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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1938-01-20, Page 7
JOB SEEKER Bale Sent Greatly Appreciated received the the and An the on re of at or an interesting activities. Wroxeter News and Gorrie Vidette Thursday, January 20, 1938 HOWICK COUNCIL Gorrie, Jan, 10th, 1938 The Council elect for th© year 1938 snet in the Township Hall at 11 a.m. according to statute, each member took the necessary Declaration of Of* fice as follows: Reeve J. A, Bryans;. Deputy Reeve A. E. Toner; Council’ lors, ^Robert Baker, E. H. Strong and’ Johp Winter. i On the invitation of the Reeve, Rev, F. J, Fydell and Rev, A.. Ji- O’Neil were present and conducted a • very ’ appropriate inaugural service. Rev. F. J., Fydell taking the .Scripture reading and prayer and Rev. O'Neil . giving a very inspiring addrss. Minutes of last regular meeting were read on motion of Toner and Baker were adopted. / Moved by Winter and Baker that ’ this Council take nO action in regard to the claim of Burns Stewart re number of yards of gravel taken, from liis. gravel pit. Carried. Moved by Winter and Baker that the Reeve and the Clerk be hereby - authorized to sign the petition for the .Statutory Grant on Road Expendit ures for the year 1937. Carried. .. Moved by Toner and Baker that the ■Clerk be hereby instructed to . reply to the communication of R. G. Dane, through’ his Solicitor, stating that the matter was .under consideration by „lhe Provincial District Engineer and 'will be considered at a later date, "Carried. Moved, by Strong and Winter that Council do now go^ into Committee of the whole Council to regulate sal aries and, appoint officers. Carried. The Chairman of the Committee reportecl as. follows: Clerk’s salary -$500.00 and $50.00 for Postage and Stationery allowance; Treasurer’^ sal ary $300.00; Road Superintendent 40c per hour; Assessor, $180.00; Collector . E. Div. $115.00; Collector W/ Div., $150.00; Auditors, $40.00 each; Med ical Officer, of Health $75,00; Sani tary Inspector, $25.00; School Attend- ..a’nee Officer $65.00 to include post age; Members' of Board of Health, $6!00 .each; Weed Inspector $30.00; Live Stock Valuator, $1.60’per. trip; Secretary of Board of Health, $15.00; Caretaker Of Township Hall, Gorrie, , -$40.00; Caretaker of Township Hall, Wroxeter, $30.00. Officers: Clerk',, Isaac - Gamble; Treasurer, J. H. Rogers; Road Supt., . R. ,F. Edgar; Assessor, Milton Leon- .ard; Collector E. Div., James Walk- eni; Collector W. Div., W. C. King; Auditors, A. A. Graham and E. A. Fallis; Medical Officer.of Health, L.A ■N. ..Whitley, M.D.; Sanitary inspector, X’.,N. Whitley, |M,D.; School Attend-, •ance Officer, Mrs. M. C. Knight; member of Board of Health, David "W. Rae; Weed Inspector, Rae Mc- Nntyre;- Live Stock Valuator; James Douglas; Secretary of Board of -Health, Isaac Gamble; Relief Officer, George McKee; Caretaker of Town ship Hall, Gorrie, Charles King; Caretaker of Township Hall, Wrox eter, George Anger. Moved by Toner and Winter that ^By-law No. l.for the year 1938 as read the third time be finally passed. ■Carried. Moved by Strong and Baker that By-law No. 2 for the year 1938 as read the third time be finally passed. Carried. ' . ■ Moved by Winter and Toner that By-law No. 3 for the year 1938 as read the third time be finally passed. Carried. Moved by Strong and Toner that thte Clerk be hereby instructed to write the Hydro Electric Power Com mission, requesting that a light be er ected on the corner of John and Alma Streets jn the Police Village of Gor- rie, in compliance with a request made by the Police Trustees of said village.' Carried. . Moved’ by Winter and Toner that the following bills be paid. Carried. Percy Copland, stove for transients’ home $2.£0; County Treas., Hospital expenses for Vera Porterfield $22.1*5; Hydro E. P. Com., Hydro arrears col lected in 1037, $32.60; R. J. Hueston , & Son, Material for Grorie Township Hall $10.00; R. J. Hueston & Son, Material for Wroxeter Shed, $1.70; Dog Tags and Election supplies $25.