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Huron Signal, 1865-2-23, Page 4
• h Humorous Items. A Rut SOLD BY TUU UAsian tlurtaseYCTI Tu III. 11•IC1 i- f )Ith1..1 Worm ,U+to has hero A M:r: or lowtmtut•-r Ilius expressed bar reamed at t%'ushmgtun Iron. ,11, Uadrry,.uu.. otuuiuu Diet big °Ma•ul retsros ere wrrcet: Cuntul at L.odon W Ilan +deaf tbal the Au!. " 1 beteby !et l,N that the four goiu A dcaua rein hob been sold y the tuuute 1.48 nor ,461 48 I •e* ho* t. nm1 i1 if there u eny ®itltal it 1 out Due et pvrpels." For Sale Cheap. FOB SLLL' VERY CBFIPl tors . ash ron. Urur. ; t0, lilt Kmlo•s { PARM of Itwnw. et hml, bl ,•Jr• situ, thh sou. **woe. Are • to U• II 1t II'H, b0err w'rl••rrcd. rmL goer,. M. It. CAMERON. tubi!• Iesoalg then•/u_ '1',ae Y'lll le glT•Y IW Y ■ •1 a m,r for fur• b I :44)1 o lies• ..runlet t tt dor ra ba!s, at 1411 talent* tl ll ,wt, Codrneh,lk•b'Iwr `.h. tbl. ',wit, then parrs. u,l the purchase yt Or Ibrf Iso flnMlab apply r.,J. 11. hClilwh, E•V Thu followirg &anis, bull sou lately per- petrated : A magistrate asked a prison¢, it he were married. •' No," replied the marl. " Then," rejoined hie wo:.hip, with! 1»•ab ul' laughter, "nes a good ,lung for your %lir." While Borne surgeons in • Loddon hospital were operau,:g un men bait •traug,•d by a sixpence which bed le led iu hu throat, he Lea the L coin t , c r•I1. oro t u I • made • v h s m p, 8 ' new Quite well magma, and s At • grand brit at the pwlaee in Mexico. the Kmpires ap,erred in • do,' of elle silk, eubreidareJ with .salt.' She wort a necklet* of Jimmied' uhgreat ..Me, and a single sprig of greee leaves i* her hair. Ag employe of Torutr:n post office bat his pude cm t.uj$ti)11.1 utlwr night. 1119 dee found it red hrouzht it i.1 him tea muruind• Moral -Let all poet office clerks provide thenselvra with • ding whit koows sow tbiug.-St, Cu/Aarinen Journal. A B. eIIT, STuay.-Th1 Cu111mb41 [Ohio] Janata tithe • queer story about a • married couple m that pla,•e. The •healemd iv a tyrant. Ore rrn•uiug dosing • recent severe ' tom his sits was ort eie'uug a ,:eighbur, cud when •he applied for whuu.iuu un ber return, her hu►benI J lIend.'d uotdp know her. She th ralrnr•i t. )..ap int.. the well if he did act open the d ell. 1111.1)4 nu idea that she euu.d dos ., !tit obstinate!, ndueed to recuguise ber i ate she tank r lull. plus. jn. it i'do taw Wel 1. Mod .i,nlllt.urously with nor sple,h it nisch. She reseed hermit by the aide of ihr d 00 ; 48 tote us I.cr ltd darted out in pus u'Yht cloth':• she d.,tal et, hocked the door mud declr.en that she did Ln kno Ilia 1 S6r (mein him li:! 10 res penitent, �I d than Int him in. if the reader douhtelt` story, we cant help iL • l� .\n Irish phve.ciss was called toe:- ✓ m„e the c„r1ee of for I tier I,,.11nan, who bad been ►sea+iugtai by same o�is country er inspecting tial ,t be,. - ,s doyl half aa met. • Cite leers •o,' .115,1 hr, n the h ole, • was •., 1.: 1h .l tl rn.nlerrd he *Wild' here b, hour before.' c r an American Pen Butler's can of hie s surpassed by the c own.' ants sae,:-• Gen. gen' tires 1148 on:y hs exhibited fur his Opportmml Sur DetltaIoyltes. The trunk, enol, �. eplan•tione of the Canwhan authority -0, .r 1 'the prUlnl tis •inert ,f t..eivbule l•auaJiu, pre) of site - pa hey with the release• ur lbw rcl•rl raider; bare blown It mviaible septi the sear -cloud wbieb for a Dew hors looted so threatening 'em the northern hur'son. Ere General I),&. wet' h)rse Is hum-•tte t;. • The alem.tugu•• 1 ,1.r• hu now arr'ved. aster is matt•. Thre.