogue,. “Arpil Fools”; solo,
by Bert Culliniore, and a male quar
tette number. Norman Welwood’s
program was as follows: male quar
tette; reading by Mrs. Fred Newman;
musical number, Teddy McClenaghan
and Clifford Purdon; recitation by
Billie. Purdon; a musical number by
Cecelia St. Marie and Norman Wel-
wood. The judges, Mrs. Robt. Pur
don, Mac McNeale and Jack Pollock
decided in favor of Mrs. Laidlaw’s
numbers. Mr. Cecil Falconer read the
Journal, and Mrs. Fred Newman in
vited ’the club to her home for Wed.,
February 12. Lunch was served and
the young folks danced until closing
The congregation of the Presbyter- ■
ian Church held their annual meet
ing on Monday.
Many in this district will be inter
ested to know that Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Deyell and their family of four child
ren, have returned from Nanaimo,
Vancouver Island, to which jdace they
moved last year off the prairies; they
are visiting with his mother Mrs.
Deyell of Wingham; add*with’other
relatives here, '” '
IjHThe MissibirBank of 'Brick Church
ijnet’dt tlie‘home of Mrs, Greg Shiell
on Saturday to celebrate the birthday
of Master Wilfred Shiell.
A very interesting meeting was’1
held at the Manse, the home of Mrs.
(Rev.) J. Pollock on Thursday last,
when the young ladies' auxiliary en
tertained the ladies of the W.M.S. of
Calvin, Langside and the home soc
iety. Miss Merle Wilson played a pi
ano solo, Miss Janet Craig sang a
solo, accompanied by Miss Agnes
Robertson on the cornet; Miss Cath
arine Mowbray, Mrs. Rhys Pollock
and Mrs. Norman read interesting
readings on missionary work; Miss
Agnes MacKay read an interesting
letter from her sister-in-law, Mrs. A.
MacKay of Jhansi, India and showed
a small round seed, from whkh the
stem turned off, and a little carved
elephant was enclosed in it, which had
been sent from India by her brother.
A dainty lunch was served with Mrs.
Pollock pouring tea. •
Mr, Millan Moore spent the week
end in Collingwood at the home of
his sister, Mrs. Harold Sparling.
Mrs. Clarence Cox spent the week
end at Auburn at the home of her
parents, Mr, 'and Mrs.. Wm. Patter
son. *
Mrs, Dan Martin spent last week at
the home of her father, Mr. William
Woods, who has been very low at his
home at .St. Helens.
• A number from here attended the
Burns’ Ball in Lucknow last Tuesday
An interesting program was given
'at the Scotch Social held in the Unit
ed Church last Friday. The recrea
tion committee had charge of the■‘O'
games after the^program. Lunch was
served and a socia’l half-hour was en
joyed by all.
The regular weekly meeting of the
Y.P.U. of the United Church was held
on Monday night with Miss. Gene
vieve Watt in charge of the meeting.
After the Scripture lesson was taken
by Miss Luella Laidlaw, who also
gave th'e comments on it, Miss Doris
McClenaghan led in prayer. Mr. Bert
Cullimore sang a solo, and also had
charge of the topic “An Age for Men”
and tried to show that in these times
man’s efforts alone are inadequate.
Mr. Teddy McClenaghan led in pray
er. Miss Watt was in cahrgc of the
recreation period following.
Mrs. Russel Gaunt held a W.M.S.
tea in her home last Thursday. The
ladies worked at patching a quilt. *
Miss' Lorna McClenaghan from
Turnberry spent the week-end at her
home here.
Mrs. Ab Taylor and her brother,
Mr. Jas. Morrison left on Saturday
for Toronto were the latter has sec
ured work in a service station.
The regular weekly meeting of the
young people of the Presbyterian
church was held on Monday evening
with Mr. James Wilson in charge.
The Scripture lessons were read by
Velma Scott, Elroy Laidlaw and Jack
Pollock, who also led in prayer. Rev.
J. Pollock gave a talk on, .“Time in
the-series of talks on Life and Con
New Patterns New Colours
c 22c 25c 30c
Tub Fast
our Wool Display ThisSee
Week — Needlepoint, Afghans,
President, Mrs. Burns Moffatt;
Secretary, Mrs. Archie Messer; Trea
surer, Mrs. Haryey Robertson.
.The elgctiorr of officers for the
year resulted as follows:
Board oLmanagement — J. C. Hig
gins, (chairman); Burns Moffatt to
fill the vacancy caused by the resig
nation of Walter Smillie, owing to
illness in the home. John Kirton, J.
E. Nichol, Raymond Elliott, Eldred
Nichol, Duncan1 McDougall, Harvey
Robertson, Aler Shaw.
Secretary-Treas., — M. Olive Scott.