- 56; Russel McKee, Refund of dog tax YOUR BYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific Examhi- atit>n enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F/F. HOMUTH 3 ■ d Optometrist Phone 118« Harriston BEATRICE LILLIE AWAITS FILM’S RESULTS TO DETERMINE FUTURE MAY TAKE HOLLYWOOD SERIOUSLY In 10 years the Canadian-born act- between Hollywood and New ress has made only three films. Her for screen and stage ventures latest suits her better than the others. London for a half-year’s social life. If it’s a success, she’ll divide her time Beatrice Lillie’s Robert Peel, came for ’ Christmas one ther went home to« England the next THAT’S NEW YORK, SON young son, Sir to United States mother points out the sights of New year and his mo- $2.00; J. H. Rogers, Salary as Treas urer for 1937 $300.00; Isaac Gamble, Postage and Stationery allowance for '1937 $50.00;-Isaac Gamble, Part sal ary as Clerk $35.00; Howick Fire Ins. Co., Insurance on property on Adel. St., Fordwich, $1,50; County Treas,, Demerling lot purchased, at tax sale, $10.15; J. & J. Taylor Co., Safe for Treasurer’s Office $276.36; Bert Har ris, D.R.O. Fees, Clerk’s fees,Kbooth and mileage $12.00; Harold Cook, D. R.O. fees, Clerk’s fees, booth and mileage $12.60; George Foster, D,R. O. fees and Clerk’s fees $6.00; Herb Collins, D.R.O. fees, Clerk's fees, booth and mileage $12.00; Cooper, D.R.O. fees, Clerk’s booth and mileage $12.00; Gordon Topham, D.R.O. fees, Clerk’s fees, booth Paulin, milage Wray fees, and mileage $12.80; Robert D.R.O. fees, Clerk’s fees arid $6.60; Relief $99.25. Road Expenditures County Huron, Gravel 108 yds. $49.80; R. F. 'Edgar, Salary $17.15; How. (Muti. Tel. System, Telephone /Xcct, $2S45; C. Finlay, Snow roads, .60; Mac Steurnol, snow roads $2.00; Wes. Underwood, snow toads $4.00; mileage $6.60^ Relief $99.25; Howick Mun. Tel, System, Rents and. tolls for telephone in Clerk’s Office $15.05. Moved by Toner - and Baker that Council do now adjourn, to meet in the United Church Hall, Fordwich, on the third Wednesday in February, Carried. \ Isaac Gamble, Clerk. GORRIE W.M.S. Officers Installed The first W.M.S. meeting of the new year for Gorrie United Church was held recently at the home of Mrs. R. H. Stephens, with ah attendance of 17. Mrs. L. Ruttan was in charge of the devotional period. The hymn, “Standing* at the portal of the open ing year” was sung and prayer was offered by Mrs. Fydell. The third chapter of the study book was ably taken by Mrs, Wm, Whitfield. This chapter entitled ^‘Fellowship hi the Church” dealut with the history of the unity of the churches and the speak’t er emphasised the unity that should prevail amongst members of a church standing together even as the mem bers of a family. Scripture verses were read by Mrs. L. Ruttan*and a poem .‘The Rig Problem” by Edgaf during his school career. Here his and she'is now steadily improving. She had been suffering from, a bad cold for some time, and her sister, Mr.s. Ross, who lives with her, has also been quite ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.( J. Allen in Wrox- eter, but is naw nearly recovered, Her many friends wish Miss Ross a speedy recovery. York on one of his arrivals. Guest, was read by Mrs. Ewart Whit field. Several offered sentence pray ers and hymn "Blest be -the tie that binds” was sung. The President pre sided over business, thanking memb ers of the society fur co-operation during the past year. Very splendid reports were read'by the officers de noting the success of hte society for 1937 spiritually and financially. Rev. F. J. Fydell conducted a short and impressive installation service and also commended the society on their successful year and. on the* Fellow ship 'prevailing at the meetings. Of ficers responded to the Roll Call by repeating “My Duty to iMy-^Society.” The President closed the meeting with prayer. Suffered Lapse of Memory Miss Eliza Ross, assistant postmist ress here for a good number of years, suffered a lapse of memory on Thurs day evening last. On leaving the of fice for home, one and a half blocks away, she wandered in deep snow through gardens and back yards for over an hour, being found on the ver andah of Mr. Geo. Foster’s residence two blocks away, nearly perished with cold. She was taken in and Nurse Foster rendered first aid. Dr. I. P. Campbell, of Wroxeter, was called, Mr. Boyd Marshall, of Glenannan, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marshall. iMrs. Jno. Wylie left on Monday for Bcnmiller where she will spend a couple of months with her son, Rev. George Wylie. Mrs. E. Hemingway spent a few days with friends in Guelph