$uain4, and slaujbIer .y he belched alth impunity. ' , Arise, Wellortdge, and bully the British 1 ueek up, Wetmore, aid deny that Bei - tows roles dee wave. Arose'•, thee. Cochraue, and m.ke faces at Enelat l s dau,hter. Sorlp of'( oh, %seharinh Chandler, the rion's yellow mane, and make cushions of it ' for the ne.t NI the Arneriean eagle. Bu,tee4, the,galoriut ! where art thou! L0 not mount 'worAiaheuna bide thee, the Samson of the Ten, when with ihr one weapon, prnrei u ul•1 i r (hf battle al (snarl, thou shuuld,t be 'a; it • to death 10,000 P6instu,es urer the ,-4 •r. and •cr„w 111c ocean puttin4 forty tb.:��1 ,,.IJ ditto to 11i'htr L yal Leaguers, your,4••dured Smith Mit mow afar , assCmhl• your e'ehurrs-tkum:. the tom tom el war -amus!, the blood tbirnty p• tentatea and bloated arutuerata of Europe Into, sky Alun fila or, leas wayr, utterly • squaboeh the blarsted It:inane, nit, with a slat- tern), series of rgolutinus. Sound I uder yet the hogag of\war, Oh wbangd In of the Times -fa • from 'ay ., in • blase of phosphorus, the Waiter of News is high .4.... ed ; and In blat•a .1 of butte, armed with carpet -ba fa,\the -elana of the Herald .m gntherin•/r terris an army with the itch ! -New 1•,rk Ifo News Iteme. Lee and I{rau r,urd nee saki to be making , preparetios to over. 11.!.n Sherman. The stat' -meat is reheated that Itichmond sled Chit -lesion will item he eearuated, an4 the Canted -rave armies withdrawn mlanJ. Louis Napoleon is a good .k:der , Eu- genie skites trlerabl) Neil when rhe has a fellow on each side to huld her up. • Aboutaix millions of choice Havana ci- gars have just been eu,t to Paris. The probate and Jir lrce court of leon don is Pole caged the ro-probate court. Ilenan'a !Life of Jesus' has yielded a clear profit of 1±3,000 dollars. A beautiful young lady of I'hiladclphia had her feet no bully frozen FInIe skating that they had to be amputated. Q} In l'rnuylvanis there are 13,000 pub he eehoots, situ 16,UUJ teacher* r,.d 7UJ. 000 pupils. ale General Williams era gazette'' on t' e 13th January, le C,r, Comarn.lrut ul 1• e Ituyd A,tdlery, site Grimm'George Turner, x C. K , deceased. •� M, MgCm ay ha introduced • Bill tee A•wm ly 10 reluee the indemnity all' 111 stemWrs, from six dollars to fun. dol per dry. else hop C•lenso 'intends within the ks to p.u•a•'d to Nrlrl and trite weal, taw p.ruession hie dl.te,u, '.uiwilbiNndm4 the • eetnnr. of de ,ie,uw, p..s-d )iron him by the metropmltt 1}}Jom'tay bs d-tr:Tniied 'upon having 5n 1.14:14.4110,1 .1 E. .,,1, 0,d a arornp,mr h u *trendy been le n, 1, *ids a Capitol of /;.500,000. The peon a•' _s ha.e applied t., gose...mett 1.0 a ./r0 .5 Lott* and tonerr- slue to carry out the OA ' t 1154. it") The Iheroit Tn',u•ie • .- The raw e ta.: of the Anes, 11111 by the C. Jiae 1'a, - lament 1 u.se ut 161 et ,nl'f $t p• ,ible ev, deoues of the good few. of th it laws r,,Ifrt1 In preventing rattle int• the I:ntt..d St The ht* lea. more th,e, our Government - u.d have irked fur. ,.The venerable Lard Brougham, who ' bee out lived ss, m.ny ut 1114 6 it•i,de, sod out k-n55.ur.0 pea 11., jJs1 lust • [read &hum he e•n.,d lyert bare sper.'d. Ilia wife, atter e 11n,t111 ut nearly 'lad r +ate,y, hr Jeal fol• lowed her two d.w4nt:rt-tbe unly children eh' weer bate to toe tow wll,lew as well M ehildleY stet •,man. rtt the meeting of the Waterloo Coon• ty Ua•oed Irl wok there was a tie in the • eco m ut Warden, :d 1.4.5. 