Auditor's — Alex Mowbray; J. Gor
don Mundell.
Ushers — Alex Shaw, George Fow
ler, E, Nichol,- Haryey Robertson,
Arnold Dillow, Eldon Kirton.
Collectors , of offering —• Alex
Shaw, J. J.’ fcllxott; Will Mundell, W.
H. McKinney and Harvey Robert
Sunday School Superintendent —
Raymond Elliott.
Assist, Supt., — W. S. Davidson.
Secretary-Treas., —■ Arnold Lillow.
Wednesday Evenings
25c and 15c
‘Little German Band’ in
Saturday Afternoons
Saturday Evenings
For a Limited Time Only, We Will Give 10 Per
Cent. Off All Lines of Western Foundry
Ranges and Heaters.
<Machan Bros.
. ,Ph<m^ 58m
Presbyterian Church Annual Meeting
The Annual congregation! meeting
of Knox Presbyterian Church was
held in the Sunday School room on
the afternon of January 25th.
Rev. J. R. Greig opened'the meet
ing with a, short devotional service
and was elected to preside for the
business session.
The session report was presented
by thd clerk, Archie Messer, showing
eleven members received into the
church, five left by certificate and
three by death, Mrs. John Mundell,
Mrs. Peter Fowler and Mrs, Thomas
The secretary-treasurer, M. Olive
Scott read the financial statement,
showing rccepts to be nearly $1,500.
All obligating were met and a balance
of $60.00
The W. M,, S, ‘ reported a good
year, The meetings had a good aver
age attendance. $18.00 more was rais
ed on the allocation than the previous
year. President} Mrs. Alex Mowbray.
Secretary, Mrs. Jas. Elliott; Treasur
er, Mrs. R. F, Garniss.
The Sunday Schoo! attendance was
smaller this year flue to some extent
to the epidemic of Infantile Paralysis.
Superintendent, Raymond Elliott;
Sec-Treas., Arnold Lillow.
The Y. P. S. ehjoyed a successful
year closing with a balance on hand
of $66.28 with the purchase of a piano
for the Sunday School room as an
objective. Pf*esidehfj Jack McTavishf
Secretary, Jean Elliott; Treasurer, EC
don RJrtom
The Eadie’s Aid
ivity In all four
taking ■ lead
Junior W.O.H.A.
Monday, February 7th
Vs. Wingham
Society shows act-
gr'dups. Turnberry
in the Afttount of
Auditors —■ Jack McTavish, E, Kir-*
r‘ j Rev. J. R, Greig closed the meetnig
the benediction.
Claude Bellsihith, the’ newly ^elect
ed president, had charge of the young
people’s meeting on Friday evening.
After singing an opening hymn, the
scripture passage on the topic was
read by Miss Lois Elliott, and pray
er was offered by Arnold Lillow.
Following the Roll Call' answered
by a verse of scripture and the min
utes of the previous meeting, it was
planned to hold a Valentine Social.
Miss Hazel Mundell gave an in
structive paper on the Motto of the
Presbyterian Church. “The Burning
Mr. Greig pronounced the benedic
Thursday, February 3, 1938
, Prompt Delivery Phono 161
Smith’s Economy Food Store
APRICOTS ................
BEANS...-...... 1....6 Lbs, 25c
MACARONI.............4 Lbs, 25c
HCQICE 30-40
PRUNES 2 Lbs, 25c
Institute Will Meet February 15
.. The regular lrieeting of the Wom
an’s Institute will be held Tuesday
afternoon, February 15th at the home
of Miss Olive Scott.
Roll Call — What you consider an
important factor in a girls’ appear
Motto — She who would enjoy
power1 must pay the price of respon
sibility by Mrs. Sparling Johnston.
Topic — Canadian Women by Mrs.
R. F. Garniss.
Contest — Each member bring a
hand-made Valentine.
Reading —• “Trees” by Mrs. S. N,
A full attendance is invited to hear
Mrs. Aitken give a second talk on
Note the change of date the 15th
instead of the 10th of the month.
Mrs. Nelson Cardiff, Brussels is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Peter S. Mac-
Miss Marie Wettlaufer, Bly th, is
spending this week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wettlaufer.
Mrs. Meadows Britton is visiting
her daughter, |Mrs. D. B. Lowry. Mrs.
D. B. Lowry returned home from
Stratford on Sunday where she
been a patient in the hospital.
Talk on Montreal Given
The regular meeting fof the Y.P.U.
of the United Church was held on
Friday evening. The president, George
Hetherington, presided.
. The scripture lesson was read by
Ormel Smith.
An interesting feature of the meet
ing -was a talk by Miss Margaret-
Curtis on her recent visit to Mon
A reading by Mrs. W. J. Johnston
was enjoyed and Rev. A. V. Robb
continued his series of talks on bthe
I Books of the Bible, taking the book
of Job.