recently. The Junior hockey' team enjoyed a sleighride to Wroxeter on Friday ev ening when they playedta game with the juniors there. They lost the game by a score of 5-0. Never mind, boys, better luck next time. The sei vice next Sunday evening will be of a missionary nature and will be illustrated, ,so be on hand at t.he Unted Church at 7.30. Mr. George Walker spent a couple of days last week with his brother in Brussels. Don’t forget the old time dance on Thursday night here. Mr. Fred Hyndman was a Toron to visitor over the week-end. L.O.B.A. NO. 810 .. ELECT OFFICERS FOR TWO WEEKS Roy. Israel Harding Noe, dean St Mary’s Episcopal cathedral Memphis, has lived without food water to prove material things are un necessary. The January meeting of the Gorrie L.O.B.A. No. 810 was held recently. There was a good attendance with the W.M., Mrs. E.‘ W. Carson on ’ chair. After the usual business, annual reports were adopted. The Secretary gave account of the year’s increase in attendance throughout year was noted. The Committee Flowers for the Gorrie Cemetery ported that Pyramidal Evergreens had been purchased last April also that seeds and plants were donated. The Treasurer’s report was as fol lows: Receipts $163.64; Expenditures $09,48; Balance on hand $64,16. The following letter was received from L.T.B. arid Orange Home at Richmond Hill, Ont.: R. R, No, 1, Richmond Hill, December 7th, 1937 To the Worthy Mistress, Officers and Member of Gorrie L.O.B.A. No. 810: Dear Sisters:—* z Your worthwhile gifts to hand to day. I am writing at once to tell you how lovely they all are, the quilts ate grand, easy to wash, warm and com fy, the nighties, pyjamas, everything so nice that it makes them double the value to us. I often wish other lodges eouid see { - Th© President then welcomed all I present with a few "well chosen words, (after which Gerald Galbraith kindly favored with a solo, accompanied by the guitar. The speaker of the evening was Mr, Elmer Farrish, who spoke on “Blood Tested Chicks and Hens,” in a very interesting manner, and also compar ed data of fifteen or twenty years ago with the present and advanced ideas in caring for hens and chickens, A tap dance by Maxine Bolton accom panied on the harmonica by her fath er, was then enjoyed, A humoro-us dialogue “Too Much Salt In The Soup” was then presented by a num ber of school children from Mr. Mun dell’s room. Mr. E. Hartwell Strong, new councilor, also Mr, George Mc Kee, addressed the meeting with a few well chosen words, and the pro gram was brought to a close with a couple of numbers by Mr, Percy Ash ton, violinist, and Gerald Galbraith accompanying on the guitar, Several contests, also “Professor Quiz” were enjoyed and lunch was then served by the ladies. AUXILIARY HELD . FINE MEETING The Gorrie United Church Evening Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. L. F. Ashton for the first meeting, in the New Year. Mrs, E. Whitfield and Miss Velma Lennox as program com mittee chose ‘‘Medical Missions” as the theme of the evening. After tquiet music by Miss Lennox the call to worship was read by Mrs. Whitfield. Miss Lennox offered prayer for guid ance throughout the year ahead and a hymn “Through the changing scen es of life,” was sung. The devotional leaflet based on various portions of and ’ Scripture, which were read by Mrs.York Fydell, was given by the leader. The hymn on Medical Missions “Father, whose will is life and good for all of mortal breath” was followed by a prayer by Mrs. Whitfield. Miss Lennox, in presenting chapter 4 of the study book, took us on an imaginary trip-across Canada to visit various hospitals supported by .the W.M.S. of the United Church. Re ports of different hospitals were giv- your work, but we usually put them in use as soon as we get them. The little pyjamas came this morning and our infantile paralysis case has a pair on this afternoon, very delighted, as he says he has a real pocket now. He is just five years old. I am very an xious over another little chap this af- ' en by several members. One very in- ternoon, in play he had a knock on - teresting report was an interview of the leg, and it pains him such a lot, we fear trouble. It makes one feel so very responsible. But please accept our very best thanks for your kind gifts and wishes, and may I ask you for your prayers, we need faith to carry on the great is not always easy. Our President is in bed he would wish me to thank' you all on behalf of the Board of Directors. Wishing you all a very Happy and Joyous Christmas. Fraternally yours, Mrs-. Lucy Crockett, Matron. This bale valued at $25.00, was sent early in December to the Home. Part of material for the sewing was pur chased. with .the money, $5.65 receiv ed from L.O.'L. collection taken the day of the Annual Orange Sermon. $50.00 was also sent in cash during the year towards the maintenance of the Home. The officers for the ensuing year are as follows: LP.M.