11.,Ifn.n 5.01 Ty. b•vr•4 arch rseej,ed ween votes, rwith ..ndd..w 1.1..4 his u'.n vote. Mr, 11,rd m.0 then must 0.m, t'u,o y end e,eruw y wain&{ bis own claim . el 4 tar Mr. Tyre. who wee elected. 11 ,1 t'•.• not dune so, th Ke.•vi of Waterloo, ,. .; - •,0114 the large... ■ amber of rate reye.s, swot* have given 1s,• fou in Mr. dufetru'a 1.rou,. -[ti.e ph A,I. el. The Rochester 1)rmner&1, in referein, to inn probebi,ity of an 0. 'ly clueing of the ramp°,t *yete,5, says: -'115'. have on this side of the boffin, no 4 .,re to annoy or injure our C.nadi•* ne,ghbu a. 1t et our wish, r oar polity, to he o5 g rl tent with them, he with all the rear of the w wed. The Mame. of 1N two errontir-. are identical, and the Ki the m*mo•rs, the institutiostf the belle of the popu,ar.e.1 of r )nude are so muni 1&r to anw owe, that set nt 1005 bet lwurrtly aegied them aa brrtbe•te rl,l out Y Weng • " Tom are airs entre/v.4 '� nrefem in .Leannh Three of Owes ham h. organs and Ito. etimee. TM pastors of Tow of them ha., Meru, bye eolm.d &son. Threw of thew. Cheraw,. are .511 ) r,ey edifices, ' raw ed Ion 1Wteet r1.J that she will soil im'me4i.InIy. lie al.., - efuha,,ohbaaknuh,urro 1 1 t) 1''s atrter tbrt some fifty sadowe were *hipped Land Scrip fOr`Sale \\ SEl MOCR A CO. 1 it )l )'1'"i A Y D ' from there stow days previous, and west to (hes b w► V Ire Ih63 wU•u France, no doubt for this reser,. He up he La1.J• tk•p5rn,t•ut m Lru.�;,•np, r car 1e• ____. (heart. vena �'t' IIl'NCAN'S Barrister, alto., notional. 11:.\ LI Ilha{.\1. PItFa11l'J�I G11'EV on -- ----- I Gudrlricb, Supt."' npL 13, Itlb4. amt tf ll ,aann•nl. wkl..lt ren h. v,Mll tulh•C jwe FARM .FOR $ASE. MAMMOTH BOOT ANS SHOE STORE t i' dapuwd to believe Ile replort t,oe, r er•e:ything ie England tends to maid*" in 11. - (N. i•. Herald. ale The people of 1•turenee, Italy, have lute Iw•eh Y.,In1wluu e1C11.d urer Ih4 1heor, of tb'e'eyv 0l a J'.1 lairs rs retriuint t!,' ,v, •_ of -1 .e L..et u'rjrct plrwotel to it 11, , i„mrr.trd u I ,• Leen nit ',UI'erll,t tl The k 1 os,: (Iota x IJaa, w hleL is ,,.t1 r urs eu'argcd plwlulnephs L* 011 of the eye of .. mutd.nd women, to which tee dirceyrnJ.•u r MONEY TO LEND, ON IIJIPRUVEU FARMS, AT 8 PER CENT Some to Incest la TOWS Property. 1J. B. GORDAN, jlh\RI QIt1'T, • Quitter. OT �,'(`„�, A; Township Or Ilowick, a/taw "� 1♦ auk• Iruw W roxrlcr, us, 1,. U:c. 1. Ito.,. T11E(1R EI. ROAD. LIV EOUKS!! 1'.s,;; huo*.• NJ barn, tonnes.iou tesen hini; the dam toad ea of Y'. JUVENILE BOOKS, 92 ACRES, 2€3 CLEARED bowman J. rlwlJy R'C•IgtdY, 111 it the laalurw it *nein . 44'1 w.lh lhc,wm- i+11n Ya'rtno h es, tree rid mint ,amelia Ibey,ems FANCY GOOD`' A ( F. 1'. l'IlttM.k' Este, B. M. • l,o hal Imre an a.trd, t1 der, Hut mq„y scieuelie jI ni a5t �'., •LC , $C., wen who have e.uelully en ee:el the ,vie • WI" •t111OUMe their Intel W m,'I.Te at •ucil In Large As�ortmelor both it ser, r{ 1 'p� L a a eJudusiun. It ainl - ' the taw of the Burdell applZrwg the same 4 TAM" sol W W f try As Ieruar•rT,o porrrut d.ecover the alleged so =plead Shut' roys, ,,.deer h. herb tti. m W.=A•w61.1f ilurder 4119 IJnr of T ATR 13.67. to 1:{,7T; near the I'�.\ILU'AY cit w,.i 00 l end i alit n �' L STATION, rte $I�0 each. " land bow it. AT THE CLINTON BOOR STORE At •Fire Years Credit, vacuYCIT.-A )past ip:.I '..,(alai. l..\1 C'UCK. lar wuru,ao• tion that e1 CLINTON, 19il.Decewber, 1865. or longer it re,lui ir,l, Apply to of the Nile. humkenh.es,! M. C.C1MERON. .-rice It is that low ;teat Am riser Atoms bus beton found to be uu:ttubl.' i trona ane d to the other -that. in ,rel, u new ru Ma beau opened belweett Ca .