The meeting was closed with the
Mizpah benediction.
Eyesight'Specialist fbr 20 years.
Whigham Officer
Williams’ Jewelry Store
Every Wednesday Morning
Phone 5 W for Appointment.
Mr| and Mrs. Wm. McMichael of
Bluevale are celebrating their 48th
wedding on Friday, February 4. We
offer congratulations.
United Church Annual Meeting
The Annual Congregational meet
ing of Knox United Church, Belgrave
was held in the basement of , the
church on Tuesday afternoon, Janu
ary 25. Rev. J. B. Townend presided
over the business. Albert Vincent
was secretary for the meeting. The
reports presented by the church trea
surer and the other officers were all
1 encouraging in almost every case
showing an increase over last year.
Norman Walsh, Harold Procter and
George Martin were elected to the
Board of Stewards. Carl Procter was
re-elected church treasurer. The plate
collectors were re-elected, Bob Yuill,
Harold Vincent, Borden -Scott and
Kenneth Wheeler were appointed
ushers. Votes of thanks were extend
ed to the pastor, Women's Associa
tion, The members of th& Choir'and
other workers. The meeting was clos-'
cd with the Benediction.
Dan Ferguson of London was a
visitor with his parents here.
, Mrs. Albert Coultes and baby son
Donald, came home from Wingham
Hospital on Thursday.
Our second January thaw arrived
on Sunday and the pouring' rain and
bad road conditions made attendance
at all the Churches very small.
Street Lights To Be Ihstalled
A meeting of the rate payers in
Belgrave was held in the Mall on
Friday afternoon and it was decided
to instal sik street lights on the vil
lage streets, two of them to be on
the Highway and one at each of the
other corners. Sixty perceut of the
cost will be paid by the village on
the Morris side aud the remainder
by the township, tt is hoped that E.
Wawanosh will ihstal two other
lights 'WlilchTaro ffeediSd on the high
way to complete the lighting as thos#
in the surrounding vicinity would also
benefit from them as well as the vif*
PEANUTS ........ 10c Lb.
JUICE ....... ,10}/^ Oz, Tin 5c
,... 2 Tins 29c
BLACK TEA................59c Lb.
No. 4 PEAS ... 17-Oz. Tin lie.
MAGIC COFFEE ........................
... 29c Lb.
FRESH . - - ...
RHUBARB;.....,.;.;. 2 Bunches 25c
New CARROTS 2 Bunches 19c
LETTUCE '.......... 2 Heads 15c
RADISHES ______,
GRAPEFRUIT........5 For 25c
CLERY HEARTS ... 10c Bunch
Held* Euchre
Another Euchre and Dance by the
Skating Club was enjoyed on Friday
night when..a‘’. good attendance was
present considering", the weather and
road conditions. Winners at euchre
were: Miss Agnes Robertson and
Miss Helen-YuiU tied/for . high lady
and Miss Robertson secured the prize
in the draw Mid Mr. John M. Coul
tes. Consolation, prizes went to Nora
VanCamp and J.. H. Miller. Lunch
was served and dancing followed.
Mrs. W. J. Geddes spent a few
days this past week 'in Owen Sound
attending the funeral of her brother,
the late Dan McKenzie, who was bur
ied in Owen Sound Cemetery on Sat
Mr. and Mrs. Max Raynard
Lurknow, are spending a few days
with their daughter, Mrs. Walter Ai
Miss Roda Cook, near Lucknow is
assisting with the household duties
for Mrs. Earn Sherwood, who we are
sorry to hear is not enjoying good
Mrs. Wilfred Hackett spent Thurs
day afternoon with her sister, Mrs.
Kennie MacKay of Ripley,
Pleased to hear that Mr. Richard
Johnston and Mr. John Blake of
Mafeking, are improving now.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Lome
Farrish,' near Courey’s Corners, on
January 23, a son.
DOUBLEDEE—-In Wingham Gener
al Hospital, on Friday, January 28,
to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doubledee,
R. R. 1, Wroxeter, a daughter.
Chester Stewart
General Repairs, Service
Air Conditioning
Phone 29 Wingham, Ont.
We have sent you a list of 400 items at real savings
—if you have not received yours ask us for one.
1938 Taxes
* payments on accountof 1938 taxes up to 90 per cent, of 1937 taxes.
Interest at the rate of Five- per <Jent. pet an*
num will be allowed on such prepayments.
- Prepayments of tax«s wust be made at the
Town Treasurer’s Office, Town Hall.
W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer,
Town of Wtngham.
funds raised. The society as a whole
raised over $400.00. The ttkh of the
society is to reduce the church defet.