—Mrs. Lome Walker. W.M.—Mrs. E. W. Carson. D.M.—Miss Evelyn Dane. Chap.—Mrs. Anson Thornton. R.S.—Mrs. Alex. Taylor. F.S.—Mrs. John Dinsmore. Treas.—Mrs. H. V. Holmes. 1st Leet.—iMiss Elva Dane. 2nd Leet.—Mrs. Jas. Anger. D.C.—Miss Martha Kain©. I.G.—Mrs. Jos. Sanderson. O.G.—Mr. A. E. Toner. Sen. Mem. of Com.—Mrs/1. Toner. Committee—-Miss “ Margaret Gra- aham, Mrs. A. E. Toner, Mrs. Geo. them for work. It sick, but I I I the head nurse-, at Ethelbert. Mrs. Carson presided over the busi - ! ness discussion. Minutes of the an- , nual meeting were read and adopted. | The roll call was responded to by naming a medical missionary. Miss Carson thanked the program commit tee for their very interesting evening. Mr. Fydell conducted the installation of the new officers. Annual reports from the treasurer and secretary were received. The Mizpah benediction closed the service. During a social time dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. WROXETER WON JUVENILE GAME The Gorrie Juvenile hockey team that is being promoted for the pur clean sportsmanship, clean speech among village, journeyed to •iday evening in the renting ng and of the ■ on Fi pose of < clean liv the boys Wroxcte good old-fashioned way (by sleigh) with our genial teamster, Mr. Stuart Finlay, who kindly gave his outfit for the occasion. The Wroxeter boys, being bigger fellows and with more hockey exper ience, won by the score of 5-0. Il, however, is to the credit of those big ger fellows that they treated the smaller chaps like gentlemen on the ice. The play was very clean, only Last summer Fleurette Labelle, 19, hired’ a "drive-yourself” car in Mont real and drove to Hollywood in search of a job. She returned recently to face a charge of car theft which was dismissed. She found the movie cap ital a “very ordinary place.” ; two penalties, both given to Wrox eter. All agreed that the star of the game was our goalie, Earl Harrison. The. first period ended with no score. In the second period, Wrox eter boys scored, four goals and one in the .third. Gorrie: Goal, E. Harrison; defense, G. Heinmiller, Bower Farrish, Reg. Taylor; forwards, J: Underwood, H. Finlay, W. Hemingway, H. Zimmer man, J. Farrish, W. Edwards. Ref eree—Wes. Paulin, Wroxeter. Pigs Late for Market When Sleigh Upsets Eight hogs were late for market because a sleigh overturned on the way to the station at Auburn. Gus. Deveraux and George Wallace, East Wawanosh farmers, were bringing the porkers to Auburn station when the sleigh overturned. District farm ers assisted in recapturing the anim als but by the time the farmers had. reached Auburn the freight had left. PUBLISHER’S SON WEDS Randolph Hearst, son of the U.S. newspaper owner, leaves the church with his bride, formerly Catherine Wood Campbell, after ’their Atlanta marriage. VALLEE AND FRIEND SEE TOURNAMENT G King, Mrs. Ira Neill. Guardian—Mrs. R. W. N. Wade. Pianist—-Mrs. Wade. Finance—Mrs. N. Wade, Misses Evelyn Dane and Margaret Graham. Auditors—Mrs. Russel Grainger, Mrs. Goo. King. INSTITUTE HELD ANNUAL AT HOME Address Given on Blood-Tested Chicks and. Hens. The Gorrie Women’s Institute h their annual “At Home” in the Or- aqgo Hall on Tuesday evening of last week, when a good number of the ladies and their, husbands and friends were present, also a number of child ren. The President, Mrs. V. Sliera, pre sided, and opened with the Ode and Lord’s Prayer in unison, after which minutes of last' meeting were read and business matters discussed Rudy Vallee turned out to see the professional tenuis tournament at the Pau-Pacific auditorium in Hollywood recently. Some observers were more interested in noting that he came with Gloria Youngblood, film actress, with whom he has been appearing in publte frequently