\dao:' and Pacific. The •Muroua,' I e u stun scone, .hieh *w_'a'ni tt etelore the I 5 • z m, 11.1.01-4.14 1 Mrfnh,a'emt dura b dreg tiles Irrw Lima. 'lhe'•M,,ur,u ,igske1 more th0.n leo t.ourand lei es ut the AIYYiln pauper avid two IhuuwwlJei,es os, the Ycsrrll end 1'rlLilrw Ri.J,r, Atli, h, LAI/COCK' S Canadian Farman' Almariai r) Prier 2n rents per dozen. ..41 AT TIIE CLINTON Book Store I until then. fiat seen wily luduul enters Tb, • rho hent useful AI, cowvlry Ls 01 comae, t ,h.dtit.d. by savages, l i1 pub...b,d. It cot but it is of woe,erful futtib,,. MON1116 for' e•sa is C•IunA Telsr.►a GIT Rio •u, F.trT.- isl rh reliable 1aJulm V11,ntd, of but Ms. lite. *lite,;-' peat �G►3 •')1b.ut teel,e ,.r&li oto 1 bou.Lt fits a +V vv V FmucleiuM. a la, 111 w gale h aux cu.r,,-'l *r1 ,:i IA?II u 'mac fa 11,0e:era there tt. ln, Ti.nee for mentor Jac in U.,• year\, 1 e,idna information, such w 1 • from nor 1 1 id to the ..here- I s• t 1s, , its v r ` &•irk In forger% to. dost.'" y tla'Ie II.t,LIYQ i5 IdLisT.s 0 *gement tar live or Bis y.rr1; 1 �e,ms out t.,jawing{ 1 d , soot, d be tcry hied wml ut y punier r,,er •mate All tl,st I dirt salt the land w„5 RJta.ww 2, P 1 it. ' 1 sever ,luuah my rn Regulations,' ' DUTIES, F 8.t:�hS'. if Onotn: a 111 art aMeatary Lists: mote than thane felt s. In the tt„ 1 I .teed Err, y fnrine/ sAnutd- lucre one.'. with grata well, Pan ,erre it in mrrduw sole . GF:O• !AYCOCK. L 1 e t leo t Lest LE4 SRO GUNS, FARM for SALE. cr.ur ul'tuuh!o soul, sl.r lLr-t'• r, 1 1••I nutrL I 1 ur NO yews,. Coloith April Sth, Lb4 asii2as11 _ s I Farm in Bosanquet FOR SALE ) 1 Z 'h,t) 1-.l rr. elOr. l'\I ll. Ile I., N EI).,Berson sea eyelet 1,,t 20, I -:h t".n., t.w..111p ,f na.at.lurl, ('aunty of lan,ln..n. The term t•unoste of RANI-REVIl'.V at DI' NCA N'S ROUT AND SHOE STORE, (IUUERICU5 Call and U see Me bra( Burk of 110ME .11.4D1I-IWRK in 5Ae County! �'1•r a• rat MVP CM MIL 't` Al 'll• �_' "w ow sr I n d. r H mar lC Mines, n hem all that u nY Boots red , h.Y'e and JI p r'Ia1 once 1 Thousands have t n "rho/uLecr,he•r l'.1\NOI'tlF:l'NUKRSULD nut .ue dein[ r L•tilimrle busiuesa.- IL :,,• sober the place.- Neral ride of Market St/utrre, TWO DOORS SOUTH of the a SIGNAL' OFFICE Money to Lend. THE whsrrtbsr has 630.000 to loan ea mewu- •ble amu.. our parts wen app's- to HURACI•I 110111 UN'. wap 3m . IIKa. Ib Au url nth lab Y Good :Mortgages Wanted to Perehssr DOORS, Apply to U. SHADE tiUOUINO, Sobe,t,r, \Vest Street. WILLIAM DIINCAN. Qodericb,.20ib Doe., 1864. Q,sJerich, gtpl. 20th, l;+Gt. ewul WOOL CARDING .-k'O• c(: O• r•w,r•:r.w•.w0wan..•.n w.w..,,...•,.............arwww•rw...,..•wnww.•„• ' OE SUB:1011111E11S would beg In int.,rw I.:, , ,.., rs and the peblic that hie nett prem- .& ilea us, Erst atrtet, , THREE DOORS FROM THE SQUARE, will be veinal nn 'Inc first of June, for tett, 1151 the )1'.n.! 1' ,oli„ ,'lents, IIre.. 11; and Manufacturing husioess, in ewtnectem Titb his WOOL FACTORY, where on orders and work iu the above business will be puuo'tuully attended to. Liken Dec u rmitt, of ONE HUNDRED ACRES, Cloths, Blankets, and Stocking Yarn, ,al, ,n win I, are Heated. •u,J • tu:urd r rnr eta• on ,•I 11.e e:, T Rs llwnv. 'There is s fen•; /rll-LJ,l':J\'1: //UUa1i. A.V•D t'11.{111: on the he. WELL TI�taERE:DAD WATEIS•D Focperl.eul*rs •ppty to M. C. GORDON. . UoJench P. Au.ntst 11th, 1864. •:3711 1! ',. 111 ore t •' t'• ,3 g, 1!41: U•."we're, 1-Gl. by 1'.I Ili Ihr a,•n n.ny Lr. :\..t one th..t lo,r'a. , • flus 1.1.1 a few vend a, , lilt* very ,ii:reset,- 1 - ol fear about dee Can don. dist ie. 7 hr r it RIF plotqlougrod had festing.'-C'an.AiIEar urer, a I F Ih fl IT 3 Ng{ E\l. .nal a,r n ..t u. ron 1' Tu what, p of 50 A WA .0.1, awepr nutg ONE HONORED ACRES, • Business `Director!) nn ckvan,•e. 'Irma liberal. Apply fu dew � .O R SALE! t inn amu r . Estate el the late Witt. Hares, %� ` 1 lluug•rtw• Y. U DRUGS, DRI. V •Uar. {regi t, (N!. tat. ISO, wi7gf � I i • AND • - MADE TO ORDER, SHER,IFF'S SALE OF LANES. Fa• aT'OI� r 1%T til CI 111 INTO Ceded 1'oo'n1.e• of \- v,nne of bear 11'rn. el Muret,, .nal 1lruce, • Ywr, Edo. ivue,l t nlaa%'s town !'sol! ll,i••rn's Iirr.eh anal Tenni of 5 ,.'lln•,n thea ll pp•)site the Market. i end to me duetted •&..:111.1 the laud. and 'Irene', (9ueeeseorl o It .11. R e ynol lo) I menu u(1Vdham rr.nol:ad. at 5h: alts ,5 :hr 1nn.va Lnkr. YnMnlawt «.4 J,an,e„ IIr.Jrrapn, 31 c d 1 k • rs l 1/1111 l C 1r' All kinds of n•pnirinz dine ort most \1 raa,,-Ilon••Sgnnrr,GafesrrA, floderich A . et 2 1864 -w94 I Ralene.•n and Jame* IlenJerwt•,; 1 hes, weed ►��16 To sod . not orHer 1 1 , uc• 15 Wun. aid' J.,In, • re winnable. term'.-. ,0 - 1 \\ 11.4,4. John +pert, J..hn Spina, Jelue. Lakin u�u n _-_ • __ • -. _ _ _ _ land taken ,n F:sa'uhen n'1 the nYhl, tale r^J •r fere 0. e roe . , N' 11 1' hot, House and Lot for Salo. y , 1 a„dAnt mm DISPENSING CHEMIST & DRUGGISTthe hthnue Ldp rw tis ten '5 -Lit Allo, dee :ah a•.rn.••ao•'n m d e '1 owudhq ••t Anu,l+''' j4{anufaoturers of. �` t' rrlTTar E on the :Cavalierly- n- r.mbuum.50Mi unfired rams.1Dont. he theruee W lklakne,aaJ Iwp.unerotl .ai gni(' K P miner 1.N. len• muulrr.3,s and 3 to the Ith ton of Lir `41, eonvertoo. ant, I.4, „ Ix•s 1, J• 3 awl 4 ,n the (lir', r 11 I N I: 1)ItUCr5 NAMIl_TOp' STREET iStn,a•„..wn.a;Ian•r.,r,,,n.n1•,,.1:1egheerw.,itn Circular, tela utvwu m, nn nim will beltept on band to exchange for wooi... Movie: this year &lied another FIRST-CL.1Sa DOUBLE CARDING MACHINE 11 h eshahlialamer t, Le will be pre a,••d to •recite t: ree'l's w'rL Io ar,v r'1U,nabin oaten n& short 1 ,5 ,'. Customers c.m n: to the factory 1h marl tea will h• pro npty attended .10 es formerly, and pulicular uttenti,n sill be paid t , those from '11 dirtruee waffling their •orit 11'.1 NI)editt&'la5�lly Vane! • N. R. -While rltt'i'f'ul ter the Ii'h•rnl ,'5. '0 .toot fanner !resin the shove business, ,he nuh.eriher,h' pea by 4•-i •t 'teta,ilrt 1•/ hu.in04. an 1 •:'sling. iso exie•nsc m 1u''pting the wants often mist ants, to 4)1 receive u *hare of the same. • ( ' Itameniber the place- E.utt Street, sitcoud dour from l'R.1RR'S It1.00K. TRONAS LOGAN. *12 Galerich,•April 19t1:, lho4 • • w .i11113 MCA O1ST •I• 1* (taarria;^e LietorY LIGHT -HOUSE St.,GODERICH ,fIIE 14(5 (01Itl ll w,.hr• to ,.•,?fn th•ui• to the ukIt•bit '5.I let or. n'rc,t .•J at tha',r p 1 la wk, owl south, 4•y to udun•te Wat b• a deter - Honed to .11 waa.,•ue CHEAPER THAN EVER. • 1 %Jl •*alt rot a waggon r•onplete 1.' 5.00 Ya•h,•hd no other thus,.• no propon,un. AI' am!, It 'irritated to give •tel'ftetlon. All Louis o1 l sra,nls lu'1•I•, rrn� u,nd.' u, t ola•r. JOHN Ms I'IIERSON. Otrkneb Jse. slh• Ides. w•w37 (111I11.'Itl( i' WAGON & CARIAGE' Ma .i.fno to ry . TIIE•uh.,•nlwrw uldenemmrrto the phf.be e1 111 r 00,1 Orme that hr '. 5 on 10uJ soul mu L 1 ontr, 1 ar„aa...5)..- row•. area , *Mei, 11,5 15- ...11 c r , her 51011‘ ‘1.0 , 1. ,'.5 f 0 La, J .n.J I, r ..,.• , Leap, CUTTERS and StEICHS JOHN PASS31011kh, • \'. rlona Sheen', (,meets•. ' Are t. 1.1. 1,13. - . sat Om GREAT CLEARING SALE. ! o' ', JOHN FAIR da CO. ` 1tK• SELLING OFF their whoa Steel. of HI T fi 1 0 NT 1O[JiiN1)1'V ' Url GOodluthiug �l 7.v• i` AT • t�1 �� U. - I ll • . WONDERFIILLY LOW PRICES ! To inn' a roan, r r alterations in their perm urs fo-ln Spri„g.. Guderich, 21th Jap., 1663. see: ../• - TEAM E'...,`.C-hc,iKs . .-.- RU CIMAN & CO., Gris' and Flouring Mills and Sasil Saw -Mills, II -1 1 3'n the 13th ...nn'c.. • nLr,... )., pr.f.. ..a, n ill! GOOD -I rain, all 's Ibe Tuwn.Lip s,1 Mani, coulaemea n, n!! tenet wase. a. reA. r , , ' 1 DI\GS 64 Who her II. ill ihr esvroth wens• -,••n .13 e•1eTe,ntL.,QeIAe',wTaarellfe. the �l'uwu•hlyof Cirri, k, eouuu,ma. u11rti-sue .•. t .re*enl oecu teal t r Thon WeethrwaW, Eel ; .,.nn murr •r k.t all ut ihr Cunni,• of un....,. : Ilnt�. rant b. rend N&,1 7/r...fe ROO'C ILOi, I. and OI,TBU L:edG �• I 1 11 ..,,,, Im.n•tr Dealt* fit i jr. !`sl '' r. j l• • LIG 5'3 B Ji E'ri)y [ibE& CATTLE mEDICINEF s l p pne0 win'I.1 .h•u.5drr 551 .ale et my office, 1n ❑" 51'11111 _�`I I INCA- TWEI.VE IIIDIrD1urDDOLLAR!I CourtH.mse,statue owner iluderie6, on To.'• R For further part wider. sole to ter the fourth dny.d Apel neat, •t'lbe Pont SEPERATORS sago,. 110.. ao. i twelre of IN clavi, ),nut nI Modica! men punetually T. WEA111EltALD, JOLTS MACnoN:\L.n. n - gwdrnrh, Mistral, 11. St lie '. or \C ILLLIM PI:RCIC.\1., Tsq., Ise s Pn .hie:, [)rpntr *hen . , .t t./nh.'r ,;,.hat.'u Mowing and oapiag Machin s; Wood Saws, . •r 6th Ua:. ISM. wig ae c..lt•r h, l,, ten •r I ;th,1 J. .'�:- u i'=V TO fib t'#AN w PLOL C I�f51 OnM eerie,, T..ee p.,.,.• !a N np'ttou carefully J1 An Aer t 1•'nnJ - Lel n . en .La.Io.INl,•• GT.TL, al e._P8ysieua'a l'resr newt. .nate 'iLA1cr'Ir1� i , AND i RSE POWERS, LI RO(, HT LIGHT ! LIGHT: ISAAC , •. ©r■ t C K! SPRING STYLE FATS' hcux Castin¢a ntndr, and Marfa i16e' work dine in . nit. t and su3 elantislm•nsr, • C'asuu •s ul'rny+harnptihn n le to order. Alan, a,l ends of maobiuery - COAL'OILS. Plltid, Limp Oita. For Sale by • F. JOBU.17. U,nlenr h, Jan. l Itl1. AO Ft�rzOv.z:r� TO F. NITSCHI::S' OLD STAND. der Money to Lend, WATCHMAKER & JL•WELER WEST ST.. GODI:tIC11, ON req Ieasonitl,lt• lsrm5. Apply to Next door West Of Mr. Sings' Naddlcry, nQtir.r., alt. P. C?pbb•s new 'rock. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND It RV l:oderich, 9th Jan. 114 Wittier e, to .sinter 1:' I.. T, In tl,o 1:.:A sty,? & ;,ral•rat+ted. I IPCRT'NT NOTICE �T(J e renaire on oho t'notiro A large aloc4 •f MIi.=.io N 1 •r COOKING, PARLOD' AND BO: STOVES, Always on hand, Solar $'•MI"s, 'A 1:'rn :411 l pipe II' xrl. As our pal erns of the shore ire nftbe neat approved Mild, we would soli, it' n i nin'.tinn of nue at, !' t,rrparihaeing elsewhere; ss we ale ofroin,t the where et the to rat remnnerntire price for c:wh, or or ap proved Credit. O, I metal, Brau,Cupner, and al kinds of produce taken 1 exchange. Uo•lerieh, Uct..bt'r. IMI". wit W. • A 1- 0 7,3 . s t/1 Godcrn:h. Starch 5311, 1°6., . •A3: itm"mmil 10 NEW TAUIIOR2 ESTABLISHMENT ! JOHN ADA __ :oIi5&'Pr I'tt.•'1 1,,e.!, 55a'rttche'e, - 0'1'oe1.-• . . . 1\.., >I,111'.>l 1't %: '.1 ,h ale ur\Ir. M. .M ren•.d .1 •sf ennuu the In•..„ • heretofore curled, .r•i.n .,,,..I ueu,r all AI .1 S1; ' •,h 4141415.h. Int.' - 1,, 31 u Er:N to nnnnnn.e to his farmer pmts . nn4 SUERIFi'Li SALT ()FL LAIILS. 1,7 the pub:,.' general,, that he has .'let al n lmip;l C 1 v�r•ne of a sort nt TAILOKING EST ABLISHMEN 1 1Ilmr.,, .,,,I eerie, t,,•,1 )rr,.. , atmd out °tarns of 1� 1x 111, 0111 STAND,.,, T., i, . Of 11, r NI -;raft 6 1 omits '-Coir .n In 111.10,1 Cor,ur.v of Ilan• 1,11.0.1 Nan c and to mrd,ree:e, 5111.tot the 11111,6 and 10.0.- 0514 of 1y5551 71. ....5 Deer* of Witham Orwell. I have «•).0, and ,she,. It axe. usuu: the r,¢b1.1.11euu1 Intel/ .1 ue the a,d (c c00.)-' n,:iw and to the north 5,011,5 lot EI`evon, in the h mowed. on 4 the tnw•,obrp of 1'.4mn•, West st ,ne‘I d to Fair & Co.'s Store Dian a very neer n.•onment of ti.IW FASHIONABLE CLOTHS .her m•'I •Uta L11105'`a, my "51: Oren. IVO, Poe b,nhbng• there r,, t•7r • *0511 I.''•1. nn,l trnr 51•*50 t .hell 'll ny oIf11r n the(. A t1, a,•e ,n Udder. Icon riw.lay the E•¢m.'enth neat: et the hour o1 TAe.Fs ut the dohs M,u.►xtv:'u.n, .Anes, if:4 n OVERCOATS . Hr 1'nhtx a Depot Sh ,Ay 01 One feature arid remarkably cheap.'*Oar (i,rlrnc k.I eM 161114 AT/A!14 Jae' atti. Ie:b.` 1 N FALL AND WI.4TER TRADE!I me 1L'r ter 1 h,rh h,..• prrnsmll•. moke up 1n ar.f--5 ,o*, the I,•w'n . yle and Very eh• np for ,DASH. A .pb'ud,J'-lay of Apr 'stock d .!•,t k, new aoierteh.Ortotier 10 31101 ye coma= J, & J. SEEGMILLER TF nndrh•rsto. would nln limen mins rm �, �1 t ,nhn'nta,d. ohhr 'f„wn.Ir. p. of lint and 14 It S etsnkv ids trot nd,ne count,. Inn belt*. been app„nlr. ("....../........• 101 t:,1, nu Atha*': de in thlCenn n Queen.* Hench. 'hl that he win be rellIred at • toner to m+kr mit Ik•,,!., Herr y( ar, .11115,0. .Mr., sod* neat n.••• .5t* tbs. - T pile*, 411i1 elm namable dt All prepaid torn lic011 elLOVE, 4ertr-. LEATHER QIP DINGS .aeticntuna *ill he stlete. 011 Ildha'-thein p. o..Ilapr. . ()ember 7th. Tim. TAILORING RK'lrK\! 111M/CT alNI' F.HETIfANK7 her ,t,- eery e,lrr, me earnnrefentrnl hr hn• ✓ e e,ved•mre Lr r,rmnrrnrv'I Monne. rn 1 h.1e- u.h, not tome *hie to ear. ole over one -hall r the odea M,m•hI In him 1..1 r•nn,n1 h,v:n4 new ...NA Alt 11.1 Ft fee Carrying OR Bisiness Extensively • nA rm,Jnv,ng none hit art rl... trIntelnen And •• ). A believe* h'• r'rr' "n. r .a /'otter . .r,rend to n.w.e ,a the ?roamer. have.& rarr.ed n,winer1 et ten..rey tied ompesiallany to Il*,ndwn immoral!! ern...1••• rallarilialkaad Maine Inn.. 7'irtler ,i nee of the Prernipte im•M.Nnwn • ,, 1t.li• hart h. II••eMaadr bs Ibothogy wake to . 1,•rer•,a, petals obit CLOTHING CAR BE MAD • t hie ...t.M,ahmeevp.•, to. h• test Estsbbsh- e&rar,o Toronto nr Mnntrr*I.-wM-tit Coderr•h,t'rt.110 ,M1. s+ GODERICH. C. W. Fenton II.Isae- *1740. FARM to RENT -0 It -- "'LET ON SHARES! Robt. Runoiman & Co., Csmes FU1rN1)ICltts, mu,t h,• glrrd nu nr I4ore 1ST DAY OF ARIL, 1865 `J :VII psrlo•. ,'u104e4f t,, the a tee Arm ache here br uot,rieJ Shat e51 noir, .1101 hot u'roul11•urer the on the 1 st day of FEB'li' next, ,w,51 be hen led to them 1*ohrltr tor colleellen Th • 'k on hu it w,11 he so,d 1•O)t 4'.1 I`I0• 01t SHORT riff 111T, If corns s of a Iar¢.' as -r ,n,. ' td,',Dears, C'u't, Tato!, ll. crow.,'I 1* 1.nan., \\ V THRESHING MACHINES Put•uh and *u¢ar k,'nlrs, w•nrg,n and pipe Notts, Cooking, Parlor 8c Box Stoves, f3Z'3711d3vI•E we.3t-INI7t •ml w I., of • n• L.,,.•. ,o,' . 0.11 and `.w-hitJ.. i MI 54p0141'. n'.p„rtt a theANA, ■rt ries would do well r„ .•1111 and ,neper, the neck •t Imre, ea THR 1114DERAIIIN RD will let hiatern. In Col. Mehl entoortaril TWO HTINDRED ACRES fen et1 which ore riettred, and 111 free of mumps Welt seittered -1.1111.11. FIVE GODI:R/CH Ind oely thee* mile* front two Slaw mdle Para teetilos.hoostes arc to goad order for forteet Art. 6110.. apply 1. Wine:NT 01110olhe, Tee '1,40,1141,0T oil lb• premier,. to DAVID CLARK. he prepared to earrf oft the rinenema end contract for the elerlortre or an limas Me• tioderee b. Dee. Ills, 1064. sw311w4D Sheers Salo of Lands. Dv tonne nf writ 01 $1,110.11Pollereled hire.h.t the land. tied 4•••. eeerleton the follow...1g prorwrtr, ad the Dot, 1.11• and 1•11.1101 01 gent In •1•41 the 'V orth"hall of ton *nether Nturteen ft 1.1 I 01 toirn lett Twenty ,n In the To•rgebt• and 1.11110,1•016 1 Nail oder 1111111110M t .1410.11 Terabit` eleven, v 1 ;46:41 :Cs boor 01 Twelve Of I hr , Pork, JOHN MACOoN,ti,D, Abend, IL gg es eat 0 • rn Cd • 1)14.A NING 111 John Mc nald &Co!. :ED THEM NEW bee, n d er take te order' Water grn,-elans ,e1 of vett hi tterv, thee ettorlbeisisel•e• *Mil they 1,111 dal 4110111/ ROOL•Iii4”1/1,111i 'nod! 1. ri1111..b•Villr Inf -a SPY 1111_CLILV, SASH, DOORS & MOULDINGS, ALA, IC IN DS ON "'Natter, oner To Carpenters & Builders LIRERAL DISCOUNT FOR THEIR V/ORK. E D A Hi tp le 0 • • • Laud tor Sale ! MOM 1.15 111015 Of oho V *et 4.11' Pool. AlArn. aod bolo Ite olt? 00.1 metered w• ont overt pere...0 ewoliee. Iv lee 111 Oreell GEo. 11.1M EINS. Nu. R01 F.111110„ AN APT LICATION rd in Wry .101.111.1y, •11/1 re114.11.6kr ' FrIFF7 riC144 11. 4505011 T10111k .55111 550 (.1 1111 r "f eallsolot, firil 444444 oh et ION 111 1hY 71 tiny uf July, le64, and fur, r et} 2mas L M. WANZER &CO'S LANDS FOR SALE! DE follow mg 1.endr. a..., offered for NW 00 Ver V milk ontil,teou• tern,: SEWING .. Hasa taken the AT TOE vinetel LOntsbon hod in Is Ingo!, 055s. Provid. tat Exhibition held at London ACII1N ES irst Prizes 1., Montreal, Mrpfrouher 1 It t111117PIN belt) , V505111000 Prices love ken Greatly !Woad ! Agent, 'Without Distinction n•nst be' CA811. East SW 1..ritet Square Dorlerith. Nee. 17. 15(3 IVO :Mt 14 Joseph' Williamson, log Writ. TO RENT 01 sgu,.1,_ AN EXCELLENT • TAVERN STAND! 6.0 laile Stable Shodommg. and hole rnr,len, in the Villace Illnevale,Townehip of Turn. berre.ontl known ty the name of the IMUL• VALE MOTEL. Wel irt the ncettpation of the proprietor. IRA'. Penn. rs• property haa law additions and improvements, and i• worthy the notice of any man who isweeenkfiTe a home. FOR SALE. B oTs AND RIOES J. R. R.. Agent Demon Courts. Coilveyenem,, BUILDER and CCINTRACTOR !SPRING AU_ 8 epee& efloof *a moderate clime.", RIM Worrnnt , newt noel! he Ito -1 • toto.i. Atli 11 111041/ren1 Ire Jamescoilins,Sain c I money, Ow not erica -4.i. 1 he nhore named orel ,, and tayeekt ...ems, (health pertnatots) no long as _ ..____ 1 T.. ,,..1 patron* he appeals w 'tit eenklenee: to A CALL IS SOLICITED 80 Aetna/ or Lot Nee. 31, nit Lak• STORY & DAVIS 'FIRST - RATE LAND Terms stay, ap,ily in DONALOWTHERLA ND en the primates, or Roderith, April 30th 1061 tt • I !hoer., Month. 4441 Cardinr• of every rhe . natio*. Int, I 'tart sett Ching teem Were, at 00A.L OIL, r1141'.141 Oil Lear, Are . lens, Coe - per, Aran, Noss end Cheepakinn !ekes to ray Addreaa Dungannon f' 0 until further nottetr. JEST RECEIVED LAI/IRS' AND (IF.NTS' OVERSHOES AT °nowt ONE - TENTH ONLY ! 05 1111i• Maul IOW 13 COI II 11111 of, Int1111 Ns111P OF MORRIS: South 21 in 3,1 eels., Nicth 21 in 411 can., North 23 in th :0 aerie. 11'0 at ter, 100 at res. 100 tic, re, 100 acme. iT9WNSHOR OF GREY • Lola 34 and Ks in eon., 100 acres esch, Lot, 31 rind 32 in 6 con., 100 &cretin* Lot :12 in frenn , 100 aeord• Lots 33 lied 34 in 10 eon.. 100 keret (sob. TOWNSHIP OF TCRI-BERRY at to the owur, THOMAS AI,T, er Toronto MONEY TO LEND AT One flunked Dollars IN spirt& Apply In CRIMPS MEW 11111.*C11.